PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, July 4, 1936 4- "hbat Reaches New Peak bet Drive Halted by i FroM 1 akin if o Fireworks On ' Street Noted Motors, Industrials, Some Utilities Lead Climb; Average Now 6-1.0 NEW YORK,! July 3-()-Stocks pat on some pyrotechnics today on the ere of the Independence day recess. Many issues advanced 1 to 3 points under leadership of mo tors, industrial specialties and utility preferreds. Excellent behavior of selected groups was mirrored In the firm tone of the general list, but buy ing was not aggressive and activ " Jty only fair, ' f Sales totaled! 1,020.180 shares compared ! with 1.072.40 Thurs day. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks advanced .4 of a point to C4.0, less than a point from the top 1935 figure of 64. 8 made April 13.1 ! There were a few conspicuously soft spots. Union Pacific lost a . point at 1274 ; in light trading. Let-Do ivn Occurs In Wool Activity BOSTONi July 3.-;P)-The commercial bulletin will say to morrow: j " "There Is a further let-down In the activity in wool. Prices are generally well maintained but there is some disposition espec ially on the part of tome grow- ers in the west to ea$e a bit. The holiday and mid-year Inventories tend to slow up business. "Activity In the west, as in the east, has lessened to a marked extent nd most of the limited buying has been for account of local dealers who have paid close to former rates. "The piece ! goods markets are indifferently active. "Tha foreign markets are steadier on fair activity at the new level of; prices, which are about 10 per! cent below the re cent peak, foreign wools -of the finer type are competing easily with domestic wools at current, quotations, f ' "Mohair has been moderately : active and sales in Texas has been reported at 69-60 cents for adult and a dime more for bid." The bulletin will publish the following quotations: Scoured basis: . Oregon: Fine and F. M. staple 87-88c; fine and F. M. clothing SO-Slc. Mohair, Oregon, 55-57C. (Foreign prices In bonds). Early Hops Held Near Total Loss CLEAR LAKE, July 3. Hop men In the Clear Lake district are taking a licking this year in so far as the early clusters crop is concerned.! Downy mildew has practically taken this variety. Late hops are still looking well but hop men are holding culti vating operations to absolute ne cessity. Mr. and Mrs. Ec Dutoit and two sons. Ralph and Rex, are Inrlnr h aiktn fnr niphtnn T ana county, Kansas, the last of the week. Roy E. Smith and family left for the same place last week. They expect to be 'done about six weeks. Mr. Smith1 has a large wheat ranch In that section. Mr. and Mrs. V. Boyd left re cently for western Washington to visit their son, Roy. Ralph Dutoit .and Dee; Eby drove down from Kelso Saturday to spend the weekend with their parents. T h e y returned Sunday evening. The boys are working in the paper mll at Kelso. Mrs. Bill Dorman Is convalesc ing at the home of her brother. i T. C. Mason.! Trend of Butter i Price Is Upward PORTLAND, July 3-)-AL though prices in butter, eggs and cheese have remained fairly firm, the trend fa butter is distinctly 1 upward. . i Heavy advance orders for Ice cream over the weekend suggest a new high for production in that industry. There were no price changes In dicated for the holiday weekend.' First early rawford are here from California, wholesaling at $1.25 box. Cantalonpes continued firm wlrh -Delano and Imperial valley bringing Jl.7i-1.75 depending on quality. Berry prices were down from 15-20c on all varieties. New potatoes were slightly low er, selling f2.85 per 10 lbs., av eraging about 3c lb. General Markets raODUCE EXCHANGE PORTLAND. Ore., Joly 3. (AP) Trmliir xehaac net prices: Butter Extra 33He; standards, 31 He; prime firsts. Sis; tints. SOe; aatterfst. 85 3. Ftf V. 8. I larjt extrai. lie: . V. 8. Ke4im extras. Tic Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. Jaly - AP (CSDA)--Receipts: Hon 530. 42S -M: rattle 25, caWes 15; sbeep 200. 150 aMwt. . . Mark mrrcl.r nominal. pra-nolidaT. a all BTtntock. So prica rnanfts luted- Portland Produce POSTLANDi Ore- July . AP) Butter Prints. A grade. 34e lb. la parchment wrapper, 3ic lb. U cartoat; Salem Markets Grade II raw 4 per cent milk, Salem bnsic pool price $2.13 per hundred. Co-op bulterfat price, F. O. B. Salem, 33c. (Mil bases seal wanlM utterfal averaia.) Distributor price 92.31. A grade but (erf at -Dcllv ered, 35c; U 1 grade deliv ered, 33 He. A grade print, 33c; B grade, 34c. , j ; Prires peid m (rowers by Salem tayer. (Tha prices below, supplied by a local crorar. are ledicatue of the daily aisrkst but ara an (uaraateed by Tha Etatea aa. ) j (Bajlas Price 1 Black caps, crate 1.25 3.25 Cantaloupes, crate, 45a Calif, fresh dates, lb. Oranges, fancy .11 S.75 to 4.25 3.0 t 3.40 Choice Banananaa, lb. oa stalk .05 .00 7.00 S.00 Wanes Lemons, fancy Choice Grar-efrait. Florida Arisona , 8.00 to3.25 8.25 to 8.75 . .S5 to l.SO 1.50 1.50 .02 V4 Apple, be. Strawberries, local. 24s Red Raspberries, crate Watermelons Currants, lb.. 24 box. 1.25 VEGETABLE (Baying j Pries) String beans, locsl j , Asparagus, local, dojj .04 .50 .05 .174 .01 .90 .75 .75 2.00 1.50 .01 .IS .10 S.00 4.00 -eas -iseame; Carrots, dos. ....... Rhubarb, outdoor, lb. Cauliflower. Oregon , , Lettuce, local, crate Onions, Labiah, cwt. Onions, Texas Bermuda . Celery, local, crata . Cabbage, local. Ib. Celery hearts, dm. Green peppers. Calif,! lb. Potatoes. "Xo. 1 local Potatoes, No. 3 local Local spinach, orange box 75 Hothouse tomatoes , 3.50 to 3.00 Turnips, doxen. local Celery. Utah variety Celery, Chula Vista Artichokes, bos , 1.85 to 3.85 Rutabagas, cwt. Green ; onions, dozen New potatoes, Calif. 1.50 .25 3.75 850 1.10 1.50 2.00 .17 ew potatoes. local Hothouse encumbers, dos. Tomatoes. Cslif, lug Alerced. lug Beets, , local, doz. ITUTS Walnuts, lb. rilberU. lb. .10 to .14 te J J8 aor (Boring Price) Clusters. 1934. lb. .15 .25 .25 Clusters. 1935, lb. Fuggles, 1935, top. lb. . j WOOI, AJTD MOHIIS I (Buying Price) Mohair - , j . , Medium wool , , .35 .30 .28 Coarse wool EGOS AJTD POOXTBT (Buying Price of Andresens) Extras .21 Medium extras .18 ja .17 .20 .13 .15 .13 .13 .10 jon .OS .18 Stacdards Medium standarda Brown extras . Pullets Beary bens, lb.- Colored mediums. , lb. . Medinm Leghorns, lb. Light, lb. Stagr. In. Old roosters. Ib - Colored frys. lb. . White Leghorns, frys, lb. .13 MARION CREAM EKT baring prices Lies Poultry. o. I stock : Colored hens, heavy .15 .13 .10 .1 .15 .13 .OS .05 .21 .18 .18 .17 .14 .14 Leghorn hens. OTer 3 Mi lbs Under 3 H lbs. Colored sprinrers. 3-3 lbs.. Oxer 3 i lbs. . Leghorn fryers , , Old roosters, Ib. - Rejects Eggs Csndled and graded Large extras , Large standards Medium extrss , , Medium standards Undergradea Pullets - LIVESTOCK (Buying Price) Spring lamba 7.50 to 7.75 Ewes 1.50 to 2.50 Hoa-. 130-160 lbs. 10.50 to 10.75 1CO-210 lbs. ll.uO 210-250 lbs. 10.25 to 10.50 Sows 6.50 to 7.00 Steen Dairy type eowg Beef cow a j ' Bulls I Heifers , , , 8.00 te 7.00 3.50 to 4.50 5.00 te 5.50 5.25 to 5.75 5.50 to .50 7.00 Vesl. top Dressed veaL lb. .11 .15 Dressed horn GRAIN AKD HAY Wheat, western red .78 White. No. 1 ' .80 BarleT. brewing toa , 9 9 nn Feed. barley, ton Oats, milling, ton 22.00 .21.00 leed. ton Hay buying prices Alfalfa, valley L .15.00 .12.00 .13.00 Lpat and vetch, ton Clover, ton , B grade, parchment wrapper. S3e lb.; cartons. 34e. lb. j Butterfat Portland delivery A grade, delivered at least twice week. 85e lb.; country routes. 33c lb.; B grade. 33 34e:.0 grade at market. B grade cream I for market Baying price butterfat basis. 53 e lb. Eggs Baying price to wholesalers: Extras, 24c: standards. 19; extra med iums, 22e; do. medium firsts, 16c; under grade, 15e: pullet si 15e dosen. Cheese Oregon triplets. 16e; Oregon loaf. 17e. Brokers! will pay e below quotations. I Milk A grade Portland delivery. 58 e lb butterfat basis for 4 per cent. Country ' meats-Selling price to -retailers: Country killed bogs; best bat chers, under 150 lbs.. 15 lb.; veal ers. No. 1. 12 e lb.;' light and thin. 0-lle lb.; heavy 8-10e lb.: cutter cows. 7-8e lb.; spring lambs. 17o lb.; ewes. 5-7e lb. - ...... . Mohair 193(. 4S-43e lb. Cascara bark Baying price.- 1938 peel. 8e lb. i Hops Komitalr 1935 clastera. 8-lle. Live posltry Portland delivery, buy ing price J Colored hens, ovoer 4 lbs, lo-17e lb.; under 4 lbs.. 16-17e lb.; Leghorn bens. 14e lb.: Legbora broil ers, 1 to 1 lbs., 15 16e lb.; do. 1 lbs. up. 15-1 Be lb.: colored springs. 2 lbs snd ap, 17-le lb.: roosters. 8-e lb.; Pekla docks, j- young. 14 17e lb.. geee. 11-12 lb. I ; Onions Oregon, : $1.35-1.50 per 100 lbs. Potatoes Local.1 83-3.30 per cental; Klamath. $4.50-5.00 cental; Deschutes Netted Gems. $4.50-5 cental: Canadian British Queens. $4.50. New potatoes Kennewiclt, $1.40 50 1b. ssrk. . Cantaloupes Canfornta. ataadard. $2.75-3: Jambo. $3 3.35; do, 45s. $2.50; Delano, 45a. $3. 1 . Wool 13 contracts, noo-lnsl; Wil lamette vallev. medium. 32a lb.; coarse and braid. 29-30e lb.; eastern Oregon. 21 30e lb.; southern Idaho. 26 29s lb. - July 3 STOCK AVERAGES (Compiled by the Associated Press) 30 i 15 15 60 Indast. Bails CtiL Btocks Today 85.9 Prev. ay 85.5 Month ago 81.0 Year ago 1936 high 1936 low .. 1935 high 1935 low BOND AVERAGES 10 Indnst. 103.1 103.1 102 9 to Dtil, 102.2 102.1 101.7 Today - Prev. day -t Month ago ier a-o 97.9 9.S 13A hiKR 94.3 -101 -102.5 1936 low 101.8 99.8 99.8 84.5 1935 In III 183S low . 102.3 82.2 Stocks and Bonds Canadian Crop Harm Limited New Gain at Chicago Soon Wiped Out; Corn Lifts B ut News Bearish CHICAGO, July 3--In a late outburst of buying, wheat today reached new peak prices for the season, almost 2 cents up, but heavy profit-taking canceled gains. 4 . A sudden bulge amounting to nearly 5 cents a bushel at Win nipeg rallied the Chicago . wheat market temporarily 3 V cents from preceding' setbacks. Then at the last, however, Chicago prices dipped again in turbulent trading, despite anxiety manifest over re ports of acutely Increased need of rain to relieve drought dangers in Canada where forecasts pointed to hot weather perils. . Wheat closed irregular, 1 cent lower to cent higher compared with yesterday's finish, July 1.00 -1.0l. Sept. 1.01., Dec. 1-02-; corn 1. down to up, July 72. Sept. 71-, Dec 6-, oats - off. Sept. 34-, and rye showing 1 to 1 decline, Sept. 68. The result in provisions was changed to 7 cents lower. . . i Crop estimates here as to Can ada's 1936 pring wheat yield av eraged 343,000,000 bushels, and were also , a disappointment to bulls. Indicating less severe losses than recently had been suggested. Corn as well as wheat tempor arily outdid previous top price re cords of the season. Today's corn crop estimates, however averag ing 2,383,000,000 bushels, were generally looked upon as bearish. Oats, rye and provisions mar. kets lacked aggressive support. . Sandells Visit KEIZER, July 3. Mrs. Karl Sandell, niece of Mrs. M. S. Bun nell, and her small daughter Kar en of Denver, Colo., are guests at the Bunnell-Putnam home. Mrs. Sandell expects to be joined soon by her husband. They contem plate locating here. . Suffers Stroke HAYESVILLE, July 3. Max Lytle, proprietor of the Lytle corner store, suffered a severe stroko Wednesday. Gardeners' and Ranchers' Mart PORTLAND, Ore., July 2.iP) -Fruit and vegetable movement remained irregular on the gar deners' and ranchers' wholesale market today. Lettuce, green peas, celery and cherries were particularly scarce, but the demand for cherries was negligible. Ap,p,e?rRo,ne Beauties, fsncy. $1 31.25; Wmessps. fancy, $1.75-3; jum bo pack. Rome Beauties, best. 60-75e; Hinasaps. best. 60-75e: Washington, bos Transparents, $1.25-1.50. AArieoi.'! T. C'''rnia. lug, Tiltons. 55-65e; Washington. lus;er Uoorparks. 65- 3 4A)TOClo,C,lior,, 20-30a. $2.60- Artichokes Per bo. $2.75. J jP'Mgtta Oregon, per 80-pound boa. Bananas 5-5 He lb. Beam Oregon, 3-4e lb.; Oregon Gi ants, 4 H -5c. , Beets 124-20e per dozen. Blackcaps $1.40-1.65; 24 pt. erates. Cabbage Oregon round, $1.15-1.50; pointed. 111.25; pony erta.. 30-50e. Cantaloupes California jumbo. 82.10 3.75; standarda, $1.75-2.10; pony. $1.65 1.75. .. .. Carrots Pound. 12 H -20c. i! Cauliflower California, p e r Pony rate. U. 8. No. 1. 90e-$1.15. Celery Oregon. ' y, crate. $1.50-1.75. Cherries Oregon Bings, 4-6c Ib.j. Roy al Annea. 4-5c; Lamberts, 6e; pie, 5-6c. 3itrua fruit Oranges. nsTels. $3.75; Valencies. $3.50-3.85; grapefruit, Calif ornia and Arixona. $2.50-2.75; Florida, $4 4.25; lemons. $6.75-7.25. . Caeumbers Oregon hothouse. 214 to 4 dosea. $1.50-1.75, Currants Oregon 24s. $1.25-1.50. Eggplsnt Per lug. $1,25 1.50; par pound, "7-Se. Garlic Per pound. 10-12 He. I Gooseberries 7e lb. - Leltuce Oregon dry, 8 dozen. 60e 5e; Washington, 50-60c. . Loganberries 24-pt. crates, $I-U5. Onions California. Crystal white. 50 pound sacks. 75e: Oregon yellows, 100 1b. sacks. 31.25; 50-lb. sacks, 60c; Stockton reds. 7O-90e. ' Parsley Per dos. bu., 25-40e, Parsnips Per lug. 50 60c. Peaches California northern reds. BOe-' X. - j Peas Oregon. 8H-5c. Peppers California. 6-10e Ib. ' Plum California, Santa Rosas. 75c $1., - - - Potatoes Klamath aid Deschutes Bus sets U. 8. If o. 1, $4.5 local Burbanks, U. 8. No. 1. $3.50 3.75; Kussets. U. S. No. J, $4.50; Washington Russets, V. 8. No. 1.1 $4.50; Canada long white, U. 8. No. 2, 1 $3.25; California Shatter whites, U. 8. 3fo. 1, 100-pound sacks, $3.50-3.75. Radishes Per dozen. 15-20e. - Raspberries 24-pt. crstes, $1.85-1.60. Rhubarb Per apple box, 80-40e. Rutabagas Per 100 pounds, $1.50; orange boxes. 35-40c. Spinach Oregon and Washington.' an re boxes. 50-65e. Squash Oregon Zuchinal, box 25-85C; yellow. 85-50c; white aummer. 50-65e. Strawberries O r e g o a 24s, $1.65-2; Gold Dollars. $1.75. Tomatoes Oregon hothouse, 10-lle lb.; California, lugs, $1.75-2. 2.00. .' . ... I ' Tnrnips Poien, 80-45c dosen. Touagberries 24 pt. crates, . $1.25-1.60. THIMBLE THEATRE Starring Popeye I CrVT OPERrXTG OrA POPEVE BECfUSe I CfW MfcKE ftDEKT IH HIS T0U6H lAlOe-OOST GWE HIM HIS ME0C1UE IT 60 : Labor's Sphinx i John L. Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers, is the sphinx of labor. He has set himself to the task of organizing the steel work ers, a problem long considered im- , nossibl Mould Infesting j Onions at Labish LABISH CENTER, July 3.- The onion growers seem" to be facing one of the most menacing infestations of mould that has ever been known here. - Entire patches of seen onions have already been killed by the fungus, and there are now few fields which do not show its pres ence in a more or less marked degree. I S Lime and sulphur dustings are being made in a control effort, though not with much success. BUSINESS C7EAL IS COMPLETED' YUSSUF AIPER OLI? RIFLES ARE LOADED ON MICKEV CAKAVAN . AND THE SHEIKS MEN ARE NOW EQUIPPED- WITH NEW ONES" LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY UELL.O. PR1MCES& VSA4V VOU OUT PLAVIMQ t4 "WE OKI SUCH A BEAUTIFUL. POLLY AND HER PALS ? Tjiumbs Down! ! j j ; j By CLIFF STERRETT 1 , , -m "" "-' " . , . HhT'' m. . - 'I i-v . 1 NO QOOD, Y " - -I ZZZZZ -! tlF D1D1H1NK OF, -V - m ",r - i HERE'S VvVERE WE OUGhTTA YfT ONLV SIXTEEN SUSIE... ' YJLL" y2W,SJ?TY i t ( TAKE OUR VACATION.SAM'L-J HCW SMACKERS A D ) WE MIGHT irr5Si,tM.- N ' COLVUMS WOULD Aa..,,.- ' I TH1 HOTEL. INN CHlPS. , MUCH? )l PER PUSSON X WANGLE All 3?riv1f VPQK' . TV-Iv ----Vsr--rT-y v rr srrT-r- weeker ITn u wot? ) perkinsramblv j r v 1 I'f i WiN,lH ' ' LfcNT RiT TWO THERE J ) I jWy- HITCH-HIKES - . w jrS I MICKEY MOUSE : Indian Giver I I ! 1 By WALT DISNEY 1" ' : ; t . - - " - . ; - . : '1 - j I- ? - ' -. I',. 1 1 h I rVPARSMPl? . I Pi WIU. uioT, AN HASSACReM IAMP a14 BE AUSe YOU sOLrTI l f. T'tl TAkf? iioc TMAV I ? 1 -rwR.itsr .wi- necV A AMP PLUNDER ANt PILLAGE W MH THESE RIFLES' IT WAS H : "l 7 ri APE VOO ALL. j yySfciS SjiiTi TOOTS AND CASPER AH, THE BOSS HAS FOR ME 4rUESS HETS IMOT1CED ME SPEEDINT WITH MY WORK LATELV MAVBE IM ONNA RAISE t9i. Kmt tatmm 8miii:iN Inc., WocM nghw 1 CrMSfT CAME HIM HIS MEOldNE-HE'S ASLEEP AM) DOHT UJMT TO MUfVKEK HM IAEM0ST HAVE, IT. BUT I'M APRwO v x TO I K7 IU open ws Mmrrrt- HF tiEcD5$wEtry1 Afc 3 m 1 Scio Dads Discuss rovements Roadarmel Gives Estimate on Street Resurfacing Furnished by County SCIO, July 3. Sclo's city coun cil with -Mayor W. A. E wing pre siding, waded through a lengthy session of routine matters in the regular monthly meeting here last night. Discussion of bills for pro posed improvements to water mains and streets occupied most of the time. r A bill of $233.35 from Linn county for 213 yards of gravel was laid on the table until com pletion of road work. Councilman Fred Roadarmel, chairman of the streets and public properties com mittee, Reported that county equipment would oil and gravel streets, three coats including all materials and labor, at a cost of $1500 per mile. Council voted to expend a sum of about $700 to surf act portions of Mill, Wheeler, Smith and North streets, all on the north side of Thomas creek within the city lim its. Portions of streets on the south side of the creek will be surfaced as funds permit. Table BiU for Pipes The council also laid on the ta ble a bill of $462.36 for pipes and fittings pending checking, of the supplies now on the ground and ordering of additional pipe. Ap proximately 100 feet more of 6 inch i castiron mains will be or dered to supply crossings on Main and Wheeler streets. A bill of $99.84 for two hy drants and fittings was ordered paid.; Contract bills for water and power to the Mountain State Pow er company as well as minor la bor and equipment bills were also ordered paid. - ; Reports On Installation Councilman G. F. Bryan re ported installation of a new light switch at the city hall. A request ABtTM T Gtylmp LS; NOW i CAN BECOME V UHT.L.THE PESERT r-LOWS V A, GeAT FAVOR'. I WILL V TUUONp PCLLARS i H?k n-k MNfil V ' jEt, AND PEOPLE TREMBLE KNEME fSET T I AMD I PAIP VbU LLL -r - 2-. WHEN THEY HEAR NOWj MV FR1ENP- Hi OH, I FEEL SWELL; BUT l'M kTlKlDA TIRED OP PLAVlr45. ALL. P4E TIME -1 THOUGHT MAVBt? I COULO HELP GAQOEKl OAV ? RlG you with voue kCWOVJ EvtOBODy TAKiSCS SATUQOAY AFTEPMOOM ori ENT CASPER, UP S THAT YOU 1 HEAR RUSHING AROUND OUT. THERE ALL. THE TIME ? watrwd yia the Pipe Line GV ME THKT BOTTLE VI IT TO HIM) LUITHOOT UNKING HIM Radio j Programs 1 July 4 KOIX SATURDAY 940 Xc 6:30 Klock. . 7:00 Pres. Rooserelt'a address, CBSl 7:45 Klock. 8:15 Musical ReTeries, CBS, 8:80 Hall' a orcb., CBS. 8:00 Suannon'a orch.. . CBS. 0:15 Madiaon ensemble. 0:30 Independence day, Jefferson bar racks, tiJS. 10:00 Roth's orch.. CBS. 11:00 Down by Herman's. CBS. 11 :45 Studio. j 12:00 The tops. , 12:30 Olympic rowing trials. CBS. 1 :30 Ambassador . Biugham, London, CBS. j 1:45 Book of Life. j 2:00 A. A. U. track meet, CBS. 2:15 Hal Munroe. CBS. 2 :30 Minute Melodien. j 2:35 Roth 'a orch., CBS. I 3 :00 Pattr Chapin, CBS. ,j 3:15 Maybelle Jennings, CBS. 4:30 CBS. - i 5:00 Bruna Castagna, CBS. t 1 5:15 Dalt and Zumba. 5:30 Salon Moderne. CBS. 6:00 Hit parade. Sweepstakes, CBS 7:00 Jimmy Allen. 7:15 Bob Crosby. CBS. I 7:30 Beator's orch., CBS. 8:00 Jan Garber orch.. CBS. 8:30 Kay's orch., CBS. ' j 9-:00 Lewia' orch, CBS. I 0:30 Jack Little'a orch., DLBS. 10:00 Pitspatrick's orch. j 11:00 Goodman's orch.. DLBS. 11:30-12 Lewis' orch DLBS. KOW SATTJRDAY 620 Kc. 7:00 Independence day program; Prs. of Dr. 'A. G. Prill for a six-foot "no parking, space in front f his offiee on Main street was granted. . i j A motion was passed that tie ordinance committee, W. F. Giil, chairman and G. F. Bryan and N. I. Morrison, members, draw: up an ordinance prohibiting cleated tractors passing through surfaced streets.' ' j Matter of affixing a railway on the bridge across the mill race on East Mill street was laid on the table pending completion of the pond by the Scio Mill & Elevator company. Play Sunday, Macleay MACLEAY. July 3. A double headerj between Marlon Mac leay ball teams will be played Sunday on the Macleay diamond. SO If I COULO Poor Little-Rich Boy j j By BRANDON WALSH WOCli VlEi COULt FIWISH UF.;FAT An THEM j OU viork: you 131 TUE APTECKkOOtJ ! OFF OUST UVa VOUWAf4'T Diru a-t- Casper's Gloomy Day YESSIR; 1 TRY TO MOVE A LITTLE FASTER THAN THE OTHER FELLOW, SIR h VOU MEM TO SO HEVPWSS, f WELL, CUT TT OLtTOR I'LL - FIRE YOU YOURE MAKING ME I V pEXTREMELY NERVOUS! ( (5P t- WHY CANTj YOU BE ? &$ Quiet and concentrate I XVJ LIKEjTHE! OTHER "T MEN 7 iff Roosevelt's talk. SBC. 7 a 40M-Sears!" orch, XBC. 0-!-Concert miniature, NBC 8:3tM-Mcrry Madcaps. XDC. 3 5I-Time signal. SBC. :1S4-Battle ensemble. XBC. 9:3JH-Studio. lO-.oe-j-Crosel' orch.. SBC. lO:30-4-Watkins orrh., NBC. 12:lS-f-Weatern agriculture. SBC. . l.noLlllH.iRiwin Vi-hnmm VHP j jljXoiinie. 1:30 Blue Prelude, SfijC. 2:"-f-inurn orcn, .mjl. 2:3S4-Alm Kitchell, SBC. 2:4S-j-Art of LiTing, SBC. 3:1 j-f-Amcrican Legion address, Ray i Murphy. SBC. 3:30-f-KTaia or-h., SBC. 4 :t4--Wilson orch.. SBC. 4:3-i-Bendix band. NBC 5:00--Jamboree, XBC. 5:3--Chateau, XBC. 6:30-( Sprinictime. SBC. 7:f0-l-Barn dance, XBC. 8:00--Bea Bernie. SBC. 8: 30--Cross orrh., SBC. 9 :(i6-i Henderson orrh., SBC. 0:3O-j-Rubinoff. :-5-iBeecher's orch.. SBC. 10:-( St. Francis orch., SBC. 10:SO Bal Tabarin orch. SBC, ll:0e4-ilcakin orch.. SBC. ; TAJRT TH& 23 WITH Q jll a bancs ! mv X III ' k ills T PERFECT GUM HELP YOU VflTrl VDUR Ovl COULX?! HAVC WE'L1 .t - e 1 ! AH Of Xf jaw WE'LL. DUST SNCAK djA& -J l LOAFING tanvt i-t-'c RELIEF HOME WHERE I WONT ANY MORE cillLOOM j iSMtXRT GftA.,StVTi SHE? ) ' 7" . :. (THAT'S ft tAEUJ Y' ! r . : . - ' - SBO. SEX SATTTBDAY 1180 Kc 6:30 Muaical clock. 7:00 Calvary tebemacle. 7:30 Krens orcb SBC. , 8:00 Financial. . 8:15 Genia, Fonanova. g:30 Words and Music. SBC. 8:59 Time sifmal. XBC. 9;00 Belle and Martha. 0:05 Old Skipper. SBC. 9:30 Karm and home. SBC. 10:30 Home institute. 10:45 Hints to house wires. 10:50 Lost and found. 10:52 Melodeers. 11:00 Biauf'a orch.. SBC. ' 11:30 Vasrabonds., NBC. . 11:45 Gale Pajje. SBC. 12:00 West View orch, SBO. 12:30--Market report. 12 :35 Jackie Heller. XBC. . 12:40 Mrs. M. H. Lsmond. safety ta n. 12 :45 Iaev Rw orch.. SBC 1:00 Soloist. NBC. i:i5 Musical adventures. SBC. 1:30 Blue Prelude. SBC. . 1:45 Ruth and Ross, SBC. 2 :00 Crawford. oran, SBC 2:35 Cain choir, SBC. 8:00 Kins Jesters. SBC. 3:15 Home town. SBC. 3:30 Manhatters. 'BC. 4:00 El Chico rerue, XBC. 4:30 Boston symphony, SBC 5:05 Rhythm mskers. 5:30 Musie box. SBC :00 Spiritual fantonv. HBO. :30 Sprina-time; SBC 8:45 Speak in f of &cH.. . - 7 :00 Review. 7:30 Weather. 7:35 Donahue orch..- XBC - 8:15 Rudy Valle. SBC 8:30 "On the Oreeon Trail." 0:00 Bismarck orch.. SBC. 0:30 Pisher Yista orch., NBC 10:00 Palace orch,. SBC 10:30--Biltmor orch.. SBC 11:00 Runyan arch.. SBC. 12 :0O Weather and polfca reports. 8:5 Sstural Sciences of our Satiera, . Parks. . 8:45 Interesting People In tha Kewa 9:00 Homemakers Half . Hour. 9:45 Ton and Tour Radio. 10:45 Mea snd Books. 11:30- Guardlna- Your Health. 12:00 rSoon Farm Hoiir. 1:15 Storiea for Boys snd Glrla. 2:00 Science Sews of the Week. 6:30 Evening Farm Hour. X YOUR. PLAN. IT'S A 11:30 DeauTille orch, 12 :00 Weather, COMSPlQACy TO GET ME AVJAV l?ROM MV OCSK- 0A?t PotKtcess. voo vsfiM - s - dust sneak ja. SPEMO THE RCST A GLOQVOSkV- THE OAV By JIMMY MURPHY A. 1 zUESS THIS IS TO 4ET JUST, AS &OOD A TIME AS ANY TO BREAK HEAR THE NEWS TO CASPER - . ABOUT AUNT eJUOY COMINts- TO VISIT US Continued MONDAY By SEGAR