The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 19, 1936, Page 16, Image 16

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, .i 1 it
LHss Hudson Wed
At Ceremony
. In Church .
A pretty ' church . wedding "this
afternoon - at a ' o'clock will
unite Miss .Mildred. Hudson,
daughter .of Mrs. Mary A., Hudson
of . Pendleton, and Kenneth Zwick
er. son of Mr. and Mrs. George W,
Zwicker. ; . '
: Rev. Guy L. Drill will read, the
service in the First C h r 1 s.t i a n
church before' 75. friends and rel
atives. . Mrs. Max Barhyte -will
sing "I.Love You Truly" and "In
a Little Old Garden?.,
. The. bride will wear a blue or
ganza model, floor-length, made
with a bouffant tucked skirt and
puffed sleeves. Her. turban is of
matching net with a face veil and
she will carry pink " roses and
white sweetpeas in a shower bou
quet - ' -Mrs.
' L. B.Farnam,8 sister of
Miss ; Hudson, will be matron of
honor. Her frock is of yellow or
ganza and she will wear a match
ing picture hat Her' bouquet is of
orchid sweetpeas and yellow roses.
; Reception Follows 1
- Harold Zwicker will be best
man for his brother.
. A reception for the immediate
members of both families will fol
low at the Farnam residence. Mrs,
Hudson and Mrs. Zwicker, moth
ers of the bride and groom, will
pour. ' .-' ..' -
The serving table will be cov
ered with a .lace" cloth and cen
tered' with the three-tiered wed--,
ding cake. . ... ; :
For going away. Miss Hudson
has selected ' a black satin frock
with white polka dots, '-white,
sharkskin Jacket, white hat and
accessories. Following a trip into
California ; and eastern " Oregon,
the couple will be at home at 2335
Maple avenue." ' ?
The . bride attended " Pendleton
schools and Is employed at Hart
man's jewelry store. Mr. Zwicker
went to school in Salem 3 and is
connected with the Dan Burns
firm. ' ' .; ' - ' - ' -
Miss Holt Entertains
With Au Revoir r
Miss Beryl Holt Invited a small
circle of- friends to her home last
night asan au revoir for Mrs.
Shannon Hogue, Miss Lillian Day
is - and : Mrs. : T. W, Creech - who
will spend their summers in
.Berkeley, Calif., Eugene and Cor-:
; rail's respectively, attending sum
mer schools.. - ' - "s
Mrs. James W." Young assisted
.Miss -Holt at the sapper hour.
Bridge provided the evening's di
version. . - - 1
Those Invited to bid farewell to
the honor gnesu were Mrs. Glenn
Briedwell, Mrs. ' Dan - HeLellan.
Vn TCTllaa rMnn Un Vn,t
Small, Mrs. . James Young, Miss
Gladys Conner, Miss A d. a .Ross,
Miss Ola Clark and Miss Peggy
Goodfellow. . ; . ,
F.O.E. Auxiliary Drills at
Fraternal Temple"
.. . Officers and drill team mem
bers of Willamette auxiliary.
F. O. ., met In. the Fraternal
temple Wednesday with Silverton
officers In attendance for ' the
The Salem auxiliary voted to
enter ' the ritualistic competition
at - the state meet Members of
the drill team are Ellen William
son, Susanne Pruitt ' Elizabeth
hoesmlth, Mable Rowland, Hazel
- Prnltt, June Wallace, Delphia
. Kerber, Elma Hoyt; alternates
are Katherine Taves and Lareva
Sharp. . -
Mrs. Ceer is Hostess
To. Music Pupils
Mrs. C. C. Ger opened her
borne to parents and friends of
her music pupils Wednesday night
for a recital and social-evening.
Miss Rath Geer assisted her
. mother with serving.
' Students , taking part in the
program were Barbara Sedore,
Norma Fontanini, Glenn (Arm
priest, Evelyn Gritton, John Gof
frier, .Wesley Miller, Betty Jean
Wilson, Robert Gofrier, Geneva
Van Cleave and Alice Goffrier.
- v
Legion Auxiliary to Hold
Assembly Tonight. -
The Marlon county, assembly of
the v American -Legion auxiliary
will be entertained tonight at the
Fraternal temple,; 8 o'clock, with,
a program, dance and refresh
ment's. . . . ; -..
Mrs. William Taw is program
chairman and Mrs. Ray Blnger is
arranging; the decorations. Mrs.
A. M." Johnson has charge of re
freshments. The Business and Professional
Women's club will Install offic
ers Tuesday night at 6:30 p. m.,
folowing a, dinner meeting at the
Quelle, Reservations should be
made with Miss Ruth McAdams,
7279. Clayton V. Bernhardt will
be the speaker.
Scio A son, James Leslie, Jr.,
was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Karnosh at Torrance, Calif., June
11, according to word received
here. Both ? parents are former
Scioans, Mrs. Karnosh being the
former Mary Dolzal.
Chittuin Bark
Green or Dry '
See Us Before Ton SeU
' H. BLilZELS, Inc.
tSS Chemeketa Street
' News ': and." Club '
Jessie Steele,
- Office hours for the society editor are as follows i
- 10 a. m. to 12 p. m. aad 2 to 0 p. m. every day bat Sat-
' arday. On, Saturday, they -are 9 a. m. to 12 noon and '
1 p. m. to o p. m. ,
, w. ... - ... ' ' - . .-'. ,
:.."';''-:" ,'. . . . . 'Friday, June 19 ' . .
,. , Married People's class of First Baptist church pic
r sic, 7 p. m. at Paradise Island. .-
Past Matron's association at Godfrey's, 7:30 p. m.
; dinner.. . ; : . ; .. ..
. Executive, board of B. P.W. club with Miss Helen
. Louise Crosby Haseldorf apartments, 7:30 p. m. . -,.
j,Hal Hibabrd auxiliary, at home Mrs. Fred Thomp
' son, 1576 S. Commercial, 2 p. m.
,' , .West side Jason Lee Ladies Aid picnic. Cars leave
' church at 10 a.'m.' to go to Brush College.
. Degree of Honor Juveniles, 4 to 6 p. m. at Unitar
ian church, corner Chemeketa and Cottage streets. No
host dinner at 6 p. m. .
Miss Weller Presents
Students Tonight . ' '
V A piano recital is calendared to
night at the residence, studio' of
Miss Elma Weller at 8 o'clock
with v the public Jnvited. ' Mrs.
Jean Pearcy, soprano, is the as
sistln gartist ; , ' -
- Following is the program:
CUst Sonr We Ari Mfiry Children's
Band - - ;
v ()-Flying Birdi .
(b) Chromatic 8t1
(e) Dolly position " ' .
. . Joanna Borrefo '." '
a) A Cra4Ie Song Waybright
.(b) Daddy 'a Walta .. Wolfe
, .4. Mary Elisabeth. Bughca. .
Keyboard Transposition White Keys,
; Black Keya- -- ' - - -
Mary Elisabeth-Hugh, John -Weller
Joaase Borrpgo, Gernith Lee Borrego-
Erolotion of 4he Piano 1 .
, r Jeannette Mack
(a) 'Johnny, Jump Up '.i.'....-. Jenkini'
(b) Bird in the Woods .. r.-Jenkinsf
(e) The Hay Man Way bright
(ej Thinking', Can ... ..: Mason
Joanne Borrego
(a) Drone' Bass '
"(b) Chords - Clnster Thompson
(e) Drum Sticks v . Fiaget
. . - John Weller
(a) Woodnympbs Frolic ". Aaron
;b) Little French Dll. Hopkina
Gernith" Lee Borrego :
Dno Spinning Song Ellmenreich
John Carson. Barsch, Hiss Weller
Dom. 7th Chords in Sharp Keys
Mary Weller. Martha Weller -Song
Tonic Triads ,
Joanne Borrego, Oernilb Borrego
Mary Elisabeth Hughes
(a) Cotton Pickers Martin
John Carson Barsch
(a) Curions Story Heller
(b) Skipping te the Movies McGregor
Martha Weller .
Duo Sonatina Allegro Andante
AUefrfo Reineeke
-.- Jeannette Mack, Miss Weller
(a) Joyous Farmer Schumann
(b) The Etude ...Streabog
- ; Mary, Weller .
Song (b) Pretty Little Song Bird
. . Spaulding
(b) Tripping Along . Thompson
; Joanne Borrego. Gernith Lee Borrego ;
( a ) Largo , - Handel
(h) The Limpid Stream Burgnneller
(a) The Bnsy Bumble Bee .".
b) The Mnsic Box "
Jeannette Mack "
(a) Two Prelndes c minor F Mh Bach
(b) Consolation : Mendlessohn
Josephine Morse
(a) Cadences Plagel Authentic '
(br MemoryJFei-'
(e) Melodic Dictation
Jeannette Hark. John Carson Bsrsch
Minuet - Paderewski
' Josephine Morse
Rhvthra Great iirand Thought is llasie
Test !
Mattha Weller. Msry Weller
- Jack Barsch
Tulips Umbrellas
Drawn by Joanne Borrego
Bubble Pipes
Drawn by Msry Elisabeth Hughes
Gernith Leo Borrego
A Little Bit P' Honey
Came Jaeoos-Bond
Jean Pearcy
Duo Solfegtnetto Bach
Josephine Morn. Miss Weller
Miss Kolbe Honored at
Bridal Shower .
Miss Ruth Kolbe, whose mar
riage to Wallace Blair of Berk
eley will-take place tomorrow, was
surprised with a miscellaneous
shower--T u e ad ay night. Jolly
games and a late supper followed
the presentation of gifts.
Those calling to greet the hon
or guest were MrsV Lucille Harry.
Mrs. J. A. Sholseth. Mrs. E. H.
Thompson,: Mrs.. Anna Homeyer.
Mrs. George Fake, Mrs. P. W.
Erickson, Mrs. John, Marr. jr.,
Mrs. : A. A. Cohen, Mrs. A. A:
Krueger, Mrs. L. J. Stewart, Mrs.
B. A- Kolbe,', Mrs. Theodore Nel
son, Mrs." Niles Wicker, , Mrs
Charles Green, jr., Mrs. E. East
ridge, Mrs. William Beeney, Miss
Iola Quesseth, Miss Clara Hom
eyer, Miss Bessie Tucker. Miss
Betty Dotson, Miss Arlene' Shol
seth, Miss Clarice Kolbe, Miss Ma
bel Undquist and Miss Freda
- ...
Oak Grove Mrs. W. JC. Lewis
and Mrs. J. S. Rowland shared
hostess honors -Wednesday after-
noon at Etna, the lovely country
home . of Mrs. Lewis, honoring
Mrs. A. W. Bartlett of Chicago
Mrs. Bartlett was for many years
a resident of this community, and
is the guest of relatives : and
friends after an absence' of sev
en years.
About 40 old friends called at
greet the honor guest, and the
afternoon was spent delightfully
In music and the renewing of old
friendships. Contributing to the
enjoyment of the hour were piano
numbers by the Misses Lois and
La Verne Rowland and tiny Mar
jory Letteken, and a trio com'
posed of ,Miss Doris Riggs. piano,
and : the Misses Margaret Hlggs
and Dorothy Palmer, Tiolina.
Name This Coapon and $1.50
Add. v Entitles You to a"
BrTng- oZZT- WaV ' - - S1.50
This 03 Solution is for Your Individual Hair
218 N. Liberty, Over I. W. (Doc) Lewis Drag Store, Ph. 0800
Society Editor-
Mrs. Fitts Presides at
Shower Party
Mrs. William Fittg was hostess
Tuesday night at her home In the
Hayesville district for a miscell
aneous shower honoring Miss Ce
cile Pelley whose marriage to
Carl Larson of The Dalles will
take place early in July. .
The gifts .were brought, to the
honored guest : in . a tiny, express
wagon and presented to her by
small bridal party, little Joan
Filts , as flower girl and Muriel
and Oral Lee Fitts as bride and
Guests for the evening were
Miss Cecile Pelley, Mrs. Mary
Henry, Mrs. Sylvia Furlough, Mrs.
Elizabeth - Skewis, Mrs.- Lucille
Burgess. Mrs. Hoover. Mrs. Emery
Wood," Mrs.' E. N. Starr,' Mrs. J.
McFarlane, .Mrs. Floyd ,Mc-
Farlane," Mrs. Lloyd McFarlane.
Mrs. "Glen McFarlane, Mrs. Bert
McFarlane, Mrs. Roy Pelley, Mrs.
Lottie Apple, Mrs. Joe Fitts, Mrs.
Frank Fitts, the' Misses Leiha
Pelley, Jessie Starr, Edna Fitts,
Laura Bell McFarlane, Maryland
McFarlane, Mary Ann McFarlane,
Darleen McFarlane, Alice Joan
and Muriel Fitts, and the host
ess, Mrs. WMlliam Fitts. -
Mrs. Strain and Son are
Here from Seattle
Mrs. R. J. Strain and son, Bob
by, of Seattle are popular house
guests at the home of Mrs.
Strain's foster parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert A. Forkner.
Mrs. Asa Fisher will . preside
at a luncheon Saturday and Mr.
and ,Mrs. H. P. Grant will en
tertain Mrs. Strain and the Fork
ner a at dinner Saturday night.
Wednesday night, Mrs. . Fork
ner was hostess for a buffet sup
per. In attendance were Mrs.
Strain, Bibby . Strain. Mr. and
Mrs. D. O. Lear, Mr. and Mrs.
Dwight Lear, Mr. and Mrs. H. P.
Grant, Mrs. J. M. Scharf f, Miss
Anna Wens and Mr. and Mrs. R
A. Forkner.
The visitors will return to Se
attle Sunday.
Bonne Chance Club Has
The Bonne Chance club held a
formal installation of officers
Wednesday night at the home of
Miss Inabelle Creech. Following
the installation, a short business
meeting was held. Later in the
evening, refreshments were srv-
d by the hostess, assisted by Miss
Helen Miller and Miss Irma
Members present were the
Misses Julia Allen, June -Weeks,
Arllene Mof f it. Alberta Howe,
Barbara Taylor, Juanita Cross,
Dorothy Rullfson,, Clarice Kolbe,
Muriel Martin, Irma Walker, Hel
en Miller, Mrs. Ernest Eldridge,
and the hostess, Inabelle Creech.
Underbill Home Scene
Of Indoor Picnic r
The Tew Park circle enjoyed Its
annual picnic at: the home of Mr.
and Mrs. A. A. Underbill Wed
nesday afternoon. Because ef
stormy weather, the tables were
set indoors. ' .
Mrs. Mary Littler was compli
mented on her 97th birthday an
niversary. The picnic is given each
year on Mrs. LHtler's birthday.
In attendance were Miss Esther
Lisle, Mrs. Marr Vandersol. Mrs.
Madie Fake, Mrs. Ibella Donnell,
Mrs. Ef sa Wykof f . Oliver Mat
thews, C. J. McAdams. special
guests, and 18 members of the
circle.- . .
Scotts Mil Is- Following the
graduation exercises Thursday
night, Mrs. William Fry enter
tained at her home' with a party
honoring her daughtei. Miss Fed-
Ilia, who during the luncheon
hour announced her coming mar
riage to William J. Imper of Mt
Angel to take place July 2 at the
Catholic chureh in Silverton, They
win make their home in port-
land, i
Mrs. - F.. W. Setttlemier presid
ed at a luncheon yestrday In her
Woodburn home. Those going or
er: from Salem 'were Mrs. J. C
Currte, .'Mrs. . Helen Paget, Mrs
Paget, Mrs. R. M. Morton, Mrs A
E. Austin and Mrs. C..C Geer.
. . M a a A M S
Gala - Formal ior
Young Set at
TAKING its place - among rthe'
smartest of early summer for
mats is the dance tonight at Cas
tillian hall for which .a group of
debutantes is hostess. Hours are
from ten to one o'clock. : '
The decorative motif " Is being
kept secret. Patrons are Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Armstrong,' Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Fisher, " Dr. and " Mrs.
J. H. G a r n j o b s t, Mr. and Mrs.
H.'TJ; Miller and Mr. and Mrs.
F. G. Myers.
The commfttee arranging the
affair includes the Misses Aud
rey Fehler, Lucy Fisher, Nona
Woodry, Jean Probert, Patricia
Noonan, Jane McKenzie, Eliza
beth Morehouse, Barbara Miller,
Marian Johnston, Norma Jean
Gllbertson, Ruth Jean Garnjobst,
Geraldine Frigaard. Phyllis Fish
er, Genevieve Doud, Eva Crink-
law, Mary Dale Cladek, Ann Bern!
and Eleanor Aspinwall.
i Hostesses
The hostess group Includes the
Misses Helen Weidmer, Maiine
McKiUop, Frances, Jensen, Kath
rine Myers, Frances Martin, Isa
bel George, Marguerite Filslnger,
Kathryn Headrick, . Kathryn Hay
ward. Mary ; Frances . Henderson,
Marie and Jeanne. Patton, Marjor
ie Vanderwalker, Helen Thomp
son, Ruth Hlllman,-Barbara Ev
ans, Margaret Engle of Portland,
Jean Eastridge, Frances and Jean
Doolittle, Cynthia Delano, Viola
crosier, Margaret and Dorothy
Corey, Margaret and Betty Bur
dette of Portland, Mary Jane Ad
ams, and Mrs. Hubert Ashby, Mrs.
Al ' Petre, ;Mrs. Francis Burgy,
Mrs. Charles Claggett, Mrs. Glenn
Wilbur, Mrs. J)on Woodry and
Mrs. T. Harold Tomiinson.
... .
Mrs. Lee Will Present
Pupils in Recital
The public Is invited to a re
cital at the Y.M.C.A. tonight by
pupils of Mrs. Henry Lee, start
ing at 8 o'clock. The following
program will be heard.
1. The Cotton Pickers
Lillian Jensen
3. The Harp .,
. . Frances Hoyt
a. 1M ill and the Fairy Bentley
. Theodora Jelderks
4. Duet March of Prosperity Ronton
. IsylMa and Marjorie Walker
. Tumbling Clowns : ; . William
Lmmimiy Atkins
o. rroeession jn the Forest Blake
, . Arnne Jelderks.
- 7. Spanish Dance
Josn Roddy
Lilac Time
Bernice Wadsworth
. Bolleggio
Phyllia Walker
10. Pixies Good Night Song ,
Marian Horn
11. Dance ef the Midgeta
Marjorie Walker
12. Minuet in G
Bath Saffron
IS. Dance of the Cobblers ...Williams
France Mott
l. Consolation Mendelssohn
Lenabella Atkins
15. Orange Blossoms Oranfield
Betty Tiesko
IS. Minuet Paderewski
Jean Carkin
17. Yalae Dnrand
Ruth 8mith
It. Duct March Militaire Schubert
Betty Viesko, Jean Carkia
w m m
Dalbert Jepsen Holds
Violin Recital
Dalbert Jepsen was host to his
violin pupils and their parents
and friends for a musicale Wed
nesday afternoon. After the pro
gram by - the students, refresh
ments were served. A social hour
was enjoyed. ,
Numbers were as follows:
March ,,,,,, , , ,'T. Henrla-nea
M oriel Tltta
Muriel and Oral Lao tltta
Dane of the Lancers Ifiaaa
Oral IiO Fitts
Bin Bella of 8eotiaa Arr. by Hall
tfienm Armnneat
PaaaUae , Rodrfnes
r.rfit Tm.
. Sana Mniett
Eanfariaa Dance, No. S .
Lnre Honla
Star at Hope
Daryl Bis
Saint 4'lmonr
Doraas Enmpkrsy
Jack Wilbur
Bobble Bartcss
Richard Oookina
Benla Federaea ,
uregort, Friday Morning, June
' .aa . si m
PAi Delt Mothers
Will Sponsor
ALEM Phi Delta Theta mothers
will cooperate with the Port
land Mother's club in purchasing
new radio for the fraternity
house at the University of Oregon,
They are sponsoring a 1:16 p. m.
dessert luncheon next Tuesday at
the Woman's clubhouse followed
by a benefit bridge as their contri
bution to the fund. . " ;
i Those v playing ; are asked ; to
bring their own tables and, card
accessories. : Reservations are be
ing made with Mrs. James Nich
olson, 6757. Mrs. Walter Clinei
4761, and with Mrs. J. M. Devers,
6056., v.;-;
The hostess group ; includes
Mrs. : Frank Prime. Mrs. Curtis
Cross, Mrs. James ' H. Nicholson,
Mrs. E. C Mennis', Mrs. James
Heltzel. Mrs. M. J. Kantock, Mrs.
K. H. Pickens,. Mrs. Walter Cline
and Mrs. J. M. Devers. i
Those already speaking for ta
bles are Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Mrs.
L. V. Benson, Mrs. William
Schlitt, Mrs. L. V. Hockett, Mrs.
E. H. Kennedy, Mrs. S. L. Stev
ens, Mrs. J. H. Wrath, Mrs. V. E.
Kuhn, Mrs. Harold Ollnger, Mrs.
Kenneth Bell, Mrs. E. G. Rick
etts, Mrs. Robert Brennan, Mrs.
Alton Hurley, Mrs. Harry Weid
mer, Mrs. Curtis Cross, Mrs. E. C.
Mennis, Mrs. David Adolph, Mrs.
Oscar Cutler, Mrs. George Hen
derson and Mrs. James Nicholson.
South Circle Entertained
By Mrs. Dunsford
Women of the south circle of
the First Christian church were
entertained Wednesday at ' the
home of Mrs. George Dunsford on
South High street. A covered dish
luncheon was served with Mrs. W
S. Birdwell. Mrs. Ross Pritchard
and Mrs. C. Harold assisting the
Present were Mrs. Curtis Cole,
Mrs. P. G. Harmas, Mrs. W. S.
Birdwell, Mrs. George Henderson,
Mrs. W. Schleisner, Mrs. C. Har
old, Mrs. J. D. Sears, Mrs. J. E.
Kirkpatrlck, Mrs. F. E. Birchi
Mrs. F. D. Cornett, Mrs. Esiella
Oabbert, Mrs. E. M. Young, Miss
Virginia Young, Mrs. A. M. Han
sen, Mrs. J. F. Walker, Mrs. D. A.
White, Mrs. G. H. Brooks, Mrs.
M. H. Viesko, Mrs. S. Richter,
Mrs. C. R. Pritchard. Miss Norma
Schleisner and Mrs.' George H
Horning-Chandler Vows
To Be in July
At a gay party Wednesday
night, announcement was made of
the approaching marriage of Miss
Esther Horning, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. O. H. Horning and Wal
lace G. Chandler; son of Mrs.
Kathleen Chandler . of San Diego,
The couple will . be married In
July at the home of the bride's
parents. The announcements con
cealed In a centerpiece of roses
and attached to party favors for
each guest.
Present' were Miss Merrlom
Williams, Miss Helen Drakely,
Miss Connie MeLeod, Miss Helen
White, Miss - Dorothy Harland,
Mrs. William Drakely, Mrs.
James Hasklu, Mrs. Norville Glea
son, Mrs. E. Lloyd Myers and the
hostess, Miss Esther Horning.
Maccabees Hold Social
At Pythian Hall
Maccabee lodge No. 6 held a
gay box social in the K. P. hall
Wednesday night. D. V. Chap
man, state manager, spoke in
formally and a program was given
by the Juveniles under the direc
tion of Mrs. Mae C. Gingrich:
Recitation Arleae Odenborg
loan selections
Ernestine LoTaland. Doris Strand
Tap dance . Dona Lwarenee
Dane .... , Arlena Odenbnrg
Banc " ,. ,.. .... Kathryn Olson
Spanish dance
Albert and Isabella Castella
Kaxieaa dance
Patsy RaasdaU. Bertha Kixon
Rachel E. Reeder
Funeral Is Today
the funeral of Mrs. Rachel E,
Reeder. 68. will be held at the
First Christian church at 1 p. m,
today, with Rev. Guy Drill offi
ciating. Interment will be In City
View cemetery. .. . .
... She was a m e m b r of the
White 8hrine, ' O.E.8., Artisans,
Rebekahs, Silver Bell circle. Wo
men of Woodcraft and the Chris
tian church. '
She is survived by two sisters
Mrs. Mary Hurst of Silverton and
Mrs. H. F. Shanks of Salem.
Ml' -
If you axe interested in ar
ranging for a loan to assist
you in purchasing a Hqrne,
improving property or for
re-financing an existing
mortgage, consult this bank
about your requirements..
is, iwo
a M am am A
News From Front
Brought by Radio
Salem radio transmitting am
ateurs arranged yesterday to re- j
ceive news dispatches direct from l
the nation guard encampment at
Fort -Stevens and Camp Clatsop
to keep Statesman readers inform
ed as to the activities of. saiem
men belonging to Headquarters
battery. 3 9th coast artillery, the
medical detachment and Company
B," 162nd infantry.'.The. first "disi
patch,- received .direct from Fort
Stevens by radio at 10:30 o'clock
last night. Is published today. ' 4
Jerry de Broekert,". operator, of
amateur (station W7SY and Ed
Heenftn, operator of. W7ECH, ar
ranged before the- guardsmen left
here, Tuesday . to make contact
with the stations taken to Fort
Stevens , and to, receive ' the news
for the benefit of their families
and', friends In Salem. Operators
on the . Fort Stevens,,, end : of the
radio' hookup are Private, First
Class, J. Wayne Taylor, W7DIW,
and Private Milton L. Marsn,
W7FAL, both of Salem. Taylor
and Marsh took station W7FNZ
from the armory here with them
to Fort Stevens.
These amateur operators offer
ed this news service, which could
not be had by regular news ser
vices, ire of charge, in accord
ance with amateur's code of ethics
and with the regulations of the
federal communications commis
sion. The national guard and news
messages they, will handle during
the next two weeks will be largely
in radiotelegraph code.
Controversy Will
Hurt Cause, Held
(Continued from Page 1)
increase the burdens of the relief
staff of . the state and counties
Praise of Eastern
Oregon Accorded .
Governor Martin did have
praise for eastern Oregon. He
said the residents of that section
were well satisfied with the treat
ment they have received from the
state highway commission. He
also reported that agricultural
conditions had Improved there
"I once referred to Jefferson
county as the county God for
got," he continued. "It is now
green with growing and profit
able crops."
Governor Martin with highway
officials toured, the eastern part
of the state and went into Ne
vada as far as Reno, returning
through northeastern California,
New Dike Planned
For Brownsmead
(Continued from Page 1).
lumbia river dike In the Browns-
mead area in Clatsop county.
The telegram to McNary read :
"Clatsop county reports serious
break In Columbia river dike in
Brownsmead area. Local author
lties unable to handle protection
necessary on account of river cur
rent increasing evidently caused
to freshet and channel shifting
''Need ' immediate action and
flood control by United States
army engineers".
The telegram to the army en
gineers was similar , to that sent
to McNary.
Republican Committee
Witt Meet on Saturday
Saturday the republican county
precinct committeemen .will meet
In the courthouse to organize fol
lowing .the primary .election ef
May. The session will be held In
the circuit court room at 2
o'clock. Addresses are expected
from those who attended the na
tional convention in Cleveland
and plans will be laid for the fall
PI that yttf'f VMatiott la CaftadYf Mow
taia Playground' .( die sop of the world,. .aid
eajey teat and tecrsatieai. liv at castU-hotcis
r ia ewsntottaUa riislet. fata slow sseapi. ..
rats have beta srtatiy rtductdV wklt spcdal
rare lor iamibcl and lonatay asissts.
Si 40 Eiarept4i Fta. ,
$5.00 aa, Ewnyisa p!.
So40 np saJwduts aacals.
$5X0 par day, sacUdint sMaW SJLI0
, par wetfc.
Every pltastM to (vary aMaiW ef At UmUr
MiU-lush eoti, bkint, Kiiunf twisMatias,
ridinsv AIptM cuaabMft, tiaais and dasieini
at tiw tvtninf. Thk gtoelatal seaufiUia tegj
is aajity tuAti by aisttwiiWiU ev tnml V
triUi.Uvr, mmmtr Urt an eaw avaEablc
Ask abotit tK (oar ansl abuday totart t At
Canadiaai Kocfcies...lioai. Jssat JO to Sspt. IS
BnW, Uk Umh mi tmvU Uk
uaa a saotarina.. ' . . '
- " ' ...
far sWcraturc, tosspUts details aaj
tier, call at writs oar local effios.
W. M. MACON. Oral Ats. tWr Uses. 2 . W.
Bni.Os. Bank BUa.) ieae BR. 0)7, fafilaaa.
f ! mm fsitrf 'I soa r
j V- - - coo
He Requests One
Meal; to Get 1 en
Harry Colt saw a likely look
ing prospect for a free . meal
yesterday and believe it or not,
he not only got a free meal but
five day's meals and a place to ,
sleep beside. ., . . . .
The prospect-, for : the hand
but turned out to: be Sheriff '
A. C. BuTk, who took the man
into Justice court "and filled out
a ;warrant charging him with
vagrancy and with ; making a
business of r soliciting f a n d s :
upon the street. ; : ...
t Justice of Peace 'Miller Br
Hayden sentenced the man to
five days in the county Jail aft-J
er Colt entered a plea of guilty
to the charge. Now the sheriff,
instead of giving the man just
one handout, haa to feed him :
for five days -but at county ex
pense. - '
Dedicate Sequoia
Tree, Waldo Park
The sequoia tree which William
Waldo, Salem pioneer, planted In
1872 at what is now the west side
of Summer street a few feet north
of Union, last night was dedicated
to him and the tiny plot of ground
surrounding it formally named
Waldo park by the Salem chapter
of the American War Mothers last
night. Ten war mothers circled
the tree and recited a dedicatory
ritual. '
Waldo purchased the redwood
sprout from an itinerant peddler,
Mrs. Mabel Lockwood, who Pre
sided, told the dedication. andU
ence. She pointed out that George
Brown, who was present .last
night, was a descendant of the
Waldo family.
The brief ceremony included a
talk on "Historical .Trees of Ore
gon" by Lynn P. Cronemiller . of
the state forestry department;'
reading of "Trees" written - by
Joyce Kilmer, by Mrs.-Addie Cur--tls,
chapter poetess; a dedication
address - by Lizbeth A. Waters,
state War Mothers president, and
acceptance of the park by Mayor
V. E. Kuhn.
Improving Police
Efficiency Is x4im
(Continued from Page 1)
ibility list. Patrolman Donald
Nicholson stands at the head of
the promotion list and his bro
ther, Paul Nicholson, at the top of
the roster from which new : of fl
eers are selected.
Alderman Ross Goodman, chairs
man', and Edwin Goodenough are
the only active members of the.
police committee. Goodenough at
his first council meeting declared
parking regulations should be
stringently enforced. Walter
Fuhrer, former chairman third
committeeman, is recuperating
from a recent surgical operation
and is at present inactive in coun
cil affairs.
Woman Will File
Assault Charges
(Continued from Page 1)
Miss Blagden said in Memphis
she would ask Sheriff Howard
Burlin of Crittenden county to
make good his promise of protec
tion and return to Earle to pre
fer the charges.
am, sure I can identify the
men," she said. "I only hope they
haven't got scared and run out of
CurUn said he would investi
gate thy charges provided Miss
Blagden or the minister would
make formal complaint.
Lost All Interest in Life," Declares Reno Woman,
Was Losing weight Fast Food Nauseated
Me. But Williams' S.L.K. Formula Gave
Me New Lease on Life!"
SO many people are complaining
rtt fosllnr "vAnuini" -' .ml
"run - down. They can't eat
and food ' Just ferments in their
stomach and doesn't pass natur
ally through 'the body. - Such men
and women will be thrilled by the
remarkable testimony of Mrs. Ir
ene Davis 2100 So. Virginia,
Reno, Ner., furnished to the Per
ry's Drug Store, 115 S. Com!,
Salem. , She says:
-; Lost Health Fast
Tor the past three jreart I
have been terribly run down, half'
sick all the time. Had no appe
tite and food seemed to leave me
nauseated after meals. During
that time I lost eleven pounds!
I got to the point ; where life
held no Interest at all any more.
I was habitually constipated, and
getting up at night became a re
gular habit that mined my rest.
"I heard ef the remarkable re
sults of Williams S.L.K. Form
ula through a friend. ' So I
bought a bottle to try myself.
After the third, day I began to
get my appetite back, and a short
while after that I began to gain
my old weight back again. I can
truthfully say that Williams' S.L.
K. Formnlar has given me a new
lease on life. I am glad of this
opportunity to ten everyone of
the remarkable results I got from
taking Williams' S.L.K."
TJn usual Free Trial Flam j
Doesn't this remarkable state
ment arouse new hop In t h e
hearts of yon who hate been ail
ing for i long time? Other
treatment may have failed to get
.to the cause of your troubles,, but
yon certainly cannot overlook this
nnusual opportunity to try a med
icine that waa developed . during
Aid Provided For
5 Blind Persons
: Financial assistance has, beerf
approved for five blind persons In
Marion county : under the new
state-federal social- securities
agreement, it was annaunced yes
terday by Glenn C Nlles, execute
ive secretary for the county re
lief committee. - The initial pay
mentg recommended by .the coma
mit tee averaged ,$20 each.' li
Assistance for the blind is nof
as; restricted in regard i -to rest
dence as is old 'a ge assistance,"
Vtl. ..M lr- W. sllfrlM. fn 1J
new .type j of payments, persons
must have lost their sight In Ore
gon-or at least to have lived in"
the state five out of the last nlno
years and .the last year continn?
ously. . The - payments, however, r
as with those- to - the - aged, are)
granted anywhere the recipient
9 . . . . - ... . - "
ueeu lutm in ensi, xues bsju. .
The relief committe also has ap i
proved old age payments averag
ed $19.88 each to 55 new ap
98c, 1.28, 1.98, 2.98
O O O 0 0 o o
Wool 1.98 2.98
o o o o o o o
78c, 98c, 1.28, 1.98
o o o o o o o
Look for the Big; Neon Slfn
. V.VA'AVmP...
Remarkable Recovery of Mrs.
Irene Davis, 2200 So. Virginia,
Reno, Nev from Steady Decline
la Health, Credited to Prescrip
tion of Ex-Army Doctor, '
the World JSVar and has been pre
scribed, . by a well-known ex-
army doctor, to thousands of suf
ferers from sluggish stomach,
Kidneys, liver - and : bowels.. The
sensationally; successful -V resulta
obtained by Williams' S.L.K. For
mula, throughout the United
States, has induced a prominent
local druggist to obtain the lo
cal agency for this medicine.
Now yon can get Williams' 8.
L.K. 7 Formula at Perry's Drug
Store, 115 S. ComT Salem, under
a most nnusual Money - Back
Guarantee. - Come in today and
get a 10-day trial bottle of Wil
liams S.L.K. Formula. Unless it
gets Quick, satisfactory results in
your case the trial wont .cos
yon one cent! r 1 - C
tfsVsJtMMs ai
ks 'L A Smart
di-V; Chiffons
. V LA 8.95
I is-98
" W e o
& , li .'Screen.
7 Fashions.
I V Value
krv) W
YX o o o
111 x v
x -
It j: jsafeaStaaa ui i x.yWw:aasW r I