PAGE TEN The 'OREGON STATESMAN, Salca, Oregon, Thursday Morning, May 7, 1936 i Legion's Program Honors Mothers Gold Star Wearer Guests . at Joint Event; Plan Poppy Day . . MT. ANGEL.-May .-A - pro gram In Anticipation' of Mother's Day. was given for the gold star ' mothers of this community in the city , hall Tuesday erening by the Mt. Angel Legion and auxiliary . in connection wfth their meetings. A joint session of the two organ izations was held Inches Post's meeting room . and this program given: Talk on the Welfare of .Mothers by Miss Georgia Webb; Johnny Sehmoker, action song by Eugene Hettwer, . . Jeno Bean, Ralph Oswald and Robert Gries enauer; Essay on Poland by Fran els Meidle; song, by Eaton Deh ler Gregush; recitation by Mau- , reen Wellman; song by I Norma ' Jean Oswald ; talk on Gold Star Mothers by Rev. Placidue Fuerst; and -"TheLast Smile," piano solo by Rer. Placidus Fuerst. ; Gold Star Mothers - who ' were honor guests included Mrs. Eliza beth Keller-Annen, Mrs. Lena Unger, Mrs.- Mary Klein. Mrs. Claude Norton, Mrs. Frank Miedl and Mrs. Anna Schneider. j Following the program separate business meetings were held aft . er . which they Joined once more for lunch and entertainment. Paul Stretcher of Mt Angel college gave a stirring speech on "Speed on the Highway," Charles Johnson, Wil liam Bliven and Joe Prange. all - of Salem, followed with i short, humorous talks. j The poppy sale will be conduct ed here during the weeklof May 18 to 23, poppy day being Satur day, May 23. j . - Mrs. Melvln Mucklestone of Chicago, national auxiliary presi dent, will be in Portland May 29 and as many as possible of the local auxiliary members are urged to ' attend the entertainment in her honor. i Winners For Semi-Final Spelling, Declamation Contests Are Announced AMITY, May 6.The semi-final county spelling contest for schools la this vicinity, was held in the Christian church Tuesday after noon. T winners were .Maxine Hartman. Hopewell,; eighth grade; Violet McKee.. Amity, seventh grade; Bruce Williams, BriedwelL. sixth grade; Eunice Ogilvie. Hope well, fifth grade; Betty Jean Alli aem. Amity, fourth grade.) The fi nal county contest will be held In McMinnville Saturday, May 9. In the semi-final county declam atory contest. Amity' winners in the humorous division were Lor-1 ,ene Allison, Mary Thomas, Marclle Osbjrne and Kathryn Reed. Hope well and Fairview schools won in; the serious division. Amity had no contestants in that section. Apartment Ready Soon j MONMOUTH. May 6 Work is progressing rapidly on the apart-i ment dwelling being erected for Mrs. Sadie Smith. W. L. Mason is chief workman. From presentIn-l dlcatlons the building will be completed before the : summer: school session starts. : ! MAY Be Siire and Attend the i WOMEN'S CLUB 460 N. Cottage St i ! - ! i .!.-;. I ! ' ' " - '"" '-'"' " ' ' "vy p v ; -, ,- . t A ." , . .. -. - j -. But remember; the conference starts at 2 p.m. promptly. Be on time. You won't want to miss any of the talks and dis cussions. Every minute 'will be interesting. You will be" glad you came. : .. j j If you are unable to attend an entire session, hear one talk at one session and another tal k at the next. Come in any time, for there will always be some thing going on. I " ; ' Our Home Economist MISS JEAN swigart , Will Talk at i s.. .;.V;-.f j f V::J .1. .v-..:.:: ";;.' j ".-: Z:00 p. m. on i Vegetable Cooking to retain vita - mins, mineral salts and flavors. 1:45 p. m. on Roasting Meats by the low temper ature method as; recommended by the : Na- tional Meat Board. I 1:10 p. m. on Cake Baking With, special refer . . ence to baking four layers at once and to baking fruit cakes and plum puddings, i ! 3:43 p-m. on Improving Meat Textnre by modern broiling broiling both sides- of meat at once broiling fruits,? vegetables, liver, etc i ;;Vf ' "" ! j ": ;: '' ' 1 : t You're Sure to Find This Gas Cooking Conference Interesting. I Wm a-. 7 ..... : - 136 SOUTH mGH ocietv N Aumsville Miss Loraine f U Renn, who. was united la marri age to George Blackshlp, in Sa lem. Sunday afternoon, at I the First Christian church, has resid ed in this community for several yearsw i The - wedding occurred at. 3 o'clock with the Rev.. Guy Drill heading the - Impressive service. The bride, was accompanied i by her slsterTMIss Beverley U'Renn and was given in marriage by her father, t Rev. P. Crowle URenn. The groom was accom panied, by Mr. Herrald of Salem. i The , bride .'was becomingly gowned in white silk net ! Fol lowing the marriage service, a re ception was held in the, : church parlors, which were charmingly decorated with bouquets of spring flowers with a large wedding cake as a- table centerpiece. Attend ing the wedding service, from Aumsville were Mrs.. C. F. Hein and Mrs. Johanna Brown, i The young couple left for Port Or chard, Wash., where he Is I em ployed. ' ; ! : - V 1 " Jefferson The Woman's !Mist sionary society of the Christian church held its May meeting in the church parlor Friday after noon with Mrs. M. A,' Hatchings and Mrs, Robert Terhune as j joint hostess. The vice-president,! Mrs. Charles Hart presided. Mrs. Sallie Tandy was in charge of the pro gram and also conducted the de votional period, j: i The subject for the study period was, "Liberty Loving Paraguay." Talks and readings were given by Mrs. Lee Wells. Miss Lou Miller, Mrs. - Erenst Powell and j Mrs. Charles Hart. A solo was given by Mrs. Merlin Hill. j Guests for the afternoon! were Mrs. John Calavan, Mrs. Barry Marcum, Mi s. Davis and Mrs. Rob inson. ; i Scio Scio Pythian Sister$, Le odas lodge, exemplified the ritual of draping the charter at the dis trict convention of the order at Albany Tuesday night. Albany, Eugene, Lebanon, Salem, Silver ton and Scio were represented at the meeting; Mrs. Eunice Bartu is most excellent chief of the Scio chapter. Mrs. Vivian Bilveu of Scio is a past grand protector. Middle Grove -r- The Ametie Woman's club met Tuesday with Mrs. Florence Jeweti with 12 members and one visitor present. A Mother's day program was di rected by the president, Mrs. Vera Bassett and dainty corsages were presented to each one present by Donald : Bassett. Mrs. Jewett was assisted In serving by Mrs. iVerna McMahill. ! Salem Heights Mrs. Jesse C. Campbell and Mrs.. Tom Galloway have as their house guest, their sister, JJrs. Josephine Stewart,1 of Seattle. .. . ' i' ! Election of officers is scheduled at the special jcall meeting' of the Order of Rainbow for Girls to night in the' Masonic temple at 7:30 p. m. s . i The concert scheduled in Will son park by the high school band this week has been postponed un til warmer weather prevails, prob ably next week. f : 7 and 8 2:00 to 4:30 p.m. tome ana tsrtng a f riend STREET ews Kingwood Dainty refresh- menu and a MjotherV day. pro gram entertained ' . members , jand guests of the Laurel Social Hour club Tuesday - afternoon ' at! the home of Mrs. Glenn L. Adams. Guests responded to words of wel come by the eluh president, Mrs. . W. Emmett, with tributes: to their owb mother ; Mrs. J. M j Six offered prayer; Mrs. L A. Cher rington and Mrs C. A. Guderian eulogized "Mother", tn gToups of voeal number.- with Mrs. E. A. Sharp and Miss Doris Hamby as accompanists; Mrs. 1 0. E. HOgue and Miss Betty Krehs contributed piano numbers and readings were given by Mrs. Eugene Krebs, Mrs. R. B. McClendon and Mrs. G. E Vosburgh. j J Flowers were 'presented to the oldest mother, Mrs.: Edwin Brock, 83, to the youngest; mother, Mrs. L. E. Hoxie, and; to the mother of the largest number of children (12), Mrs. W. D. Phillips. Jefferson Mrs. J. R. Colgan entertained relatives and friends at her home oa Second street Sunday afternoofa in honor of her daughter, Barbara, j whose 14 th birthday anniversary , was May-; 4. Present were Mr.iand Mm. T. W.'Bea m'ub, Mr. and Mm L. M. Beamish and Tommy, Mr. and Mrg. H. B. Murray and if yrt and Mars. Mr., and Mm. T. II. Mankert and Trddf, Mr. and Mrr. A. J. Sanaari, and Miltore Carry, alt of Salem : Beatrice Hopkina o Portland; Mm. E. MeReynoldt . and Jtn, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Given and Bobby of Albany, Ileni Wickersham. Marjorie Weddle. Marjorie Norton. Betty Bruce, Dorothy Middleton. Donna Jane PoweH, Jean. Menff. Keota and Theone scbafer, Tfcelma and Alden Sheffield. Marjorie j Fontaine. Sara Mar garet Hatching, Mr$ and Mrs. J. A. Col Kan. Mr. and Mr. J. H. Colfaft and daughter Barbara, j FarmcrslHoliday Chief Dies at 70 EXCELSIOR! SPRINGS, May 6.-P)-Mo Reno, 70, fighting farm Organizer of Mo., hard the middle west, died here yesterday of a heart attack which followed a lengthy illness.! j The body off the' militant agri- cultural leader; who led an ambi tious. "farm revolt" against! mar ket prices andiland foreclosures in 1933, was taken to Des Moines, la., by his widow, r j Reno, president of the National Farmers' Holiday association, came here March 7 to recuperate from an illness;. His condition be came worse a few days ago.; The tall, gaunt advocate of a "direct action'" farm program for sook a career in the ministry to wage war against the agricultur al policies of several national ad' minisirauons. Zielinskt in Hospital i ! HAZEL GREEN, May 6-i-Law-rence Zielinski, son of Joseph Zielinskl, who! was operated on at the Deaconess hospital for appen dicitis, is" reported to he j doing nicely considering complications. The appendix had : broken and an abscess had formed on the pelvic bone. j Win a New Wedgewood Gas Range Yo have the; chance to win a new Wedgewood Gas Range worth f 110.75 in or Essay Contest. Ask s for detail. Ask. as also how to get m 45c cookie sheet free, j ; PHONE 5919 Last Rites Held For D. ; Watlrins JrTERSON. Var i Vuneral services for Dennis Watkins, f 1, who died st the home of his son. Welter Watkins, three miles east of , Jefferson. Mav 1 - tra . hld from the Tisher-Braden r funeral home in I Albany Monday After noon, t Rev. Georce W. Simonl of Le banon conducted the service. Pall bears were 8. H. Ooln, SL E. Bee hale, Guy Johnston, Tim Kelly, Wilbur Punk snd M. 0. Arnold. Interment, was in the Jefferson cemetery.. ; ; -.-',.' . Mr. Watkins was born In Dade county, Ga., April 20, 1845, and wnen ne was four years -old went to Iowa with his parents; In. 1879 he came to Oregon. He was mar ried to Jemima Burch, April 4, 18 99, and to this union three chil dren were born. Snrvivinr ri t h children, Mrs. Minnie Banks, Mrs. Astoria Weddle and Walter D. Watkins, i all of Jefferson ; also one sister, Mrs. Hannah Smith of Barlow. Ore.: one rranririAn ehtr Mrs. Vera Arnold. ' 1 Meet at Stitts LIBERTY, May 6. Midweek services of the local church or ganization -were held. Wednesday at 8 o. ml at the n n uttt imm Jesse Johnson conducted the meeting, j ; Eighty-Sixth Year f - i : - j - J ' i ; -i 11 ' ihi ; . ; -. I i 1 ; " - ' 1 'J' smsss .-. , ,.i..r.A- -f ,Saa,sjsJW'- f - f . ''VW I ' i- Jl-Ju'' M ' f T'y'WitiinjsnafilWnnsaannasasaWiat -imW If ' "J "" ifc II n I I" "ls"sTn)l H IB A i naji BW "T r " " 'I 11 SH T ISJS j'. f r 1 Young Ladies Sodality , Elects Ursula Keber as : . President For New Year MT. AKOKlf, May 1. Miss Ur sula Keber was ; elected president of the Young Ladles Sodality at the meeting at St. Mary's school Monday night. 4 Other officers chosen for the coming year are: Vice-president. Miss Anna Dier ickx; secretary.! Miss Marie Er wert; treasurer,; Miss Margaret Welton. , ;-S-.'; i':- ' i; ' The - off leers ,wiH he Installed and the new members formally received Into the sodality Sunday, May 10, The social reception consisting-of a banquet followed by dancing, will be held at St. Mary's school th following evening, May 11. A resolution was passed to continue the social evenings throughout the summer months. - in 'ji i ' i " I -' ! Girl Reserves Attend " " - ,j j . . . Church Services; Aid In Serving Club Feed SILVifiTRTON, May 6 The Girls Reserves of the Junior and senior high school attended 'the Christian church in a body Sun day. Ret. Frank Zook gave a special sermon in honor of the Sirls. !., j Monday night the Girl Reserves assisted 1 the American Legion Auixiliary in serving the Rotary club banquet at Silverton. 1 Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, May 17, 193S ! New Recipes New A paper you'll want in your kitchen. Order your extra copy weekend and will be delivered to all regular subscribers as week; from Sunday, May 17. ; ::-Z:l -: -j ; v:l -y 1 ZionchecKTlii Arrests ! Inspired - ' - " '; g - 1 ' ' MIAMI BEACHJ Fla.. Mat t.- (rTHRepresentatlve I Mario n Ai z.ioncnecK or wasmngton tonight laughed off ! hisliecent troubles with nollca dnrlnr hla : riorida. bound honeymoon-from Washing- ion ana onerea sipo to any met ropolitan Miami: policeman- who found him violating speed laws. He expressed belief that friends may have pat police up to arrest ing him in Alexandria, Va., " and Charlotte, N.!4!Cy i followinr his marriage a week ago in Annapolis, Md., to Rubye Louise Nix. Smilingly, ! Zioncheck, who ar rived here today, 'said be did not want to be treated like a congress man but like an average American citizen and married man. "My speeding j has been over rated," he declared. "I want to obey the law i like any other citl xen and pay the penalty whenever I violate it. regret to have caus ed any one tiny Inconvenience." ' ; ' t s t is : ji ' - Seven Marquam Students Will Receive Diplomas MARQUAM, May 6. Seven stu dents will be graduated from the eighth grade f here this month. They are Anna Hickman, Pauline Turin, Lovena Semolke, Betty Whitlock, Frances Whltlock, Otto Davenport and Herman Goschie. Charles Morley Honored. At Dinner Party on Hit M 60th Natal Anniversary VICTOR POINT. M a y. A group of relatives and friends met at the home 7 of T Mr. and ; Mrs. Charles Morley1 Sunday honoring Mr. Morley on his 60th birthday. A 1ot1j birthday dinner wa terred U Ut. HorUj. Mr. and lira. A. T. Sav ar. Mra. lua Horlcr, Loyd Korler, Mr. Harr Carter. Mr. and Mra. Andrew Fiaher, Mr. and Mra. J. O. Darbr and iam Ur, Mr. and Mr. Boy A. Jonea. Mr. and Mra. Theodora Fisher and Robert, Mr. and Mra. Erie Fisher and family.' Mr. mad Mra. .- Brrsa , McElhaaey and Wai ter, Gladya Peterson, Mr. and Mr. Gres orr Bobl and daurhters, Mr. and ' Mrs. Eddie Robl sad Joyre, Mr. and V". Frank Ecan, Rolph Efin, Mra. M; belle TVrrr, Gene and Arleoe. Mr. and Mra. Elmer Morley and son Lamar. Mr; and Mra. Dolph Morley, Helen and . Irene. Mill Emmaline Williams. Jamea M'il liamt. Ben Brown, Elmer Peterson and the hostess. Mra. Charles Morley. Rain Has Been Benefit To Crops Says Riches Rain throughout the valley this wee khas been of more benefit to crops than harm, Harry . Riches county agentr reported yesterday; If the rain continued it would . do harm to strawberries, he said,, but the moderate downfall of recent days has been helpful to these ber ries. Spring grain was greatly helped by the precipitation as was flax. The latter received no spring rains after planting - last year which fact was primarily the cause of the short crop in the 1935 sea son. " . . . 'j wy.w-i,,, iii V -lYi-f iimiViii HMfuwm hiifcitnni . i.e mA Cute now. This section goes to press this a part of the Sunday Statesman a - -" I h:M fPP Dnwri' A nmn TJci-nrl uuga xngaiii aiuiu Flock of Sheep '" MIDDLE: GRpfE, 'May ' . ; Dogs have again invaded the flock' of sheep owned by W. H. Scharf,, who; upon returning home from town last week found four -ewes and a lamb in the creek; one other, lamb was torn so badly that It had to be killed. - " I - " 1 ; i, Mrs. Herman Wacken, sr., i has received word of the death other oldest sister, Mrs.j Bertha Krause, at Ferndale, Wash., May 2. s Miss Elverta MJnton of Salem,; has been chosen to teach the up per grades in the local school next year, taking . the; place of Mrs.: Veda, Miller who! has accepted a position, teaching the fourth grade in they West Salem schooL Miss Minton taught in Linn county last year. - ). - t RECIPE EDITION Price 10c ! Tj-. r IMPS OUT Sw 1 HCCO JE-j I. . .,..1 ' . 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