i. i . The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, July 4, . USI-I .'!' PAGE SEVEN Ads 1 -'-! i ' g 1 ! i t t j Statesman j I ! Classified Ads j Call 9101 , Classified Advertising ! Single Insertion per line lOe Three insertions per Una 20c Six insertions per line Jl30c One month per tins i.ll.00 Minimum charge 2S Copy for this par sceepte aatit 6:10 the eaia Mart pobliretloe far c:asaifieatioa.t Copy received efte (has time wilil be run ndn Ik! kee4 ag To Lata to Canity 'T&e; 3tatemaa moan a fiaaa elal respo-aibi tj for error which mr appear la aderttseaienta pobliea Odl ia ica aslirmmL aad in tun bar tbie paer U at fault will reprint teat sort of as advertisement ia which tie tpofrapaicat oiUite occurs. The Statctnaai rr?te the rlrht to reject saestionable aitertiiinf. It fur ther reservea the; right to claaaifr -edlrertiaing under the proper -rlaasifid tiaiC I Help Wanted TIME FOR bean pickers to register, n. 1:. Wlsr, B.-r..s from West StaV-t-n schoothouse. Tl. 7X. Turner jex- c'lage. i .' , I I HHn Wanted remale WANTED:' RESPONSIBLE woman .i-,rm t..r ...v Irirtv- confined W i lcd.la!o do me rooking. O. A. Ston er. Route J. Box i21, Aurora, Ore. ( I Situations Wanted "H DRESSMAKING. MRS. IIS i Adslt, TeL - WANTED SXRSIN'O by experien ce.! practical nurse. Tel. 3637. WANTED P. B. X. WORK by oper- :orwlth 13 Jr. experience. ReL Ad dres Miaa Opers-ur,. 3 S5 Lawrence St, iugene, Oregor.. " C-IPABLK I WOMAN with three nu:! clilldr-n. .o" kping. mostly l.on.e. small (ag . E. P., care Statiea tria. j ..i For Sale -Miscellaneous Safe . for keta. ila. fir -proof Ki Vitam- REAL WILD BLACKBERRIES, flants from tie woods. SI crate. ML cultivated varlfety 75c crate. Bring tiiner. B. C.i- Zleiinskl. Tel. 117F13. RL 7. Box 4Z, Ifaxtl Green schooL WE BUT sell exchange nnything fiat's saleable at Woodry's Auction Market. 1C10 1 N. Summer. In Holly wood.. Phono S-1-1-. i DISTILLEDi WHITE vinegar for ml pickling riurpoats. Puritan Cider Works. W. SaSeni. I ADDING MACHINE3. cash regis ters, typewriters sold, rented, awapped. Ktpert repair service, moderate prices Roen Typewriter Ex c. 4 20 Court. PIE CHERRIES, cheap. TeL 37F14. FURNITURE SACRIFICED sale. 4Tlice) selection by p.ece or entire lot, for Z irm, houw t. 1555 X. Summer. X f'OUPLETEi SEr matched Wilson a?of clubs, ra''il-t? bag. Used 3 times. Bargain. TeL 3338. " W. L. HVr. fn-er. !60 X. Church. XEVv" AND :usd pipe and fittings. A 1 slses from , Inch up. Capital Junk C'j.. 115 Center. SCKS OF all kimls for sale cheap. Capital Bargain House, 145 Center. ""Lamberts ihc Tuw pick. 73F14. SALE RED ! currants. TeL 61F15. CULTIVAtEI WILD blackberrlea. TJc crate, you pUk Bring containers S!.;S picked, ax place. Il.aO delivered. Te!: 51F3. Near Lll-erty. OATS AND ver-h bar for sale. $5.00 pr ton. Oscar 'Fllf.tt. Cliemawa. SLACK CHERRIES 3c lb. Bring retainers andi pi'jk. G. G. Looney, H iVl Green, j ) Wanted Miscellaneous" WALNUT " MEATS- or walnuts In oJ!!. any quantity. State Cafeteria. WOODRT THE auctioneer pay cash - trade for ueU furniture or what Ifvs you? P1l S-l-l-v. .ri'i i -! i .-.-n 1 .- ' Free Wo pick up Onl and worth less horses, cows. shep TeL 4 MS. , Miscellaneous COLD STORAGE lorkera. Ramage's, Sl N. Llberty.j Phono $751. j Wanted Furniture ' i i CASH PAIDlKOrt TUR TOOIJ Stoves, Furniture Capital Hard wars Fomltur Co IS N. Commercial Phone 7 $4$ For Kent- Kooms j SLEEPIXG ROOMS. 549 N. Cottage asaaaaaaaaaaaaafaawaia1aOe' SLEEPIXO ROOM. TeL 449S " " SLEEP. RMS. reason. 151 K. 13th. ROMS, LADIES. 696 N. Cottage, Room and Board RM.-BD.TeL! $394. $60 Chemeketa. BD RM sins'e or double. 6482. BOARD. ROOM, garage, 1227 Court. i For Kent Apartments FURX. APT. I TeL 74. 2261 nazet ..y.f??'....t:1 ar,t li03 Court- . - J". '! .. 3i N- La,rt': Tel. 3946. 3 ROOM APT.. Lg'its, water and IfJt. 991 X. Oi'ttnpt". , LOVELY i IL MtlD. ln. apt., rock garden, pool, grtrage. $32.50. TeL 8877 COMPLETELY FURNISHED 3 rm. Frtgldaire.i 17S2 X. Church. Call 5916.' i I ATTRACTIVE AI'T. TeL 630S. ;.' ADVERTISING Wester? Adrertiiing ' Representatives i Fenger-Halt Co, Ltd. aa Frariano, Ixia Aoselea. Seattle I Eastern Advertlstns ;. ? Representatives .'- Bryant, Griffith ft Bmnson, Inc Chicago. New Tork. Detroit. ' Boaton. Atlanta ii-kafercd at Ike l'otuTtle at Kaltrm Oregon,, a &co4-Cla$$ Hatter. pb- tuhta erery mormfits escep llondati liminttt oice 115 South Commercial Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rates, In Advance, Within Oregon; Dally and Sunday, Mo. (0 cents : S Ma $ 1.25 : 6 Mo. 8X 26 : I yesr $4.00. Elsewhere 60 cents per Mix, or bs.u v tor i year in aavanco. Pot Copy I cents, isewa stanas s cents. By City Carrier: 45 cent a month. tS.vt a year ia advaae. ( For Kent -Apartments S R- FURN..-BATH. let floor. light, hot, cold water.; $55. 1470 Waller. J ROOM FURNISHED apartment, private bath. 54 j Court- St. SMALL. FURX. apt.. 690 Union. S ROOM apta. 71 K. AND 4 High. room furnished ( For Kent -Houses FOR RENT 3 FLATS. (5S-C60 Ferry St. One has 3 bedrooms, one two. Rent $i J.59. Becko A Wadsworth, 139 N. High St. For Kent IIurplUM beds and wheelchair lu it II I. Stiff Kumtiur Co i. Office nnmi for rvnt 81 8tate L rel J7I1 i ' I For Sale Keal Estate Homes. Grand 529 Court. TeL 77 23. GOOD C ROOM mod. house, double garage. West Salem; water, 3 acres bearing fruit trees, shade trees, beauti ful location overlooking Kalem. $1600, terms. TeL 403. owner. . HOUSES FOl R and live rooms. Owner, 370 E. Washington street I S ROOM HOUSE. 968 S. 21st Priced $820. Terms. Route 2. Box 213, Tel sfu. , 4 ROOM HOL'eE at 1079 Rural part cash and "balance - eivuu, terms. Inquire 7$$ N.' Winter. GOOD 4-R. HOUSE at 5 Norway, 2 beUrms., built-in kitclion. Iiot, cold water, acant. Possession at once. cash. Price 1135S.--W. G. KRUEGER, 147 K. ComL rtione 4.i'S. BARGAIN RIVER TONNAGE 169 ACRES WITH nearly 4 mile . t m . t . .1 . a' ; I river ironiagt", lucmru auuui o nines from Salem, very pretty buiUltng site. Price for IMMEDIATE SALE S400S cash. ' : . - - SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 13t S. i Liberty SU ' . j A REAL HOME BARGAIN : THIS MODERN C room home with full cement basement, furnace, fire place, oak. floors, double garage, large corner lot, both streets paved, loca ted at !9 N. Fifth S. near all schools.! Price S4200. now rented for $37.60 per month. A GOOD HOME and also a GOOD INVESTMENT. SEE, W.- H. GRABENHORST CO., KEALWKS 13 a Uberty St. Phone 648. BUT LIKE RENT: 1 1 MODERN 6 ROOM late built hone. plastered, full cement basement, fur nace, garage, pries $2350. Only $100 down baL $23.50 per month to in clude Int. at 6"o. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 134 S. Liberty St. ENGLEWOOD HOME 6 ROOMS. BASEMENT, furnace, fireplace, nice east front loL Price $3500 with $2200 II. O. L. C Immedi ate possession. I - CH1LDS MILLER, Realtors 34 4 State SL I Phone 6708. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE BUSINESS BUILDING, cement con struction, best of condition. Near high way - on highly traveled road. Priced very low at .$2500.. part terma-or will take .good Teaidenre in exchange. CHILDS MILLER, Realtors 314 State St. 4- - , Plione 6708.- BARGAIN FAIRMOUXT HILL HOME THIS ROOM plastered home, with basement and furnace, ; garage, lot 60x100, excellent location, price $2800. $1500 down, balj terms. SEE THIS BARGAIN TODAT. W. H. GRABENHORST Jk CO., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 6468. VIEW PROPERTY GOOD SIX room home with base ment and furnace, excellent view over looking the city, extra large lot on paved St.. good location. Price for, IM MEDIATE SALE S3000. all cash. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone (168. SACRIFICE FOR 60 DAYS ONLY S R. PLASTERED house, bath, dou ble garage. Pavement. Close In. Furni ture. $1000.00.. $10 down, $15,00 per mo. 778 S. 13th. j . . 7 ROOM MOD. house for sale by owner Box 664,; State anas. HOLIDAY SPECIAL FULLY MODERN home -with 4 bed rooms. All rooms good size. Full base ment, furnace and fireplace. Paved street. Good lot with flowers and fruit- Cost $5500. selling at $3100 $500 down. , . R. A, FORKXER, 1S53 N. Capitol Exc hange Keal Estate t EXCHANGE 5 ACRE TRACT east of Salem. Small house. Value $1650. Will. trade for neat 5 room 'house In Salem and pay some difference. " CHILJJs Ain.l.l-irt. rteauors 341 State St. ; ) . Phone 6708. For Sale Farms 5 A. ( ROOM HOUSE, barn, garage. chicken house, elec. water system fruit. Close to Salern, 220. $500 down. i ! 23 A. 20 A. Ia cultivation. 5 room new plastered house, electricity, paved road, stream, lor quick sale 1 1 i SO down. i 38 A. ( miles of Salem, 6 room plas tered house, good bam, elec., paved road. $a000. Term 41 A all in cultivation, 7 room house. Fine barn! and outbldgs., silo. nresaiire wa ter svstem. All in crop. Priced at $5500. $1500 down or will lease for year with option to buy, Rent $350. See this before buying. R. A. FORKXER, 1852 N. Capitol Acreage BARGAIN : FOR QUICK sale. 1 acre tract. roodJ Plastered house, fine bam, out butlilinjt!". Several large cherry and nut trees. RiKht on 1 bus line, close to school and good! store. You can't equal the price In valley. Only $1800, easy terms. t CHILDS &. MILLER, Realtors 34 4 State St. I Paone 6708 25 ACRE BARGAIN RIVER BOTTOM land, nearly all In cultivation, nt-w 5 room house, small barn, chicken house, located on paved road. Price $1750 if sold RIGHT NOW. $1250 'down. tal. terms. SEE.-W. H. GRABENHORST 44 CO. 134 & Liberty St. 2H ACRES ONE mile out house, fruit view. Owner. Terms. 853 N. Commercial, ' j ' - Business Opportunities' WELL 1ESTABLI SHED. neat, clean stock groceries and meat. Close Sn. roing daily business of $60 to $75, practically all cash. Rent $25 mo. Price $2000 cash. Will invoice that amount, Se Delano. 290 N. Church. Money to Loan By an Independent Satem Finance Co. Amounts tr $1500.00. One to Twenty Months to Repay - Deal with an Independent Salem ownod-and-operated finance company wherr your needs will recelv every consideration both before and aftei th loan Is made. No Delays - No Red Tap General Finance Corp. First Nafl Bark BMg. Phon 6653 Licensed. S-138 by Stat For Sale Used Cars I "Used Car Mart" SPECIALS I Dodges 135 DeLttxs Sedan. A dandy 1934 DeLux Sedan. wheels 1931 DeLuxs Sedan. With trunk, 1930 DeLux Sedan. Wheels, I crL 1939 DeLnxs Sedan. D. A. A dandy Plymouth 198 Touring Sedan. 1934 DeLuxo Sedan. Low mileage New paint, corn 1933 DeLuxe Sedan.! fl'lth trunk I Chevrolets 1935 Chev. Sport Conpe. Low mileage' 1934 Chev. Coupe. New paint and tires 1933 Chev. Coach. A dandy 193 1 Chev. DeLuxe Sedan. wheels 1328 Chev. Sedan H - Trucks 1935 DODGE. S.W.B. In perfect shape 1935 FORD L.W.R. Good rubber 1934 FORD L.W.B. In fine shape 1931 CHEV. LW.H. 10-ply tires . 1930 DODGE Panel OTHERS TO Herriall- Owens Co. : "Dependability" Dodge and Plymouth Dealers 235 S. Commercial ejaaaaaaswaaeBaaeaaa, :McKays Better Cars 1931 Ford Swlan ... $285 1931 Ford Roadster 1930 Durant Sedan 1930 Reo Sedan 1931 Bulck Sedan -1934 Dodge Coupe 283 285 325 375 545 645 695 1934 Ford Sedan 1935 Chevrolet Sedan McKay Chevrolet Co. 333 Center Phone 1183 439 N. Coml. Out to Win America on Value Alone 1934 Plymouth, comp. over haul, new paint $565.00 1930 Ford Coupe, new rubber, new back A paint 265.00 1929 Durant Spt. Coupe, like new. $69.50 Motorola ra- dlo 245.00 1927 Overland Bed., A-l cond. 115.00 1933 Ford 2 -door, new motor, runs and looks like new 4 35 00 1927 Chev Pan. Del.; A-l cond. 55.00 1929 Willys Knight Sed. 235.00 I9Z7 Stude Sedan, A-l cond. 14j.OO lts Not the Price It's the Difference You Pay Carter & Church Motor Company Nash A Lafayette Dealers r 365 No. Com'L Phone 3734. tepiaeaaoiaaaaaaaaaaaai USED CARS i 36 Studebaker Dictator Sedan, ' courtesy car, 7000 ml. . $925 zc -wiiiys-KJUgnt, lots or trans portation 15 34 Studebaker Dictator 4-dr. De luxe Sed., excellent condition 625 30 Cadillac Club Sedan, low mile- age, 62,000 car traded to by the original purchaser 6- ; wheel equipment, trunk, tires, practically new. This csr is clean inside and out . 525 30 Bulck Victoria 50 Series 6-cyl-Inder. low mlieage. Our price Is low at . 350 35 Plymouth DeLuxe 4-door Se- ! dan, reduced to ,,, 695 29 Reo Flying Cloud 6-cyL 246 27 Packard Six Sedan, a lot of automobile for 135 26 Studebaker Special 6 Sedan 5 S Z9 stude Da uer pres. s sed.. s- : wheel equip t. - , 185 27 Chevrolet Coach 75 27 Nash 4-Door Sedan 1M ' 95 29 Bulck St. Sedan 295 27 Stude Diet. Sedan 14$ 29 Ply. 2-door Sedan 190 33 Ply. R. S. Coupe 495 30 Franklin 8-wbeel equlpt. Se dan . 435 32 Ford V-8 Coupe i 885 '27 Bulck 4-dr. Sedan 195 '28 Stude Diet. Sedan ; 18S NINE OTHER CARS $20-$ 120 MAKE YOUR OFFER i Bonesteele Bros., Inc. Chemeketa 4k Liberty Ph. 4444. Money to Loan A Complete Service on Loans Up to $300 Personal Loans Wo can advance cash quickly and privately to any employed ma a or woman in 24 noura. Beneficial Loan Society of Salem Room 119. New Bligh Bldg. zjid floor LICENSED NO S-112 AM 165 by . STATE , 31$ Stat SL TeL $7 4 . Loans Made in Nearby Towns SOLDIERS DESIRING sound IN VESTMENT for their' bonus funds, buy a first mortgage on real estate. Examine the security yourself. Loans available now $300-J500-$750 and $1000. , - .. CHILDS A MILLER. Mtge. Loans 344 State SL Phone $708. PRIVATE LOANS for automobiles New low rates Roy H. Slmmnna. First National Bank Bldg. Lie 4-152. Federal bousing loans till 2. build or refinance homes or - business prop. Low rates Abrams A Ellis. Masonic B MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT to loan for farm, acreage and city-loans Low interest rates Prompt service. CHILDS A MILLER. Mtge, Loans 344 State SL Phone 613 MONEY TO LOAN on Salem rest dence nronertv. Small monthly pay menta. Salem Federal Svgs. A Loan Assn., 403 State street Phone 3S0L Loans Wanted Loans wanted on rarm and city property Before borrowing, inquire at Hawkins A Roberta IF YOU hare a contract or second mortgnee on Salem real estate that you wish to sell fo- cash, see the Cap Itol Securities corporation, zva u. Bank Bldg., Salem, Ore. Livestock and Poultry LEGHORN FRYERS wanted. Top prices for quality. TeL 133F2. Lee Hatchery. BABY CHlCKa Each Monday, Warlner'a Hatcherv. We - also hav fryers. 2160 N. Fifth or 546 High land Ave. For Sal: Wood GUARANTEED DRY wood cost TeL 6000. Salem Fuel Ca Trade Cottage. ORDER NOW old fir and 2nd gwth. $4.00 cd. and U . TeL 8C73. VVVtAruVeraalfV - eaeseSiOSoseTaSS 16 IN. OLD fir." 4 ft. 2nd growth Special prices, TeL 561 6. Lost and Found tst WHITE knit nurse, near Bethel schooL Reward. Phone 5SF15. For Sale Used Cars ) -$773 $675 .$3(5 ZI6 wheels .$7S5 .$595 .$526 p. overhaul C45 .$525 .$445 .$345 .S1C0 -$595 -$585 -$48S .$346 .$225 PICK FROM - - Pliono 3169 Drive -an RSr G Used Car ,. ON THAT VACATION TRIP TRADE IN THE OLD CAR AS DOWN PAYMENT 1935 V-S DeLuxe Sedan 1835 V-8 Reg. Sedan 1933 Pont lac Sedan 1$3S V-S Coupe .$625.00 .(15.00 .$495.00 .$175.00 1930 Chrysler 77 Sedan .$350.00 1931 Cliev. Coach ..$335.00 1930 Chev, Sedan ! ., -1335.00 1929 Chrysler Coup . 1929 Chevrolet Coach .$265.00 .$195.00 .$195.00 1929 Hudson Sedan 1930 Durant Sedan 1929 Durant Coach .9165.00 .$145.00 1927 Oakland Coach .$ $5.00 Valley Motor Co. TWO LOTS Center and Liberty PUon S158 Marion and Liberty Pnon 7910 DON'T WASTE TOUR TIME OR MONEY "C'Shrock TO BUY OR SELL YOUR CAR AGAIN WE SAY "DON'T FORGET" SOMETHING FOR NOTHINO OFTEN MEANS NOTHING FOR SOMETHING WE DO NOT HAVE A SPECIAL PRICE ON ONE CERTAIN CAR FOR ONE CERTAIN DAY - BUT AL WAYS A FAIR PRICE ON EVtK X CAR EVERY DAY CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED CARS AVE AT HROCKS 555 Chemeketa St. Phone 792S OTTO J. WILSON OUR NEW CAR DEPT. IS BUSY AND WE NEED MORE SPACE, SO WE ARE GOING TO SELL THE FOLLOWING CARS AT THESE ROCK BOTTOM- PRICES. COME EARLY AND TAKE YOUR PICK. 1926 Chev. Sedan - 29.00 1926 Ford Truck , ,, , 39.00 1926 Hudson Sedan 49.00 1927 Hudson Sedan $9.00 1927 Hudson Sedan 99.00 Also the following fine reconditioned used cars are on display in our used car show room: 1935 Ford DeLuxe Coupe, .3000 miles .1 1413 Dorifra DeLux Sedan. trunk ., 1 - 785.00 1934 Bulck two door Sedan. trunk 795.00 1924 Plymouth DeLux Sedan. - low mileage , , ... , . ... 45.00 1934 Chrysler DeLux Sedan 675.00 120 Packard 4-door Sedan. wheel equipped ' , ' , .. 415.00' 1931 Bulck Sedan 895.00 1931 Bulck 4-passenger Coup 385.00 1914 Ford Convertible Coune. (radio) 495.00 1933 Pontiac Sedan, 6 - wheel eaulrmed 635.00 1930 Oakland . Sedan, (-wheel equipped 2(5.00 295.00 265.00 185.00 175.0 19S0 Oldsmoblle Coup 1929 Bulck Coupe, on at $235 1929 Chev. Coach . . , , 1930 Essex Coach ,,, , 1928 Pontiac Sedan 195.00 OTTO J. WILSON : Bulck A: Pontlaa Sales A Service 389 N. Com'L ! Ph. 545L u-XOU-XrXiUU'aOi'oarVwVWV ri - a - 1929 FORD TRUCK, good condi tion, great bargain Marlon HoteL -. . ., .: i f 1934 PLYMOUTH COUPE, excellent condition, good rubber, low mileage. Harold Carey, E572. Monday. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM PROVE FAIRMOCNT AVENUE FROM THE NORTH LINE OF LINCOLN STREET TO A POINT 1 03 FEET NORTHERLY OF SAID NORTH LINE OF SAID LINCOLN STREET IN THE CITY V; OF SALEM, OREGON. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that th. Common Council" of the City of Salem, Oiegon, deero. It necessary ; and expedient. . and hereby declares Its ; purpose and intention to Iranrors FAIR MOUNT AVENUE FROM THE NORTH LINE OF LINCOLN 9S Qjw Screen Star Cast in New Role X1 . 1 'Z-' ' Xl3e kX-''' " j Mr. aad Mrs. Arthur HwraMw, Jr. Myma Loy, slant-eyed screen star, returned to Hollywood to playj a new role when she came back from Ensenada, CaL, as' the bride ! of Arthur Hornblow, Jr., .film . been reported secretly STREET TO A POINT 195 FEET NORTHERLY OF SAID NORTH LINE OF SAID LINCOLN SREET in the city of Salem. Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the street and alley intersections, the expense which will be assumed by the city of Salem, Oregon, by bringing said portion of said street to the - established grade, constructing Portland -cement concrete curbs, and paring said portion of said street with a six inch Portland cement! concrete pavement, twenty feet in width, in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the common council on June 15, 19 36, now on file In the office of ( the city recorder, and. which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The. Common Council hereby declares Its purpose and intention to make the above described imi prorement by. and through the Street Improvement ' Department of the city of Salem. Oregon. By Order of the Common Coun cil of the city of Salem, Oregon, the 15th day of June. 1936. A. WARREN JONES. . City Recorder, Salem. Oregon. Date of first publication June 23, 1936. Date of last publication, July 4, 1936. J. 23-24-25-26-27-28-30; Jly. l-2r3-4. NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT j Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed in the County Court of the State ot Ore gon, for the County of Marion, bis duly verified final account, as administrator of the estate of W. H. B. Stewart, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 14 th day of July, 1936. at the hour ot ten o'clock A.. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room" in the County Court House, at Salem, in Marlon Coun ity, Oregon, as the place for hear ing said final account, and all ob jections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 13 th day of June. 1936. ANDREW. R. LEEDY, Administrator of the Es tate of W. IL, B. Stewart, 'Deceased.-. v.- RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Administrator, Salem, Oregon. ...... J. .13-20-27; Jl. 4-11 Hunt Madman Robert KoayTJ One of the most intensive manhuntj in Michigan history was launched following discovery of the mutilated body of '10-year-old Robert Kenyon of Tawas City who had been missing for a week. Two half I moon marks cut on the boy's cheeks and other knife; wounds indil cted the slayer. was a madman, i t s t " i ! ' a w director, above, to whom she had engaged tor some montns,. LaFountain Given Birthday Surprise BROOKS, July 3 Mr. and Mrai . Wilford LaFountain Were snmrised Sunday when a groun lot relatives and friends motored to thir home in IndeDendence to honor LaFountain on his birthday anniversary. Basket luncheon was sprved to Mr. and Mrs. Rar wesol owski and children Loretta ana Mr. Joan, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Otto and Mrs. Lester Ric-etts, Mr Mrs. ! Iris and Mrs Isham, Mr. and Mr. Al Isham. Mr. and Mrs. Irval iOtto and son Buddr. Frank Riggl. and Mr. and Mrs. Wilford LaFountain and 1 children Luella and WilfOrd LaFountain Jr. Mrs. John Dunlavy and Mr.l and Mrsj D. George Cole were recSnt guests at the home of their 'cou sins, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Juddf at Mrrlalla ' While there they attend ed the wedding of Cecil Elswortn Jndil son nf Mr. and Mrs. Li. 1H. Judd to Miss Letha Jackson f of MacVsbnrr. which occurred Satur dar night at the Lutheran church at Macksburg. Mrs. D. George ole played the wedding music. About 200 people were nresent. A reception follow ad st the Jackson home. The young people will make their home in Oregon City. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, has filed In County Court of the State of the Ore- gon, for the County ot Mripn, her duly verified final account! as administratrix of the estate lot Vfcat Elijah Morton, deceased, and said Court has fixed Tuesday, he Ihe 14th dar of -July. 1936. at hour of ten o'clock A. M. ofj day. as the time, and the Co paid uhty Court Room in the County Cotirt House, at Salem, in Marion Coun tr, Oregon, as the place for hear ing said final account, and all objections thereto. CARRIE ESTELLA HATNfes, Administratrix of the Estate, of , Elijah Morton, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney . for Administratrix, Salem, Ore. it J. 13-20-27 Jl. 4111. as Boy's Slayer WKero Ixxly was fown, (Sas Bark Peelers Afe Held Trespassers Three Couples Arrestied in Stiver Vicinity; Spy No Wrong Mean I ' I : ' " SUVER, July 3. Thre broung couples from Eugene, wbol bare been camped at the lower Lmckia- mute bridge, were taken into cus tody by police recently. Tby bad been peeling; chittem bark an pro petty belonging to Mrs. Gray and farmed by Mr. Strake without permission. - I They bad sold 400 pounds and bad 600 pounds in their posses sion, i They denied all intention ot wrongdoing as they thought it free to any one . wanting to peel It. They were released after premising to pay for the bark that had been sold. 4 drain is coloring fast arid will Bobn bo- ready to bind. Many farmers say they haYe never seen grain ripen so fast as it has this Cross 1 - i TsT " " i 77" ie ii 20 : . 1 ' 2-2-2-- ; 3d 3r 40 A2 77. 45 AA yft AS " " -44 Al AS Ys At SO ; fx . d-l 1 1 H I 1 I 111 ! i ' : " I By EUGENE SHEFFER t HORIZONTAL 49 ape 1-tprayers 8-4-male cats 51 mountain in British East Africa (va.) 52 one frho gives up 53 dispatch 54 deprived of sight -VERTICAL 1 inform . 12 abreast- . work 13 entrances iftJ-fracas 7 -rants 8lrnother constella ; ition jl March 15th 22 artificial 4 ; Herewith is the solution to yester day's puxzle. under i I ground passageway ?5 Indian ij weight 6 run away entity $0hurried 81 trees 85 stare if ' fiercely 87 roIf mound $8 plug 41 recite 42 ventilate 43 conjunction 45 lesson 46 divided lis. 'partially li CaerrtaM. Business ! Cards In this directory rua en a monthly basis only, plate: Sl.OO per line per montla. i! i u l Auto Brakes Mike Panek. $76 South Commercial. Chimney Sweep! TELEPHONE 4450. R. E. Norfanesa. Chiropractors I OR, a t. SCOTT. PSCs Chiropractor. 356 N. High TeL Res. 6752. Electrical Service ) I BrtSLER Electric. X4( State St Wir ing, motors, appliance, repairs aervlc ELECTRIC MOTORS bought, sold, re wound. TeL 6512, Nation, 1201 B. Com. Excavatim Excavating of an kinds. Basements dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for ale. Salem Sand and Gravel Cat Phono $40$.- V ; -.. I ;-. Floor Sanding W.;W. MEG. 43$ MilL TeL $8 Florists Bretthaupt . 447 Coon. ALL kinds ot floral worX LutS. Flor ist. 1271 N. Liberty. TeL 9592 Gunsmith I GUNSMITH, EXPERT repairing, oxy dlzed bluing. Mend tapes, fit saws. General fix-it ."bop, $65 N. ComL -f , Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY . THE WEIDER LAUNDRY ' J6$ S HUrh Tel Sl , CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY " First In Quality and Service felephon SIM . 1264 Broadway 4- Lawn Mowers 1 Sharpened, repaired and traded. Ph. It 16. Harry W. Scott. 147 &Com'l I ISlayazines STrBSCRIPTtONS AND renewal at or leas than publishers prices, raui tx Hauser, phon l3a. i year. Most hay, is in the shoe It while a few 'farmers have their crop- in the barn. The hay crop is considered good though of only fair Quality because of coarse texture. Early hops in the Crock er and S. Irvine yards are re ported as being badly damaged by downey mildew. H. D. Peterson, veterinarian of Dallas, was in this vicinity bleed ing cattle for Bang's disease test on Thursday. i dandle Gier Injure! , In Traffic Accident; Rev. M. Molz ls Home SHAW, July Sl.-r-Claude Gler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gier. 3 in the -Emanuel hospital in Port land, as result of injuries sustain ed in an automobile accident, v Mr. and Mrs. Fred Snlllvan and son of Port Angeles. Wash.j are visiting at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schneider. - ; Rev. M. Molz returned home on Tuesday night. He is greatly improved, and will say Holy Maps Sunday, July. 5. Word Puzzle 2 displays os tentatiously 3 those who establish by evidence 4 projecting edge of a roof 5 sacred Egyptian bull 6 guided i 7 tree-stock 8 Scotch cap 9 poem 10 city in Italy 11 cubic meter 14 close tightly 19 repent 23 above. 24 medieval ship . 26 muse of lyric poetry 27 gibbon 29 urge on 32 repeat S3 tells - ' 34 merchants - 35 behold 1 38 bag , 89- heaps 40 feminine name 41 sum 44 rend asunder 45 rodents 47 membra nous exten sion of a fish 48 gamin mm vIhkeI endIs mem AH-IA R i 7ileaM. lae. 60 a month Directory Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4069. SALEM FLUFF-RUG and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS mad. order, old remade; carpet cleaning, els iug; fluff rug weaving. 8. llth A Wll- hur. TeL B44L jtlTI'U r". -wick lift. I.'.. Ttll Music Stores GEO. C WILI Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet music and piano stud lea Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines, 433 SUt Street. Salem. A ( Photo Erigravins Salem photo engraving. 147 N. Coin merclaL TeL 6887. .-- Printing FOR STATIONER!, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing.- call The Statesman Printing Department. 813 S. CommerctaL Tele phone 91 0L ; Sewing Machine Repairs C E. Leatherman. T 8675. 1163 Waller. Stoves I repair stoves, ranges, circulators. Sell new and rebuilt stoves ranges and circulators, stock fence, posts, chicken wire. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 263 Chemeketa. TeL 4776. R. B. Fleming. . Transfer FOR local or distant transfer storaan, call $131, Larmer Transfer Co. Truck t Portland dally.- Ramseyer truck aervlc. Phone $854. CAPITAL CITY Transfer cV"-- 22$ State St. TeL 7773. Distributing, for warding and' storage our apertolty Oet ur rales. ASHCRAFT TRUCK service. Tet $380. Vacuum Cleaners " ALL MAKES yftcnum cleaners re paired. . Cochran, 735 South street. TeL 4235. ' Well Drilling a A. West. R 6. Bos 445. Tel 110FS. I