The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 30, 1936, Page 6, Image 6

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    . f - C '
The OHEGON STATESMAN, Salera, Oregon, Thursday Morning, July SO, 1033
.! i
News and Ciiib AiFairs
-Jessie Steele, Society Editor-
Dinner Slated On
Sunday Feting
ONE of the last of a aeries of
gay pre-nuptlal parties com
plimenting Mlsa Beatrice Har
tnng and her fiance. Gus Moore,
before their marriage August 5
will be a dinner Sunday night at
the borne of Mm. Lillian Vaughan.
Pink gladioli trill make up tbe
table centerpiece and pink and
white 8weetpeas will be used
about the guest rooms.
Covers will be placed for fcrta
JIartung. Mr. Moore. Mrs. E. E.
Gilbert. Miss Betty Vaughan, Wil
lis Dunhvay, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Hudkins of Portland, Mrs. A. C.
Zeller ot Battleground. Wash
and. tbe hostess, Mrs. Lillian
Vaughan. ,.
. '
Presbyterian Aids to Be
Honored Monday
Mrs. William McGilchrist, Jr.,
will open her garden "for a tea
next Monday, August 3. for which
the northwest: division of the
Presbyterian Ladies' Aid will be
bostess. - -
' Honor guests will be members
T the east and south divisions ot
the aid. Calling hours will be from
3 to S o'clock.
I vl i
ylnl . II
- Krfe Zr I
Just ahead a bright new sea
son Fall! Don't let it catch you
napping without a really 'n' truly
up-to-the-minute frock like Pat
tern 4057. 'Mother will love the
ehortsleeved, ' roundnecked-; vers
ion, made up In colorful crepe or
wool georgette, with saucy but
ton (accents for belt and the clev
erly notched yoke. The young
miss who goes back to school Id
sure to speak for a longer-sleeved
version, made up in a challis or
wool crepe, and a crisp, little
girl collar atop the pretty yoke.
This delightful, easy-to-make style
will "fill the bill' on many a gala
occasion, and make you the envy
of your own charmed circle.
Pattern 4057 is available in
sizes 12, 14, 16..1S. 20, 30. 32, 34,
36. 38 and 40. Size 16 takes 34
yards 39 inch : fabric. Illustrated
step-by-step sewing instructions
Send ifftetn cent (lor) in coins or
tump (eoins preferred) for t B i
Anna Atlanta pattern White pUintr
name, iddmi and atjle number. Be
aura to state aixe.i
Be aura to order your ropy of our
Anne Adam Pattern book! See all
tho cool, lovely cloth yon need for
uniiner fun pirtnretl in amart. Im-.
pie model that are even fun to makt
Perky hnuae drease and play outfit,
tletchinit frorka for partiea The lat
ent alenderixins design, for toat.
Practical models lor rhildrea. Advice
on fabrics and aearina;. Book fifteen
cents. Patters fifteen cent. Twen
ty fir rents, for both wben ordered
together. - -
Address orders to - The Oregon
Statesman Pattern Dept.. 215 Souik
Commercial street. Salem. Ore. Make
necessary enclosures. Your order.will
be promptly attended to.
Orders cnatomarily are filled with
In fonr days from tints received . y
Ths Statesman. - . . ,
' Hours for the Society editor are as follows: lf a. m.
to 12 i. an. and 2 to p. u. every day bat Saturday. On ,
Saturday, they are U a. in. to 12 noon and 1 p. m. to
B R m. - . . :
i Wednesday, July 29
Leslie Can-do's picnic dinner, 5:30 p. ta. at borne
Mr. and:Mrs.JI. E. Bosell on Croisan Creek. ; ,
I ! I Thursday, July SO
Hollywood Ladies social club, 2 p. m. with Mrs.
Charles Lowe.' ... i ? . : ,
'. ; D. V. club with Mrs. J. J. Tallman, 2320 State, club
supper at i p. m. V-
: : I . Friday, July t -. "". ' ;
Juveniles ot Neighbors of Woodcraft picnic at Para
dise Island. Meet at 245 Union, -10 a. m.
- ;i , .. - . .' ' - ; .
Mrs. Wolgamott Home
After Trip East
: : ; -, t ..... -. ; .-
Mrs. Tom f Wolgamott has re
turned home" after a six .weeks'
vacation at the eastern seaboard
and In the south. She went east
by train with Miss Rachel Yocom
to the Olympic tryouts at Provi
dence, R. I.
In company with Miss Tocom,
Mrs. Wolgamott visited Plymouth
and Boston and then, went on
alone to New York where she
was . entertained at the summer
home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis An
derson at Lake ' Mahopac. Mr.
Anderson is a former coach ot
Salem high, school. While there,
Mrs. Wolgamott saw the West
Point campus and took numerous
sight-seeing Jaunts. -
After spending a day at Wash
ington. D. C; she came south to
New Orleans and returned to the
Pacific coast, by .. way of Texas,
stopping over in Los Angeles for
a week. I
Mrs. Gortmaker Feted
! On Birthday
A delightful party was held at
the home 'of .Mrs. . Florence
Thompson Tuesday night in honor
of Mrs. Margaret Gortmaker . on
her birthday anniversary.
The evening was occupied with
games and music. Refreshments,
were served to the honor guest
and - Mrs. Mtry E. Bales. Mrs:
Helen B. Taylor, Mrs. Maggie
Caldwell, Mrs. Verda T. ; Arms.
Mrs. Edith M. Loper, Mrs. Bella
Noble, Mrs. Ada Newton, Mrs.
Elizabeth" Briggs, Mrs. "Jennie;
Cochran, Mrs. Ethel Wallace, Miss
Elizabeth Wallace, Mrs. Nina
Swartz, Miss Nina Swartz. Mrs.'
Elnora Woodard, Mrs. Cora Cub
bison, Mrs. Elaine M a r s h .and!
Mrs. Florence Thompson.
Several House Guests at
Woolpert Home p
Guests at the A. T. Wpolpert
and Dr. F. G.' Voigt homes are
Mrs. Paul AJ Fugat and daugh
ter, Ruth Pauline, of Aberdeen,
Ida. Mrs. Fugate is a sister of
Mrs. Woolpert and-Mrs. Voigt.
Mr. Fugate will arrive. Sunday
for a visit of Beveral days.
Dr. and Mrs. F. D. Keim and
children, Virginia and Wayne, of
Lincoln, Neb., are guests of Dr.
and Mrs. Voigt. Dr. Keim is
chairman of the agronomy depart
ment of the is t ate agricultural
college at the HJniversity of Ne
braska. Is
Mrs. Stewart is Bridge
Hostess Tuesday
. i
Mrs. L. J. Stewart presided at
a pretty dessert luncheon in the
garden of her. Salem Heights
home Tuesday afternoon honoring
her contract club.
Salmon pink gladioli and olue
phlox made jan interesting con
trast in bouquets. Bridge followed
the luncheon hour, with high
score going to Mrs. P. W. Morse.
Guests were Mrs. A. A. Cohen,
Mrs. Elmer Berg, Mrs. H. R. Rob
inson, Mrs. j Kenneth Murdock.
Mrs. P. W. Morse. Mrs. Ralph
Eggsfaff and Mrs. J. H. Bagley.
jr. !
Silverton IMrn. Dorothy Bidler
of Union haa arrived at 'Silverton
to spend several days with her
mother, Mrs. Mary ; Townly and
her brother, Guy W. DeLay. Last
summer Mrsi Townly visited Mrs.
Bidler at Union.
. .
Mrs. Albert Varley and Mrs.
John Noren i returned Saturday
from a vacation spent in Alaska
and Canada.) The trip was made
on the S. S. Aleutian.
Mrs. ; Emily Howard of the
Howard Corset shop is spending
a fortnight in San Francisco com
bining her vacation with a' buying
expedition, i '
am ;-.: ; .
Your Photograph
Gold Tone
8 x ib
Only :
Saturday Only
Munds Will Open Home f
To Friends Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Guslave Mund will
observe their golden wedding an
niversary with ; an - Informal "at
borne' Sunday from 2 to 5 o'clock
In their residence. 1270 Nebras
ka. All of their friends are Invited
to lalL . 4 , .
Their four daughters, Mrs. Olga
Oglesbee of- Salem, M r a Violet
Darby of Fort Frances, 'Ontario,
Mrs. Bertha Yoek and Mrs. Ida
Knopf of Portland, will, be in at
tendance and will assist in receiv
ing. f , ; 'f ?- ' . i
The . coaple were married in
Poland. 60 years ago and came to
America 10 years later. They re
sided in Canada for 12. years and
have lived In Salem for the . pat
23 years. For a quarter of a cen
tury Mr. Mund was employed-at
the water company. .
Two Matrons Are
Hostesses A t
MISS Gladys Hanson w b o e
marriage to "Arthur Smith
will be an event of tbe coming
week is a popular bride-elect. Last
sight Mrs. Harold Dunsmoor and
Mrs. R.Clark Gee entertained
with a surprise "vanity" shower
in her honor at the home of Mrs.
Dunsmoor. '
'At the supper hour, the table
was centered w. 1 1 h a miniature
wedding scene done In white with
nastel touches.. Sweetpeas" and
white tapers in crystal holder en
circled the centerpiece. .
Seated were Miss Hanson. Mias
Hazel Irons, Miss Ha Mills. Mis
Pauline Routh, Miss Gwen Hunt,
Miss Elva Sehon. Miss -Lola Dale
Pickens, Mrs. Neil Fleming, Mrs.
William Rosenthal. Mrs.- Alta
Hanson and "the hostesses, Mrs.
Dunsmoor and Mrs. Gee..
V Smart Affair Friday '
Last Friday night. Miss Lola
Dale Pickens feted Miss Hanson
with a kitchen shower. Tea towels
were hemmed during the evening
and supper was served.
Bidden to honor Miss Hanson
were Mrs. Virgil Tuel of Stayton
and her sister, Mrs. Clark Easton
of .:, Cedar , - Rapids, Iowa, . Mra.
Harry Hanson, Mrs. LeRoy Rndin,
Mrs. J. D. Taylor, Mrs. B. J. Ram
sey er, .Mrs. Charles Davis, Mrs.
Kenneth Graber. Mrs. Ed Blngen
heimer, Miss Leree Barham, Miss
Jean McElhUmy, Miss.v Doris
Schunke, Miss Doris Unruh, Miss
Florence- Foster, Mrs. JIarold
Hanson and Mrs. .K H. -Pickens.
ice . a Mean
in this Final Closebut of Summer
ale Starts 9 a. mi
The .
Angora Fur Slioppe
J Announces.
:- OF FURS - . ' "
Friday, Saturday, and Monday .
Don't f aU to see bur "Fur Coat
values before you -buy. , ..
Our low rent arid purchasing
power enables us to give BET ;
TER VALUES. ; . ;.. ;
' - These Coats are made "of - - :
r- the better Furs,, consisting -
of Weasel, Fitch, Muskrat, .
U Caracul and Poneys. .- . . . , -
Visit the
Oldest Fur House in Salem
Angora Fur Shoppe
1348 Ferry St. - Phone 6814
Silk crepe in plain and
printed pastels, and
navy or black.
Sheers, printed crepes,
nets,! novelties, silk
crepes in white and
pastels. : : . : .
"Cool as a Cucumber9' j
and that's something right now.
1 You will enjoy these printed ba
tiste gowns and pajamas. - Some
two-piece Oriental lounging j pa--jamas,
too. Choice .I .4
89 c
llfatcu Jku4iuf Unit.
matched In buty
Iii quiet operation
In rl savins
The 'Autobuilt ' Washer, built
-for a lifetime of use, gives
you no mechanical worries. It
is made to stay quiet . n&
to wash faster ani better, j:
:. The Norge Duotrol Ircer4
cuts ironing time in half, nuns
your ironing into a pleasure."
In slow speed makes it easy
to use. Come in h4 see these '
Norge Matched Laundry
Units. Separately or in com
bination, for as little as
m day
Geo. E. ASIcn
236 N. Commercial. Phone 4610
' This is our final clean-up of all sum-
. ruer merchandise. You will have to
r come early to get in on this great bar
gain event, whieh only comes twice a
year at the end of the season.
Values up to 29.50 Go at One
Cotton Dresses Complete Closeout at
S1.00 2,95 $5.00
Suits and
Only a few left to be closed
out--f ormerly priced to 29.50
go at , , .
Goats & Suits
Complete close out while they
last -many as high as 29.50
to close out at
Come and get"
larly priced to 22J50-4all to
go at
' " ' ' ft
. c
i -
f.w'i?v.':;.. " : : ;v-:'v
mm -
& Suits
Chiropodist and Foot
; - Office-in Store.
. . m - m a
All Hats
'-it -
White, brown, blue, black-
straw, Felts Including pat-
tern Hats.' Exclusive, styles
jrom our best houses--regu-larly
sold up to 8.95 to close
.out quick - ,v
White Silk ; Slip
A sensational value. Come early if you
want to get in on this event. Regular
195 pure silk slips in all sizes at only
$ 1.00
Silk Hose
j $ 1 .00
T" '
Out Entire Stocl Priced Up
S6.95 at oly
Excepting 3 Suits at $8.93 go at $4.95
Shoe Reductions
O Pumps
o Ties
O Oxfbrds j
'All White Dreas Pumps, Ties and'
lOxforda to 10.00 value . . . Coma
early as they Trill not last ldng at
"We offer youMn this sale the greatest A 'II- ff
silk hose value in Salem 1.15 and PaiV 3)2-UU
,1.35 slightly imperfect chiffon hose at . If i
We Charge on All Regular Accounts
but Prefer Cash at These Prices
Positively No Exchanges No Re
funds Every Sale Final '
i t
I" 1
."' White, some grey and blue . . .
. i Value to 6.50, to be closed out
if at ona price of ,