PAG 12 EIGHT Th OREGON STATESMAN, Salem,. Uresron, ihursday atlornwff, July ZD, 1833 M Canada emd .Wheat TT T 4iaew World Supply Much Reduced Little Remaining in Any of Surplus-Producing I Nations, Believed CHICAGO, July 29. Im mense European purchase from Canada, fire to seren million bu shels, with bigr speculative buying here, ran the Chicago wheat mar ket 3 cents upward today. Except in Canada, reports to day indicated, little wheat is re maining for sale in surplus-produ cing countries, and fear was ex pressed that Canada this season may not raise even 200.000,000 bushels, the yield being cut more than half from what was looked for a short time ago. Leading trade specialists said tonight the world's wheat position has chan ged from one of plenty to one of possible scarcity, and the outlook for the growing crop is decidedly below par almost everywhere. Season High Set Adding to speculative buying fervor in the wheat pit, was the fact "that Liverpool quotations closed today at new top records for the season," 4f eat accomplish ed now .three successive days, and corn, hogs - find provisions were hitting high prices heretofore un reached not only during 1936 but in some cases as far back as six years. Wheat In Chicago closed ner vous, 24-2!. cents above , yes terday's finish. Sept. 108-, Dec. 109-. May 110-; torn 2 -3 cent up, Sept. 9S- 4H, Dec. 86-4, May 87; oats advanced, Sept. 38- -; and rye showing -l bulge. Sept. 76. In provisions, the result was 20 to 30 cents jump. - Rye, oats and barley prices mounted with those of other grains. Provisions reflected .record breaking upturns of hog values. Canadian Supply Of Wheat Lower - OTTAWA. July-29-jp)-A de crease of nearly 7,000,000 bushels of wheat in store for the week ended July 24, as compared with the previous week was reported today by the Dominion bureau: oW statistics. . The current i storage figure is - 72,000,000 bushels short of that tor. the corresponding week last year. : - - i The visible supply was 119. 767,644 bushels compared with 126,617,130 the preceding week and 192.21S.08S for the same week in 1935. Roses Will Move Into Ball House, Silverton SILVERTON, July 29 Mrs Nora Bail and daughter. Miss Shirley Evenson. will move to an apartment at Salem to make their home. Miss Evenson is employed at the state house offices there. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Rose and eons will move into the Ball resi dence at Silverton. Mr. Rose is in charge of the Portland General Electric company offices. Green Frog Unearthed When Well Excavated R1CKREALL, July 29 Charley Wirfs unearthed a green frog. when down 15 feet in the well he was digging by his house on the south side of the Intersection on the Salem highway. The frog was rather stupid at first, but quickly 'perked' up when placed in the near by creek. General Markets " PEODTJCE EXCHANGE PORTLAND. Ore.. July 29.r-f.AP) Prndaea llxehanze. Viet Dricea: Batter: Extras., 35He: standarda. 83tte: prime firsts, 32Ve; firsts. 31e. Butterfat. 39 . Frrsr U. H. largo extras. 25e; C. 8. medium -extras. 23c. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. July- 29. (API There was sharp advances all through th wheat market hero today. July was - withdrawn from tvadiilff. - Sc- t.mhr -mined 2c and December with aalo ot 1.000 bnshela was op a" si mil jr sum. Oa the sample cash market Iocs) wheat rained sharolv as did Montana. Wheat: Open i Hie Low Close Sept. ,-4 '44 84 ...94 Dec . 94 94 V 9 Cash Wheat: B:g Bend Blnestem. ban. $1.12; daHt hard winter. 13 per cent. fl.ll; 13 per cent. i.u; u per crm. $1.01: so-ft white, western white, north ern spring; 4e: hard winter. 95 4c; wextera white. 94 He. Oats: No. 2 white. $26: barley. o. 2 45 Ib. B. W $29.50; corn. No. 2 east ern W. ship, $41.25; Argentine. $36; mi limn, standard, $24. Today's ear receipts: Whenty; 51; flour. 10: hay. 2. Portland Livestock PORTLAXD. Ore.. Jnly 29 (AP) (V SUA) Hogs: Keeeipts 500. direct 270: msrket slow, mostly steady. Oood- choicw lo-21 lb. -"'-. Vi5"?u; ltO-H) lb $ie.75-11.00: 230-5O lb.. $10 75; 850 1b. down. $9.75; packing sow otly $.75: load good ' feeder pigs sversging 35 to around 100 lb.. $10.25-11.00. . . CaUle: fieceipta 400 through and di rect 163; calvea 175, through and direct I"- market moderately active, mostly .('eedy. Common-medium r","rJ Si L0 650: eutters down, $4.00: .grass Wers! $4.25-5.25; load 796 lb weights. SiOoT toad 93 1 Ib. eows and heifers. I - . t mni entter eows. $2.7- s 75- eommon-nidiui. $4.00 50: good L"' cow. op $4-75; boll -00-.: rood-choieo slaughter i0-1Pl SJrnmon down. $4.00; choice veaiera oHotable $3.25 or above. fl S-.e: Receipts 2300. through 1903; ir.rket alow, fat Jambs -round ewes steady, uooa imcir. -- Q,UU . CVIBUiVU $3.75. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore July 29 AP nnt.tri-ta. A erade. 87 Vie lb. la percliment wrapper, 38Vh ib. U cartons j mostl? $7.73; tew,; rnedium. $6.50-T.50: few common year-lin-n. $4 50-75: eommon-medmm ewea, $lK-2.50; ehoic 135 1b. weighta p. Salem Markets Grade U raw 4 per cent milk, Salem basic pool price ' $2.13 per hundred. Co-op butterfat price, P. O. U. Salem, 38!c. (Mils cased ea. Mokl aioat-lj tnttcrfat aversf.) Distributor price $2.34. A grade butterfat Dellv ered, 38c; B grade, delir ered, 87c. A grade print, 38c; B grade 37c. Pri'es paid to grower by Salem burers (Ttaa Dncfi below, supplied by local grocer, are indicative of the daily market but are not guaranteed ot toe State' . (Buying fries Black cap a. crate - , , 1.25 Cantaloupes, crate, 45s S.25 Calif, fresh dates, lb. .11 Oranges, faact 3.73 to 4.25 Choice 2.90 to 8.40 .03 .08 1.00 6.00 Bananas, lb., on stalk Hands Lentona. fancy C noire . Grapefruit, florida ....... Arixona i, . Apitlea. ba i. Strawberries, local. 24s Red Raspberries, crate Watermelons . Currants, lb,.. 84 box. a oo to s.25 3.23 to 8.73 . .65 to 1 SO - 1.50 1.50 -02 H 1.25 ) VEGETABLES ! (Buying - Price) String beans, local .',..., .02 Vi .90 .05 .01 t .90 1.50 .75 2.00 -1.50 .01 'a .90 .io 5.00 4.00 Asparagus, local, doi. Peas (Seattle) Carrota. dos. Rhubarb, outdoor, lb. Cauliflower. Oregon Lettuce. Seattle Onions, t.abish, ewt. . Onions. Texas Bermuda . Celery, local, crate . Cabbage, local, lb. . Celery hearts, dos. Green peppers, Calif, lb. Potatoes. No 1 local Potatoes, No. 3 local Local spmack. oraneo boa .75 HothouK Inmalnci 2.50 to S.00 Celery. Utah variety .. 2.258 Celery. Chula VisU -.25 f Artichokes, bos 1-S5 to 2.S5 Rutabagas, ewt. 1.50 Green onions, dozen Radi " es. dozen .40 - .40 S.75 50 1.10 1.25 1.75 .17 .14 New. potatoes. Calif. New potatoes, local Hothouse encumbers, dna. Tomatoes. The Dalles, lug Merced, lug Beets, loeal. dos. itdts . . .10 t . .. .14 U Walnuts, lb. Filberts, lb ! HOPS (Baying Price) Clusters. 1934'. lb. .15 .25 Clusters. 1935. lb. Fuggles. 1935, top. lb. WOOI. AND HOHAIX (Buyinc Price) Mohair , Medium wool .85 .80 JZt Coarse wool EGGS AT POULT KT (Buying Price of Andresens) Extras i .21 J9 .18 .17 .21 .IS .16 .IS .13 .10 .06 .18 Medium extras . Standardi Mediam standards Brown extras - Pullets Heavy hens. lb. Colored mediums, lb. . Medium Leghorns, lb. Light. Ib. Stags, lb . .. Old roosters, i IH ,., Colored frys. lb White l-eehorns. frys. lb. ..1 MARION CKEAMLKY buying Prtces- Llva Poultry; No. I stock Colored hens, heavy . .1 Leghorn hdens. over 3 V lbs& .1 Under 14 lbs. i Colored springers. 2 3' lbs .14 Over 34 lbs. Leghorn broilers .. .... .13 Old roosters.! lb. .06 Keieets .. .03 Eggs Candled and graded Large extras Large standards ,,, ... J2 .19 .19 .17 15 J Medium extras Medium standards Undergrade! i i... Pullets i LIVESTOCK i( Buying Price) Spring lambs , . 7-50 to 7.75 Ewea - 2.00 to 3.50 Hor. 130-160 lba. 10.50 to 10.75 160-210 lbs. i 1100 210-250 lbs 10 25 to 10.50 Sows ,. 8.00 to 8.25 Steers 6.00 to 7.00 Dairy typo eows 8.50 to 4.50 Beef eows . 5.00 to 5.50 Bulls ' 5.25 to 5.75 Heifers . 5.50 to 6.50 VesU top . Dressed veal. lb. 7.50 .12 .16,i .84 Dressed ho? GRAIN AND HAT Wheat, western fed White. Xo. 1 Barley, brewing ton Feed barley, ton ,,, ., .,, , Ostihay. ton , Clover hay. ton , .. Alfalfa hay. ', ton Oats, milling, ton .85 Vi 30.00 .25.00 9.50 . 9.50 .11.00 -26.00 -22.00 -11.30 1 .10.00 -10.00 teed, ton Bit bnring prices Alfalfa, vallev Oat and vetch, ton Clover.- toa . B grade, parchment wrapper, 36c lb. ; e; tons. 37e Ib. f Butterfat Portland delivery, general price A grade, delivered at least twice weekly, 38-39 Me-lb.: country routes. 85 37Hc lb.: B grade. 34-35 He lb.: C grade at market ' B grade cream for market Buying price, butterfat basis, .53 c (u. Eggs Buying prico of wholesaler, ex trss, 24c: standards. 21e; extra mediums, 20c; do mediums, f irsts. 18c; under grade 16c: nullet 14e dozen. Cheese Oregon triplets. 19c: Ore gon loaf. 19He. Brokers wiU pay VsC below quotations. Country meats Selling price to retail ars: Country killed hogs, best botchers. onder 150 lbs.. I.Vl.He Ib.i vealers, Xo. 1. 13 Vie lb.: liicht and thin, 3 lle lb.; heavy. S-lOe lb.; cutter cows. 7-e lb.; ca er cows. 6V4c lb.: bulls. (He lb.: spring lambs, 16' 17 Vic lb.; ewes, 5-8e lb. . Mohair 1933. 40e 10. " Caacara bark Buying price, , 1936 peel. 5 Vie lb. Hops Nominal: 1935 dusters, 32e Ib. Live poultry Portland delivery, buy' ing price: Colored hens, over 4 lba 1718c lb.; nnder 4V lb 17-18e; Leg horn hens. 13-14e Ib. : f-eeliorn broilers 1 to 1U lbs... 15-16e lb.: do, 14 lbs. op. 15 16c ih colored springs, 2 lbs- and np, 1618c lb. roosters. 8-9e lb,; Pekin ducks, young, 141 Tc ih.; geese. ll-12e lb Onions Oregon. $1.35-1.50 per 100 lbs. i Xew potatoes Local, $2-2.50 eental. Cantaloupes Turlock. 45s. $2.90: do. 36s. $2.90; standards. $2.50 crate: Yak ima standards. $1-1.25. Wool Nominal : Willamette valley medium. 30e lb.; coarse and bralda. 28o lb.: eastern Oregon. 22-23e lb.; crossbred. 25 26e ib. . Hay Sell in r priea to wholesalers: Al- fs.lfa Xo. 1. $15.50: eastern Oregon tim othy. $18-18.50 ton: Willamette valley timothy. $181.30 ton; oata and vetch. $15; clover, $11-12 ton. Portland. Stocks and Bonds ' Jn!v 29 STOCK AVERAGES (Compiled by the Associated Press) 80 15 15 60 Jndutt Rails Today '" , 90.6 39.0 JeT. day 91.2 89.6 Month ago 85.9 35.3 Tear ago 54.3 ' 25.6 1936 high 91.3 39.7 1936 low 78.4 , 80.2 1935 high 76.3 81.2 1935 low 49.5 18.5 TJtil. Storks 52.3 6.0 52.7 48.8 85.0 53.7 43.4 44.7 21.6 68.6 63.9 47.S 68.6 55.7 56.1 $4.8 BOND AVERAGES 20 . 10 10 10 Ralls tndntt. Ctil. Tor'g- Today . 83.6 103.5- 102.6 ( 69.5 Prey. 4ay 93.6 103.4 ; 102.8 09.5 Month age 92.3 102.9 102.0 69 8 Year ago 82.1 98.8 91.8 68.5 13 high 94.3 104.1 102.9 .73.0 1936 low 86.9,101.8 1 99.S 67.6 1935 high - 87.8 102.2 , 99.8 . 70.4 1935 low , 7S.4 Vi.t . . Selling Brings Share Decline News Still Bright; Belief Correction Dae Causes Unloading Trend NEW YORK, July 29-rP)-Pro-fit-takera concentrated their fire oc steels and motors today and with the exception ol favored specialties, : many recent stock market leaders Joined the casual ty list for declines of 1 to . or more points. The news on the whole was still constructive marketwise and fi nancial analysts were inclined to attribute much of the day's selling pressure to so-called professionals who decided that a technical cor rectlon was overdue in view of the lengthy advance. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks lost .6 to a point at 68, equalling the largest single day's reversal since June 25. Transfers totaled 1,947.880 shares against 1.903,470 the day before. Steel Chief looser Among the principal losers were U. S. steel common, off 2 points at 64, and the preferred of 2 at 129; Bethlehem, off, 2 at 55: Chrysler off 2 1-8 at 120 1-8: Generals Motors, off 1 at 70; Western Union, off 2 t 88; Westinghouse, off 1 at 138; American Can, off 1 at 132; N. Y. Central, off 1 1 at 39; Great Northern, off 1 at 39 ; J. I. Case, off 1 at 166: and Du Pont, off 2M at 165. A demand developed for avia tions and alcohols. Trading in Wool Slightly Better BOSTON. July 29-(iip-(TJ. S. D. A.) A few buyers were taking moderate quantities of the finer grades of western grown wool. Good 12 months Texas wool was bringing 85 to 87 cents, scoured basis. Fine territory wools of good French combing length were bringing around 85 cents in orig inal bags. : Original lots of fine territory wool, containing a good percent age of staple, occasionally brought 86 to 87 cents scoured basis of original bags. The bulk of the sales, however, were of average to good French combing . length, original fine territory wools at 83 to 84 cents. f Gardeners' and Ranchers' Mart PORTLAND, Ore., July 29- -Supplies of Yakima and Califor nia cantaloupes were liberal on the gardeners' and ranchers mar ket Wednesday but there was little change in the trading or price range; Lemons have slowed down con siderably during the past week and a half, with the top prices resting at 8.00. Bunched vegetables remain al most unchanged. r Apples Grayenstetns fancy, 75c-$1.25; Oregon and Washington various carl varieties, 35c-$l. Apricots Oregon lugs, Tiltons, 75-85c; Washington lugs. Moorpaeks. 7 3-80c. Asparagus Oregon, per UO-poond box, 2.25-2.40. Avocados California, 14 24's, $1.15 2.45. ' ' Bananas Per pound, 5-6e. Beans Oregon, per poond. 2-4e; Ose gon Giants. 2-2 He. Boets Per dozen 12 H -20a. i " Blackberries 91.40-1.60. Blackcaps 24 pint crstes. $2 2.25. Cabbage Oregon, round, $1.25-3. Cantaloupes California Jumbo, $1.00 1.25; standard. $1-1.25; poor, $1.25 2.25; Takima. $1.60-1.75. - Carrots Per pound 12 H -20c Cauliflower Washington pony, snow ball type. $1-1.20. . Celery Oregon M crates, $1.60-1.83. Citrus Fruits Oranges. valeneias, $4.50. Grapefruit. California and Ari aons. $2.75-8.50; Florida, 84-4.25. Lem ons, 87.50-8. Corn Five doi. erates. 40-75c Cucumbers Oregon flat boxes, 17 40c. Currsnts Oregon 24-plnt crates. $1.25. Eggplant Per lug, 75-80e. v Garlic Per pounji 10-12 He, Grapea Thompson seedless.- $1.50 2.75. Lettuce Oregon dry. 3 dozen, 1.25 1.73; Wsshington, $1.30-1.75. . Loganberries 24-plnt crtes. $1.15- Mushrocms -One-pound cartons 40e. 1 Onions Oregon : yellows. 50-poand sacks, 85e-$l. , Parsley Per dozen bunches 20 80c Peaches St. i Johns and Crawfords 90e-$1.15: Oregon Alexanders. 70-85c; Halea, 90c $1.15; ElberUs. 70-85c. Peas Oregon. 4H-6e. . Pears Bartlett. 82-2.25. . Peppers Oregon, 50-75c. Plums Oregon. 50 60c per 13-lb. lag; Oregon lugs peach plumbs. 80c-$l. Potatoes Parkdafa Bnssets. TJ. 8. So. 1, $2.50-2.75: Klamath Bassets, No. 1. $3.75; California long whites, C 8, No. 1, 100-lb. sacks. $1.75-1.85. Local po tates. boxes, $1.50-2. Radishes Per dosen S3-40e. Kaspberries Twenty four-pint era Us $1.25-1.50. . Butabagas Washington. 100-lb. aaeka. 2. Spinach Oregon - and Wathiagten, orange boxes. 75-90C Squssh Oregon Zucchini. 20-30e per box, yellow. 25 83c; white sommer. 25 35e: Danish, 50-65e. Strawberries Oregon. 24s. $3 3.25. 58weet poutoea California, per poond. Tomatoes Washington. lugs! $1.25 1.50; Oregon hothouse, per pousd,,4-7e. Wstermelons Per pound. 2e. Yoangberries 24-nint cn Si on- 2.10. - ' THIMBLE THEATREStarring Popeye SOTHEOEEPOOKT MQUP RFMT rvM i, TO LOOK IVT ft BOO m lUE THOUGHT - tMEfWYeS- a Drouth Proves 1 j Death Valley mineral beds 1. v.- , -c ..... ; 1 Although the drouth has taken a toll of hundreds of millions of dol lars, it has been of beneficial aspect in the respect that valuable mineral deposits have been revealed in numerous lakes In North Dakota which were dried up by the searing sun. Sodium sulphate deposits found in th northwestern part of the state promise to rival in value the extensive mineral deposits in Death Valley where the heat makes mining an arduous affair it may be that this new industry, to which the government is diverting farm labor ordinarily employed In the wheat fields, will 'm time take its place along with agriculture as one of North Dakota's important commercial activities. Dakotans to Picnic SILVERTON. July 29 A group of former residents of Pierpoint, b. D-, is planning a picnic at the Silverton park Sunday. POLLY AND HER PALS NICE OP VtXJ TO R4.VP Mf AND THE FAMILV OUT FOR CLAUDE, n MICKEY MOUSE ITHERE'S ONUr ONE "LACE WE SUPP6D UR COLONEL. ! SOMEHOW OF? OTHET?, T-EGL-S PETE. GOT AWAV FROM US! r frrn LITTLE ANNIE R00NEY TOOTS AND CASPER MORS PAN-CAKES? VERY WHY, EZRA,TH1S t iXJDY "WILL MAKE- 1 W I KNOW 1 BUT DON'T ll H7 J -VJ 1 M JIM Ml TMAMkf VOU, PQiMCESS . 'M FCEUUG MUCH BETlEti TOOAV IT WO4T A" - r BE U5WQ MOW BEFOB& i'U. GE . h M ABL4F TO EAT OUST OP YOUR f NIC6 HAMEMJCGCR i . Agt -tSAMOVMiCHeS -r-Wi' y jLx Hi n m mn ii li - .': - 1 OFTEN I LET I MY BELT OUT ANOTHER NOTCH THIRTY TOLI-VE EATEN I HOW do you do rr?. AND ARE! 1 e KM. Kjn( i W, WM ff i VAUMAU) 11 11 MOV SOMETIMES I GETS ME FATHER WKT 0Ef0- l VJLHSHT KMEW Partial Blessing N j j Dakota wheat flelda I Location of deposlta ' NOR T -H DAKOTA .- : BrSMMCK - Reunion Sunday - PRATUM, July 29 On Sunday the Gerlg clan will hold its an nual reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gerig. - . . THE CAPTAIN SEEMS ASH'S PLAV?N PEEVED ABOUT- SOME-J MS SAXOPfCNE --!-?5--THlNG.jrlNTH VVHEEL 1 T T HOUSE AW IPS fCZfpf VpVAlNSTTH' - PLEASURES PEEVED ABOUT MINE, POLLV. Til the AKC A CrXIMlNALl WE WILL OFER A BIG RE.WAF5D FOR HS -w It II HBBPB 4 I CAPTURE OR ALIVE I Z UCSS VOL) TP3Q1 BUE DUMB rl m WEMT AMD MAOE VOO A HAMBUfiGElZ SAMOWlCH VCSTERCVwy- I. IT WOOLO MAK? HEALTH V Trie SAID IT MIGHT t YOU DELAO TV SIMPLE rUESS MY EVERY SO WERE BI-t6ER THAN , MY STOMACH T COULD ONLY EAT 86 OF THEM THERE YOU "It's Hard to 'Pop' That Question' r"THKT'S EfXSV- LOHV O0HT lWou rSK the, jeep? r" U m 9 1 - j . Radiol lrograms t Tfcnrsdsy, Jar- 80 ronr THuasDAT 940 Ke. 8:80 Kiock. 8:00 Poetie atringa. ; 8:15 i-fions ot Pioneers. . 8:85 Sumaaar Rhythm. 9:00 Betty ana Bob, serial. 9:15 Modern Cinderella, aerial. 9:48 Hymns c-nrches, ban tone, caoir. 10:00 Between the book ends. 10:15 Sidney Raphael, piano. 11:00 PrimitWe Rhythm. -11:45 Mary Cnllen, homemaker. 19:00 Gypajr atringa. 12:80 Book of life. 1:00 Clyde Barrie. baritone. 1:15 International Fed. Baa. Prof . Women. 1:45 Wilderness Road, aerial. 3:00 Loretta Leo. 2:15 Book shelf. 2:80 Minute melodies. ; 3:35 Marion Carley, piano. r 3 :45 Seribler'a Notebook. 8 :00 Feminine fancies. 4:00 Portland Symphony oreb. 5:15 Detective Dais and Znmba. 5:80 Eyea of the world. 6:45 Your Country Clnb, Don KotIs. 6:00 Col. Knox Kom. Acceptance. : 7:00 Drews, orga. 7:15 Renfrew of the Mounted, aerial. 7:30 Stabile arch . 8 :0O Ooodman oreb. ! 8:30 Passing Parade, John . Xesbltj 8:45 Barnet oreh. j 9:30 Garber orcb. i 10:00 Hoagland orcb. i 10:30 Bobby Grayaon, sports reporter. 10:45 Lewis oreh. i No Services in Baptist j Church at Amity During August; Union Meetings AMITY, July 29 There will be no services at the Baptist church of Amity during August. Sunday school will meet at the regular hour. 10 a.m. - j The union church sertice will be held at the Methodist church Sunday night, August 2. Rev, Dowell Callis, pastor of the Chris tian church will preach. 1 Smut and Rust Injures j Grains at Rickreall R1CKREALL, July 29 Smut rust has put In Its appearance on the spring grains.,.-Some farmers find the recent heavy rains caused the oats to crack, shattering lots of the seed. - Anything to Accommodate the Captain! PLAVTN iui akj NALTTCA14 c . t j. L Sands of the Desert Grow' UTS HE WU NEVER BE 41 returned! and no I rJEWArP WILL EVER BE. PAID l DEAP WHAt?AVA 3 Dumb But Beautiful! TMIKIV. t'M - tAUSe J ABOUT MET, THOUGHT VOL) VUTCHilrtE NURSE KILL a I9)S. King FiUMm Syr'f"Tt. The Proof of the Pudding: EYES errRAS been s s HANt.NIt AROUND STABLES SO -I j LOM-r HE EATS j LIKE A HORSES, i ! Ul KICAICD TUWViUT 1 1 V VL tW-'nl OF THfMi ftHOY. EU6EUE '.'.WIM .1. 1 .... u . a 1- I, K j I a ' -i t-y trV CLir SiCe-kst 11:00 Benny Goodmaa arch. a n:3o iw I ll:45-12-t-F a area. Fireeide hour. I SOW THTJE8DAT 620 Ke. 7:00 Nate and Bolts, .comedy,'" 7:15 Dion Jose, singer. li 7:80 Fiddlers Three. 1 . 7:45 Jean and Eeenrta, quartet. 8 :00 Cbriatine, ainger. t 8:15 Merry Madeapa, Clontier! orcb. 8:30 Den Harding'a Wife, aerial. 9:15 Mary Dietrich, aoprano. : 10 :('0 Matinee, concert ensemble. ll:O0 Pfpper Young's Family,! serial. reraine. serial. 11:30 V(e and Sade, comedy. 11:45 The O'Xeillm aerial. 12 :00 Woman'a radio reriew. 12:45 Vhaa Family, harmony singers. 1 :0 Miarley and Landt, aingfrs. 1:15 Cjinie. ji 1:30 Haxel Warner, singer-organ. 2:00 Woman'a magaiine, varied. 8:00 Easy Ares, comedy. . j: 8:30 Cnterrille sketches. ! 8:45 Me and My Shadow, Toley-Glen. 4:00 Rudy Vallee. j! 5:00 Women in the headlinea.)! 5:15 8i)naet serenade. Kenny? Allen. 8:00 Bng Crosby. Mosie Hall. 7:00 Aaios 'n' Andy, romedyj 1:1$ I'iptaln Henry s Showboat. . 8:1$ Symphony. ij 9:15 Hbllywood talent parade!. 9:45 Mark Fiaber orcb. jj rr-r- rMlLLltWS LpOid To NrVftiolLey's EMJOYMEWX I " I r. 1 1 l ...... y rvc 1 MS mmw ,,WRBG LEV'S k j TKf PERFECT GUM KLSt rv Cold! v . if 1 -7-7 $ a yr i i I . II : dokit". wotai?jy Ithat hambuogfq H - VUAS. TV4ek?iaO--. MEOiClKlEi .1 NEEDED- DtO MB MORE GOOD, L-cl Tk-lAKj AWIOCEAM ITHJLU OF MOT OOCTOQJ CALL . . 1 fMirrh;-rKi bocttm t rr. f HORSE" f IF SHE CAKES' VER HAD HIS I -! m r MANNERS, OLOY- U)EUJflF IFH0S O0T FOVV aw SURE HE'S .OEM) VIA. FEEL fVHFOL- IF HE S ftuvc rLL utTiu - E.XLlTlr'HiC.l l ... i ai . 1 "Wj s i. i I II 1 I f ;nq 1 ii iTABLET I 1 . MM lss-t,t"warl 10:15 St. Francis orck. 10:30 Mark liepkina oreh. 11:00 Bal Tabaria oreh. 1 I ftllf MtAHwi ll r.h ii'nnw,i,. EUBX THXJR8DAT 1180 Ke. 6:&0--Maalral clock. T:S Christian Science. 7:45 Goapel singer. 8 :00 Financial. 8:15 High Hattera, InatrumentaL. 8:80 Piano recital. 8:45 Words and muite. 9:00 Belle and Martha, serial. 9:05 Pleaaaat Interlude. bhelley-LItUs, k 9:15 Dot and Will, drama. 9:30 8 harp a and Flats, trio piano duo. 10:00 Hinta to housewives. 10:07 Eddy King, piano. 10 :15 Morning concert. 10:30 Home institute. 10:45 Muaie Guild. 11:15 Yitsle land. 1 1 :30 Western arm and home. 12:30 Marketa. 12 :35 Concert in miniature. 1:00 Told by Tolcy. 1:15 Welch Man. aooga-patter. 1:30 Irma CSIen. organ. - 1 :4J Hollcndcr orck. 2:00 Jamea Wilkinson, Varitone. m.m . . k i ,ivmu .-vu 2 :25 Financial and grain. 2:30 Press radio news. 2:35 Gale Face, contralto.. 2 :45 Sonthernairea, quartet. 8:00 Mickey Uillrtte, saxophone. 3:15 Tony Rnsaell, sinter. 8:30 Besux Arts trio, instrumental. 8:45 Muaie la My Uobby. 4:00 Leafer oreh. j .4:30 rihield Novelty area. 5:05 Meakin's munie. 5:35 Song ey-le. 5 :40 Amoaementa, 5:45 Wings of Dragon. 8:00 CoJ.i Knoa, noin. accrptanca. 7:00 Sneaking of sports. 7:10 Weather, 7 :15 Benson concert ensemble. 7 :45 Donahue orrh. 8:15 Frank Watanabe, comedy. 8:30 Everybody ainar. 9:00 Harbor Liglit. drama. 9:30 Bneball. 10:30 Khytb pers. ' I . Ktcp- 10 :85 Hiltmore orrh. 11 :00 RunysnJ organ. 12:00 Weather and police reports. XOAO COEVAIXIS 650 Ke. 8:00 The Family. 9 :00 Homemakera Hour. 10:80 Life of Thomas A. Edi-on. 10:45 Recital Alesander Hull. 11 :00 Variety. . 12:00 Noon Farm Hour. 1:15 Storiea for Boys and GIrfs. 2-2 :30 Home mskers Halt Hour. 6:30 Farm Hour. o By CLIFF STERRETT JESS WHISTLE TH' FIRST THREE 'ER FOUR BARS AN MEBBE I ON PICK rrOUTFERYUH. ir By WALT DISNEY DOUBLE -CROSSEC By BRANDON WALSH HONEST, I THIMVC VOL) MOST BE THE NICEST MAKl .THERE 1. - EVEW WHEKJ X OO something Dumb VOO QET MAD r- . .-i By JIMMY MURPHY CAN ALWAYS MAKE PAN- - AS 0OD AS THAT I WANTA MARRY HER SHE AIN'T BUT I LL OVERLOOK THAT 1 A BEAUTY IS ONLY A BEAUTY, BUT A tOOD COOK A FIND I By SEGAR AHOY!! A t,EVJ STORY S COAHG OP SOOt, IM FrCTVT UJILL BGM HEXT UJEEK- EXCO-EOORCOHCEVTJ BE ft-WOW ftA0 THE JEEP UJILL PLAT fN IMP0RWAT PftFVT-- o ' 7 V HE I K my tripe! some 2t' ' J PAV THEV WILL FIHD V-, I HM' ANC THAT 1 S ALL THE REWARD I .V THEV' WILL. r i ... ' 'MM: