The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 06, 1936, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN; Salera, Oregon, Saturday Moraine, June 6, 1936
Nuptial Today Will
Unite Couple
At 4 p.m.
r Leslie parsonage will unit In
marriage Miss Sahina Schmidt,
aaugnter ; ol Mrs. Katserine
Schmidt, and Robert M orison of
McMlnnville this afternoon at 4
O'clock. r - 1" ' r
Rer. Dean Polndexter wtli of
ficiate in the presence of the two
families and intimate friends:
The bride has chosen an anna-
blue silk-Suit and will wear a cor
sage. There will be no attend
ants. ; -
The couple will make their
nome in McMlnnville.
Miss Schmidt is a graduate ot
-. ooicm cuopii ua me uregon
NormaL She baa been teaching
ai MCMinnYUie. j
. Englewood Club Spends
Outdoor Afternoon
; A delightful garden part was
enjoyed bv the Rnriwnvi oink
Friday afternoon at the home of
Airs. j. m. scharff and Miss Anna
Tea was serred to 30 members
after the program. Lynn Crone-
miner spoae on-recreational plac
es in Oregon.
Japanese musical numbers
were a unique feature. Assist
ing on the hostess committee
were Mrs. W. A. Cladek, Mrs. T.
B. Newman and Mrs. J. o. Boyce.
Silverton. A group of pic
nickers motored to Silver Creek
falls park for supper Thursday
night as a farewell to Mr. and
Mrs. A. Bogste and daughter.
Miss Thelma, who left for South
Dakota Friday morning. Miss
Bogste has been teaching atiHa
ael Dell school for the past year.
Her parents arrived here a i few
days ago to accompany . her to
the east for the summer. i
la the Thursday night group
were the Bogstes. Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur SteinbergerJ Mr. and Mrs.
Ospar" Satern, Joan and Darrel
Satern, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hat
teberg, Donald and Weldon Hat
teberr, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Jen
sen. Norman, Martin and Anna
belle Jensen and Dr. A. J". Me
CanneL. !
. " i
Mrs. Wylie Bent (Ann Steele)
and small son, Bobby, of : San
Francisco are Tacationing for a
fortnight with. Mrs. Bent's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs.! Foster Steele,
In Portland. Mrs. Bent will be a
Salem visitor this weekend.
Get outdoors! .Don't be a stay-at-home
these bracing days! Slip
into this dashing Anne Adams
sports frock, bound to be the
pride of your wardrobe, and don't
waste a minute of the glorious
warm sunshine. .This frock can
be made in record time and with
beginner's fingers. Concentrate
on good, bright Summer colors
and remember that the most prac
tical fabrics are 1 those you can
; easily tub and keep fresh. Smart
er than smart, too, is the novel
button-up-the-sid opening which
enables you to put it on in a split
second. You'll love the brief rag
Ian sleeves and notched collar
smart, cool features, both!;
Pattern 2(04 Is available in
sizes 12. 14, 15, 18, 20, 30, 32,
31. t$, 38 and 40. Size 16 takes
3H yards of 3 Inch fabric. Il
lustrated step-by-step sewing In
structions Included. .
Seat fit tca east ( 1 5c) far eotna
T ataaies (eeias rfrrrd) for this
Aaae Aeaa patter. Writ plainly
(. address aa4 style anmber,
X Sox te State Six
Order oar tw Abb Adaau pattern
book an learrn saw caaitr yea caa
aka a aaurt aaauavrr" vardrob that'a
Jnat raor atjJal Taa lataai frocka.
wit. bUaaea; ktict and vacatioa
clothe kriaal ootlit. LMrb clothe
far children,, to. Smart rrle tor
toata. And a rail pietar-torr of
aummor fibrlea nod aeeaaorica..Book
fifteen eaats. Patters fifteens eanto.
Twanty-fiT caU for both, arhea
dered toethtr. ; i - - -;
Alar orderr ! to Th Orefon
Stateiaiaa Pattara Dept. S15 8oa:h
CoBinercial street, Saleaa. Ore. Uaki
aaeeuary eneloare. Tear erder will
be proaaptly attended to. -
Ordera enatomarily are filled arttb
la (ear dya treat tin rciTd by
Ths'StaUamta. ;
-JNews- and' Chub
Jessie Steele.
' " f' 2 ......
,n ff 2 tor the editor are as follows:
L," 12 P- t to p. ni. every day bat Sat-
tll ? jtB thy 9 a. m. to 12 noo. and
I p. m. to p. m. i
Saturday, June 6
. PBfhters of American ReTolation 1 p. m. covered
dish luncheon at Champoeg cabin. erea
Woman's Relief corps In Miller's halL 2 p. m.
Annual homecoming picnic at Brush College
1 Monday, June 8
Royal Neighbors at Fraternal temple p. m. Javen
Iles meet at 4 p. m. at the temple.
Executive board of American Legion auxiliary. S
p. ra. with Mrs. Donald McLeod, 1635 N. Summer.
Summer Attire Smart
for Dance
Summer formats for WAm sn
white flannels or light suits for
men wui be In order tonight at
me Junior Woman's club ball at
Hazel Green.
Hours are from 10 to 1 o'clock.
A, host of smart affairs will
precede the Imce. Among the
nosiesses are Minn r.rn nnimi
and Miss Jean Bahlburg.
iicaeu ma- atiii lw
from Miss Madre RHi nrta ur.
en way. Miss June Edwards. Miss
Lucillo Rolow. Miss Helen Board-
man, Miss Jo Eaton and Miss Lois
Biggs. !
John Lindbeck Honored
With Dinner
Mrs. A. L. LindbecV w..
for a dinner Thnrsifo ntKt
at htr borne in honor of her son,
Most " Of th am c to i
schoolmates witjj John since the
urst grade in Au burn, and were
from the high school set. r
Places wer markH fn. ui..
Marie Baumgartner, Miss Jean
Kodgers, Miss June Armstrong
Miss Willetta RnA ui.. -'
garet Upjohn. Misg Viyian Mllli-
san, AiTin Armstrong, Floyd
Baumzartner. Don Miiihnm et
Phen Stone, jr.. Jack Austin and
John Lindbeck.
Sweetpeas and vellnw
made up the centerpiece guarded
uy wane tapers In crystal. Red
roses and rhododendron blooms
were placed about the e .
Buttes Entertain Fetin
Mr. and Mrs Port
- - - uuiu were
charming hosts Thursday night
waen mey lnyited a group to
help them celphrat ii.
- vi ircuuiuc
Dinner was
lOlIowed hv hrli) .
of Mayor and Mrs. V. E. Knhn.
Places were markM r. m-
and Mrs. E. C. Hawley. Mr. and
Mrs John Brophy, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Berry, Mayor and Mrs. V.
E. Kuhn Mr. and Mrs, Ed Niles.
Mrs. Ted Purrine. Miss Agnes
Tv of BeIlingham. Wash., and
the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
ParkersviUe A lovely bride of
Tuesday morning was Mis Eva
Zollner, daughter of Mrs. Peter
Zollner whose marriage to Mr.
George Kudna of Woodburn, son
of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kudna was
V18 at 8 o'clock- Rer.
m. Walsch officiated. Spring
nowers were used with: lighted to
pers on the aitarV which was
flanked by palms.
The bride, who was given in
riSf, by her brother. Mr. Jo
seph Zollner, was gowned in white
satin cut on princess lines with
high neck, long lace trimmed
sleeves and short train. Her lace
trimmed net veil from a cap edged
with seed pearls and she carried
a shower bouquet of pink carna
tions and rosebuds.
The bride's sister, Mrs. Steven
wiemer was matron of honor and
wore blue lace and a silver ban
deau in her hair and she carried
an arm bouquet of pink carna
tions. .vM1fLena Vachter, cousin of
the bride, was bridesmaid and
wore pink taffeta and a silTer ban
deau in her hair. She carried an
arm bouquet of pink carnations.
Mr. Harry Kudna, brother of
the groom acted as best man. John
Zollner served as usher.
A. wedding breakfast for the bri
dal party was served at the home
of the bride's mother and a 1
o clock dinner was served to SO
In the evening he 'young couple
were hosts to a wedding dance tor
their friends at St. iLuke hall
Woodbnrn. For going away the
bride wore a arav antt wit
x aua HI .
accessories. After a wedding- trip.
" xrancisco. Yellowstone
Park and Seattle by train they
will make their home at Gervais.
Eldriedge MIm Bonnie Belle
Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
B. J. Ji Miller, will leave the first
of the! week for a pleasure trip
through California in company
with Mr. and Mrs. P.i Gallegly of
Gervais. Miss Miller plans to be
the guest of Judge Kelly when she
reaches Los Angeles. :
i e I
Scotts Mills. Mr. and Mrs. B.
H. Blelenberg and son, Joseph, of
Moscow. Idaho; Joseph H. Bielen
berg of Genesee. Idaho, and Mrs.
Agnes : Beslnauer and son, Rich
ard of Colton. Wash, are visit
ing their brother: M. A. RfoLn-
berg and family. r
I ' -, :
Hubbard. Miss Virginia Carl,
daughter of Mrs. Ellen Carl of
Hubbard, left last night for a
month's visit in Oakland. Calif.,
at the home of Mrs. Carl's sis
ter, Mrs. Dr. Belle Merrill Ward,
and other relatives.. - ;. .
i ': ; ' - v
Independence. - Mr. land Mrs.
Frank E. Labberton of Wapato,
Wash., are visiting: at the home
of Mrs. F. G. Hewett, Mrs. La b
bertosi's mother. They plan to be
in Independence until about June
8. -
Society Editor-
Dinner in Portland Held
at Swan Island
A delegation from the Salem
Business and Professional Wom
en's club motored to Portland
Thursday night to a dinner given
at Swan Island airport by i the
fortiand club.
There were moving pictures
snown ana a speaker on air tra
vel. .
Those making the trip were
Miss , May Cleveland, Miss Edna
Purdy. Mrs. Louise Miltonberger,
Miss Josephine Evans, Miss Helen
Louise Crosby, Mrs. Hulda Lled
strom, Mrs. Emily Howard, Mrs.
Hda Bingenheimer, Mrs. Winifred
Herrick, Miss Dorothy Gordon,
Miss Juana Holmes, Miss Joseph
ine Gray. Miss Julia Webster, kiss
Daisy Hayden. Miss Marguerite
Laird and Miss Clara Witt. I
The Salem club la also invited
to a Portland dinner June 27 at
which Mrs. Charl Williams, ' na
tional president, will be the' dis
tinguished guest and speaker
- I
Mrs. Krebs Hostess to
Pinochle Club
The P. T. PinochU Mnv ...
entertained hv Mm r a w..k.
Thursday afternoon with a lunch-
con. rlOsermff ani 9-nm-nA-
sumui ibuua
made the, table attractive. ! -
Mrs. J. c. Jonen. Mm n tit
Heckman and Mrs. v. J ici--ir
held high scores.
Mrs. Loretta Lnnlir win r.
the next hostess.
Guests of Mrs. Kreh Thnr.
day were Mrs. E. J. KIrchof?, Mrs.
- aiey, airs. Loretta Lamph
ere, Mrs. H. J. Nisson, Mrs. o. B.
Bond, Mrs. E. fiiffnn m i v r
Jones and Mrs. a W. Heckman.
The Y's Menettes club eninvari
a pleasant tea
noon at the home of Mrs. M. G.
Panek. with election r
held during the business session.
ine new president is Mrs. Kenneth
Waters, with Vf-. ri, it.,
vice-president ami Mr.
batchwell, secretary-treasurer.
Aimougn this was not the reg
ular program meeting of the
group, an Interesting and enjoy
able feature was a travelogue of
America by Monroe Sweetland.
Willamette university law gradu
ate who spoke of the places he
had visited the past three years.
Special guests yesterday! were
Mrs Percy Reinoehl and Mrs. Fred
R. Duncan, and members present
were Mrs, Arthur Bates. Mrsi. C. A.
Downs. Mrs. Tinkham Gilbert,
Mrs. Glenn Holznan, Mrs. W. C.
Jones, Mrs. M. G. PanekJ Mrs.
Hays Rehm. Mrs. George Rhoten,
Mrs. Stanley Satchwell and Mrs
Kenneth Waters.
e , j
Hubbard. The Hubbard Wo
man's club met at the home of
Mrs. James Taylor for the regu
lar meeting week. Mrs. j A. J.
Smith and Mrs. George Grimps
assistant hostesses. Mrs. j E P
Rich, retirinz
interesting report on th state
convention at The Dalles.;'
Mrs. Cobie de Lespinasse gave
a talk on civic and political mat
ters. The program committee for
the coming -year. Mrs. James Tay
lor, Mrs. W. E. Berkey, Mrs.
Frank Grimps, Mrs. A. F. de Les
pinasse. was appointed by the
president-elect. Mrs. E. U. : Ander
son. Gatchell Elected
By Business Man
Better Business club, at its reg
ular meeting in the club) rooms
Tuesday night, elected thjese of
ficers: President. W. F.t Gatch
ell; vice-president; Jack Tyson;
secretary, a J. Thurston; and
treasurer, Roy Wickersham.
W. F. Gatchell was appointed
to arrange games for the Softball
team recently organized. Jack Ty
son told of plans for the celebra
tion of the opening of thej refrig
eration plant June 10. Thfcr will
be entertaining features, I Includ
ing a public auction, charging no
commission. Everyone is jfree to
bring whatever they have to sell.
Tho celebration will closer with a
dance In the evening. j
One new member was added to
the dub. Harvey Thurston and
Elmer Redmond served refresh
ments at the close of the meeting.
Archie Franz Honored
With Birthday Dinner;
Surprise Shower Given
PRATUM, June S. Tuesday
night Mr. and Mn i r
honored their son Archie" on his
oirmoay with a dinner. I Covers
were laid for 12. Following the
dinner came a complete surprise
to Rufua Frans and Virginia
Leach, when about 7S young peo
ple of the Mennanfra ohnv
prised them- with a miscellaneous
shower. Their wedding date baa
been set for June 14. - j
' Mrs. Christlnia Kleen who has
been visiting with relatives in Ne
braska for. several weeks! has re
turned to her ham. Mr ; nnln.
dener and two children from Ne
braska axe visiting in this vicinity.
Marriage Is
Given Out
THE surprise marriage of Miss
Gayle Edgerton of Glendalei
Calif., to B. H. Graybill ot
Salem has been announced. It
occurred May 9 in Olympla,
Wash. ' i j
After a two weeks' stay Id
Giendale and Los Angeles, the
couple will be at home on River
side Drive, south, of Salem. j
The bride attended Oregon
State college and Pomona college;
She was a member of Alnha rht
Omega and has been teaching at
wen uin.
Mr. Graybill attended Washing-
ton aiate college where he was
affiliated with Sigma Nu. He is
assistant manager of the Pacific
Telephone and Telegraph com
pany. Candidates Talk
At OARP Meeting
First Carload ol Lumber
Leave New Mill
This Week
MILL CITY, June 5. The
Townsend club No. 1 of Mill City
met at 8 p. m. Tuesday. June 3, In
the city hall. Sheriff ttnra intro
duced Avery Thompson and Fred
ueiano oi aaiem and President
R. D. Turpin introduced Rev. J.
McAuleV Of Mill C.itr kru .rAt
Townsend i tea who delivered In
spiring addresses. The musical
rnrdy family. Keith. Knsia mH
John of Mill City, gave songs and
instrumental music Mr. and Mrs.
O. C. Gregory and daughter Dora
served lunch to 150 club mmtwr
and guests. The club voted to send
a delegate to the Townsend na
tional convention next month tn
be elected at a meeting held
July 1.
Mill Man Hurt
Albert Lawson. who in vnrklnr
at the logging camp of the Mill
City Manufacturing company, re
ceived a painful Injury Tuesday
wnen a line broke striking him on
the nose, leaving a bad cut. snit
causing a slight concussion.
Thursday was the record Hit
for the new mill aa it was ahi tn
run all day without anv shutdown
for adjustments, so sawing 44,000
ieei or lumber. The first car of
lumber will be shipped out today.
Visiting Lenierys
WACONDA. June 5. Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Lemery of Giendale
are spending a few days here
with fa is parents. Mr. and Mrs.
George Lemery of this place.
Lemery, who has a government
position in the forestry division,
is well - known throughout tha
valley, having attended Sale in
that often
YOU may know giris like the one on the left
at home, unhappy, white others are out
en joying life. H
Often they arc victims of 21 health that
results from unwise dieting from rating
meals that lack sufficient nlk" to provide
needed internal extras.
Common constipation molts. Too often it
isn't regarded as serious. Yet doctors will
tell you that constipation caa slowly under
mine your health, leading to discomfort,
lowering of bodily resistance, and disease,
: j i
Don't neglect constipation. Usually it is
due to lack of "bulk" in the foods you eat.
When it is, Kellogg's ALL,BAN
is a safe and pleasant cotxectiVe,
Scientific tests in leading "n?
versities have shown that this
delicious ready-to-eat cereal sup
plies the "bulk needed to pro,
tide regular elimination. : i
Serve iLL-BRAN regularly for regularity
June 21 Date for
AN" engagement aid wedding
data announcement that will
i causa a stir among the uni
versity set la that of Miss Maz-
pne McLean, aangnter or Mr. and
Mrs. J. F.j McGee of Salem, and
poo tveiiy.
21. Miss i McLean attended the
University j f Oregon where she
was affiliated with Delta Delta
Delta. She baa been on the fac
ulty of the Capitol Business coi-
jcge. i
I Mr. Kelly was a student at Ore
gon state college.
! Miss Esther Baird was "hostess
for a smart bridge party last
night at which the news was giv
en out. rour tables were invited.
I :
Seniors Will Get
J Diplomas Monday
Awards j For Outstanding
Students Will Be
dependence hlrh school wiu'orai-
uate 41 seniors at the commence
ment ceremony Monday night,
June 8, in the high school gym.
The commencement tiiiimaa win
be given by Prof. William Jones
or Willamette university. The
valedictorian address will be de
livered by Clara SmntMi an1 tha
saiutatorian address by Doris Mc-
uowan. rs. Maurice J. Butler
will sing two vocal numbers.
rrincipal Paul E. RohinRon win
present the outstanding students
with awards.
E. A. Dunckel. chairman nf fhm
school board will present the dip
lomas to:
Laura Evelyn Arrell. Marjorie Boa-
auft. Hnul PrwrlA, T ni .
. - . wwuv vduuuuu-
eau. Ruth DavMunn VTarv T n
ver. Frances Mae Haley. Frances Le-
oaia nanna. &auiem Tbelma Hart
rnao. Mildred Louise Hartraan. Vlrstnia
Masine Hunnicutt. Miriam Irene Hur
ley, Sumiko Imonye, Joyce K. Johnson,
Frances Harriett Knott, Doris E. Mc
Gowan, Vivian Estell Soden, Clara
oj-veraon, Agnes May rung.
Floyd H. Ailen, George N. Berry,
Ray Corbett. Raymond Corbett. Cbarlea
t . . w. .
"""u v-arcj, jasper x. coiant, Kay
Athey Dunckel, Milo Graber. Floyd
Alden Hulburt, Charles P. Ma ttlaon,
Clarence J. Primus. Edrar F. Pom-
eroy, Phillip D. Sperllngr. Walter K.
Steele, Donald Tung, Eugene Richard
Perry. LoRee Burch. Dan Alln Tr.
pley. Warren Newton and Herbert
Strawberry Acreage Is
Lost Due to Prolonged
Rainy Weather, Report
FAIRFIELD, June 5. Four
acres of strawberries owned by
Joe Hoxey, have been lost by rain.
A three-acre crop on the T. A.
Dltmars farm was not picked due
to wet weather.
Mr. and Mrs.. Kenneth Bernard,
recent newlyweds. are making
their home at St. Paul. The couple
were married last week In the
Catholic church at St. PauL The
bride is the former Miss Esther
Clarke, popular here and at El-dridge.
Kellogga ALL-BRAN absorbs moisture in
the body forming a soft mass that gently
cleanses the intestinal walls. It does not break
down in the system as does the "bulk in
many fruits and vegetables. So it is often
more effective.
Isn't it better to use this natural laxative
food in place of patent medicines? Two table
spoonfuls of AX14&AN daily, served with
milk or cream, are usually sufficient. Stub
born cases may require ALL-BRAN oftener.
Kellogg's ALL-BRAN is not a "cure-alT
but it does correct common constipation. It
is guaranteed by the Kellogg Company. En
joy ALL-BRAN as cereal, or
Class of 1936
Is Graduated
Eldon Turnidge 'Awarded
Plaque For Honors
A Student
j JEFFERSON, June S T h e
Masonic hall was filled to. capac
ity Wednesday night for the high
school' seniors commencement
program. Dr. D. V. Poling of the
state board of hirfaer education
addressed the class, stressing the
vaiuo oi a gooa education and the
essentia is of life. "
Other proeram nnrnhpn
Invocation by Rev. J. Merlin HIIU
yaoior or mo cnnstlan church:
vocal solo, "Song of the Morn"
bj airs, uiioert Looney. accom
panied hv Mrs. C. T T)inn(..
salutatory, Virgil Calavan; vocal
solo, "In tho Garden of Tomor
row" by Rex Hartle-v- h uM
Gilbert Looney accompanist; vale
dictory by Eldon TnrnM
solo, "Since You Went Away" 3y
airs, uiioert Looney.
11 Get Diplomas
A. A. Haberly. surprint
me scnooi. nreunioi viinn
. . ' : i
Turnidge with the nlaane -.r.
ed each year to a
Class Wbo is outstanitine- In
VHawbaj va. feaav
scholarship, loyalty and bMiIowa.
ment. J. Q. Fontaine' chairman nr
the board, presented diploma to
uiuwa lurniage, Kaipn Larson, '
Nadyne Schafer, AdeUa Stephen
son. Pearl T jirain n.Mi.
- t u..uut
Jones. Georgie Gibbons. Frances
wwioie. Dons Roland. Virrit r-i.
ran ana Leonard Mareum.
Class Nhrht Held
The hieh school hAii ..n.t
class night Tuesday night in the!
uiku acnooi iniuinr nm
large attendance of students and
patrons of the school present. All
claases oarticinated in tha m-n
gram, with stunts which afforded
much amusement. The class his
tory was given by Virgil Calavan;
the class will by EHnn Tnn.M
" e cIa8 prophecy by Frances
After the Droeram. tha iat
and stripes were awarded to the
siuuenis participating in athletica
uj rrm. a. a. Haoeriy as follows:
Letters Are Awarded
rvZlZ. ""I. atifaer
lirada crhAAi n. ... ,
i--tn, jean Jaarj KedBead. Mildred
to n1T' Vr,fu,, Bmce. Donna Jan.
SPowell and Doroihr Middle.on
Hiffc teaeol. firh' baaketun. atripei
nd letteri i t Rosemary Great. Marjorl
Cole Gerald me Joaea. Delia Stephraaon.
Pearl Laraeai and Minerva Jeaea. Stripes
to Frances Weddle and Doris Boland.
Bors basketbaD, Utters and stripes te
Jsek Parrtsa. Burton Thurston and Joe
Beyer. Stripes te Emerson MeClsin.
Leonard Maream and Eldoa Tumid re.
Birls' baseball, letter and stripe te
Ksthrya Foster. Ileen Blinston. Korsaa
Lent and Geraldine Jones. Stripea te
Majuari CaU Ui..M. i& v
Weddle, Doris Boland and Rosemary
Bora hlMhatt ttmmm t. V. . 1
" raneia raeips. Irrin Grens,
Virril Calmran ,nrl Iimni M
Stripes to Zldoa Turnidse, Joe Beyer!
x-wereoa seiajn.
FootbaTI lttr. mnA mriwmm . J.J . .
noyer, wade Harris, Virgil Calaran,
Jaek Pmrrish and Burton Thurston.
Stripes to Eldon Tu midge, Leonard Mar
eam, Dale Turnidge. Emerson McClaia,
Russell Miller and Irrin Greni.
isrown wno led la all activities ss yeli
leadara: and ta Rnrtaat 1nMa hJ
fori Kolaad, managers of the teams.
cook into appealing muffins,
breads, waffles, etc ALL-BRAN
has a tempting nut-tweet flavor.
Eat it regularly for regularity.
Sold by all grocers. Made by
Kellogg in Batde Creek.
must be by Belle-Sharmeer
the stockings with a LEG SIZE!
O Whatacrcdit toyour legs! Our BelU-Sbarmeer Stock
ings fit as though they were made for you . U and thej
were. Not just in your foot size but in your leg size. And
mind you, not merely graduated in length! BtlU-Sharmeen
are individually proportioned in both width!
and length for smalls, medinms, tails, plumps, i
So much smarter! And they wear longer, too. !
Here exclusively.
Th Foot Siza Hat a Number ... The LEG SIZE Has a NAME
Irav . . forsmalls Duchess . . fottoltt
Modite . for mjium$ Oatk . for ptumpt
Hosiery Fashion Expert Here Today from the
Famous Mills of Belle-Sharmeer
v -
A nabelle Foisey
will explain the new modern way of selecting a hosiery
wardrobe that will give as nearly one hundred per cent satis
faction as it is possible to obtain. INDIVIDUALLY PROPOIU
TIONED in both length and width for your "own particular
size" Belle-Sharmeer hose fit as though they were made for
you . . let Miss Foisey show you the advantages ot purchas
ing hose that fit. TODAY ONLY! Main floor.
. 4.
,at IV
. .w v 4
f CD
l J I
r -faaSjtaTaaV
Nosegays That Are Gay!
We've Just "Imported" some
very gay flowers . . .and do
we feel "florist deluxe" to
tha fashionables ot this
town! There's every sort o
nosegay from browneyed Su
sans to demure forget-me-nots!
50c to $1
The "Gift of
of Silks!
Silks, Bembergs, ace
tates and rayons of
the better qualities
are included in this
annual mid - summer
Prints of every de
scription J . plain nov
elties that youH need
for so many, summer
activities S. .. all are
here in this clearance
today at 55c per yard
. . . regularly they sell
at $1.00 i and ?U9.
Gifts" I .
i.: - -A '
l: . W
Linen Luggage
Light aa a feather . . . built like
an airplane ... these carry-all
eases are going places . . . smart
air luggage like these are worth
having ... especially priced for
the girt or boy graduate. With
name or initials, alight- s
ly higher priced VJe4D
.-w ,,, , .