The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 30, 1936, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tha GliEGON STATES'IAN,' Salsa, Orta, Thmay IIsn: Jdy Z3, 1C:3
State Officers
"Are Installed
Church of Cod Religious
Institute Starts at
Camp Meeting
WOODBURX, July 29 Instal
lation of state officers was held
Monday afternoon at the Church
of God camp meeting with Mrs.
Nora Hunter, of California, Na
tional president of the Home and
Foreign Missionary society of the
Church of God in charge.
Officers installed were:. Mrs.
George Imboden of Portland,
president; Mrs. U. G. Clarke of
Eugene, director of devotions;
Mrs. A. C. Johnson of Portland,
director of programs; Mrs. Frank
VanLydergraf of Eugene, director
of membership; Mrs. E. D. El
phick of North Bend, director of
sewing: Mrs. Lena Sommers, Med
ford, director of missionary edu
cation; Mrs. William Cox. Port
land, recording secretary; Mrs.
Gladys Shaw, Woodburn, treas
urer; Mrs. A. C. Ely. Oregon City,
historian. A memorial certificate
was presented Mrs. William Sea
ton, formerly of Portland. Rev.
and Mrs. B. E. Martin of Eden,
Idaho, were in charge of the
music during the afternoon. Rev.
Martin also gave the main talk of
the afternoon. An added feature
of the program was a children's
chorus of 30 voices directed by A.
C. Ely.
A large attendance was present
at the first meeting' of the re
ligious institute " which started
Monday. Classes include instruc
tion In Sunday, school work,
young people's leadership, mis
sionary work and Christian doc
trines. Rev. R. E. Paris will be
In charge of the music daring the
week. ,
Holds Bible School
At Mehama Church
MEHAMA. July 28 Daily va
cation" bible school opened at the
church Monday with an enroll
ment of 16. Classes are being
conducted every day for a week
under the leadership of Miss Ver
sa Tittle of Monmouth and Miss
"Alice Boyington. Classes are di
vided Into two groups, primary
and .Intermediate. Ruth Moe is
Aljce Boyington and Ruth Moe
returned Sunday evening from
Jennings Lodge where they had
been attending campmeeting for
ten days. Miss Moe spent three
days with her sister, Mrs. Henry
Kommann in Vancouver, Wash.
. Donna ' Stromsraoe of Los An
reles, Calif., is spending several
days at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Philippi.
; Miss Verna Tittle of Monmouth
is spending several days at the
F. A. Boyington home while as
sisting Alice Boyington with the
bible school. -
- Xebraskana on Visit
' Mrs: R. L.' Osborne and - son
Ray Lee of Omaha. Neb.,. are vis
itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Dickerson. They will spend
several weeks here.
Mrs. Jane Pratt of Silverton
spent last week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. BiTtdick. Mrs.
Pratt is Mr. Burdick's sister.
R. L. Lee who has been con
fined to the Deaconess hospital
in Salem for nearly three years is
much Improved and is visiting at
the I. A. Dixon home."" He will
return to the hospital Saturday.
Temperature Was 116,
North Dakotan9 Say
HOLLYWOOD, July 29 E. A.
Kleeman of Moffit. N. D., sur
prised his brother J. J. Kleeman
of this district when he drove in
unexpectedly Friday evening. He
will stav at least two months and
possibly longer. Crops in that dis
trict are all burned up." Temper
ature there reached 116 degrees.
Mr. Kleeman was accompanied by
Leslie Klein and Melvin Dohley,
also of North Dakota.
Newcomers in this district are
Percy J. Kleeman and family, son
of J. J. Kleeman. who moved on
the old Barthrup place..
Two new arrivals gladdened
two homes during the week.. Mr.
and! Mrs. William Hensell report
the birth of a son on July 21 at
Salem General hospital. Mr. 'and
Mrs. A. A. Monson report the
birth of a daughter on July 25 at
their Tesidence on Route 7. ;
Heavy Yields of Wheat
Reported at Sunnyside
. : - -, .
RTTXXYSinrc. Jnlv 29 CfODS
in the Sunnyside district have
been good, much bay has been cut
and cured but few haybalers are
in the neighborhood. Wheat har
vest is now on with heavy yield
In most fields . and the farmers
getting ready for threshing. Much
new machinery has been purchas
ed by the farmers.
Garden and berries hare been
fine. The prune prospect is still
a guess as to whether or not it
will be picked.
The Turner road has become a
much traveled thoroughfare, lead
ing to the new highway which
parallels the Pacific highway.
Chester Menlel, a Sunnyside
boy. was bumped by a big truck
while riding his bicycle on the
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cole are
the pround parents of a baby boy
born July 28. Mrs. Cole was form
erly Ester Heckert of Sunnyside.
The boy has been named William
Reed Cole.
Easterners Are Guests
Of Blairs at Monmouth
MONMOUTH, July 29 Miss
Dorothy Rankin of High Point,
N. C, and Mrs. Emily Maxfield.
an instructor in the Emerson
School of Dramatics, Boston, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Blair
Monday. " They are motoring
through the-Vest, and drove from
Seattle to Monmouth. Miss Ran
kin Is a niece of Mr. Blair.
Drouth Fails
, W. B. 8olUvaa pi
Despite the drouth, they're still growing sizeable corn In Kansas a
this picture testifies. W. B. Sullivan, whose farm is located on
Cowskin creek near Wichita, is standing beside some stalks which
attained aj height of more than 10 feet, despite the fact that less
. J than a third of the normal rainfall has fallen this year, r
West alem News
WEST SALEM. July -28 Miss
Bertha Engtehorn is spending her
vacation in Hoguiam, Washington
visiting her bisferMrs. Chris Bur
right, i r
Mrs. G. EL Mishler's sister. Mrs.
Guy Jordan, of California, her
mother, Mts. L. H. Irwin and
daughter Mildred from Alberta,
Canada and Mr. McCullough are
visiting at the Mishler home for
about six weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. James Wise have
a baby boy. born July 26. Mrs.
Wise was Lucille Helbert. She
lived In West Salem for a num
ber of years.
Mrs. R. M. Ashcraft and chil
dren, Carol iand Warlyn have gone
to Pendleton for the remainder of
the summer. Mrs. Ashcraft's
husband and oldest son, Theron,
are employed In the harvest fields
there.l )
The Hillman cannery, has start
ed on beans and expects a long
run on them.
Bonneville Is
Of Sunday
Mrs. Wade
July 29 Mr. and
Williams and Mr. and
Mrs. George Ploub went to Bon
neville Sunday as guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Clint Miller. Mrs. Will
iams and Mrs. Miller are sisters.
Mrs, John Parson and children
Delores, Bobby. Jack and liarvin
were visitors from Saturday until
Monday of ner parents, Mjr. and
Mrs. Jacob Ploub. Miss Alyce
Ploub accompanied her sister back
to Albany for the ensuing week.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ostrander
and daughter' left Saturday for
their home in Bremerton after a
week's visit at the Hastings' home.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hastings have
gone back to Bremerton with
them for a visit of an indefinite
period in their home.
Mrs. C. S. Whitaker and Mrs.
H. P. Whitaker went with a gToup
of the young people from the
Evangelical church to Jennings
Lodge; Sunday where they attend
ed the camp meeting. .
Mr. I and Mrs. Frank Cooper
were weekend guests at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James Welch in Beaverton.
Wayne Smith Resigns ;
As Teacher at Liberty
LIBERTY. July 29 Wayne
Smith, teacher of the fifth and
fixth grades here has resigned his
position and will attend Univer
sity of Oregon next school year.
The schoolboard has as yet not
hired a teacher to fill the racancy.
Cranage uE'Onag
: j '' Arrange Note for
Your N etc ... Economical
j It Win Be Wired Into Your
Home Free Until Aug. 1st
Your Old Range Taken as Part Payment ... Convenient
. Terms on the Balance
nujir etc
Monarch Is Noted for Its ECONOMICAL Consumption
of Electricity
to Stunt Corn
' ...
Big Picnic Dinner Is
Feature of Reunion of
- Bahrke Family Sunday
LEBANON, July 29 The an
nual Bahrke reunlpn, held Sunday
on the lawn at the W. B. Bahrke
home on West Sherman street,
was featured by an elaborate pic
nic dinner at which A. F. Bahrke.
with his wife and more than 20
relatives assembled. Those pres
ent from outside points were Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Bahrke and niece.
Louise Bahrke of. Silverton, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Bahrke and son of
Corvallis. Lebanon relatives in
attendance were Mr. and Mrs. El
mer Richardson, Mrs. Lotta Bah
rke and their families and Mr. and
Mrs. Jay Pierce. ; - : . JJ
Mrs. Grace Hochgraef who re
cently purchased the C. E. Warner
property on Sherman street, has
remodelled her house, had an ad
dition built and modern equip
ment put in.
Mrs. Z. I. Brown of Eugene is
here to look after property inter
ests and to make an extended
visit-with Lebanon friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sikes ar
rived home Saturday from Cleve
land, Ohio, where Mr. Sikes was
a delegates to the Townsend con
vention, i 1
Mrs. Clara Wheeler of Co-
Quille city came Monday evening
to make an extended visit at he
home of Mrs. Mary McDonald
Both ladies weer former residents
of Crabtree. : I . i : j
Two Girls' Teams Will
Have Playoff Friday
MT. ANGEL, July ! 29 Friday
night the two girls' ' teams, the
Hoppickers and Flaxpullers meet
for a playoff. There will like
wise be a playoff game between
the Sodality and Knights for the
championship of the second half
of the city Softball tournament.
The winner of Friday night's
game will then play a three-game
series with the Foresters, cham
pions of the first half, for the
championship of the season.
Silver Creek Is Goal;-
Of Juvenile Grangers
Mrs. L. O .Hadley, matron of the
Juvenile Grange group, headed an
over-night hiking party during the
weekend, to the Anderson swim
ming hole picnic grounds ; along
Silver Creek. Joining the group
were Mrs. Hadley. Dorothy. Mur
taugh. . Marjorle Mauldlng. Jens
Carstensen. Charles Tulare, Rob
ert Stark. Milton and Kenneth
Foote, YTonne and Betty Murray
v. , i '-.
, V ,y ' - J
" t l- riiamn . mil - m ri'rMiiiiii .. i'.mT
Consider Problem
Of Sunday School
District Convention' Held
at Talbot Schoolhouse ;
Delegate Is Back
JEFFERSON, July r There
was only a fair attendance at the
Jefferson district Sunday . school
convention at the Talbot school
house. Sunday afternoon. The
president, D. E. Turnidge, pre
sided. -;
The meeting opened with a song
service led by William F. Will
ings. Mrs. Morrow of Marion ren
dered a vocal solo. Rev. Morrow
gave a talk on, "How to attract
young people to the Sunday
School;" orchestra selection by
Talbot school; Lyle Hagen, Amer
ican Sunday school .missionary,
told of the greatest need In the
Sunday school; short talks were
given by Mr. and Mrs. Shanks,
Mrs. Davidson and Mr. Turnidge.
The Evangelical Sunday school
was awarded both banners; and
was also awarded the picture for
the next ..three months, in the
scripture J reading contest. The
next meeting will be held at the
Jefferson Methodist church.
" Reports on Convention
At the meeting of the Jefferson
Townsend club a rare, treat was
enjoyed by all who listened to the
report of the National Townsend
convention of Cleveland as given
by Mrs. Wilbur Funk. A ladies'
chorus, under the direction of
Mrs. J. O. Van Winkle, sang Dr.
Townsend We Owe It All To
You," accompanied by Mrs. W. F.
Willings. After adjournment re
freshments were served.
Miss Caryl Moar of Allendorf ,
Iowa, is a guest -at the home of
her aunts. Miss Anna Klampe and
Mrs. Nettie Reeves. She has been
enjoying her summer vacation in
this western state after teaching
in South Carolina.
Family Reunion Held
Sunday a picnic of the J, A.
Harris family and relatives Vas
held in the grove along. Thomas
creek southeast of Jefferson. Mr.
Harris is the only living uncle of
the Lent brothers at the present
time. At the noon hour a basket
dinner was enjoyed, 1 swimming
and visiting were features of the
Those present were - Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Lent and daughter
Mrs. Knowles, Mr. and" Mrs. Fred
Lent, James and Viola, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Lent, all of Canby; Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Lent and children,
Leslie. Norma,' Dorothy, Eleanor,
Harold, and Alice; Mrs. Carrie
Harris and June and Robert; Mr.
and Mrs. R. E. Whitesell and
Lenora; and Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Harris and family, Alice, Wayne,
Wade and Clifford, all of Jeffer
. Many Guests Call
Guests last week at the home of
Mr. - and Mrs. J. A. Harris were
Miss Alice Harris, a daughter,1
who Is taking nurse's training at
The Dalles; Dr. J. M. Conner of
Oakland, Calif., brother of Mrs.
Harris: also their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Costa and two children ' of 1 San
Jose, Calif.
Johnnie Schall of Aberdeen,
Wash., was a recent guest at the
home of his sister, Mrs. Joe
Okrasinski. He was returning
home from a motor trip to Los
Angeles and other points of Inter
est. Other guests of the Okras
inski's Sunday were Paul Ernest
and Frank Schutte of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cobb. Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn Cobb and John
Alexander attended the Townsend
picnic held at Canby Sunday. They
report an attendance of 1200.
Miss Helen Kihs, Walter and
John Kihs and Miss Anna
Klampe attended the annual as
sembly of the Evangelical ehurch
at Jennings Lodge Sunday. Mr.
and Mrs. Karl Kihs accompanied
them to Aurora, where they spent
the day visiting relatives.
A crew of Southern Pacific men
are stationed in Jefferson and are
laying new steel rails.
Pratum Visitors -
PRATUM, July 29 Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Bischoff from Wash
ington are visiting-at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bischoff.
EK-Chiet Quizzed
.sgos .
, . -'.
: . ..
I '
- Thomas A. Brown :
Emphatic denial by Thomas A.
Brown, above, former St Paul
police chief, followed the charge
of a witness at the Hamm kid
naping trial there that Brown had
acted as the "tip-off" man in the
case and had received 225.000 of
the ransom paid for release of the
wealthy brewer. The grand Jury
tailed to indict Brown, apparently
paving the way for his reinstate
. .. , . ment.
Fire 1 Destroys Vetch , t
On Farm Near Wells
WELLS, July 29 C. A. Murty
had the misfortune in losing a
large field of standing vetch which
was destroyed by fire of unde
termined origin last Tuesday.
The crop was ready for harvest
and one round bad been made
with a combine when the flames
were discovered.
Leafe Barcley was pleasantly
surprised last Wednesday when
his over-sea buddy, B. v. xoicnois
and wife, of Los Angeles, called
to see him. This is the first time
they have seen each other since
the world war. .
Mrs. Harley Fletcher of Albany
gave a picnic dinner at Bryant's
park Sunday, honoring her hus
band's and sister's birthdays.
Fasti EmrioihicaifA&eanl
20 Less than you'd pay
hewhere I "
" fa Dottn, 0
twll CrtrrjlRst
. Cft?r.
Now you can have the cleanest, safest, most
completely controlled "cooking heat-electric
heat! Wards price is 20 lower than you'd
pay. almost anywhere elsei And use of an
electric range reduces the average cost of ai
your. electricity an added economy!
Easier Cooking!
Exact heat gives exact re
sults 1 The automatic con
trol and three-heat
switches do your cooking
and baking as yon want
it! No watching I No
worrying! More leisure.
Jrl O N X G 4 f
275 N. Liberty
ENDS meuT 1st
mo kC-Jays
BUY AN ELECTRIC RANGE NOW. Don't miss this opportunity
to save. Enjoy mil of the advantages of low-cost electricity. Cai
tUftrically! According to the recently published report of the Federal
Power Commission Rate Surrey, people of Oregon aod Washington
enjoy the lowest average electric rates in America. Electric cookery
is cheap here. Yet it gives you so much more in convenience, cleanli
ness and healthfulness. Extra easy terms now in effect at all electric
fare -25 ta 0 If you buy now - j
nbi r M i z E lectrJfy you n n t t c ii t k
NOTE: Prr lUngt Wiring h eurify limit J H Umtt MUprmrm
Mmrtk 18. 1935. mnd in Umiet uktrt kitchtnt mn hcnttd w grmJjUtr.
Family Reunioa
Held, St. Lotus
' Ay.;.
Ferschweiler Picnic ITeld,
With 72 Blembers ol
. - - - - . i
Clan Present 1
rt LOTTIS. Jnlv 29 The !Fre-
schwellers hel dthelr 4th annual
reunion in the St. Louis grove
Sunday, July 26, with 72 mem
bers present. - - ' I 4
A basket dinner at noon was a
feature of the day. The after
noon was spent in playing infloor
baseball a game by the men, and
one by the women. i f
Lunch was served in the even
ing and a meeting to elect officers
ended the day. J. P. Freschweller
was. elected president and Mrs.
John Cannard Sr., secretary, i
William Bowley, 71, was! the
oldest member, and-Joyce jCan
nard, one month, was the. young
est. - - ' il
Present were Mr. and Mr. Join
Csnnerd, tr.. Bob, CUrice i Hatch
Fmen, Mr. nd Mrs. Joha; Fbrecii-,,
weiler, Catherine, Kenneth and' Gladys,
Mrs. Phil Chenette and Jim, Mrjj and
lira. Clarenea Cannard. Themaino Ber
nard and Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. John; Can
nard, jr., Donald and Darid, Mrii and
Mrs. Kicnard Cannard, Dicky and; Do
lores. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Csnnsrd, all
ot Portland; Mr. and Mn. Albert; Can
nard, Cecil, Maf, Violet. Raymond Al
bert and Billy of Vancouver.
Mr. and Mn. AUred Bowley, of! Ho
qniam. Wash. ; Mr. and Mrs. Lswrrnre
Grassman. Hazel, Bath. Earl audi Dale
of Willamette; Mn. Robert Kntomj Dor
othy and Robert, Mrs. Rosanna i If her
and Maybella of Woodbnrn; W'Uiiam
Bowley of Gervais; Mrs. Ed Maietjand
Hanna Bowley of Salem; Mr. and I Mrs.
Raymond Smith and Ronald of St. fanlj
Mr. and Mrs. William Foreier, Mn I and
Mrs. J. P. Persehweiler, Io, lbnar4
and Angela. Mr. and Mrs. U Ffrrsch
weiler, Rita, Tom, Rosemary, Lloy 4, Cy
ril and Doris, Bernard Ferschweileft Bob
and Ethel Vanderbeck, all of St. Louis.
Mr. and Mrsj Frank Cannard sad D.
Cannard of Gerraia, were - afternoon
(nests. .' i
Expect 3000 Pickers fnU
Bean Fields on Santiam
The bean growers raising
beans are picking. Several
to quit owing to the beetles.
R. L. Goss started picking
Lake beans Monday. He hast 45
acres which takes 300, pickers.
There will be around 3000 pickers
in the Santiam bean fields.' j .
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Woplsey
are the proud parents of aj boy
born Sunday. ill
Henry Condit who ha jbeen
quite ill for the past two months,
is about the same. . ! j I
'l 4
Better Baking!
Modern electric heat Is
fast heatl . It's concen
trated keeps your kit
chen cool! No soot, grime,
or blackened pans load
yon with cleaning 1 And
electric heat is safe I
E H Y W A El 01
Phone 8774
- . -
New Enem$ No. 1
Maurice Dennihg
i -
The questionable distinetion of be
ing the new Public Enfemy No. 1
has been conferred' by Chief
G-man Edgar J. Hoovei- on Maur
ice Denning, above, 28-year-old
native of Afton, Ia,' bink. robber
and kidnapen.
birthday Party Gven
In Honor of paughter
HAZEL GREEN. Jul ' 29 Mrs.
Charlies ZielinskI, jr., fntertained
Monday evening with afparty hon
oring her eldest daughter Mildred
on her 14th birthday. Guests in
vited were Noris DoerOer, Salem,
Gene and Edward Carrol, Port
land! Shirley Johnson, i Alice Per-
tenei Gertrude ZielinskI, Waldo
Gilbert, Charlotte, Ajlleen and
Earqest ZielinskI and Donald Zeil-
Jnski. Mrs. ZielinskI fras assist
ed in serving by Mrs.Gene Car
roll,! Rosa ZielinskI of Portland,
j Mf. and Mrs. A. T. Van Cleave
and his mother. Mrs. ;Ellen Van
Cleave, attended the Van Cleave
reunion at Monitor Suiidav. Mrs.
Ellen Van Cleave was oldest mem
ber present. 1
Now -at Hogg Bros!
Appliance store
.. jfeir
! . yr r - : ;
! , m r ,
;:...:.''.';..:.'..'': "f .-.
i - i
1 I
' - mm
Sfyhd for MoJem Kit (hens
See this new electric range! It is pure white
and smartly trimmed in JET BLACK and RED.
It has ail of the fine features that have made
Westinghousc ranges so famous .... fast cook
ing units, big tit cost I drawer, big automatic
oven with sigiial lights. Priced as low as
$126.79 with open coils. Complete with Corox
cooking units and thrift cooker, 147. TERMS
the Portland General Electric Company
Sunday School Has
District Meeting
Convention Held at Talbot
School; Jefferson
Wins Banners
TALBOT. July 29 The District
County Sunday School convention
was held at the Talbot scnooi
house Sunday afternoon with a
fair attendance.
The meeting was opened by D.
E. Turnidge, president of the con
vention. Talks were given Dy
Rev. Willing, pastor of the Metho
dist church in 'Jefferson; Rev.
Robert Morrill, pastor of the
Friends church In Turner, and
Rev. Hagen, the county mission
Hannem were won bv the evan-'
gellcal church in Jefferson, one
for the largest attendance at. me
convention, and the other for-the
largest attendance during the
Farmer Injured
In Car Collision
KEIZER, July 29 H. W. Bow-
den, residing on route 3, was in
jured about his head this morn
ing when his car was strnck by a
car occupied by Mrs. Kelley and
her son who drove into the road
from the driveway on the Haw
kins and Roberts place west of
Keizer school. The son was driv
ing, and it was said weeds ob
scured the view of the other car. -
Bowden and his son Tom were
coming to town with a load of
peaches. The Bowden car was
practically ruined, also bis load
of peaches.
The Kelleys have come here re
cently from Colorado.
Raymond Kellis Rents
House at Brush Creek
BRUSH CREEK, July 29 Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Kellis have
rented the Victor Madsen house
on Paradise Alley and will move
to their new location Sunday. Mr.
Kellis. who is employed at the
Silverton Mill, has been making
his home at Scotts Mills.
with an
Electric Ranse
Save up to" $40
the cost of
wiring by hav
ing a - new ES
TATE Electric
Range installed
before Aug. 1st.
Save by trading
in your old
range as . part
payment on an
tric,Range. Save in Econ
omy of opera
tion and upkeep.
Court Si.
5 "