PAGE TUnE:: Junior Prom -for Seniors Friday Will ber Outstanding Affair Tka 03EGOKCTATES2WVi& May 13, 1S33 Utilize Greek Palace Design Queen Margery .Will Lead Grand -March; List ! All Patrons i SILVERTON, May 12.- Early Indications are that the i prom which the junior class at the .sen ior high school will give for the outgoing doss Friday night will be one of the most lovely i affairs of the kind ever held at Silverton. A Greek palace design: will be carried out .and members ; of the art class haTe been working on the decorations for the past sever al weeks, v . Margery Hillman has been cho sen prom queen,, and Erna Boesch, Ruth Nelson and Eva Sawyer as princesses. The7 ball - will open with a grand msfch led by Queen Margery and Don Keunze, presi dent of the junior class. Other es- . eorts are Virgil Canoy. Don Chris- teii8en and Charles Hoagland, all class officers. Graham Preston is general prom chairman. Assisting him are Erna Boesch, Charles - Hoagland, Leslie Anderron. Dersell ! Davis. Robert "DeSantls. "Lois Gay, Ruth Nelson, Opal F.olme, Louise Holm, Mafgery Hillman, Era Sawyer, .Beatrice Leonard and ": t Donald Christensen. iv Patrons for Event Patrons and patronesses include Mr. and Mrs. D. F.- Hfllman. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Boesch, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Nelson. Mr. and Mrs L. R. "Sawyer. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Preston, Mr. and Mrs. J A. Werle, Mr. and Mrs. VV. p. Scarth, son, Lee Mott, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Alfred, Rev. and Mrs. Frank Zook, Mr. jand Mrs. Oscar Loe, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Conrad. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Ir ish, Dr. . and Mrs. R.( E- Klein- sorge, ReT. and Mrs. M, J. Fuhr, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tomison, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roetz. Mr. and Mrs. Herman . Kramer, illr.. . . and Mrs. Harold Dayis, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cockran. Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Gates, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Meul eer, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Crab tree, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Stew ard. Stephen Butler, ,Duy DeLay. Ruth Elliot. Ruth Vance. Esther Bureh. Lucy Howe, Esther Wil cox, Ethel Hardie and! Dorothy Atwood. ? - " X V Graduates Are Guests The guests, who compose the graduating class this Jrear, - are' Helen Lockren. 1 valedictorian; Mary Jane Nofsaker, ialutatoH an; and Marjorie Anderson, Jean Bowman. June- Bowman. Agnes Brenden. Ruth Brewer Virginia Brown. Delores Davis, Garnet Down, Juno Dunigan; Lucille Dunigan. 1 Earla . Garter. . Ruth Hanson, Frances -4 HIginbotham, Lorraine Johnson, ! Edna Kmet. Helen Lambert. Ruth Lof thus. Marie Maasen, Ruth; Maurer, Al ice Miles, Maxlne Morgan, Hazel OU on, Enid Paulson,' Irene Reed, Doris Simeral, Verda, fijovangen, Marjorie Smith, Thorids Setrum, Eileen Stanton, Hazel Tolbat, Hutu Tompson. Hildur Thlrkild sen, Lois Thornley, Evelyn Torr- end, Lucille Wood, Opal Green. Harlan Anderson, Maurice Ben. son. Harold Brendon, Glen Bried-i well, Lloyd Campbell, Albert Canoy, Werner Chilberg, Ray- mono Funrue. Robert Haube. Don Hawes, Henry Holland. Ne Is John son, Oscar Johnson,! Lee Vance, Warn fc Lewis, GroTtr Lichtv. Charles Lorence, Maynard Love lin, Lloyd Magill, Haword Morrl- Robert Xelson. ' s Harold Neuswanger. Vance 01 sen, Arnold ; Otjen, Harold Over Iund, Ernest Palton,! Norman Paulson, James Sanderson, Don Sawyer, Arland Schwab, Kenneth Seeley, Daniel Snyder, Vernon Thompson, Bill Tomison, Eugene Tsehantz, Orval Tschantx, Frank Vaughn, Norris Walen. Boyd Wil liams, Robert Yokum, ; Woodrow Morley, Clifford Severson, Clar ence Johnson; . Farewell ; Dance Staged at j Zena ZEN A, May 12. Attending the farewell dance given; Saturday night in honor of Mr; and Mrs. John Widner And son Keven who left Monday for Prescott, Arizona, where they will make their home, were also the following: - Mr. and Vnl bwea WillUm., If r. and Mrs. R. A. Loaacy, Mr. and Mr. .Bay Bond Williamr John Knntaon, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Foties and children Jewel and Richard, Mr. and Mr.' Herman Cresswcll and children Beanie, Loramc, Donna and Dalc.1 Mr. and Mrs. Theodora Heide and children Viola, Virginia, Rob ert and Clayton, Mr. audi Mra. George Ettel and children Evelyn, Doris . and Clcrna. Carl Christen aen. Couliton An derson and children Mabel and Henry," Mrs. C. Jr. Butler, Mr. and Mr. Louis Butler. Ralph Sohn. Mr. and Mn. Milton Stephens and son Raymond, Mrs, John Honey and son' Leaver, Emmett Johnson, A. 6. IVorthingion. Marion Lynch, Mr. and Mm. Walter Runt - nd children Helen and Kenneth, Mr., and Mrs. Chris Billcstu 'and children Carolyn. John, William and Robert, Mrs; H. 6. Sies and daughter Margaret, W. IT. Crawford and daughter Wilms, ; i The Spring Valley Christian En deavor society sponsored an Ice cream social j on the lanrn sur rounding the; Ivan R4 Utter back home Saturday night j ' Various outdoor games were the direr sion. RE-ELECT j j" M.B.HAYDEN Justice of the Peace 1. The, only candidate admitted to practice law. i 2. Justice1 Court passes on 1500 civil and criminal cases per year. 3. This Court, for economy and jus tice, requires'a lawyer , - not a layman. i 4. I took the Judges' voluntary sal ary cut and returned $48? of my yearly salary to the taxpayers of the county j Record shows rigid penalties in all Drunken? Driving cases without EXCEPTIONS. ! i Republican Primaries May 15 If HORRIBLE STOMACH GAS AND BLOAT KEPT SALEM LADY IN CONSTANT PAIN List Honor 'Heights SALEM HEIGHTS, Students of school their report! cards tills week, for the last quarter of year. Those; listedj Roll, i School Rebecca S. Mount Dies at Silverton Funeral Services For Aged Woman Will Be Held v Thursday j r Grangers' News SILVERTON, May 1J Funeral services for Mrs. Rebecca Stevens Mount, 95, will bo held .Thursday morning at 10 o'clock on the old Mount home place on Liberty hall. Mrs, Mount, Silverton oldest cit iien, died suddenly Monday night at the home of her son. Dr. Guy Mount, In Oregon City, wnere she had cone several days ago for a visit. The Mount reunion, annually; for nearly 40 Tears, has been held in or near Silverton and for years has ! honored especially the aged woman. Last year nearly 100 at" tended the reunion. She had liv ed in the same house here 30 years. Rebecca Stevens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hansen Stevens, was born in Keokuk, Iowa, August 15, 1840. She crossed the plains with her parents in 1852, settling In the North Howell area. At the age of IS years she was married to H. D. Mount, a 1 s o a Marion county pioneer, and who died here some years ago. They celebrated their golden, wedding anniversary prior 10 his death. Mrs. Mount .mothered 14 chil dren, IX-of them being her own. Children surviving are: Dr. Albert Mount and Dr. Guy Mount of Ore gon City; Mrs. Eva Wolfard and Will Mount of Silverton; Nona Kinny of Fallon. Nevada; Robert BRUSH COLLEGE, May 12 Members of the 4-H clubs affili ated with Brush College i grange were special guests at a rousing meeting and banquet late last week. Guest speaker from Co vallis was H. C. Seymour, state 4 H club leader, who In his Instruc tive talk Included the 10 achieve ment points of 4-H club work. A piano solo was given by Ralph Ewing, 4-H club song was sung by a group of girls and tap dance number was given by little Myrtle and Gertrude Meier, accompanied by Miss Margaret Blood.' I May 12. R. C (Dick) Bandy ASSOCIATED PRODUCTS 837 S. Commercial We feature Factory Specified Lubrication Cbek-Cbart ihere received the school on the hon or roll for this yeariod are: First rrade: : Philip iBtnkenihip. El- lie Douglas. Clarence iJacgrr, Pauline Miller. Bichard Stewart. ! Pattv Gur- noagh, Barbara Dotgoni, Ella Ekelton, Billie Bohnnm, Marjorie ! Polaton. Rob ert Elistrom. Bobbr Van i Eaten. Virgil Eckstem. Second grade: Hilton Bur ger,' Janice Barnsbnrgeri Harriet Jonea, Chirley Buraough, Doraj JSohannoa, Ar aith Eckstein, 'Gordon Cota. Third grade: Voyle MeFariand, Dorothy Ann - Saul. Ronald PoUtop,; David Basel, Erla Mae Davenport. -J j j Fourth grade: Raymond Deems. Dor othea Wells, Donald Burger. Gail Draw Kn, Wilma Gorton, Bex Schof ield. Col leen Bardick,, George Manning. )r. nun J . . 1 . 1 ill. Panaln, Bnena Stewart, '.Maynard Drawaon. Alien Klopp. I - : Sixth grade : i Eldon Trenary, Wendell Trndgeon, Jean' Gorten, Charles Beards lire. Adeline Nelson, of High St., Salem, Says: . i "From the First Dose of ,-Van-Tage I Started Feel i ing" Better Now Gas and :a Bloat are . Gone! t This ''Wiiefo j cine and I am Glad to .-) Recommend -It to Any r one vo-Saffers.', " Mrs. Adeline Nelson,. of 33 S N. High SL, Salem, is; now adding her name to the long list of lo cal people who are praising and ?Amaxing V Mixture of - Nature's Medicines'! now. being -Introduced to crowds daily here' in Salem by - .-. " Special -,Van-Tage Representa- . . tire, known a Tha VAN-TAOT5 Man'.- Druggists - and ; public alike ' " a vat a fztt- a. - " . : j mand'jor . this jemarkable com- ... -- able sensation throughout..-this' " -1--- whole. Salem section. Hundreds of suffered : from old, stubborn ail - ments FOR TEARS without find' lng anything to help them, are - ; 1 now "singing ; the praises" of " j Van-Tage, describing what it did r for them ' and urging all suffer 1 tag people to get this' Great Me dicine and take it, . ' I . Read . the following statement . ! recelTed: from Mrs. Nelson.; This . - ; wlilaslw VnAn 1 wanta . ! others to know . bow Van Tago helped her, and. her amaxing . statement explains the . surprls- , lng. action of this new, scientific - compound better than ' anything , .we could . possibly wrlte Read , about ' her ' experience with Van t Tage, and find out, for yourself. f what It CAN DO! r " ' . do itioated up wan oas ! She Couldn't Sleep i "All thia winter I suffered ' - trim indigestion and horrible gas bloating,!! said Mrs. Nelson. "My f M 11 Jti A . Jl. & . Iyoa ulual teeui ; is uiu. iiw nerly. but would tnrn sour and form gas which bloated me up and caused so much. , pain and misery In . my stomach organs that I eould'nt ; eren 1 sleep at ', night. I lost all desire for food ' and simply couldn't enjoy a meal ? because of this suffering: Also Jiad terrible headaches that kept - In CONSTANT misery. Couldn't find anything that would relieve them. . "t T tried everything under the Iran but nothing gave me any real relief. Then I read about Van-Tage and how It was helping so many people here In Salem, so I rot a bottle and started taking It. From the VERY FIRST DOSE I started feeling better! Now my ! : 1 j MRS. ADELINE .XELSOX, f SaleniWbo Says: -I Was in Misery With Awful Gas r and BloaUng; VAN-TAGE Gave Me Quick Relief Read Her Statement Below 1 i ' - - headaches are a thing of the past and all ; that horrible ' gas and bloating has been driven from my system. My food is digesting per fectly, I have a GREAT APPE TITE . and. can . really enjoy, eat ing because v an-Tage has com pletely freed me from all my euf fering. I shall always be glad to recommend , this 'wonder medi cine to anyone who ; suffers as I did.!. -. A -W-' -1 Acts on Bowels, Stomach; Helps You in General! VAN-TAGE Is like several me dicines la . one. It contains over 30 ingredients, including 21 Na tnral Herbs, each one chosen for its particular action on the Hu man System. Some of these great herbs cleanse the bowels and clear gas and bloat from stom ach; others enliven, the liver elean sickening bile from the sys tem and relieve awful biliousness, sick headache and yellowish "muddy" complexion. Still others invigorate your sluggish kidneys and stop backache and night ris ing. And others act, to drive out the poisonons wastes that clog up the system and so often result in the agonizing pains of rheuma tic or neuritic afflictions. So. thia Great Compound! helps you IN GENERAL! And, best of all, the price of Van-Tage is reasonable. It costs only a FEW CENTS JL DAT to take this Amaxing Com pound, so don't hesitate! Get it NOW and start taking It. . A Special Van-Tage Represen tative, known as The VAN-TAGE Man, Is now dally: meeting crowds of people and introducing and ex plaining this Remarkable Com pound. I I ' On Sale at Fred Meyer Toiletry and Remedy Dept. 170 N. Liberty St. ley. Robert Vogt, Ralph Doua-laa. Frances Heinlein. Douglas Sal ladav. Eighth ; grade: i8chyler Gile, Roiutrt woodtmrn. patsy Manning, ner- tha Skelton. Orvin Brown Mildred Roth- weiler. Louise ; Hansen, Rolland Cleve land. Norma ; Smith. Kloise Bowman and Glen Deema-i Klopp. George Salem Lumber Company Buys Mill Gity Planer MILL CITY, May 12 The Cap ital City Lumber company of Sa lem has purchased the big planer.' No. 31, of the former Hammond lumber mill,; and is having it mov ed to Salem. SALEM HEIGHTS, May 12 The final meeting of the commun ity club will be held at the com munity hall. Thursday, May 14, at :30;,Jwith a covered dish dinner to be served. I An interest ing program has been planned by the Snaipsehtian dramatic society. All residents and their families are Invited to attend. - A business meeting will be held with Fred Jaeger, president, pre siding.'; Election of I officers' will be held. . ' . : - . ORCHARD HEIGHTS. May 12 --The- ; Popcorn community club will . hold the last meeting of the year May 14. At this time offi cers for the coming! year will be elected, Mrs. Ethel Vogt has charge ; of the program In which all the children are participating. We follow 1936 j Factory Specifications T0WNSEND Service Station Cor. Center & Commercial ; PHONE 5833 We Use Chek - Chart , System We Call for and Deliver Tour Car! : T" Attain Honor Roll . PIONEER, May 12. Theuehild- ren who attained the honor "roll for this six weeks were Edna Pahrman, Francis Mummerf. Lll lian Mummert, Shirley ' Keller, Dorothy Keller, Jimmie Coy, Ruth and Robert Dornbecker, Gall Wood. Alice and Truman Robbins, and Elizabeth Pahrman. Farmers' Union News . TALBOT, May 12-rThe regular meeting of Sldney-Talbot Farm era' union was held in the school huse Friday night with a large at tendance. ... ; ' : Mrs. John Zehner and O. ; E. Turnldge were elected delegates to the state Farmers' union con vention at Mt. Angel, next week. E. B. .Hennlngson and D. E Bllnston were appointed alter nates ; W. , R. . Mc A lister was mit ted as a member. . - Ray Wickersham and E. C. Hart, members of the Better Bus iness club In Jefferson, gave talks. Mount of Hood RUer; I Minnie Hall and Clara Chambereau, both of Portland. Two ' sisters are thought to be still living. One. is Mrs. Sarah McCubblns of Dayton, Wash. Mrs. Mount will be buried in the Silverton. cemetery beside her husband. Guarantee Long Life . to Your Car A C SMITH SERVICE STATION Corner S. Commercial and . Miller Streets We Use Cliek-Chart System Lomia Chorus to ; Present Recital Thursday Night INDEPENDENCE, May 12. The Lomla chorus directed by Miss Blanche Cohen of Albany will be presented in a recital at the Oregon normal school auditorium Thursday night at 8 o'clock. Fred Neal, pianist of Albany college will assist Besides chorus ' numbers, the program will include solos by Mrs. M. J. Butler. Peter Larson, Bar bara Nelson, , Kathern Larson, Clarence Slocum, Nellie Howard, Elizabeth Larson and - piano solo by Fred NeaL , " Orders were placed for binding twine. : - Cars ; last longer with . 1 Johja W. Harbison . 290N,Hih; v Across from City Hall - Wl USZ Chek-Chart STSTLM Wo4 lubricate cars as the factory specifies HOLLYWOOD SERVICE STATION North Capitol at Fairgrounds Road The Big 5 Pomp Station wi usi Chek-Chart system THE SAFESTj 1 LUBRICATION IS ' 'ft By Factory Trained Specialists ; We Use Atsociated Oil Product :- -- 5. - ' " ' . : i ' . - - . ; b ; Valley Motor j Co. Center & Liberty- Phone 3158 . EVENS VALLEY. May 12 Ev ens Valley community club elect ed officers at its annual business meeting held Friday! night at the Evens Valley school: President, Alfred - Loe i vice-president, Con rad Johnson: secretary. Ruth- Temple; treasurer, Arthur Bren don; assistant treasurer, Joe Le- Rud. f v 1 -; - v - . ,, Plans were made for the annual school and community all-day pic nic to be held at the school) grounds May 24. The club also voted i to purchasej an electric plate for the kitchen at the schooL - A program was given prepared by Mrs. Oscar Loe,! Ed Lof thus and Oral Egan. j - . r . i mm- ' : ou4l!uif . 'j p: jr;For: husbim y? .To forget once in awnile is just as much a privilege of men as of women. The only person who has no right to forget is right place, af the right time. the dealer who takes care of your car. That's why-Assocfc a ted Dealers have installed a record system of lubrication service. It won't let anyone forget , : "When lubrication is needed, it reminds you. .If one of those special "every 5,000 mile jobs is due, it points that out. Nothing can be overlooked. Once you enter your car in a Smiling Associated Dealer's record and reminder system i your up-keep worries are over. Factory Specified the safest lubrication I On your car there are at least 40 points requiring regular j lubrication. If one of these points is overlooked or the i wrong lubricant cised there's possible danger, ahead re i jiairs, or perhaps a serious breakdown. Associated Factory ! . Specified Lubrication System is designed to meet your car manufacturer's specifications. The right lubricant, in lua : ; - f t Specify Cycol Motor Oil Cycol leads the field jn these qualities demanded hy mod- ern motors: (1) Cycol cannot corrode modern bearings.! (2) Cycol forms less carbon than any other motor oiL (3) ; Cycol offers less oil drag saves gasoline. 'For complete y protection depend on Cycol motor oils and greases. - " v ' ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY MAY SPECIALS Dirty spark ping eaaso power loss and waste gaaoliac Ask yoar SmiUag Aaaodated Dealer to cleaa and adjost yoor spark pings '. --Aa -;' '--i' f-:pf m aw "arm k vw ' . - A ' rtujb nuua-new "ABto service neeora" maatw ; luulswttia anil MMirJia at i.nfaa aiaanl. Ea Id I keep track of gas and oil porch ra amd mileage. . ''L"l D 0 FACTORY SPECIFIED rwWWs-avivvvwwwi aav