The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 27, 1936, Page 3, Image 3

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    : Local News Brief s
" ' - - --,.,- ... ...... , -''
Elected, Tillamook Schools
Virginia Mason of the Willam
ette university class of '11 has
accepted a position in the Tilla
mook senior high school, where
she will teach English and dra
matics and have charge of the
school library, it was announced
yesterday by Pearl Swanson, uni
versity appointment secretary.
Sjnc graduating Miss Mason has
taught, in Mill City and Wood
burn, and last year took graduate
work, at the University of Wash
ington. -
"Ford Performance," a slide film
can be seen Sunday at the Valley
Motor Co. in Salem.
Kelson .to Speak Theodore G.
Nelson is to be the guest speaker
at the Dakota states annual pic
nic, at Jantien beach, Sunday.
Mrs. Desta Stevens, Portland, sec
retary of the society, announced
. yesterday. He will speak on "The
contribution of the Dakotas to the
Pacific' northwest.," ; .
' Missouri Picnic Sunday The
Missouri IsUUe picnic will be held
at the fairgrounds Sunday start
ing at 10 o'clock. A program for
"the afternoon-has been. arranged
; by President J. L. Cutler.
Ice Prompt residence delivery.
Also crushed ice and salt for Ice
Cream. Phone 5603. Capital Ice
c Cold Storage Co., 560 Trade St.
4 Fatalities, Industry There
were four fatalities in Oregon due
to industrial accidents during the
week ending June 25, the state
Industrial accident commission
reported yesterday. The victims
were Calvin M. Potter, of Grants
Pass, quarry worker; Lester
Banmgardner, Portland, lineman;
Edward Schmidt, Portland, bridge
tender, and Kenneth C. Stuart,
Enterprise, fireman. There were
740 accidents reported to the
commission' during the week.
Bargain days at Millers!
Wilson Promoted Gordon Wil
son Shell Oil company depot man
ager bete, yesterday received no
tice of his promotion " to Spokane,
Wash., where he will . head the
lubrication division.
' man, of ,Wena tehee, .Wash., will
..succeed Wilson here: Wilson and
his , family will leave next week
for their new home. Wilson is a
member of the Salem Kiwanls
club : and breakfast club. ,
Would you like to see- the slide
film "The Story of Wool and Mo
hair," a description of Ford up
holstery v Come to the Valley
Motor Co. in Salem, all day Sun
day. Here for Visit Mrs. Ethel
Coe of Woodstock, 111., where
she is county school superintend
ent: of McHenry county, arrived
here yesterday afternoon for a
brief visit with her sister-in-law,
"Mrs. B. Cunningham. Mrs. Coe
cams west as a delegate to the
national education .association
convention. M r s. Cunningham
will attend the NEA.
Bargain days at Millers!
' G eta Princlpalshlp Matthew
Thompson, who was graduated
from" Willamette university in
193S, has been appointed princi
pal of the high school at Prairie
Home, Ore., according to an-.'-
nouncement made yesterday by
the university. Since his gradua
tion he has been principal of
Sweet Home high school.
"Lincoln Zepher Performance," a
slide film, can be seen Tuesday
at the. Valley Motor Co. In Salem.
C. E. Union tTkleet The Mar
lon county Christian Endeavor
Union will hold 1U monthly bus
iness . meeting Monday . night at
7:30 o'clock atl the South Salem
Friends church. The theme for
Endeavorers throughout the coun
ty during July will be. "Living
Christ through
Prayer in My So-
Fancy fryers, dressed and drawn.
Salem Fish Poultry Mkt.
,. - - i
.. Keenaa Funeral Today Re
quiem mass for Rev. Thomas V.
Keenen, former pastor of St. Vin
cent de Paul church here, will he
held at St. Mary's cathedral here
at II a, m., today. In charge
of the most Rev. Edward D. Ho w
' ard, archbishop of Portland in
Discontinue Luncheons T h e
directors otjhe chamber of com
merce decided this week to hold
no more Monday forum luncheons
until after the state fair in Sep
tember. - One more meeting for
next week was proposed, hut a
surjrey proved that it wonld he
impractical. , r
H ' Lnngrelr'
John Langrell, ,44, In-this city
Friday, June 34. Announcements
later from the Clough-Barrick
ehapeL : ... ,:,
Charge -When
That New Car
Over Miller's Store Ph. 9181
Katnral remedies
for disorders of liv
er, stomach, glands,
skin, ; and nrinary
srstens of men and
women. . Remedies
for constipation,
asthma, arthritis,
snsar diabetes and.
rheumatism. T. I. LAM
I rears in bust- "
ness. Ratnropathie
physicians, 893 H Conrt St.
ooritr lADeny
Office open Satur
days and Tuesdays
only, 10 A. ML t 1
f P. II,-O P. L to 7.
ConsnlUtion Blood
mm ii i i eV
: Peddlers Not' Sanctioned A
number of out of town solicitors
have been peddling neckties from
door to door In the last few
days, without the endorsement of
the Salem Business Men's League,
according to Lawrence N. Simon,
president. Business and profes
sional men, as well as housekeep
ers have been urged to ask for a
League letter of endorsement be
fore doing business with any such
Ice Prompt residence delivery.
Also crashed ice and salt for Ice
Cream- JPhone 5603. Capital Ice
low Storage Co., 560 Trade St.
To. Send Notices Notices will
be sent out soon to property own
ers that grass on vacant lots nn't
be cut' and disposed of. A man
started working out of the city
engineer's office yesterday and
checking on vacant lots which are
uncared for. Jf the owners do not
cut the grass after receiving the
.notice, the city will have the work
done and the cost becomes-a Hen
against the property.
Bargain days at Millers!
Funds Still Short No definite
ngures on the return from the
benefit dance held at the Dream
land rink Thursday night could
be given yesterday. The dance
j was sponsored by the Salem
iraaes ana la Dor councl to raise
funds for the Floyd McMullen
memorial car. Sponsors estimated
that -there would be around 300
still to be raised after the returns
fronfethe dance were added up. .
New! Just arrived! Women's uni
forms in white and colors. Action
backs, form fitting, etc., $1.95.
Miller's 2nd floor.
McKays Back Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas McKay and -family ar
rived home yesterday afjfer an ex
tensive tour through California
and Into northern Mexico. The
McKays went south along the
Redwood highway to San Fran
cisco, then on to Los Angeles and
ban Diego, where they saw the
fair. . Weather was hot they re
Be sure to attend Miller's bargain
days event! Save monecon every
thing you wear! I
Arrests Made City n o 1 1 c e4
made three arrests yesterday for
traffic violations. Vernon Price,
Eugene, and Frederick S. Ledue.
West Salem, were charged with
violation of the basic rule by
speeding. Bradley Blankenship.
Hazeldorf apartments, as ar
rested on a charge of making a
left turn into an alley.
Bargain days at Millers!
Extradition Authorized Gov
ernor Martin has authorized the
extradition of Gerald Vance, who
is wanted in Orange county.
Calif., on a charge of assault
with a deadly weapon and rob
bery. He is under arrest at Med-
Nursery Closed The nursery
school which has been held at
the Highland school building here
closed yesterday until further no
tice. Births
Mauk To Mr. and Mrs. Clair
E. Mauk, 608 South 12th streets.
son. Eugene Clarence, at the '
residence June 20.
Barnwell To Mr. and Mrs.
Harold , B. Barnwell, 'route six. a
daughter, Janet Louise, at the
residence June 23.
Spalding To Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Spalding. Dallas, a daugh
ter, Jean Holman. at Salem Gen
eral. hospital June 11. -
Layton To Mr. and Mrs. Hom
er R. Layton. 940 Columbia
street, a son. Keith Rollan. at
Salem General hospital June, 11.
Schreder To Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Schreder, 1620 South Commercial
street, a son, Kenneth Duane, at
Deaconess hospital June 19.
Gilbert To Mr. and Mrs. Ber-
narr L. Gilbert, 1755 Johns
street, a daughter, Jo Ann, at Sa
lem General hospital June 16.
Boyes To Mr. and Mrs. Henry
E. Boyes, 2055 Virginia street, a
daughter, Dorothy Charleen, at
Deaconess hospital June 14.
Irwin To Mr. and Mrs. Theo
Irwin, 1855 North Winter, a
daughter, Tressa Arlene, horn at
the residence June 24.
Hub To Mr. and Mrs. H. W.
Huber, 284 West Miller street, a
son, Lloyd Harold, June 22.
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry
repairing Agate cutting and
mounting Violin making and
repairing. 2S4 N. Church St.
across from State Theatre.
Many patterns have enough for several rooms. TWs is a discontinued lot
of watt paper, and we will not be able to duplicate the patterna.
S30l?G9;no3)Gl3l)TinGlls & (g
484 State St.
Admits Theft
. Of Yearling
Mill City Man Says It's
IIU First Offense;
Sentence Delayed
Rex Ollie Stevenson of near
Mill City appeared ' before Judge
L. H. McMahan in circuit court
here last night and entered plea
of guilty to a charge of larceny
of a yearling heifer from John
Stanton. -
While state police have re
ceived considerable complaint
from that section on loss of live
stock, Stevenson told the court
the incident on which he was ar
rested was his first offense. The
court instructed District Attorney
W. H. Trindle to look further
into the case, and Stevenson will
reappear Tuesday morning at 10
o'clock for sentence.
Paul Dickman, route fice, who
came up last night for sentence,
on a charge involving bad checks,
told the court he never got in
trouble except when he drank li
quor. He said he scattered 8 or
9 worthless checks prior to be
ing, arrested on the charge now
pending. The courts-postponed
sentence until Tuesday at 10 a.
m. 4
Guy O. Smith yesterday filed
suit against the Heltzel Estate,
Inc., asking an injunction to re
strain proceedings on a foreclos
ure suit. Judgment in which he
asks the court to declare null and
void. Smith alleges that before
the foreclosure sale John Heltzel,
vice-president for the estate cor
poration, Agreed not to take a de
ficiency Judgment and that in
view of this agreement Smith
withdrew all opposition to sale
of the property involved.
Circuit Court r
William E. Cadle vs. A. I. Crandall;
application to place on trial docket.
George M. Hovser vs. W. W. Hoek
enia: motion to set.
Chester B. Zumwalt administrator
of Mary L. Radford' estate vs. Ines
Knapp and other ; motion to ttrika
parta of complaint.
Salem Narration eompanr et al .
Frank C. McColloch at public utilitiea
commissioner: motion to strike parts of
complaint: also similar motion by inter
eBora. Oswald H. Morley and William
R. Pfan.
Investors Syndicate ts. Jeff D. Cooper
et n; certificate of tale of real estate
on . foreclosure.
State ts. Charles W. Snyder; certifi
cate of sale of real property ea fore-"
Bernice Kelson ts. Robin Reed: di-
Permlts Issued T h e permit
for the 67th new house in Salem
since January 1 went to E. R.
Edwards yesterday. He is to erect
an 8800 dwelling and garage at
260 West Rural avenue. Other
permits were issued to L. G. Page,
alter dwelling. 270. Mission, $50;
and James A. Byers, reroof dwell
ing, 1270 North 21st, 750.
Ice Prompt residence delivery.
Also crushed ice and salt for Ice
Cream. Phone 5603. Capital Ice
ft Cold Storage Co., 560 Trade St.
Fined, West Salem Raymond
M. Hite of Portland pleaded guil
ty to a charge of disorderly con
duct before Justice of the Peace
Elmer D. Cook of West Salem
yesterday and was fined 8 2 5. The
complaint was signed by Deputy
Sheriff Walter Gerth, who made
the arrest.
LutFlojist, 1276 N.JUb. P.95I2.
Going to XEA Among local
educators who will be in attend
ance at the Monday sessions of
the National' Education associa
tion convention in Portland Is
Wayne D, Harding, rural school
Holmans to Coast Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Holman. of Salem, ac
companied by George and Art
Lane, of Hopewell, made up a
party who left today for a week's
vacation on Drift creek.
. Leaves for Coast Miss Olive
M. Dahl, dean of women at Will
amette university, left Thursday
for Nelscott, where she will spend
the rest of the summer at her
beach cottage.
Report Good Fishing Herman
Brown and Ben Pade made tine
catcher" in the Alsea river yes
terday, they reported.
Royal Amies
and Lamberts
Poller Kclley!
4" . &CO.
formerly sold
for 35c, now ..
To) A T
formerly sold for eCjfN
5c per yard, now yd. .. y jCQs
Coming Events
iunm 25-2? Eagles
state convention at Silver
ton ends. ,
June 27 Open h o a s
new grade school. Mission
and University streets, 1 to
4 p. m.
June 28 Annual Howell
Bee Hive club i community
picnic, Stout picnic grounds.
June 28 Annual picnic,
Missouri , Ktate association,
state fairgrounds.
Jane 28 County-wide re
publican picnic, H a s e 1
Green park.
July 2 Norman Thomas
speaks, high school audi
torium, 4 p. m.
V July 4 Annual American
Legion celebration, state
July 7 Marion county
W.C.T.U. annual picnic, E
T. Prescott's lawn, 1064
missed as settled. .
Credit Serrice Co. ts. Charles A. Cole
. Prnhate Cnnrt
Ferdinand Rosehe estate; erdre for
7aTiam K. Hanley, administrator, to as
sifB one-fourth intereat in $7500 judg
ment against Ernest Page and James W.
Walker te B. L. Reilly, attorney for es
tate ia case in which, judgment was
Mary James estate; decree of discharge
of Ladd and Bush trust company.
J. C. Murphy estate; appraised at
$37,660.14 by 8. J. Smith. Charles Mul
len and Eugene C. Daridson. InTentory
shows farm property, $17,000; personal
property, $1100; notes,' mortgagee and
bonds, balance.
Margaret M. Winship estate: George
Forge. Harry M. LeTy and J. K. Cham
bers appointed appraisers.
Mary F. Gregoire estate: stipulation
allowing plaintiffs-in contested action to
August 1 to file transcript of appeal.
Marriage Licenses
Glenn Seely, 2S, Woodburn farmer.
H,-and Henrietta Chapelle, 23, Weodburn
f Justice Court
T. J. Murhammer, charged with har
boring an unlicensed dog; to enter plea
Monday, i p. a
OliTer Johnson, eharged with larceny
of woodcutting and ether toola: prelim
inary hearing today, 9:30 . m.
Hillman Putting.
In New Machines
Handling of the West Stayton
bean pack will be speeded up this
year by fce Hillman Packing com
pany in West Salem by tne instal
lation of new machinery which
arrived this week at the cannery.
The bean fcack is expected to run
around 1500 to 1600 tons this
year as against 1100 tons last
Harvesting of the crop is scnea-
uled to start around July 25. The
crop can be easily handled with
the new type graders and cook
New Women's Shop
Opens Here Today
Mode O'Day's new Salem store
will open to Salem customers at
9 o'clock this morning. The event
will be of especial interest to Sa
lem women who will be able to
buy the store's cotton frocks and
lingerie at special asle prices, due
to the fact that Mode O Day is
now celebrating Its fourth anni
Accident Drivers Shotc
Selves Up in Reports
Made, 'Officer Asserts
Lieutenant Max Alford of the
state police spoke to the 20-30
club last night on "Getting No
where Rapidly." By this, he pare
ticularly referred to drivers who
Complete stock Eastman
Kodaks, Movie Cameras!
Pattern's Book Store
J. L. Cooke. Prop.
840 State St. Phone 4404
When Others Fail
Chinese Herbs
Healing virtue
has been tested
nunareds years
for chronic ail
ments, nose,
lk.l .InuItU
eatarrb, ears, R FoB
lungs, asthma, chronic cough,
stomach, gaU stones colitis,
constipation, dlabetis, kidneys,
bladder, heart, blood nerves,
neuralgia, rheumatism, high
blood pressure, gland, skin
sores, male, female and chil
dren disorders.
C B. Fong, 8 years practice
In China, Herb Specialist,
122 N. Commercial St Salem,
Ore. Office hours to 6 p.m.
Sunday and Wed. 0 to 10 a.m
Salem, Ore.
in reporting, accidents purposely
evaded Important questions - re
garding their condition, the con
dition of their automobile at the
time of the .accident, and the na
ture of the mishap.
This type of evasion, he said,
showed that they had not .lived
up to the rales and regulations of
the highway.
ferry and South High street ; Rev.
Ana Q. Weniger. pastor. Sunday aerr-
ieess as follows: Bible school, 8:45 a. m. ;
W. r. Foster, aupt. Morning worship.
11 e clock; subject, ' Man a Kesponae to
the eeenel." '- Younz neoDle's. serrice.
S :5 p. an. . V es per prayer meeting 1 :80.
Evening worship. 7:45 p. m.; sermon
topic. "A Common Salvation. ", broadcast
from te 8:45. The Tested choir will
ins at both services under the direction
of E. D. Liadburg. Midweek serrice.
Wednesday, 7:45 p. an.
Corner of 18th and Center ettceta
Marrin 6. Jobe, pastor. Sunday echool
aernee at 11 a. an.; aermon by Rer. Ed
gar Bimms: John Friesen. choir direetor
special music. Toung people's serrice at
T p. as.; Henry Mattaon, pres. Ersngel-
istie serrice at 8 p. m. Bermon by Rer,
Simms. Prayer serrice, Wednesday, S p
m. Thursday, gospel melody and Sun
day school proaram front 8:15 to 8:45.
broadcast. Vacation ' bible achool each
morning from 8 a, m. to 12 o clock.
South Commercial at Washington at.
Chaa. C. Haworth, pastor. Sunday. 10
at.. Sunday school. 11. morninc wor
ship. -Sermon. "Hnman Keeds All Met
in Jeans Christ." 7 p. m.. Christian E-
a ear or neetinc - s, erenins - worhii.
Thursday. 8 p. as., monthly meetinf for
Chemeketa and Liberty streets: 8un
day achool at S:43 and 11 a. m. Serr-
ices at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. "Christian
Science. Testimony meetinr at S
m Wednesday. Readins room open
the Mason ie temple, 11 a. m. to 5:30
p. m. except Sundays and holidays.
Ferry and 13th streets: C. G. Weston,
pastor. Sunday achool at S:4S with C.
A. Wilson, aupt. Eeriral aerriecs be
ginning at 11 o clock with the out
law" erangeliat. Benjamin F. Smith
preachinf. Erening aerriee at 7:45 and
eontlnuinc nightly except eunday. '
Xichteenth and 8tate street: Eer. Amos
B. Minnemann, A.M-, pastor. Lxamina
tion of the confirmation class, 0:30 a. m
Confirmation with Holy Communion in
the English, 11 s. m. Sunday school.
9:30 a. m. ; Mrs. Jacob fox. aupt. Loth
er league, 7 p. m.
Corner of 17th and Chemeketa street!
H. H. Dick. paBtor. Sunday school at
9:45 a. m.: H. W. Wall. supt. Morning
worship at 11 o'clock. Erening serricea
at 7:30 by Rer. N. N. Hiebert of Weat
Salem. Frayer meeting Y ednesday.
p. m.
H. C. Stover, minister. Morning wor.
ship at 11. Sermon, "The Good Old
Times." Anthem. "I Wait for th
Lord" (Petrie). Sextet. "Under Thr
Wings" (Meredith). Sunday school at
10 a. m.; Roy Harland, tupt.
Milo Clifton Ross, pastor. Worship
10 a. m. Talk on "Twin Rocks Con
ference." Sermon. "Some Prophetic Hap
penings in the Near East." Sunday I
ecuouti ii o clue., okciiuu,,
North Capitol and Marion atreest; Ed
win Horstman, pastor. Sunday achool,.
10 a. m. German services. 10 a. m..
"Thirsting for God." English services.
11 a. m "The Amazing Christ.
Church and Chemeketa atreets. Rer.
George H. Swift, rector. Holy com
munion, 7:30 a. m. Morning prayer and
sermon ,11 a. m.
Fraternal temple. Liberty and Center,
meet at 2:80 p. m. First meeting a bible
lecture, followed at 8 o clock by bible
Corner of Hazel and Academy atreets.
Bible echool at 10 a. aa. Preaching at
11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Special music.
Prayer service, Thursday, 7:45 p. m.
Next Sunday, June 28,
you will find in
The New Editorial Section
Weekly discussion on economic, politics,
edence er world vents, by Frank Cent,
Dorothy Thompson and Mark Sullivan.
Ouincy Scot' cartoon
Ben Jlur Lampman
Seaator Soaper
In Other Days
John Kelly's Capital Pageant Review
Letter to Th Editor '
Kews reviews: The week in the world: ti e
Oregon week: the week In Portland.
Book review
The New Magazine Section
Four-color picture of Franklin D. Roosevelt
(similar to the) one published last Sunday
i All M, London).
"Watch lor War. a prediction el Asiatic hoe
by Bert Hall (General
"Girl Hunt" by DasbJell Hammet. author el
Th thin Man.- - - . .
, ltehcMltatina Northwest Farms." "by Rex
iord G. TuawsD, deeaibing reeettlement
odoulstrccacn activities In turn Northwest. .
A page of Ioot-coIoT pictures of tuvenQe svovie
- stars.
JL short story . . . and a "short" short star
"Treading th Borderline," chapter 3.
"Canada's Maternity Marathon."
Plus tnany other feature. -
. . and in fee main new section, a fiAstan-1
Vol taaeaee in fecal, natiaoal : and foreign "
news! , - ' -
Marion aud North Liberty atreets:
Bntton Ross, miniirter. Bible school at
...; Fred Broer. aupt. Iailjr a
cation bible achool meeting erery week
ff 'J ,8:i Morning worship at
U clock. "Uateninr in ts Three
Great Conversations." Junior, intermed
iate nnd senior B.T.P.U. meet at 7
clock. Sunday prayer meeting at T .
an. Orchestra prelude st 7:40 p. m.
Serrice at S p. m. Sermon. "Wae Jesua
f "I1.". J? Pacifiat and an Intemational
iatl" Prayer meeting Wednesday. S p.
am. Special music at both serricea.
Church atreet between Chemekets and
Center atreet: Her. P. W, Eriksen. pas
tor. :45, Sunday achool; Arnold A.
Krneger, aupt. 11 a. m., morning wor
ahip; aermon. "Tenth and the Mighty
Famine." Dnet, VCalm la the Night."
Goetx. Miss Josephine Brosa and Berber!
??.. MU rnrtet. "Wars Yoa
There V, Burleigh. Ronald Craren. Herb
art Hobson. Garland Hallowell. Richard
Barton, - Confirmation class, first cos
mnnion at this aerriee. 7 p. as.. Toung
People's meeting; Junior Kelson, leader.
North .Winter at Market atreet, M. H.
Pitcher, pastor. Maxine Rosa, director
of the young people' a activities. Herbert
Hansen, Sunday achool aupt. Sunday
school at 9:45. Morning worship at 11.
followed by the Lord' a supper. Rer.
R. J. Milton will apeak. Missionary aerr
iee at 3:80 p. m. Earnest Keasling. re
gional secretary of the Y.P.M.8. will
apeak. The Y.P.M.S. will meet at 0:30.
Evangelistic aerriee at 7:30. Prayer
aerriee Thursday If. m.
. Upstairs. 441 Court atreet; J. Alonio
Bandera, pastor. Sunday, 9:45 a. m.. bi
ble school. 11:15 a. m., devotional.
6:45 p. m., young peeple'a fellowship.
8 p. m.. evangelistic. Tuesday, 8 p. m..
bible atady. Testimony and praise. 8
p. m. Evangelistic services starting Fri
day will continue orer Sunday. July 5.
815 K, Commercial. Bible achool, 2
p. m. Daisy Mae Wilson, supt. Devo
tional services at 8. Sunday erening at
7:45, debato on "Divorce and Remar
riage" by two local ministers. Tuesday
night prayer and praise. Thursday and
Saturday aighta at 7:45. A. J. Jensen,
Milo Clifton Ross, pastor. Sunday
achool, 10 a. m. Mrs. Bert L. Hamilton,
aupt. Morning worship. 11. Sermon, "The
Church, the Bride of Christ." Intre
eessory prayer at 4. Christian Endearor
at 7. Erengelistie serrice, 8 p. m.. "The
Lore-Blare." Special music Prayer and
monthly meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m.
Each erening at 7:45. Sunday school,
10 a.m. Morning worship at 11. At
South 12th and Wilber streets. R. G.
Hammond conducting. Under the aus
pice of the Emmanuel Full Gospel Mis
sion; W. A. Crumpacker, pastor.
North Cottage and Shipping atreets.
C. T. 8prings, minister. Bible study at
10 a. m. Preaching at 11. Topic. "The
Lost Boy." Observance of the Lord's sup
per. Evening service at 7:30 o'clock.
We Need
Chittum Bark
Will Pay Top Prices
We also buy hides of all
kinds including Rabbit
450 N. Front St.
S55 Ferry atreet: Rer. Roy Bressler,
pastor. Sunday achool. 9:45 a. nv; Dan
Sheets, aapt. Morning worship at 11 a.
aubject, "Simon of Cyrene". Gos
pel serrko st the Methodist Old Peo
ple's homo, S p. m, pro gram by th
goapel team of the C. A M. A. Toung
people'e devotional aerriee. S :45 p. m.
Erening evangelistic aerriee. 7:45 p. as.
Subject. "How to Promote s Reviral."
Prayer service, Tuesday. 7:45. Toung
people's cottage prayer aerriee. Wednes
day. 7:45. Choir and orchestra practice
Taursdra, 7:45 n. m.
of Center and High atreets. Guy
L. Drill, miniater. Church achool at 9: SO,
with A. P. Speer, aapt. Morning worship
and communion at 10.-45.'Sq1o by Helen
Ralph, "The Song of Life,! Cadman.
Anthem, "Cornea at Times a Stillness."
Calbrsith. Sermon. "The Tie- that
Binds." Christisa Endeavor at 6 :4Sv Eve
ning service at 8. Mixed quartet. 'Fol
low the Gleam." Me Kinney. Sermon.
"Human Scarecrowa." No -midweek
meeting this week duo to the atato eon
rentioa at Turner.
Court and Serenteenth streets: D. W.
Daniels, pastor. Bible school at 9:45;
Mrs. Shoemaker, assistant aupt. Morn
ing worship and Lord's Supper at 11
o'clock. Vocal duet. Mrs. Shoemaker and
Mra. Tennis. Message. "Porerty That
Makea Rich." Erening aerriee at 7:45
fallowed by Christian Endearor and
adult discussion group. Message, "The
Righteousness of Faith." Midwook aer
riee In the Bungalow. Thursday at 7:45.
17th and Nebraska streets: R. C. Mannl
minister. Church achool. 9:30 a. m. ;
Mra. Anna Wolcott. aupt. Morning wor
ship. 10:35 o'clock: theme, "Two Wor
shippers in Contrast." Erening service
at 7:45 o'clock; theme. "A Passionate
Pilgrim." Daily vacation Bible achool for
children under 14 will continue through
the week.- Bible study. Wednesday. 7:43
p. a. ?j -v
North Cottage and Hood streets: L.
Wesley Johnson, pastor. Sunday school
classes at 9:45 a. m.; Lyle D. Knox,
opt. Morning worship at 11. Sermon,
"The Reward of Faith and Worka." Mu
sic by the mixed quartet. Toung peo
ple's meeting at!7 p. m. Evening service
at 8. Senrson. "A Sensible Religion."
Prayer meetij, Wednesday night.
Twelfth and Mission streets. A. S.
Henderson, pastor. Services, 11 a. m.
and 8 p. m. Report of delegatea attend,
rng the 83d annual conference of the
U. B. church in Oregon. Special serr
icea. Wednesday, evening, July 1. at 8
p. m. by Rev. J. E. Harwood of Hunting
ton, Ind. Sunday school. 10 a. m. Fred
Tooie, jr., aupt. Week day services,
Wednesday evening at 7:30.
North Liberty and Center atreets: J.
R. Simonds, minister. Morning worship,
11 a. m. Service in charge of the Col
gate-Rochester Divinity school quartet, of
Rochester, N. T. Rowe B. Million wPl
preach en "To an Unknown God." Other
parts of the service will be taken by vari
ous members of the organisation; and a
program of music will be presented.'
Missouri "Outlaw" Evangelist
Benjamin F. Smith, Alias Frank Davis
Evangelistic Tabernacle
Cor. ISth and Ferry Streets
Every Night Except Saturday 7:45
Hear Him Preach on Twin Hells," "The Angel Visits
My Cell,,, "My Thrilling Escape,- Etc
and a
in 2 Sections
Always alead in news supremacy. The
Oregonian announces a group of new
features, starting next Sunday, further,
to establish its pre-eminence among
Northwest newspapers. Increased size,
increased color increased news content
reflect increased news value, for sub
scribers! June 28 in -The
Corner Summer and Marion atreets .
Emory W. Pettieord, D.D, minister. Sun
day achool at 9:45 a. aa.; John J. Bn
din, aupt. Morning worship at 11 o'clock.
Tenor solo, "My Deliverer" (McClel
land) aung by Prof. William Wright.
Sermon: "Sanctifieatlon". Senior high
achool league and young people's league
at S:S0 p. aa. ' Evening erengelistie aerr
iee at 7:30 o'clock Gospel eeng aerriee.
Tenor solo by Prof. William Wright. Ser
mon. "Messages from God to Man
MalachJ." Bible atndy Thursday at 7:10 ,
f. st.
Winter nnd Chemeketa atreeta; Grover
C. Birtehet. D.D.. pastor. 9:80 a.
church school conducted by J. J. Mtf
aimona. aupt. 11 s. m celebration es
the Lord's Supper and reception of aneni
bers. Anthem. "It Wae for Me," by '
Stickle. Offertory sole. "Prayer," by -Curran,"
Mary Eliiabeth Kails. 6:30
p. C. E. aocieties. 7 :0 p. m, eve
ning worship. .Anthem. Thursday. 7:S0
pjau. prayer meeting.
North Winter, Jefferson a d Fair
ground road; Lynn A. Wood, minister.
Church school. 9 :45 a. as. Morning wor-
rhhip. ll a. a.; Children' Day program.
Intermediate league. 5:80 p. a. mgs
School Lea rue, 6:80 p. ra. Senior Ep-
worth League, 7:80 p. m. Erening serv
ice. 7:80 p. m. A play, '8worda or Plow- '
aharea." by the Hig School Epworth
League. Offering for inatitute fund.
948 K. Myers atreet: Dean C Poindex
ter, minister. Church echool, 9:45 a. a.
Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sermon,
"Children of God." The paator will be
present for the morning services but be
cause of the annual conference at Cor
vallia he will be away ia tbe evening
and there will be no evening services.
f Missouri Synod.). H. W. Gross, pas
tor. No service at th church. Church
picnic st Wendland'i grove at, 10 s. a.
Sunday school; choose the class jou
wish to visit. 11 a. ra., 8errie.
420 State street: Fellowship center.
Sunday evening, 8 p. m.. healing medita
tion. Lecture aubject, "Psychic Powers."
Midweek services. Thursday evening 8 p.
m., clas lecture and message.
More Montmorencys and
Lamberts Wanted
Oregon Fruit
Products Co.1
Max Gehlbar, Mgr.
Jpressnre Ind arlne
Oefcu Cnsn
. . D. - cnaixen.