The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 02, 1936, Page 8, Image 8

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t f 4 1
,ine uittttaUI aTATESMAN.-Sales. Oregon, lhursaay morning, July 2, 1938
- - 4 -
News and Glmb
Miss Bock Gives
Wedding Plans
For July 4
TIB only Salem maid who has
announced her intention to
wed on Independence DayXIs
Miss Betty Bock who will ex
change tows with Darwin filwer
In the Baptist parsonage at North
Bend. jr '
Rey. J. D. Chappelle wlllead
the lerylce at high noon. Miss
Martha Chase of Salem and Ted
Shanks of North Bend will attend
the couple.
A dinner will follow.- After a
short honeymoon at the coast, the
young people will reside In North
Bend where Mr. Biwer i in busi
ness. -.''. - v
i s
Mrs. Edward Barrett is
Feted at Albany
Mrs. Edward L. Barrett (Made
line Ward) was the inspiration for
a smartly arranged tea yesterday
afternoon in Albany for which
Mrs. Will Barrett was hostess.
Calling hours were from 3 to 6
o'clock. Mr. F. H. Thompson
and Mrs. Percy Kelly poured.
Those motoring down from Sa
lem included Mrs. Thompson, Mrs.
Kelly. Mrs. Rex Davis, Mrs. J. N.
Chambers and Mrs. Harris Liets.
Jessie Steele, Society Editot- :
- Laura Wheeler Pattern
:? 338. i
f i 3 ::r.--:--:J--J-:.-:.r:V:7J
So you're going to be
married! Lucky girl!"
"I give all the credit to
Jim Just couldn't resist
the smart frocks I - got
there!" .
130 SO. HIGH ST. A- We 7XAr
Pilct Crochet i Pattern 125
You'll find a set of filet croch
et the perfect complment for buf
fet or vanity.! Easy to do In string,
a lace stiich sets off the design.
Pattern 1256 contains e chart and
detailed directions for making the
set shown; an illustration ot It
and of stitches used; material re
quirements. Send 10 cents in stamps or
coin (coin preferred) for this pat
tern to The Oregon Statesman, Sa
lem. Write plainly PATTERN
NUMBER, yaoir NAME and AD
Safeway Auxiliary Has
Weiner Roast
J The Safeway Woman's auxil
iary enjoyed! a Weiner roast at
Paradise Island Tuesday night.
Games around a big bonfire con
cluded the merry 'evening.
Mrs. Al Parath and Mrs. Levi
Benge were f welcomed as - new
members. Hostesses for the picnic
were Mrs. Laron Griggs, Mrs.
Tony Moravec and Mrs. Goldie
Nichols. i
Others in attendance were Mrs.
George Solterbeck, . Mrs. ; Grant
Pyatt, Mrs. Bert Berke, Mrs. Paul
Bayle, Mrs. Charles Duvalv Mrs.
Art Burbaum and Mrs. Harry
Only at Penney's, These
For Everyone in the Family
Penney's Is the family's headquarters when it conies
to buying Bathing Saita! We've hown j just a few
styles ... there are doaens of others to choose from.
And every Swf maway suit is a real feature value!
Misses' Bathing Suits ..
if 1.49 & $1.98
'Children's Bathing Trunks
-i.49c - 79c - 98c
Children's Bathing Suits
-i.49c - 79c 98c
Women's Bathing Suits . , .$1.49 - $1.98 - $2.98 - $3.98
Boys' Trunks
Men's Trunks
-98c -$1.49 -$1.98
Celebrate the Fourth in Salem With the
American Legion j
Legion Auxiliary Plans
Refreshment Booth
' The American Legion auxiliary
will sponsor a refreshment booth
at the state fairgrounds July 4.
The booth will be near the center
of activities being conducted by
the American Legion. Proceeds
will be used in the auxiliary's
welfare work.
Those in charge are Mrs. Paul
Ficke, Mrs. King Bartlett, Mrs.
Harold Perkins, Mrs. Glenn Por
ter, Mrs. A. M. Johnson, Mrs.
Onas Olson. Mrs. Elbert Bradford,
Mrs. Austin Wilson, Mra, II. R.
White. Mrs. Frank Zinn and Mrs.
Edna Rowland. I
Additional Society
on Page 10
Spinsters to Give
Charity Dance
On July 18
bright spot on the mid-July
the smart
18 at the
palms and
J social calendar is
summer formal to be)
by hte Spinsters July
Marion hotel.
Decorations will be
Japanese lanterns.
Spooner's orchestra will nlav.
Miss Margaret Wagner la gen
eral chairman for the event, as
sisted by Miss Doris Drager. Tick
eta may be obtained this week
end rrom members of the organ
Monmouth The home of Mrs.
R. B. Swenson was the scene to
day ot a delightful party arranged
in honor ot Miss Birdine Derby
who will be a bride of July 4.
Many lovely gifts were presented
the honor guest. 4 At the tea hour,
Mrs. O. I A. Walverton and Mrs..
Harry Hagmeier poured. Thoe
enjoying the affair were: ! Miss
Birdine D e r b y. Miss Annetta
Schweizer, Mrs. A. B. Lacey, Mrs.
W. J. Mulkey, Mrs. Claude Booth
by. Mrs. J. H. Murphey, Mrs. P. M.
Schweizer. Mrs. W. L. Smith, Mr".
B. F. Butler, Mrs. E. R. Emerson,
Mrs. W. R. Graham,, Mrs. Charles
Calbreath. Mrs. Emma Cbeesebro,
Mrs. A. H. Craven, Mrs. Belle Mc
KiSght, Mrs. F. J. Hill. Mrs. Wol
verton, Mrs. Hagmeier, Mrs. F. E.
Murdock, Mrs. Ed Rogers, Mrs. R.
E. Derby and Mrs. Swenson. 1
Mt. Angel Miss Teresa FIcker
was hostess to a number, of
friends at a bridge party at her
home Monday evening. High
score honors went to Mrs. Wil
liam Fessler. Miss Hilda Eberle
received the cut prize,. A late
Junch was served by the hostess.
Guests Included Mfs. Anna
Schwab, Mrs. William Fessler,
Miss Helen. Eberle. Miss Hilda Eb
erle, Miss Clara Keber, Miss Dor
othy Keber, Mrs. Jos. L Wachter,
Mrs. Leonard Fisher, i! rs. Lawr
ence Zeis.
Mountain View; A- R. Stinth
wick was pleasantly surprised
Tuesday by the arrival of a group
of relatives bearing gifts and re
freshments to honor his birthday
anniversary. Covers were placed
for Mr. and Mrs. Perry DeLap
and Mrs. Emma Beckett of Salem,
Mrs. Ellen South wick, Mrs. Edna
White, Miss Mary Wait, Mrs. A.
R Southwlck, Glenn Southwlck,
Milton Southwlck and the honor
When You Can Cools,
Eggs on the Sideicalh
"a . :: Sr -JlF 5
h i ' ' a. i
kit 'X ,
H i. vTH
4 34 't
7 A
r I f
1 .
t ,
r9.n-' trier'
-5" wv sr'SJ
kit. rtJ K;. ..
f J
It's Time to Get Inside a
Vhen the weather's hottest, youll
most appreciate their amazin? com.
fort. Youll like their exceptional
tailoring . . . their smart stvle! Also
you'll be grateful for their price
which is very low even for Wards!
Regular Soft or Wilt
proof Collar SXHIXTS
Fast cc
terns or solids.
dchi fin
urt color pat- J!.UU
31cn"s Washable
Seersucker Tics
Summery pat
terns. Excel
lent presbrunk
fabric; linings!
$n 7R
i WW
Highlights of W.C.T.U.
Convention Given
Some of the MiUhU of the
2nd national convention of the
Woman's Christian Temperance
Union, which Just closed a 10-day
session In Tulsa, Oklahoma, have
been given by Salem's and Marion
county 'a representative at the
meeting:. Mrs, Ruth E. Tooxe.
The keynote of the annual ad
dress of the national . president,
Mrs. Ida B. Wise Smith, was the
vital need of the "Long- View" in
appraising the progress of the
temperance movement. . .
Miss Bertha R a c h e 1 palmer,
formerly superintendent of
schools in North Dakota, outlined
the task which lies before the
W.C.T.U. in its program of al
cohol education as follows: there
are 30,000,000 pupils to be
reached with the facts about what
alcohol is and what It does; there
are 1.000.000 teachers in service
and there are 225 teacher training
schools. Miss Palmer, who is na
tional director of the department
of! alcohol education for the
W.C.T.U., ia making plana where
by: she and her ten full time as
sociates can cover the field and
cooperate with the teachers of
America by putting la their hands
material suitable for teaching the
facts about alcohol to each grade
in school. 1 j
Miss Maude M. Aldrich,, nation
al ! director of the department of
motion pictures, said that the
W.C.T.D. fs the only national or
gauization .which has carried on
a continuous . program, for the
past 11 years, for federal, super
vision of the trade practices of the
motion picture industry, and fed
eral, regulation providing higher
riforal standards for films .enter
ing interstate and International
commerce. '
The present congress has had
more bills before It proposing
regulation of motion pictures than
any previous congress and real
progress has been made in that
sub-committees on interstate and
Office bowrs f or the society editor are aa follows t
10 a. sb. to 12 n. ta. and a tol p. m. ievery day but Sat
urday. Oa Saturday, Uiey are 0 a. m. to 13 ooojs sauT
x p. m. ranp. m.
Thursdays July t
A.-R., at armory.
U. S. Grant circle. Ladles of G.
1:11) d. m. I ! :S
- Hollywood Ladles social fclub witl Mrs. W. C. Rich
ards, 1p.m. .. I y. s--i : . i :- -j
Woman's Benefit association, I p, m. In K. P. hall.
Keizer sewing club at IhOme Mrs.
Friday, July 3
T's Menettes, 2 p. m.
home, 280 Richmond.
foreign Commerce in both houses
of congress have had hearings and
reported favorably to the commit
tee of the whole on bills dealing
with block-booking. .
I '
Brush Creek. Mrs. Q. E. Mo-f
berg and her daughter Patiencej
Mlsa Althea Meyer and their
house guest. Miss Marna Mobergj
also a daughter of Mrs. Moberg;
accompanied a group of 14 from;
Scotts Mills Sunday in a trip
around the Mt. Hood loop! They
report that the scenery was ex
ceptionally pretty at this t(mef
the year and that they still found
snow along the highway in places."
Miss Marna Moberg will remain
here until the middle of July
when she will return to her work
as a student nurse in Minneapolis.
Mrs. Ley Barber and three chil
dren, John Muir, Bligh and Ce
cilia of San Francisco, Calif., were
recent house guests of thec. P.
Bishops. From Salem, they mo
tored with their hosts to Browns
ville and the home of Mrs.ll. W.
Starr for a short visit. They plan i
to spend a few weeks at thei coast
before returning south. i j .
M. S. Bunnell.
in gardens ot R. M. Gatke
: i 1
phapter.BC Honoredjt
nkeny Residence IS .
I Chapter BC of P.E.O.' glstefH
hood was entertained at thehome
f Mrs. Merle Ankny Tuesday
flight There were 14 in attend
ance, i t
in August. Reports were heard
n the recent state convention in
Miss Tartar Receives
National Office
Miss Lena Belle Tartar was
elected secretary of the music de
partment of the N.E.A. at the na
tional convention in Portland this
OtherSaleialeachers attending
the music sessions Included Mrs.
Mildred Wyatt and Mrs. Ermine
Mra vnnrM Clark, who fa as
sociated with-the Victor company,
was the principal speaker atv the
luncheon in the Multnomah hotel
Tuesday. Monday afternoon, Ar
thur Garbett of the National
Broadcasting company gave a
paper on the new type of .music
which must arise to meet the de
mands' of. radio and motion pic
tures. . I - V ..
S - m m m -
Mrs. Donald Young will pre
side at an informal luncheon for
eight this afternoon on the ter
race t her home.- Clover will
provide the table centerpiece.
Mrs. Stanley Satchwell will b
hostess to the Y'a Menette Fri
day in the igardens of the R. M.
Gatke home on Richmond ave
nue, at 2 o'clock. ,
Crown Poultry and Dairy Feeds
Cwt. L... : .$225
Leader Mash, cwt. $00
Boss-6-MeaV cwt. ..$liS0
Fox Feeds -
Silver Sheen Cubes -43Cer-L-Meal Silver Sheen Meal
349 Ferry
KomDletelay Mash
Cwt. .... $20
Kbw Kandy, 80V$1.35'
Calf Pelleta, 258 .$1.25
Crown Dog: Cubes, lb
Spratt's Terrier
MeaL 2 lbs. ...
Mankinw Wafers
2 lbs. L... ..25c
Quick Mix. lb. -10c
Spratfs Ovals,-lb. 15c
VJ. Js? EsCO & Don Phone 9418
, i ,-...,) i ' i
r rrmr im i i r
- ar .jar at i aw mk. a r aw i i t
AW AW AW 'mm. Vlk. U AW JW 1 : I mW
1 Ci F You declare your indepeii-
! J my ' J dence from high prices and
: y jhyfjm If gjf from all worry' about qual
'ri lit Mi -ity. when -you buy fat Fry V
I III I JfT7jf VI I'll ill a reliable independent
'HI I' III fill ffl drug store. There ate many
HI I nil III II I things that you wilt require
: DI M I I II II Mill
ri J r.i in
S3 :
on your holiday Weekend
listed in this star-spangled
array of special values.
Lotion ; ;
2 Van-Tage ..........
Crazy Crystals j;..;
Witch Hazel, pint
1 Qt. Squibb's Mineral Oil
Pint Mineral Oil
Bay Rum, 8-0 z. .
'Slick" Pipes, only .......
f i it-
Polly Peters Shampoo, 16-oz. ..jj...39c
it t .. ,
I 1 1-r
irluu IV 69c
1 9 -T
Iodine ?
s a-
r Droocn i
Wave Fluid, lO oz. ,:..:... .....w43c
Ever-Realy Razor, 2 blades -
and cf earn .. ............ ...... 29c-
. -.)....
Purola Shave Cream ........A9c
Squibb Tooth Powder, j
35c and 25c size for ..33c
2 Tek Brushes -and Moire Bag ....89c
Listerine Paste, Brush and Bag ....49c
75c Listerine and 3Ioire Bag i i.59c
10 Yard
1 lb.
1 lb.
Poison Ivy
Balm ...
First Aid
Ready Made
Poison Oak
Lotion .. ....
25 c
28-oz. Canada
Dry Rickey
2 for 35c
T h e s ej items will
add pleasure to
i ... t
your wejeknd vaca-
tloB) whether yoa
spend ill near water
i i . . i I 5
or In th moun
tains. I
SantstieUotion . . . ...t5c
Squibb's Hand Lotion $lc
Taiilite'. ..i;.;..;.V:.;$9c
" - Hi i !-. 1, :
Sun Glasses I... 39c & 59c
HairiiOil . . . . .... .... 25c
FitcU Shainp oo .... . . .59c
Batydaps . . . 10c to $9c
Thermos Bottles ..... 69c
Odofono . . . . i .31c
' 'ij j -! ---- ' ' .!. V
Glazo Polish . . .... ... .18c
1 IIatisse Dusting Pwd. 49c
' s ....
Syrup '...tJ7L,
Eczema Lotion
Pint i ...-..
Swifts Rheu
Cod Live)0il
Pint .Z
Stearns o ft
Tonic . OSlC
Kidney and i?ft
Liver Rem VVC
Dr.lHobson I Jft
Antacid Pwd. IwC
Make The
Weekend -"CUCK"
uith SNAP-
. snoTs
To make certain that
these) -exciting pictures
"come ont" load your
camera with fresh Ko
dak film. Then, leave
th derelopinK, rint
laf m! ealargtns to
i . i 1 . . . rr i i
20o n.
l L I
275 N. LIBERTY " PHONE 8774
m.xrm .. ., 1 11