The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 01, 1936, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tht OUTGO? STATESMAN," JSsIezv l-Ure-ca, .Wskaessay-Monur-jr, Jul 1, -
Has Reunion
Grangers' News
Armstrongs. Also Join in
Event Held in Hall
at Silverton
LD RIDGE, June 30. Th
J Sart-Armatrong family reunion
was held Sunday at t-e Knights
of Pythias hall In Silverton. Mr. I
and Mrs. Richard Patterson of this
place attended, also their daugh
ter, Mrs. Robert Cole, a resident
of the Mission Bottom district.
Mn. Patterson was born'in a cov
ered wagon when her parent3
crossed the plains. Se was one
of the honored guest3 Suaday.
Daring, the bastness rsslon
Mri. Nina Morris was elected
president, aad 1 Mrs. Robert Col
was retalne das secretary-treasurer.
. ;
Mrs. Mnsa Winters was in
charge- of the program present
as follows: music by the orchestra
recitation. Emery Lewis Newport;
meditation for the departed; pi
ano number. Helen Morris; ong.
Virgil and Hazel Hildebrand; tap
dance. Marlon Robertson; - pres-.
entation of bouquets to honored
members of the group, .4 rs. Lou
Armstrong. Mrs. Laura Coonse
.. ik. raiiriouu, jus. lueuj
Morris and Richard Patterson
song. Reba Murphy; song. Mrs.
Pooler and Mrs. Echo. Bowen;
song, Elaine Murphy; accordlan
solo, Helen Morris; tap dance.
Lol June Murphy; orchestra.
Irn w,r : Mr. n4 Mm: Earl IV
8rt, Mr. and Sin. Cl'de I-Srt. Ruth
and Gerald. Mr. and Mr. Bud DeSarU
Masint Coonac, Mr. and -Mra. Jerry D.
Sart and Iola. Alfred ISart, Mr. an4
Mm. Frank AnnMronS Mr. and Mr.
Mary DrSat. Kd Hari. Mr. and Mr.
Hot Brown, all of 8ilTrrton
Mr. and Mra. Fred Hilbraad. Virfl'.
Haiel. and Merlin of Lakefield. tliiin.:
Mra. W. II. Newport. T.mrrr I.ewia, Bob
bia Pean. Billy Jane. Toledo. Ore.: Mr.
and Mra. W. H. Kinher. I.odea Pole. Xeh.;
Mr. and Mr. Harry Crone. Juleabnrar.
.Colo.;. Mr. and Mn. Ra 8witier. M
lalla; Tyorrnine Oranre. Amitr; Mr. and
Mr. Marry Ielie. Marry jr.. Patricia
and Marrine. Willamina: G. W. Morphr,
Mr. and Mra. 8. K. Whit.. Amity: Mar;
ion Robertson, Salem.
Ed Jlarrin. Mr and Mrs. C. f.. Conner.
Ridfrefield. AVaoh.; Mr. aad Mra. L. T.
I)a Sart. Salem; Mrs. Lon Ann&iron?.
Broadiread : Mr. and Mrs. Morris, S'leri
dan: Sylvia Chandler, Florenrer Ivan
Mnrphv and Lota June. Bend; Mr. ami
Mra. Chet Wallinfc Salem: Mra. Laura
Coone, Mi, and Mra. Reber -Murphy
: ana r.iame. et. neiena: atr. rrea jure
r, Tarnrna; Mr. and Mra. Jesa Coonee.
Beaer; Iran DeSart. Taroma: Mt and
Mn. Robert Cos. l.nnTjw, Danh.; Mr.
and Mra. Lyle McClure. aad Josenhine.
Broad mend; Mr. aad Mra. Farl Pooler.
Salem: Mr. and Mra, rrd Winter and
. Thelraa, Broadraead; Mr. and Mra. R. O.
DeSart. Salem: Mr. and Mra. Ernest
Bowen, Hat DeSart and Del DeSart. Sa
lem. I
SILtTERTON, : Jane SO. The
Silverton grange will sponsor a
picnic at 2fmnierman's grove on
Sunday, July 12. Otto 0. Dabl Is
master of the Silrerton grange
and Mlsa Merle Bowen is lecturer.
Picnic Is Enjoyed
By Island People
Roy Will Family Leaves
- on j Vacation Trip
This Week
Thief Takes $20
Bill From Home
Methodist Church Holds
Annual Elections; OARP,
Meeting Held
Hurt Seriously While
Returning From Visit
With Daughter, Eugene
SHAW. Jane SO Mrs. Charles
McAllister was seriously Injured
in an automobile wreck, when re
turning ' home from Eugene,
where she had 'been a guest of
her daughter, Mrs. Gertie Cum
min gs . and family.
Mrs.' Frank- Goodln left Satur-
JEFFERSON, June 30 While
Mrs. J. R. Colcan was away from
her home for half an hour Thurs- day noon for William, Minn.,, for
day afternoon someone entered I Twit with her sister. Airs. Alice
her home and took a S20 bill from Maloney.
her purse which was in the dress-I Mrs. Andrew Fleber returned
ing room. She had left her door I home Saturday from , Portland,
unlocked.. 1 I where she had been a patient at
The church 'school board of the St. Vincent's hospital,
Methodist church recently elected i ReT. M. Molx who has been
these officers , for the - ensuing I seriously ill at St. Vincent's bos-
year: superintendent, Mrs. C. J. I pltal, is Tery much Improved and
group of joung married people
enjoyed a picnic Sunday held on
the banks of the river across
from Duke's landing. Swimming,
boat - and - surf board riding pro
Tided entertainment lor (all ; at
tending. J In the evening the
group gathered at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Tompkins to
enjoy a lawn party. Nearly 40
adults and; children participated.
Families represented included
John Shelburne. Leon Blanchard.
Bert McFarlane. Ersel Gubser,
Clark Noble. Dick Rockhlll, Adel
bert Smith. Harold Tompkins.
Fred Flnnlcum, Louis Will.
Worth Wiley and Dale FoWler.
Cherry picking is nearlng com
pletion in the orchards on the
Clarence Badger farm. The re
cent rain caused r considerable
damage to the remaining erop
Willa on Taratlon ;
Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Will and
daughter,! Mildred, an Ba Cecil,
left Sunday morning on a week's
vacation trip through the south
ern part of the state. Theyrex
pect to visit the Oregon Caves and
Crater Lake.
Mrs. Ella Derereaux of Eugejie
and Mrs. Sally Nash of Albany are
guests for a short time in the
home oi their cousin. Mra. J. H
Tompkins and family.
soon expects to return to his par
ish. . " -
Shorey, Yates Autos j
' Collide in. Woodburn
Thurston; assistant superintend
ent. Mrs. J. G. Fontaine; secre
tary,' Doris Roland; ; treasurer, C.
Thurston; choir director and
temperance superintendent. . Dr.
. O. Van Winkle: pianist, Mrs. J
O. VanWinkle; . primary, Mrs.
Frank Chrisman; cradle roll. Mra.
Guy. Roland; home department,
Miss Addie Libby, and librarian,! WOODBURN, June 30 - Cars
E. Clark.. - (driven by Mrs. L. H. Shorey and
TowBsmdew Meet . I James Yates were badly damaged
An unusually large" crowd at-I when they collided Sunday morn
tended the June meeting of the I ing as, Mrs. Shorey was driving
Jefferson Townsend club. An in- J south on Front street and the
terestihg program was presented I Yates' .car was entering Front
including. 'America" and flag sa- I from Grant street. No one was
Fennells Reunite
At Lebanon Home
Attend N. E. A.
' MILL CITY. June. 30 Attend
ing the N.E.A; . conference in'
Fortland from here' are Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Smith, Miss Rose
Smith, Mrs. Harry" Mason and
Miss Ethel Hlckey.j
W. II. Davis has gone to Idan
ha to begin the erection of-a hotel.-
A general merchandise store
will also be put up.
? LEBANON. .June 30. A fam
ily reunion Vas hold by the Fen.-
nell family Sunday at the home
of: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fennell of
this city. iAt noon a pienje dinner
was served on the lawn of the
Fennell home. '
iPresent. were Mr. and Mrs. Ir
win Kinyon and son Wayne of
Galata; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fen
nell and Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Al
vln Fennell and daughter Velda
Fay. Herbert Fennell and Marian
Fennell. all of Albany; Mr. and
Mrs. Albery Fennell and Delbert,
ana miss ioiet Thomas of Leba
non; Mr. and Mrs. Claude Over-
holser and Ruth and Lowell of
Marlon; and Mr. and Mrs. - Lee
Gfenz and Irwin, Rosemary and
-wyia oi jenerson.
lute by ths assembly; tither and
piano duet by Mrs. Frank Schultz
and Mrs. Max Schultx; readings
by Mrs. tDan Korb: song by the
Jeanness family. E. L. Brown of
Eugene gave a talk on, "Why two
hundred dollars?" He also pre
sented ; tha club, with a large
American Tlag. , . t
During the business meeting.
Mrs. Wilbur Funk was unani
mously elected delegate to the
Townsend national convention at
Cleveland, O. It was voted that
Jefferson club cooperate with Al
bany in the Fourth of July Town-
send picnic, and that the club
would form a caravan, led by Lin-
don Curl with his sound system,
going to Albany.)
Mrs. Maude Blackwell. chair
man, appointed a committee or
two people from the following
communities: Greens Bridge, Par-
rish Gap, Looney Butte, and
Scravelhill to assist in making the
necessary . preparations, f Follow
ing the meeting an ice cream so-
citl was held. '
Move to Ilinz Ranch
Mr. and Mrs.: Harry Marcum
and family will move to the A. B.
Hlnz ranch one and one half
miles northeast of here, the first
of July, and vfill take care of the
poults on the ranch. Mr. and Mrs.
Cochran have moved from ! the
Hinz ranch into Norris Looney's
house in Jefferson. '
Mrs. Edna B. Allen and Mrs.
Helen ' Kihs are ' spending- this
week in Portland attending , the
N.E.A. convention. i
Mr. Scheele Endorses
Amazing New Van-Tage
Says It Ended Sour
. Stomach, Bloating, Gas
Pains -Aided His Weak
Kidneys Drove Out
Rheumatic Pains -Now
He Feels Fine
Thousands of former sufferers
throughout this whole Salem sec
tion are now "singing the praises"
of VAN-TAGE. the "Amazing
Mixture of Nature's Roots 'and
Herbs and Other Splendid Medi
cinal Agents" now -.being introdu
ced to crowds daily In this city by
a Special Van-Tage Representa
tive, known as The VAN-TAGE
.Man. Of the many who have been
helped by this sensational new
.medicine, none is more enthusias
tic , than Mr. Walter Scheele, of
Route No. 7, Salem," who wants
know about Van-Tage and the
great relief it gave him. Read
this local man's statement
through and through, and find
out how Van-Tage can help YOU!
iSuffered With Stomach,
Liver and Kidneys!
I have been suffering with my
stomach, liver and kidneys for the
past year - or two," said Mr.
Scheele. "My food wouldn't di
gest like it should, but seemed to
turn sour and form gas which
bloated me up something awful.
My liver didn't seem to be work
ing properly, and I always felt
sluggish and wornout. Kidneys
were weak and I had the most
.terrible rheumatic pains in 'my
legsall the time.' It most have
been caused by too much acid in
my system. I tried everything I
could find, but nothing seemed
to do me auy good. Then I read
about Van-Tage and what it was
doing for so many others, so I
decided to try it. I BLESS THE
DAY I found this great mediclne,
for now I can eat what -I want
. and my food digests PERFECT
LY! No more awful bloating or
sour stomach. No gas pains after
meals. It certainly Is a grand re-
. lief to be able to enjoy a meal
again! It acted on my liver and
that old, sluggish, listless feeling
' has left me and I have plenty of
energy. My kidneys have been
helped greatly, and that awful
rheumatic pains are gone. I think
Van-Tage is the most wonderful
medicine I ever saw and I cannot
praise Jt too highly!"
: . s j '-
G. n. 5IOSRY, the Man Whose
j Medicines Have Helped, Mil
j lions! Twenty Years Ago He
Created the Amazing VAX
j TAGB ; Formula to Relieve
j IUs Own Suffering. Now It
j Is Helping Thousands Right
iHpre in Salem.
Miss May Strike, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Strike is very
ill with, pneumonia. She has been
taken to St. Vincent's hospital for
treatment. .
Reunion Enjoyed
By Haslilebadiers
Eldest of dan Settled in
Switzerland District from
; Europe in 1886
HAZEL GREW, June' 30.
Fred Hashlebacher son Peter, and
first grandchild Bille, son of Al
bert Hashlebacher; were h o n o r
guests at a picnic dinner in the
grove on' the Hashlebacher farm
Sunday, v-- '
- Mr. Hashlebacher came to the
United States from Berne, witzer
land, in 1886, together with his
mother and older brother Gott-
leib. settling in the Switzerland
community south of Silverton.
Since that time.vhe haa added to
the 0 acres of land first bought.
until1 now his farm comprises 300
acres, much of it cleared by hand
labor, r i ..
Carpenters by trade in the old
country, Mr. Hashlebacher and his
brother followed their calling in
the Willamette, (valley building
many houses, barns and hop
houses' in the Silverton vMnity.
-In addition to Mm Hashlebach
er, sr., who was present with Mr.'
Hashlebacher, other members of
the family enjoying the picnic' In
cluded: ,;
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Htehlebacfier and
ion, Mr. and Mrs. Alois" 8chwnk aad
ehildrta LoretU, Fred and Donald. Port
Umd; Mr. aad 'Mrs. Albert Leaner,
Swiuerland; Mr. and Mr. Edvard Hash
lebaeher aad ion Allen, Mr. and Mra.
Fred Haihicbacher, Fortland; Mr. and
Mrs.-James Klein aad daughter Shirley
Mae, Roberta; Peter Haihlebaeber, Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Haraes and '. children
Caroline, Patricia and Tom; Mr. and Mra.
W. O. Darts and sea Sanford; .Henry
Richer of HaTeatilie; Omlle Carey, Miaa
Francia Andrews, Portland; Vt. and Mre.
Joseph Fielin and dang-hter Fterenee; Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew FiaUa, Mt, and Mrs.
Joseph Zielinskl and children Lawraece,
Clarence, Inn, Gertmde, Boaild and
Gladys; Mr. and -Mrs. J. p. ZielinskU
Qninaby; Mr. aad Mrs. B. C. Zieliaski
and children Lenis, Quentin and Helen;
Mrs. A. Fricksoa, Mrs. A. Matterly, Mr.
and Mrs. Enlriek, Mra.' Cocpr, Portland;
and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Efflnar. P ra
ta av. ... t.' - , ii j-..
Evergreen to Pifcic :
? SILVERTON, June lOp Among
the picnics scheduled tSf the Sil
rerton park in' July U h Ever
green school picnic. Thihas been
set for the 3rd Suudaf fn July
and all old friends are Invited to
attend.- ' . j
Fisher Injured
LIBERTY. June I0.4ilra Fish
er, recently of this vicinity, was
injured near Astoria Monday, re
ceiving a crushed foot, from a
falling log.. Word received here
Monday evening indicated that
the injury, though bad, was not
thought serious. He Was taken
to St. Mary's hospital trt Astoria.
Fisher was driving a logging truck
for Joe Pierre, for merit of this
district.. : .. ' : ;
El Fisher, Tra's brother, left
for "Astoria, upon receiving word
of the accident. -
Guests at the Ed McLer'Uia
home are Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Pugh of Kansas City, Mo.,
Mr: and Mrs. W. F, Kenney of
Los Angeles,. Calif., were guests
for several days at the W. R. Dal
las home leaving Saturday. Mr.
Kenney and Mrs. Dallas are cou-
ius aaitao avuvucii aj r
C. C. Behnke fo Florence visited
her at the same time.
Welter 111
SUBLIMITY, June 30 Pet
Welter has been seriously ill at
his home the past week. .
- IrvkL J. .Schumacher started
picking his cherries recently and
has a number of pickers busy
with the Royal Annes and p(e
(5 ootid
3 3 icn
I. P. Loose Leaf Sheets, Ring Books
and Binders . . Art, Metal Steer Of
fice Equipment . 1 1 Fountain Pens,
Waterman, Esterbrook, Parker .
Stencils and. Duplicator Supplies .' . .
Carbon Paper and Typewriter Rib
bons . . . Blank Books . . . Oxford
Folders and Guides'; j
Everyih ing for the Office
Phone '
Just East of Ladd & Bush Bank
Greeting Cards for Every
Kodaks and Finishing
Books Gifts Bibl es Photo
Albums and Scrap Books
Social Stationery
School Books and Supplies :
340 State Street
Salem Ore.
Brunner Reunion
Held at 'Green
Anybody Can Afford to
Take to Van-Tage!
SUFFERERS! Wherever Van-
Tage is introduced, it quickly be
comes the fastest selling medi
cine in that community Such
enormous sales volume permits
this Amazing Formula of Nature's
Own Medicinal Herbs to be sold
at a price that Is within the reach
OF ALL! You can actually take
Van-Tage for Just a few cents a
day: And I remember you don't
have to take this medicine months
and; months to get results! Many
people who had suffered for
TEARS without finding anything
to help them report COMPLETE
RELIEF from their old, stubborn
ailments after taking only one or
two bottles of Van-Tage! Sa. if
you are a victim of sluggish, ir
regular - bowels; Inactive liver;
swollen, gaseous stomach: slug
gish kidneys; or the agonizing
pains of Theumatic or neuritic af
fliction, don't neglect your health
any longer. Get Van-Tage TO
DAY and i see how quickly it
makes you LOOK, ACT and FEEL
like a DIFFERENT . MAN or
WOMAN, years younger than
your real age!!
A Special Van-Tage Represen
tative, known as The VAN-TAGE
Man, is now daily meeting crowds
of people and Introducing and ex
plaining - this Remarkable Com
pound. On Sale at Fred Meyer
Toiletry and Remedy Dept.
170 N. Liberty Su
RTt.vunTnv;' t ii n o 30. Des
cendants of John and Mary Brun
ner, who came to Oregon from In-
diaaa 56 years ago, met for tneir
12th annual reunion Sunday at
Hazel Green park. Three of the
second generation are living and
these have been electd as perm
anent officers with president, Vic
tor Brunner of Silverton; vice
president. Dan " 'runner of Port
land; secretary;, Mrs. Marth Brun
ner Sampson f, Portland. ;
Present Sunday were: i 5 1
Mr. and Hn. A. Schar, Earl
Schar, Mr. and- Mrs. Dan Geiser,
Mr. and Mrs. George Elton and
Helen; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krug
and Lyle, Mrs. Oral Egan and Col
leen and Eldon; Mr. and Mrs. Al
vin Krug and Donna and Dale;
Mr. and Mrs. William Garver and
Valena and Joan of Woodburn;
Mrs. George: Brazier of Portland;
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Nonhrope of
Gresham; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kas
er and Calvin, Mr. and Mrs. Orval
Kaser, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kas
er, Mr. and' Mrs..Cleo McMorris,
Mr. and Mrs. John Brunner, Jane
Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. -Victor Brun
ner, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jackson
of Slletz; from Tillamook were
Mrs. John Kaser, Mable Kaser,
Laverne Kaser,. Marvin; Kaser,
Richard ; Kaseiv Dorothy Kaser,
Cleo Kaser, Ray Ka"ser, Roy Kas
er. Shirley Kaser, Mrs. Sam Kas
er; from Salem, Mrs. Alice .Kas
er. Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott; Mrs.
Bessie Kaser, Mrs. J. Hannan,
Jack Hannan, Ronald -Hannan,
Lorain e Johnson; from Portland,
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brunner, Mrs.
Lydla1 Klopfensteln, Mr. and Mrs.
Byron Klopfensteln, Mr. and Mrs.
Oran Jackson, Neoma, Edith and
Audrey Jackson, Mrs. Martha
Sampson, Raymond Sampson,
Mrs." Laura Cooper, Mr. and Mrs.
F. Erlick, George Mendenhall, Ray
Mendenhall, Katherine Brunner
and Ethel Jackson. .. ; " t 1 V
Hold Last Rites Today
At .Church of Christ
For Mrs. Grace Giibler
MILL CITY, June 30 Funeral
services will be held Wednesday
at 2 p. m. in the Church of Christ
for Mrs. Grace W. Gubler, who
died' suddenly at her home here
Sunday night, She had been ill
for some time.
Mrs. Gubler has resided in Scio
and Mill City for several years.
She was a member of the Church
of Christ and of - the .Women's
Benefit association of Salem.
She is survived by her husband.
James Gubler, a daughter, Mrs.
Alice Yost of Klamath Falls, and
two sons, Vernon Smith of Long-
view, Wash., and Kenneth Smith
of Samoa. Calif., as well as a
number of grandchildren.
Mrs. Richard Tuve Now ;
In Hospital-at Salem;
Cherry Harvest Ended
WACONDA, June 30 Mrs.
Richard Tuve of North Howell
was removed to the Salem general
hospital last week after a brief
stay here at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C M. Hall.
Mrs. , Tuve has been 111 several
weeks with pleurisy.
Henry Stafford has Just finish
ed picking his cherry crop.
Extra Value
Safe Non-Skid Treads
R9fd Sidewalls
Smart Appearance
170 Steve Service
about Our
'aymentl all road hazard-
J rC A nei lCOY kMM n II; July 3rd
-,'.- tlC&vZiA9& 'L2 Z'Vr;. I An extra iity.oog. ii V Independence Day
' - ''Sa Ir -f1Ces contents hot or ; , y - -
tfry - - -
njLc&r- -rQW XiSH s yU
: L:l r0g JMf Western Giants!
I Supreme Xrrr ! XW nJ J
Radiator ;r DM
a item. L a
1 1 l. -,i iii i LLr Plan:
j WQo'vnduen. Sow wjjth Sofatyl . (ft , 9N A ;
fittino. no VIYW III H IIJ 1111 LH f
patterns. I 1, ,
Iii? ) rs Hating PnlnttW
il.41toS4.4S ?t Per lJf :
The very finest Lead, Zinc ond Unteed
' Oil bou naint Pimm In K
most severe exposure tests.9 I V
-mvA OuOrt Tc? Gotten $ro " Y
Giant plates
Giant power
longer life. . . All
rubber case, rub
ber : reinforced
separators. Priced
according to car.
and $8.95
Supt Power
2 Years .
Improved corj
struction givs
more power and
longer life in any
service. "AceordV
ing to cor. -,
to $12.93.
. Mtk mid I imj
IS Months
Powerful, long
lasting ell new
material, genuine
Ebrok cose; ac
cording to car. .
to $C20
12 Months
Low in price
but a wonder
ful value all
new material
battery for
Tight cars.
mith mid hmtry
Mons plaiii 44- iionn pownn h lohcbr lifb
Aclt or LOW PRICES on You? Clso
Buy Your battery HOW and pmy ok our convenient teeakiy budget bimis.
.PrcnUs-Vabcr Qrap OtlOVO
uard : j
With Wind Guard
mnd mxmterimL
Mad of aubstantiat materials L . . smooth-
seams, no scraps, f irmly lock-stifchad. Attractive
LEADER Coupe or Roadster.
2-Door Sedon or Coach; or 4-Door Sedan.
DURO (as shown) --Coupe or Roadster...
2-Door Sedan or Cooch ,.,
4-Door Sedan or Cooch.
HOLLYWOOD Coupe or Roadster
2-Door Sedan or Coach. . "
-4-Door Sdon
Xiao our "KUsTOM-BILT" o luxa Mot covn tor oil uphototry up
Zt 50 to 034.50
"netoe"1S Blast HV7llt2 HIOVQ
.41 to S4.45
43.67 to $4J0
Folds compoctl. Two burner, Instant
light biilt-in pump. "
"CaUmaa" Camp CtOVCS
Tteo-burner. fl. IfS :
wind guard Lj
Mod of Hf rntoi, durobfy nom-
r Mt up. incTonT ignr.
With fold
ing oven.
bakes fine.
55 to $6.50
Get attention .. . ot the sound of -this large, distinctive
Air Blast Twin Horn. . . Strong, penetrating tone, suitable
for cor or truck. Easily Installed under hood of car. Block
enameled finish, rugged construction. . . Complete with
brocket ond relay. -:L'- t. -J:-' -:X":.t: -.
OTHER HORNS frr ...:'.''''"'' : -7 to $5.13 sling, metal spout Cr stopper.
Pn n n
li U P H E ti n.
iOur Finest 100 Pure Pennsylvania
D-wnaad Dewble Distilled
Pcy Gallon
. Ut your can
5 Gallons
. $2.79
Double distilled from selected Perm
crude, specially filtered to remove,
carbon forming Impurities.
100 tiJ Pennsylvania
Per Gallon
n your emn
5 Gallons
Wear-well' is d thoroughly proven
J00 pure Pehnsylvonia Oil. 1ro
vides efficient! lubricotion in oil
service. : '. . I
mn n
-Finst Wcsttm Oil,' rflnd by on of
tha lorocst producers of ouoiity oils
in tha Wast. . '
S Cals. 51.19!
kmrlM CA.M LOASkO OI SMALL Lt-rv.-t l.
frtmm mUkUr kifkmr In tmmt Immmlitimt frwifku
r y
1 - v
Pure flax ... no
lute to spoil water
or affect the taste. . . Rope
1 W :
J i V o
'I I 'I
nifii 1 r
201 North Commercial St.
Phone 717?
t . . . . "
e 1-