hi-1 . IpIge nrrisfiN The OREGON STATESMAN Salem. Oregon, Sunday blaming, May 3, ltZG i pi " ------ - - - ; j ; - . r. Easy ft ' Fmd -YWiteirt fMsiFfflje I V Statesman Classified Ads' i Call 9101 ! I : .V';-- i CUtssijried Advertising ' .Single insertion per line 10c Three insertions per line 20c Six Insertions per line 30c One mont per line .$ 1.00 allnrmum jeharge Tfre Copyfot ie pat accepted ontil 9:30 the evening bafor publication for classification. Copy received after thi time will ba ran wider the bead aj Too Lata! tm Classisy. t Tie Statemaa stiome a fin--eial retponeiW ty for error wbuij mf appear i adTartianamU pabliah 4 ia its coiama. and ia cur) where US paper Ujat (salt will reprint that ftan of as dTrtiMB)ent ia whirs h Ifpof raphical mistake occurs. - tie Statesman reserve the rifht t reject questionable advrtiiacv It -fori tber reserves the right to clanify all dertiing aadar tat proper elatsifira tiea. i 1 Help WantedMale , "aaBaBBBBBBBaaBBBaBBaBBaBaBJBBBaBaB HOP TRAINERS wanted. Williams TP yard, 4 piL west oC Salem. : TeL 14. mmnn, iwwwwiwimwimw WANTED WHITE fir wood cutter. Aj.hcraft. 378 Kingwood Ave. TeL 3189. WANT GEXERAL an around hard ware man. Capable of hand line the dept; Box 109$, ewe Statesman. nt-uxAisutjjttAJN to take care store route. Distribute and collect. New products. No isellm. Earn excellent pro.tucts. No laelllng. Earn excellent weekly -income. Berland Nut Co., St. .'-). Minn. T Help Wanted Female I WANTED 4- MIDDLE aged woman ; or girl with sme practical nursing ex-i perience. Permanent place. Give ret, an.J age. Boy 235. Stateaman- GIRLS EARN extra money mailing circulars. Make 115.00 weekly. Enve lopes and stamps furnished. No depos it reoiired. Stamp brings supplies. Mc Vilj Box 819.1 Bristol. Virginia. SPECIAL WORK for married wom en. Earn to til weekly and your own dresses FKEEj. No canrassing. No in : vestment Send dress slae, ' Fashion i Yo-ks. lnc ttept. G-2349, Cincinnati, Orlt.l. j . , , , AtDRESS ENVELOPES foradver jtisrs. Earn up to J25 weekly. Exper ience nnnecessHry. S-nd for free partic f ti-ara. ROSE -CO.. Long Beach, Calif. WANTED M L'DLE aeed wonun for ! hotel kltchenf work. Address 1096, ; Statesman. I I ADDRESS ENVELOPES at home, spare time; $$ to fl weekly. Exper ? ietice nnne!Birj-. Dignified work. i Sttmp. bring ictails. Employment M-., 'Dept. Sir?. Box 75, Hammond, I Salesmen Wanted SLESM"AN FOR specialty sales i work this district. Bax 1093, States- ; man. j - ' SALESMEN!! EARN to 110.90 daily Cfmitrissiona stlling five months gnar ; anteed shoes for whole family. Build lr..lpi?ndent Kbsiness. Free samples. M;ench Shoes Boston,, Mass. - ! S.iLESLADr TO call on beauty par ;l'riana dept. ptora. Box 1094, St'ates- m-'i; j - . " : 4 ; OO IN puncibo&rd business. Be your boss. Earnings unlimited, only r small capital uuired. Choice terri ; tor- stl availal'le. Write quick for full particulars. Hi J. Payne Co., Broad , wy Nashvlllei Tenn. 1 1 r Situations Wanted "j KEFINED, EXPERIENCED lady ;;W!sas housekeepine for gentleman in or rwr Saleqi nr Eiwretrer will give reference, Mrn. IXjf Mathews, Hotel I ForSaIe4!VYti,ellaneou I ' Safe roe aalk ftrtrot nrnw keta. j tiWHaatal ai as .. -,-l-l-)j-u-u-u-lr WHEAT. WHITE. Oats. Bring sacks. M--S. Wright, 44 ml. Wallace Rd. i TOP DIRT, and. fertilizer, garden roc t Phone 3 1 00, Laeey. ' OASOLIXE.'ARREI LOTS. IS He Fre delivery. Lucky Corner & Sta. TeUiTOSS. t TENNIS SIlOES for boy a or men. 4Jc.' Creenbauiti's, 24C N. Com'L 4 HAVILANDJDISHES, old gloss; 5'3 I PLXOS SEE Tallman Piano store, ror.i 12th and Mill sts.. for piano bar Kans. Big stotk new and used pianos to select fronL Also fine seje&ipn tJrahd and Spfnet Grands. '-r Tii-ii-airirr' inri nnr rwxjuLrij'tj'vrt .i CP.OOKED LINGER hill grown non Irrigated No. ljBurbank seed -and table potatoes. Puritkn Cider Works, West "Mrt'tu.- ' . . ' , . - i" BLACK CHpW puppies, purebred. Vtr4 Robert Mitchell, Perrydale, Ore- I . l . - . .., .,. , - SMALL NEW trailer house, pressed iwol consfruotion,. Priced for quick ;ant IS5.00. IJa- Leslie. , . ; 'riraaAiVVViVVi fatyxji m r -- C REGISTERED WHITE COLLIE 'P?fP-. fS to U. Et. , Bos" 449. Ph. i 1 ! . GOLD SElL Congolenm rug x!t, linoleum) kitchen ) ; small car tent:: 73 lb. Ice ox, good condition, 96 HAT FOR ile. ats and vetch, also atr tis'it ats. ! ithoten farm hear Rob wt4 mi. S. M- Pjione 7FI2. .- - I AiDDING MACHINES, cash regis tr4 tj-pewriterp sofcl,. rented, swapped. tKtfrt repair aervice. moderate prices. (ein Trpewritar Exc. 420 Court. ; , - t.J'LB;-jCE fro.-5. XQ. fi: 24th. KATAK- WTH ' pontoons- cheap. '; llli Edgewate. Trade i Miscellaneons KXJR SALE br -trade- ft, tractor , i.?, good condition, -Wants a tandem eovered top disi. Phone 8492. ) -2i LGE.'FURK. n. k.. rooms, lights, inter, garage, 110 mo. -684 N. 17th. ; ADVERTISING . : Westerii Adrertising f :; Representatives FenrerHall Co. Ltd, aUa franciace; Lea Aagalea, Seattle -1 -. Eastern Aarertlsins;, ! RepreeentatiTee Bryant, Griffith A Brunson, Ise Chicago. New Tork. Dctreit, Boston, Atlanta tnltrtd at U Postorfea at tatom. Orvgun, a 8cpd-Cla Matter. P HsKed reart srp Uondajf 0Ntw elNi lU Smutk Cvmmoriial Itrtefc I- - '- : ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 I Uall Subscription Rates, in AdTanca, Within Oregon 1 Dally and Sunday. 1 aCo 60 cents: S Mo. ILJS : C Mo. t2.it ; t year tt.eft. Eiaawher SO eanu per K, or i.99 tot 1 year Is advance. Pat Copy t cents. New Stands f cents. By City Carrier: 45 cants & montn; ' . year ta Adrsaoa. I - I A1 MM AH- . III . . f at T . I a BT- - . I ' f " . BWwawanBBBaBBBWJSBBBBBBBBaB- I I , T.cu-i.utcciMacong ror aaic ubm iars n t or Sale Used Cars J For Sale Farm-, it! - Ftjw Wa ptclt up dead and worth eaa horars. coira, ahae Ti iUK WANTED SHETLAND pony. Write fuU.particuUra. 615 Jj Summer. Aliscellaneoas AmCCTS.i ADCLtS 23c. chlldrrt Iftc 3 SU Winter j&tU corner Trade, i85-$m monthTstart, u. & government job. We! coach you for next Salem examination Qualify now. Men women. Lirt JoUa aafull parttc- ;V'rFREE- tAlp,3r ure. Box 1282N. care Statesman, i ' atjaaiaaaiaaaiai ' - m m aaaaaaaaaaaaakawa training In Dieael Ena;lnerinar or Air Conditianlng-Refrigeration. Special proposition tollhnlted number who can qualify Wrtt: for personal Interview ojr our field ranvnMn kn. T married or aincle. workfol- utoi rower-qnited Enaineer ing School. SJ24)S-:ot)n' St., San Fran cisco V; , : -.. j j , Wanted Furniture CASH PAID Fnit tUR Stoves, Furniture . Capita! Hardware IFurnltura Co. SIS N. Commercial j j Phone 7141 I --. For Rent Hoping NICE SLEEPIXU- room. 255 Center. SLEEP,. ROOM and garage, T. 8S4. "i- ")TaVanAi LARGE. COMFORTABLE sleeping room. 492 N. Cottage. -j i I. "wormu kihjai ;tw ladles with nome and kitchen privileges. TeL 4645. i T " "' "w" " --.y---.. tfcLEAK r,nrs'rtTttT -c Bleeping room, close In, tli J-erry St. 1 Room and l Board I 1 i i 1 ROOM AND BRD;. US S. Winter. NEWLT DECORATED room for two with Jjoard. Reas n"bl. Chemeketa. ROOM AND boai.lnionTciSS.' RM.-BD. Tel. 8J94. 80Chek7tiL For Rent -"Apartments STRATTOM APT: kr v- ttti. ??m pt" ra?IaH May' 1st. Tel." TWO ROOMS. fcitMlntt Kn.h T decorated. New rugs, ga cooker. 1470 Waller. i j I ROOMSrBATHJ 65 "center.""" APTS. t6 AND t$. 1355 BeUevue. 3 ROOM FCRN.! ajpt, 1353 State. 1-2 RM. APTS. 1JTJ N. Fourth. ' ,MfD furnj .ipt, 325. 2380 F. G. Rd. Tel. 7532. ; i 2 OR 3 ROOM furV. apt., liglrts, heat, wafer. 853 S. Com'lj j i lROOM A PTT; ISfaa ! 1aWafY IT'iawL. Ijished-. TeL TSSl.i 22Bl)Hazel Ave. Call re -ajorarter & . p. h. I 2-ROOM FRONT apartment; 639 N. Liberty. Tel. 334. I j j FLTtS. C EVERYTHING.) 340 Divi sion, j j j 5 R. FURX. apt, odlilts. 5S0 N. Lib erty. Tel. 4494. Mj i - AND 3 R. acts.. "J0CI5 N. CaDitol. 3 ROOM FURX. apt,., ;535 Center. For Rent- Houses SMALL MODJ furp, ! house. Tet 23. :..!...!.. 1 7 ROOM HQITSK for rent, 312.00 or sale, easy terms. S13.0O. Stegner, 180 N. Commercial, i i ; i 'ill t For Rent Rent acres. Call C3F1S? Horpltai bed and ! wheelchairs ta -enr. II. I. Stiff Furnftur Co. Office rooma for rnt 111 Rtiia hi TeL J7IJ. i I ! I Wanted to Rent y TO 10 A. CLOSft In. Must have fairly good bldgs. Prefer place with fruit, berries, shale. If place 'is suit able might consider option to buy. TeL 7180. i - I ' i For SaleReal Estate Houses. Grant. B2I Court. Tel. 7723. SPECIAL i ! FOR A few ! days only we i are of fering a fine I room house, splendidly built and close to ; business -district, large lot with abundance of flowering trees and shrub: 'House lias large liv ing room with j fine ; view of hills and river. J large; bedrooms with open sleeping porch. iTliis is i a country home right downtown. Yoii i will like It. Worth tSO'O'J. Owner tt.mi accept ,4800, part terms. j , SEE Mrs. Ellis with I . CHILDS , -MILLER, -Realtors 344 State Street ; -Phone C708 ----------- i i -i-,-iririrn-irLixrijii -i ! ! - i - FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALEM home pr -acreage near by. ITS acre farm In Yamhill county few miles west of Carlton on rood -road, close to school, fair et of build ings, creek and spring water, few acres cultivated and iheaHow, i balance pasture? and choice timber. Ideal place for small dairy and proflc tn removing Umber, Price 300u. part -terror CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street j 1 TTione C708. . SELL FOR cash 1 s A. jTUbert orch ard 5 rm. hae., wateri system.' .East of city. -Phone 8832. ! r i - NICE HOME FOR; LITTLE MONEY $200 DOWN PRiCE $2100. i Nice 5 R. house with basement and furnace. $2500.60 bn s a'd uiay 5-R. i modern house oh corner lot. Boith streets pavad. A wonderful buy is this nice: modern home, 2 bedrooms, 1-asement and fur nace, fine location, forjthis next week only $2000.00 $600 down. Don't mitts this-one.- I ) j j '. i - . Another good buy:for $2590.0O $500 down; is a modern '5-R. house. Better see hat we Shave before you buy.,--' - - j '!-' ! i - - j . . J AS. D. : SEARS, REALTOR n xtigtt itreet j , $ S5 SMALL ISCRNISHED 'Ihous north.i toilet. Rights, garage, Jot . - , 45x100, -paving Paid. cash. ; $ Down. $20 per mo. 5-R. house, on W.j WUsoni St Woodshed, ga - rge, paving, soroe fruit-p$175v0. $ 230 Down,. t-R. home at $60 Richi . mond Ave. Basement, furnace, fireplace $2375i. -i , )--$ C7, Down.! $33 per moi, C-R. lEnglish type home, large living r., din ing T. Oak floors, 3. LARGE bed rooms, basement, furnace, flre 1 place, lot 50x150 $3S50- . i $1000 Down. English atyle home, living . 4room,i dining rn oak floors, '1 bed and bath on 1st floor, 2 bed rooms, toilet , and lavatory up stair. Basement, furnace, fire place,! nice lawn and shrubbery $4000. j i. - . . $ 100 Down, $20 per too. C-R, plaster - ed house, bathj garage.! 2 lot, paving paid, at! 1493 Lea Stf " $1250. - i - ; ? "MONEY to LOAN Fire A Auto Ina. MELVIN JOHNSON 72S Court St. i Phone $ 23 - : BtTLDING SITES i on 12ta street cutoff Sx220. Running water, city wa ter, set to fruit. $400. Also H A, A larger tracts. ' I i i -,- LOT on N. Fifth St iaxUQ'. paving pd, $450. Corner lot on N. Fifth 78x7. paving and walka In. ,3850. Lot on N Church 60x120, paving pd. $400. Many its to u noose From k- T v Tk a v v -v m MELVIN JOHNSON 4 725 Court St "., .. I Phone $t2t 1 BBBBBBBBBBwaBBBBBB a . ' I i i i 1 LooM Look MORE USED SPRING They Must Go - i - - - ; -.. --' " -: - MODEL A COUPE. Complete overhaul, new paint V-8 COUPE. Perfect A real special M . . CHEVROLET SEDAN "" j " CHEVROLET COUPE. Rumble seat , , j , ESSEX COACH ' j y,, -''!' DODGE SEDAN! j ' 19341 1928 1930 19291 1S26 192f 1927! 1929 im 1930; BUICK SEDAN CHEVROLET CABRIOLET STANDARD NASH SEDAN. MASTER BUICK SEDAN . PI ASH SEDAN i I -i AND MANY OTHERS THE VALLEY Marion A Liberty TWO USED f bona I OTTO J. HAS BEEN SELLING GOOD "USED i Ot'rtTW YJS WT fits I XaWATArffi. JS A HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY jA5iH5VE A GOOI REPUTATION TO UPHOLD SO YOU CAN BUY YOUR CAR FROM US WITH CONFIDENCE. . ! I 1934! Pont lac 4 -door Sedan 193 Pontiac 2-door Sedan 1934 Buick 2-door Sedan 19 33 Chev. 2-door Sedan -1934 Ford Convertible Coupe i uick f-pass. sedan 1931: Buick Small Series 4 -door Sedan 1931 Buick Small Series Coupe i..-; 1932; Ford Sport Roadster U-i. 1930? Ford Model A Coupe , ; . OTTO J. c. L r, . Bl'ck Pontiac 388 N. Commercial Street : - I i : ! m ...... v,',vywww,j; I i ; USED 29 STUDEBAKER Dictator 4-door 29 REO Flying Cloud 4-door Sedan ... ." . I i 31 STUDEBAKER Coram. 4-door. Completely reconditioned" and rerinisned. A Certified Car -. l 31 HUDSON 4-door (Greater Hudson 8 Modei) Formerly owned by prominent local business man . 31 CHEVROLET 6-wheel Coach. Good conditio " 32 PLYMOUTH 4-door Sedan ; L 29 DODGE St 4-door. Sedan . . ' - TRUCKS - - - 35 FORD. 1 H -ton. Lona: wheelbaa. ta nnrTn , . r . j-ivjc 1 J ion I i 34 DODGE 2-ton, Long whetlbase, BONESTEELE i Out to Win America on Value Alone ITS I THE DIFFERENCE YOU AY ! (IN ITSRn Pin i NOT HOW MCCH 1930-FORD COUPE 1930-OAKLAND 1S29-NASH SED. I934-CHEVROLET 2-DOOR J. 1935-CHEVROLET 1935-WILLYS 77 NEW RUBBER ! r CARTER & CHURCH MOTOR CO. NASH A T.ilTiVr.TTl? 365 North Commercial Street For SaleReal Estate 1 SUBURBAN HOME SITE $10.00 DOWN AND balance $5.00 per month will take a fine H acre , Dunaing site, city soil, close to city only $325.00. water, good limits, price $10.00 Dawn and $7.50 pfer month will take a fine 5 acre tract located 4 milea from J Salem, good road, light line. Just off main Pacific highway, price $900.00. $10.00 Down and $10.00 per month will take 5 acres on good road, all plow land, C miles from Salem, price $575.00. j If It is a small acreage, see G. H. ; GRABENHORST CO., REALTORS 134 S- Liberty Street SMALIJ I flT o-rwil kinnlln. XT Co- lem. Reasonable,! Inq. 151 1 N. winter. TS LOTS LOTS $3000.00 WILL take one of se beautiful lots located 5 ks from State A Liberty ts. located between Oak and-Mission and S. Liberty and South High streets. - Some of thiifse lots are covered with native-trees and If iyou are look ing or a close In residence lot, drive out and look at these lots. You will see our signs on . this property, ... Iere is your chance to secure! one of these fine lots at a right price and reasonable terms. SEE G.i H. GRABENHORST, JR. WITH Wi H. GRABENHORST A CO., f REALTORS 134! & Liberty Street S ROOM HOUSE, Lea St., paving paid. $1150.00. Easy payments. Lovely 6 room house on North Summer St. $4750.00. Win consider 5 room house in exchange.! 8 room house, Jefferson St $3750.00. terms. E. A.5JENSEN, (Real Estate) 1313 Edgewater St. TeL 4522. SUBURBAN TRACTS one mile north on r4ver roaL rich river bottom soil, see sign. ;' . . 5 room! house and 3 large lots with fruit nuts, all for $850.00; located at Mill iCity.? - - - ! 13? acres 7 acres In young growing prunes. 4 j room plastered house, only $1500.09 ;;$150.00 down, i bat easy. 4 roomi modern house: except base ment, in West Salem for only, $1400.00, liberal terms." i- - Garden I Road acres at! city limits $50.00 down and $10.00 per month. S, M. EARLE-V1CK BROS. . "I" ' Phone 967$. paved Weet, sidewalk. Price $995. Lo- vaicu s tmj xsrooKs avenue, ljo not disturb tenants.- See MrJ Harold with CHILDS ! MILLER, . Realtors, 344 State. St Tel.. 6708. BRAND NEW 5 room modern home. Paved street sidewalk, :nlce location. Price $3,000 $500 downj, Bal $25 par month, interest- 1 i 5 room house with basement located near Englewood achooli- Price 1 800H casn Damnce $zo per ma, 6 Interest I -.--- '. 4 roomf house,' 1148 Hall St Price $600, $75: down, balance $10 per no. plus 6 interest Immediate possession. Sea Mr. Harold j CHILDS A MILLER i 344 Statej Street i. Phone 670$. -'- ' HOUSES ! -J iruxnC $850. 4 R. FURN. HOUSE In North Salem, good lot paving ; paid. . j . $1350. 2-3 room plastered houses, paving paid. Now renting for $20 mo. $2250. S R. mod. home, close in. Mod. S.St home in North Salem. Priced tojselL Terms. i J ACREAGE ' 19 A." I R. house, barn, good well, electricity creek. $1750, terms A. t R, plastered house, good barn and chicken house, electricity, $2500. $500 down. - j ' . 35 A. 4& miles of Woodburn. 22x2$ house, electricity, good bara, $2250 $400 down, ...... i - 80 A. 36 In culUvattori, t A. of fine strawberries, 4 R. house, good spring. Priced $8800 terms. i - 108 A. ; R. plastered house, elec tricity, all river bottom soil. Abundance of water. $94 per acre. ! XL A, FORKNER ; . ' 185$ NortH Capitol -no $750.00 TO bibc srxe Look! CAR SPECIALS CLEAN UP - - We Need Room 285 $4S0 $15 $245 -$115 - $ 6S $ s l 85 -4- Comp. overhaul $25 .$235 ,$335 TO CHOOSE FROM MOTOR CO. CAR LOTS Center A Liberty 7910 , - .inmiiju WILSON CARS FOR ! OVER 25 TEARS TO Ttw rwM-&wM V v AXIS VlUlXSlX X ..$75.0O - C35.00 . 783.00 , 45.00 . 495.00 . 895.00 . 445.00 . 435.00 - S65.00 .. 245.00 WILSON i Sales A Service Phone Salem 9431s Sedan $275 295 245 435 335 375 35 265 S4t7 la.nlv tlroi T-hii. .$665 . 1(5 .. 6 75 7.50x20 duals . BROS., INC. i i THEY ARE PRICED .$263.00 23300 450.00 DEALER Phone 3734. For Sale Real Estate SALE OR; rent 14 A. close in north. 10 Ai. in crop house, barn, chicken house. J. L. TORREXS, 1296 N. 16th St ONE ACRE, five room house. Imme diately south? of city limits, fruit and garden. Small down payment. Balance terms. Price $1750. Two acres, seven room house, mod ern. Price $5000. Might consider ex change for house In Salem, Seven room house in first class con dition, 2030 North Fourth street. Price S200O. Down, payment $150 and $28 per month on balance. . j FOR RENT A suburban modern seven room house. Furnished, $40 per month, or unfurnished $35, with two acres of ground. ; L 5 room house, 1178 North Commer cial, z per-mon. J. F. ULRICH CO.. Or C V. JOHNSON 362 State Street Phone 8672 Exchange Real Estate EXCHANGE FOR LINN COUNTY ( FARM HAVE ONE of the finest 6$ sere well improved, small farms In the val ley to trade for a larger, farm .hi Linn county. Excellent Improvements, near Salem, clear of debt Will pay cash difference. SEE Mr. Walter with ! CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 670$ SALEM RESIDENCE FOR . ! ACREAGE . HAVE A fine home in Salem. Want small acreage close In. Must have good houses and. trees. Also prefer spring or creek. i 1 . r SEE Mr. Walter with CHILDS IA MILLER, Realtors -344 State Street Phone 6T0S. 5 ROOM ! HOUSE, Highland Ave. with basement, '. furnace, "fireplace, built-ins ldy.i trays.- $3750.00. A little cast and terms. , . t (See Mr. Wldener) 1 E. A. JENSEN (Real Estate) 1313 Edgewater St. Phone 4522 I For SaleFarms DO YOU WANT A GOOD FARM? !129 ACRES, BEST Of soil, part river bottom, 25 acres In hops, nearly new 5 room house,: barn 60x60, other out buildings, near school, price Including stock and equipment also crop, $16, 500, only $3000 down, baL terms. I SEE US FOR BARGAINS i W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. ! REALTORS 134 a Liberty St Phone 6463. 10 A. 4 Mt N. Kof Brooks,-bldgs. . , - old. (ft jcult Well and spring. Or : chard. GOOD SOIL $1400. , 55 A. J ml N. E. of Pratum. S A. -r cult, bat brush and timber, 400 ,., corda of; wood, good soil, creek $1800. i - 70 A, 14 mt N. W. of? Salem. 45 cult i Some timber, all fenced, spring, small shack $1750. " 11$ A. 3 Hi mt from Monmouth, 7-r. house, bath, 2 large barns, chicken house, 14x73: 10 A. orchard, 10 a. oak Umber.- all fenced, $50 per A. MONEY to LOAN Fira A Auto Ins. MELVIN JOHNSON - - 725 Court St : . Phone 3723 ; ACRE, SALEM His. 5 room house with hath anil kavnuil tfanann n-m trade for West Salem property. 2 acres,- roues iran aown town tsaiem. room house, elec water system, barn, hen house, garage, $3290.00.-WW consider 6 room house in exchange. 15 acres, C miles from Salem, i room bouse with bath, double garage, $4000. Will take house to exchange. Beautiful homesites Kingwood Heights, $300 up. easy payment a. E. A- JENSEN. (Real Estate), 1118 Edge water St 'Phone -!- " "I i . J2 A. FARM, R-B, 114 A.. 125 A 1C A., 160 A. Lota of other farms. H A modern. 4 A. modem 3 A. mod ern houses $50 down, easy montlily payments; trades considered. Be roe for terms and trades. H. a Shields, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 1902. CARS 74 ACRES HOWELL Prairie land for $9500.00, 7)0 bldgs. ' For sale 60 acrea for $10,000.00 good bldgs. Only $ miles out on pave meSt . v : . i- - - ! ,11H North Commercial ; j ROSTEIN ADOLPH RANCHES THAT WILL PLEASE ft,. ACRES, 4 BEAUTIFUL plaos (close in) worth more than the price. - : , -' v,;i - h V - Ai -Acres. Fair hooae, 8 acne poultry bouses, new barn,, spring water ; -price $2500.00 $500 down. - - . 11 -Acres, $ miles out fair house. Most U in fruit; $150 down. Price $1100.00.4 :'..-, ..... f. .... . 10-Acres, small house, S-A. cherries, 5-A. apples. $300 down; price $1250. 27-Acres (5-miles cast) good bldgs. and priced right-' A dandy ranch, and if bought in 10 days will give 3 eows, horse and implements. SEE JA& D. SEARS, Realtor I .11$ & High Street i i f: READ THIS $43500.00. WILL TAKE (0 acre farm I miles from Salem on good road, nearly all farm land, some Umber. C room house and outbuildings. Thla place is worth more money, let us show you the property. - fW. H, GRABENHORST A CO., i REALTORS I 134 South Liberty Street Acreage SUBURBAN HOME SACRIFICE THIS FIVE acre- home with bearing fruit, nearly new modern 7 room bun galow, with full cement basement fur nace, electric water system, - modern plumbing with attractive Ule bath room, also tile drain board. Includes electric refrigerator, double garage, good location, 4 miles out Price for IMMEDIATE SALE $4200.. y, cash, balance terms. POSSESSION RIGHT NOW. SEE THIS BARGAIN TODAY. IW. H.; GRABENHORST A CO., . REALTORS IM S. Liberty, St fhne 6468. ! FOR SALE OR TRADE ACRES MILES from Salem, new 4 room house,' barn and poultry house : lot of fruit and spring. Trade for house in Salem and pay cash differ ence or sell for $1750.00. j 110A4 North Commercial j ROSTEIN A ADOLPH S A. NEAR LAKE Labish, new house, furnished, elec., net income last year $500. Can be bought RIGHT. IS A, 4 rm. home, furnace, large chicken house, small barn, variety fam ily ffrnit and berries, $3200. Has HOLC loan. 5? A. 8 rm. house, elec., bath, full basement 2 A. prunes, $4500. 20 A., attractive 5 rm. modern home, fruit, $3500, will exchange for Salem home. 13 A., modern 5 rm. house, will take Salem home exchange. 24 A. with 11 beaverdams. high state of cult., in onions 27 yra, $16,000. 2 seta bldgs and onion sheds. f WINNIE PETTTJOHN j 214 North High Street saaaakaaasa m sa m i m m -,-)-M-M-w-w-w-wrjLnjJ ! CREEK TRACT $100.00 TAKES 10 ACRES miles . from Salem, year round creek, a fine place for country s home, H cash. tW. IL GRABENHORST A CO.. f . REALTORS 134 a Liberty Street S IDEAL FARM LOCATION $5.00 PER ACRE will buy 84 acres located close to Salem and will be lo cated C miles from Salem on the new Paflflc highway. 60 acrea of fine plow land, some pasture, fine timber, year roimd creek, spring water. This is an ideal set up for a farm home, and is worth more money. jW. IL GRABENHORST & CO., REALTORS I 134 S. Liberty Street j Wanted Real Estate XF YOUR property Is for sale, rent or exchange, list it with us. Prompt a 1 courteous service. I CHILDS 4k MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 6703. t I Monev to Loan I PRIVATE LOANS for automobilea New low rates. Roy H. Simmons, First National Bank Bldg. A Complete Service on j Loans Up to $300 I ' Personal Loans Wa can advance cash quickly and privately to any employed man tr woman lit 24 hours, Beneficial Loan j "Society of Salem Room 119, New Bligh Bldg. 2nd floor LICENSED NO. S-123 A M-145 by j STATE 111 8tas St TeL 3741. f Loans Made In Nearby Towns - - - - - - - -i-.-ii-irni-irLTLruxi-uxixAjxr FOUR PER CENT paid on savings INSURED to $5,000.00. Salem Federal Savings ft Loan Ass'n. Guardian Bldg. Phone 3801. Business I Cards In this directory run tin monthly basis only.- Rate: StX) per line per month. Auto Brakes - Mike ranek. 271 South Commercial Chimney Sweep Telephone 1 1 CO. R.. E. Northnesa. I Chiropractors DR. O. L. SCIVTT. PSG Chiropractor 256 N. High TeL Res. $752. I " Electrical Service ROSI.KR Electric. 24$ Stat St VTIr a. moinrs. appliance, repairs, service. Electrical Tattooing- LOW PRICED Sailor Jack 43$ S. 17th. .1 , Excavating Excavating of all kinds. Basements dun. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt - for aale. Salem Sand and Oravel Co. Phone 40A f. -. -.,.-:....... Florists: ? Breithaupra. 447 Court ALL kinds of floral worn. Lata, FUr 'St 127C N. Uberty , TeL 959 A- . 1 Homeopathic Physician DR. L. G. Altman. Treats both acute and chronic diseases. Office and real dene. 607 Center. TeL $83 A . - Laundries TUB NEW SALEM LAUNDRY I THB WEIDEH LAUNDRY :$$ High . TeL $tl$ I CAPITAL CTTY LAUNDRY j First ta Quality and Service retepaotta 8165 12$4 Broadway I I Lawn Mowers 1516. Harry W. Scott, 147 S. Com'L For Sale Used Cars .Always 422 Uced 1 Generous 25 BUICK SEDAN. ' , 2$ BUICK ROADSTER ..,,. . 27 CHEVROLET COACH 27 WILLYS-KNIGHT SEDAN 2t CRRTSLKR CW'PW 29 CHRYSLER SEDAN zs 29 39 30 WILLYS-KNIGHT SEDAN PLYMOUTH COUPE ,., CHEVROLET COUPE FORD SPORT ROADSTER $33 Center Street -It Money to Loan Federal bousing loans title 1 build or rciinance nomes or business prop. Low rates. A bra ma A Ell la. Masonic B. By aa Independent Salem Finance Co. Amounts to $1500.00 - ' On to Twenty Months to Repay Deal with aa Independent Salem owned-and-operated . finance company where your needs will receive every consideration both before and after the loan Is made. No Delays - . . No Red Tape General Finance Corp. First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 151$ ucensea. s-isc by State "i"r"arsraArVa'VaXff-aVJI MONEY TO LOAN at REDUCED Interest rates on farms, acreage or city property. Must be good security. Lew costs, prompt service. Consult us be fore borrowing. CHILDS A MILLER, Mtge. Loans 344 State St Phone 6708. Loans Wanted Loans wanted on rarm and city property. Before borrowing. Inquire at Hawkins A Roberta, MORE SECURITY, less Interest is the best investment for your savings. Bay a first mortgage on real estate, examine the security yourself. CHILDS A MILLER, Mtge. Loans 344 State St Phono $791 Livestock and Poultry MOLLEY MITT.R. troto-h K, inn lbs. Salem Horse and Cow Market, "n. v-ymu'eruiai ana WDeny St. 2 WELL BROKE saddle mares. gentle. SALEM HORSE A COW MARKET N. Commercial A Liberty St. TEAM. MATCHED bay mares, weight about 2900 lbs. Nice gelding, weight 1600 lbs. Work single or double, sound or gentle. Nice black six year old mare. Nice 2400 lb. team cheap. Red Barn, N. Commercial and Liberty Sts. BABY CHICKS for farm or home; 10 varieties. Baby cockerels, pullets, custom hatching. Ph. 1S3F2. Lees Hatchery. BABY CHICKS each MondayTVe also have 300 young Leghorn pullets. Warlner's Hatchery, 2160 N. Fifth or 54 Highland Ave. FRESH GUERNSEY cow and calf, $60. Red barn, N. Com'L and Belmont FRESH JERSEY cow, $53. Turner Rd. 2223 For Sale Wood GUARANTEED DRT wood oaf TeL 5000. Salem Fuel Co Trade Cottage. 11 1 IN." OLD "fir. TeL 6616. " " aSwssa,aa4aasesSasi BIG" 16" old fir. $5.00. 1$ dry see. growth. Ph. 6616. MILL WOOD. TeL 5341. 2ND GROWTH. $4.75. Fred Martin, 854 & Commercial TeL $041. Directory Mattresses Mattress remade, new cover. $3.95 CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phona 4049. SALEM FLUFF-RUG and Mattreaa Factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order.-old remade; carpet cleaning, sls Ing; fluff rug weaving, a 13th A Wll hur. Tet 144 1. OTTO F. ZWICKER. Eat. 1911. Music Stores t!EO. C W I Li-llanos, radlna. aewlng machines, sheet music and piano stud tea Repairing radios, phonographs end sewing machines, 433 State Street Salem. j Photo Engraving ' j Salem photo engraving. 147 N. Com mercial. ,TeL $8$7. Printing FOR STATIONERT, cards. pamph lets, programs, books or any kind ol printing- call The Statesman Printing Department, 215 S. CommerclaL Tele phone 910L-,- j ( Sewing Machine Repairs 1 C EL Leatherman, T $475. 1163 Waller. Stoves t I epatr stores, ranges, circulators. Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and eircutators: stock fence, posts, chicken wire, Salens Fence arid Stove Works. 262 Chemsketa, Tet. 4774. . R, B Fleming. ? - . , Transfer FOR local or distant transfer storage, all 3l$L Iirmer Transfer C - Truck 'o Portland daily Ramseyer truck servtca. Phono 3354 CAPITAL CITY - Transfer Co. $2$ Stats St TeL. T7t A Distributing, for warding and storage ayr aparlalty. Clet wr ratea ' - - - " ii ,.. , . i -ini-inrnir nj. ASHCRAFT FOR moving. TeL 3389. Vacuum Cleaners For rent or service, can 8a lent lard wara Co. .TeL 496s.- Well Drilling I ft A. West. . . Bex 44$. Tat. liOrtv M j For Salts Used Cars 1 Better Used Sold Since Lower radeyLoyr- G $ cs.oe 75.00 85.00 125.00 : i.ee 195.00 185.00 2J5.00 225.00 235.00 - 30 FORD COUPE . 31 FORD ROADSTER 31 CHEVROLET COUPE S3 CHEVROLET SEDAN r 31 iPONTIAr? KPtlAV . - 35 CHEVROLET -35 CHEVROLI-rr RULE, l Phono 3189 a-asiaaa... - i s, -ar a rarLiXAISna BIGGER - - BETTER MORE BEAUTIFUL Selection of , Automobiles than have ever been offer' ed by State Motors, Inc. FINANCE U CHARGE TO QUSED CAR A BUYERS BlI(7K; 1935 Touing Sedan.. Original Ii',n'!l1 ne tires, low mileage. Radio. BUICK. 1934 Victoria DeLuxe Coupe. HLDSON. 193 Touring Sedan DeLuxe. radio. A real buy. Se today. FORD. 1935 DeLuxe Town Sedan. Spe lai.pamt and accessories. 9000 mL FORD. 1934 Pick-up. new paint new tires, completely overhauled. Guar anteed. CHEVROLET. 1934 Pick-up new paint new tires, 19.000 miles. Recon ditioned. - HUDSON-TERRA PLANE. 1933 De Luxe Sedan. Refinished. recondi tioned. OLDSMOBLE. 1933 Touring Sedan. This popular car is being sold under value. Has Jumbo tires BUICK. 1932 DeLuxe Sedan. Original finish, trunk, fender wells, new S- Pl' Lee tires. Dual equipment HUDSON. 191 Coupe.- Bought new Nor.. 1931. 16,000 actual .miles. HI DSpx. 1931 DeLuxe Sedan, Refln- 1 Ished and reconditioned. ESSEX. 1930 Coupe. R. S. New paint, I new tirea Pnmnl.t.ls v. icuuiu. tioned. PACKARD. 1927 light Six Sedan. In- Ti. JISS new- n'w tir?8' new paint CHRYSLER. 1926-27 Sedan. New rub ber, leatlier upholstery, hydraulic four-wheel brakes. HUPMOBILE. 1926-27 Sedan. Original finish and upholstery like new. Hy draulic four-wheel brakes. OLDSMOBILE. 1926-27 Coach. Leath- -tr.-uphol8ter" four-wheel brakes. Perfect shape. The above cars carry our New Car Guarantee 25 others, all makes, to choose from. Lotcest Doivn Payment. Balance: in 1218243648 Payment Plan STATE MOTORS, INC. rTT ' DEALER for IIUDSON -TERRAPLANE PACKARD 2 Chemeketa at High J Phone 8400 Open Evenlne-s A nn.iv 64F?3.WHIPPET COACH. Tel. 3i F110 ROADSTER,- mechanically good. New tires new paint Call 711 S. 21st. Tel. 3600. Don't Waste Your Time Or Money . -innnn n i C" SHROGK, r , To Buy Or Sell Your Car Ml! tr Tniii-- . dealer. All-makes, models, body styles and prices, at all times. Cash paid for good cars. SAVE AT HROCK'S "I.- Chemeketa Street Phone 7923 .y. ave.' : ,a" Bargains Only) DON'T FAIL TO SEE THESE FINE USED CARS 1S26 Pontiac Coupe .. . ' "-a rwuac joupe 1930 Durant Sedan 225 265 745 195 193a Dodge Sedan 1928 Olds Coune 1928 Durant Sedan 65 19Zt star Sedan 110 875 175 35 235 365 145 15 75 135 195 1935 Chrysler Sedan .. 1927 Packard Sedan 1925 Ford T Sejlan 19-9 Durant Sedan 1931 Durant Sedan 192C Buick Sedan iw.a .nrysier Sedan 1927 Chev. Coach 1937 Olds fmi-h 192$ Olds Sedan .1 Oil.', "i ' . - , 4 vuiem two to. .',.m ' Chrysler A Plymouth -- . ,.C-I-'i' Phone 4673. BO RREGQ' S 1933, Graham C Sedan $893 19S1 Dodge Spt Deluxe Coupe . 383 1!!2 -Chev.- Sedan, wire wheels 325 1930 -Chevrolet Coupe: ..,u 283 1932 V-8 Ford Coach 375 We have four Model T Kerds . at $10 each, .v Borrego Car Mthet r - m Across fjcom High School 52a Marion St , .. Phone 4533. t Wood Sawing v. J Wood sawing, lowest prices, T. 40 $4 - - .... I Lost and Found f LOSTU-txlS TPVT rtv .raith of Salem. Reward. Pickering, Rt $, BOX 3A, t - - -inrijnrMi r,o, innr LOST .BROWN ke-talnee ' RewarA. TeL 4$7L .-. . . . . .: . Personal I PlT?TVtt TfnVTX JI a.. wanted (for 99 yrs) Must like Calif, Aoares cum, f. u. uox 592, Salem. -i -i- -nr.n.i tn.. "LOSE 7 LBS. Weekly. Safe, Inexnen- sive. Write Dr. Wendt Canton, 8. Dak. FREE! STOMACH I'lKRf flAl PAINS, indigestion relieved quick. Get FREE sample doctor's prescription, Udga, at Capital and Perrra Drnir -i 35 CHEVROLET COUPE (MASTER) 33 CHEVROLET SEDAN (MASTER 34 BUICK SEDAN I -McKay Chevrolet I For Sale Used Cars' Cars at ; i January 1st il r ) r m Prices M A C ITerms J.I245.M 4. 265.00 J I45.0C 495.00 495.00 COACH KPnAM SKUA N inAMUKlll 585.00 $35.09 675.00 845.0 $30 N. Commercial Co Stress Home Idea At SuiTimer Study Stage College Will Have Unusual Number of Authorities CORVALLlS The Oregon State college summer session this year will be an important training cen ter for home economics students and teacher! from many parts ot the eountry.fjudgine frqm advance indications, j Increasing public at tention to economic and social ad justments within the home and community has greatly stimulated the demand ifor trained! leaders In the Held of Ihome economics, says Dean Ava S. Milam, head of th O. S. C. school. ' 4 The west Is the Mecca for wom en of this profession this summer because of jthe combined attrac tions of the Nationalj Education association convention in Portland June 28 to July 2, and jthe Ameri can Home Economics association convention in Seattle July s to 11. The session-at O, S. C. has been planned to make it possible for the students regfistered to attend these two conventions.) ,, I - Because of the national meet- ings and through the cooperation of the state department , of voca tional education, a larger number of visiting instructors S than ever before will; be available in the school of home economics. Instructors from! East : Among these : are Miss Mabel Russell, assistant professor of home economics at Iowa State col lege; Miss Bess Steele1, assistant professor and head of jthe design division of j home economics de partment of the University of Ne braska; Drj R: Adams Dutcher, professor and head of the depart ment of agricultural and biologi cal chemistry at Pennsylvania State college: Dr. Sybift Woodruff, authority oto food research from the University of Illinois; Dr, Har old Jones, professor of child psy chology and director of the Insti tute of Child Welfare. University of California; Dr. E. Lfee Vincent, psychologist of the Merrill-Palmer school In Detroit; Prof Mary Koll Heiner, director; of thf School of Domestic Arts and Science, Chica go; and Miss Christine! Finfayson, supervisor f home economics In North Dakota. I Utah Uninstnicted j -P- f j . t--r- ' OGDEN, tUtahi. May 2-iP)-Utah republicans! turned thumbs down on a move for! a Borah-pledged delegation ko the national party convention today and voted to send the state's eight delegates to Cleveland uninstructed. v . No. i . : ! i ! Byaopaia ofAnnaa! Statement at Tk Ckarter Oak SFir. ln. T "fKv-HV' 8ut e Coaaectirat. 4m the tbirt first ; a -f 1935. ajidejto tas Iniaraar Cetnaiiat .oner of thi Stat ( OrCon. parsaaal I ciiti7 ! .. Amonnt ef 'capital itoek p:d $300,000.00. Nat prm im ntceiv4 danag th year. Don. latarwat. AtlitMj. . - ' . - . . . ircru . anna tka year, -492.59j ... lacam lrm atktr toorce reeeiTrd dtrrinrth ytar Sorplus Paid la, $700. 000.00. f i 57" Total income. $9.507.4l. ; ',- OtSBURSEMKNTg Kat losaea- paid tanng- the year la clading adjattment expenset, dob. - . Dividend . nid a capital stock din ing th jrar, bob. i. Salaries paid daring the yr. $37 1.5, -Taxe. licne end lee paid during the year. $4,195.74, f Amonnt ef aU j other 1 xpBdstttra, $59.38. ( ? Totl txpenditsrt. $4.6S 6.70, - ,. . . . iccrxa -.. .J"- - Valoe a ml nun -ad (narkal Vila), nana. Value ef - Bead I a-ard airktt vah Lmb a mortgagrs aai toilaUral. et.- aen. i . i - . ' Cart la baaka. $183 830.71. ' - PramiBBra (a era ef eolieetioa writ-4 tea alar 8dtaWc SO, 1035. aene. Interest do and accrued. $.1.94A 4.V. . Total admitted ateta. $(.201,079.16. , J PLIABILITIES . Ore alalntt tet is neat A . ' Aawant faearnd pramiuai m all . aiauadiat diaka. aaa.- i Da er doaunisiioa. aad breitratJ sen. - i . t All ether Haailltift Taaea'V "N - Tata) liabilities. - ea-pt - . aapiiaU $200.00. 1 - - - I Capital "aid an. 8500.00B A0-! " 8arploi erir all . iltbtlitie,: $707.' .9T9.1A - j ' - ' - - - -. - .. i Sarpla ararc pellttie'der. $l, ;07.77.is. i .. . 4. , 11 Taral. $1,507,979.16. f - - BfSlNCSS IX OHKOOS POl TRB ,' - ---v-' I -EAR ; - -:- ' - Kt premlama raecirad i lariag the year, aeao, . - t : - I - LasS sale daring th V. none. Laase ineBrred durl tk tr. fmn ." of OoaiB.Rr. Thai Ckarter. 0 iBsaraae Com pt nr. - Wane of Piaaidaat U Cjniand Xarh , Nam ef 8crcry. Ctmcmd ITwiiis, 8tstutary feeidnit . attoraav for aeroi ha. Pkil Oroisaurar, PortlaaA Orcgoa.' S ' t 1 ' ! i 1