The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 20, 1936, Page 7, Image 7

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    i The CIICGON STATXS21AI, Salesv Oregon, .Thursday llornia?, August 2D, 1833
Dodmr Club
Hubbell Gets
18th Victory
Bill Swift, Reliefer, rWins
Own Game With Single;
Bees Finally Win
Louis Dressed,
Joe Louis Knocks Sharkey Out!
Yanks Salvage
Last in Series
Giants9 Unsung Hero
No Destination
Schm cling Won't, Brad
doek Can't Fight, Hand
Needs Attention
Ruffing Stops Slaughter
by Solons; Athletics
Win Two From Sox
: 1
r -
W. L. Pet.
St. Louis ...69 44 .611
New York 69 , 46 .600
Chicago 66 48 .573
Pittsburgh ..59.56 .513
Cincinnati .......55 58 .487
Boston .........52 61 .460
Brooklyn 45 , 63 .395
Philadelphia 40 - 72 .357
NEW YORK: Aug. 19.-;p)-Carl
Hubbell's screwball handicuffed
Dodger batters today as the
Giants von their ninth straight
game, defeating Brooklyn 3 to 2
to advance to within one game of
the national league lead.
Hubbell held the Dodgers to
five Jilts, two of which came In
the second, and two more In the
ninth, for the only Brooklyn scor
ing. . .
flel Oti hammered out his 27tli
homer of the year, and Jim Ripple
ctosted his fifth, b o t h In the
eighth innings, to put the game
on jce for the Giants. Their only
other run came In the first when
Ott walked and came home on
successive singles "by Ripple and
Sam Leslie.
The victory was Hubbell's 18th
of the year.
Brooklyn ........2 S 1
New York . . i,. . . . ,y . .3 7 0
Butcher andBerres; Hubbell
nd Mancuso.
Swift Wins His Own
PITTSBURGH. -A tr g: r 19.-i!Py-Relief
pitcher Bill Swift won his
own ball game today;, giving the
Pirates a 5 to 4 victory over the
slipolng Chicago Cubs..
Called Into the g a m e in the
eighth inning, he stopped the
Cubs cold after they had tied the
score with a two-run rally off Big
Jim Weaver.
Then in the ninth, with one
out and the winning run on sec-.
ond he cracked nut a sinzle to '
bring It home for the Buc victory
Chicago .....4 7- 0
Pittsburgh 5 12 O
Henshaw. Root and Hartnett;
"Weaver, Swift and Padden.
Bees Quit Losing
BOSTON, Aug. 1 9.-(JPt-The
Dees drove two Philadelphia
pitchers to the showers and bomb
arded a third to break their four
game losing streak with a 9 to 1
victory over the Phillies today.
Philadelphia 1 7 4
Boston ..... 9 11 0
. Walters, Sivew. Kowalik and
Gace; Chaplin and Lopez.
Rotary Hears of j
State Fair Plans
Leo Spitzbart, manager of the
state fair, and. Arch W. Metxger,
manager of the horse show, out
lined to Salem Rotarians Wednes
day plans for the coming state
fair. '
i No rodeo is to be, put on this
year; but a full list of other at
tractions 4s provided. The horse
show at night promises to be
spectacular, said Metzger. Spitz
bart assured the audience that
the midway would be free from
gambling. The dates for the fair
are September 7-13. "
rrO) Wife Of Champ
: :
Sin. Jess Owens
While herajnazinz husband. Ji
Oweaa. American Olynpto star
who won three firsts at the Ber
lin fame, went on a barnstorm
Ing trip throusrh Europe, lira.
Owens was guest of honor at the
'Great Lakes exposition. In her na
tive Cleveland where she served aa
hoeiess for a day at the African
vtllar. tarbed to the above Sy
Canese outfit.
hi . ...tar- i ' . - - tmSiaX
1 v'TC?
czTS&wC hAr" ' -! 4
OMB wise 'gent nee cracked
that no catcheT could be smart.
because if be had any brains
he would have gone after an easy
job In the outfield or some other
position, instead of crouchiff be
hind the" plate, covered with the
mittman's protective armor and tak
ing all the hard knocks with little
reward in recompense.
There is something to this, but
nevertheless aomebody has to catch,
and although maskmen rarelv aret
Of the 50 all star college foot
ball players who are learning the
Minnesota shift from Bern le Bier
man in sun-drenched Evanston
only Johnny Oravec of Willamette
university Is from a small school.
Those 50,j who will play the De
troit Lions in Chicago September
1, make up a dream squad, the
kind every coach believes he will
have in t some future paradise.
Tackles . that weigh 200 pounds
and have everything, husky
guards, rangy, cure-footed ends
and backs, the fast cruising kind
and the heavy dreadnaught kind,
are all over and they are all Ail
Americans, i
Johnny isn't only the one
from the smallest college he's
the smallest one. Johnny's size
won him mention in the New
Tork Herald-Tribune. Said the
Herald-Tribune: "The only,
really small man on the squad
Is Blondy ' Oravec, a whippet
back from Willamette college,
Oregon." Next smallest is Babe
. LeVoir of Minnesota who bal
ances the weights at 175
pounds, j
Jesse : Owens is probably the
greatest broad Jumper that ever
lived. Certainly he has been the
most ' publicised one. He has
Jumped farther than any human.
28 feet, S 2164 inches. Yet Hans
Thiele, great German athletic
trainer, says Owens is capable of
jumping over a foot farther, . 27
feet.- 10 inches. Writes Thiele in
a newspaper article:
"Owens does not begin to use
his tremendous leaping power. He
sprints for the takeoff with only
a short 32 meter (104 feet) run.
If he could Increase his p re-Jump
run about! 20 feet, then take the
last strides to the takeoff board
in order to rise freely, he could
immediately jump 8.50 meters.
He shows : that he is not using
all ot his power when he -falls
forward after the landing. We
probably would see a miracle if
he would only train."
Brace Hamby's 'statement In
his little booklet devoted to the
' football situation on the Ore
gon campus that Prink Calli
son's biggest problem will be
the development of ends to re
place Bidd' Jones and Stan
Riordasi has made us wonder
beat the WebfooC passing
game. Last season Oregon's air
attack as well as-, its pass de
fense wm notoriously mediocre.
In eight of nine games In 1035 ,
the Webfot team made exactly
four first downs from passes
to 19 made by opponents In
that manner. The Webfeet
gained a scanty 149 yards from
passes la those games. The op
position gained 310 yards from
passes or nearly a third-of the
fatal yardage. 17S3, gained
against Oregon to -the season. .
Leif Jacobsen, 188 pound junior
from Jefferson high, who won a
the notice they deserve, they are
really vital to their team's success.
For exhibit A, B, C and what have
yon, we will call the New York
Giants to the witness stand. Upon
cross-examination, CoL Will Terry
breaks down and admits that one of
his most valuable performers is a
swarthy gent by the name of Augus
tas Rodney Mancuso, the man in the
iron mask who does the receiving for
the men from Manhattan.
Augustus Rodney rarely busts
into the headlines, but he has been
letter as an end last season is
slated for one of the flank berths,
according to Hamby. The only
other candidate not a sophomore
is John Engstrom, who was a
tackle last fall and not an end.
Most of the passing will be done
by Dale Lasselle if he gets the
left half job for which he is the
logical candidate., Laselle- is at
fair passer but last year had the
hapless habit of fading back and
back, holding the ball, until he
was finally smeared, for a loss of
from 10 to 20 yards. j
Victor and Cline
Out, First Round
GEARHART, Ore., Aug. 19-OP)
Two Salem golfers, Walter Cline
jr., and Bert Victor, were, elim
inated in first round matches of
the Oregon coast midsummejr golf
championship today. 1
Cline bowed to Dick Hedges,
Portland, 3 and 2, in the" cham
pionship flight ot the men-Under-32
division. Carlyle Cunningham,
Portland, upset Victor, 1935 runner-up,
1 up in the older men's
championship flight. i
Will Try for New
I Ah
1 - --...- ,ir
1 ' ' 7'1
i '
An attempt to break the world's records set recently by Capt George
Eyston of England for continuous driving will be the goal of Ab
Jenkins, speed ace. when he sends bis giant 12-cyUnder 140.000
over the salt flats near Salt Lake City, Utah- .
kry ens'
doing a great job of holding up the
Giants' pitching staff, which has
needed plenty of assistance at times.
as CoL Terry can tell you.
The mighty. Mancnso is a wily
gent at diagnosing hitters -weaknesses,
besides being a fine backstop
with an accurate throwing arm and
a very fair hitter. Gus has done
more than his share in the Giants'
recent surge into a contending posi
tion, so let's give the little guy a
big hand.
; CafVTteht. !. Kins Ttmt MfnOtaf. Im
Young Republican
Leaders to Visit
J. Kenneth Bradley, national
president of the Young Republi
cans' of America and Katheryn
Ford, women's director of the
club, will be speakers at a lunch
eon to be held at the Marion ho
tel August 25 at 12 o'clock. The
meeting is being sponsored by the
county central committee and the
Marion county republican club.
Miss Ford and Bradley are on
a tour from national republican
headquarters. The public Is in
vited to attend the meeting which
is expected to draw many state
and county party leaders."
Elk Reported in Lane
PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 19.-P)
Forest officials here said that
two rangers and a state policeman
had recently spotted a herd of 28
elk in eastern Lane county. -Presence
of four calves and several
yearlings in the herd led the for
est men to believe the elk. may
come back if properly protected.
Pinchik to Return
PORTLAND. Ore., Aug. lB.-Uft
Pierre Pinchik, noted Jewish
cantor, will make three more ap
pearances in Portland, September
4, S and 6. ' The additional con
certs were granted in response to
requests by his listeners last.
night at Temple Neveh Zedec.
Speed Records
JnVtm t '
NEW YORK, Aug. ltWVThe
fight front was no man's land for
Brown Bombing Joe Louis today,
Flushed with his three-round
comeback knockout of Jack Shar
key last night the young Detroiter
found himself in the position oi
being all dressed up with no place
to go. i . -
Max Schmellng flatly reused
to consider a return bout with
Louis and. the way things are
shaping up. it will be a long time
before Champion Jimmy Braddock
will be In a ring with Schmellng,
Louis or anybody else.
Recommends Delay
Braddock' Injured left band
was examined today byDr. Fred
Ablee. assigned by the New Yora
state athletic commission to de
termine whether Braddock should
be granted a postponement of his
scheduled September engagement
with Schmellng.
Dr. Albee said he would recom
mend at least a month's postpone
ment. However, the commission
will make a decision on his recom
mendation at Its meeting on Fri
day. - . . -
The specialist asserted the title-
holder Is suffering from sub-acute
arthritis in the Injured hand and
both elbows. .
Promoter Mike Jacobs was
flooded with offers for the Bomb
er's services.
The. fight experts were. divided
on the extent of Louis' improve
ment since the Schmellng fight,
but Schmellng left no doubt as to
how he stands. .
Still Can Be Hit
"Joe was in worse shape for
this fight than he was against
me," said Herr Max. "He-still can
be bit with a right and I saw
other weaknesses last night.
Max said Sharkey fought a
dumb fight. "He was always easy
to hit with a right," he said. "His
biggest mistake was In trying to
mix with Joe."
Louis left by train for Detroit
He will rest" there for a week,
then to back to Stevensville,
Mich., to start work for any fights
that may be made for him. Joe's
share of the gate was 142,746,
or 30 per cent. Sharkey's cut rep
sented 25 per cent.
The official attendance was
27.374 and the net gate S136,
285.7g. s : .
North Hoop Sked
Will Be. Drafted
SEATTLE, Aug. 19. -(-Pacific
coast conference northern divis
ion basketball coaches and grad
uate managers will meet here Sun
day to draft the 1937 seasonal
schedules. -
The schedule will be drafted on
the basis of each five participating
teams competing in 16 games. The
University of Montana, sixth
member of the division, although
not competing, will be represent
ed at the meeting by Coach Lew
Lewlndowski and Manager Kirk
Other conferees will be Man
ager George Horton, Idaho;
Coach Jack Friel and Athletics
Director Fred Bohler, Washing
ton State college; Coach Howard
Hobson and . Manager Anson Cor
nell, Oregon; Coach Slats Gill and
Athletics Director Carl Lodell.
Oregon State college, and Coach
Hec Edmundson, Athletics Direc
tor Ray Eckmann and Athletics
Manager Carl Kilgore, Washing
ton. ;
Seattle Is Again
Defeated by S. F.
-San Francisco's Seals made it
two straight over Seattle today in
a 7 to - 6 victory that saw each
team call upon three pitchers.
The Indians tossed a scare into
the local camp in the first half
of the ninth when Bob Cole
walked two men with two out. The
young right bander got back hi
control, however, to strike o u t
Wright, pinch hitting for pitchet
Millard Campbell, to end the
game, .'.j-. . ... ,. ";: : - i
Two runs off three hits gave the
Seals a 7-4 margin in the seventh
but the visitors came, back with
a brace of tallies in the eighth.
Shevlin tripled past right fielder
Boroja to drive in the first tally
and scored himself on a long fly
to center fielder Grayes. I
Seattle ........... i . . .7 9
San Francisco ........ 7 IS j. 0
Lucas, Gregory, Campbell and
Spindel; -Stuts, Osborn, Cole and
Monzo. ; .
Western Jay ells
Will Open Series
BISMARK. N. D., Aug. 19.-
-Eight American Legion junior
baseball regional champions rep
reseating .15 western states, will
compete hers beginning Sunday
for the right to enter the finals
of the national Junior title con
tests . ' 1 '
The eight teams will compete in
the western sectional tourney, and
the winner will play the winner of
of the southwestern and eastern
sectional clash for the national
title. ; ,
The regional winners who will
compete for the. sectional title are
Pierre. E. D. Butte, Mont.; Oma
ha. Neb.; Holdenvllle, - Okla.;
Louisville. Colorado: Seattle. Salt
Lake City, Utah; and Los Angeles,
CallL -
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After being knocked down for the!
round, Jack Sharkey was knocked; oat by Joe Louis at the opening
of the third round of their batae at the Yankee Stadium In New
York City. Nearly 35,000 flgh4 fans witnessed Sharkey's defeat.
- This photo, transmitted over telephone wires by sound wares, from
ai7i iwa u bw jrancucu, maun a oe jjowm iianuing over jkk
Sharkey after Louis had driven
knocking him out.
Graybeards of Salem Snare Victory
8 to 7 Over Gregory's Oregonians;
Homer With Twd'On in 7th Qincher
HIL BELL'S broken down jball club, pieced together from
old parts and remnants wrth a few nickel plated fittings
for appearance s sake, had
L. H. Gregory's Oregonians
side of an 8 to 7 score.
One of the chromium plated parts brought home the ba
it was Stub Harrimaa's home
run in the seventh inning when
Joe Kasberger and Bud Meline,
running for Leo Edwards, were
on the sacks that brought defeat
to Gregory.
The veteran Oregonian sports
writer pitched alanine innings
and was touched !f Or 14 safe
blows. If
Salem worked Jtg agelng-lhrow-
ers in relays with Marty uoescn.
Spec" Keene and Joe Kasberger
each working three Innings. The
Oregonians took only one blow off
of Keene's delivery but that was a
triple socked out by Rex Pierce,
one of "Spec's" own Bearcat base
ballers. In all the Portland aggre
gation, youngsters with the excep
tion of Gregory, Wade Williams.
Lincoln high coach, Ray Cox and
Don McLeod of the Oregonian
staff, got eight hits.
Jimmy Nicholson, who also
turned in two successive shoe-
Home Runs
(By the Associated Press)
Gehrig, Yankees .38
Trosky, Indians ........... .35
Foxx, Red Sox 32
Ott. Giants .......27
DiMaggio, Yankees 21
Klein. Phillies 21
Berger, Bees ...21
Goslin, Tigers 21
League Totals
American ........602
National ....475
"Sure I'm Keeping Up On
. . . I'm Having
The Smtesman
Sent Me at
My Vacation
DIAL 9101
i I
ronnt of nine twice im the second
a terrific right to Sharkey's chin.
enough zip yesterday to send
Pback to Portland on the low
o" - ' .
string catches in the ninth, led
hitting with three for four. "Fris
co" Edwards hit two for three.
Oregonian . ..7 8 1
Bill's Oddfellows ...8 14 4
I Gregory and Arratt, R. Cox;
Boesch, Keene, Kasberger and
Maple, Edwards.
Braddock Protege
Is Handed Parole
CEDAR RAPIDS, la., Aug. 19.
-kavJohn McGrath, recently par
oled ex-convict with " a hundred
dollar Joan from Jimmy Braddock
In my pocket," left here today for
a New York meeting with the
heavyweight champion who has
promised him a Job.
McGrath was released from An
amosa j reformatory after he re
ceived a 1 100 check from Brad
dock to pay carfare east. The
fighter was instrumental in ob
taining McGrath's parole, after
McGrath had served two years of
a 10-year breaking and entering
I "I only asked Jimmy for 122.50
4 enough for bus fare, but he sent
me a century." McGrath said. "I
knew him wben he was a kid and
that's why he helped me out. He's
I -
During My Vacation
1 :
And Ask to Have Your Statesman
Forwarded to Your Vacation Address
l. ret.
39 .658
53 .547
54 .538
New York
Boston ......
St. Louis
72 .379
75 .353
WASHINGTON, Aug. 19.-0T1-
Charley Ruffing and the rest of
the New York Yankees snapped
out of their slump today, apd
saved one game ot the three-game
series with a 7 to 4 decision.
Ruffing stopped the Nats with
four hits to end the Yanks' thrW
game losmg streak, and chalk lup
his. 16th .victory of the year.
With the second place Clere
land Indians Idle, the Yanks' vic
tory sent them 12 full games In
front of the pack.
New Yort ..... 7 12' 0
Washington . 4 8 0
Ruffing and Dickey; Deshonr,
Newsom, Cohen and Bolton.
Browns Drab Tigers' '.
ST. LOUIS'. Aug. 19.-UP-After
two were out. the St. Louis
Browns crowded seven runs
across in the second Inning and
then added enough later 'in the
game for a 13 to 8 victory today
over tne Detroit Tigers.
Al Thomas outlasted four Da-
troit pitchers, although he was
hard hit Marvin Owen got a home
run for Detroit
Detroit 8 IS 1
St. Louis .13 15 1
Wade. PhilllDS. Lawson . and
Hay worth; Thomas and Hemsley.
A's Capture Two
Lee Ross and Harry Ktl'ey pit
ched the Athletics to a double
victory over the Boston Red Sox
here today. Boss winning the
first game. 5 to 4. In 13 innings,
while Keliey got his victory in
the regulation distance by a 7 to
2 score. -
Frank Hayes decided the first
game with a home run off Johnny
Marcum In the 13th.
The second game was Kelley's
16th win of the year. He kept the
Red Sox 11 hits well scatter.
while his mates made the most of
their 11 against Fred Ostermuel
ler and Jack Russell.
Boston ....4 12 0
Philadelphia 5 9 0
Wilson, Marcum and R. Fer
rell; Ross and Hayes.
Boston .....2 11 1
Philadelphia .....7 11 0
Ostermuelier, Russell and Berg;
Keliey and Hayes.
Buzz Brown Will
Meet r. Armstrong
PORTLAND. Ore., Aug. 19.-p)
-Promoter Don Owen and Match
maker Stub Nelson today an
nounced the signing of feather
weights Henry Armstrong and
Buzz Brown tor a 10-round bout
In Multnomah stadium August 31.
Armstrong is recognized In sev
eral states as world's feather,
weight champion and Brown holds
the northwest title. Armstrong,
with recent victories to his credit
over Baby Arlzmendi and Juan
Zurita, will be the favorite.
Owen and Nelson said three
other 10-round events will be in
cluded on tbe bill.
the World
. 75
61 5
60 67
59 59
4 4