PAGE FOUR The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, July 2, 1936 Missionary Tells v Of Oriental Trip Iiss'E. Holder of liberty i ; Impressed by Beauties ..fl of Japanese Scenery . : i 1 f j LIBERTY, July 1. Friends of I Miss Edna Holder, missionary to ; India, will be interested In toe ae- j,ouct of her Journey aba bas wru LJea '.to relatives here, r E Her party reached Yokohama fen the S. S. General Sherman on Ma; 20. after a delightful ocean . Stvoyar. Points of special Interest to her ia Japan were the beautiful for stay lakes and waterfalls around tNikko, some of the scenes she I say, were aa colorful as Japanese rprlntsi. The party Tislted old shrfnes and temples In Tokyo' and 'In Hiroshima. A Japanese church service they, attended was just ,'liket one la America except the language. Leaving from Shlmoneskl they arrived, in penyang. Korea. This 'city of 188,000 people; she was surprised to learn.. holds 14 Pres byterian churches, 11 Methodist Churches, some Catholic and An gel lean. Visit Christian College j Miss Holder and party visited , -'the Christian, college, ai Seoul, jfrom which Chiksoon Choi, who attended Willamette university 'during the past year, graduated. While there they witnessed a pag eant depicting the history of the school. . - , . Stops were made In Mukden, n Dairen and Tientsin. Train serv ice la as good as in America says Miss Holder, except in China. In many eitlea the party got a thrill out of the shops, the embroidery ; displays and the many other love- ,'. ly things. Miss Holder wrote that she got her greatest thrill out of seeing the great, wall of China and also enjoyed the Altar of Heaves, and " the Temple ol 'Heaven in Pelplng. . ;; From Shanghai, China, the party sailed on the Ranpura June .9. to arrive In India. Jane 26. Miss Holder will be. stationed In Puntamba, Ahmedmagar, India. ' -Civil War Veteran Honored by Mills : DAYTON. July 1-Charlea Had ley. the only Civil war veteran re maining in Dayton, was 91 years of age Saturday. Honoring him with a birthday dinner were his Icousins Mr. and Mrs. Zemrl Mills Land family of Springbrook, who entertained . him and bis house keeper, Mrs. E. Alphonso. Mr. .Hadley is still quite active. ; Mrs. Nellie Spangle of Dayton, jwbo has been in poor health for some time, underwent a, serious operation at McMinnville Monday, ;and at last reports was doing as jweU as expected. . X The Grand Rondo Indians' base- ball team will play the Dayton . iteam here at 3 p." ra. Saturday, ; July 4 at the new Union high 'school ball park. The Dayton baseball club lost to the Ballin 'Finance ln a Tualatin Valley 'league game Sunday 5 to 0. ' j Hiiikle-Cocbran Planer Suspends Work Pending Repairs on Track, Cars f im m m m ... ; LYONS. July 1 The Hinkle : Cochran planer and mill have not , been in operation this week on ac : count of repairs on the tramway 'leading from the mill to the plan ner docks. The rails spread -re-J jcently, throwing two cars or um bers off th track about half way (down the hill. Considerable da til lage was done, requiring several 'days to repair the track and cars. J . : - Courts to Organize , 4 HILLSBQRO. Ore.. July l.-VP) -County Judge Donald T. Tem- ipleton said today that executive committee members from six dis itrict organizations of ' county .courts will meet late this month to formulate final plans for estab lishing a state organization. At Stale , Fairgrounds In Salem i;15 a. m. Children Sports and Athletic Events. " 11:00 a. m. Patriotic Program in Front Grandstand. r Department Commander Geo. Koehn speaker. , . Mrs.- Leon Brown to reao ' Declaration of Independence 6 MIDGET CARS , 10 LARGE CARS. t ' 1:15 p. m. Trial Heats. 1:50 p. m. Eight or More Big Events. Midget cars here for first time. Packed with thrills and excitement. ; Entertainment All Day With Bauds, Concessions of All Kinds, New Rides and New Features for All TOEE PiyONC ON GROUNDS PICNICS: Many groups will Picnic That Day on Grounds-' - '.'-- - ' - - " : ' , . . , - :, .. ' M ' ' " ..' ' . C ' " ' " ' ' Townsend Clubs annual picnic and mass meeting wilh' program at 2:30 P. M. Speakers, Old Time Fiddlers Contest, Singing v. ' Three Headliners "Hit it Up" f "7 N ' . r,. .;. , . ,. j . ..... y.y:. .-. - .- ( :-.o. :: " , ' :''. ' v '' ' ;' t s V. - ' t ' A V:- :' . M , t ' I - - - f. ' ' . i . . - : ' ' ' I V "'" I Jam RooeTll .. ,.i " i ' Three men, often In the headlines, were in the news again when photographers caught them in action at the Democratic national con tention in Philadelphia. In the top picture, James Roosevelt, eldest son of President Roo-Uvelt, holds aloft the arm' of the Democratic "champ', James A. Farley, national party chairman, on the speakers platform. ' In the lower photo, Dizzy Dean, famous pitcher ef the St. Louis Cardinals, iaj shown doing a bit of "blowing" during a loll i at one of the conTection sessions. Future Faniiers Will 3Iake Project 1 Tour! in' Silver ton District Today; Crabtree Finds SILYERTON, July 1. IMiture Farmers of America will make a project tour Thursday beginning at 9 o'clock from the agricultural room at the senior high school. Fathers of the students, other boys or anyone else interested are inrhed to accompany on the tour. Those going are asked to bring a noon lunch ; with. them. The local Smith-Hughes boys met at the Bhop Tuesday to do some work. Matt-Small.! of the local mem bers, has announced that he just purchased two purebred Shrop shire ewes from J. D. Drake to add to his sheep project. Young Small now haa ten head of pure bred Shropshlres. At the same meeting, Olaf Paulson reported the shipment of a purebred Du roc- Jersey sow pig to Fred Fowler, member of the Longvlew, Wash., chapter of F.F.A. '.During the: past two weeks other Silverton' F.F.A. provided swine breeders association mem bers have received orders from Klamath and Coos counties which they are unable to fill just at the present time but are hoping to hold off buying of the prospective purchasers until three or four young litters become of market i age. A number of the hoys plan to show their project animalg at the coming fairs. In Turkey Business During his .round of visiting Smith-Hughes projects this week, the Silverton, instructor. Warren E. Crabtree. called upon one of his-former students. Earl Ruther ford of the Hazel Green district. Mr, Crabtree reported that he was 50 p. lt a a 1 1 ti Much Summer Work glad to learn that one of his grad uates had . entered a partnership with bis father and that at the present time they are the proud owners of 3100 Bronze and Nara gansette turkeys, largely from the Hudson of Tangent strain through the toms. The Rutherford partner ship hatches and broods Its own birds, having recently added a special Buckeye turkey hatching machine of 1800 per week or a total capacity of S400 eggs. which under their efficient man agement Is giving ! excellent re sults. ; " ' , ; . . . The young turkeys are tery thrifty, according to Mr. Crab tree, and make a sight worth see ing all the way from incubator to brooder and out upon the range. Rutherford ard son are making special studies of turkey care and management. , Mr. Crabtree also found that eigh players on the Hazel Green park baseball team are present or former F.F.A. members of the Silverton department. They are Bill Dunigan, Orville Dunigan. Harry Way," Earl Rutherford, Leonard Ratherford, Clinton Wampler, San ford Davis and Don Dunigan. The team coach and manager is H. W. Dunigan, father of Bill and Orville. The team plays each: Sunday. ; Take Over Hospital EUGENE. Ore., July l--The Sisters of St. Joseph, Roman Ca tholic nursing order, took charge today of the Pacific hospital which the sisters purchased re cently. t With Capitol Post No. 9 : American ; Legion 1 t - 9 j? 4 ! 1 A. hi ' V fDisvy D.n J V -"'' mmm, . VAUDEVILLE 8:00 p. m. Eight Acts Big Time Vaude ville with Monte Brooks as t : Master of Ceremonies. FIREWORKS :00 p. m. Gigantic Fireworks Spec tacle. More flares. More rockets. More set pieces than ever before. - DANCE m. Carnival Dance In Midway. Fine music and entertain ment. . ' Nag Exonerated, Woodburn Court Jury Declared Not Guilty of Hit-Run Dog Death; - Judge Fines Others i WOODBURN. July i. John Nag was given a Jury trial Satur day In Judge Overton's eourt and was found not guilty of the charge of killing- a dog while driving his car and falling to stop after the accident. The dog belonged to R. M. Collier. ! i Deputy District Attorney Joe Felton appeared for the state and W. D. Harris of ML Angel appear ed for the defendant. , Nag pleaded that he did not know he had hit the dog so did not stop. On the jury were R. H. Scott, L. C. Blust, S. A. Hoef er, Carl Erickson, E. J. Allen and E. II. Scholes with Albert Reiling and S. W. Maupin as alternates. Keith Stump recently paid a fine ol 110 and costs for driving his truck at a speed of 4B miles per hour. Floyd Willis Bran dredge pleaded guilty to the charge of driving a motor vehicle without a muffler and paid a fine of 1 5 and costs. George Rex Na- gert. arrested for ; the same of fense, paid a similar fine and costs. Charlie ' Guatav Berg of Portland entered a plea of guilty to a charge of reckless driving and was fined 1 25 and costs which he did not pay, and so was committed to the county 'JaiL Aiv rid Albert ThMaberg paid a 'tine of $S and 2.50 costa for driving truck without license plates. Wingo Reece Eggleston entered a plea of guilty to the charge "or driving his truck at a speed of 47 miles per hour and paid a fine of 5 and costs of $2.60. Fisher Hurt Worse Than First Report LIBERTY, Jaly 1, Klsa Fish er, returning Tuesday from As toria, stated that his brother, Ira Fisher. In the St. Mary's hospital there, is more seriously hurt than reports at' first indicated. It is probable that his leg will be am putated. He was hurt Monday when a log fell on him, crashing the bones np to the knee. . Elza Fisher and the parents went to Astoria yesterday. Charles Krauger has stock Into his new store building and began to serve customers on Tuesday in the new store, which is much larg er than the old- store. Krauger win enlarge his stock and plans to carry also a line of hardware and Ice. Ho will I continue with finishing details after moving into the building. Law Student Gets Job As Life Guard in N. Y. LEBANON. July Warren Gill, son of Mr. and.MraC J. O. Gill, who! has been a -law student at New York university, has ac cepted a lob for the summer as life guard at a private beach re sort in New York, i Arthur Wight of Ashtabula, O., has come to spend the summer with his mother, Mrs. H. M. Wight, who is In Tery poor health. Be sure that jout trip. Let f Figure Battery Cecaui of 24-Month Guarantee! Because of FREE Recharging! Dcau$e of FREE Loan Service! The finest battery you can buy at any price! .Improved in every re spect to insure longer service than our guarantee states. Now! 45 vais uuvw Auuuuou coraera 6-Mo. Guarantee Your Old Battery and V WllXi. l A (9 VALUE V t A ' J and your 1 V ... , - old battery VV . X 24-MONTH A Xs. -. GUARANTEE - ,Jr I ' 1 " fc.' i- .'. I It "N'' tfn i -1 4414 State Stv Trailers Homes for 100 flOO Modern ft.-' . A" r - - i ' ; .: m-.-i-. '.::-':'.: " ' , A i ' -- . y- w :-:.:-..v.' :: Il.-O 1 Trailer interior Increasing thousands are solving their depression housing problems by selling their' homes, buying auto trailers, and living on the road.! It b estimated that more' than 1 00,000 Nomads' are now roaming the highways in such fashion, j Besides avoiding "the responsibility of property and the expense of upkeep, the trailer enables a family' to move to locations where working conditions are better. Menu- facturers of trailers are booked to capacity for six months ahead. Modern tourist camps have catered to them by providing electricity' and water lines to which the trailer may be connected temporarily.' Republicans Will Open Office Soon Republican organizations hare selected rooms on the second floor of the Marion hotel for headquar ters I during the political cam paign; - Those which will make their headquarters there- are. the county central committee, the Marion county republican club, the ' Young republican club, and Pro America, women's organiza tion.? I Representatives of the various organizations met Tuesday night to confer on plans for the cam paign. Fred Tooze, sr., secretary of the county committee, will open the headquarters about July 10. : Sirs. G. Bliss, Daughter Return From Idaho Trip ORCHARD HEIGHTS, July 1 Mrs. Grace Bliss and daughter car is in good shape us put in anew hattery now. New "Power Flo" Cross Country! the Cost of Sears on a 24 Mo. Basis YOU PAY 4 92 greater man ss. aj .... longer guarantee. Battery 18-Mo. Guarantee I Battery Your Old AX Aim Battery and 4 j5 OTS M BZ litUJ(gt toaritt camp H . . w V -iv? -x is' ' Helen returned ' late last week from' their former home at Fair field, Ida., r where they motored three weeks ago on a combined business and pleasure trip. Mr. and Mrs. James Sykes, for mer residents, of this neighbor hood, returned recently from Lo- ma Linda, Calif., where they have spent the last several winters. They plan to dispose of their pro perty here and make their per ma- Prices Visit in Wells ; With P. Carter Family Y WELLS, July 1 Mr. and Mrs. Dee Price and daughter Patrlca of Los Angeles were recent -visitors at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Carter. They were . accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Alderich. and, niece, Mrs. Jean Shank of Leba non. ' " ' Miss Comilla Ivers of Wells and Carl Myers of Albany were married 1 at the Lutheran church in Albany Saturday afternoon. for that holiday APPROXIMATELY A MONTH requirement . . rd (c(o ) Canadian Gueists J'' i SC0TT3 MILLS, July i.--Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sauerssig have as their Y guests for severalj weexs Mrs. Sauersslgs brother, Quenton Talbot and family, of Lethbtldge, Alberta. 1 i The two families, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. E. S4nrssig and Mrs. Emma Talbot, mother of r Talbot and Mrs. Sanergsig. wfll spend the Fourth at AUea. The Good Times ciud wats en tertained at the home of "Mf. and Mrs. Jake Blersack - Sunda eve ntni' Mian Pauline Semolkel win ning 'the ladies prize for: high score in "500", and Hugo aiagee the. men's prize. .Tne nex cmn meeting will be held the) middle of September. I . home Sunday from Harvey. D., where she bad been visitinf reia- tlves for several weexs. BE PREPARED FOR Save- Every Liberty at Court mmm 55c Ponds Creams 60c Mum $1.00 Zip Cake . Lifebuoy Soap, 3 jfor 16c Kotex, 12's 2 tbr 35c 50c Lyon's Tooth Powder : .32c it !50c Santiseptic ...i...45c ' - 'if '! 60c Condensed Jad " Salts -- Ul. .36c ' 0G0 W(yZS3!RE 1 .... : -nMBssMMsawr"" j tTHE d usy (itrvs CONNER store j IPItSI ( QUESTVElt-LW: Kvvan"! H J W"5?5CT I txrnt .. . .1 -. A .V - : JtO -ifif) L:.39c Ll49c 1 ...49c i pint size VACUUM COTTLE 59c GALLON X- Picnic JUG 'Bring your 4th of July FUms to us for fin- rl ishing. - PAST SKR1CE j: QUALITY j ! PKl.NTS I" : In mt 11 O rv at ,m m an & a be m x - iiu . i , tTRUSSES and 1 BELTS i " mSSrrsiWLAl $1.98 Uo Fitted by Fitters ELASTIC HOSIERY COMPLETE STOCK Why eo lattd? Shop in Sa lem and . save the difference. ' ii StttVtHO CREAM rrtw ' ill f llllllllltf li -ws. Hit rf I H M, J J ATOUa FOUtJTAin ISiVilue AdlDKlE POWDER Giant Frosted nil Milk Shake . J Joint Robinson. 16, Will Leave July 15 on Jaunt To Alaska For Sale Work SILVERTON. July ohn Robinson, 16-yar-old son of Mr. and Hrs. Lewis Robinson of Grants Pass and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. John Porter of Silver ton, will leave July 15 for a trip to -Alaskal Young Robinson won the trip by selling automobiles and accessories 'for a garage at Grants pass. Three other girls were also winners of the trip and the four 5oung people with chap erone will make the trip. . - Drown Recovering WOODBURN. July 1 . E t r 1 Brown, In charge of the. meat de partment, of the Safeway store, bas been confined to his home for the past three weeks with an In jured hip which he received when he fell while handling a quarter of beef at the shop. He expects to be back at bis work In a few days. THE BIG DAY! Coxnplstc Prescription Service PHOTO SUPPLIES ndFimSHUJG Low Price Eastman Films 'No. 120 Verichrome - . ' 26c No. 116 Verichrome 29c No. 127 Verichrome 26c - Take plenty along, bring lack what yon don't use. BEACH UPPLIES Bathing Caps 10c-29c-39c Bathing Sandals 69c Experienced to Port- - r- if Ronrh Tlall S04 y MOUTH WflSH liirs.-Friday , : ; Special 20c Chocolate i Nut Sundae ; r-LV spnnv PwtCsn Salem, Ore If 1