bUe OUEUON TATSJMAJN, Salem, Oregon, xnursday Horning, August 20, lnT3 Cora Climbs to 16 - Year . RecordL Tiombles in IL JL VUJLLL IL ra JI (dliiiLiiii PAUE EIGHT Large Imports Said Arranged Cash Purchase at $1.37 Is Reported ; Other Grain f Takes Same Trend CHICAGO, Aug. la.-OPJ-Rlght-about-face action of speculators tumbled corn value suddenly backward late, today after 4 cents new soaring bad outdone 16-year high price records. Big profit-taking sales of corn futures set in when the market bad reached an apparent climax with a purchase of immediate de livery No. 2 white corn at $1.37 a bushel, almost 18 cents over the price of September contracts Serving asan incentive for moves to realize profits on the part of holders of corn futures was an es timate current that vessel - space for 10,000,000 bushels of Argen tine corn had been chartered in the last two weeks for shipments to North America; Corn closed nervous, c to c higher compared with yesterday's finish, Sept. $116-. Dec. $1.004-94. May'96'Vie; wheat C Off to c up, Sept. $1.14 He off to c up, Sept. $1.14 1.14. Dec. $1.13-1.13.- May 1.10-Va; oats -c advanced, Dec.-45-c, and rye at 4e de cline to 4c gain. Provisions re- i suits varied from 2 setback to 5c OUlge. . , . . -. Other Grains Soar Not only did corn reach new high price - records, but the strength of that grain lifted wheat, oats and rye to fresh peaks for 1936. September wheat the topmost in two years. Scantiness of terminal stocks of old corn and a , tremendous shortage expected In yields of new corn dominated the corn market most of the day. Wheat, rye and oats took their cue almost entirely from corn market changes. Tbe Canadian wheat crop movement was re ported as enlarging rapidly, with rural deliveries totaling 2.256. 000 bushels for a single day. the heaviest aggregiate of the season so far. Provisions averaged higher with grains, des; ite downturns of hog values. Happy Hour Club Has Dance For 57 ZENA. Aug. 19. Fifty-sevn members of the Happy Hour dance club and their, guests at. tended the dance given - at the Zena clubhouse Saturday night. Those playing for the affair were Mrs., Milton Stephens, Ranee Erickson, Wesley Gregg. Robert Gordlneer and Cletus Etzel. Hosts for refreshments, w ere Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Halleman, assisted by the manager Frank Butler, Mrs. Theodore "Heide and Mrs. John Honey. ,The club dec'ired a re cess for next Saturday night. Mrs. Roy Kennedy and children Evelyn and Arthur, who have been visitors here from Bonneville ' the past week, returned home Tuesday with Mrs. Kennedy's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Butler, who plan to remain several days. Mrs. Ken nedy lived here on the Patrick ranch. The Gideon organization of Sa lem held services at the Spring Valley church here at the Chris tian Endeavor meeting last Sun day night. Hay baling is almost finished in this and adjacent vicinities and threshing of grain Is drawing to a close. General Markets PRODUCE EXCHANGE POETLAXD, Aug. 18. (AP) Pro duce exehsnge aet prices: Botter Kxtras 3: standards 34; , prime firsts H3 i ; first 'HVi; butter .fat 39-40H. Eggs U. S. large extras 27; V. S.J medium extras j. Portlaml Crain PORTjl.AXD, Ore., Aag. 19. (AP) Whest Open High Low Close May l.outt I.00 K l.OOti I.OOH SepC J. 1.00 1-00 1.00 1.00 lie. .X l.OOH 1.004 1.00 1.00 Cash iwheat: Big Bend Bluestent, h. 81.151 dark hard winter 13 per cent 1.21; do 12 per rent 1.15; do 11 per cent 1.09: soft white, western white . 90tt: hard winter 1.0.1; westers red i.ooh. Oats white $.11.50;: No. s gray 29; bar ley ao. 2 45 in.. B. W. 34.50; corn. Xo. 2 Kastern .Y Ship 50.50 nominal, Atfen tine 40; millmn standard 27. Today's car receipts: wheat 1.03ubf ler 6; fkrer 13; oats i hay 6. , Portland Livestock PORTLAXO. Ang. 19. (Al V. S. Dept." Ajr.) Hog: receipts i00 includ ing 80 direct; market unevenly stesiy to 25e lower; closing fairly active. Bulk A5-215 lb. 11.50-75; 230-270 Ib. mostly ll.OO; few to 11.25: lights ll.OO; pack ing sows 9.0O-5O ; (food 10A lb. Seeder pigs 10.75. Cattle: receipts 150, including 89 through; calves 15 including 4 direct; market alow, weak to shsde lower; many common Meers 50c nnder a week ago. Kew good 1,127 lb. steers 0.85; common grade down to 5.00; stock steers 4.50 &.00; heifers mostly 4.25-5.00; short load 700 lb. 5.35; low cotter, cotter eowa S.75-S.50; common to medium 3.75 4.50; good beef cows to 4.75; balls 4.25 5.35; choice sealers p to 8.00. Sheep: receipts 800 including id di rect; msrket slow; fis Ismbs 25 lower. other grades and elnssles stN-dy. Good fat lambs 7.00-2 a; medium graa 6.50; me dium slanghter ewes 2.0O-3.00. j Portland Produce "" POBTLAXD, Ort., Ang. 19. (AP) Cotter Prints. A grade. 38e lb. in Sarehmeat wrapper. 89s lb. in 'cartons; grade, parchment wrapper, 37e lb.: cartons, 38e. - Butterfat 1-ortlnnd delivery, genersl price A grsdo. delivered st toast twiea weekly, 39-40Vie lb.-country routes. 88 89 He lb.; B grade, 37-38e lb,; O grade at market. H grada cream for market Buying pries, butterfat basis. 53V4 lb. Eggs Baying price of wholesalers, ex tras. 24e: stsndards. 21c: extra mediums. S0c; 4 mediums, firsts. 18c: ondcrgrsde 18c: pallets. 14e doxen. Cheese Oregon triplets. 19c; Ore gon loaf, 19 He. Brokers will pay He below wootations. Country meats Selling price to retail ra: Country killed hogs, best batcher. ader 150 lbs. 15Vs !; vevlers, Xo. 1, Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 per cent milk, Salem basic pool price $2.13 per hundred. Co-op butterfat price, V. O. B. Salem, 30 J4c. (Milk uhI mi BaentUJj aatterfas avsrse. , . Distributor price f24. A grade butterfat Deliv ' ered, 3ac; U grade, deliv ered, 38c. ,! A grade . print, -38c; B grade, 37 He Prices paid t frewers by Salem barer. (Tha prieea below, supplied by a local grocer, are indicative of the daily market but are not guaranteea oj i oe t;aiee man.) FRUITS (Buying Prices) Apples, bll. . .73 to I. SO Bananas, lb. on itaik .,..... .03 bands i X)j Blackberries, crate 1.00 Cantaloupes, crate ... ...UO to 1.10 Cantaloupes. Grand ls!and , 1.23 Crabapples. bo. .50 to .60 Dates, fresh, lb. . '. " .13 Grapefruit. Calif-; box 2.73 to S.50 Grapes, seedless .. 1.25 Lemons, crate, faacy , 7.O0-.75 Choice . 7.00 to 7.50 Nectarine, lug t.. 1.65 Oranges, crate, fsacy 6.00 to 6.75 Choice .. 3.50 to 4.00 Peaches, basket .10 to .12 Bushel H- .0 Plums. .02 Soear melons, crate ' 1.00 Watermelons, lb. j . .1 M t .14 Watermelons, Honeydews. ... .03 Watermelons. Casalvas ... .. .03 VEGETABLES (Buying- Prices) Asparagus, dox. ...- .90 E, . . it. aii; no if. ""7 " , ' - " I Cabbage, lb. ., ,.03 to .04 Cabbage, red .. . .04 Carrots, do. .1 7 M V-naro ... Caulifolwer. crate i. Celery, dos. stalks Hearts . Sweet Corn. dox. j Golden Bantam . , 10 to .12 Yellow market ! OTVs to .03 Cucumbers, outdoor, lug .S3 Pickling, dill size. lb. .03 to 03 Pickling, medium, lb. - - ,. .03 -Pickling, small, lb. .04 Endive, dux. .J. .60 Lettuce, Seattle, cr.Me 2.15 to 2.50 Lettuce, local ....... 1 J0 Onions, green, doz. . . , .25 Onions. Oregon white. per rwt. . 2.00 to S.00 - California Berraedaa 1.80 to 2.00 Walla Walla sweet . 2.00 Radishes, dos. 40 Peas, coast or Seattle, lb. : .05 Peppers, green, lb, .04 "to .06 Potatoes, new, Xo.l I. cwt. 1.50 to 2.00 So. 2 . 1.00 to 1.50 Potatoes, Sweet .i.... Spinach, orange bet . .OG 1.10 .04 .40 .75 .33 .30 .40 .06 sqnash. lb. Danish, doi. .20 to Peanut, doz. Tomatoes, outdoor, lug. No. 1 No. 2 .. The Patles Caseara bark, lb. Peppermint "oil. lb. Water cress I t HUTS 1.75 t 1.90 .80 Walnuts, lb. , ; 10 to .14 Filberts, lb. ! 14 to .It HOPS (Having Price) Clusters. 19;l4. lb. .15 Clutters. 1933. lb .25 Foegle. 1935. top. h, .23 WOOL, AND MOHAIB (Bnvins Price Mohair - Medium wool ,. Courts wool EGGS AND P0TJLTBY (Buying Price of Andresena) Extras . , Medium extras j i . ... Standards . .85 .30 .24 .23 .21 .21 .19 .22 .13 .15 .13 .12 .12 .06 .OS J Medium standards Brown extras ..4.. Pullets Heay hens. lb. i Colored mediums, lb. Medium Leghorns.; li. J-ight. ib. -.; Stags. Ib 0! roosters. Ih (.. Colored frys. Ib T White l-echoms. 't rv. lb. .13 MARION' CKKAMERY burins- Prices Li l-oiiltry. No it stock Colored hens, heavy .15 .12 JO .1 a is .08 .03 Lejrhorn hens, oyet a V lbs. Under 3". lbs. i.'- Colored springers 2 3 ',a lbs.- Over 3 M lbs. 4 Leghorn broilers , . . ... Old roosters, lo. , , . , , Rejects F.gei Candled and graded Large extras 1.... 21 LarKe. Ktundards ..... . .22 Medium extras ...i. ,., .. .22 . Medium standards ...i .. .20 Undcrgrades : .15 Pullt-ts . .12 LIVESTOCK (Paying Price) Spring lambs ... J ... 7.25 to 7.SO Ewes !... 2.00 to 3.30 Hogs. 13O-1C0 its. 10.73 jo 11.00 1CO-210 lbs i. . 11.23 210 230 lbs . 10.50 to 10.75 Sons 8.00 to 8.25 Steers liry type cows COO to 7.00 3.50 to 4 50 5 00 to S.50 5.23 to 9.75 5 50 to 6.50 Heet cows Balls Heifers Veal, too 7.50 uressea veal. id. 1 ... Dressed hop j GRAIN A.KD HAT Whest. western red While. Xo. 1 m.i Barley, brewing ton Feed bar'e;-. ton .! .IS -17 .92 .93 .40 .28 Oat. milling, ton L ..5B.00 ' 1'ce.i. ton I H.-ir burins frirea Alfalfa, valley Oat snd vetch, ton Clover, ton L. .23.00 10.30 9.00 9.00 i 14c lb.: light and tuia. 10-12e ib heavy, 8-lie lb.: renter cows, 7-8! Ib. eanner cows. 7 o lb.;, bulls." 9-9 Me lb.: tprmir lambs. ICc lb.; ernes. 5 8c ib. Mohair 1 1:. 4e ib. " " " " Caseara Lark Buying price. . 1930 peel. f,-7e lb. j Hons- Nominal;; 1935 -losters, 30-32c .pouod. j I j , l.ve poultry Fnrtland delivery, boy1 ing prire: Colored hens, over 4 lb 16-ITe lb.; snd-r 4 lls 7 18c; leg horn hens, 13 15c lit.: Leghorn broilets. 3 lbs. and op, 1718c lb.; over 3'i lbs.. 1319c lb.; roosters. 8 9c lb.; Pekin ducks. J-enng, 14 I7e lb.; geese, ll-12e lb Unions Oregon.! $ I. .45 I. SO per 100 lbs. t -X(w onions California yellow 82, Walla Walla 82 central. New potatoes Local. 82-2.50 cental Cantaloupes The Dulles, 75-80c; Yak 1 ma Mantlards, 70 ?jr. SL'B A . j " wool .Nominal: Willamette vall-T medium, 30c Ib.: coarse am) braids. 2?e lb.; eastern Oregon. 2-23 lb.; crossbred. 25 26e Ib. i Hsy Selling pries lo wholesalers: Al falfa No 1. 815.50: eastern Orecon titn- ntby. I8-I3 50 ton; Willamette vall-y timothy. 8 1 8-1 rt.oA ton : oata and vetch, $15; clover. 811 It Ion. Portland. Stocks and Bonds August 19 STOCK AVXBAGE9 (Compiled by the Associated Press) 30 15 15 80 Iadast. Kails Util. Storks Today 89.5 Prev. day 89.2 Month ago .9.8 Year sgo 1..64.8 1936 high 92.0 1938 low 73 4 1935 high 7A.S 1935 low 49.5 39.6 39.0 38.4 52.5 - 67.7 52.3 67.4 7.3 48.4 69.8 55.7 56.1 34.8 51.8 38.1 i 53.4 . 43.4 44.7 . 21.6 25.9 41.3 30.2 31.2 18.5 BOND ATEBAQES 20 f 10 10 10 Rails Indust. 94.2 ' 103.5 94.1 103.5 93.5 I 103.5 82.7 i 99.0 Ctil. Fors-n 102.5 69.5 Today Prev. dsy Month sg Year ago 102.8 102.7 98.4 102.9 99.3 ' 99.8 4.8 69.6 69.6 68.6 72.0 67.6 70.4 65.3 1938 hrh 94.3 ! 104.1 1934 low 86 9 f 101.8 1935 high 87.8 f 102.3 1935 low 78.4 92.3 ... .35 1.35 to 1.25 , JO .. .60 Steels. Rails Lead Advance Buying Is Selective But Turnover Expands on .Recovery Signs NEW YORK, Aug. lS.--A recovery stimulant provided prin cipally by the- steels and rails braced today s stock market. . Encouraged by ; optiml a 1 1 c trends in business and industry, leading equities were given a lift of fractions to 2 or more points. While the buying appetite was highly selective, and many issues ambled listlessly in a restricted range, trading sentiment was buoyed by the fact that tbe turn over expanded on the recovery move. Transfers totaled 1,006,130 shares against 790,450 yesterday. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks advanced .3 of a point to 67.7. Backing for the steels followed the weekly survey of "Iron Age" which estimated ingot production at a new high level for the year. The motors held to a restricted zone as curtailment of manufac turing activities coincided with preparations for new models. - Outstanding performers includ ed U. S. Steel at 6 84, Bethlehem at 62. Y. Central at 41, Southern Pacific at 42. Down as much as a point or so were Anaconda at 394 and Ken- necott at 47U. ; . Mill City People Will Make Home in Portland MILL CITY, Aug. 19. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clow are mov ing to Portland where Mr. Clow has a position. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rob erts and Mrs. Pearl Roberts are going to Montesano, Wash., to at tend a family reunion of the Minkler family. Mr. and Mrs. Minkler parents of Mrs. Pearl Roberts, have .been married for 63 years. ;' ;i E. Dunivan left Sunday for Ta- coma to visit his daughter, Mrs. Lulabel who is a supervisor of the U. S. hospital in Tacoma. I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen are spending the week in Mill City with relatives on account of a shutdown in the mill at Forest Grove. : Mr. and, Mrs. Chas.' Kelly spent the weekend at Ocean Lake. They were accompanied home .by Mrs. W. J. Robinson who has spent the last two weeks at the. beach.1 No - Services . Sunday , At Slielbuni Church SHELBURN. Aug. 1 9 There will be no regular services at the Shelburn chnrch next Sunday as the regular pastor. Mr. Watson. will occupy the pulpit In the Bap tist church In Scio. both morning and evening. H. O. Shilling has Completed the shingling of the Gooch hall i in Shelburn and - will begin the hingling of the Shelburn school house this week. A number of other improvements on the school grounds are contemplated by the school board. i Gardeners' and Ranchers' Mart PORTLAND. Aug. 19.-(JP)- Frutts and vegetables were In slow demand yesterday morning on the Gardeners and Ranchers market, and this usual mid-week lull affected almost all the prod ucts on the market. Cantaloupes showed little chan ges however. Other large sized fruit of high quality was in great er demand than a week ago. Apples 'iravensteins, fancy, 75c-$l; Oregon snd Washington varijus early varieties J j 6jc. Apricots Oregon lugs, Tiltons, 85c; shneton lugs, Moorpscks. ooe. Artichokes California boxes $3.50JL Asparagus Oregon, per 30-pound bos. fZ-2.2a . . Avocados California, 14-24's. 81.30- 2.75. Bananas Per pound. 4H-5HC. ' , Beans Oregon, per pound, 3-3 Met goo Giants. 3-4c. ' Beets Per dozen, 15-23c. j Blackberries 81-1.10. . Blackcaps 24-pint erstes. 83-4. Cabbsge Oregon round. 83.50-4. Cantalonpes Standards, 60-90c. ' f Carrots Per pound 12 'i 20c Cauliflower WsabinKton pony, snow ball type. 81-20-1-45.- . Celery Oregon H crates. $1.10-1.35. Citrus Fruits Oranges, valencias. 94.oO-4.8j. Orapeirait, California and Ar izona, 83. 23-4. 2j. Lemons. $6.o0-7. Corn Five dos. crates, 50-70c. Cucumbers Oregon flat boxes, 25-45c. Currants Oregon 24 pint crates. 81.25. Fggplnnt Per lug. 40-Oc. Garlic Per pound 10-1-r. ' Grapes Thompson seedless. 81-85- 1.40; lsdy fingers. fl.C5-l.75; red Ma lagss, 81.60-1.75. " ! Green onions 20-30e. i tiroand cherries Oregon fist . boXcS per lb, 6H-c. Huckleberries pound, 10-1 1c. Lettuce Oregon dry. 3 dozen, fl- 1.2 o; Wssnington, 11.60-2. Loganberriea 24-pint crates, $1.50- 1.73. Uushrooms One-pound cartons 40a. Onions Whit Globes $1.10-1.25; reds 80-85e; crystsl was $1.1.25. Parsley Per dozen hunches, 2O-30C Peaches Klbertas. 75-80ei Hales. 80- 90c. . Pess Oregon telephone. 6H-7HC ; Pears Bartiett. $1.50-1.75. Prppers Oregon. 25-35e. : Plums OTcson peach 3c lk.: Iocs. Damsons 50c. Potatoes Oregon long whites. O. 8. No. 1. $2-2.25; Cobblers. U. S. Is. L. 82; Washingtoa rosscts. O. 8. No. I, $.250-2.65; local long whites. U. S. So. 1, $2-2.25. Ksdishes Per dozea. 25-S0e. Baapberrict Tweaty-four-Dint crates $1.15-1.25. Rhabarb Oregon apple box, 85-40C Butabacas Wasbtacton. 1UU Ih. aacks. $1.75-2. Spinach Oregoa and Washinrtaa. orange boxes, 40-60C. Squash Oregon Zoechlnl. 20-25e per box; yellow 20-25c; whits summer. 20 2ic; Danish 40-45e. , Strawberries $1.15-1.23. Sweat Dota toes California, sir Dooad. 4-6e. Tomatoes Washingtoa, lugs. 20-40c Watermelons Per pound. 1 H-l e. ToasgberriM 24-piat erstes, $1.10. Harvest; Produce At Grand Island GRAND ISLAND. Aug. 19 Market gardeners in the district are busily engaged now in mark eting their melons, sweet corn and tomatoes. Sunday found the dis trict an extremely busy place with many people, coming in for peaches, tomatoes, melons and sweet corn. ; Members of the various - 4-H clubs are busy this week getting their exhibits and demonstration teams ready for the Yamhill coun ty 4.H clnb fair to be held in Mc- Minnville this weekend. The car belonging to Worth Wiley was damaged somewhat Saturday when he was struck by another car at the Magness cor ner. Mr. Wiley was returning horise from Hopewell and had stopped before his car was hit. Tobacco Industry Fostered at Alsea KINGWOOD, Aug. 19 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Compton are spending much time on their ranch in the Alsea country where they are experimenting with two practically new and non-competi tive farming ventures. They have five acres planted to tobacco and report plants six and eight feet high with leaves measuring 18x3 6 inches. They have. just completed two dryers and are beginning the tobacco harvest this week. They are displaying in , artistic- hand made shake ' boxes what they call cigarettes but they are not paper wrapped and have more the appearance of very small cl. gars. ,- Waste products are made into nicotine spray for vegetables. They have used it on their own garden where It successfully re places the expensive eastern spray. They profited by much useful in formation and advice on tobac co culture from the experiment station of O. S. C. They also have sugar cane acreage from which they plan to manufacture molasses in.commer- clal quantities. For this they have 40x100 foot building for pres - sing and cooking machinery. FOLLY AND HER VAlJS MICKEY MOUSE LITTLE ANNIE R00NEY GLOQyOwtcy, THE SCV IS fucL. OF BG, BCACK. CLOUDS -THAT MEANS ITS &0Mi KAWJ P-ESE. IBT ME HAVE MV OAtNt-COAT TOOTS AND CASPER DPPM DPCENT OF 1 1 AM' JESS T PROVE MV ' v) v Jnu I --OFFERIN' ) " APPREClATOslrMNOrr T MICKEV I'D UKE. VUrt TUrt i- ; " V.MEET A PA1 o' MINE FROM JL i 1 TH OTMETT r-J 1 r r r r a t t Mim Himii. tmu Www wyf trw4 1 ( WELL, I'M ALL PACKEP UP-- J. HAVEMT . ; V RSflriTaKl AKIVTVllKlrV.. -y' THIMBLE THEATRE Starring Popeye . I YrM TfNKlN" 60ME dOETi ALOHG-TWERtS YOU. .UJIMPV. THE SUCEPCR, OSCrMrLTOfSR, THE GOON. ? ROOCaH-HOOSe. ; GEEZU. AN" . UJCY.VER. (fTcA fr (DELL. Natal Anniversary Noted WitE Picnic LYONS, Aug. 19. Q a 1 1 e group of Salem friends and rela tives of the O. F. Johnston fam ily Joined the Johnstons here for a birthday anniversary dinner- and picnic by the river on the John. ston place Sunday afternoon.' Honor guests for the occasion were Mrs. Albert Bllbray, Mrs Fred Boyer, Betty Jean Klemple and Donald Bowers, all of Salem. G. F. and G. P. Johnston of Lyons Mrs. Frank Berry of Mill City was an out of Lyons guest. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boyer and baby, Mrs. Boyer, sr.. E. Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Bowers and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boyer and family. Miss Maud and Miss Mil dred. Simons, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bllbray. Marian and Arthur Aplin, all of Salem, the G. F. and J. H. Johnston and Paul Johnston fam ilies, all of Lyons. A basket lunch was enjoyed. Later the birthday gifts were unwrapped and re vealed many nice and useful re membrances for those honored. Mr. and Mrs. John Jungwlrth and family and Mr. Jungwirth's cousin, Mr. Schienselder of Dim mock, S. D., who is visiting here, attended a family reunion at New berg Sunday. ; Pioneer People , Are Present at ' Reunion Of Gilliam Family PIONEER, Aug. 19. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Gilliam and children and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bird at tended the Gilliam clan reunion at the Dallas city park Sunday. There was a large number of the members present. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Black and sons attended the "Old Timers" picnic at Falls City Sunday. Mrs. Black spent much oft her early life at Falls City and saw many of her old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Johnson of Portland visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kell- r, Jr. Mr. Johnson was the rore- man of the building of the Dallas r 'SORKV I CAN'T SIT DOWN ANP CMAT WITH YOU, t3Ul UEAVINGJ I V 'Iff. fSrAlJCKSriW ; " 4 WHERE VUH , V MEADEO -. f ,. ACE YOU GOtKhS TO) MEAVV SHOES ? YOU CAKIMOT GOOOt ) DOv4T WOCttV t - 6U5aYOSy , ZHQO, AiMY IT SVUtsL.L.2 I ) CHAM6B TO YOtia f OW.IO(I AWT IM THE RAIM, MISSl' i BOUT. ME : 5UC3S THC(s'S.MOTiAir4Q..K)CC,t,'THAt4 prv HtAW SrtOES? J GONlMA WEAI2- AWMIB ; VjrTHOUT jfj lXJ Be OWAy-'- , A SUMMER OAlM STOQM -iTfe rJxi4 V i J L- ' :; I NO SHOttS AT YOUC -SHOES T tJlHOrJESTir WlU. V . SO AvJFUU FOlJOLV - - MW PtY'VmW V! ' aU."V - Ye tt-t- CATCU t? U '. . J1 "AidO FEBLS toGOOO-fpVW. . ' .. . '. . - WW r 1 an mr. -a 1 J Xlr III flkS.- I ' " " -V " -A Matter of Minutes' , j :i , ' rUL TELL EXRA THE TRUTH--rLL EXPLAIN HOW I,MY5ELr, DOLJHT THIS WELTI? JNa RIr4u TO PRETEND EM MARf?IEP SO PEOPLE WOULOTT t THINK TM AN OLD MAID.' L- . L . IfML KmS rnam ty&cm. lee. WM t TfcKE- SO MfMHV ?) , OLWE. THEK'RE N- REM5. ANf HMM- I f THE Gmb IS THE DOCKS- MF VRFWC. ANT HNM IS ABOARD- IT'LL BE KtHO OF MICE UAaJtlst' CALW. ARfMJNO - VER REWW. ETCOlHVrr "-tny 1 f L. tr 1 2 Radio Programs T-nrsdsy, August SO KOW THURSDAY 620 Ke. 7:00 Xuts sod Bolts, comedy. 7:15 Do Joss. sing. 7:30 Orgsa concert. . 7:45 Blanfossorrh. 8:00 Christine, sing. 8:15 Merry Madcaps, oreh. 8:80 Dsn Harding's Wife, serial. :1 Walter Kelser. violin. 10.-00 Salsbarg music fetil (Austria) 11:00 Pepper Yonng's Fajnilr, serial. 11:15 Ma Perkins, serial. 11:80 Vie and Bade, comedy. 11:45 O'Neills, serial. . 13:00 Woman's review, varied. 13 :45 Vasa Family, 7-sing. 1 :00 TuneTille. 3 :0O Woman's magasine, varied. :00 Easy Ares.comedy. S:30 Ceaterville sketches. 8:45 Me and My fihsdow, sing organ. 4:0O Rudy Vallee varieties. 5:00 Woman in Headlines. 5:15 Sunset serenade. :00 Bing Crosby Musie HsIL 7:00 Amos n" Andy, comedy. 7:15 Laany Ross. Showboat. 8:15 Portland Symphony, Mlshel Pl- sstro. city hall but resigned for a better. job In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. P. McKisson and son and Mrs. John Cook and daughter of Los Angeles who have been visiting their brothers, Harry and Myrle Wells and fam ily, left Sunday for Hood River and Brownsville, respectively, for a few days before returning home. School Board at Gates Elects Mrs.Dv' Shythe To High School Faculty GATES, Aug. 19. The local school board met on Monday to elect-a teacher to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Miss Lois Renninger from the high school faculty. Mrs. Doris Shythe. who has taught at Philomath the past three years, was elected. Mrs. Shythe will teach history, English and physical education. Undergoes Operation MARION, Aug. 19 Mrs. Mack Robbins underwent an operation for the removal of tonsils at the Stayton hospital. Friday morning. She was. brought home Saturday and is recovering rapidly. " Roll Up Your Sleeves, Pa! Spades is Tramp! TO THE 1 SEE OF Maid of the 'Mist rkf Wrr means WOW Vfc i f THAT ALL I- DVA MEANy YJl.'ill ASKS IS FER MAW? . JiU l5lVUM T'TEACH -Ti?i 1 lAXlJMZ JESS OrVE f-yJi t- -Hs J " 'WSJ-' WELL, I'M Ot4 MV V&iAl- : IT BREAKS MY HEART! TO . KNOW ILL NEVE? AGAIN, BUT agT-R rr just VSNT MEA4TTq. fiste mini "RoU Call UJfMTlNf HE SO P Lt'S JwTt M t I lll ZYI I f II t I II COME ON.tVER BOOV.) TCR LUGGPvGE IS . fl HBOARO- FOLLOWjJ CREIUI Hol)yood Talent Parsde. Russell orch. St. Francis orch. 10S80 Mark Hopkins orch. 11J00 Bsl Tabarin orch. 11 10 UeauTille orch. 12 Weather. iXOAC C0RVAXUI B60 Kc 00 As Yo Like It. 9 90 Hotnemakrrs' hour. 30 Life of. Thomas A. Edisoaw 45 Recital Alexander Hull. ' 30-Ouarding your health. 00 Noon farm hour. 15 Stories for boys and rlrls. 00 3 :30 Homemakers' half hour. f hour. THXTESDAT 1180 Kc e&O-f-Musiral clock. 7 O-K'hristisn Science. 7 jt5-fGospe singer. 8 Financial. 8 asHigh Hatters. Instr.-sing. 8 0 St. Regis ' ensemble. 8 J45 -Words snd music. 9 :-0-f-Belle and Martha, serial. 9 :f3 Pleasant Interlude, organ-stnf. S15-fDot and Will, drama. $)0-fBlue Prelude, aing-2 pianos. 10.0-)-Housewife hints. 10 :7 f Trailing Along. 10 i5 f Morning concert. 10 w0 fliome institute. 1015 Music Uuild. 11:15 Vital band 11 :SO -Western farm and home. 12:3iO fMsrkcts. 1 pO j-Littlo concert. 1 $30 j-Welch Msn, sing-pstter. 9jl54 10J154- ' - '; I '( FOft Fine. ) " f 1 FLAVOR. jSCh-7 WRIGLEY'S fOvy 1 1 I .SM I 111 I th perfect gum r.y'S'j im fine (jRMVRCt, tF CAM COUPLE , ,J.V I lM. Brng Kat TOl '5f rr - m THERE'S THE ROOMIN-, HOUSE WHERE EZRA LIVES r THAT FRAM HOUSE AROUND . SEE 3130V i ' 3. THE CORNER N BLOCK OH, I HOPE si H&S IN , .-hi ---- : . jQ. A I NrVrA SURE OLfKO i GOT " -v. f 3 jA. COHP-NV- rD vAATE TO SEE 1 :43 Chatterbox. 3 Soloist. 3:15 Animal closeups. 3:25 Financial and grain. 3:35 (isle Page, sing. 3 :45 Houthernsires, 4-slng. 8 :00 Kdna Fischer, piano. 8:15 Noble orch. 8:30 Martha and Hal, sing-patter. 8:45 Musie Is My Hobby. 4 :00 Leafer orch. 4:30 Shield Novelty orch. 5:05 Marshall's Mavericks. 5:30 Wtllson orch. 5 :40 Amnseraents. 5:45 Wings of Oregon, aerial. 0:00 2wynfi Jones, sing. 0:15 News for voters, Wm. Hard. - 8 :80 Benson concert. 7:00-7:15 Speaking of sports, Troiti. S:15 Wstanabe and Willism, comedy, 8:80 Everybody sing. 0 Bsscbali. 10 :3 Rhythm Steppers. 10:35 Hiltmor orck. 11:00 Kunyan. organ. 13:00 Weather and police X0IN THTJKSDAT 840 K. 6:80 Klock. 8 Between book ends. 8:15 Hons of Pioneers, sing. 8:30 News. 8:35 Hummer Rhythm. 0:00 Betty and Bob, serial. 0:15 Modern Cinderella,, muele-serial. 0:30 Who's who la today's news, 9:43 Hetty Crocker, - homemaker. 0:48 Hymns of all churches, ehoir. 10:00 Eton Boys, ng-4. 10:15 Happy Hollow, serial. 10:30 Consumer news. 10:45 This and that. 11:00 Primitive Khythm. 11:15 This and that. 11:30 Xews. 11:45 Msry Cullen. homemsker. 13:00 All Hands on leek, drama. 12:15 Store reporter, rec. 12:30 Book of life. 1 Books. 1 : 1 5 B luebi rd a, sin g. 1:30 Kultoo orch. 1:45 Wilderness Road, serial. 2:00 Loretta Iee, aing. 3:15 Bookshelf. 3:35 Msrion Csrley, plana. 2:43 Scribbler's Notebook. . 8:00 Feminine fancies. 4:00 Seattle Symphony, Basil Csi . oron. 5:15 Islt and Zumba. 6:00 Chicago Symphony.' :80 March of Tims. 7 :00--Irews, organ. " T: 15 Renfrew, serial. 7:30 Stabile orch. 8 Goodmi trek 8:30 passing parade. 8:45 Barnet orch. 9:80 -Oarber orch. 10 Hoaglsnd orch. 10:30 Bobby Grsyson. sport a. - 10:45 Iwis orch. 11 Goodman oreh. 11:30 Leslie orch. $mm wtb By CLIFF STERRETT 'i .; By WALT DISNEY By BRANDON W ALSI1 -By JIMMY MURPHY MlNUTCS THE NEXT COUNT now; Gum juoy REACH EZRA -BOhOCE HE LEAVES fTOMORTTOvVl wtu know; By SEGAR NCW TDAVALLI WANTS .' 7 IS FERVUH T'SHOW ME V ( '( HOW P MAKE ONEO'- .As " V "THEM HOLE. 1KI -ONES ft ,:- Av : I HEARS. S' MUCH '(H o AjBOl