The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 03, 1936, Page 3, Image 3

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    Annual Affair
Much Enjoyed
Spring Flowers Grace
Luncheon Tables; Com
I jnittee Reports Heard
club luncheon which Is held annu
ally by the Salem Heights Wom
an's club. In conjunction with the
last business meeting of the sea
son, was a success of Friday aft
ernoon at the community hall.
'Forty-six guests attended the de
licious luncheon served at long ta
bles, which were lovely with large
bowls of lilacs, iris, sweet peas
and other spring flowers. During
the lunchean a beautiful basket of
-i . . . , ..
i uuners was presented 10 me pasi
i president, Mrs. P. F. Stoliheise, by
i Mrs. Emma Whealdon in behalf of
members of the club.
;l iThe committee responsible for
, the success of the luncheon were
t Mrs. L. B. Senter, Mrs. F. M. Sals
bury. .Mrs. D. D. Dotson. -Mrs,
: C. W. Sawyer, Mrs. Maude Li
: Sherman, Mrs. Alvin Stewart and
i Mrs. Maude McFarland, Mrs. Ma
ie Whealdon. j
' Reports Are Heard t
i The business meeting, with
Mrs. P. F. Stolzheise presiding.
'- followed group singing, led by
Mrs. Fred Burger. The yearly re
port oof committees, and officers
; was given. Mrs. Alice Edmundson
5 and- Mrs. Stlzheise gave reports on
i the County Federation of Worn-
an's club meeting at Aurora April
e 25, which they attended. '
! Interesting was the report on
the condition of William Trudge-
on and Jack Craig, the two Salem
i Heights boys who were Injured in
William Is home now,, convalesc
ing nicely, while Jack is still in
: the hospital,' due to serious ifric
tion. burns contracted in the acci
dent, but will undoubtedly be able
to- return" home in a few weeks. --:
A, donation was made by the
uuuu s ciuu io ine r ioya mc
: Mullen first-aid ear of Salem and
" to the Kay Francis Anderson
! 9 .. .1
Xew Officers Chosen
ciecuon oi oincers was held
; with Mrs. A. A. Taylor, the new
president. Mrs. Mary McWaln,
-'Mrs. H. R. Wood burn, secretary,
1 Mrs P. F. Stoliheise, parliamen-
tarian and Mrs. Alice Edmundson,
i treasurer. The new president took
? the chair and announced her com-
mittees for the coming year:
: Program Mrs. A. A. Taylor,
! Mrs. H. R. Woodburn, Mrs. Mary
: McWain, Mrs. Alice Edmundson,
; Mrs. Alma Bartlett and Mrs. Jay
' Morris.
Children's Farm Home com mi t
i tee Mrs. . D. D. Dotson, Mrs.
, Mary McClure and Mrs. Paul Ac
i ton. Publicity Mrs. Jean Man
: ning. Flower commitee Mrs.
W. I. McCloud, to be assisted by
the Little Garden club.
Many Are Presen
i Gnests attending the luncheon
: were: MesdamesiP. F. Stolzheise,
; A. A. Taylor, M. R. McClure, Olive
: M. Beardsley, Alice Edmundson,
3 Emma M. Whea'ldon, Alma Bart
I lett, Mary McWaln, Frank Miller,
i -nr V lr.Al a r r v.
i , . aiciiuua, u. u. uraig, faui
! H. Acton, H. S. Gile, J. H. Phil
! Ips, Lydia Hunt, R. D. Hulsey,
C. W. Sawyer, B. N. Berry, H. C.
i Witzel, Frank M. Erickson, Wm.
; R. Davenport, Nellie Ball, Ella
Wilson, A. MJ Chapman. H. F.
', Haldeman.- J. W. i Douglas, C." M.
Hanson, Goldie LaDuke, Thomas
LaDuke, Mrs H. R. Kelly, W. H.
: Eckstein, J. C. Campbell, Eugene
F. Short, George E. Manning,
Fred Burger, IL R. Woodburn,
Carrie Phillips, F. L. Walters,
i C. W. Rothweiler, L. B. Senter,
: F. M. Salsbury, Marie Whealdon,
- D. D. Dotson, Avin B. Stewart,
Maude L. Sheririan, Arthur Mc
1 "arland. i
.; 4 T , -
1 Give Entertainment and
Serve Luncheon Friday
; ! ' KEIZER, May 2 i- The "Magic
i Bakers" 4-H cooking club enter
:; tarned with a program and lunch
eon Friday afternoon giving the
V following program: song, "Young
', est In the Family, Joan Fri-
- gaard; "Tap Dancing," Betty
Pierce; o n g I In Japanese, "The
!- Leaves," Mary Sugal; song, "That
Wonderful Mother of Mine", Vera
Dombusch; Grace Hudson gave a
" talk on the work and success of
: the club; Betty Pierce and Vera
; ; Dombusch won 1st- prize In the
- j cooking demonstration, on vanil
; la drop cookies at the Marlon
J county exhibit In Salem, which en
,tltles them to be represented at
: the State Fair. Dorothy Mnrphy.
; 12 years old, won first on a loaf
iof bread at the fair and received
Jl premium. The girls presented
each guest with a gift and served
ia dainty luneheon.
j Qub " Is Entertained
' At Mrs. Reeves'. Home
I TALBOT, May 2. The Talbot
i Women's club was entertained
Thursday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Edna Reeves. Mrs. J. D,
jWhittington of Newport and Mrs.
: Mary Nye and Miss Ilene Blinston
( were special guests during the aft-
j ernoon. Roll call was answered
i with salad recipes. Mrs. Edwin
I Zehner was voted a new member
! of the club. After the regular rou
; tine of business lovely refresn
' ments were served by the hostess
; assisted by Mrs. George Potts jr..
1 Mrs. D. E. Blinston and Miss Ilene
I Blinston.
Wreck Old Garage
SILVERT0N. May 2 The old
Goyetie garage on Lewis street la
being wrecked and at present Joe
Goyette holds forth as automobile
mechanic In the building owned
by the Long Feed & produce
company on Jersey street. Mr,
Goyette eventually plans to build
a, new garage on the site of his
-.?! i .
Grade School Champs
- Beat Group! of Aged
In Stayton Kitball
STAYTON. M ay 2 Kitball
game between the grade school
district champs and the j Stayton
Mall aggregation drew an enthu
siastic crowd Thursday . night,
with the "kids"? winning: by the
score of 8 to 4. i Thomas jPalrar,
grade school coach, was beard to
remark that if his! boys had done
as well the other day they wonld
have beaten Brooks. Bob Inglis
umpired the game!.
The Stayton Mail team! is madn
up of businessmen and they may
get even with the lads later on
after they have1 had mare prac
tice. It is a saf bet. however,
that the following! store keepers,
printers and sulch. ran more
Thursday night; t?han they have
In years: Hal and" Clifford Cuf
fell, V. R. Tuel. Ed Klecker. Dave
John,' J. L. Siegmund, Leonard
Jordan, Felix Wright, Thomas
Palmer. Everett jGettmann, Bob
Ross and A. K. Lulay.
Foresters J Install
At Mrs. Bauman's
-h 1
Miss Kocher?s! Pupils Give
Recital in High' School
bers of St. Mary's Court !No. 593.
Women's Catholty Order; of For
esters, met at the home of Mrs.
Stephen Baunian Tuesday eve
ning. The annuaH installation of
officers was held with ;Mrs. Se
lina Becker, past (Chief ranger, as
installing officer.! .
Officers installed were Annie
Miller, chief ranger; Stella Tre-
maine, vice chief ranger; Emma
Otjea. treasurer;! Selina Becker,
financial secretary; ! Dorothy
Wohlheter, recording secretary;
Norma Moshberger, conductor;
Mary Baunian add Edna Striber,
trustees. i
Following the ;business meet
ing husbands of; the .members
were guests and! five tables of
"500" were in play with prices for
high score going, to Mrs. Annie
Miller and LaVern Otjen and for
low score to Mrs.! Stella Tremains
and W. C. MUlerL Refreshments
were served by ! Mrs. ; Stephen
Bauman, Mrs. Stephen D. Ban
man and Mrs. Lavern Otjen.
The next meeting will be held
at the form home of Mrs4 Wohl
heter on May 261 with a potluck
lunch to follow the meeting.
Dance Recital Held
The dance recital given at
Woodburn high school Wednesday
evening by pupils of Miss Doro-
they.Kocher was well attended
with a capacity audience.
Takinz Dart In: the dinre num.
bers were Betty iwayne Tennant,
Nancy Adams, Shirley Rockefel
ler, Jean ButteTfield, Virginia
Whitman. Bonney Scott, Ethel
Budeau, Virginia Burt, Juanita
Sebern, Muriel: Haroldson, Mary
Jane Dunn. Donqa Dunn, Beverly
Steward, Joy Lee, Leone Gruen
hagen, Vivian Cowan, Ellen Ahl
som," Frances Alleman, Jo Ann-
Tweedie. Joyce i Johnson, Ellen
Whitney and Millicent Evenden.
Two solo numbers were given by
Miss Kocher ' and intermission
numbers included vocal selections
by Barbara Jensen, Wayne B.
Tennant and Mrs. Bernard Mil
ler. i ! t
Born, to Mr. sand Mrs. Waltpr
Uppendahl, April 26, at the Hub
bard hospital, asson, Leroy Carl,
weight 8 pounds. Second child,
first boy. : j
Miss Laura Austin, 1 who has
been home for the past vear on
furlough, after spending the past
ju years as a missionary in India,
will leave May 6 on her return
to take up her (work near Bom
bay. ' j :
Students to Play
In bu6ss Again'
STAYTON, May 2 The high
school student body play, "Guess
Again" is to be! presented May S
with the following cast: Janet
Moore, Linore Inglis; Bill Doug
las, Bob Lucasj Henry Grimes,
Royal Holford; iWaldol Fitts, Bob
Inglis; Mrs. Skinner. Minnie Ri
der; Dora MaeJ Paddy Mechen;
Olive Ordway,i Eunice Jordan;
Marcella Jinks, Laura Tate; Lord
Wiggleton, Darrel Wright; Bertie
Blodgett. Harry Stupka; S. H.
(Soak 'Em Hard) Pratt, Matthieu
Forette; Renew l a m o n r, Ruth
Moe; Lulu Perkins, Maxine Crab
tree and Sol Mvsser. Edwin Hay
worth. ; i i
The play is said to be the fast
est and funniest, farce to be pre
sented here In a long while, and
is being directed by Miss Lovella
Shirley. i i
Mrs. Meda CaldwelL mother of
airs, reiix Wright, and Mrs. El
mer Boyer, had! gone lo The Dal
les for an Indefinite atay. Three
of her grandchildren.! Mrs. A. J
Ballins, Maxine Caldwell and El
dridge iningworth. drove down
from that city to take her home
wim mem. - .
Undergoes! Observation
At Stayton I Hospital
LYONUS. My 2 Miss Fannie
Wilson entered: the Stayton Hos
pital Tuesday for medical obser
vation. Miss Wilson's health has
been failing for sometime.
Mrs. George Berry accompanied
her aunt and cousin from Silver-
ton to Eugene; Sunday, to visit
another aunt and uncle, whom
they found quite 111. j
The Jewel Box
: ' moved to
Next to Rlbzh Hotel '
Los Angeles Goal
Of Mill Gty Folk
Grade Schools Win 89 Rib
bons in County 4-H .
Contest i
i milli ui x. may z. -Mrs. c.
C. Porter and , daughter, Eliza
beth, left Mill Cityl Friday for
a short visit In Los Angeles,
Calif. I r
Mrs.; Mary Harrer of Grants
Pass is visiting at he home- of
her brothers, Louis and Ed Dra
pella, in Mill City.
Win 89 Ribbons
The! 4-H clubs of the Mill City
grade school won 89 ribbons at
the exhibition in Salem which
are on display in the window of
Miss Hendricson's store.
Mr. land Mrs. Tom Allen and
Mrs. Vivian Albert, i members of
Marilyn chapter, O.E.S., drove to
Jefferson Thursday evening to at
tend a meetings of the Matrons'
ahd Patrons' association.
;The grade school was dismiss
efIay l to give jthe pupils a
chance to picnic as ia treat from
their teachers. I
" j Birthday Club Meets
The Birthday club met at the
home of Mrs. Jack Scbaer Thurs
day afternoon. A pleasant time
was had after which the hostess
served a lunch to the following
members: . Mrs. Tom Booth, Mrs.
M. Davis, Mrs. Jack! Schaer, Mrs.
Ernest Graham, Mrs. A, Daly and
Mrs. Clarence Mason. '
Mrs. Leslie Cooper of Carlton,
but formerly of Mill City, enter
tained with bridge at her home
in honor of Mill City friends.
Those driving to Carlton were:
Mrs. Wilbur Chesnut, Mrs. A. D.
Scott,; Mrs. C. T. Haseman, Mrs.
F. R.i Olin, Mrs. Tom Allen of
Mill City and Mrs. Jack Allen of
Move From
Mr.; and Mrs. W.
B. Huey are
moving into Mill City from the
farm and will occupy the Ray
house. i
The Happy Hourj Sewing club
met at the home of Mrs. . Chas.
Sullivan Thursday j afternoon. A
pleasant time was spent with
sewing after which the hostess
served a lunch. Members present
were: Mrs. J. Robinson. Mrs.
Henry Baltimore, Mrs. Ed Ber
tram,; Mrs. Clara Ellsworth, Mrs.
Harry Wood, Mrs. I Dick Turpin.
Invited guests were Mrs. J. Ply
male and Mrs. Ball,
Cut Long Pilings
Near Scotts Mills
Childs of Salem has between 15
and 20 men working on his place,
eight 'miles from Scotts Mills on
the Crooked Finger road, what is
known as the Steinager place,
getting out piling, j These pilings
are from 80 to 125! feet long, an1
are taken to Vancouver, Wash.;
800 are to be taken : from here.
several trips being made a day by
truck, ;
Hugh Magee finished planting
five acres of early potatoes Thurs
day. Mr. Magee plants the Crook
ed Finger mountain Burbank po
tatoes from certified seed, as does
most everyone at Crooked Finger,
only Mr. Magee planted his about
a month earlier than usual, so his
would be ready for aji early sale.
Entertains at Luncheon
Mrs. A. W. Woodward enter
tained at her home: Wednesday af
ternoon with a luncheon. The af
ternoon was spent! in sewing and
visiting. Mrs. Woodward return
ed recently from a visit with rela
1 1 v e s in San Francisco. Present
were Mrs. Chet Leicty and Mrs.
WendelHeath of Silverton; Mrs.
Henry Asboe, Mss Kreta Al
bright, Mrs. Arthur Olson, Mrs.
Tom Bentley, all of Marquam;
Mrs. Harriet Smithrud, Mrs. J. E.
Saueressig and Mrs. F. M. Wood
ward, Delegates Chosen
For Albany Camp
SILVERTON, May: 2. Dele
gates from the Silverton Veterans
of Foreign Wars to the depart
ment: encampment at Albany in
July have been named as follows:
Elmer Johnson, Fred Mehl, Jim
Meek, Ansel Solle and Lester
Standard. O. B. Howell, command
er, is a delegate by virtue of his
office. Alternates ! are Jerry De
Sart, ; Ed Heald, Frank Milliken,
Alvis: DeGuire andi Melvin Chandler.-
! j
The committee appointed for
Memorial day observance include
Jerry DeSart and Christ QualL
Plans have already begun to
take shape for the annual picnic
of the group. Leigh ton Tucker
has been appointed chairman with
his assistants, Charles Leonard,
Lester Whitlock and Fred Mehl.
Girls Beatf Auburn .
RICKEY, May ft. The Rickey
school girls won over the Auburn
girls 12 to 19 Friday at Auburn.
Last week's' game was won by the
Auburn girls. The Rickey boys lost
to Auburn In both games. .
iTo Give to1 Mother!
Patton's Book Store
J. L. Cooke, Prop.
340 State St.
Phone 4404
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry
repairing Agate cutting and
mounting Violin making and
repairing. j , .
i 254 N. CHL'RCH ST.
Across from State Theatre
Cronemiller Will
Address Chamber
j The human Interest angle of
the CCC , camps; icattered over
Oregon will be described for the
chamber of commerce luncheon
meeting Monday by Lynn F.
Cronemiller, extension forester
for the state of Oregon.
1 Cronemiller'a theme will be
"Youth Rehuilda."
Sunday Is Rally Day -
i MONMOUTH. May 2 Sunday.
May 3, will be rally day at the
Evangelical church here. Dr. E.
W. Petticord of Salem will ap
pear on the afternoon program.
The all-day session will Include
a dinner served In the a o e 1 a 1
r, ft
man, have
Considering Plan
Of Fall Festival
Stayton Mayor Calls Meet
ing When West Stayton r
Makes Request '
STAYTON, May "2. Stayton
residents are asked to attend the
regular meeting of the city coun
ci) Monday night to discuss plans
far holding a harvest festival
hre. ( Directors of the West Stay
ton fair officially decided that
the fair could not be held here
this year and asked that Stayton
promote such an affair. '
Mayor George A. Smith has
said that "to promote a fair here
' v -
5;4v: w H-'St "irU-f
Every hoy and girl under 16 years of
the order below signed, mail
will be given a ticket admitting you to the Big Show, Side Show and the Wild West Show. If you don t
Salem mail the order and as soon as it has been verified vour ticket will be mailed.
All Orders Must Be Verified. Verification -Takes Two Days.
Tickets Will Be Good at Any Town Where the Circus Plays.
HURRY Send Your Orders in AT ONCE !
Tickets Now Being Distributed !
All Mail Subscriptions Must Be Paid in Advance
I Want to Go to the Circus Your Subscription Will Take Me
' i Three Months' Contract i
I. have not been a subscriber to The Oregon Statesman for the past 30 days
but hereby subscribe for a period of three months, for which' I agree to pay your
collector the regular rate of 45c per month.
Street Address
Older Taken By
Street Address
will nun a lot c! bard work
and need the fall cooperation of
all the residents of 'the-district.
The harvest - festival which has
been conducted at West Stayton
for the past f our years has meant
much to that section and would
mean just, as much to Stayton."
With this Idea . in mind the
mayor Is anxious for a represen
tative group to attend the meet
Ing Monday night at 8 o'clock
at the women's clubhouse where
all may , express their views on
the matter. . -
Honored In Scooting .
Bob Ross, assistant scoutmas
ter, and Matthien Forette, scout
patrol leader . were honored at a
meeting of the Cascade area
council , Wednesday - night when
they i were cited for outstanding
service during the silver jubilee
of 1935. The awards, which give
the Stayton troop recognition tor
R.C us
Shows at
age can go. Sinijly get one
or bring the blank to the
NOTE! A subscriber; la one to whom The Oregon Statesman has not been fur
nished for 30 days past A change of name at the same address ia not a new sub
scription. A renewal is not a new subscription.
. . ; . s it :; .
the strides made" In building up
the organization, were made by
James Monroe, scout executive. "
Mrs. Alex Harold, Mrs. H. J.
Rowe, . Mrs. : Ross Hughes and
Mrs. Addie Palmateer 1 were hos
tesses for a silver tea Thursday
afternoon at 'the Harold ' home.
A' musical program and games
were- enjoyed. Favors were May
baskets, - filled with flowers and
lunch was served on paper plates
which were converted Into May
baskets also.
Attend Pioneer Meeting
RICKREALL, May t. Mrs.
H. A. DempBey, Mrs. Jennie Derap
sey, Mrs. A. G. Adams, Mrs. Car
oline Burch, Mrs.' R. N. Kelso and
Nancy Adams attended the Pio
neer meeting at the 1 Champoeg
Saturday. i '
and .Gfc
- t ' -
friend to subscribe for The
office of The Oregon Statesman and you
.Phone No.
.Phone No.
I)fli MViri'a TVrriiw Ta
. i Twenty. Miles in Woods
j 1 - .
LYONS, May 2 W&rd was re
ceived here late yesterday of the
sudden dealh of Ben White at Sa
lem. ; H lis nephewj Laurence
Trask, " who is working on the
right-of-way, about 2 5 miles above
Detroit, hadn't been reached ear
ly this morning: He ;is 20 miles
from the nearest telephone and
no way to get the message to him
had ! been possible so far. Mrs.
Maud Trask; a sister of Mr, White,
left i for Salem on tpe evening
stage Thursday.' i
Lose to haw Team
MA CLE A Yt May 2j Macleay!
school lost fto Shaw pablic school.
9 to 7 In (the ball 'game played
Thursday played at Shaw.
- : I
Oregon States
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