The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 03, 1936, Page 13, Image 13

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To Be Used
rruus junior Federated. Music
1 cluts of Salem will give the
iouowing program in the lobby
of the Y. M. C. A. Monday night at
o ciock:
i 7. melodic ircsicr club
t plane - '
a. Forett Voices
V Ingram t May and Virgil.
; . . Dorothy Hoar
JU lira fickantuaniee MacGrefor
' . ' jrtmn A lea
B. Pa ace Cs price . - ;;,-; , pries
i -.ieise rreimey
; I. Pm the Iwp Sea SteinhslmcT
. lit Bell Wnfhi , . ,, John Barsa
J. Bark ! Vfr Bella Johnson
. Arpeggia Wait , Crawford
. I Uoraon Waller
i 1. Song of Spring . -, . ,., Friedman
"Yiraini T'omkuia
. Hungarian
Alice Far Donrhartv
. xtoiieriiy i sue
-Jean .Xtwrntn
lajtriaa Folk rag ; .-' -, ,., Par"
' 1 - Jack Laehelle
- ; Surleaque Fsutastiqn Kreutxlis
; Tour riolins Rondo . .Beet-OTea
v, . Rath y a Thj,asj, Hngb. Sehoble,
.. i Antoinette tins and Robert Inst
I fa a Wild Ktm . -.MncDoweB
-"Russiaa Romance ., . Tijmt
( "" " Sean Hm
GTansel and Glutei (Original Suit by
Betty Merrer,
a. In tha faWtt a. The Witch
. Tha Daac . ' v .
' , Hetty limn
; a. Minuet getitire Op. 49 No.' 2 -
1 Beethoreo
ti . f " Jia Reynolda
- o. Boueggretto ;
Helen -Maehniek
- Tw pianot : s .- :
i a. Sieilieane S - Baca
! Carolyn Bitody, Ruthya Thomaa i
. ,fc. afont Jfinicala . -Sckabart
i -Taiine He!f. Xirtrarct Siegmnad
,- Tamlile W - .BM
f . sictiienae , ...Baek
Ira- tnrt. Jx-qneline Jndd
.4 Btrertee
. Conatrr Iaa-a
. Harioria ttbtwt -
.CBESCENno Cf-UB Salem Hirt Bc-ool
. rrampet Sele-fStara ia tka VeWaty
Sky L ; : Clarke
, lir Olea -
' 1. Phil Barftt. f eompanit
; At the DonaTbaeok Fair - , Scott
Patty Xiemeyer
A. Dacta, Ballet llaiic fro Roia-
nde .. j . ,..,.. Schabert
t t Kellia Barker. Winifred Briiey '
i B. t piano GljDW Worm Liaeke-Nash
i I Malice Cae. Gaf Bella Cearaay
Koetara E flat Chopin .. , SarataU
Dorothy palmer
' I Dorothy igr. areompaaitt
: I f '
Talkinten Have
', Idaho Vlslto
A. VT. Tajklngton of Grange
i rille. Ida., jbent several daya at
tha home ofjMra, F. P. Talkiny
1 ton last-wetk. He n-a on his way
! to Los Anrtjee.
i If your eize is "'round the for
ties" and ypa hare been search
ing for a flattering daytime dress,
! your troubfes are orer Anne
Adams has jtaken them tight off
: your -shonldkrs with this graceful
afternoon frock with long, slim
minx center panel and uprising
skirt yoke. The bodice boaita a
cape collar w hich is cool, flatter-
, ing and mapces rou look slender.
: The extra-lbw V-neck which ex
tends to tha waistline adds inches
to your height and imparts a re-
.: freshingly feminine touch with its
i dainty lace i rest-effect. "-ttractlra
: in a dark fheer for street wear
and delightful for dressy -occa-
' slons In printed chiffon, rolle or
; silk crepe. !' .'
. Pattern i 0 0 3 is arailahle In
sizes M, 1$, 20,-34, Sf, 8, 40.
42. 44 and! 4f- Size 3 ( takes 4
'yards 39 inch fabric and yard
34 inch lac. Illustrated step-by-step
sewing! instructions included.
i Send fifteen eeatt 15e) la coiaa
t itampt Uoim preferred for talt
Anne Aiam aattera. Writr plaia'r
aeme, addr end atria nooibar. Be '
euro to I tat a iiie. :t
" Order oar New Abb Adama Patter-
Brok atd learn how. eaaily yoa .
raa make aitmart tinner wardrobe
that' ut four etjiel The latett
frock, taitsi bloosea; beieh and a
eatioa elothci: bridal oatfita. Loraly
elothea for Vhildrea. too. - Smart
etylea for ctaat. And a foil pirta re
etory of easitner fibrin aad aeceaaoit
les. Price at Book fifteea eenta. Book
and Pattera together tweaty-fiT
eent. j ' .
Addreta orders t The Oregon.
Btateiintn Pitt era Dept.. 213 8011th
Coramereul rreet, Salem. Ore. Make
eeeotary enelonarea. . Toar ardor wi'l
be promptly-attended to. .
OTdert cuttomarilT are filled with
in foor dar ;ron time raceied J
Young Lady in White
1 ,, , , , . . . , . .
.-. , .
J 4
i .: . " : - !
. ;
i f
A H,' J? 8?Pta awager
k TV V. i ne er daughter of Sergeant L. Cutler of
the Salem police force. The coat is a style popular this season. Photo
by Jeaten.Mlff. jCoat by DuBala Far company, I
Miss Macklin Honored "
With Shower ; i ! '
Miss Louise Macklini bride-
elect of Tom , Schweigert. was
complimented withr a. i miscellane
ous shower Friday Bight glren
oy Mrs. Tom Doty.; Assisting hos
tesses were Mrs. Gi Hurley, Miss
Edna Hurley an Mrs. Pearl
bpamhour. - ..
A profusion of lilacs and tu
lips enhanced the t guest rooms.
Games and refresh menta ended
the erening.. f i; K
Bidden were Miss Helen Mann.
Mrs. Nellie Carter, Mrs. Sarah
KendolU Miss Haiei Macklin. Mrs.
Jt Cleary, Mrs, Irene Hurley, Mrs.
Lulu Humphrey, -Mrs. Pearl Ni
chols, Mrs. Ethel Otjen, Mrs. C.
W. Pogue, Miss Helen Heradon,
Miss Christine Schweigert, Mrs.
George Schweigert. Miss Leila
Pogue, Mnu D. M.I Macklin. Mrs.
George Van Cleared Mrs.' William
Hensell, Mrs. W a 1 1 e r Clifton,
Miss Lorraine Macklin, Miss La
Verne" Proctor, Mrs. Ruth Boat
wright, Mrs. Eupha Swallow and
Miss Joan Swallow
"'.'-. '. . (' ' ,.s. !
Mrs. Schur Inspiration
for Luncheon l
Mrs. Meinard Schur of Hono
lulu was the inspiration for 'a
luncheon Thursday! giren br Mrs.
George A. White and her daugh
ter. Miss Henrietle. Lieut. Com
mander and Mrs. Schur are house
guests of Colonel :and Mrs. Jos
eph V. Schur. , :;i--r v
Sixteen were inrited to greet
the Tisltor, the' guest list 'being
drawn from wires ; of officers " of
the Oregon National guard.
Pupils of Miss Schultz
Place in Gntesti
Salem pupils of Miss Mary
Schultx came home with high
honors from the statewide contest
sponsored by the Oregon Federa
tion of Music clubs in Portland
Friday. it; . .
Geraldine Schmoker placed
first in class A; Kathleen Broer
won second place In class . B:
Hume Downs, second - place, in
class D; Mabelle Lilburn, second
place In class E. - j jj i
5 - r .
c J4' -
. 1 '
!. .
5 . , ' 1
III ..-.. 4 . 2 j. j . . 1 - 1 - . 1
Give Herja Zolo's
i! T 1
coat is ahown here as beirur won
Mrs. Lauterman Returns
From California
J. H. Lauterman returned the
voi. wecj irom an extenaea stay
in Calif otnia. He left February
10 for San Francis
a week there. He was feted on
nis birthday with a party at the
Sir Francis Drake hotel.
.Stop-orters were made by Mr.
Lauterman in San Jose and San
ta Barbara and most of his time
spent in Los Angeles and San
Diego. While in Los Angeles, he
made his headquarters at the U.
S. Grant hoteL )
Excursions orer to El Paso,
Yuma and Phoenix j gare Mr.
Lauterman a fine vacation in the
winter sunshine.
Miss Wkchter Feted at
Bridal Shower
Mt. Angel Miss Annai Wach
ter, daughter of Mrs. Helen Wach
ter, was cbmnlimentedfwith a hn.
dal shower Friday, night. Miss
Wachter's marriage to John
Schallbergser has been set for
Tuesday, Klay 12, at St Mary's
Catholic church. i--v ,
Card-playing preceded the
luncheon fcnd presentation of the
gifts. Miss Irene Bntsch rMtvl
high score: honors and Mrs. Henry
Weiland the second prize. Miss
-ouise Butsch drew the door prize.
Hostesses for the vnfnr In.
eluded Mrs. Paul Wachter, Miss
wary wacnter, Mrs. Helen Etch
er, Mrs. Joseph L. Wachter, Miss
Carrie Sprauer, Miss Connie Con
rad, Miss Olire Meyers, and Mrs.
v;naries unman.
War Mdthers Will Meet
at Lutheran Church
The American War Mothers
will hold a business . meeting
Tuesday afternoon at 2 i o'elock
la the- S. iS room of I the Ameri
can Lutheran church on North
Church stj-eet ' i ,
Any Wkr Mothers j TisIUng In
the city ate welcome. Final plans
will be made for the carnation
sale May 9. proceeds gb for relief
work among World war reterans
and their families; and War
Mothers who are in need. ...
Machineless Wave i
"7. ',. ... . ' . i i i
County School
Festival is
' Tuesday :
TUESDAY afternoon at 3
O'clock, the Marlon countr mn
Bic festiral will hold forth la
the Willamette nnlrersltr dbm
slum. Rural schools in the ricin-
lty i ol 6alem numbering 25 will
take part with 100 children per-
lorming. . ; ,
Mrs. Lillian Shauer of the
Hayesrilld school chairman of
the festiral, which is open to the
Pudiic without charge.
Following is the program: '
t. Special Kamber .
XL 1. Marchiac Star
' . Way te Draamlaad Town
tt7 Wig and Piggy We '
I, .. Lower, Grade C-oms
Mrs. Oars Oirod, direetor -y-?
Flora Uedrlek. aoeam panlii,'
HI. 1. A oning Hymn
- i- 2. Over tha IILhr '
IT. L Reeret
Combined Shythae Baads
V, Oregon Train .
Stars t tha Summer Klgbt
-- Boys', Choras
i Agaea Booth, director --
Loatta Baker, iceomotnlit
VT. Special nomber
VIX. Sing When Yoa Ara Happy
uoMOitera - - ...
Two Part Chorna
Laara Milea. director ' - .
. Geraldine Err. aceompaalat
VIIL Carry Back to OlA Virginia
aioba .
Combined Harmonica Band .
. Willow Krawav director
Vamia BoatracL. aeeompaaiit .
IX Special another ,
Z. Star Spangled Banner
Oregon State Bong
liebea J. -taaike. leader
XL Special number
Miss Melton Hostess at-
Tea, 4 o'Clock
Miss Frances -Virglnie Melton
will receire the interested pub
lic at andther of her Flrst-Sun-day-of-the-Month
musical" teas
this afternoon starting at .4'
o'clock in her studio; 324 W.' Cap-
"ol. : --'5 ,
The Altrusa club and Mrs. Dar-I
id B. Hill will assist in receJringJ
Miss Charlotte" HU1. pianist, and
Miss Mary Elizabeth Kells, conJ
tralto, 'will appear on the pro
gram. .. .
During the tea hour, Mrs. W.
H. Lytle and Mrs. LaMolne Clark
will pour. - Serrlng will be Miss
Barbara Pierce, Miss Mary Eliza
beth Tompkins, Miss Virginia
Cross, Miss Martha Herman, Miss
Lois Burton and Miss Elizabeth
Boylan. .. .,
IThe program will he as follows:
1 . I -
Prelude ' - Baeh
Groap of anrkaa . fhitHn
I CkarletU Hill ,
Ombra ai En (Xerxei) , ...Handel
O. Ccftate Bi Tiegarmi Scarlotta
Mary Elite beth Kails
Mary Jeaoette Sargent, accompanist !
Barcarolle - " Ieo Oraiteta
Original Compoaition . . .Charlotta Hill
v - Misa Jim
When I Ears Sang My Songs to Ton '
I Earnest Charle
A Uttle Chins Figure- FrSnco Leant
Lit P. Cnrraa
, Miaa KeUs
' .. 111 '
The Marionettes Edwird MarDoweTl
-- ? . Miaa Hill
''i : -
Mrs. Behrhaum Honors
Safeway Auxiliary !
-The April meeting of the Safe
way Women's-auxiliary was held
Wednesday night at the home of
Mrs. Fred Behrbaum. Mrs. Bert
Berkey and Mrs. Harold Allison
assisted, her in entertaining.
Cards were the diversion of the
evening, high score going to Mrs.
Nichols and low to Mrs. Tony
The May meeting of the club
will be in charge of Mrs. Harry
Bramel, Mrs. Paul Bale and Mrs.
Charles DuralL
;Those present Wednesday night
were Mrs. Paul Male, Mrs. Har
ry Bramel, Mrs. Grant Pyatte,
Mrs. Charles Darall. Mrs. Laren
Griggs, Mrs. George Solterbeck,
Mrs. Tony Morarec, Mrs. Nichols,
Mrs. Art Coilinsworth of Dallas,
Mrs. Behrbaum, Mrs. AHIson and
Mrs. Berkey.
-, t
-l . : : :
Mr. Crittenden la '
Guest at Home :
D. S. Crittenden of Sunnyside,
Wash., was a house guest of sev
eral days last week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. George Solterbeck.
i: ' . " :- V. t.l
i motAer .-1
Only Holepraof Hnalary la DOUBLY CERTIFIED by (Woo! HowsoUapUf
' and the leHer Fabrics Testing luraau.
Ore-on, Sunday Jlorninff, T.Iay
I i ill ii mil 111 in i i i i" : I TZ-. . " - , - I I ! i ,.
B : - n i i i wovai
Office Lours for the society editor are as follows t
. . 10 a. m. to 12 p. m. and 2 to O p. m. every day bnt Sat
nrday. On Saturday, they are 9 a. m, to 11 :S0 a. m. and
12:80 p. m. to 0 p. m. ;
'. S.Monday, May A . ; -
i Royal Neighbor's drill team and convention prac
' -. tice for officers. 7:30 p. c la Nelson halt " - . -
-A1PilAip!?a Moth' p. m. at home Mrs.
W. EL Kirk. 14S0 SUte.
-, t- Junior unit of Legion auxiliary, Fraternal, temple.
- American Lesion ' auxlHai
p. m.
:' Northwest division of
, tome Mrs, George Pearce, 2(7 N. Winter, 2 p. m. I .
Sewing club of Auxiliary to Sons of .Veterans, z p m.
In home Mrs. E. T. Prescott,105 Oak. . - ,
- f Sigma Na Delphian study club at public Ubrary,
.. 2 P. Pi. . . 1
.; Salem Garden club at Unitarian church. 8 p. m.
PM.?eg lnmnae meeting with Miss Edith Walk
er, 685 N. Summer, 8 p. m.
MoUiera of seniors at Salem high school to meet in
school library, 3:45 p. m. to discuss graduation expenses.
V ' Tuesday, May5 ;
j Security Benefit association in W. C T. U hall
. J American War Mothers in S. S. room of American
' Lutheran church, 2 p. m. . '
Salem W. O. T. U. in hall on Commercial. 2 p m.
,vI.urt! Social Hour club at Glen Adams home for
. Mother's Day meeting, 2 p. m... I
' 5 Order of Eastern Star. 2 n. m. Ill XfaBAnto tmln1
Mother's Day program. '
- ! .JaTenllea of Nelghbora
mieiuai teinpie. Moiner s way program.
- Wednesday. Mav 6
- ) Maccabee meeUng in K. P. hall, 8 pr m. Mother's
Day program by Juveniles.- j
f Royar Neighbors sewing elub with Mrs. Cloydine
Lovell. 24S N 18th, club dinner. Bring Uble service.
-i - Dorcas aociety of Christ Lutheran church. 2 p. mi at
' - church. ' ' , - - - - T"
Unity class-at Marion hotel, 8 p. m.
. DakoU club In W. C. T." U. hall. 5:30 p. . Bring
- , -, Friday.
' ! Council of Church Women all day meeting in Run-,
6uw v-unouau cuurcn, iin ana uourt, 10 a. m.
y jaoiner s tstuay; group of First Congregational
church, 2:30 p. m. with Mrs. E. G. Ricketts, 1783 S.
WCTU Meets Tuesday in
Hall on Commercial f
The regular meeting of the Sa
lem W.C.T.U. will be held at 2
o'clock Tuesday afternoon Iq the
nail on commercial.' Miss Maude
M.j Carlton will direct the pro
grim by the health department
Miss Grace Taylor will talk on
public health In Marlon countr
and Mrs. Lydla V. Lehman and
Miss Carlton will both speak.
Mrs. Dunn Opens Home
to Church Society
Monmouth Mrs. J. Dunn
was hostess to the - Christian
church missionary society Friday
afternoon. Rev. W. A. Elklns ad
dressed the group on , Japan, ex
hibiting a Japanese work of art
The lesson topic on Japan and
Korea was supervised by Mrs.
James Riddell and Mrs." Arthur
Fourier. Others assisting with the
program were Mrs. Harvey Young,
Mrt. Lottie Egger, Mrs. R. E. Em
erson ahd Mrs. Lvdia. Carmi-
chieL 1' ?'::...:: -i- ,-;
Mrs. d C. Teaterwill entertain
the group on May 22. j
i - i -
Englewood Cluh Enjoys
Meeting Friday
The Englewood Woman's cluh
met at the home of Mrs. : A. R.
Tartar on Friday afternoon. As
sistant hostesses were Mrs. F. E.
Mercer, Mrs. Ola Rambo, I Mrs.
Mable Robinson and Mrs. i Rv A.
Fcffkner. ......:::.- !
The program was as follows;
violin solo by Marian Chase ac
companied by Mary Jeanette Sar
gent; book review, by Mal! Ellen
Fisher oh "Chloe Dusts the Man
tle" by Frances Gill, a rtorr of
uregon rioneers. i
SilTer Teat at Church
Friday at 2 o'clock
The west side circle of Jason
Lee church will hold a- silver tea
at? tne church Friday afternoon
starting at 2 o'clock. There will
be? a Mother's Day program. Mrs.
William E. Beniamine is in charce
ana tne public is invited. , i .
W know mothertl And we can isB
you, not only that mothers prefer
how'ery tut wt know just tha style of
Holeproof Hosiery mother would be
delighted to hare. We'B help you
choota it, f you wish even to tha
authoritative color which will best go
with her costume. In handtome gift
packing without extra charge. . . ; :
Q Pairs la Special
ti or
Jlother'a Day Box t?eO
2 ralr la Mother's Day Packing $1
Others 79o to f 13
3, IS!
in. Fraternal , temple.
PresbvtArlan im .i
- - F '
of Woodcraft, 4 p. mi in
Mav S - '. . --
Methodist Women! Give
Tea at Turner
THrnerTlie Methodist chnrch
women sponsored a silver tea Fri-
day afternoon, at. tha
honre of
5?.rs-.E;.J' Ha,rison, with Mrs. O
w. jeuerson, Mrs. H.
Jars. Lu W. Small and
Gunning, assisUnt hostjssses. ; The
program consisted of Mother's day
iuiu(i , ny mra. g -j,
ana Mrs. H. g. Bond.
Mrs. Mary McKinney.
yocal solo.
A. Bear;
ana answers, Mrs. c.
readings bv Mrs. o. w
Mrs. m. Small and ilra. E. C.'
Bear; pUno duet, Eugehe and Ir
Harrison; piano solo, Betty Peets
v aBei- Ir Harrison and
Garden Cluh Will! Plan
Flower Show
- The Salem Garden eins ' m
discuss plans for its spring How-
r anow MOBfiy nf ght at 8
o clock In the Unitarian church.
The show Is planned for Jane.
Annual reports will be heard
and Sam H. Boardman state su
perintendent of public parks, will
oe me principal ipeakef.
- - - s a
Shower Given Honorin
Sublimity Maid
Sublimity Mrs. Leonard Doer
fler and Mrs. John Haltman were
hostesses for a pre-nuptial shower
last week honoring Miss Leona
Halfman, bride-elect oi Sylvester
Scharbach of Salem. .
Mr. Scharbach and Miss Half
man will be married at St Boni
face church In Sublimity on May
a tveioca- in the morning.
Smooth awy JA
formerly available
' v.
only in clinics
TO SATURDAY demonstrating the amasing
advantages of this wonderful new discovery!
Cosmetic section, main floor.
For more than 3 years, doc
tors in a foremost akin
clinic have seen the remark-r .
able results from -j a cream
containing Lecithin. But tha :
cream had to be made fresh
almost weekly. !
Today in YITALES- !
CENCE this c r e a m is
available to you at a mere '
-fraction of the former cost
For, university scientists
rV.. y -"SAIHM. OW BOOM -',.
Junior Recital Tuesday
in St. Joseph's Hall ,
Junior classes from Sacred
Heart academy will appear In re
cital Tuesday night at 8: IS o'clock
in St. -Joseph' hail,; Winter and
Chemeketa streets.
- The program Will be as follows:
firit and Keeoatr tlrmAm Bui -
Sight Soandi .. . Werbrieht
Miriam. Kash.
TaaUa Wallace Croti
lei Need-am
, Togt
; Anita Kaaaedr
The, Glider -. Wagnetj
' nuiiam saermsa
Lallasy Land Zrans
Tha KK Man Churchill Grinde.l
r irit and tierouH Orado tiirle
Drifting ,IL1 . Willi-
, Betty Scbefer
t n Toy Shop .
Jame Baemawi
. .. Severn
Sing Lea China Boy
J Attic. Irwin
Tali de Concert
Molly. Jean Maiaoa
Tallow Butterfly MaeLachlan
- Velma Wichman
Tha Swiaa Peatiral - , Aarcn
Werner Seheiaa
When Daddy Waa a Little Boy Bart let t
Marching tSong Chnrchill-Grindell
1st. 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade hoya
Tarkish Kondtf .... Kxentxlin
. J Patricia Russell . -
March of the Wee Folk
xaeaua aooipasoa
Cotton Picker .... Blackburn
Robert Widleigh ,
Tnyo Siempre . " Viano
Thomaa eoaaell
Uangtag Gardens
. Davie
Doris . Davidson -
Swaying Pines Mattingly
- Mary Patricia Faulkner
Madam ApHl -, ...,,..,,,,.,, ,' Weill
The Uttle Shoemaker .. Gayaor
Third and fourth Grade Oirla
Air 'de Ballet . : . ; Tbompaoa
... . Adele Hayes . -
Wood Nymph's Harp : Ren
Barbara Bell .
Piide of the Regiment ' Crammoad
, Patricia Russell Thomas Raise 11
famous Walts .. Brahma
Violin I Elmo Innocent!
' - II Thomaa Raseell r O
. III Mollyjeaa Maisoa
; - - IV Anita Kenaedy
Marehe . Mjlitsire ...: Schubert
Third and fourth Grade Rhythm Band .
At tha-Piano -
- Betty Brown, Virginia Kennedy,
j i ( Mary Jane Simmoim, Mary J a a a
- Brabee, . Harriet Hawkins.- Robert
Krechter. -
Aumsville Cluhs Holds .
Luncheon Thursday
. Aumsville The women's club
held their annual guest day lunch
eon In ; the acbool dining room
Thursday at 1:30 o'clock- -
Out of town speakers were Mrs.
David - Looney, -.Jefferson chair
man of the Farm Home commit
tee, of the connty federation, and
Miss Mattie F. Beatty, of Salem.
Misa Clara Dodson, in charge of
the operetta, "Chonlta. present
ed two skits. Mrs. William Forgey
read "Guest Towels." Miss Doro
thy Potter and Mrs.- Fred Potter
favored the women with an In
strumental duet. Miss Charlotte
Martin and. Miss Dorothy Potter
assisted in serving. :
. ' .
ilargaret Wonderlick
Wlna First Place.
Margaret Wonderlick: piano pu
pil of Miss Frances Virginia Mel
ton, placed first in class B at the
state contest of the Oregon Fed
eration of Music clubs In Portland
yesterday. " Students are classed
according to age.
Thimble Club Holds
Meeting Thursday - -
The . Maccabee Thimble club
held a business and social meeting
Thursday afternoon at the home
DATE a a
. Important to ,
Next Sunday Is
mother's Day
Special Candies and
R I N K L ES vvith
i i vtv v
" v. str1 ....
0 Vita-Ray VITALESCENCE . . . the ama.
1 ing new cream containing Vitamins A and
D pug LectAa does remarkable things
for wrinkles, enlarged pores, "crepe y- throat
Formerly available only in clinics Vita-Ray
now makes it available to-yoa. i ,
2.00 Jar for
. have collaborated with Ylta
Itay Laboratories in sUbll
ixing Lecithin and combin
ing it with Vitamins A and
D. It. will now keep fresh
. Indefinitely and yon : can
reap , the amazing results
formerly possible only at a
high-priced clinic.
Take advantage of this
special offer tomorrow!
Pemii For Ileet
On River Is Askisd
A harbinger of the" improved
water traffic facilities On the Co
lumbia river growing out of the
installation; of. new deep water
locks at Bonneville U seen in the
application ,of the Inland NavigA-
sion to operate a fleet of boats and
barges on the Columbia river be
tween Portland and Dent Land
ing, east of Umatilla. The applica
tion Will come up for Rearing in
Portland blforet a representative
of the interstate commerce com
mission. Frink McColloch, Oregon
utilities ; commissioner, . ;h a a. been
made a party,-to the proceedini
and will attend; the hearing. --,
Railroad f of ficials are opposing
the granting of the, application,
saying the hew line would be dis
astrous to frail traffic! 'rc the
eastern Oregon country. -,
i i Under the proposal bf the In
land Navigation company, the lat
ter would pe permitted to euots
rail rates froms eastern; Montana
and ; other northwest points, to
Dent landing, and from there to
quote rates to Portland on barges.
Large Quantities ot, grain from the
inland empire - would move over
tne new line ita snnmhr. hi.l
pate. . -:
of Mrs. -Anna Caisse. Means of
raising money t were discussed.
Mrs. Lrda Cnvarf viit ha th
hostess May 14.-; jr'.
1 1 n e
i -
HELLO? Oh, yes,! Marge,
this- is me. No. I havent
been ANYPLACE thia
week. You see, . I've gone
DOMESTIC la a BIG way.
B e 1 1 e v e - it or not I've
CLEANED h o u se; from
SIDE a4d OtJT. Yoa know
how this bright SPRING
sunshinf shows up SMEARY
windows and DINGY cur
tains? t didn't realise un
til the other day how DI
LAPIDATED: our ' bedroom
looked, and after I started
in there, I SIMPLY couldn't
stop until the rest j of the
house MATCHED upC . . . !
AFTER I took down '
the CURTAINS and ;
washed the win- t f
dowa, the BED
; SPREADS were so fad- i
ed and tired looking, j
1 went down and .
j bought two" of those
i ?28' ob we saw. . -
! Yea, I know they had
f lews expensive onei, but
these RAYON tilled.
; scalloped Tone were! so ?
CRISP and COOL, look- 1
. Ing, I couldn't RESIST, i
; them. I'll bet t h e y j
i WEAR every bit as '
- i weU aa those "HKAV
: 1ER ones, too. Aad I '
was able to match them
almost EXACTLY in ' .
the most UNrSCAL , .
drapery materialsort
of a poplin weave,
rayon fabric, do; -yoa
l. remefaber?. With .our
w a 1 b a tj furniture all
polished, and these
. GL0RIOU8 gold
) spreads and draperies,
i you'll never recognize
r the same old roont. ... -
MY HEAD, is aim ply
whirling, this morning
I aid it's not i hang
over either- We didn't go
out to 2 Haxel Green, last
night I waa much 'too all ,
In. The last: thing Saturday
'night I went down, and
looked at HUNDREDS ot
curtains, raffled and tailor
ed, white and colored, dot
ted arid striped, and at '
BOLTS and BOLTS? of dra
pery materia in the most -GORGEOUS
patterns ' and ;
colors, until I simply could ,
not make up my mind about
any of them. Prices are go-,
ing round and round in my
head 3Sc. 49c, 79c; 98c so .
fast I simply DON'T know
which to choose, although I
have tnade up my , mind
DEFINITELY to I replace
EVERY c a r t a 1 nf in thia
house right now. I think I,
shall have SHEER, sum
mery. striped marquisette
for the living room dotted-'
ruffled green ones i for the
dinette, and t h o i e very
COLORFUL but dainty
rainbow striped ones . for
the Sccjot's room. ;
I AM SO glad yoa call- .
ed tne this norning. .
I jaras Just trying to .
get j up COUR AGE
i enoagh to ask yon to f
; meet me dowa at J. C ,
PKJtXETTS to-morrow
t inor-Ing i and help mo -'
decide . en eomething.
Really, T, NEVER did
expect to find such aa
. EXTENSIVE aeiectloa
1 of ctirtalos, enrtaln ma- '
' terials, and really beau-
tlful draper materials
la this town and two
- heads are better than
' one, I always say
7 . k,
ES, I know, I'm getting '
to be a confirmed PEN
NEY P A T R Q N, . but
when yon take time to real- ,
ly STUDY i their merchan
dise, and COMPARE their .
prices,? yon Just HAVE to
shop there. Yon will meet
me. Marge? That's just
grand and if you don't get .
the fever too, I'll be sur
prised See you about ten
'clocl then? That's fine.
JL Fred Allen tvould