The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 15, 1936, Page 5, Image 5

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    pagu nvn
Golfers Feted By
Salem Club at
WOMEN' of the Woodburn Golf
club were entertained at the
Salem club yesterday by the
feminine golfing contingent.
Mrs. George Jones won, low
score for Woodburn and Mrs. G.
V. Smith for Salemi The eclec
tic tournament was concluded and
Qualifying rounds lor the fall
tournament will begin August 28.
Woodburn Invited the. Salem
group to be their guests next
Committees in charge yester
day were: Mrs. Prince Byrd,
luncheon; Mrs. E. A. Skelley.
decorations; Mrs. Roy Byrd, vis
iting team; Mrs. Harry WeJdmer,
refreshments. -
Next Friday will be "dress up"
day with foolish costumes in or
der. The visiting team, yesterday In
cluded Mrs. Lyman Shorey, Mrs.
Fred Evenden. Mrs. Delbert Bash,
Mrs. Blaine McCord. Mrs. Mary
B. Scollard. Mrs. Wayne D. Gill,
Mrs. Sumner Stevens. Mrs. Ma
rion Heanlitr. Mrs. A. J. Beck.
Mrs. Clyde Cutsforth. Mrs. Bur
ton Willeford, Mrs. K. J. Geath.
Mrs. George Jones, Mrs. Jack La
cey, Mrs. Bud Crosby, Mrs. La
Verne Otjen, Mrs. Walter Miller.
Miss Barbara Jensen, Mrs. H. P.
Miller and Mrs. Herbert Bladorn.
. Additional Salem guests were
Mrs. Max Flanery. . Mrs. Kate
Bell, Miss Margaret Bell, Miss
Doris Drager, Mrs. Ere el Kay and
Mrs. Prince Byrd. The Salem
team included Mrs. Claude Johns,
Mrs. H. It. Olinrer. Mrs. : It. D.
Day. Mrs. Robert Savage. Mrs.
S. W. Starr. Mrs.. J. N. Bishop.
Mrs. Walter Arthur, Mrs. O. C.
Locke, Mrs. G. V. Smith. Mrs.
Harold Olinger, Mrs. Roy Byrd,
Mrs. Ed Gillingham, Mrs. H. K.
stocaweu. airs, marry wewmer, i
Mrs. I. B. Joseph, Mrs. Al Petre.
Mrs. u. S. Pare. Mrs. Kennetn
Bell, Mrs. E. A. Skelley and Mrs.
Archie McKillop. t
Pioneer Dinner Unique
Event Thursday
An interesting evening was
spent Thursday by a group, from
the Salem Business and Profes
sional Women's club which mo
tored to Oregon City to be guests
at a "Territorial Days" dinner.,
Baked beans from a huge iron
kettle . and other - pioneer dishes
were served in the rustic sur
roundings of Buena Vista park.
.The tables were lighted with -old
fashioned lamps and the hostess
group was garbed in pioneer cos
tumes. - . !
Excitement during the evening
was furnished by a- band of "In
dians" which swooped down and
kidnapped one of the diners. An
old time .orchestra, -played for
square dancing. " '
Those going up from here were
Mrs. Ethel Parr, Mrs. Emily
Howard, Mrs. Mona Yoder, Mrs.
Ilda Bingenheimer. Miss Edna
Purdy. . Miss Mabel "Savage, Miss
Dorothy Ann Gordon. Miss Helen
Breithaupt. Miss Amanda Schwab
bauer. Miss Josephine Gray, Miss
Josephine ETans and Miss Mar.
guerite Laird. .
. .
Halleys to Take Trip to
National Paks
Mr. ud Mr. Eugene Halley
of Salem and Mrs. Halley's aunt,
Mrs. Jed Cousins of Portland, will
embark on vacation of several
weeks the first of next week.
They will motor first to Salt
Lake City, north to Yellowstone
aud Glacier national parks and
return to Oregon via Spokane and
Seattle. ' ,
Silverton. Mrs. Chauncey II.
Whitman was a recent theatre
party hostess, having for her
guests Dr; and . Mrs. A. J.
McCannel. Miss Jane Graham,
Miss Phyllis Blsser, Miss Elvira
Waidt and Mr. and Mrs. F. E.
After the show, the group went
to the Sylvester home' on "Mill
street, where Mrs. Sylvester as
sisted the hostess In serving re
freshments. Baskets of giant zin
nia and rladiolas adorns the
rooms, and each of the two small
tables where refreshments were
served was' centered with a crys
tal basket of asters.
Miss Bisser and Miss Waidt
are house guests of Dr. and Mrs.
shortly to their home at Mlnot,
North -Dakota.
"f '
Silverton Hills Mrs. Otto Bar
tels was the Inspiration of a
birthday party Thursday after
noon at her home? Attending
"were Mrs. Alvin Hartley, Rosa
Knauf, Mrs. Will Turner, Connie,
Mrs. Ed West, Mrs. Olga Terry,
Mrs. WV- J. McGIll, Mrs. Frank
Tulare, Mrs. C. W Murray. Mrs.
E. A. Beugll, Mrs. L. O. Hadley.
m m Tr. .jr? - tTVemwea Ur1
ley, Mrs. Rosa Parish, Mrs. Eldon
Mulkey, Luclle and Morris Mul
key Mrs. J. H. Maulding, Mrs.
Anton Sacker and Arthur, Mrs.
W. L. Benson and Nancy, Janet
Mulkey of The Dalles, Mrs. Merle
Foots and Shirley. J
Silverton. Recent changes
made In the official personnel of
the Eagles auxiliary Include :
Joyce Davis serving as president
In -place of Mrs. R. JV Baldwin
who moved to Eugene; Mrs. Gny
M or ley has been named trustee
in place of Mary LeDoux, resign
ed, and Esther In man was ap
pointed Inner guard to replace
Hejea. Pfaff, resigned.
Everything for the Of fie
Art Metal Files !
GyftQn Stationery
www - -Company -Formerly
Patfoa'a Book Store
J. L. Cooke, Prop.
340 State St. Ihone 4404
News and
.Jessie Steele,
, ) ' Honrs for the society editor are as follows: 10 a. m.
co 12 p. m. and 2 to 0 p. nu every day bat Saturday. On
Saturday, they are 0 a. nu to 13 noon and 1 p. m. to
Op m. . .. ' - '
..Woman's Relief corps
j Sunday,
1 I-O.O.F. and Rebekah
day. Basket dinner. . ,
j Monday, August 17
Rebekah' degree team practice after lodge in.
I.O.O.F. halL
Mrs. Varney Honored
At Linen Shower i
f . - . '
Mrs. Francis DeHarpport and
Miss Eleanor. Barth were joint
hostesses Thursday night at - the
home of the former for a smart
surprise linen shower. Mrs. How
ard Varney (Eleanor Henderson)
was the guest of honor.
' After an informal evening of
games and sewing, refreshments
were served.-
In attendance were Mrs. Var
ney, Mrs. George Settlemier, Mrs.
William I Howard, Mrs. Noel
Brown, Mrs. W. , IL Henderson,
Mrs. J. C. DeHarpport, Mrs. Con
nell Ward, Mrs. . Kenneth Mur
dock, Mrs. A. Barth, Mrs. Fred
Phillips,.5 Mrs. E. Murphy, Mrs.
Stanley Satchwell. and the Misses
Agnes ' Miller, ; Helen Porvine,
Margaret Purvine, Doris Howard,
Aletha Kelley of Redlands, Calif..
Luella DeHarpport, Dorothy Mur.
phy. Marine Brown and the host
esses. .
Garden Bridge Party at
ton Home
I - :
Stay ton. Mrs. Don D. Goode
entertained three tables of bridge
at the home of Mr. Goode's par
ents In the beautiful Goode floral
gardens, Thursday afternoon.
High score was won by Mrs. A.
M. Dosler " and consolation was
awarded to Mrs. Ralph Scranton.
Those who enjoyed the after
noon were Mrs. Louis Pooler, Mrs.
Hal Cutfel. Mrs. J. N. Fisher. Mrs.
L. N. Kllian, Mrs. A. M. Dozler,
Mrs. E. W. Klecker, Mrs. Ralph
Scranton, ! Mrs. Martin T. Gehlen,
Mrs. Wendell E. Weddle, Mrs.
Louis Dawes, MrsT Eugene Spaniol
and the i hostess. Mrs. Don D.
Goode.. Dainty refreshments were
served at the end of the after
noon. t- j 1 !
Mrs. A. M. Dozler entertained
her bridge club Thursday night.
Two tables were In play with high
score going to Mrs. Wilbur Lesley
and low to Mrs. Fred Davie.
x m
Mrs. Kublock Feted at
Persey Home
Mrs. Mary Kublock of Everett,
Wash., was the inspiration for an
informal 1 party Thursday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Herman
Persey.. - -1 ', ' .
' Mrs. Emil Hoffman assisted the
hostess at the tea hour. -
Guests f calling were ;Mrs.
Schultz, Mrs. Heinke, Mrs. Lou
Meyers, Mrs. Emil Hoffman, Mrs.
Louis Olson, Mrs. Will Persey,
Mrs. Anna Morgan, Miss Ruth
Ann Mbrgan, Mrs. Katie Killings
worth, all of Salem; Mrs. Ristow,
Mrs. Dwight Huntley and the
Misses Virginia, Lucille and Lor
raine Huntley, all of Los Angeles.
Amity. The Social Service
club of the Methodist church met
Wednesday afternoon with the
new president. Miss Lillian
Schaeffer, presiding.
Mrs. El McKinney had charge
of the devotions. During the
business meeting it was voted to
make several bedspreads for the
Children's Farm Home at Cor
vallis. Committees were appoint
ed for the annual bazaar to be
held during December. At the so
cial hour refreshments were serv
ed to about 25 members and
visitors. I
Hostesses for this meeting were
Mrs. Jacob Mauser, Mrs. J. D.
Woodman, Mrs. Hettie Shields
and Miss Schaeffer.
Evens Valley. Mr. and Mrs;
Emil K.- Loe and- Wallace and
Eileen and Miss Helen Morten
son, who i have been guests for
the past few weeks at Evens Val
ley homes, . were honored at a
farewell party given by Mr. and
Mrs. A. Aarhus. i
Present! were Mr. and- Mrs.
Loe, , Edna - Overland, Mr. and
Mrs. And ton Dahl and Orlando,
Marvin. Alan and Mae Marie,
Mr. ' and Mrs. Conrad Johnson
and Earl, Sheldon and Charlotte,
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dullum, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Aarhus, Elser and
Ardis. I :
The Loes left : this week for
their home at Pierpont, S. D.
Silverton. Miss Edna Minor,
vice grand, was honored Thurs
day night: at a bridal shower by
Tryphena Rebekah lodge. Miss
Minor's wedding to Robert Chet
ty of Lakeview will be an event
of A a gust 23 at Trinity church.
At the Thursday night affair.
Miss Ruth Minor; sister of the
honor guest, assisted in unwrap
ping the gifts and arranging them
on a decorated table arranged by
the committee consisting of Mrs.
Pearl Morley, Mrs. Kate Porter
and Mrs. Bessie Goeti.
Ellendal The Ellendal elub
met at the home of the president,
Mrs. A. Brown, Wednesday aft
ernoon with 11 present. Mrs. B.
Schultx was taken in as a new
member. The group planned a
picnic for It's next meeting tti be
held at the Dallas City park with
the families Invited.
Dr. and Ms. Ernest C Miller
are being welcomed as new real'
dents of the capital.. They are
making their borne at 1270 Ne
braska street.
Society Editor-
in Miller's hall, 1 p. m. ,
August 16
picnic at Paradise Island, all
t i
Miss Prest Will Marry t
Frank Willard , -
The betrothal of Miss Jane
Prest, daughter of J. L. Prest, to
Frank Willard, son of E. J. Wil
lard, waa announced at a party
Thursday night for which Mrs.
Emma Klinger was hostess.
The couple will be married at
Bakersfield, Calif., December 24.
Mr. Willard is well known in mu
sicrl circles.
. i v
Airs. Anderson Honor
Guest Thursday
Silverton. Mrs. ; Clark Ander
son was honored at a 1 o'clock
no host luncheon Thursday In the
fireplace garden of Mr. and Mrs.
J. F. Flshwood on East Oak
street. - '
Attending were Mrs. Anderson,
Mrs. Flshwood, Mrs. H. S. Van
Balkenberg, Mrs. Jose Stalker,
Mary Stalker Barth, Mrs. E. R.
Ekman, Mrs. Helen M. Wright
man, Mrs. Elizabeth Cooley. Mrs.
J. H. Stayner,' Mrs. Elsie Nelson,
Mrs. - L. C. Eastman, Mrs. Oscar
Storaasli, Mrs. D. E. G elser, Mrs.
Elizabeth Nicol, Mrs. E. Z. Kauf
man, Mrs. Hildred Loe, Henrietta
Loe, Mrs. Harry Bentaon, .Miss
Rose Specht, Mrs. Olive Morley,
Mrs. Ed Heald, Colleen Bowen,
Mrs. Goldie Down, Mrs. : Eva
Brown. ; '
House Guests Honored ;
At Bridge Series ! i i
. Silverton. -Mrs. Lee Alfred
was hostess at a series of three
bridge parties this week honoring
her mother, Mrs. B. A. Sanders,
and her sister. Miss Letah San
ders, both of Ynmi, Ariz., who
are house guests at the Alfred
home. . ;
At - the Wednesday luncheon,
followed by bridge, Mrs. L L.
Stewart won high score and Mrs.
Jack Stranix second. Mrs. Sanders
and Miss Rachel Jamison,' the
latter a Silverton visitor from
Scotland, received guest prizes.
Wednesday night Mrs. Sanders
and Miss Sanders were presented
With guest prizes while Mrs. Rus
sel 'Scott won high score prize
and Mrs. W. M. Swift, second.
Thursday another luncheon
followed by bridge was given by
Mrs. Alfred with Mrs. Saul Jans
of Salem winning high score and
Mrs. Earl Adams second.
Gladioli and roses were used
in profusion about the rooms. '
Silverton Mrs. Elizabeth Ja
mie of Silverton was honored at a
birthday anniversary dinner at
Portland Wednesday night when
her son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Ronald Hubbs, enter
tained for her. Besides Mrs. Ja
mie and the hosts, covers were
placed for Mri and Mrs. George
Hubbs and Miss Ruth Hubbs of
Silverton and Miss Pearl Bates of
Portland. .. " ,
The Ronald ilubbses are now
domiciled at the Manhatten on
Everett street at Portland. I
Silverton The wedding of Ro
ger Comstock and Itha Haynes,
both of Portland will be solemn
ized at a quiet ceremony Wed
nesday at noon at the home of
Mr. Comstock mother. Mrs. Ed-
son Comstock in the Waldo Hills.
Only members of the two immedi
ate families will be present. Dr.
Sidney Hall of Salem will read the
ceremony The youn,g couple will
make their home at Portland
where Mr. Comstock Is employed.
Talbot Mr. and Mrs. Delmer
Davidson entertained with a fam
ily dinner this week in honor of
the birthday of Mrs. Harriet
Wells Krentx who was 82 years
old. Places were laid for the hon
or guest, Mrs. Krentx, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Davidson, Arlie Da
vidson, Dean - Davidson and the
host and hostess. - r :
Silverton Mrs., Elizabeth Ja
mie had as her recent house guest
her nephew, Campbell Jamie, who
was on his way from Hilo, Hawaii
to Victoria, B. C, where he Joined
his wife and the two sailed Thurs
day from Montreal for London.
Mr. Jamie also visited briefly
with his cousin, Mrs. Ronald
Hubbs, a Portland enroute.
. . ' 'i :
" '- ' . . ' ' -: ' -Salt
Creek The meeting of the
Missionary society of the Baptist
church was held at the home of
Mrs. Will Vllwalk with 19 mem
bers present. The ladle spent the
afternoon making- bandages for a
missionary In Africa. The host
esses served refreshments assist
ed by Mrs. G. Neumann and Mrs.
Ben Lang. , i
j ; '
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Acton and
family returned this week from
an 8000 'mile motor trip- east.
Mr. Acton attended an Insurance
convention In Minneapolis and
continued with his family to
Washington, D. C. m
Silverton . Hills The wedding
of Miss Dorothy Graf, daughter
of Mrs. A. Graf of here, and Iver
JorgensoB.' son of Mr. and Mrs
C. E. Jorgenaon of Silverton, will
be solemnized Sunday at Port
land. -.,
a inn
Lions Picnic Will
Be Held For
rrVHE second picnic for. Lions
J. and their families la sched
uled next Thursday, night,
August 20, at Paradise Island.
The one held last month at Hazel
Green waa so successful that It
was decided to hare a second
similar affair. ,
There will be a baseball game,
swimming and other sports after
the basket dinner. - .
The. committee from, the auxi
liary and Lions clnb met for
luncheon at the Peter Pan yes
terday afternoon to lay final
plans for the picnic ?
Present were Mrs. George Rho
ten. Mrs. Arthur Montgomery,
Mrs. Kenneth Murdock. Mrs. Es
till Brunk. B. A. Newman, James
Cooke and Dr. Carl Emmons.
Maxine Morgan Winner
Of Scholarship x :
Silverton. Miss Maxine Mor
gan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
W. L. Morgan, has won the Hec
tor W. Church memorial scholar
ship given by the United Daugh
ters of the Confederacy.
Miss Morgan, one of four
awarded the honor, rated highest
of all. Other winners were from
Georgia, Alabama and North
Carolina. ' ' , ' v
Miss Morgan, who was grad
uated from the Silverton high
school last spring, will under the
terms of the scholarship have
four years at any standard col
lege of her own choosing in the
United States.
Franklins Complimented
Before Departure
An au revoir for Mr. and Mrs.
Leland Franklin who leave soon
for an extended tour through
Texas and Oklahoma took the
form of a gay party Thursday
night at the home of Miss Eve
lyn Carr.
After the evening at cards.
Mrs. Harry Carr assisted her
daughter In serving supper.
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Beckman, Mr. and Mrs. John Ru
ble, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carr.
Kenneth Hanson, Bob Duncan and
Miss Evelyn Carr, the hostess.
Lawn Party for Young
Set Gay Event
A Jolly no-host lawn party was
enjoyed Thursday night at the
home of Miss Lola Rae. Games
and refreshments were the diver
Guests were the Misses Jean
Read, Vera Lindenau, Bernice El
gin. Florence Elsasser, Nancy
Stricklen and Lola Rae. -
Escorts included Cleon Long,
Wayne Williams, Norman Hinges,
Don Seeley, Carl McLeod, Don
Baker and Herbert Hoffman. .
L e b a n o n The Past Noble
Grand club met Wednesday for a
covered dish 1 o'clock luncheon at
the home of Mrs. Marie Dobesii.
A long table was set on the lawn.
Following the luncheon, the pres-
Ident. Mrs. Dobesh, presided for
the business session. The year
books were distributed among the
members. The next meeting will
be.-in two weeks.
. ' -Woodburn.
Miss Ethel ; Galey,
daughter : of Mr. and- Mrs. E.
Galey. formerly of Woodburn,
was married August 8 to Charles
R. Miller of Long Beach, Calif.
The ceremony was performed at
Port Orchard. Wash., by Mrs. N.
E. Lawrence, justice of the peace.
Attendants were Mr. and Mrs.
Roicoe Creed of Bremerton,
Mrs. Miller Is well known
among Woodburn' younger set.
having made her home here for
several years before the family
moved to Aurora.
Mr. Miller Is at present em
ployed at Bremerton. They 111
make their home in Long Beacn
after October 20.
PIoneer--The Dallas Commun
ity club met at the home of the
president, Mrs. Ed Harris Thurs
day afternoon wltn 17 present.
The time waa spent on working
on the Quilt. The next meeting
will be held with Mrs. Raleigh
MIddleton. Mrs. Christ Domas-
chofsky was a- guest. Refresh
ments were served by the nostess
assisted by Edna Harris.
Oikdale Rictfard Kemmis was
honored with a birthday picnic on
the creek when the Kem mis ana
Frank. Dornhecker family of Pio
neer met for the evening, 1
Unit rreek- A babv bo v. weigh
ing nine and a halt pounds was
born to Mr. ana Mrs. Aioert vom
August 11. This is the first child
Miss Dorothea Kletzlng Is
spending th weekend wnn in
M. C. Gaston family at Grants
Pass. .
.-;, r e
- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Perry
are sojourning at Cannon beach.
Falls City Group
Will Give Report
A if lratlm of 20 EBWOrth
Timra attended the Ed-
worth League Institute at Falls
City. August 1-t, will give reports
of th institute at ie evening
service, this Sunday at 8:00 p. m.
at the Japon Lee Methodist
IncHtntM atmosnhere will . be
created by a tent and eamp fire
on the platform. A speeial Insti
tute song written by Antoinette
Irish for the Institute Glee eon-,
test will be sung.' The Service will
close with a camp fire service In
dicative of those held every night
at the Institute.
United Brethren
Elect Officials
Conference Votes to Ak
Return of Pastor,
- Ret. R. C Mann
The Engtewood United Brethern
church held It fourth quarterly
conference, Wednesday night.
F. G. Roscoe, of Portland, the con
ference superintendent, presided.
The reports of the various
societies revealed - a year - of
growth and achievement. Out
standing In the church's activity.
la the completion of tne new
junior department with assembly
room and class rooms - tor all
erases. This was almost a neces
sity because of the growth in th
Children's division of tne sunaay
school. A special dedication ser
vice will be held. August zx.
The quarterly conference voted
unanimously to request th An
nual conference to return the pas
tor. Rev. R. C. Mann, for the
coming year. The annual confer
ence will be held In the Engte
wood church, August 25 to 30th.
The f olio win r officers nave
been elected to serve the local
church during the coming year:
Secretary of the official board.
Mrs. Anna Wolcott; secretary of
the ' quarterly conference. Mrs.
Blanche Welch; class leader, Wil
liam Dunnigan; Sunday school
sunerintendent. Mra. Anna Wol
cott; financial secretary, William
Pero: church treasurer, Ed. ouon.
Stewards. J. C. Hill. William
McKinney, William O. Hamel, J.
S. Casteel, G. G. Looney.
Ushers, William O. Hamel, Wil
liam McKinney, William Pero.
Fred Domagalla, Ed Olson.
Music committee. Mrs. N. V.
Lowery. Mrs. K. A. Bradfield, R.
S. Caateel, Mrs. R. C. Mann, j ,
Director, of the adult atvision oi
christian education, Mrs. i Ed
Olson. :
Director of the young peoples
division of christian education,
Mra. Helen Johnstead
Director of the children's di
vision of christian education, Mrs,
N. V. Lowery. -
Delegates to the annual con
ference, William O. Hamel and
Mrs. Anna Wolcott.
Baptist Pastor j
Plans Vacation
Sunday will be the last oppor
tunity of hearing Rev. Arno Q.
Weniger, pastor of the Calvary
Baptist church, before he leaves
on his vacation which will take
him into several of the middle
states, where he expects to visit
with relatives and fill several con
ference engagements.
During his months absence.
the pulpit of the Calvary church
will be .supplied by Rev. Walter
Arthur Pegg. pastor of the First
Baptist church of Huntington
Park, California, and Rev. Frank
Standard, a retired Baptist min
ister resident In Salem ana a
member of the Calvary church.
:Mr. Weniger has been invited
by Dr. W. B. Riley, pastor of the
largest Baptist church In the Nor
thern'Baptlst convention to apeak
at a Bible conference held at Med
icine Lake in Minnesota.. A sim
ilar invitation has come from the
management fo the Cedar Lake
Bible conference at. Cedar Lake,
Indiana.; Both of theBe engage
ments Mr. Weniger has agreed to
fill.6 He will be accompanied, by
his;wife, two children, and a sis
ter." . ' "'
New Pastors Gome
To Salem Church
Rev. Lloyd Miller and to wife.
Rev. Esther Miller, are new pas
tors of the Church of the Four
square Gospel, 367 Vx Court
street, succeeding Rev. and Mrs.
Roy Balderson.
"Old-fashioned holy ghost meet
ings are being enjoyed by those
who attend the services," the new
pastors report. Sunday school
services begin at 9:45 a. m., the
morning service at 11 a. m., the
Crusaders meeting at S:30 p. m.
and the evening service at 7:30
p. m. Prayer meeting will be Tues
day at 8 p. m., Wednesday at
7:45 p. m., with teaching on bap
tism of the holy spirit.
Son Is Born at Stayton
To Air. and Airs. Kirsh
STAYTON, Aug.M4 Mr. and
Mrs. Gus Kirsh are being congrat
ulated upon the birth of a son,
born August 10 at Stayton.
Mrs. C Charplllos of Silverton
underwent a major operation
Thursday night nd Mrs. A. Rob
bins of Turner" underwent a ton
silectomy Friday morning. All pa
tients are doing fine.'
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Hurd have
returned from a ten day vacation
spent In ' southern Oregon They
visited at the home of Mr. Hurd 'a
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hurd St
Glendaie. ' ' L
Mr A. C. Van tluys finished
Friday morning with the remodel
ing and repairing which has been
under way for the past week In
the Van's Variety store. The front
of the store was changed and
makes a considerable improve
ment In the property.
Rural Carrier Leaves
For Srrmmer Vacation
. TURNER, Aug. 14.Mr. and
Mrs. M. O. Pearson and son Mer
vin, left early-Wednesday morn
ing on a vacation trip to visit in
the state of Washington. Mr.
Pearson Is the rural mail carrier.
William Pearson will substitute
on the route.
. Mr. and Mrs, 8. A. Riches left
Thursday morning-on a two days
trip to coast points. Mrs. Waldo
Rtcbes will return Monday from
the Campfire Girls'-summer camp
near .Bull Run, where she was
caretaker tor, the' reason. She
leave later In the week for Den.
ver where she will visit relatives.
Mrs. Anna Johnson and twin
daughter Edra and Anna are mov-
I ing to Salem.
Peace Speaker
Adena Joy, leader of Salem's Em
ergency peace campaign team,
who ha gtvea a number of
talks on peace action In Salem,
church and civic group dnrt
ing the past month. This com
: lag week, Miss Joy has several
speaking engagements before
. women's and church rjranital
tiona of the city. She will tttei
leave for Philadelphia to e4
come secretary to Ray itewten
of the American Friends Sir
vice committee, sponsors of the
' peace campaign. 1
Rev. Weston Returns
After Spending Six
Weeks in California
. Rev. C. O. Weston, pastor at
Evangelistic tabernacle, has JUst
Mtmnari from a lr weeks StSV Uvi
California; returning to hla pullt
l .1 wa'
Sunday wnen ne win apeaa m.
both the morning and the evening
services. - 1
In Ms stay in California foiir
weeks of the time was spent In
nightly evangelistic services kt
th nnon-alr summer aUditoriuin
of the Full Gospel tabernacle of
Bakersfield, of which Rev. R. p.
E. Smith is Pastor. )
Rer. Weston spent the remain
der of his time at Big Bear lake
attending the Southern California
conference camp meeting or iu
denomination, and In visiting his
relatives and friends in San Die
go, Taft, Modesto and San Fran
cisco. I
ha will renort on his trip Sun
day especially concerning the as
semblies of God camp meeting
Big- Bear.
Corner Sumner and Marion streets:
Re. Jme E. Campbell, mininter. 8Mo:
day school at :45 a. m.; John J.
din. aapt. Moraine worship at 11 o'clotk.
Special music. Sermon, "Oar Inhetit
anee." Senior bijh school tesfua aid
VAnnv nannlii'l l,ifu at 8:80 O. Sm.
Evening evangelistic service at 73p
'clock. Uospel song service. opvaai
atiiir. Sermon: "The TBirat lor uoat
Bible stndr and prayer servica Thnrsa
at i:so p. m.
nasi rnESBTTEBXAH chtjbcb
Ktmi-r Annut is. 11 a. m.. sermon
by guest minister. Rev. James Ailin
Smith. Theme, 'An Approved Wofk-j
man," 2 Tim. 2:15. Oflertory oio.
i.. liA PurUfi farriii. aunt by!
Vf u.n.J T Villi rhritian EndeaTtlill
at i:Zf p. m. 7:30, evening worship;!
"W!,Ji s( th. Rmil." Tle-
day, 7:30 p. prayer and bible stndj.
led ttf Rev. James A. tsmitn.
r. ... A u;.k . ... iinr- I.. Drill.
minister. i:nrcn senooi, ; .
ship, including the Lord s supper, iu:v.
special music oy
mon. 'Tervent Iiscipieislnp. tnnsiiaa
Endeavor. S-45 p. m. fcvangeiistie aerv-
ice, S p. m. Servica under direction pt
the youag adult group of the . church
-.n nuil .nnmbers. Ser-
iniHiw, . f .
mon by the pastor. "A Pagan Churtb
in a ennsuan aic.
t 1
XT.rinn nit Knrth Liberty stree
T1.I..M. Ihici m.MutM Bihl School St
Mll,WU . 1 J
a..c - m Rnicr n n t Alnraldr
worship' at' 11 o'clock. Evening eervi,ej
at CIOCK.. ev. a. miiiiacn, j
former pastor will ba the guest- apeakir
. . i , i : 1 . k.
at DOia scrvicra. .uaiur, intwi.wii.ic
and senior B.Y.F.C. will meet at 1 p. ifc.
Prayer meeting ana bidio aiuay n ruar
day evening at .8 o'clock. , j
c. '.t rhareh. Jamea E. Mil
gan. pastor; Mildred Bartholomew, aire
tor of yonng people s activities: . i
n.tV. a R innl Rnndav achool. 9:4
Ur.i'n vnn.ln. 11 o'clock. Dr. Louts
u..l. will Muh Tbero will ba lito
evening service until Sept. . The yonig
053 erry til.. Kv. oy urnufr, was -tor.
Sunday sTnooL :45 a., at.; Iati
Sheets, supt. Morning wonhlp, 11 a. if.
V. Tr.l.'. urriM S;1S dJB. Kni-
cial unusual program for evenini aervicf
vie, Vedneaday evening, 7:,
T n. aa. wniir miaween Draj cr
lth and tarry. H. C. Stover, mini
tir IbmiM worshls at 11. Sermo
"tficber AlUtodes.' Duet. VSupplici-
Uon" (Gillingham). Pearl Eyro d II.
C Stover. Sunday school at 10 a. m
Roy Uarland. aupt.
Sowth CommercUl and Myers street;
Dean C. Poiadcster. minister. Churola
arhooL :tS a. m.! Vernon Beckett, aupt.
Morning worship at 11. Messager "ht.V.
Ood aad Man." Epworth league. T .p as.
Evening service at cloe. - inemej:
'The (Myarpiea of Lite."
rr w 1 t in EVivner.TriL
ing worship -servico ml 0:45 a. sn. Tenor
solo, Wonderful Jesua." by Rev. Ben
o . tl T..n. aja
ebool at 11 o'clock; W. P. Collar d, s
...... .i
jzhovaii's wrnruui
Frmt.rmal Teeanlo. Center street a!
Liborty.' - At 2:30 m leetwro by electrical
trsaocriptiew and t S o'clock a Bible
Stady, with questions invited aad ii
which all may take part. !
S15 X. Commercial street. Bible school;
3 p, m-. Daisy Mae Wilaon, wft U
rotional Service, S p. as. Evaagelistit
serrice, 7:43. Visiting ministers will bs
present. Woek-day aervieea Tueadayi
Thursday and Saturday, 7:45, A. J. Jew
sea, psjtor.
Mission aad UtA at roots. A. 8. Hew
dersofi. post or, 11 35 Mission Street. BerV
iees, 11 a. m. aad 7:45 p. as. Sera eft
topic. "Jordan Wilderness." Sunday
school, 10 a, as. Suporlntendent. Pre!
Toosa. Week-day aervicet, Vi edaesdar,
- ', - (
XMMAinrxz. nrLx. ooa?rx uxssmv
Tew Park kail, corner 8. ISth and
Leslie atroots. C. L. Botanda. auppt pa
tor. Sunday school at lo a. m. Morning
wonthip at 11. Evangolistie at 7:44 p. at.
Midweek services. Wednesdsr, S p. n.
aad yonag people'a aerrire Friday iga
I !
L " I I
Peace Team Will
Talk at Cliurclies
Group to Conclude Work
I -In Salem District
Next "Week
fialem'a Emerrencr Peace cam
paign workers, beginning . their
iat APk here, will rive talks In
churches In and near Newberg to
morrow and the following Sunday
the concluding day of their ac
tivity, will speak at the Methodist
church of Silverton, In the ab
sence of the pastor. Rev. D. Lester
Fields. ! - '
: I Frank Evenaon of Salem, will
speak at the union park services
in Monmouth Sunday night. Adena
Joy, leader of the team, will speak
at the Presbyterian park song ser
iHm 4n ' Kwhrr SonOev niaht.
Other members of the group, Mal
colm Conner, Beryl Lincoln, ana
George Self, Jr., will speak at the
Methodist, Christian and Friends
churches In Newberg.
The morning services at Che
halem Center, Sprlngbrook and
Dundee will be conducted by mem
bers of the team, and a youth
meeting will be held at three p.
m. Sunday at the Friend's church
at Newberg. Dr. Levi Pennington,
president of Pacific 'college, Qua
ker school at Newberg, Is making
axraangements, for the group's ap
pearance In and near Newberg.
The Emergency Peace campaign
was, lnitianted by the American
Friends Service committee and
has Dr. 'Harry Emerson Fosdick,
New York City minister, as Its
Tucker Swimminc Pool '..
Is Popular at Marion
IARION,"Aug. 4. The Arth
ur; Tucker swimming pool Is as
popular as ever this summer and
crowds visit It on Sundays, and
evenings. It is very well equipped
with tables, stove and dressing
rooms for the convenience of th
swjmmer and picnicking parties.
Good order. Is maintained at all
times. No charges are made at
this pooL
Guests at Silverton
SILVERTON, Aug. 14. Pete
Rygg. postmaster at Fairedale, N.
D.J and Mrs. Rygg. are guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Moffett at
nBT cmrrsctr or oob
Vnk I' and Hood streets: L.
Wesley Johnson, psstor. A 1 1 regular
services resumed 8indsy. Church achool
assembly at :43 a. m.f Lyla 1. Knos,
superintendent. Morning' worship at 11.
Sermon thare. "Soul Winners." Junior
eharch in basement chapel at H. Young
pedple's meeting at 7 p. m. The pastor
will spesk on the subject, "One Story
Buildings an Ten Story Foundalions.'
Evening general service at 8 o'clock. Mid
week, prayer and praise aervice Wednes
day! nigfat. i
13th and Center afreets. Sunday school
at 0:45 a. m.; Frank M. Litwiller, supt.
Morning worship at 11 a. m.; Marvin
O. jJobe, pastor. Dr. Russell V. Da
Long, president of Northwest Ksxsrene
collece. The Silver Corps ladies' quar
tet twill have charge of the morning serv
ice.! Young people's meeting at 7 p. m.
Evangelistic service st S p. m. 8ermoa.
"The Smitten Rock." Prayer and praise
aervice, V edneaday night at o clock.
Corner of 17th and C'hemeketa atreet.
H. H. Dick, pastor. Sunday school at
0:45 a. m.; H. W. Wall, supt. Morning
worship St. 11. Theme, "An Itlustrstion
Wht Sin; Will Do if Pother Wilfully
Ignores the Exhortstion of the Holy Spir
it."! Christisn Kndesvor program at
7:?f). The orchestra is to give us a few
selections. Prayer meeting and choir
practice on Wednesday at 7:45 p. m.
i N :
North 19th and B rev man streets; Ern
est Hi. Brown, psstor. Sunday school at
0:45; Wendell Cross, supt. Morning ser
vice! at 11 a. m. Sermon, "A Crest
Work." Intermediate Y. P. at 7:15.
Senior Y. P. at 7 p. m; Evening aervice
at S p. m. Speaker for evening will bo
Revj Briscoe, former paslor oi tn a
church. Midweek servico Thursdsy ' at
7:30 p. m. -
Seventeenth and Nebraska atreets. R.
C. Mann, minister. Sunday achool. 9:20
a. m. Mrs.. Anna Wolcott. aupt. Morning
worship, 10:80 o'clock. Theme. "On the
Border of the Promised Land. Anthem.
"Thera It Land." It Watts. Evening
service of song and sermon, 7:45 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bradtield will sing.
Church street between C'hemeketa and
Center streets. Rev. P. W. Eriksen, pss
tor, .Horning worship, II a. m. Sermon
topic. "Do Wa Neglect Religions Op
portunity t" Speeial mnsie arranged by
Prof. E. W. llonton. uuet, "4ust lor
Toddy," Scott. Mrs. Stsnley 8atehwell
aad Usrlsnd Hellowell. Solo, "Like aa a
Father," Protheroe. Mrs. Ivan Warner.
Eighteenth and State streets. Rev.
Amos E. Mianemsn, A. pastor, ter- i
man, 0:30 a. m. Subject, "Corruption in !
the House of God." Englisk. 11 a. m.
Subject, "Tears Over the City That
Would Not." Sunday achool. 0:30 a. m.
MrsJ Jacob Pox. supt. Luther leagae. 1
p. m. Gorman Sommers, leader.
Ferry and lath streets. C O. Weston,
pastor. - Sunday achool at 0:43 a. m.
C. A. Wilson, aopc Church aervice at
11 a. m. Lvancesistio servica at 7:45
p. m. Both atasaagea by the psstor. Bible
tad aad prayer service Tuesdsy eve
nin, 7:45. Young people, Christ's Am.
bsssadora, Thursday evening at 7:44.
107 8. Commercial atreet; J. Al
ntoi banders, pastor. Sundsy : Bibla
school, 0:4. Morning worship, 11:15.
Yosag people'a seUewohip, ;. . Evan,
geliatic, S; Paator J. Arthnr Johnson of
Lodi, Cslif Evsacelist Maria Saadvik,
Minot, S. gnest speakers. Tuesday,
Thursdsy, Saturday evening aervicet, S.
Cor. X. Winter and Marked atreet ; Bee.
D. A. Cohagan, paator. Residence, 1230
H. Winter atreet; phone 4680. Sunday
achool. 0:45; Emory Goods, aupt. Church
worship, 11 a. m, ''Brotherly r Love."
T. P. service, S:S0. Evangelistia eerviea,
1 :30, Midweek prayer meeting, Thurs
day, jg nv an. . -
Herbert E. Bennett, minister. Sunday
school st 10 a. m.; W. A. Starker, anpt,
Yaunc People't league at p. at. Eve
ning evengelistle service at S 'clock.
Specie I music. Sermon t "And the Door
Wasr Shut." Bibla study aad prayer
servica Thursday a S p. ra. Loaaoa :
celpaiastes 11:9 throng chapter 13.
(Missouri Brnod. lStlt and A streets
Service, 10 a. a. Carman. 1L Stndeat
Xartm Steiba win ba, cnest speaker. .
Fred de Vrics
Writes of Trip
Pictures for "Fair Sought
By Delegates at Sunday
School Convention
Fred de Vries, Pratum, presi
dent of the Marlon County . Sun
day School council has written
Th Statesman from Zurich.
Switzerland regarding his trip to
Oslo. Norway, to attend the World
Sunday School convention.
He advises all Sunday school
workers throughout the county to
have photographs taken of class
es and buildings for display work
at the Sunday school booth at the
Oregon state fair. He will havo
some pictures of the convention
at Oslo, but is anxious to hare a
large display from the Sunday
schools of Marion county. Photo
graphs concerning Sunday school
picnics or social gatherings, a
well as class groups will be wel
come from any part of Oregon,
he said. At the convention, Egypt
and other parts of Africa, Austria
and the Scandinavian countries
made much use of photographs.
"The convention was a wonder
ful Inspiration." Mr. de Vrles
wrote. "Forty-nine nations had
delegates there, 320 of whom
were from the United States. I am
visiting the tenth foreign country
now and will leave soon for
According to plans announced
In the letter, Mr. de Vries would
have sailed from ' Cherbourg on
the Queen Mary, arriving in New
York August 10 and will return
home the latter part of August.
"It has. been a wonderful trip."
he said. "I have seen the sun
overhead at noon even north ol .
us at Panama and in Norway 1
have seen the sun in all Its glory
at midnight. I have taken several
pictures at midnight.
Has Blood Poisoning
ELLENDALE, Aug. 14. -Mrs.
Ed Steel who had the misfortune
to -cut her hand with a bucket
badly some five weeks ago Is suf
fering from blood poisoning whict
will make It Impossible for hei
to use her hand for another sU
weeks. She believes that the pois
oning Is stopped but It will prob
ably leave one finger stiff. Sh
suffers a great deal from it.
- Ferry at South High street; Rev. Arno
Q. Weniger, psstor. Sundsy services as
follows: Bible school st 0:45 s. in.; W.
F Foster, supt. Morning worship st 11.
o'clock; sermon, "Ideal Church Life.'
Vesper prayer meeting, 7:0 p. m. Eve-Bing-worship,
7:43 p. m.; sermon ob
ject. "The Writing on the Wall. Sun
dsy will a the Isst opportunity of heor
ing the psstor before he leoves on vsca- .
tion. Prof. L. B. Taylor of I.infield col
lege sings at both service. The evening
service is broadcast from S to 8:43 p. m.
Midweek aervice Wednesday night, 7:4i;
Prof. E. A. Miller, leader.
Court Street and 17th. D. W. Daniel,
pastor. Bible acbool, 0-15 a. ru.; Mi
Jcsn Hswkins. supt. Momiuir worship,
10:4S a. m. Sermon by B. i hhoeninkrr.
Subject. "Why Do We Oliserve The
Lord's Day, Instesd of the Jewish Salt
bath, as a Day at Worship?" KveniTj
worship, 7:45 p. m. Speriel mosie. Mi
ssge by Walter Menslea of .Kugt-ne, a son
of missionaries in India. Christian r.'n
deavor and discusaion grout s for all (
at 8:30 r. ni. Bible study and prsycr
meeting. Thursdsy, 7:43 p. m. Wednes
day and Friday meetings of LsJi.s' Aid
society.. '
- Milo Clifton Uoss, uinister, bundsy
school at 10 a.' m.; Mrs. B-rt L. Hamil
ton, ,upt. Both busses will operate this
Sundsy. Morning worship at 11; ser
mon: "How to Know One Is Convert
ed." . Folks are asked to bring bnkkrt
lunches and one but will take a group
to tjuinahy park for Innrn anil after
noon session of Msrion County Holiness
ramp meeting. Christian Kndesvor so
cieties meet at 7 p. m. Evening evan
reliatie servica at 8. Reports of Twin
Rocks conference. Mesasge by the pss
tor. Mid-week meeting Thursdsy, p. ni.
Milo Clifton Ross, minister. Morning
worship at 10 a. m. The minister will '
berin a series of messages on the theme,
"The Bible: The Basis for Belief." This
one: VWhere We llsve Come From."
Reports of Twin Rocks conference, pun
day school at 11 a. m.; Chester Skelton,
I North Cottage and D atresia: J. I
Olthoff. ilr. Bible school at 0:43 a.
an.; Samuel Schirman, aupt. Morning
worship in .German at 1 1". Sermon,
"Aasser dent Lager," ("Without the"). F.vening wortliip at 7:30. Ser
vice in charge of the Rev. J. J. Lucas.
Midweek devotional hour Wednesday eve
ning at S o'clock.
1310 tt. Hth street. Sundsy school,
10 a. m. ; classes for all ares. Morning
worship. 11 a. aa. Tonne Poople'a aerv
Ice, S:30 p. ns. SeJvstion ssessaa, 7:45
p. m. Praise and prayer Wednosdsf eve
ning, 7:45 p. tn. Midweek aervice Fri
day evening, -7 :43 p. m. Eugene D. 1
don. psstor.
' Korth Winter, Jefferson and Fair
ground road; Lynn A. Wood, minister.
Church school, 0:4S a. ra. Morning wor
ship, 11 a. ra. Theme: "Victorious Liv
ing. ' Test Join 5:4. Epworth Learuea.
7 p. aa. Evening servico S p. sn. Echoes
o( Epworth league institute by our dsle
gatian to Falla City institute.
8.. Commercis! at Washincton atreet;
Chas. C. Hsworth, pastor. Sunday achpol.
10 a. as. 11. morning worship. Sermon
"The Science of Sowing." 7:30 p. m.,
evening aervice. Devotionata led by Na
than Cook. Mrs. Fred J. Toots will
address the meeting. Thursdsy, p. ea.,
midweek prayer, praise and biblo a tody.
Caameketa and Liberty streets. Run
day school at 11 a. sn. Services st 11
a. SB. Subject, "Soul". Testimony meet
ing at S p. m.. Wedaeaday. Reading room
in the Masonic temple, 11 a. ru. to 5:30
except Sunday aad iolidaj si
" Worth Cottage and bhiiipmr Streets,
C. T. Springs, minister. 139j North
Commercial street. Biblo study! at 10 a. m.
Preaching at 11. Topic: "Honest But
Mrstskea." Observanra of the Lord's
topper. Evening servica at 7 SO o'clock.
Liberty at Ceater. J. R. hieiouds. min
ister. Family aervice at II. Sermon, "Ko
ligion and the Good Life." Miss Joseph
ine Brass, aoloist. i
Corner Cottage anil Chemrkcta streetr
Sunday school. 19 a. tn, LYeninj sort
ices, :SO.