r Tha dlEGO-I STATESMAN, Salesu Orescrt, Thiureciay Morniaj, Maj 7, 1333 ------- - - ------ -J ( - i- . i S" 4 , avarftt JaW-ahi A - sW 7 Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified advertising Single Insertion per line u. Tbree insertions per line L. 10c 20c Six insertions per line 30c One month per line , ,i fie " Minimum charge -.2 5c Copy for this page emptee aatil 8:20 tha eveaiag before publication .for elifieatie. Copy received after thia time will he mm anaer tae head lag Toe Late t Ciasaify. i . The Stateamaa aura sua b tints slal . respoBaihi ty for error -which slay appear is adaertisenaats publii--4 ia it colomnt, and is case where this paper ia at faolt will repriat that part of aa advertiaemeBt ia whlrb t-e typographical saietake ecears. t Tfca Sutesaiaa raaertea tat right to reject questionable advertising.: It f or thtr reserves tee right to classify all aSTertistng easer tk proper claeaifira tioa, , . Help Wanted Male -I ' HOP TRAINERS wanted Williams hop jrard, 4 mLiwest of Salem, TeL si4. ;i - ! . . - - WANTED WHITE fir wood cutttra. Ashcraft, 370 Klngwood Ave. TeL 3380. WANTED WHITE fir cuttera. IS.eO cd. Good camping place. Apply 1025 SccondV street,! West Salem. TeL iL . : , . . . . j"--iiij-iijin.r .ri.ri ri.nr.njnja.njnrLnjTnrLru WANTED EXP service station at tendant. XTZ," Statesman. ; I HHn Wanted Female - EXPERIENCED I HOUSEKEEPER. Give age, references, wages expected,, .etc. Box Statesman. rl , I V" Situations Wanted .1 ' EXPERT "tNTERIOR 'ana f exterior painting and kalscmintnfc Very reason-' able. TeL. 3342. - ;- - -: - . HIGHLY EFFICIENT and capable l etenograpber. bookkeeper wants posi tion in Salem or vicinity. Lumber, le gal, transportation.' and secretarial ex- perlenre. Single. For Interview ad dress Box-110, Pfataman. I For Sale Micel!aneon I " Safe fo keta. sale, flr.'proot 2S tltrm' i WrTBAT, WHITE, Oats. Bring sacks. Mrs. Wright, 4M ml Wallace Rd. f TOP DIRT, rand, ferttluter,- garden tocIe. PIwna.3300, Lacey. r ! GASOLINE. BARREL LOTS, 15 He. Free delivery. Lucky Corner S. Sta. TeL T0C9. ' . : TENNIS -SHOES for boy a or 'men, -49c. Greenbaum'a, 244 N. Com'L 1 HAT FOR sale, oat and vetch, also straight oats. Rhoten farm near Rob- 'rts, C ml S. W. I'iione 78F12.: ; . 1 ADDING MACHINES, cash regis 'ters, typewriters sold, rented, swapped. Krpert repair service, moderate price. Roen Typewriler Exi. 420 Court. - . FRENCH POODLE pun, 8840. . : - -FOR FLOWER and reg-etabte plants, plione 8437. Jay Morris, Florist NEW MARIGOLDS Harmony and TXxxy Sunshine. Jay, Morris. Florist Phone 8637. - - -. -y . -i - . 1933 CRQSLET RADIO, table set. Route 4, Box 4L near Pringle scbooL jacK fluEe. t- AMERICA N-BOSCH radio with short wave. A real set Cost 8.8. Must sell 139.59 now. 695 N. High St, Salem. : -j j ' l-WHEEL TRAILER, excellent con dition, reasonable. TeL 5448. ; SALE CHEAP, eleven ft McRay Frigtdaire refrigerator case. Inq, 17 So. CornL - . - I - - UPHOLSTERING. CUSHION vice furniture repairing. McDowell, i I Center. TeL 96SJ. Wanted MiseeUaneonart - Free --We pick up dead and worth-1 teas horses, cows, sheep TeL 4. 1 Miscellaneons ; f HAIECDTS. ADULTS He, chndren 24c. 393 S. Winter SU corner Trade, I Wanted Fnrnitnre CASH PAID FOR TOUR TOOLS. . Stoves, furniture Capital Hardware ft rurnttnre Co. - 865 tt. Commercial Phone 7846 . For Rent Rooms i 1 SLEEP. ROOM and garage! T. 6349. CLEAN COMFORTABLE : sleeping room, close in, 445 Ferry St , s, ; Room and Board t . NEWLY DECORATED room for two with board. Reas n'M. 1734 Chemeketa. ROOM AND board. 549 N. Cottage. RM.-BD-TL 8394. 860 Chemeketa. Room and Board 3r ROOM AND BRD US' & Winter. ' 1 For Rent Apartments I APTS. $ AND $8. $55 BeHeTue. 63jJ-ai-VrM-S--"l l" - -1 - aa aa a-assan S ROOil FCRN. apt. 1553 State. 1 ROOM APT., also 3 room apt Fur nished. Tel. 7444. Ul Basel Ave. Call before $ or af ter 3 p. nv - ,- -1 2 -ROOM LA RGB- apartment 639 N. Liberty. TeL 3346 - FURN. ( EVERTTinN G. ) 349 Divi sion. .. i . . . - vxnnnfr. - 8 R. FURN. apt. adults. 589 N. Llb erty. TeL 4494. ; ! 3 ROOM FURN. apt, 656 Center.. APT&, FIRE., Frig. PrL bath. I11S. ADVERTISING , , Western Advertising : , ReprersentatiTes Fenger-EaH Co, Ltd, . Baa rraacisee. Lea Aagilea, Seattle oi Eastern Advertising: Represents, tires -Bryant, Griffith ft Branson, Inev Chicago. New-York, -Detroit, . rt Boston, Atlanta i J ttflered at ise reefertee e Oreocn as Seeeaad-Cwss Sfatter. Ps- M-ki nurv aaerwtee aweeiK UonMay rTMarneae ere. 316 Bonth Ceaatro fffrcet. - f .'. SUBSCRIPTION, RATES t . - Mali Subscription Rates, ta i Advance, within uregon: W r,a"u.Va. -, Ma 69 cents: a jaa I tZfor $5.00 for 3 year In advance, tet t For Rent Apartments I VKRT REASONABLE 1 end 3 room apt. 343 N. Commercial. SMALL TITRS. apt-i In. 1917 S. Coml St.. i garage, close CLOSE-IK 3-R. ftirn. apt-,' 1st floor, garage. Adults. 89;f.uL- . ' . 2 R. FURX. apt. Ground floor, reas onable. I S9 Oak. Tel. 6276. DUPLEX APT.. 131 N. Winter. J R. FURN. APT. claL. TeL 83 SI. i 495 N. Comrner- SMALL FURN. apt.. 590 Union. r 3 ROOM "APT., t overstuffed tare, fireplace, 655 Center St. furni- FURN. Cottage. - HOUSE, j $53. N. 1 AND 2 R. APTS. furn. or unfuro. Clos in. SS Water St. ! J ROOM FURN.; apt, water furn., garage. 1121. N. Churcl St. I Fop Kent House SMALL 3723.- MOD. turn, house. TeL "ONE ROOM- furn. house, 8810. For Rent Bent I acres. Call 4SF15. HosplUU beds and wheelchairs to rent H. U Stiff FomUnre Ca . Office- rooma for rea. -381 Stats 4H. fL 3718. ' f PARTIALLT Call, 72 s . FURN; . otfioa space. Wanted to Rent i TO A. CLOSE in. Must have fairly good bldgs. Prefer place with trait, berries, shade. If place :1s suit able- migbt consider option to uy. TeL WANT 4-r. HOUSE, turn, or unf urn., by May 13. Box 1097, care Statesman. For Sale Real Estate I Houses: Grant. Sit Court. TeL 1733. DANDY 4 K., bath. rood, except heat. shrubs, nice-lawn, car.; good location, bus. AU stoves with house: yes, 81800 JIQ0 down, J14.00 mo. Better hurry. C. H. SAJiUEKS WITH I J. D. SEARS...11S SO. High St 5-ROOM ' HOUSE, modern. Interior completely redecorated; 31750.00 terms. World T ar eteran s State Aid Comm. C M. Irwin, Marion county representative, 463 Ferry St? Phone 4643. j r - WHT PAY rent! when you can buy 5 R. house, 330 down, baL 15 per mo., interest included. 1 s - SS A. mi. of Salem, good soil, run ning water the year around, to trade for residence property here, F. H. WEIR. Ore. Bid. Ph. 8902. IN NORTH SALEM . LOVELY HOME of & nice rooms. i basement, furnace. I fireplace, etc Cor nr lot 68x75 with .beautiful - lawn, shrubs and pool. Owner leaving, city offers special price of 13900. You will like tt. -- ;.r. Call MRS. ELLIS with -CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 844 State Street j - !r Phone 8708, BARGAIN!? i LARGE. MODERN home close to business district suitable for good home or ran be used for -commercial purpose; Easily-worth! 312,000. . Will sell for 96.000 with 81.000 cash. "See ing Is Believing." Call for appoint? ment - - - ., , MRS. ELLIS with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 SUte Street t ! Phone 6708 '"J1'': U' FOR S ALEJORUTRADE 40 ACRES. GOOD land, 8 miles from ialem, 4 room housed . barn, poultry house, w. w. fence, 19 acres in arop, i lamuy orcnara, svvd.vv. . 1 - . a.AAAAA S ACRES WITH spring, lots or fruit 4 room bouse, bam and poultry house. Will trade tor Salem " bouse and pay difference. FARMS FOR: SALE 23 Acres with good bldgs. 5,250.00 74 Acres, no bldgs. i , s.suo.oe 60 Acres, good bldgs. i. 10.000.00 ROSTEIN A ADOLPH 4 118 North Commercial St YOU CANTfind a; house-to rent? 859 down: 215.00 per me. will buy a good house at a Sacrifice. Out of state owner. - i H. C. Shields, Oreg. 6ldg. TeL 8902. I For Sale Farms CI 49 A. GOOD bldgs., at Grand Ronde, $2500. Terms.' Box 1998, care States man. . ' i V' ! GOOD FARM BUY 264 ACRES. BEST of productive land 3 miles out on paved highway, 20 acres cultivated and in crop, baL excel lent pasture with Creek.' 5 room bun galow, barn, garage and chicken coops, electric lights, driven well with water system. A real snap for ' $5000, one-half cash or will take Salem home as part payment" ? SEE CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 SUte Street i j - Phone (70S. 6V A. SM ML FROM Salem, ltt A. ia walnuts, cherries and other fruit, " '- S-R. plastered - bouse, good barn, chicken house. Excellent soil 32508. ... -I. U A 44 mL from city. 5-R. house. bath, water piped to. bouse, oooo barn, some fruit and nuts $1850. I 25 A. 5-r. plastered house, lights, barn. -chicken house,: all cult, lencea, good soli.-close to school xzgao. 14 A. 8 mi. N. 5-R. bouse, barn, chick en house, fenced, all cult 92100. MELVIN JOHNSON - - 725 Court St Phone 8723 . Wanted Real Estate j IF TOUR property Is for sale,' rent or. exchange, list It with lis, .Prompt a : courteous service, s CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors i 344 State 8treet ; Phone 6708. I Money : to ; Loan S MONET. LOAN $10,080 for me at 5 saya one of our Investing cus- teeners, Must be good security. Farm, acreage or city properties. See vs for prompt service on real estate loans. : Low costs. l - CHILDS A MILLER. Mtcre. Loans 314 State Street ; Phone 6701 A Complete Service on Loans Up to $300 - Personal Loans We can advance cash quickly and privately to any employed man or woman In 24 houra Beneficial Loan Society of Salem Room 1 19, New Bllgh Bldg. 2nd floor LICENSED NO. 8-123 ft m 165 by - STATE - - - 618 State St - TeL 87 4 6l 1 Loans Made la Nearby Towns FOUR PER CENT! paid on savings INSURED to $5,800.80. i Salem Federal Savings A loan Assn. Guardian Bldg. f- i -C Phone 8801. By aa Independent &-Uem Ftnanee Co. AmounU to 61500.00 One to Twenty ; Months to Repay ; Deal .with an ! indepenflent Salem ewned-and-ope rated -finance company where roar -needs wtll receive every consideration both before and after the I loan is mada I No Delays - .-No Red Tape j Qcneral Finance Corp. For Sale Used Cars jl OTTO J. OAS BEEN! SELLING! GOOD USED t, -. pEOrX-SOF THIS VICIMTX... . ; ; HONESTY IS THE BEST POUCT VTB HAVE A GOOD REPCTATTOM TOUR CAB FROM US WITH CONFIDENCE. 1934 Pontlac 4-doof Sedan 1934 Pontiac 2-door Sedan 1934 Buick 3-door Sedan 1934 Ford Convertible Ccmpa ., ,. ,, 1933 Budck 7-pass. Sedan 1932 Bulck Standard 4 dr. Sedan, wh. equipment 1931 Buick Small Serlea 4-door Sedan 1931 Buick Small Series Coupe 1932 Ford Sport Roadster - , ...... 1930 Ford Model A coupe 1930 Buick Standard Coupe, wh. equipped, nimble seat , 1929 Buick Standard Sedan . 1929 Buick Standard Coupe ,., ... OTTO J. ! Bulck ft Pontlac 888 N. Commercial; Street at the USED CAR MART COUPES 1928 Nash Coupe -1199 -8465 -8349 9849 -.149- -3145 1933 Plymouth Coupe 1911 CheT. DeL Coupe L 1931 Stude Coupe 1927 Buick 'Coupe -L 2 DOORS- 1928 Pontlac Tudor U 1927 Oakland Tudor L .8119 ..9365 1931 Chev. Tudor - These : Cara have been Completely - . t 40 DAY BONDEU Your Terms in Reason - - - HERRALL-OWENS CO. I "DEPENDABILITY DODGE and PLYMOUTH Sales and Service , 21 HOURS Phone 3169 I Money to Loan rederai bowsing aoanis title t. build or refinance homes or i business prop. Low rates. Abrame A Ellis, Masonic B PRIVATE LOANS for automobiles New low rates. Roy IL Simmons, First National Can BlcJg. j l Loans Wanted Loans ; wanted on farm city property. ' Before borrowing, at Hawkins A Roberta, j " inquire t Livestock and 1 Ponltry ' 1 ' BABY CHICKS for farm or home: 19 vmrteUes. Baby cockerels, pullets, custom hatching. Ph.) I33F3. Lee's Hatcheryi ! i MATCH TEAM mares, weight about 160 lbS.i -Mr - i Good team.; weight about 1490 lbs. ' One good black double mare, weight 1100- lbmJ .:..-.! i . Several good single horses and mares cbeap. ! - ! One good team mares. 1209 lbs. SALEM HORSE A COW MARKET - N. Commercial A Liberty St . ,. SALE-4 YOUNG mules. 4 mL 8. of Dayton. . TeL Dayton 19X3, Boulden, I For Sale Wood - UUAKANTEEO DRT wood cwaf- TeL 504. Salem Fuel iCo Trade Cottage I ) -- I . 16 IN. OLD fir. TeL 8618. BIG 16 old fir, growth. Ph. 5616. $5.00. 16 dry see Wood Sawing Wood sawing, lowest prtceav T. 40S4 Lost and Found LOST-IbROWN coin purse con tain Reward. TeL Ing currency,! Sunday. 8280....U I- LOST iJEWELED wrist watch, on black ribbon. Reward. TeL 6353. aa-,aaassjas1saaa-saaLea T-ST-lnr.Ar?K silk ladv's hand bag contng. Eastern Star receipts. T. J287. Fori Sale Used fCareTI We Recommend the Follouing Used Cars ' 1926 PONTIAC Coupe I , .-..QUO 1928 PONTIAC Coach I ,. . , 225 1939 DURANT Sedans j- 265 1935 DODGE. Sedan . , 7f 1928 DURANT Sedan.; 225 1927 STAR Sedan , , iz 1925 FORD Sedan 25 1929 DURANT Sedan ..4 , , r , 1931 DURANT Sedan - ,- 365 1926 BUICK Sedan C ; 145 1928 CHRYSLER. Sedan 18a 1927 OLDS Conch , j L, 145 1928 OLDS Sedan , j i , .. L225 ia CHRV. Deliverr ,- i. 145 1931 FORE Sedan j , - v.. TELLE Touring . i , u - 19SS RTA Roadster J , . 100 1930 FORD Sedan , SALEM AUTO CO. Home of 'CHb'TSLER ft PLYMOUTH 435 N. Com'L - - i Phone 4473. 26 MODEL T FORD, rnxtet axle. Bosch . ignition. Hot Spot carburetor. Also A- trailer. J.415 J4. OaLa. 2B WHIPPET 64F13. i COACH.. $75. . TeL Play Day Held by 7 Rural Schools VICTOR POINT, May I geren schools fin adjoining districts met at Victor Point Friday, In observ ance of blayvday, as a part ot na tional health week.. Nearly 100. school children and about 50 par ents attended. ! ' Ia the morning a tine program was given with the Union Hill, dak Grove. Victor Point, Silver CUIf. McAlDln. Silver raUs, val ley Vlelr Bchool children partict-1 Dating. A bonnurni basket din ner was served afte? -which vari ous sports "were enjoyed. ! Teachers of the seven schools who made all - arrangements for the day, axe: Miss-Alma Ander-' son, McAlpln; Miss i Evelyn Hen- neyOak Grove; Miss Alice Ja- quct. Union Hill, Mi$s Iola tack ey. Silver Falls; Miss Kreta Cala- van,; Silver Cliff; Mrs. Daphna Hunt, iValley "View!, and Miss Jeanne J Oeder, Victor Point. Miss Cowcill Visits PIONEER; May f-Mis Helen Cowgill ot" Corvallla, "state direc tor of sewing in the 4-H clubs vis ited the Pioneer school Monday morning. Snpt WEls was also present: and both (spoke to the 'children cf the work. Jor Sale Usetl Can WILSON CARS FOR OVER : 25 TEARS TO TO tTPBOLD SO TOTJ CAN BUT --1675.00 Z 435.00 745.60 495.00 895.00 545.00 446.00 435.00 365.09 245.00 365.00 , i 285.09 . 235.09 WILSON Sales ft Service Phone Salem 5451. SEDANS 1923 Pontine Sedan , 1928 Chrysler Sedan 1927 Stude Sedan $249 , .$199 .8149 .3189 1927 Buick Sedan 1930 Cadillac Sedan . -9249 TRUCKS 1928 Graham 133 Chev, L. W. B. . ..3199 S465 $285 19S3 Ford R W. B. Reconditioned and carry our OUAKANTEB ' 1 - Tiny, Payments on Balance A DAY i . 235 S. Commercial Brook Students To Give Program Holland Is Theme of Event to Be Presented at School Tonight i BROOKS, May 6 Pupils of the Brooks grade school will . present program, at the- Brooks school house Thursday night, under the. direction of Principal Carl Steel hammer, Miss Rose Marie. Kron berg and Miss Louise Andrus. Numbers axe: Play, "Our Friends In Holland," with Radio Announ-. eer Burl Pemberton; song, "Little Toy Land of the Dutch," first and second graders; speaker, HoK land Costumes, Teddy White; duet, "Little Dutch Mill. Delores and Ernest Gaub;. s p e a k er, "Hans", Harvey :Lea; song, Lois Lowery and Delores Miller; Hol land Customs, Susummie Kyono; little Holland milk maids, Ann Russell, Marna; Beverley McCoy, Gretehen; Romona McKnlght, Betje; third speaker, George Mo rloka;.song customs, LeRoy Loo mis; boy with the dog cart, Henry Ogura; duet, "Knitting Girls", Michie TJnemoto and . Yoshle Ka irata; "The Sleepy Tulips.". Giro Umemoto; Dutch dolls ong, by Suiio Vamiyasu, Rulle Kaneko and Nobuka Kawata. Glee Club to Sing 1 Reading, "How Jimmy Tended the Baby", Bruce TJUman; dia logue, "A Cure tor Discontent", by Robert Bailey, Ronald Jones, jr., Alfred McCoy, Leslie Lowery, Lred Lea, Richard Ogura, Harry Kaneko, Mickey . Tamlsyasu, Charles Wanless, Tom Imagawa, Oral Lee Fitts, Lily Potts, Muriel Pitts; Girls glee club song, "Apple Blossom Maidens," In costume, queen, Kreta Fae Ashbaugh, Roseann Henny, Bertha Loomls, Tomoko NInomiya, Martha Ume moto, Maxine McKnlght, Edna LaFlemme, Dorothy McKnlght, Koto Kyono, Evelyn LaFlemme, Martha Hutto, Minnie Cutsinger, Delphine Loomls and Arlene Ras mussen. - r r',. Play, "Little Rd Riding Hood, by Elvira Satter, Oral Lee Fitts, Martha Hutto, Muriel Fitts, Lilly i Kaneko, Toshle Tamiyasuv Hlsako Wakata, Haruyl Tamlya- su, Martha Imagawa, Ernie Mori- oka, Lucille Pemberton, Myrtle Kiehl, Lily Potts, Toyoko Kawata, Mason V Kyono, Kenneth ; Reed, Yutaka Kyono," Forrest McCoy, LeRoy Pemberton and Clarence Cutsinger; dialogue, "Getting In formation", by Carl and Robert Fitts; recitation, "Duel Between Mr. Ehott and Mr. Nott" Billy Cottew; play, "Beep Beep, Clang Clang, vBoop-Ooop a-Doop", - by Clifford Bishop, Charles Dowe, Dick Gallagher, Arthur Ktehl, Iv an , McCoy, Loyle Satter, Jack Bosch, Raymond Potts, Glen Mo- rioka, Maxine McKnight, Kreta Fae Ashbaugh, Roseann Henny, Clarence Gaub, Elmer Cutsinger, George Lowery. and detective. Masao Tamiyasn, Improvement Is Slow AUMS VLLLE, May ft Mis s Ad dle Garbe is- still In the Stayton hospital, . where she was taken two weeks ago with an infected hip. She underwent an operation later, but Is Improving very slow, ly, due to her advanced age.; KOnCK OP FINAL SET11JE3IET Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has filed In the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion, his. duly verified final account, as admitis trator of the estate of Lucy JS. Sls wert, ' deceased, and . that aat Court has fixed Tuesday, the 26th day of May, 195 S, at the hour of ten o clock of said day, as th? time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House, at Si lem, in Marion County, Oregon- the place for hearing said final ae connt and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem,. Oregon, till? z?ra day of April, 1936. . ... .WILLIAM C SIKWERT. Administrator of the E , r tate ot Lucy E. Siewen Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER. Attorney for Administratrix. Salem, Oregon. A23-30My7-U-2l For Sale Used Care It LboM Lbld Look! i - .1 ' They Musi Co - -We Need Room MORE USED CAR SPECIALS A SQUARE DEAL ALWAYS I i I r, t 5 i i ; i. E ' 5 1935 V-8 TOUR. SEDAN 1925 V-8 COACH 1933 V-8 DeLUXE CPE. Com p. overhaul 1933 DeLUXE DODGE SEDAN ,-, , , ., . 1929 NASH LIGHT-SIX SEDAN , 1939 MODEL A FORD CPE. Comp. i rubber , ,.,.. 1929 MASTER BUICK SEDAN AND MANY OTHERS THE VALLEY Marlon A Liberty TWO USED Phone NEW DEAL INCREASES FARM IMPORTS: FROM CANADA 10 FOLD THE AMERICAN FARMER seems the Canadian border. Do you blame Here are a few of the Increases this year ever January 1935, which ment ha caused; -t . Wool, 22 Told; perk, 17 fold; choose, 12 fold; swUtaet, 11 fold; poultry, 10 fold; cattle, S fold; beef, fold; and horses, I foldVThe average Increase In the Imports just listed has been 10 to 1 over January a year a no, thus depriving the American farmer of these sales. ' . This -flooding of the American' market with Canadian farm products eannot be balanced by "soil conservation" Government checks er ether artificial methods. " . . : v , i Saanen Goat From Sold to Breeder Doe, Age Three, SCIO, May (. Mrs. Jay Bran- Bom of Scio this week shipped a kid goat to New Bedford. Mass? chnaetts. The two-months old kid purebred registered Saanen and one ot a noted herd. June. 1S , will mark the 20th year that Mr. and Mrs. Bransom have been engaged In raising purebred . goats. Their ? largest herd was on their farm n e a r Falls City about 10 years . ago, and numbered 200. They have also been In the goat business in Dallas. . They came to Scio a few months ago, and plan to continue with registered Saanens at their home on south Main street, where they have pasture facilities-for a tmali herd. ; - y a . The ; kid recently shipped to the eastern state will bring a price of 20, a low for registered stock. Mrs. Bransom states. The Bran- Business Carda ta this directory ru oa a rnonthJy ban la only. Rates tf .00 per line per month. I Auto Brakes alike Panes, 371 South ComtnereUL Chimney Sweep relephone 4160. R E. Northneaa Chiropractors DR. O. I. SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor .56 N. High TeL Res. 9753.. Electrical Serviee I BOSIJCR tOectrte, 846 State St. wir- ng aioiora appliaaca. repair service Electrical Tattooing LOW PRICED Sailor Jack 431 & XTth. Excavating r C ace ting ef all klnda Baeemenu dna. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for aale. Satam Sand and Gravel Co. Phono 94SS. . Florists BreUhaupt'a, 411 CoarL llomeopathie Physician DR. Li a Altman. Tresta both acute and chronic diseasea Office and resi dence. 607 Center. TeL 582 A Ldtmdriea TltR KKW SAt.CM LAUNDRT THE treiDES LAUNDRT !63 High ' TeL 9125 -; cariTAL ctTT laundht First in Quality and Service rMephene 3165 v 1284 Broadway Lawn Mowers irpeneC. rewilred and 5 traded. Ph. isia. Hirrr W. Scott.. 147 a Coml l-L klnda ef floral work, I-uta, Fasr ist, Ull N. Uherty. Tel. 8532. For Sale Used Cara j .3675 -9565 ..3185 .8595 -I65 everhauL new saint sood . . : ,.,,.,L. 9?3 . 9245 TO CHOOSE FROM MOTOR CO. CAR LOTS 7910 , - ' Center A Liberty shocked at what he sees coming ever Mm? In Canadian Imports for January of the New Deal Reciprocal Trade agree Bransom's Herd in lIassachusetts; Has IrTilking Record j soma have shipped kids and milk goats to every state in the union, and , to Alaska and the island ot "Rosle Ponselle," a purebred Toggenburg doe, brought the highest price, 300, ot any In the Bransom herd. She was sold as a two-year-old to a buyer in Salt Lake City, in 1923. The B ran soms paid 1100 tor her before birth. - ; "Gloranna," one of the regis tered Saanen does now at the Bransom place In Scio, has not freshened for two years, but con tinues to give more than a gallon of milk a day. Mrs. Bransom proudly Invites skeptics to view this three-year-old's production at any milking time. Mrs.' Bransom has shown prize goats many times at the state fair In Salem. Directory ftlattresses Mattress remade, new cover. $3.95. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4089. SALhl-t ..FLUFF-RUG and SUurese Factory. NEW afATTRESS made is order; old remade ; carpet cleaning, sts- ing: fluff rug weaving & 13th ft Wil bur. TeL 84 4 L v OTTO P. ZWICKER. Est. 191L Music. Stores t KO ft B ll Pianos, radios, sewlns machlnea sheet music and piano atud- lea Repairing radios, pnonograpns end sewing macninea, 432 btate btreet tsaiem. I Photo Engraving i I Siiiem photo engraving. uM-rciaL- TeL 6387. i4i k Cam- Printing FOR STATIONER., cards, ' pampb- leta programa booka or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department- 215 & Commercial .Tele phone 910L V-;iJ - "'-i I Sewing Machine Repairs C E. Leatbermsn. T 8676. 1163 Waller. Stoves I lepatr stoves, ranges. . circulator Sell new and rebuilt stove ranges and circulator stock fence, post chicken wire. Salem Fence and Stove work 262 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. B. B Fleming- - - Transfer KUH loearor distant' transfer storag all 2181. I -inner Transfer Ce Trucks Portland dally . " j Ramseyar truck service. Phone 8254. CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 226 itinta St. TeL 7773. Distributing, for wardlns and aterase our suerluUy. Get er rate:. . ASHCRAFT TRUCK service. TeL S380. Vacuum Cleaners For rent or service, call 'Saleta Kara- ware Co- TeL 4906. Well Drilling f r- l For Sale Used Care l I Buy'Your Used Car From Lower Prices Generous Trades v McKay Chevrolet Co: 430 N. Commercial Woodburn Holds Music Progiams North End County Festival . To Be Ileld Friday - Afternoon WOODBURN. May 6 National music week Is being appropriately observed in Woodburn this week with some excellent r programs. The first entertainment was held at the home of Mr. and ; Mrs. Ar thur Dickenson Monday night when the Harmony club presented & musical program to a large aud ience. Miss Ida Johnson- acted as leader and announced the various numbers. . --.v ir-v, --'-; Tuesday night music lovers of Woodburn were given an oppor tunity to hear some worthwhile talent. : The homes of J. J. HalL J. H. Llvesay, F, G." Evenden and Arthur Dickenson were opened to friends and neighbors to enjoy a progressive musical program. .. Progressive Program " Included on the program were: Group 1, solo by "Wayne B. Ten- nant accompanied by Miss Wilms Morrison; vocal duet, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Miller; vocal trio, by L. C. Bnchner, Wayne Tennant and Howard Miller; piano solo by Mrs. Frances Harp port of Salem; piano solo by Miss Morrison. Sec ond group: vocal solo by Mrs Herman Stone accompanied by Mrs. Paul, Pemberton r violin so los by Joseph Safeiick f Canby accompanied by J. C. Ivan; piano solo, Miss Joyce Woodfin. Third group: vocal solo, - Barbara Jen sen accompanied by Miss vera Jean Huber; two numbers by the high school quartet consisting of Hilda Trulllnger, Helen Hicks, Edna Shrock and Mildred Howe; and piano solo by Vera Jean Hu ber. Fourth group: a o 1 o by Mrs. Donald Orr accompanied by Mrs. J. Melvin Ringo; reading by Miss Esther Hettinger, and saxophone numbers by a trio consisting of Norma Richards, Kenneth Asbnry and Harold Steele. ! ! - Friday afternoon at j 1:30 o' Cross Word Puzzle b U VA 15 I6 I7 yAi I 0 I 1 J L LIl-l -; J 35 " 7 34 3T 5 57" so - 4i 3T By EUGENE HORIZONTAL " " ' 1 Dry (said of wines) . - . 4 What Aastriaa p ay ehia trial la - Ike founder of psych a lysis 7 9 Drink in small quantities , 12 Feminine name - - JA '. .IS Passageway - j, , ; - ' ,: 14 Who wrote "The Mats of the Red Death'? t -i 15 Tree l 17 Sea cucumber i , . . ; 19 Attempt r- . J :. 20 Duck 21 Color 23 Letter of the alphabet 34 Exclamation 26 One-spot' " 20Tre t 31 What English : navigator de- feated the SpanUU Armada? 33 Clothing. t , -35 Armed combat '-. 37 Boil slowly r s j 38 Greek epie 40 Deity - 42 Worm - . i r i 43 Mystic word 44 Island of the Caroline group 46 Child! protective cloth aSWhat French aaiater . la fa. : mens for his studio ia iassi- naalrvi Claude ' ? SO Who laid the first aabmar-ae telegraph liae ia New York harbor 7 S4 Who is the "well of English tmdefiled"7 - - 56-Horny scales on the fingers 67 Possessive pronoun r 5S To inspirit - . , -. , : v , . 60 Put on 61 Wager 62 Send, as money due . 63 Witness VERTICAL - 1 Faction -- ' " 2 Always - . 2 Mohammedan judge ' 4-Who te the Poataaaiter Gen eral ef the U. S. T - 5 Japanese measure 6 Famous Italian princely family 7 What pepolar actress tarred I U "Lain Be lie" t Lenore For Sale Used Caw 1 Better" Cam 4-w G. 3X. A.Vc. ; Terms Phone 3189. clock - the" north Marion ' county grade school children, will give a musical festival in the Woodburn high school gymnasium .with 300 children participating. Friday,-at p. m.. In the nigh, school Ana? itorinm the : annual eommnniti musical will be held." Various or ganizations will contribute num bers to this program. The publis Is invited ;to attend, r Festival Is Held At Mehama Gym t ? ' : MEHAMA. May The music festival held at the school Monday afternoon i was well attended. The : event was directed by the Meha- , ma, Oakdale and Howell teacher,. The Mehama gym was beautifully decorated fwith dogwood. The- pro- gram wast - -rr ; i vt;;vv ' Primary; group, aongs; "Red Sails for the Sunset', harmonica number by Glen and Edward Rog ers; primary group ? songs ; tap dancing by Mildred" Black and Larry KImsey; duet by Mrs. Slet to and Mrs. Apple;1 piano duet, Schotiische, by Doris- Apple and Lois Stevens; "Oregon", by audi ence; "Utile White Butterfly", by Howell primary: - "Rheumat's Song" by Mehama 4-H club; songs by! audience and by upper and in termediate groups; harmonic band number by Florence, Irene and Orvilje Poole, Harold Stout and Larry KImsey; intermediates, songs; -"Keep the S Twinkle in Your Eye by. Howell boys; sev enth and eight grades, songs; rhy thm bancLv of Oakdale and Meha ma; harmonica number, "Covered Wagon", by Glenn and Edward Rogers. I ". ,, Japanese Families Observe Boys Festival Ceremonies HAZEL! GREEN. May i The Japanese families are celebrating the boys festival which is an im portant annual event, In the home land. Large kites are flown. The girls doll festival was observed at an earllerf date. J' SHEFFER 8 Transferred by "a legal docu ' inent , 9 Box scientifically 10 Electrified particle 11 Bolt i , 16 River of Switzerland 1 Peeps . : - ' i . i Z1 Moisture appearing on plants 24 Pieces out 25 Chops 26 Percentage for exchange of currency : 27 Tranquil . 28 Biblical name 30 Swing from side to aide 33 Consumed - 34 Inlet from the Gulf of Mexico 36 Steal from 39 One who roves rhythmically 41 Who wrete the popular "Art , of Thiakiag-I Abbe Ernest - T ' I 45 What British dramatist wrote "The Old Wives Tale"? 47 Large snake j . 48 Market h 49 Vehicle - i : 61 Frees from something . obnoxious - I N 52 Fruit of the blackthorn : 53 Anglo-Saxon domestic servant ' 54 Male gwan , - 65 Color , ; . 59 Note of the scale i Herewith Is the solution to yes terdays puzzle. - , - g-T ' i A Vit. iKi Area i r ii ei CaprrlcH 1. BUat Vaatarai krattcate, la TjR eIa T CTfp?E VE jCR E M'ATt 5H.J a A, West, B. 8. Boa 443. TeL IWTk " 1 . j.09 s rear ia sdtaanosv t . JJceatta. S-W tj rux . I