ocietY Guild to Sponsor Benefit Tea in Garden A PRETTY benefit tea will be sponsored by the American Lutheran guild in the garden of the Claude H. Glenn home Wednesday afternoon from S to , 6 o'clock. Receiving with Mrs. Glenn will be Mrs. P. W. Erlksen and Mrs. L. J. Stewart. " " Presiding at the tea table which will be handsomely appointed with mixed summer flowers will be Mrs. E. H. Thompson and Mrs. G. L. Bartelt. There will be a program dur ing the afternoon. Proceeds from the tea will be used to buy church furnishings. 1 ; Mrs. Page to Entertain With Luncheon ' . Mrs. J. Ray Murphy of Ida Grove. Ia- will .be honored with luncheon this afternoon for which Mrs. U. S. Page is host ess. . Mrs. Murphy and her two sons, Raymond and Charles, are tour ing the west and will, return via Yellowstone national park. Other weekend guests at the Page home were Mr. and Mrs Wilbur Finch and two children, Wilbur, Jr., and Mary Frances, all of Los Angeles. Lebanon The Hamblen clnb enjoyed a 1 o'clock luncheon Fri day at the home of Mrs. Frank Smith. Small tables were arranged about the lawn. Covers were laid for 24. Mrs. Laura Helnrich presided There were five visitors: Mra Harry Cooler of Albany ,Jrs. Sar ah Jackson, recently from Fargo, N. D-t Mrs. Sarah Morris. Mrs Ilda Cotter s and Mrs. Smith. The hostess was assisted by 'Mrs. Clara Surry, Mrs. Minnie Sagert and Mrs. Sylvia Stewart. The next meeting will be in August ai the home ot Mrs. Alice Elliott. Aurora- Mrs. 3W. Sadler wai hostess for a dessert luncheon Fri day at the home of Mrs. U. Eilers. "Dessert was served in a delightful picnic spot after which the guests retired to the house for an after soon of contract. Mrs. Eilers, whose birthday anniversary occur ed this week was presented with a lovely birthday cake and cor sage- by the hostess. Scoring honors were won by Mrs. Lorin Giesey and Mrs. Ar thur Kell. Pattern - By ANNE ADAMS -A blf of dashing simplicity planned for the "let's go" activi-1 ties of sports-minded Maids and r Matrons 'this Jaunty frock will see Its wearer through' many a 1 gay,' impromptu event! Notice the elever way Anne ' Adams has topped the simple bodice with so ' casual a yoke, and such smartly slashed sleeves! The skirt is trim, straight, and fits to a ."T" 'aided by well-placed front and - back waist darts. Place bright lit- tie buttons on the handy; Patch pocket and tab-effect of! the yoke and you'll be all set for ciany hap py, carefree occasions! . Choose a -vivid cotton print or syni.hetie and run up several versions. . , Pattern 4053 is available in sizes 14,-1,18. 86. it, 34. S6. 38. 40 and 427 -Size 18 takes 3 yards 36 inch fabric. Illustrated step-by-step sewing instructions included. . - ' ' Sni HftaBenta (15c) la taint or atampa eois preferred) -for -t h i a Ann Aclamt .pattern. -.Whit plainly name, addrrta and atjla nu nbcr. lie or ta ctata aiie. B aor to erdr your tepj of our Anna Ada ma Pattera Book I Sre all the-ftxl. -iorely clorhra 'M wrd far taiiimtr (un pictured in amart, aim. ila madels that ara aa iua ta nak! Prrky house dresaea and pl.iy ovtfita. tletehinff frocka tor parties. Tha lat (tt aiandrrinrng .-.draifrn f r atonti. i'rartjral. model- far children. Adic en fabric and atwing. Book fifteen erntn. Pattara fifteen enU. Twen-ty-fira cent (or both be a ordered together. Addreaa ord era . to Th Orefon 5ttimn Pattern Dept.. ''IS Sooth I'oLumerc.ial atreft, alfm. Ore. Xiake necessary enclosure. Your order will be promptly attended to. - Crd-ra- rtm--nar '? are. filled with in to r duya "trout time rtceired fry Ilia Statesman. -iS"" ' - . f VI ' ' i ! r A : i "N - News and Club Jessie Steele. ! SOCIAL CALENDAR j - Hours for the society editor are as follows: 10 a. m. to 12 p.m. and S to (1 p. ul. every day but Saturday. On Saturday, they are 0 a. in. to 12 boob and 1 p. bi. to 0 p. m. i Tuesday, July 21 American War Mothers at home Mrs. Lizbeth Waters, 925 N. Winter, 2 p. m. , ; Auxiliary to Sons of Veterans In armory, '7 : 4 5 p. m. Salem W.C.T.U. in hall on Commercial, 2 p. m. I Thursday', July 23 ' .' ' Laurel Social Hour club neighborhood picnic din ner. 6 p. m. at Glen; Adams home. Friday, July 2! ' - -White Shrine of Jerusalem picnic at Wayne Henry country home, S: 30 1 p. m. - South Salem W.C.T.U. at home Mrs. C. W. Sticey, 2 p. m. Cars leare Leslie church at 1:45 p. m. . . - i . . "i- ' ; J Saturday, July 25 - - - . "Horse ' and Buggy picnic at MeNary estate spon-. sored by Pro America, 12 to p. m. Laura Wheeler Pattern A Bill '"!. .THE LORD 15 MY SHEPHERD : 1 SHALL MOT tJTRNT - The Twenty-third Psalm . Pattern 973 : " ; . , Done in the simplest of stitches, yon will find the Twenty-third Psalm, fascinating . needlework. Pattern 973 contains a" transfer pattern of a picture 11 x 16 Slumber Party Held at Letteken Home - . Oak Grove. Mrs. E. A.- Lette- kln was hostess Saturday night for the 4-H club sewing girls who gathered at her home for a slum ber party. All members contrib uted to a delightful program after which supper was served. .They remained as guests for the night. Sunday morning they attended the Oa" Grove Sunday school, in a group. . v ' .-.-: : , ; McAlpin-Jones-Terhune Reunion Sunday ' Descendants of. Robert McAl- pin, Lewis Jones and Jabes Ter hune will hold -their annual clan gathering in Silverton -city park Sunday, July 26. ; ' Robert McAlpin and Jabex Ter- hune with t,eir families left Sa vannah, Mo., for Oregon in th early spring "of f8$l and were followed in 1852 by Lewis Jones. The three families settled In Mar ion county, McAlpin In the Waldo Hills and bis sister near Jeffer son. - ; . .. 'X'-'::-- . i " Their descendants Include among their number such families as Morleys, Hicks, Jacks, Small,' Wolfard, Conser, Looney, Gilbert, Savage, Sm it h, Thompson, Cole, Johnson McCortnlck a n d others equally well known in Marion county. About 200 are-expected to be at the picnic. ! Sllverton Mrs. Ar J. Moen and her daughter, Eleanor,' entertain ed Thursday night fn compliment to Mrs.-Julius Moen In Dallas. Attending- were Mra. Julius Moen. Mrs. R.' E-Wik,- Mrs; Ross Wlnslow." Mrs. Jasper Dullum, Mrs. D. WoUardf Mrs. O.- A; Loe. Mra. Emll' Loe, Mrs.' Conrad Johnson, Mrs. Emil Olsen, Mrs. A. Aarh us, ' Anna Oveross, Bertha Loo, and Mrs. Melvln Moen of Dallas. : . . - . ; . . Assisting In serving were Jean ne Oeder. ' Donna Storaasll ' and Eleanor; Moen. ! Woodburn Mr. .nd Mra. Frank W. Covey entertained group of young people with a dinner Sat urday , night, -honoring t h e lf daughter. Miss Dorothy Ccvey, on her birthday anniversary. . . Daring the evening the an nouncement .of" the approaching marriage of Miss Covey to Walter C. -Claus of Sllrerton was .made. The event will take place early in' August. .: ." Dallas Mrs. Earl Richardson was a charming hostess Friday af ternoon when she Invited a group of friends to tea. -k - Miss VIvlenne Richardson pleas ed with.". two. p4auonmfcers.- r -.The afternoon waspeni in sew ing and conversation Sweet peas furnished the floral note. Greta Looney - who has been In a hospital at Portland for sev eral . months is ' Improving, hep-j Salem friends will be . glad to Society Editor- Inches; a color ehart; material re quirements.: ; Illustrations ot- all stitches needed. -, , . " -i . ; Send TO cents In stamps or colq (coin - preferred) for this pattern to-The Statesman, Salem, Oregon; Write plainly PATTERN KUM4 BER, yourNAME and ADDRESS; Lawn Party for Church : Group is Given - Miss Erma M. Cole ' was host ess 'Friday night for a lawn party to which the Crusader's Christian Endeavor of. the. First Christian church was Invited. .. -,- 4 ; , Mrs. H-.Stone Hull of Califor nia gave an Informal talk on peace and games were played. Re freshments were served a n d a "sing", enioyed around ; the out door fireplace. . ; ; ' Present - were , the - Misses Opal Yates,' -- Louise - Ashcraf t, Kay Joyce Helen Horton; - Josephine Hull, Hazel I Ross,. Ruth M Holmes. Zella Webb, Ruth.. Reasi or, Bettyrae ' McGahan and VIr ginla Toung of Wena tehee. Wash j Thomas Melvin Holt; Rex Wirt; Ross Khulman. from Nebraska Listpn Parrish, Warner; Jackson; Charles Ross, George -W. Bowen, Francis Barnes. Roland Wirt, Mr -and Mrs. H. Stone Hull, Mn, and Mrs. C. E. Bowen, M,r. and Mrs.' Curtis C. Cole, "and the hostess,' Miss Erma, Cole, r " ' . --, " "r-:' " ; (:' : - Mr. and Mrs. William- Hagen- burger of Los Angeles' with 'their young daughter, Caroline,- and son, Philip,.' have Jnst returned home from a v I si t with Miss Georgia C. -Shane in her new home at Dogwood- Lodge- on the San tiam. Mrs. Hagenbnrger is a prin cipal of one of the 'Los Angeles 1 -city-schools.. 1- - . , . . ; ? " "3?; . ... ' - Mrs. iA.-:D. Scott entertained at her home' on Kings Prairie Thursday night. Contract was played with high honors going to Mrs. R. L. Faust and Mrs. A. Holt house. -The hostess, assisted by her daughter,- Phyliss, served de licious luncheon. - . - : . - ; - -U' ': i ... - . -. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Wllkins had as guests, ever the weekend, their nephew and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Williams and daugh ter, Shirley . of Oelwein, la., and Mr. and Mrs. M. H. . Bed well of Tacoma; , Wash. Mr." and; Mrs. Ray Olson vacationing In California. are : j 'EYE HEALTH sew wtl or no hmvm yomr y tight examine J I, nU 1 flhe C.IIICO:? STATESMAN, Zzlzzi, Afi :airs Miss Jerman Married To IVIr. Rohinson . An impressive garden ceremony united In marriage Miss Pauline O. , Jerman and George W. E. Robinson, jr., of Tillamook - at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Stanton Satur day night at 6 o'clock. - Dr. W.' C. Kantner officiated in the presence of a select group of friends and relatives. Mrs. Steve Van Hooten of Independ ence played the wedding march. The bride wore a white crepe ensemble and corsage of rose buds and sweetpeas. Her sister, Mrs. W. F. Shartel of Bradwood, was the honor at tendant. She wore a model of Peggy Anne pink and a corsage of roses-and sweet peas.' Laurence Hinmers of Tillamook served as best man. - - - A reception -followed the cere mony.. Assisting Mrs Stanton were her sister,-Mrs. G. W.. Mc Donald of Spokane, and Miss Lois Marpert, The long serving table was cen tered with a tiered wedding cake, tall white tapers in silver cande labra and crystal bowls of pastel sweet peas. ; For going away the bride chose a tweed suit, flecked with blue and yellow, and her accessories were white. ; v Mrs. Robinson attended Salem and Tillamook schools. Mr. Robin son, son of the G. W. E. Robin sons, Sr., of Tillamook, attended Tillamook schools and later ma triculated at Willamette univer sity. He is now in business In Tillamook " and the couple will make their home there. , ! " Children's Drama to Be ; Repeated Tonight i A play for children in which the small actresses change cos tumes and In which lighting ef fects are used is seldom seen. Such a drama, however, is "A Child's Day," to be presented at the First Christian church, Cen ter and. High streets, tonight. There is no -admission charge but a silver offering will be taken. The high school Christian Endeav or Is sponsoring the play which will be enacted by the Junior Dramatic league of the Salem School of Speech-Craft. Four of the juniors are nine' years of . age, one Is eight and one Is six. This is the second presentation, the first being last week- at the Court Street .Chris tian church. ' Mrs. Ramona Reasoner is both author and director. Mr; and -Mrs. Wi C Nichols and children' of Vintonla. werVW cent "guests of- Mrs. " D.- C. Seberu and family. The Nlehols are mak ing - : tour: of the coast 1 from Seattle to ' California " add - home ia ' the southern ' route. .: t Mr.' and Mrs. Wttltt Morrow of La :Cre3centa, Calif. are guests of Miss Georgia C. Shane of Dog wood. Lodge near . Lyons. '.Mrs. Morrow is a ' school counselor in the Los Angeles J city-schools. .. : , Bounty on Crows , BONNEVILLE, Ore..' July 20.- (P)-Crows won't be very safe around here soon. The Isaak Wal ton, league Is offering children 25 cents for live ones and will band about two dozen of them. The hunter, bagging those banded will receive-cash prizes. The league believes many unhanded crows will be shot while marksmen are seeking those for which awards will be given. - Fly Casters to. Compete PORTLAND. Ore,, july 20.-UPV -Prizes' valued : at $1000 will go to -fly-casters here August 13 to 16 at the 28th annual convention of the National 'Association of Scientific Angling Clabs. Profes sionals and amateurs will clash for- the . first time. Placques will oe awarded. . - - r THE FASinONETTE'S . . s. .Cool, i , C. " Summery Oothes- ' on sale jiist when Summer's Really Here!" Our nsoal. Qual ity Materials . . . Style Right Mo- dels all from regular stock I IUg. " Summer -Suits V Jacket- . Dresses . c .. Sport v .Dresses ' r Shirt makers They're the Latest! NEW SUMMER FASHIONS REDUCED! : : Mlses and Women's Summer 1 Dresses foe aU -occasion:. Pas-: V k tela, prints, abeers, varieil fa-' ';l brie. Now a ''.--jr-C-fi - iues irmerir.Up ! ; THE FASHICDNETTE 429 COURTST. : Orc-cTucsJzy Hernia, Jdj Gary Cooper Held 4:MiUion One Siudio Sues Another " For That Sum Because Hq Qianged Over LOS ANGELES, July 20.7) The cash value of Gary Cooper, tall movie star, was 'rated at J4.000.0CO today when Para mount Pictures Corp., sued Sam uel G o Vd w y n , film - producer, charging j that Gold wyn secretly raided the Paramount contract list and f stole" Cooper. Paramount asked 14,000.000 actual damages, - and another 81.000,000 punitive award. A suit brought in federal court alleged that Gold wyn, or his rep resentatives, secretly rn d a c e d Cooper not to sign a new contract with Paramount, his present em ployers, when negotiations were opened on that subject last Jan- nary, His present ticket expires next December. 1 Instead, the complaint alleged. Cooper was persuaded ta sign np with Gold wyn. -. . - - . -- All thjs was accomplished. It continued, "by means of false and fraudulent representations' and statements." Adolph Zukor, Para mount chairman of the board, per sonally accused ' Goldwyn of a "breach of good morals and eth ics. -and a violation of the law." Sentiment Hinted r. Qoldwyn replied, "I haven't seen the complaint, but I do - not understand any theory on which any such claim can; be based." Cooper! tossed the task of talk ing into the lap of his manager. Jack Moss, who admitted he had signed the lanky actor to a Gold wyn contract ; before the Para mount agreement had run out. It was Just one of those things..' he said. "I, don't j know of any' trouble between the two studios.' The movie colony was" inclined to believe that sentiment played an important part in Cooper's alignment with Goldwyn. " ' Gary, friends said, got his first movie chance through Goldwyn, ten years ago last month. Arriv ing in Los Angeles from his na tive Helena, Mont., Cooper vainly hunted a; job as a newspaper car toonist, and -eventually landed in Hollywood as a cowboy extra In The winning of Barbara Worth," a Ronald Coleman-VIlma Bankey Vehicle. U. S. IGives China Credit, Reported TOKYO, July 21-(Tuesday )- (py-Reports of an agreement for a large American credit to China to purchase airplanes, automobiles and railway rolling stock were contained In dispatches from Shanghai "printed" In vernacular newspapers today. - A majority of the papers treat. ed the reported plan as a menace to Japan's-interests in China. . . The Nlchf. Nichi's correspondent asserted that. Arthur Campbell a United ' States financial represen tative, and T. V. Soong, president of the Bank, of China, signed the agreement at the United States consulate1 at Shanghai July 15. "Since; the credit was virtually used to I bolster China's .national defense, I Japan cannot overlook It," the newspaper said- Mrs. Jprgensen Leaves To Care For Her Mother TALBOT. July 20 Mrs. D. A Jorgenson left Sunday for Rose burg to care tor her mother, who was Injured recenuy. 1 Gaynell and Robert Cole are ill with mumps this week. . Mrs.. Eav - Dumas ' haa arrived from Js Angeles to .spend the summerjvacation with her mother, Mrs. C. C; Marlatt. Mrs. Dumas is a . teacher . in ' the Los . Angeles school. 1 ; ' ' ; "' . - Vacation at Yachats BRUSH COLLEGE, July 20. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. UUey of Brush College are . spending their . vaca tion at f achats. - EIGHTH ANNUAL -, . w. -4. - . " ;; ONE LAR6E GROUP 7 Nev Ttlid-season Models Vlaes 12.75 to 21.75! Materials:. ' 8Uk Linen " s. Sea Spray GelfeUe . ' ' ' Minnehaha Crepe Shlninc Sun , 'Congo Cloth ' Desert Cloth t Sharkskin ', Paatel white, f and white with I colors . . .also I" navy! .J. 35 PRESSES f'Cool 'pastels, printa 4 . -V" - your choice :l: $3.951:,:, HATS : ' ' i ' - - - - : : . PHONE 7853 21, Festival Queen 1 Frankie Young . 5 t in addition to having: the distinc tion of reigning as queen of the Covered Wagon Days festival at Salt Lake City. Utah. Miss Frankie Toung is the great-granddaughter of Brtgham Toung, Mor mon leader. Rebels Active in Spain, 21 Colonies . PARIS, July 20-UP-The exiled Bourbon rulers of Spain watched the flames of Moroccan and main land revolt with acknowledged Interest". today,' 1 but Spanish sources here saw them excluded from the rebels plan. J Rather, these sources said, the Insurgent soldiers were aiming at another rightist dictatorship like that of General JPrimo de Rivera, who died In Paris in 1930, after ending six years of absolute, mili tary power in Spain. : ..... A little more than a year later King . Alfonso was forced out ot the country by the establishment of a republic, which eventually came under the direction of the left coalition government against which today's rebels are fighting. May Return, Rumor (After a quick flight from one castle to another in Czechoslova kia, former King Alfonso, him self, said be did not regard the revolt as a movement toward re storation of the athrone, and as serted he wanted only a peaceful rightest regime in Spain. (There were reports in Praha, however, that Alfonso might fly to Spain.) Rumors ' of ". military . plots in Spain have persisted here - for months, although the government shook up Its rightest high army command. General .Franco, for one, -was sent from Madrid to the distant Caaary" islands. . i-Asi week's assassination., m Madrid of the' monarchist, Jose Calvo Sotelo, served to Increase the rumors, since Calvo Sotelo wis slain by men In- the uniforms of leftist government assault guards. . Smort, IncSvidwot styles for every occasion in this latest ANNE ADAMS PATTERN B06kJ , Coot, flattering hosecJressivol cation domes, beach wear, pWtyj ' frocks, chUdVen's clothes, spejcuol '' designs for stouts, frocks for turn-l mer brides and bridesmaids. pr4 deyowr copy today! Book Sc ' Anno Adams fottern and a pattern together,! 25c ONEOBpm paper a .' 1 T," . - i . '' women. Turn td PATTCntl: DCPAIITMEMT; . :n - Jctityj at Ufapqua To Receive Funds ; WASHINGTON. July" 20.-- Secreaary! of War George Dern ap proved today an allotment of 13 OO.OOOi toward the construction of the; south jetty at the mouth of the Umpqua river on the Ore gon .epasL i Th amount was made available under! the 1935 rivers and harbors act. i The project was improve ment 1 of I the Umpqua river, bar WEDNESDAY ONLY ! ; iTv nmnnn .nnrl . Finirer Wave. Res. 65c. . J.-) j Permanent Wavempieie Cinderella Beduty Z,:po 1 Dial 7823 for Appointment HOUSE WIFE TERRIFIED BY UDDEN WEAKNESS! S. LK. RESTORES So Wiak and Run-Down I Williams' S.L.K- Formula Again Gave Me Olonous Health.,, Read This Odd Experience of Sickly Young Housewife. , DO I yoh feel yourself going downilll day -after : day? Do you get up in the morning list less jafld jworn-out - your veins sluggish 'with the poisons inside of yo4? Remember WE3AKNESS IS A'j! DANGER SIGNAL! You must fhave RESISTANCE tor the infection all around you! The WEAK a-e often seized by germ diseases, j j I WulIIams ! S.L.K. Formula re builds j YpXJR ENTIRE SYSTEM! It purifies I your Intestines- sweeping ! out the dangerous Im purities, ut ! gently cleanses your' kidneys stimulates your liver and at tfie same time gives you new Strength new resist- ANCE! Thousands of "men and women are . finding wonderful help wlthf it nd they are. telling their Neighbors about it as in this remarkable letter from Mrs.- knowdi lady, ' j jlBecame Run Down ; I "Until I about or 7 months ago. I jwas always unusually strong; and 1 never had a day's sickness. jThen I began to get all" run-down. -Hand X suddenly be- came ;so i. weak that 1 was terri- tied. I d dn't -have any strength left at alL A friend of mine was over tne day, and -she told me. about! Williams S.L.K. Formula, X bought a bottle and tried it. After I Just 2 tTottles, I felt ' like a different person. It haa again IF YOU ARE NOT COMPLETE given imef glorious health, and I LT UTTERLY SATISFIED in ieei v fJ uucy 10. ieu oiaer i aj ibb amtgui win id honseWives what relief . Williams' stantly refund your , money! 1 5c Cook f t . i ATI A!' 1 i TO WOmSN READERS .;. Irthe Anne Adams Pattern Book that pittures in attractive, conve ilent.form the latest easyto male clothes for slimmer all f them Interpreted ,. v.; I. ' - '-' - ' V :s i -- In new fabrics qh ?n our stores. Send for your ' : ' ' . ; ; - v .v, - ! j V -"copy today! Watch our Woman's Pa0"sj"evtry day for Ann j Adams exclusive designs and other outstanding! features that make cif news- vital '.. 1"'! acitor, In the lives cf the Woman's Page novjl k !' I: - jam impish. r -vKwaaaaar 9W,tW t-- r and entrant, was modified to rc quire local interests to give assur ance they would undertake im provement and maintenance or the: river channel across the bar. The Port of Umpqua, by resolu tion, agreed to undertake the im provement stipulated by the act. Dern said,,' 1 Bonus Bonds For Bail )LYMPIA. Wash., July 20.-(.F) -Posting 1250 in bonus bonis, Jeff George; Lake Steilaeoom, via Atim hera todaV Oil ganieu uu -1-" . . . a Charge of driving while under .v-; ttra nt liauor. Justice Van R. II Inkle accepted th bond 'i - rD: 3 i llrMrfafro fiver J. C Penney Co. HER STRENGTH Became Alarmed. 2 Bottles I 5! A t Too run-down to da my housework before I -found Wil liams 8.L.K. -Formula,-' test" flfm Mn G e. Peterson. S;L.K. Formula" gives and ho easy and quick ybu-can get year housework done:'"' (Mrs. G. E. Peterson, 230 E SU Marysville, Calif.) ! f Money-Ik Guarantee . -Williams' S.L.K. Formula the private prescription of an Army" Doctor Is guaranteed to gtt quick, wonderful results . with sluggish Stomach, Liver, Dowels" and-Kidneys or. your MONEY BACK! Get a bottle today from Perry'i 'Drug Store, Salem.' and 4 - ye i ' , ' '4 Jl i upto - data 1 -6 ' " ....... T ' 3.1 . r; 1 i J i hear. . t s 4