! 1- PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN; Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, Jane 6, 1936 European rarid Oriental Qoiida Worry Wall Street: Tradbrs Congress End Also Awaited Recess Plan Is Disturbing ' Factor; Average For I , list Unchanged NEW YORK, June 5-(P) The -stock market took a little nourish ment here and there today, but on the whole, it displayed an. indif ferent appetite for recovery pro Tender.: . ;:. ! Analysta were, inclined to attri bute the lackadaisical performance of the equities list to nervousness over the cloudy foreign situation. The recess of congress next week, with the consequent prolongation of the' tax controversy and other debated legislation, also was pointed to as a restrictive Influ ence. - - .. ; : I-'- : The - day's indefinite price trends were exemplified by the As sociated Press average .of CO stocks which closed unchanged at 60.5. Only 633,850 shares were transferred against 766,890 yes terday. , Strikes In France fjscal. struc ture, with the possibility of franc devaluation imminent and pros pects of war in the far. east, kept the financial community in a state of perplexity that, precluded any undue expansion of specula tive and investment commitments. The banking of France contin ued, to lose gold and the French franc slipped a peg. -Rail stocks paid little attention to the official freight car load ings figures for last week which disclosed a less than seasonal de cline in shipments. ! Oregon Beans on Portland Market PORTLAND, June 5.-P)-Biit-ter, bntterfat and eggs unchanged. Strawberries cleaned up quick ly with a general top of 11.35- - 1.45. - - . Market for live chickens easier, country killed lambs slow, veal, nogs and beef cleaning np. . First offering home grown beans reported, yellow hot house stock, fancy, large size. . i " Hothouse tomato market forced lower with increased supplies. ', Cantaloupe " market continued weak with wide price spread. Potatoes : higher for both old -and new stock with a corner on - the new whites attempted. Quoted . to $6. . ! - - Wool trade quiet, nnchanegd. Old onions show good move ment. Peas weak at late low prices. : Finishing "Work Started On High School Building With 20 Men on Project i- DAYTON, June S. Plastering the interior of the Dayton new union high school building Is completed and laying floors and other finishing work by 20 men is In progress. : At the Foster brothers 25-acre field of Oregon and Corvallis . . strawberries near here, where 60 - pickers are employed, 392 crates of berries wee gleaned Tuesday. One and one-qnater cents a pound Is paid tor the nicking. The ber , . rlesare sold to the Hillsboro can xnery. . . j Dakotans on Visit ELDRIDGE, Jane 6. J o h n Schnider and children of North Dakota have been visiting friends and relatives here the past week. Schnider,' employed by the rail road company, returned to his home Tuesday. His son and daugh ter will remain in Oregon this summer. They are visiting at the C. A, Hannegan home at present. Mrs. Hannegan is their aunt, I . ODTCB EXCHANGE PORTLAND, Jane 5. (AP) Produce exehaafe act prices: 1 Bam r Extrss, ae; standards. 17 H; 'prim firsts," 37c; firsts, Joe; bottarfat, 19-30 He. -r . Krsa U. 8. large extras, 19c; V. S. saedinsa axtraa. ISc. Portland Grain 'POBTXaSD. Joan 4. (AP) Grain. Wheat -. Open. Hija Low Closa toly 5 75 74 14 Sept. ; 74 74 - 78' 73 - Cash: Big Bead blnesteta, IS per tent, 91.10 ; do, I1.04H ; dark Sard winter, 11 per cent, 85e; do, 11 per cent. 83e; oft wait, westers, white, 77e. North era sprier, asrd winter, weatera red, 76e. . OaU, So, 3 whit, SM.75-22. Cora, No. S e altera yellow, $30. i Millraa. $23. i - Today's ear receipts: Wheat, 14; floor. . ; oata, 1. . .;-;: . Portland Livestock General Markets POBTLASD, OrtH Jan 5. (AP) (D8DA) Hogs! Receipts 00. includ ing til direct; market stead?. Good la choice 100-200 lb. drivein, S9.60-S.73; - few 250 lb. batchers, $9; light lights, $9-9.25; few packing sows, $7-1.25; feeders, $9-10; one lot outstanding, $10.25. i- Cattle: Beeeipts 25,' including S di rect; calves 65, including S3 direct; mostly a cleanup markets Mattered sales aroaad steady. Odd bead commoa grass steera, S5.75. Week;' a; Sop grassera ST; best spring fed upward to $7.85; scat- s teriac sales soft grassy steers and heif ers, $4.50-5.25; ted heifers sslsble $6.50 T; low cotter and cotter cows,. $3-4.25; eonnMB to mediaaa, $4.50-5; good beefs, $5,50-S; balls, $5-5.50; mediam Testers, $5-ff.50; choice qootsble to $7.50. Sheep; Beeeipts 155, raelodiag 4 di rect ; - ao Umbo offered. Early quotable to $8; few medium yearliags unsold; mediam to good owes salable $2-8. r . Portland Produce -1 .- ' POBTLAXD, Ore, June 5.- (AP)- Butter Prints. A grsde. 80e lb. in parchment wrapper. Sis lb. in esrtons; B grade, parehmeBt wrapper, 29 s lb.; cartons, 0e lb. . i ; v i- Butterfst Portland delivery grade, delivered at least twice week, 28e lb.; ooBtry routes, 26e lb.; B grads, 37e lb.; C grada at market. -. B grade cream for market Buying frico butterfst basis, 53 Hs lb. , Salem Markets tirade U raw 4 per cent milk, Kulem basic pool, price $1.84 per hundred. - I - ' ' ' i ' Ci-u bultcrfat price, O. B. Salem, 20 H c. 1 (Milk cased oa Mm . suOBliilf utterfat aveisis Distributor price $2.34. A grmlr butterfat Deliv ered, 29 He, B grade deliv ered, 28c4 A grade print, 30 He; B grade, 29 He ncs p?id to growers bj Salem tuysrs (The prices below, supplied by a local trocar, arc indicative of the daily market but arc aat gaaraateed by The States xaa.) Buylaa Price) Cantaloupes, crate, 45s ' g,4j talit I rein dares, lb. , .jg Pineapple. Hawaiian, oa. i .S5y Oranges, fancy 3.75 to 4.25 Choice ! 2.o to S.40 .Saitaaaa. lb, oa sta:k 4. .08 Hands j, . ,, I .07 Uemnns. fancy; 5.00 to t.2i Choice I a r4 ... km Umes, fresh, dos. " m iq0 Grapefruit. Florida Ariioaa L 3.75 to 4.50 2.25 to 2.75 stC SV. (A Apples, ba -r .w w a.arw etraw berries, locals. 24s 1.25 to 1.75 VEGETABLE. (Sujruig Prieel Asparagua. local, doi. . , ; .00 New peas. Calf lb - .05 Khubarb, outdoor, lb. .6 1 Cauliflower, Calif., erate -1.20 to 1.60 Lettuce, local, crate , 1.10 Parsnips, lug , .75 Sweet nfitttrM, rmtm 1 OA , w -. .w 1 m . f v Onions, Labishi ewt - - ; .75 unions, lezas Bermuda .-- 2.50 Cabbage. Calif 4 cwt 2.00 to 2.25 i .30 varruis, aiu.j a 01. Celery hearts.; idos. Green peppers,' Calif, lb. 1.50 .15 4.00 1.50 rota toe v o. 1 local Potatoes, So. 2 local Local spinach.; orsnee box .35 H nt h mi urn tninatna, KA a nn Turnips, doien. Calif. L .50 to .65 t-eiery, Utah Tanety , 3.00 Celery. Chnlrn Vint V a nn Artichokes, boa 1.85 to 2.85 Kutaoagaa, cwt. t.50 Green onions, doten New potatoes. Texas Bed New notatoM whita .25 2.25 5.50 . 1.10 1.85 Hothouse encumbers, dos. Tomatoes. Calif., lug HUTS Walnuts, lb. filberts, lb. .10 to .14 to .14 ..18 aora (Buying Pries) Clusters. 1935, lb, top .09 ruggiea. 1835. top. lb. -Nominal WOOL ART) MOHAIB (Burins Price) Mohair -tedium .40 .32 !8 'ool Coarse wool .. EGOS Aim pon-t.TV (Buying Price of Andreseos) Extras .17 .14 .14 .13 .15 Medium extras Standards Hedium standards Brown extras Pulleta 11 (Andreaen A Son Rn,i,i Pi-fat Eearr hen lh. 16 Colored mediums, lb. Medium Leghorns, lb Light, lb. j Slags, lb. j r Old roosters ! IV J4 .13 .11 .08 .18 Colored frjs, lb. White Lee-horns, frrn IV la ! .14 MARION CREAM EKY buying orlces Lle Poultry. No. 1 stock Colored hens, hesry ;. .16 -egnorn hens, orer 34 lbs .13 Under 3 lbs. Colored springers, 2-3 H lbs OTer 3 lbs. Leghorn fryers Old roosters. Ib. Rtaes : .11 .16 J8 .14 .05 .05 .05 . .14 .14 .13 .12 .12 Rejects Eggs Candled and graded i-arge extras . .. Largs standards Hedium extras -tedium standards , , Cndergrades Pallets - : LIVE STOCK i (Buying Price Spring lambs 7.00 to 7.50 Ewes : 1.50 to 2.50 Hogs, 130-1C0 lbs. 8.00 to 9.00 160-210 lbs. 9.50 210-250 lbs., ton 9 00 to 9 25 Sows ; 6.50 to 7.00 Steers 6.00 to 7.00 3.50 to 4.50 5.00 to 5.50 5.00 to 5.25 5.50 to 6.50 7.00 Dairy tma row Beef cows j Bulls i Heifers . ,, Teal, top Dressed Teal, lb. . Dressed hogs ; . CHAIN AND HAT Wheat, western red , White, No. 1 Barley, brewing, ton Feed barley, ton -Oats, -milling, ton " .10 - .13 - .72 - .74 22.00 .20.00 -21.00 -19.00 -15.00 -12.00 -12.00 seea, ton. Hay buying prices Alfalfa. Wiley Oat and Telch, ton CloTer. tern ; 1 Eggs Buying price to wholesalers: Extraa. 19e; standards. 17e; extra med iums, 16c; do. medium firsts. 15e; nndsr grade, 15c; pullets, 15c dosen. Cheese Oregon triplets, 15e; Oregon loaf, 16e. " Brokers will pay o below quotations - Kilk A grade Portland delivery, 68 He lb. butterfat basis for 4 per cent. - Country meats Selling price to re tailers: Country hilled bogs, best but chers, under 150 lbs., 12-12 Ve lb.; Teal era. Ko. 1,: 1012c lb.; light and thin, 8-10 lb.; heary, 8-10e lb.; eutte reowa, 8-9e lb.; spring lambs, 16-17 He lb.; awes. 5-9 lb. Mohair 1936. 42-4 3c Ib. Caseara bark Buying price. 1936 peel. Be lb. - - . Hops Nominal; 1935 clusters. 6 6e lb. IWe poultry Portland delWery. buy ing price: Colored hens, orer 5 lbs., 18-19c lb.: under 5H lbs.. 1819c lb.; Leghorn hens, erer 3H lbs, 15-1 8c; un der 8H lbs.. 14.15c lb.; Leghorn -broilers, lto 1 lbs.. 1617c lb.: do. 1A fibs, np, 16-17e lb.; colored springs, 3 ins. and np. 1819c lb.; roosters. 8-9e lb.; Pekin ducks, young. 14-17e Ib.. geese. ll-12e lb. . Onions Oregon. $1.25-1.35 per 100 lbs. Potatoes Local. $3-3.50 per cental; Glamath. $3-3.85 cental; Scappoese Netted Gems. 83-3.25 cental: Des chutes Netted Gems, $3.85 cents); Can adian British Queens, 83.50 cental. S potatoes Shatter, $5-6 per cental; new Garnets, $2.50-2.75 per 50 lb. bag. Cantaloupes California, standard $2.70-2.75; Jumbo. 83-3.25; do, 45s, $3 3.25. Wool 1936 contracts, nominal; Wil lamette Talley, medium, 31c lb.; coarse and braid. 29c lb.: eastern Oreron, 21 80e lb.; southern Idaho. 28-29e lb. Hay Selling price to wholesalers: Al falfa, Ko. 1, $17; eastern Oregon tim othy, $17.50-19 ton: Willamette sailer timothy, $17.5018 ton; osts and vetch $15: clover. $11-13 ton. Portland. Jan 5 " J" ? ' ' STOCK ATXBAGES (Compiled by the Associated Press) 30 15 15 60 Indust, Rails TJtil. 46.4 46.4 43.8 30.7 50.8 '43.4 44.7 21.6 Stocks 60.5 60.5 58.8 43.3 64.8 55.7 56.1 34.8 Today L. Pre, day 1 . 81.0 83.9 34.0- 32.8 22.S 39.7 30.2 31.2 18.5 81.0 Month ago 79.0 Tear ago 58.1 1936 high 85.8 1936 low , 1933 high 1935 low : 73.4 78.3 49.5 BOBTD A VX SAGES .20 10 10 Rails ndust. TJtil. 10 For'gi 68.8 9.0 69.0 C8.4 73.0 8.4 70.4 5$ Todsy )- 91.7 102.9 101.7 PreT. day? 91. 102.9 , 101.8 Month agw 91.8 102.3 101.8 Year ago-j 79.7 93.9 93.7 1936 high: 94.3 104.1 102.5 193$ low i 86.9 101.8 99.8 1935 higk 67.S 102J 89.8 1935 low ! T6 4 82.1 84.5 Stocks and Bonds North Dakota i Reports Rain Wheat Prices Moderately Lower, as Result of v Spring Crop Aid i CHICAGO, June 5-(cP)-Dashes of rain in North Dakota, the prin cipal spring wheat state and like wise the 'one suffering most from drought, gave wheat prices moder ate setbacks today. j Wheat closed easy, under yesterday's finish, July 85-851,, Sept. 85-. Dec. 87-. corn down, July 604-. Sept.-57-, Dec. 52. Oats - off, July 24, and rye unchanged to lower July 5. In provi sions, the result was unchanged to 10 cents decline. . j . Lowest prices of the day for wheat came near the end. This was simultaneous with reports ;of rain at points around Fargo and Devil's Lake, North Dakota. Sep tember displayed the most weak ness, and touched 85 cents,,' a fall of 1 cents from the day's high. i - j Corn, oats and rjw averaged easier with wheat. Liberal receipts had a weakening effect on the corn market. Shipping demand for oats was slow. In contrast, there was an active shipping call for rye. Provisions sagged slightly, fol lowing grains ratherthan jiog values. Wool Prices Hold Firm ' On Moderate Turnover BOSTON, June B.-iJPf-(V: S. Dept. Agr.) -Prices were firm In the Boston market on a rather moderate turnover of fin a terri tory wools. Average to good irencn combing lines of 64s and finer territory wools in original hags brought mostly around 84-86 cents scoured basis, but it was dif ficult to secure good wools below 85 cents. Average to short fine French combing wools moved around 82-84 cents scoured basis. Mrs. Cirod Injured ELDRIDQE, June 5. Mrs! Al bert Girod, who was Injured! last ween wnen she fell on the base ment stairs, is under the doctor's care. She will be unable to at- tena summer session at Mon mouth Normal - as she i had planned. I . Gardeners' and Ranchers' Mart PORTLAND Ore.. June 5i-(rP) -Potatoes, getting support from all sides, continued to occupy, the spotlight on the early market to day. New whites sold for $5 for 100 pound3 at the cars. Cantaloupes backed up in price again. Watermelons also de clined. Apples Delicious, extra fancy J2j, fn ey, 81.50-1.60; Rome Beauties, fancy 90c-$l 00; Winesaps, extra fancy, 1.65- il eIlo7 eww. ra fancy, Sl.50-t.50, fancy. 81.20-1.45; Jumble pack. Rome Beauties, best 85e; Winesaps. best 75c-$1.00; Arksnsas blacks,; 50c; Komes and Wmesaps, loose. 3e per pound. Artichokes Per box, 12.75. T 815P"afUS 0S0B per 3-POund box, Tedos California, 8 2.45-3.00; 20 30s. Beans California, hampers, 11.25-1.60 Beets 35-40C per dozen. 22cabbage California, per crate. $1.90- Cantaloupes California, jumbo, $3.23 8.65; stsndsrd, 83-3.40; pony, $2.50- Carrots Eight dozen, $1.65-2.00 Cauliflower California, per p'o n y crate, U. S. Xo. 1, $1.25-1.50.' Celery California, per crate. $2 2.80. I Cherries California. Bing and 1 Boyal Anne. 25-lb. box, $2; 9-10c lb.; Oregon. Tartarian, 8c lb. t Citms fmit Oranges, navels. $3.25 8.60; Mediterranean streets $2.90-3 45 lemons, $7-7.25; Valencies, $2.50 3.75; grapefruit. California and Arizona. $2.50-3.25; Florida, $4.25-4.50. ' Cucumbers Oregon hothouse, 3i to 5 dosen, $2.50-2.75. ! Eggplant Per lug, $1.50-1.75 1 per pound, 7-8c. I Garlic Per pound. 10-12 He j Green onions Per pound, 15-20e. Lettuce California, per 5-dozen crates, $1.50; 6 dozen, $1.25-4.40; Oregon dry. 3 to 4 dosen, 75e-$1.00. j ' Onions Oregon yellow's. 100-poonl sacks, $1.10-1.15; 50-lb. sacks, i 60 75e; California, crystal white, 50-pound sscks. 65e-$l; Stockton reds, 65c$l. r-arsiey rer dos. bn., 30-0c Parsnips Per lur. 50-0c. Peas Oresron, 4-5e lb. PcDDerj California - 50-lh uAi n Xo. 1, $1.50-1.75. ,7 Potatoes Klamath and Desrhotes Riiv seta, 0. S. No. 1. 83.50-3.75; Ko. 2, 50-pound sacks, $1.35-1.50: locsl Bnr banks. U. a No. 1. $3.00-3.25; Rassets. U. 8. No. 1. $3.00-3.25; So. 2, SOpound V. 8. Ko. 1. 83.3 50- t..).l- t ts, U. 8. Xo. 1. $4-4.25: Canada Ions whites TT H Vn o si rt a Call- fornia Shatter whitrs.'rj. S. Xo.'l; 100- Radishea Per dosen. 15-20e. Rhubarb Prr bos. 30 40e. RnUbsgss Per 100 pounds. t.75; oranpe boxes' 33-40e. npmarn Local. 3PF35C. a Orfec Gold Dollars. 12s. fiOe-il. $1-4.25; Rogus jBiverl Sweet potatoes California. Ko. 1. per XA.IUM.J In. , . 7 K .1. T Z -1 Tomators California. 50 pound boxes. $ 1.50-2.50 -, Oreron hothouse. 10-fwmnd bov.., $1.35-1.50; 20 pound boxes. $3.25. Turnips Dosen. 40-50. i Watermelon California, 2H-SUe lb. THIMBLE THEATRE Starring Popeye fCC0R0lH6 TO THE OfcCH. you THINK fVONKOJFe HOSBcaHD L - .v at Redskin Revue Unique Feature Taft's Roundup TAFT, June 5. The "Redskin Revue", one of the most unusual attractions ever staged on the coast, will be presented for the first time at the Redhead Round up, to be held in Taft, June 20 and 21. Fifty coast Indian braves and squaws comprise the cast for the aboriginal production, which is said to be as Interesting as it is original. One of the; ensemble numbers which is expected to be a sensation, is the "Squaws Seren ade", in which eight comely In dian maidens perform in truly sen sational style. Other attractions on the round up program include the redhead bathing beauty contest, the red head follies, beach ski races, red head prize contest, redhead field meet, a carnival, dances and water sports. - The Salem Cherrlans will at tend the roundup in full uniform, and will have charge of the cor onation ceremonies for the titian queen. Directors Elect 4 Three Teachers, AH From County TURNER, June 6. The follow ing new teachers were elected Tuesday night at the school direc tors meeting: Mis Gertrude Roenike of Sa lem, high school commercial work and girls' athletics; intermediate grades. Miss Alvtrda K HUllor. Scotts Mills, also grade athletics; primary. Miss Margaret Swart. Salem, also music. Prof. L. J. Uhrhammer will handle the boys athletics. Mrs. uiancne Williams is the u d d e r grade teacher. MICKEY MOUSE BUT tTs lOO MILES? CAN'T fere I EVEN TAKE A ASSl&NS MICKEY THE f- JOB OF r SPYING OH THE MHIU DHU TRIBE., KMOWING HE HASN'T A CHANCE OF COMING BACK AUWEI CAMEL ? LITTLE ANNIE ROONEV TOOTS AND CASPER POLLY AND HER PALS f The Country Doctor- "' By CLIFF STERRETT QHV JLLP DID VDUSAV VDU ) A JOKE. WHEN MOST NOVEL. J CT "-. 5ELSi f I? i I TELLS AH ... WHERE JlkWVliMS rSJ A SUBURBS.1 T- - g " M NOW WHEN A STCAKISE MAM COMES fW M l'LU SAY MY NAME IS BUT WHY AM I H SHUT UR AMD S GLOPYOStO 2C1 AINVT EVEttV-1 'l AiK,"XP!d ATVOUtt JZ I ANNIE BOOf4EY I AKA & TO PRETEND DON'T ASK QUESTIONS TM feoTrMMG' --7ttArf A?-rT..T?UE Tr ?l VERV RAPPy BECAUSE 1 MV NAME IS h YOU KrJOI CEAW FOR THE POOR' Jff , 1 ( WPy, VAVJ,LI- VOCK- I A MRS. MEAMY TREATS ROONEV') L GOOD W KlOs PiCHlC TOOAV ijjfcg&Sil V TELL. 1 -A US ALL LIKE OUR OVMU J .ccup, 7 "1 FOC YOU j-f I'LU B&TCWA IT'I-U BE JWlC . -lS-i MOTHERS WOOLDJ WHO IS SHE ? jr MQge run nijm -.tdl Vgwl -5- W 5?V -r v q-7J S -1VW4 a -TfWx-" Z!aJA. ) JTJ V OH. I FEEL SO ASHAMED ! IT HE WAS THE ONLY ONE ? r.rl k rZrTlw. I I WAS ACTUALLY HOPlNcr 11 I CBLOrL H5Sra9 ) TO Pn rr R I'D CATCH CASPER UP TO S &RTHY V- JK Hl B SOMETHING SO 1 COULD , DAYOTTir- Sb!RTh1AYS.1 ""79J- WT JF EVEN VT-tjOS J ,nwwwu uwuueyra-- I IK I I V WKI s,l I jTI 30 a S v I "s et.llt-i- I I l II rT IT a Mt ft t W "1 KmOACCOROltV&TO A I I 1 f f -w X I I THE JEEP 1 I 1 LO)F. VouX ( m-rrn V MJEU.- i ' I "J IHE.OEEPUCTErti I rU A fMPWe A EVEN IF V0O 1 Tn Vni) . WSLYT sw a, r Mr m m m m -m -x. . a m m . - a n sssaa' m .ss- :' r- r m m . a. . w w w m m m s Extension Holds Graduation Rites 20 Youths Receive Normal ; Certificates From 1 Mt. Angel i MT. ANGEL, June 5. Annual graduation exercises of Mt. Angel Normal and College Extension were-held In the academy audi torium Thursday, . June 4. The address to. the graduates was given by; Rev. M. J. Early of Portland University and gradua tion honors conferred by " Rt. Rev. Abbot Thomas Meier.. Mig Dolores Aman and Miss Carola May, both of Mt. Angel, were pre sented, with bachelor of arts de grees, the first graduates of the college extension. A Junior col lege certificate was awarded to Miss Shirley j Evenson. 1 j Twenty graduates -received the standard normal certificate: ; Miss Irene Begin, Miss Anne BirTer, Hiss Jolenta Brockhaus, Miss Detphine Ebner, Miss Marie Grosjaeques, Mins Lonann Hasslng. Miss Eugenia Hems korn. Miss Alfnes Walker and Miss Elisa beth Hunt, sll fo Mt. Angel; Miss Ardis Asrbus, Miss Gladys Burrh. Miss Emma Oleen of Silrerton; Miss Dorothy Lee. of Donald; Misa Adeline Manninc, of Woodburn: Bistar CeKne Moriorty. Cot tonwood. Idaho; Miss Esther Roiling, Monroe: Miss Kefcina Srhnaek,. Molalla; and Miss Bernlce Wsske. Eugene. , These scsdemy students received high school diplomas: Miss Theresa Eherle, Mias Eleanor Hsssler, - M iss Helen Kron berg, Mies Viola May. Miss Betty Srhm dler. Miss Msry Jo' Wfishaar, and Miss Eleanor Zsch( of Mt. Angel; Miss Vida Becker. Misa Rita Koessler. Woodburn; Miss Virginia Scott, Salem: Miss Paul ina HeWey, Silverton; Miss Xsncy Keene. Gerrais; and Miss Patricia Han nam. Woodland, Wash. The Academy orchestra opened the program with Chenette's ov erture, Western World,, followed by two choruses by the yocal club; the graduates march to the stage played) by the orchestra was Gault's Processional; "Bright Be Your Pathway," by quartet; address; the conferring of diplo mas; vocal solo by Miss Agnes Walker and a violin duet by Al fena and Emily Bremmer; march by orchestra. NO ! HOW COULD YUH &NEAK UP ON ANV80PY. RlDIN' A CAMEU? YUH GOTTA WALK" SEE? 4k VuH ten anything Ven &rr GOiN ! "Z ) 1 ?ZL' yiCxALK-SEE? 11? STARVE J -U, . MtCKeYW an well T 4J ' t I. ty WT tMmn W ' il I "Home Was Never Like This" l'k cphar Radio Proaims Satnrdsy, Juno 8 KOAO OOBVALU8 560 Ke. ' 9:00 The Story Hour. 10:15 Guarding -Toar Health. 11:30 The International Scene. 12:00 Noon Farm Hour. 1:15 The World Book Man. . 1:8 Programs an Parade. 2 :00 The British Isles Travelogue. 3:30 Romance Under the Water. 8:00 Yon and Your Radio. 4:30 Stories for Boys and Girls. 5:00 On the Campuses. 5:43 -What the Educatora Are Doing. 8:03 The Dinner Concert. ' 6:30 Evening Farm Hour. 7:45 Science newa of the Week. : 8:00 Music of tha Mssters. KOTlf 70BTULND 940 Kc. ' ;S0 Kloek, Ivsn and Walter. 8:00 Orientale. CBS. 8:15 Musical reveries, CBS. 8:30 George Hall orrn.. CBS. 9:00 Jack Shannon, CBS. : 9:15 Poetic Strings, CBS. 9:30 Columbians. - 9:45- Buffalo presents, CBS. 10:00 Opening of the Texas rentennisl. 11:00 Down by Herman's, CBS. 11:45 Msry CnJlen. 12:00 The tops. 1:00 Book of Life. ' 1:30 Motor City Melodies. CBS. . 2:00 Frederick William Wile, CBS. 2:15 Neumiller, CB8. 2:30 Minute melodies. OBS. 2:35 Al Roth's orrh.. CBS. 2:45 "Welcome," CBS. 3:00 Maybelle Jennings, CBS. Slate Graduation For Scotts Mills SCOTES MILLS. June 5. Graduation exercises of the Scotts Mills high school will be held. Thursday night, June 11. in the gymnasium for nine members of the class of 1936. Prof. Thom as Gentle of Monmouth will ad dress the class. Members of the class are Mil dred Coulson, Ada Jones, Dee Chun, George Dimick, Avril Fry, Carl Johnson, Margaret Little page, Jessie Wakefield and Bill Miles. Ivy Rebekah lodge Teusday elected these officers for the en suing term: Nellie. Amundson, noble grand; Loraine Hill, vice grand; Edith - Hogg, recording secretary; Lena Skirvin , treas urer. The Stein Song Curiosity Killed a Kitten j 1 v , . . -- il V ; r -y t-i CARRY ENOUGH H. YuM VomNTFFD ?,f FEK GOOD? 1 I I VOOD' OR YTE! b wdh't YUH7 I LLSA C When the End Justifies the Means T HE WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO THOUGHT OF ME YESTERDAY, AND THERE I WAS SUSP1CI0N1N4 HIM AND FOLLOWING HIM AS IF 8:15 Song stylists. CBS. 4:30 Bob Allen, CBS. 4:45 Lssy Murray. CBS. -5:(iQ Bnina Castsgna. CBS. . 5:30 Salon Moderne, CBS. :00 Your Hit Parade and Sweep . stakea, CBS. 7:15 Bob Crrfsby. CBS." 7:30 Henry Halstead, CB8. - 8:00 Z:egfeld Follies. CBS.', 9:00 Sterling Young orrh.. DLBS. 9:30 Little Jack Little, DLBS. -10:O0 Del Milne arch. 10:30 Dick Jorgen orch. 11:00 Ishant Jones orrh., DLBS. 11:3012 Emil Baffa orch- DLBS. XGW POKTLAXD 820 7:00 XBC. : 7:15 Pianist. NBC 7 :30 Fes tare. 8:15 Concert miniature, SBC. 8:30 Merry Madcaps, XBC. 8:59 Ariinrten time signal, XBC. ' 9:15 Rex Battle ensemble, XBC. 9:30 Records. 10:00 Phil Harris orch., XBC. 12:15 XBC. " . 12:45 XBC. 1:15 Vnyfair orch XBC. 1:30 Clinic. 1 :5 KsTorit melodies. XBC. 2:00 Alpine Villsge orch, XBC. 2:35 Alma Kitchell, XBC. 2:45 Beligioa in the news, XBC. U 111 II I are xmw'wnwnr I fx PERFECT GUM i s : f .5 S BUT YOU CANT BLAME - MP POP? TRVINZ , TO crET THAT MONEY- I'M DESPERATE! 1 MUST . HAVE ONE- THOUSAND) DOLLARS IN FIVE DAYS HE VAS A CRIMINAL ! OR IT WILL 8:00 Saturdays at Connies, XB0. 8:15 Jingletosra Gssette, SBC. .8:30 Jamboree. XBC. i 4:00 8U Franda rch..' NBO. 4:30 Sprtingtime. XBC 5:00 Glena Frank. XBC.. 5:30 Chateau, XBC. : 8:30 Teaaa Centennial. NBC. 7:00 Xatioasl Bsrn dance, NBfJ, g;oo Eddie Duchia orch.. XBC ' 8:80 Mayfair orch, XBC. 9:00 Fletcher Henderson orch.. BO 9:80 Robinoff and his.violin. 9:45 Oriental Gardens forch BC. 10:00 St. Francis orch.J XBC. 10:30 Bal Tabarin rchi SBC. 11:00 Jack Meakin orch., XBC 11:30 IeaiuTiHe xerch., SBC. 12:00 Weather. i - " KEX POBTLAITD 1180 K .". 6:30 Musical clock. . 7:30 XBC. , i 7:45 Bill Erens orch,: XBC. 6 :00-Finaaeial service,; XBC. 8:15 Genia Fonariova, i SBC. ,8:30 Worda and Musiri SBC. 8 :59 Arlington time signal, XSfll 9:00 Belle and Martha,. 9:05 XBC. i " . 9:30--Xatioasl farm and home hoar. 10:30 Horn institute. 10:45 Hints to housewives. 11:00 SBC. ! 11:15 Watter Blaufus Owh' KBtt 11:30 The Vagabonds, SBC 11:45 Gala Page. XBC. -12:00 Glee club, XBC. 12:80 Market report.. 12:35 Stnins. 12:43 Davey Roe orck 'BC lrf0 Soloist. XBC. i 1:15 Maalcal adventures, XBO. : 1:30 String essemble. (XBC. '2:00 Coos Bay bridge dedication, K0O8. ( 3:00 Piano- -due . XBC 8:15 Home Town. XBC. 8:30 -Orch.. NBC 4:00 Ed Ckico Spanish rertu, XBC. , . 4:80 Boston Symphony1 orch., XBC. t 5:00 Studio. 5;Oi Orch. 5.SO Mnsio Box, XBC , j "5:45V-VBC- - ' i ;" f" " ' 6:00 Jack Meakin -KBC3 - - -8:80 XBC - '-! - : 7:30 Horn Fostlvat.broadcast. . -8:J5 AmkaasadoT rch- XBC ' - 8:30 Oa the Oregon- Trail. 8:45 Mark Hopkins orrh., KBC. 9:00 Bismarck ech,, SBC.'- 9 :30 BasebalL v - 1 - 10;3t) Riltraere orch, XBC. . 11:00 Charlea Rwnyan. XBC. 12:00 Weather and police reports. O By WALT DISNEY -A " i - Jtif f a;hf Ta A;Hc: PoSTTbPUST, L J r 'Ht HATIVES W0NT6tT HIM. By BRANDON WALSH By. -JIMMY! MURPHY ANVTHIMA, v We ca?it IMAGINE WHY COLONEL. HOOFER IS SO BE . DESPERATELY IN NEED n i i ! " - -