r 4 1, , The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem.. Oregon, Sunday Morning:, July 19, 1830 PAGE NINE Lively ' Note Struck ' in -Theatre EMtertaiMment eek Jlr- Lpic oi y uake Is at Elsinore dark Gable and Jeanelte MacDonald Stars; Many Songs For Letter "San Francisco" brlags Clark Gable and Jeanette MacDonald to gether aa a co-starring team for the first time. It Is the current Elsinore feature. - The mnalcal romance rives Miss MacDonald her widest scope in Tocal numbers In her screen, car eer toal of nine presentations ranging from a solemn hymn to the most beautiful operatic arias. Clarke Gable returns to the rig orous type : of role that first de rated him to stardom as a blust ery Barbary Coast gambling baron who has no faith in anything but his own power and his charm ov er women, j Co-8 tarring with Mlr-s MacDon ald and Gable is Spencer Tracy in his most unusual role, that of a priest; distinguished support ing cast includes Jack Holt. Jes sie Ralph, Ted Healy, Shirley Ross, Margaret Irving. Harold Huber, Al Shean. William Rlc ciardi and Kenneth Harlan. "San Francisco" is laid in the colorful period of 1905-06. its life of gaiety and song. Its Barbary Coast prior to and through the disaster that leveled the famous Golden Gate city thirty years ago. 'Captain January' On at Hollywood Famous Story Considered Shirley Temple's Best Vehicle Up to Now A famous story . becoues Shir ley Temple's greatest picture as the tiny, dimpled Fox star re tarns in "Captain January," now at the Hollywood theatre. Adapted from the beloved tale by Laura E. Richards, the new picture is a heart-tugging drama of a 1 arable little girl and a sweet, old sailor, set in a light house on the rocky coast of Maine. How Gny Kibbee lores and pro. tects this tiny waif he had picked out o the sea years before, how he loses her to a vixenish old tru ant officer and eventually wins her back again la revealed in the fascinating plot of "Captain Jan uary." Shirley performs a series of tinkling new steps, including. delightful norelty called "The Multiplication Table Dance," and sings three grand new songs. The 1t of the three, all with music T5th Lew Pollack, is "The. Right Somebody to Love." Slim Summerville, Buddy Eb sen, lovely June Lang and Jane Darwell are the principal support ing players. ' CCC Enrollment To Halt July 31 CCC camp enrollment in Mar ion county has been extended to July 31. Glenn C. Niles, county relief administrator, announced yesterday. No dates for going to .camp hare been set. ,"Boys who think they are el igible should contact the relief office as soon as possible," Niles said. "We will be glad to help them complete their applications for assignment to camp if they are eligible.? , ' Houses Are Sold SILVERTON, Jul? 18 Two houses and a three-acre tract of land in North Silvtron owned by Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fuller hare been Bold to Sam Donnell, recent ly of Gates. Ore. The sales were made through the George Hubbs company. J0E.LY1700U STARTS TODAY - 2 P. M. SPECIAL MATINEE Monday and Tuesday z p.m. Happy New Songs'. Tappy New Dances . . . And ' the grandest Story She's Ever Had! at a tiny sea-going salt in souWester and slicker - N - res )m ' guy ki::ee SLIM S'Ji'-EnYiLLE ;exi JUNi LANS zY . SUDDY EBSEN . f Added Colored Cartoon News and Comedy T:: San Francisco The roistering days of San Francisco before the great earthquake live again in the picture by the same name at the Elsinore today. Clark Gable and Jeanaette MacDonald are the stars. - 'i x r Josephine Hutchinson and Pat O'Brien bring the tnorie version of one of Sinclair Lewis novels to a Doctor. '.!:'.;. It's a dramatic story of a aea-watf that brings Shirley Temple and Gay Kibbre together la "Captain January" at the Hollywood today. Use of Gasoline In Oregon Gains June, 1936, gasoline consump tion exceeded that of June, 1935. by nearly 3.000,000 gallons. The total exceeded 19,000,000 gallons. The gas tax amounted-to 1950. 946.93 anj increase of $140,295 for the period. Each month this year the gas sales and taxes have been ahead of 1915. For the first six;ruonth of the year the state collected $4,678,- U L 1 Special Saturday & Sunday Airplane Joy' Rides Children $ 10 Miles U D $50 25' Blilea 1 In Sport Plane EYERLY SALE!,I AIRPOUT 1 Love Birds, the Capitol today in "I Married - - -; - ! r 33$ In gas taxes from the sale of 93.56C.72g gallons, an increase of $820,799 in revenue and of 12r 415,936 in gallonage. , Forelte Sells Blacksmith . lhop to Sheridan Man DALLAS July IS C. D. For ette of North Dakota sold his blacksmith shop to August Dahn from ISheridan. Mr. Forette has not stated Just, what his 'future plans are. Thomas Withyeombe Dies PORTLAN D, July 18.-(P)-. i nomas witnycomne, Oregon pioneer and developer of walnuts died in a hospital here. He was 83 years old. He was a brother of the late Governor James Withy- combe. The widow and four child ren survive. ."-,. Murals Are Completed PORTLAND, July 18.--Six year job ended today for Emil Jacques, head of the art depart ment at the -University of Notre Dame, with the hanging of four mural3 In the Church, of the Sac red Heart here. - i : The most excit- ing screen sweet- f hearts of the! year in a great r sons and thrill ' romance! I - m o Ji.lv. GGEKHHiD Plas 'High Tension' Notv at Grand Clenda Farrell and Brian Don! cry Among Stars; I Thrills Provided Thrills undersea and hlghjinka ashore are promised in "High Tea. sion. the excitement-spiked Fox picture now showing at the Grand theatre with Brian Donlery, Glenda Farrell, Norman Foster, Helen Wood and Robert MeWade in the leading rolea. With .a background of death defying-dangers tinder the sea, the film relates the hilarious ad ventures of two dare-deril pal who don't' fear the perils at the ocean bottom nearly as muxh as the lire-wire- blondes they meet ashore. The film opens in a blaze of ex citement with Fosteri rescuing Donlery from a free-for-all In a waterfront saloon. Out to drown his sorrow because Glenda Far rell has given him the air, Don lery gets into a brawl and is get ting much the worst of it until Foster appears on the scene. . Swearing off women "for life," Donlery and Foster go to sea where they go through a series of breathtaking adrentnrae re pairing the undersea cable lines. Returning toihere, Donlery, repentant, goes to Glenda'a apart ment to patch things np. Glenda, in the meantime, has acquired a new boy-friend who, unknown to Donlery, , is the hearyweight champion of the world. Racket Drama Is At Capitol Today "The Woman Who Dared" Is Timely ; O'Brien Star in Other Feature An intelligent discussion of a most timely theme is presented In "The Woman Who Dared." the new Imperial picture which opens at the Capitol today. What hare ex-bootleggers been doing since repeal t That is the question the story asks. And. then, haring asked it, it proceeds to answer it in one of the most thrilling dramas of racketeering that has ever reached the screen. Pat O'Brien has piped down and he lores it. His rapid fir e rerbiage has been muted; the flow of his dia logue has slowed down to normal for his latest Warner Bros, pic true, "I Married a Doctor," which comes to the Capitol theatre today as the second feature. In the current film O'Brien plays a slow-thinking, dependable and popular small town doctor. Josephine Hutchinson, with whom he was teamed in "Oil for the Lamps of China," has the role of his idealistic wife. Besides O'Brien and ' Mill Hutchinson, the cast Includes Ross Alexander, Guy Kibbee. Lou ise Fazenda, Olin Howland a n d Alma Lloyd. The Gall Board ELSINORE Today Clark Gable In "Satt TTranHaco Thursday Charlie Ruggles it, "V.ariw trx I Saturday Joe E. Brown In "Earthworm Tractors." GRAND j T o d a y Glenda Farrell In "High Tension." Wednesday Shirley Temple In "Poor X.ittle Rich Girl." CAPITOL Today Double bill. WI Mar ried a Docter" with Pat O'Brien and "The Woman Who Dared" with an all star cast. Tuesday Double bilL . "Speed," and "Motive for Revenge.", . T h u r s d a y Double bill. "Dracula's Daughter with all star cast rnd Dick Powell in "Colleen." HOLLYWOOD , Today Shirley Temple in "Captain January." ; Friday First run. Ken May nard In "Heir to Trouble." , STATE ,Toda y Wallace Beery In "A Message to Garcia." , Tuesday Double' bill, "Too Many Parents," with Fran ces Farmer and "The Out- law Deputy" with Tim Mc- " Coy." "..-''" ' ' " Thursday Gary Cooper In "Desire." - ' - Saturday Zanfc Grey . west- "em, "Desert Gold." ." NOW PLAYING 7 (flMt Band Act . Cartoon - News r a, UnderSeas Drama at Grand " - ; r' ' ;' i ', : :? " ..-:: ; - ' ' i - Glenda Farrell and Brian Donlery in the current Grand feature, - '" . i ' ' o - - .: : , -. ,, . .. , :..'..:;.: .,.,:': . , , , . . , i , ' t , ' ' :;';:i;v ,: s, .;--.;v ::..::.:: . I ' A "V .- x;- " ';' ohn Boles and Barbara Stanwyck fall in love under harrowing I conditlona xm A Menage to tiarcla" at the State today. , i Amateur Hour of . ... i OARP Qub Held 9 I AIRLIE, July 18.The month ly amateur hour was held by the Townsend club at their hall on Wednesday night and was attend ed by a large crowd. Four di visions took part: Boys and girls nnder 12 years of age. boys and ;irls of high school age and the married people, Winners of each division were awarded prizes. After the bus iness meeting, a special speaker iras heard. Following this, a ple 4ocial was held, proceeds going to ward kalsomlning and cleaning up the halL r '.?-v Carriers Will Go j On'Outiiig Today 1 - ; s I As a reward for excellent work is Statesman carriers, five boys will be taken today on an outing to Marion lake by Harold Pruitt, circulation manager. They are ill Clearwater, Melvin Cleveland, Bill Trudgen, Don Boley and Phil Yoder. (i The group will leave Salem at a. m., park their cars at the end of the Marion lake road and tike in three miles with a camp ing outfit. They will stay over night and return late Monday. The Jantsen beach trip for car riers is scheduled July 28. To Buy Oregon Wheat S CORVALLIS, Ore., July 18.-() fWord ' came to extension offi cials of Oregon State college to day that the first purchase of Pacific coast wheat under the AAA drought-relief -program will Se made next week. The wheat Trill be milled and turned over to tjie surplus commodities corpora tion. ' I Injuries Are Fatal PORTLAND, Ore., July 18.-;p) -fAn automobile accident near Ti gard last night resulted fatally day to Kenneth Barger, 18, of Youngatown, O., TODAY AND MONDAY Two Gmasli Uoatn&QG Sinclair the stars China." 'AWswlrti.HI - A V I Wrshdfcy AfcUeltoya And. Second Hit I BI Business Takes a Crack at Racketeers - with - ' " CLAUDIA DELL, ilONROE OWSLEY, LOLA LANE 1 are a pleasing new romantic team "High Tension." j I Permanent Wave . . . ! Innovation Note A permanent wave process wbich the patron may watch the blending of oil essences to suit her individual hairdress require ments Is being Introduced to Sa lem women for the first time by Anabel's beauty shop, 428 Court street. The new method, known a Viva-Curl, is said to give a bene ficial recondition oil treatment and, according to Anabel Moo, safeguards the coloring and tei- ture of the hair. Scented sachets, used with; the solution when it is steamed! in. contribute to the pleasantness oJ the treatment. Vivalene, an adaptation of the egg shampoo, is an additional fea ture of the new method. Bankers Here On Five Committees I i nADTT sierra T i o ' ,rti -Newly-appointed committees v. -.- I cvAM -Dio tooVeVJhelTIlee T - sonnel of the groups, named by George D. Brodie, president, j ! eluded: - ; i; Legislative W. S. Walton, Sai lem. I Standard forms J. H. Irvine, Lebanon. I I FT. II T-k w Tr - Glenn L. Briedwell, Silverton. J Trust powers Joseph H. ! Al bert, Salem. - i I Special research W. S. Wal ton, Salem. - CCC Eligibility Urged PORTLANND, July 18.-&P)- Senator Charles McNary (R-Orei assured the board of Multnomah county commissioners today 1 he' would aid them In efforts to mod ify CCC regulations so that Ore gon men not -on relief might . Join the camps. The state does not have sufficient eligible young men to fill the quota for strictly OrS- gon CCC onlta. ; - j Lewis powerful novel with of rOil for the, Lamps of . i! Ah fo) i:MNiM:ikl V " if ' Find Fingerprints With Iodine's Skid Hidden Ones Drought; Into View When Fumes Ate . til a ' Spread, - Discover j j; v LOS ANGELES -CP) - i! pipe which puffs out Iodine fumes Is enabling Los Angeles poUce I to Pjck up rmgerprinis tnat escaped them before i1'S ' iSvH i The device, designed by i Dr. John. McMorris, . Pasadena xhem. 1st. materializes the dimmest ghost of a print on surfaces jsrhere the ! orthodox powder method proved ineffective. . , "With this new process'? said Cept. Harry Doyle, chief Of the identification and record bWreau, we i expect to apprehend fiends whol leave finger! marks only 'on this throats of their victim Latent prints, he explained, are obtained from the pattern left by oil from pores. If the surface on w&lcn they are left Is dry; ;tne powder sticks only to the oil ifrom the lingers. But when other; oil is presint. the powder clings te it alfo and the pattern is lost. Iodine ruioes. nowever, seem to nave a special affinity for oil front jthe Pores. ! t Demonstrating his pipe. Dr. Mc- Mprris blew lustily and (odine fumes spread along a freshly painted wall. Suddenly .three brWn Prints appeared. TheS isci e at 1st placed a small glass coated with silver againet them. ? j Spectators examining the silver surface when it was reiftfTed found ft blank. Dr. McMorris held It in the sungilht and im ages! of the three prints slowly appeared. The reaction of iodine on tllver was one employe! in early photogrphy. . i I il Calcium chloride crystalii i in closed in glass wool are placed in on jof the pipe bowls. All ! the moist breath strike these crystals It temperature is increased; so when it reaches the iodine crystals in the next bowl fames f o;r m auickly and the exploration j for finger prints begins teo Flying CMd Wins Praise Hfere f i Engineered to be "America's finest ulx.T the new Tteo Flying Cloud upholds that designation fremj stem to atern, state CI S. Pratt, who has charge of Reo sales agency, 339 N. High, s Xn the 1931 model quality materials, advanced engineering and precision workmanship are combined to produce an automo bile that meets all standards! of appearance, com ion ana aepena ability. iH;i'. The new Flying Cloud features the "cradled ride where the; tear seat -passengers ride between' ;the axles; The all-steel safety body. of aerodynamic design Is treated wih insulating material w h I c h metallic sound. The all-steel top islwired for radio.- ; Reps are built In twofdoor coach, two-door brougham 1 and four-door sedan models. ' 'i . 7 ! j (Conviction Ratio Higlf PORTLAND. July 1 8.-(P)Carl C. fDonaugh, U. S. attorney said today the Oregon federal courts the past year convicted 96.S per cent trial or aeienaants prougni to -3 per cent above the na tlona average. Ifir Drives Midget Cars j' $ILVERTOX, July 18 Rrtiee Campbell, son of Hal CampbelH la spending a vacation at Silverton Campbell lias been driving midget TfAa.t A I Catnpbell is also visiting with, h Mrs er l ' C O M s - if e t -IOHM '3 i ill.- 3 - - V Itoday and r 3JONDAY ONLY! V o n 0 A ( I ! A! Oregon Ahead in Crop Prospects PORTLAND, Ore., July 1$.-JP) Of 14 principal crops surveyed as of July 1. Oregon's prospects in six were superior to any other state in the union, the U. S. de partment of agriculture said to day. Oregon also ranked second in four others and third in the remainder. , Oregon led in oats, stock ran ges, tame hay, potatoes, barley and rye, was second in . range cattle, range sheep,' wild hay and grapes and third in spring wheat, corn, apples and pears. . To Call Bids For Traffic Control The city council street com mittee hopes to be ready by the end of this week to call for bids on automatic traffic control sig nals. Chairman Van Wieder said yesterday following a, meeting of the committee with F. P. Phil brick, signal engineer. Philbrick will prepare the specifications on which bids will be based. Wieder said' It had been de cided to ask .for bids on sig nals for seven downtown Inter sections as originally planned. but to leave one intersection. Cen ter and Commercial streets, out of the central control circuit. In dependent operation of the one intersection signal is feasible, Wieder said, and omitting it from the conduit hookup will save money. . Bids probably will not be open ed until the August 17 council meeting. The six Intersections which would have centrally-oper ated signals under the present, plan are those on Court and on State streets at the Intersections with Commercial, , Liberty and High- streets. More Headstones For Vets' Graves The Sons of Union Veterans here have received 12 more head stones, provided by the federal government, to mark present un marked soldiers' grayes. The stones will be set In Jason Lee Mission. City View, Odd Fellows and Turner cemeteries. Graves of the following deceased veterans will be marked: William Swank, Carl Gendle, Albert A. Richmond. Thomas Fisher. T. C. Moore, Pat Foley, John Gllmore, James Soper, Ezra Cather, Albert L. Moore and John Jackson. ! Brakeman Badly Hurt ASTORIA, Ore.. July 18.-(;p-Physlcians gave Earl C. Hoyt of Portland but a slight chance! for recovery tonight -after a mishap which cost hini an arm and a leg. Hoyt, a brakeman on the S. P. A S. -railroad, , feU from, a freight train and was run over. ADDED L - Colored Cartoon S Comedies News iJf EETTER PICTURES V PERFECT SOUND PORTA PLC n0 DOLES C?inTOOAlVD ""itll SUBJECTS Doors Open 12t45 Immmr ; H r '. 4 I !. .. .. XI