The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 19, 1936, Page 10, Image 10

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v The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, July 19, 1936
II! :!
Ml j
umday Society, . CMbs and Miisic! Pae of The
Society Editor
Phone 9101
A5 ,i
m t
' ii . i
Miss Jorgensen Rfeeal s
. . . v - :
Party Saturday
THE engagement or Miss iris jorgensen, aaugnter ouir.
and Mrs. Ira Jorgensen, and Carl Collins, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. T. Collins, was announced yesterday ! afternoon
at a beautiful garden luncheon in the William McGilchrist,
jr., home. : ' ' - j
Miss Jorgensen and Miss Josephine McGilchrist were
' " " : o Joint hostesses. S No date has been
' , V
Wedding Plans
F A niof
OP ilLLlillbl
or August
Are Told
A BRILLIANT church ceremony
will unite in marriage Miss
, Beatrice Hartung, daughter of
Mrs. E. E. Gilbert and Gus Moore,
son of H. L. Moore of Ashland.
August 5 In the First Methodist
Dr. J. E. Mllligan will officiate
Assisted by Rev. Henry Young of
Hillsboro. There will be a musi
cal program from 8 to 8:30
o'clock before the service.
Miss Lillian Scott will sing "I
Love You Truly" and Miss Mary
Elizabeth Kells will sing, "O
Promise Me".
The bride will be given in mar
riage by her mother. Miss Ruth
Chapman will be; maid of honor
and bridesmaids will be Miss Ed
ith Clement, Mies Marian Breti,
Miss Bertha . Babcock and -Miss
Janet Weil.
Extended Honeymoon
Mr. Moore will have Edward
Frants for his best man and. ush
ers will be James Burdette and
Andrew. Peterson of McMinnvllle,
Frank Van Dyke of. Ashland and
Keith Jones.
Presiding at the serving table
during the reception to follow will
be Mrs. C. Ronald Hudkins of
Portland and Mrs. A. C. Zeller of
Battle Ground, Wash., sisters of
the bride. -
Assisting in serving will be Mrs.
Andrew Peterson of McMinnvllle,
Mrs. James Faunts of Portland,
Mrs. Frank Van Dyke of Ashland,
Miss Betty Vaughn, Miss Margaret
Kunn, Miss Edith Moore of Port
land, Miss Esther Black, Miss
Cynthia Delano, Miss Sylvia Da
Bois, Miss Helen Kuedell and Miss
Frances Laws.
After an extended honeymoon
east, the couple will return to the
west coast by boat and will make
their home in Kingwood Heights.
Schmidt Home Opened
To Class Social
The Kum Join Us class of the
First Christian church spent a
social evening Friday in the at
tractive gardens at the Paul
Schmidt home.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. E.
Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman
Smith. Mr. and Mrs. C. Magnus
en, Mr. and Mrs. C. Walker, Mr.
and Mrs. C. B. Lapsley, Mr. and
Mrs. Guy L. Drill. Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Schmidt, Mrs. J. Rauten
kranz, Mr. and Mrs. G. Kennedy.
Mlsg Mary Stout, 3Iiss Naomi
Jones and Miss Deena Hart.
Salem W.C.T.U. to -Meet
Tuesday Afternoon
The Salem W.C.T.U. will meet
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock In
the hall on Commercial.
A lecture by Mrs. F. L. John
son, national worker, will be re
viewed by Mrs. Fred Tooze, Jr.
It Is entitled. "Chaos Today
Dreams Realized Tomorrow."
There will be a short business
session and musical numbers.
' . . ..1
We Take Pleasure in Presenting
The "Prescription" Permanent
' Prescription Permanent Because Gen
nine Oil Essences Are Blended
You'll Approve:
0 Viva-Kurl safeguard aiiy shade or texture of hair! '
, O You actually SEE Viva-Kurl blended!
O Viva-Kurl is a nourishing treatment for your hair!
O Scented sachets make f'steaming process'! pleasant!
"5" i
" - j - ' ' : i : . .. : ;.
INQUIRE ABOUT VIVA-CURL .. The Aristocrat of Permanent,!
423 Court St.
at Garden
V. m ' ST
fa'SKS .ui''M
with Delta Gamma. Mr. Collins
went to Salem schools and is era-
ployed by the Firestone company.
Three tables -were placed in the
garden, each decorated in its own
color motif of ivory, old rose and
bine, respectively. Water lilies
were used in j the centerpieces.
Baskets wrapped in different
shades of cellophane were at each
place with a nosegay and card; in
the top containing the news. j '
The afternoon was spent in
formally. , M j- '':
Guests Are Listed
Bidden by the two hostesses
were Mrs. Merle Long, Mrs. W. W.
Smith; Mrs. Robert Drtscoll, Mrs.
Homer Smith, Jr., Mrs. Howard
Adams, Mrs. Clora Johnson, Mrs.
Hubert Ashby and Mrs. Paul Boll
man, both of Dallas, Mrs. Prank
Shafer, Mrs. Robert Judson jot
Portland,! Mrs. ! Perry Keyes jof
Stayton, Mrs. George Emigh of
Astoria, Mrs. Homer Goulet,' jr..
Mrs. Reynolds Allen, Mrs. Homer
Smith, sr.. Mrs. William McGil
christ, Jr., Mrs. Ira Jorgensen.
Miss Doris Drager, Miss Beulah
Weddle of Portland, Miss Betty
Read, Miss Margaret I Bell. Miss
Eralyn Griggs, Miss Priscilla Fry,
Miss Rovena Eyre, Miss Grace
Holman, Miss Dorothy Alexander.
Miss Dorothy and Miss Margaret
Corey, Miss Peggy Manger, Miss
Margaret Drager, Miss Helen
Worth, Miss Lorraine Kihzer,
Miss Frances Johnston; Miss Mar
garet Wagner, Miss Roby Laugh
lin. Miss Peggy jGoodfellow, Miss
Myra Belt, Miss Henriette White,
Miss Marie Patton, Miss Yvonne
Smith, Mies Barbara Porter and
Miss Esther Wood. ! ;
Carol Faliin- Cele Urates
Seventh- Birthday .'.'
Carol Faliin, f daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Grant Tallin; celebrated
her seventh birthday i Thursday
with a garden party for a .roup
of her young friends. Guests came
wearing their bathing; suits, and
spent the afternoon playing in the
garden wading pool. Refreshments
were served late in the afternoon.
Guests included Jean Hatfield,
Joyce Davis, Vivian Boyce, Betty
Jo Beardsley, Jean Vorego, Lean
ore "Pogue, Katharine Shafer,
Jimmy and Billy Armstrong, Bob
by Seamster and Velma Swart.
I.-' ' .
Guests from) South are
Entertained I
Mrs. C. N. Owen, Mrs. Lala S.
Owen and Mrs. .Clarence Pearson
of Mobile, Ala.,' have been house
guests of Mrs. iR. P. Boise and
Mrs. Frank Snedeeor since Tues
day. Miss Mary Beard of Birming
ham Is also visiting here.
Yesterday. Mrs. Pearson" and
Mrs. S. N. Owen sailed on an
Alaskan cruise. Mrs. R. F. Prael
of Portland was hostess for a
luncheon Thursday honoring Mrs.
Boise, Mrs. Snedeeor and their
guests. i
Miss Barbara Barnes j
Studying at Berkeley . ,
Miss Barbara Barnes has be
gun her summer work; with Han
ya. Holm, head of the American
Mary Wigmaa j school of New
German dancing at Mills College
near Berkeley, Calif.,
this sum-
mer term,
I V,'
For You I
Formerly Mildred9 1
Prominent in Very Young Set
' X 'i
. : ' ; ; -. v
- ; t .Jxsmmm'
K -
, '
-. 1 i !.
Past Matrons
Hold Picnic
N Friday ;
WITH hopeful glances at fickle
skies, picnle devotees are an
ticipating some jolly outdoor
parties after the long siege of bad
weather. ;,.-.:!-
' Friday, the Past Matrons of
Chadwick chapter, Order of East
ern Star, entertained the Past
Patrons with a family picnic at
Brush College grounds. Guests
gathered about a big bonfire after
dinner to sing and spin yarns.
In attendance were Mr. and
Mrs. L. L. Meyers, Mr. and Mrs.
Paul H. Hauser, Mr. and Mrs. R.
W. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Rhoten, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hen
ry, Corrine Henry, Mrs. Herbert
Hauser, Wayne Hauser, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Pratt, Mrs. Russell
Pratt, Mrs. Lipp, Mr. and Mrs. J.
F. Weisser and son. Jack, Mr. and
Mrs. O. W. Emmons, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Smith, Mr. and Mrs. S. B.
Gillette, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Rus
sell, Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Barrick,
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Bosshard, Miss
Lelia Johnson, Mrs. Mary John
son, Bob and Betty Johnson, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Settlemier of
Woodburn, Mr. and Mrs. Garfield
Anderson. Mrs. Ralph Thompson,
Mrs. Joaie LaFore, Mrs. Ora F.
Mclntyrei Mrs. H. E. Crawford,
Dr. William C. Kantner, Miss
Constancy and Miss La Verne
Kantner, Mrs. Iva Bushey, Mrs.
Emma Murphy Brown, Mr. and
Mrs. M. E. Petteys, Billy TJtley
and Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Blodgett.
Iota Sigma W.C.T.U. ;
To Convene Monday
A meeting of the Iota Sigma
of W.C.T.U. is slated Mdnday at
the home of Mrs. John VanLyde
graf. Route 4. Club dinner will
be served at 6:30 p. m. At the
program to follow the dinner a
report of the national W.C.T.TJ.
convention will be given by Mrs.
V J. Tooze.
, 1
Phone 5G39
ir. .f i
4, , . ---
t . GuuncU-Robb Portraits
(Top) Smiling Frances Baum, aged five years old, is the daughter f
Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Baum. She expects: to enter school in the fall.
' (Lower) A more serious miss 4s Sharon Brown, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Keith Brown. Perhaps she is meditating upon her ad
- vancing years. She celebrated her third: birthday last week.
Miss Florence Camphell
Has Birthday Fete
Hubbard Miss Florence Camp
bell was hostess for a birthday
party on Friday afternoon, hon
oring her sister, Ruth, on her
birthday anniversary. The after
noon was spent in playing games.
Refreshments were. served In the
late afternoon. .
; Miss Campbell had as her
guests, Mildred Schoor, Phyllis
Vrettenberg, Pearl. Bower, , Lola
Liester, Violet, Verla. Virginia
and Marjory Hyatt, 'and Miss
Kathryn Hawk.
Macklin-Schweigert "
Nnptial Said Tuesday , .
Miss Louise M a e k 1 1 n and
Thomas Schweigert were married
at ; Vancouver, Wash., Tuesday.
They have bought a home on Lee
street in which they are residing.
Thursday night a arty of friends
gave them a housewarming.
To Spend Week-end
With Volkel Family
, Mr. and Mrs. L. Drorbaugh and
son, Daryl, Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Ross and Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Col
lins will spend the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Volkel at
Taft. The latter are vacationing
at the beach resort where they
have a cottage.
Booth Salem W.C.T.U.
To Convene Friday
Mrs. C. W. Stacey will ojen her
home to the South Salem W.C.T.U.
Friday afternoon 'at 2 o'clock.
Mrs. Rnth Tooze will report on
the national convention. Cars
will leave Leslie church at 1:45
P. zn.
' at
We are Never Out
j , I
1 - ..... J
r .-' - at :.V,
in i
Mrs4 Ralph' Steele Has
Party at Honie
:' MrJ. Dan Hammond and Mrs.
Eugene Kellogg-were guests of
honori at a pretty party last week
given by Mrs. Ralph Steele, Mrs.
Floyd jQuery and Mrs. George Bag
nail at the Steele residence.
: A late supper was served. Nas
turtiums ' made bright bouquets
throughout the rooms.
: Prevent were Mrs. Hammond,
Mrs. Kellog, Mrs. Delbert Schwa b
bauer; Miss Cora Mae Fehler, Miss
Fern yfohl. Miss Molly Schwab
bauer; Mrs. Gene Tupker, Mrs. Ed
McElvaln, Mrs. Verna McKee Car
roll, Mrs. Harris Lletz, Miss Lois
Riggsj Mrs. William Boyd Ashby,
Miss Agnes Emmel, Mrs. D. A.
Emer&on, Miss Mary Lois Driggs,
Miss Janice Higgins and the host
esses, J Mrs. Query, - Mrs. Bagnall
and Mrs. Steele.
PJV.P. Club Entertained
With- Initiation '
Members of the P.A.P. club met
at the home of Mrs. Orval Thomas
Thursday for the Initiation of two
new members, Mrs. John Wilson
and M-rs. Tom Jorgenson.
1 A large bowl of nasturtiums on
homespun made up the centerpiece
at thedessert luncheon table.
r Present were Mrs. Tom Jorgen
son, Mrs. Emil Jorgenson, Mrs.
John Wilson, Mrs. Ed Ammann
and the hostess, Mrs. Orval
Miss KM Wells
Home om East
Miss Etta Wells a nurse at the
state tuberculosis hospital, - as
returned to Salem after visiting
re latins in New Jersey.
o i i ;
Surprise Party
Given Withers
Orchard Heights Mr. and Mrs.
Adrian; Withers, whose birthday
anniversaries are identical, were
surprised Thursday by the arrival
of 35 friends and neighbors. A
social evening was spent and re
freshments were served.
Mrs. Van Scoyoe .
Here from South
Mrs;; Nan Van Scoyoe of San
Jose, Calif., Is a house guest at
the J. O. Rtfssell home. Tuesday,
Mr. and Mrs. Rnmnll will he
guests of Alma D. Katz, manager
Of the Mutual T.ifA Tnnnranrn
company of New York, at the. or
ganization picnic at Lake Oswego
r ' i " '..
To Sani Francisco
For Three We-lf
Dr. Henry . Kohlerand Alfred
Lauraine left for San Francisco
the past week to spend three
weeks.' In California. After seeing
Katherine Cornell in "Saint Joan,"
Dr. KOhler Will Vflt with frlanila
In Pasidena while Mr. Lauraine
is a guest of his parents it' Braw
ley. Calif.
, - . j -, . -
Cameron Marshall
Leaves!; for Chi cairn
Cameron Marshall, head of the
school jf music at Wlllamette.un
lversity; left for Chicago the past
weeK iQ tase some advanced music
courses during the summer.
War tbuers Meet
With .Mrs. Waters
.Mrs. i' : LJzheth VCatara - ..
president of the American War
iauiners, win be hostess to the
oaiem ccapier Tuesday afternoon
in her home, 925 N. Winter, at
2 o'clock.
. t: . '
Dr. and Mrs.' Waltz
Return -From Outing
. Dr. and Mrs. Ray M. Walts wUl
be home this week-end from a
fortnight's vacation spent In fish
ing and camping in the Wallowa
moutnaine. - i
.Our Usual Ware, Complete 73c
Push Wave, r 1
' i i Co,nP,et
V L . ThoM 8663
toi 1st Natl Bank Bide.
Singers From
Corvallis to
i Perform I
A SERVICE in song will be
given at the First Presbyterian
church tonight, 7:30 p. m., by
the Corvallis Singers. The general
public is invited. There Is no ad
mission charge but a tree will of
fering will be taken.,
i Mrs. L. J. Murdock Is the di
rector, Mrs. A. R. von'Lehe; the
organist, and Mrs. Harry Holroyd,
the pianist.' Following is their
program: .
Prelude Tli Sacred Hour" Ketelbr
Call to Worship "O Tbou Who Hearast"
Hymn .' 'Faith of Our Fathers'
Prayer "BlesaiBg" and "The Lord's
Scripture "How Long Wilt Thou For- '
get Me"
Anthem "A Tiny Seed Became
Offertory "ETenaonf" L Martin
Offertory iolo "How Beautiful Upon.
the Mountaine" Hrkr
Mr. L. J. Murdock
Sermon "The Stranger of Galilee"
Hymn ' "Now the Day la OTer" '
Benediction (atanding) "Glory Be
to God on High"
Postlnda "O ganetlsiima" Lux
Secular Concert
After the worship service, a se
cular concert will be given In the
social rooms of the church. Num
bers include "The Star," "She ,
Never Told Her Love" from ',
Shakespeare-Haydn, "Whirl and
Twirl" from Wagner's "Tann
Hauser", "The Rosary", "Heah de
win a blowin'", "The Sleigh",
"Robin Adair" and "Song of the
The Corvallis Singers Include
Mrs. H. C. Reisch, Mrs. Georgia
Mae Moller, Miss Cathryn Snapp,
Mrs. H. E. Atwood, Mrs. Clarence
Roberts, Mrs. L. Dickson, Mrs.
George Trumpour, Miss Mildred
Floyd, Mrs. F. F. Moser, Mrs. H.
L. Mack, Mrs. H. F. Merrill, Mrs.
Alvin Snapp, Mrs. J. M. Hamilton;
Mrs. N. C. Donaldson, Mrs. Mark
McCallister and. Mrs. H. A. Lind
gren. . . ,
Ramona Club Has Final
Meet of Season
t Silverton The charming sum
mer home of Mr. and Mrs. R. A.
Fish on the Abiqua was the scene
of the final meeting of the sea
son of Ramona club, Ramon chap
ter. Order of Eastern Star, Friday.
Special fruests were nresent for
the occasion.
A buffet no-host luncheon was
served at noon, small tables be
ing placed on the front porch.1
wwr ine taoies were cleared and
bridee was en loved Tha chlMron
In the party were delighted with
the many swings, slides and teeter
totters provided for their amuse
ment. .
Mrs. Errol Roes, president of
the : club, announced that thin
would be the final meeting nntil
autumn, but that plans for the fall
and winter activities will be mede
during the summer.
An interesting out-of-town
gnest was Mrs. E. H. Moses, past
WOrthV matron of Hawaii chanter
No. 1, Hilo. Hawaii.
Talbot Woman's Club
Is Entertained
Talbot. Mrs. O. W. Pntta. nr..'
entertained the Talbot Woman's
club at her home Thursday after
noon, mis was the last meeting
until fall. Mrs. E. J. Freeman
presided over the meeting. Plans
were made' for the club's annual
family- picnic to be held Sunday,.
August 2, at Helmick park.
Mrs. L. M. Harding and Mrs.
Harry Schug and two daughters
were special guests. Mrs. Blins
ton furnished the special feature
prize won by Mrs. Schug. Re
freshments were served by the
hostess assisted by Mrs.. Schug
and Mrs. Geo. Potts, Jr.
Mrs. Kuhlman is Feted
At Monmouth Affair :
Monmouth Complimenting her
sister, Mrs. R. E. Knhlman" of
Lake Chelan, Wash., Mrs. Met
Hubbard entertained a group of
friends Friday afternoon.
Those enjoying the affair were
Mrs. J. V. Johnson, Mrs. Harry
Blodgett, Mrs. Ralph Dodson, Mrs.
Fred Scholl, Mrs. Mary Tedrow,
Mrs. T. H. McEldowney and Mrs.
Dell Tedrow, and Miss Geraldlne
Kuhlman. At the tea hour Mrs.
Hubbard 'was assisted by Miss
Kuhlman. "
-. , m
Mrs. Johns Fetea
Home Ec Club ' " .
Roberts. Mrs. Jesse Johns en
tertained' the ' Home Economics
club at her home the past week.
Mrs. Van .Wagner was a special
gnest for the afternoon. Mrs. Al
bert JJlankenship will be host to
the club at her home August 12.
Picnic Enjoyed " '
A State Park: !
- Roberts. The I G. T. Women's
club - held an all-day picnic ' at
Silver Creek Falls state park
Thursday. There i were about 25
who made the trip. Their next
picnic will be at Paradise Island
the first week in August.
. 2.
. . ; , e ,
Daughter is Born " '
To Curtis WiUiams . '
Mr. i and Mrs. Curtis Williams
are receiving congratulations on
the birth of a daughter Thurs
day at the Salem General hospi
tal. She has been named Gwen
eth Lee.
... wf ... " :-.
Ice Cream Social - 1
Slated at Fruitland
Fruitland. The Women's Mis
sionary society will hold an ice
cream social the evening of July
31 at the schoolhouse. A : pro
gram will be given also.
Barkley Family Is
Visiting in Salem
Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Thomas
have as their week-end guests Mr.
ana Mrs. Charles Barkley of Se-
iwe.- -
amp Santaly Continues
b "-Hbldi
... j .- ; ' t I
CjAMP Santaly swings into its
(jwiUi another full roster oil
reports coming in, life at Santaly is Drisic, acuve ana
ttof-lioors. generously sprinkled with hikes, swims and
bonf ire parties. . -. . " :? " - - : - .
1)1 Mh. R. D. Elliott of Monmouth succeeds Mrs.. B. E.
Sisson 4s camp mother and the jfj- ,
remainder jof the staff remains
tne sarqe. J
Girls bigaed up for the second
period are j Ruth Barton, Jean
Rowland, Betty Burroughs, Va
lerie Kprr.i Betty Joan Wilson,
Carrol Cook, Shirley Parker, Dor
is Berwick Genevieve Winslow,
Naiity jane Meyer," Phyllis Neal,
Maty Estj Lois Stacey, Elaine
Muf f&j, June Gooden, Doris
Clirje, Emma Louise East, Louise
Rauiagej Mary . Jane Emmons,
FratocesAlisce Kells, Joan Beakey,
LeNlta F. Gardiner. Jerry Wolf,
Betty. Uw felliott. Cleo Torgeson.
K ait h ej r i n e Germunder; Mary
Laugrhli, Carolyn Brady, Mary
Harriet Huston and
Jane Huston.
Mrs. Holden is Hostess
To; A4xiliary
rs. jjChloe Holden entertained
HaljHibbard auxiliary Friday af
tersaeon'at her country home. Mrs.
Charles j McKInley, Mrs. Clara
Res ajid Miss Stella Hardwlck
assted! .": 1 . ;:'.:: j.
Convention reports were heard
andlplaps Were made for a-picnic
at the hpme of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Arnold pn Friday, August 21, with
metaberk ofs Hal Hibbard camp as
gu4s:ts j . - .
; Sirs. Holden -used cosmos and
zinnias about' her guest rooms.
In jittejidance were Mrs. B. TV.
WaJjehef, Mrs. Charles Greene,
Mrj E4 E. j Buckles, Mrs. WT. B.
Bane, MrsJT. L. LInd, Mrs, L.
MIskelsn, Mrs. Lulu Humphrey,
MriJ Wfllow; Evans, Mrs. J. H. Ar
nold, Mi. A. T y n e r Woolpert,
Mr Charles Brant, Mrs. Mark
Babr, Mri Charles McKInley,
MriJ Clara )H. Rees, Mrs. Fred
Thompspn, Miss Eileen Holden,
Ml3 Betty jean Weiser, Miss Jo
anne Swallow and the hostesses.
1 ' . In i v-i . .
leiueacn uestmation
Of Saleni; Party
!- II I'- j.
; Mrs. Jamfs Drury of New York
Cityj who isspending the summer
at Abatis beach had as guelts for
thej Iweek her mother, Mrs. J. H,
Cr4wfoi?d, ahd Mrs. J. W, Gritton,
Mrs.j Grj&ce Steel, Mrs. Esther Ol
iver Mfs. Belle Barclay of But
lerJjMoj!, and Mrs. Clara Blank
enshlp ojf Saem.
j At the Df ury place this week
end Jn addition to those above are
Mrf and? Mrsj. Earl Wood and son,
Howard, James Steel and daugh
ter, ma.
'nf?i 4 -aac
H 1jZ4C5 .. ( ' a 4 at i I ,
1 - nr BI,W . -
Daske Weaves
409 COURT ST. ;
; -v
1 I
li L ':
1 ;
second week beginning toaay ,
campers. From the bi-weekly
fTea Will Greet
' To City ; ;
hi . . - - .
i! FRIENDLY-greeting to Mrs.
f Walter Socolofsky who has
j come here recently to reside
ftil be the tea Tuesday afternoon
in the home of Mrs. George We 1
ler. Other hostesses are Miss Ma
rie Churchill, Mrs. John Caughell '
and Mrs. Frank Chapman.
1 1 One hundred twenty-five guests
f lave been invited to call between
he hours of 3 and 6 o'clock. Wa
ter lilies and matching tapers will
enhance the serving table.
11 Alternating at the urns will ba
Mrs. Paul Wallace, Mrs; Willard
Marshall, Mrs. Richard Slater and
Mrs. James' R. Humphrey,
jjj Assisting with the serving will
be - Mrs. Raymond Boneeteele,
Miss Josephine Baumgartner, Mrs.
John Griffith and Mrs. Rex
M Mingling with. callers in the
rawing room will be Mrs. Karl G.
jecke and Mrs. Dolph Craig.
j ! ' , -
Christian". Cliurch. Circle
', lolds Meeting
i j
S The South" circle of the First
christian church, held an all .day .
meeting at the home of Mrs. D. .
A. !i White this week.
it Those nresent were Mrs. M. A.
: Viesko, jr., Mrs: J. F. Walker,
jMrs. W. S. Birdwell, Mrs. C. C.
;Cole, Mrs. Bert W.. Macy, Mrs. ,
George O. Henderson, Mrs. J. E.
Klrkpatrick, Mrs. J. D. Sears,
3 Mrs. Clifford Howard, Mrs. Zlna
Sharpnack, Mrs. L. Hobson. Mrs.
F. DCornett, Mrs. W. H. Card-
ner, Mrs. W. Schleisner, MrsrLu- .
rile Hunt, Mrs. S. Rlchter, Mrs.
;Guy L. Drill, Mrs. Ed Cannon,
Mrs. McMorris. and Miss Martha
Mortenson. Guests were Mrs.
jHarrlet Warner, Lebanon, Mrs. E.
N. Yound of Wenatchle and Mrs.
SMrs. F. G. Hobbs of Geneva, Colo
rado. - -
ill il' ' '
'iWchler Kxpected
jTo Hoturn From Trip -
I'll Dr. and Mrs. D. X. Beechler are
apected home this week-end from
jail six weeks' trip which took them
;east to Indiana and home by way
?af r; California and the national
Idental convention at San Fraa-"-
M - W r
iM'- ,
J On the Main Ilichtcay
'I -