The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 03, 1936, Page 12, Image 12

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    ill a. Li V ti
TLs Cr.i:GO:J STATESMAN, Ealera, Orescn, Sunday T.Icmki-, May 3, 1S23
iiiiday Society, -..Gliddbs; :.aoadl. Music page of T!ie;: Statesman
Splendid Assortment
Talent Feature for
' ' r National Week - -
njATIpNAL MUSIC WEEK begins officially today , and
J.S will? continue throughout this week. Schools, state inJ
' stitutions, music clubs and family" groups are joining in!
& common effort i to. present fine musical programs and
awaken ithe public interest in music. ' . I . ; . .
Thg complete schedule ia listed elsewhere in The States-'
Music Week Calendar
Tea at studio of Miss
Frances Virginie Melton,
, 324 N. Capitol, 4 p. m.
"Elijah" in Willamette
gymnasium, 7:30 p. m.
Monday: ,
Junior Federated. clubs
of Salem recital in the
- Y.M.C.A., 8 p. m.
Musical pilgrimage
- through New England at
meeting of D. A. R. in
home of Mrs. I. M. Schan
nep, 2:30 p. m. .
Vocal ensemble concert
in Salem' high, auditor'
ium, 8:16 p. m. I
Marion county rural
' schools music festival, 2
p. in. in Willamette uni
" versity gymnasium. ' :
Recital by Junior Mu
sic class of Sacred Heart
academy in si Joseph's
ball, 8:15 p. tf.
Wednesday: - f
All Nation's program
in 7.M. C.A. auditorium,
S p. m. ' ' !" : -Band
concert In WUI
: son park, ? p.' m. by Sa-
lem high school : band,
Gordon Flnlay director.
Thursday : ):I .
Program by; guest ma
: "fclcians - at State School
' for the Blind, 8 p. m.
Public Invited.
Friday: f
Home Music program'
at Y.M.C.A., 8 p. m.
Advanced musie and
choral classes of Sacred
Heart academy recital In
St. Joseph's jhall, 8: 15
Special music program
at meeting of Salem Wo
man's club, 3- p. m. Pub
lic invited. I
Sunday, May 10:
Musical tea for moth
ers at Y.WiCA. given by
Escalera club, 4 to 6 p.m.
Mother's Day (Tea Slated
Wednesday Afternoon
A Mother's day
of the: First
tea for women
church and their friends, will be
given Wednesday afternoon from
2:30 to 5:30 o'clock in the Wil
liam McGilchrlst.-isr., h o m e, at
2507 S. Commercial. -
Invitations to Jchurcb women
have been accompanied -by tiny
aunbonnet bags to hold pennies
for every year of the life of each
guest's mother. Pan of the prof
ceeds from the affair will be used
to assist needy mothers in Salem.
Mrs. WiUiara McGilchrist, sr.,
and Mrs. James McGilchrist, host
esses, will be assisted by members
of the south section of tire Wo
man's union. Little Marilyn Wa
ter and Diane Petry -will help re
ceive the guests, j
Mrs. Uzbeth Waters, Miss Mar
garet Cosper, Mri Dan Fry. r..
and Mrs. R. J. Hendricks will al
tera ate at the urn.
Mrs. ! M. M. Fke, Mrs. John
Eajne and Mrs. J. F. Humphreys
will mingle with guests in the liv-
fn e nwm mil Mri E. J. TVinnell
and Mrs. V. E. Newcomb will be
is charge of the lerving.
Salern General Hospital
to Welcome Pjublic
The week of May 5 to 12 has
teen set aside by the Salem Gen
eral hospital auxiliary for its
membership drive-. The general
public is invited to rail and in
spect the hospital on May 12
which is National Hospital day. ,
Those visiting are asked to
bring gifts of jelly, Jams, vases,
ash-trays and llnns. If anyone
has these items at home which
they can donate and have no way
cf bringing them to the hospital,
call to either Mrs. T. A. Lives-
ley; Mrs. b. u. scaucfcing or Mrs.
C. A. Sprague will assure their
delivery. ' ; '
Linen and dimensions.' needed
by the .hospital, are as follows:--
Sheets 72x108, pillow Blips'. 4 5z
5 8, bedspreads, Tiplette- 72x90,
white Turkish bath towels, 20x40,
White huck hand towels X6i32,
cotton batn blankets 70x35, white
wash cloths 12x12, Infants' blan
kets, $ o per cent wool. 26x36;
cotton baby blankets, 36x36; lin
en toweling white, 18 inches;
baby shirts, Vanta, size 2, eot-
ton. . ' - ! : .
Girl ReservesjWill Sing
for Shut-ins
Each Girl Reserve eronn of
tie city, in connection with Na
tional Music Week, -will - present
a program of music in the home
cf forne invalid or elderly ehutln
ia persn. If anyone knows of
A siutia who wuld enjoy this
program tie Girl Reserves would
te f lad to have tke Eame and ad
dress telephoned Into the Y.W.
C.A. i W:-
i londay night at 5:30 p. ia., the
Ilisi School Girl Reserves will
1 ive a dinner meeting at the Y.
",,'.C.A.. Esther 2Iay Devorethe
I : : icnt, yti fca ia charge. Eliza
I t:, rteed, ciusia chairman, wi'J
T.cri on plana for Music Week.
.':.-3. DavM.Eexnett Hill
Ytz & Jsint EecUng c tit CIrl
;;: :rva committee members and
V. a G. H. advisers at the Y.W.C.
..., '.Lursiay. at 10:23 p. xa. '
man today as are programs for in
dividual concerts of tba early
week. - ' j t - I
Radio will not be neglected ia
the state-wide observance of this
national fete. ; KOAC win broad
cast programs from 4 to$4:30 pi.
m., with Miss Ruth Bedford ia
charge Monday and Mrs. David
Eason in charge Tuesday. The
Oregon Federation of Mu$ie clubs
is the sponsor. - j
Iligb School Recital ! J
Tuesday night at 8:13 o'clock
in the high school auditorium,
Miss Lena Belle Tartar j will di
rect a rocal ensemble recital. Dora
Shunke, Eleanor Aspinwill, ( Mar
ine Case and Phil Barrett are the
accompanists. There will be a
small admission charge.' . j
Most of the state institution
programs are for the i tesidenta
only, but the school for the blind
is inviting the public Thursday
night at 8 p. m., to hear recital
by- guest artists. Cameron I Mat
shall, Maurice Dean, vocalists,
Mis Mary Schultz, violinist, Mias
Clara Eneas, . accompanist,) and
Frank Saunders, pianist j and ac
companist, will perform, j I
v Home Groups Friday I
There is always considerable in
terest in the Home Musie groups
which will appear Friday! night at
8 o'clock In the T. M. C. ia.- Piano
numbers, voice, trios and family
orchestras will be on the program
which Is' being arranged by Miss
Dorothy Pearce. Dr. Grover C.
Birtchet will give a brief; Ulk. j
Advanced students at Sacred
Heart academy will be presented
in recital Friday night at 8:15 p.
m. in. St. Joseph's halli Alena
Bremmer, Elizabeth Steed, Wilda
Jerman, Mary Ann Schneider, Pa
tricia Livesley and Marjorie Mc
Dowell will be soloists. ; p j
. The Salem Woman's club is de
voting its program Saturday af
ternoon to Music week, with the
public invited to attend, f Miss
Frances Virginia Melton twill talk
on "Music, the Tonal Expression
of Life. Mrs. Gladys- Mclntyre
Thomas will sing, Mrs. Mary Tal-
maage tieaancK, violinist, and
Miss Elizabeth Lewis, pianist, will
play, and Miss Lillian Scott will
Hicbert-Beier Wedding j
Brilliant Event
A beautiful wedding jwas sol
emnized Friday night at the West
Salem church when 'Miss i Alma
Hiebert, daughter of Rev. and
Mrs. N. N. Hiebert, became the
bride of Harry Beier, son of Mr.
and Mrs. John Beier, of Frazer.
Mont -
Preceding the ceremony, sever
al congregational hymns i were
Bung led by Lando Hiebert, bro
ther of the bride. To the strains
of the wedding march, played by
Miss Rosella Hiebert, sister of the
bride, the couple took their pla
ces before an altar banked with
ferns and palms. They i were at
tended "by two little flower girts,
Grace Hiebert and Doris Smith.:
The Hiebert girls, quartet from
Dallas cousins of the bride, sang
I : Am With You.- Rev. John
N. C. Hiebert, brother of the
bride, then delivered the wed
ding sermon t - j v?i.' M1- -r
A solo followed, TMa Day 'of
Golden Promise," sung jby Alvin
Hiebert. The Rev. x N. I N.i Hie
bert performed the ceremony. The
couple left the altar while 4 the
congregation sang softly, ''Jesus
Savior Pilot Me.M ' ' j -
The bride was beautiful W a
floor - length white moire i dress
trimmed in white net, and a trail
ing veil, eaught with orange blos
som and small " pink roses. She
carried a bouquet of Easter lilies.
The flower girls were dressed in
pink organdie and carried 4 large
basket of roses. j
A reception was held for the
many guests. in the church base
ment, . Orchestra numbers were
played by v the Salem Mennonlte
church, orchestra, directed by
Corny TJnrnh. t ' M " ! !
t-of-town' guests were Rev.
and Mrs. Adam Ross and Mr. and
Mrs. Ashenbrenner, all of 'Port
land; Rer. P. N. H ebert : of
Bakersfield, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs.
John Beier and sons, Leland and
Earl, of Frazer, Mont; Rev. and
Mrs. John - N. 7 C. Hiebert and
family from India: Lando Hie
bert ot "Meade, Kan., Sand Mlas
Rosa Kornelsen, from Cimarron.
Kan. ; ; r
Sons and Auxiliary Hare
Social Meeting !
The Sons of Union ; Veterans
and their auxiliary met Tuesday
night, at' the home of; Mr. and
Mrs:- F. L. Warren. A club din
ner was followed by a social eve
ning. . ; ; ::.4- .i
Present were Mr. and Mrs..- C.
F. RelUy, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Adams, Mr. , and, Mrs. Eugene
Prescott, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Per
rine, Mr. and Mrs. II. R. Mc
Wborter, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rem
ington, Mrs. Mettle" Schram Mrs.
Mary B. Lickel, ilri. S H a 1 1 1
Cameron, Mrs. Lulu Boring, Mrs.
Mae Iviey Mrs. H. R. Etover, Mrs.
A. M. Lausch, Mrs. Susie Botts.
Mrs. Charles Fessenden and Mr.
and Mrs. F. L. Warren. -
.1! i "
Dorcas Society
On Wednesday
i !
The Dorcas society of the
Christ' Lutheran churebi will meet
Wednesday, at t o'clock, with re
ports from the district convention
to be heard. -'.;; ;
1 i
Dallas Couple
Betrothal is
Given Out
mllE many Salem friends of the
JL couple will be pleased tn learn
r ot the engagement of Miss
Margaret Friar, daughter .of Mrs,
3. T. Friar of Dallas, to Dr. Paul
H. McKinnon of Dallas, son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. McKinnon of Enum
ckw. Wash. The wedding will be
an event of the late summer.:
V The news Was given out at a
luncheon In the J. E. Godfrey re
sidence yesterday afternoon. A
gardenia corsage at 1 each plate
held tiny pink scrolls bearing the
announcement Pink tulips, apple
blossoms and pink tapers made a
beautiful table!. Contract followed.
Guest List Told i
Guests at the i luncheon were
Mrs.'r Lawrence J. Smith, Mrs.
William Swindells, Mrs. Paul
Skeels; Mrs. J. A. Inglis, Mrs.
Earle Richardson, Mrs. E. B. Bos
satti, Mrs. Erie Fulgham, Mrs.
John W. Kitzmiller, Mrs. V. O.
-Williams,' Mrs Carl Gerlinger, Jr.,
Mrs. Maurice j Dalton, Mrs. J. C.
Tracy, Mrs. Je,ek Eakin, Miss Eth
el Jackson, Mrs. Harry Pinkerton,
Miss Mary Starbuck. Mrs. J. T.
Friar and Mrs. Bruce Spaulding-,
of Dallas, Mrs. George D. Her
Iey of Independence, Mrs. Frank
Friar i oX -Engene, Miss Jessie
Boyd of Newberg", Mrs. H. C. Mu
eller of Portland and Mrs. E. K.
Plasecki of Salem. Miss Friar's
sister, Mrs. Ii H. Mardls of Mc
MinnviUe, was a joint hostess,
a w To Live in Dallas
The bride-elect attended Ore
gon State college, where she was
affiliated with Alpha Gamma Del
ta, and Oregon Normal school. Dr.
McKinnon was a member ot Phi
Delta Theta at Whitman college
and was graduated from the North
Pacifio Dental college In Portland
where he was affiliated with Psi
Omega. , " y ;
' Miss Friar is society editor of
the Polk county Itemizer-Observ-er
and Dr. McKinnon is practic
ing in Dallas.1 i ;
m e
.. . - . t
Tillicum Club Enjoys
Guest Night
The Tillicum club entertained
with a "guest night" formal ball
Tuesday at this Mellow Moon Nu
merous : dinner parties preceded
the dance and late suppers fol
lowed the affair. j
Additional p guests included:
Mr. and Mrsi Max FlaneryJ Mr.
and Mrs. Edward BlsselL Mri and
Mrs. Ellis Ton Eschen, Dr.! and
Mrs. Frederick Hill Thompson,
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bonesteele,
Mr. and Mrs.? Chester Cummings,
Mr. and Mrsi Edwin P. Arm
strong, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jack
son, Mr. and ; Mrs. C. P. Benson,
Mr. and Mrs!. William H. Ham
mond, 7 Mr. and Mrs. John W.
Smith, Mr. "and Jtfrs. Kenneth
Bell, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Clark,
Dr. and Mrs.! Harold dinger.
Mr. and krs. . Donald Wiley
Poole, Mr. aid Mrs. L. W. f Aus
tifi of SilTertbn, Dr. and Mrs. E.
B. , Bossatii pti Dallas, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Felfis, Mr. and Mrs.
William H. Paulus, Dr. and Mrs.
Callaghan, Mr. and Mrs. Robin
Day, Mr.' andS Mrs. Graham Shar
key. j.u--v r c;
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Purvlne, Mr.
and Mrs. B. Van Onsernoord, Miss
Margaret Friar of Dallas, Dr.
Paul H. McKinnon of DaUas, Mr.
and Mrs. Tdm Wolgamottj Mr.
and Mrs. Lintf C. Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. Don C; Roberts, Mri and
Mrs. A. F. Hayes, Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Riches lof Tualatin, Mr.' and
Mrs. Roy Stewart, Mr. and Mrs.
LeRoy GroteiMrj. and Mrs. James
Goodman, Df . and Mrs. Burton
Myers and Dr. and Mrs. B. P.
Pound. :.: ' .-. . ! '
; . ' ..-. . j .-.
Arts Leagrae Will Elect
Officers for Tear
Election of; officers for the Sa
lem Arts-jeafeue will be held in
the Woman's clnb building on the
xugnt or Mayi4. The nominating
committee will make its recommendations.-
- ; J
A reception for. the "ont-rolnr
officers, j and I a welcome - for the
in-coming will feature the j main
portion of the evening.: Music and
a speaker arei being, arranged for.
i While this; event is an invita
tional affair. Ithose Tersona lntr-
ested in attending may contact
omcers or the league. The (meet
ing Is being; held on Thursday
night Instead "of the rerular mtut.
ond Tuesday. jTfae business session
wui he caned early. .
Miss Constance Fowler, art di
rector, announces the last itfrtnr
exhibit of thef league for this sea
son. It is an offerinr of 48 sne-
cimens of isochromatic oil pain t
lass by ! celebrated artists tot the
United States and was obtained
for Salem thrpujh the courtesy of
Michael Engel of New York.
The pictures will be on view in
the fireplace J room at the! Salem
Public library from Friday! after-
Boon May 6,' until Mar 15, and
open daily except Thursday and
Friday afternoons. - p
O Breakfast Specials
O Lunches - j
O Dinners j
We alia serve family
Etyla dinners ia our
crystal Jrccra ! --'' i .
''4 . -
, . - ef the S
" i ?...-. . . i
GamgusHqspil Given
ay Festivities
mills has been a mad, - merry
i weekend on the Willamette
campus. In spite of the show
ers, high school guests were roy
ally entertained Indoors and out
doors with fireside suppers, Sun
day breakfasts and Informal teas,
giving them their first taste of
college life.
Guests at the Alpha Phi Alpha
sorority- are the Misses Mildred
Rlckman.tuth Kellogg, Margaret
Mackenzie, Marjorie Craney, Rose
Ann Gibson, Esther Vehrs, Alice
Swift, Genevera Selander, Elea
nor Perry, Vivian Noth, Jeannette
Brown, and Helen Dean, all ot
Salem; Muriel Stewart, Neola Bil
lings, Betty Williams, and Betty
Hafenbrack of Portland: Floris
Nelson, Marjorie Herr and Vera
Jean Huber of Woodburn; June
and Jean Bowman, ot SilTerton;
Phyllis Morse - of Brownsville;
Helen Becker of Hills boro; and
Myrte Matftia of Aurora.
Beta Chi Is entertaining the
Misses Doria Rlggs, Beverly
Balees, Helen Elle, and Dorothy
Palmer of Dallas; Virginia Moore
and Enid Winntngham of Klamath
Falls; Dorothy Wright and Irma
Calrert of Bremerton, Wash.;
Ada Marie Ruhl and Eugenia Ver
Bible Institute Choir in -Recital
Today ,
The a Cappella choir of Port
land Bible institute will be pre
sented in a full progra mof sacred
music at the Church of the Naz-
arene, llth and Center, today, at
3 p. m. i This choir ot young men
and women will present the fol
lowing program of Inspirational
musie conducted by WlHard R
Hallman, director of the Portland
Bible institute school of music:
Th XTtninc Hoar JBeetkoTCB
Jein, Prieele Tresiur -AU
HaU th Power rVtrr
In Joccp-'a LoTely Q arBIickiniaii
weiot, fl'ntaa ol Bmners
Bend Vortk Tbv Spirit
c sswur nr
Bleu the Lord. O Mr BouL.
I Heud to Voice of Jent
Old Enelieh Air
m T . f
Bemtifal Savior
Allelalal Ckriit is Rieen...
vit . OROUP rv
Belicioa la a Portnao ,.,Att. fey Jo-neon
Bteal Away fey Bail
Golden Slipper
War To There I
-xt. oy Job. neon
The tiord Bleta Yoa Lntltin
The choir, composed- ot .35
voices has made a spring concert
tour through the. state of Wash
ington. No charge is made for
admission, but a free-will offer
ing will he received.
Legion Auxiliary to Give
Patriotic Tea . ' '.
In observance of music iek,
the American Legion auxiliary
will entertain at tea all patriotic
auxiliaries and auxiliary members
at the Woman's' club house Wed
nesday i: afternoon v from 2 to. 5
The music committee consist
ing of Mrs. A. M. Johnson, Mrs.
Walter Zosel, Mrs. Robert Wyatt,
Mrs. F. L Brown and Mrs. Seph
us Starr, will have charge of the
program. The auxiliary is also
inviting Legionnaires and auxili
ary members and 1 friends for
cards 'Wednesday night i at 8
o'clock In the Woman's clubhouse.
Contract and auction bridge, 600
and pinochle will he played, wUJa
prizes awarded in each division.
;.... .
Mrg. Kirk Hostess to
Alpha Phi Cluh
The Alpha Phi Alpha Mother's
club will meet with Mrs. W, E.
Kirk, 1450 State street, Monday
afternoon at I o'clock. Mrs.
George Alden la an assisting host
ess. - .V.C-'-V":.-
Mrs, (i Bruce Baxter, wife ' "ot
President Baxter, .of Willametfe
universitr, will he a spectol guest.
All mothers ot alumnae, a e 1 1 t e
members and pledges are cordially
invited to attend.
My Children
"If you want to make
me really happy, wher-'
ever yoa are--give me a
good picture of your
selves on Mother's Day,
I want one that is truly
you a picture so na
tural that it will almost
talktomeV , , - ; ,
That's the kind of pic
ture our studio takes. .
ElUlngs take wntfl
-, Thursday at six' and
finished for giving
: . Blother's Day.
"Our Portraits Glorify, .
rhone C20 State St.
dun ot Roseburg; Veda Reld of
The Dalles; Evelyn Shark of Sher
wood; June Charboneou of Inde
pendence; Adrienne Hogan, Elea
nor Francis, Jayne Walter, Mary
Elizabeth Howe, Marjorie Schmitt,
Helen Feme, Mavis Bullos, Betty
Lou Lacey, Florence Burkhart,
Ruth Ronald, Charlotte Rix, Cath
erine Philip, Dorothy Cutler, CaM
olyn Woods, and Marian Smith,
all of Portland. '
, Guests for the. weekend at Del
ta Phi, are the Misses Helen Mal
colm, Edith Grubbs, Verna Vos
per, June Brastad, Mildred Scott,
Nina Steinmetz, Vivian WeBing,
Sue McKlnzie, Edith Rowland,
Lila Farrell; Margaret Beede, all
of Portland; Miss Jeanne Abraha
ham ot Amity; Miss Julia FogeR
song, and Miss Marguerite Miles
of Molalla; and the Misses Doro
thy Kihbe, Marian Hultenberg,
Jean Bartlett, Eleanor Sherman,
Ruth Armpriest, Shirley i Crone
miller, Jeanette Brown, Dorothy
Williams, Mary Eason, Margaret
Upjohn,! Marian Johnston, Edith
Morehouse, Rose Ann Gibson, Na
talie Neer, Eleanor Perry, Ruth
Annunsen, Eleanor Swift; Alice
Cunningham, j Jean Wiley and
Ruth SUrrett; all of Salem, j
Qualifying Round Played
at Golf Qub Friday j
Mrs. jo. C. Locke led quali
fiers in the : opening round of
the annual spring tournament at
the ' Salem , Golf - club orer i the
weekend. She. carded a 78 net
core. Mrs.- Walter Arthur- and
Mrs. William Chandler tied with
a net score of 80 for second and
third place . k-, , , - -. 'i ;. :
The ifirst round of matched
play will be finished by next Fri
day, according to ? Mrs. Robert
Savage.J eaptain. The pairings for
next . week will : be announced
later.;;; j ;,;.!; --v.;
-: The tlass A prize for Friday
morning's play went to Mra.,Er
cel Kar And the class B tn Mr
James Cook. Mrs.. Harry Weid-
mer win be in charge of lunch
eons fof May, telephone CO 77. i
- Those playing Friday were Mrs.
J. N. Bishop, Mrs. F. C. Ritner,
Mrs. Kate. G. Bell, Mrs. H. H.
Olinger,5 Mrs. George Flagg, Mrs.
Paul Van a Scoyoc, Mrs. Sam
Adolphj Mrs. W. E. Chandler,
Mrs. Ted Parvln e," Mrs. M.
Thompson, Mrs. Carl Butte, Mrs;
Reynolds Allen, Mrs. E. A. Skel
ley, Mrs. Scott Page, Mrs. Rob-
ert' Savage, Mrs. Graham ShaN
key, Mrs. S. Uf Stevens, Mrs. G.
L. Hamaman, Mrs. Carl 'Arm
priest, Mrs. R. D. Byrd. Mrs. O.
C. Locke, Mrsj W. L. Arthur, Mrs.
Raymond Busick, Mrs. R. Mc
Laughlin, Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, Mrs.
Harry Weidmer, Mrs. Harold
dinger! Mrs.! H. K. Stockwell,
Mrs. Rl E. Joseph,: Mrs. G. C.
Bellinger, Mrs. ; Ed Gillingham;
Mrs. Van Welder, Mrs. Edwin L.
Baker, Mrs. Al Petrie. Mrs. James
Cooke tnd Mrs. Robin Day.
' v
Sigma; Nu Delphian Study
Cluh Meets Monday f
- The Sigma Nu Delphian Study
cluh will meet in the public lib
rary Monday afternoon at Z
o'clock. j , ,
Topics will he given by Mrs:
George! King,: Mrs. W. T. Jenks,
Mrs. V. B. Ross, Mrs. C. H.
Glenn, l Mrs. Albert Gregg, Mrs.
George: Rossman and Mrs. R. F.
Paris, f :
hekl Mother
A Z ot 6 s Permanent I
gtren la EASE and OOSfPORT!
6he prefer a, we offer JamaL
FermantintWaves. Expert Operators and naircutters.
42S V.
Court U
This Sar lUj Never Be CepeatedX See this beautiful
STnATFCnD riATS tzzniiixL
rnliiiofAolslmi Hn ilSaearOa. '
cxhxEii state ani
Young Set -Ha
Gay Evening
Friday -
UGE baskets of lavender and
white lilacs transformed Caa-
. tllllan hall Friday night for
the Informal dance glren by Mrs.
Julia R. White's senior 'ballet
class. Miss Cynthia Delano was
general chairman of arrange
ments. : - :, "- .. ; -.-' :-, ; .
' In attendance were Mine Adah Ifarie
Rahl, Loia Birta. Kiaa Jo Eaton,
Miia Jean Wiley. Hit Lorene Tompkins
MUa Cynthia Delano, Mitt Joyce Har
wood, Win Altbea Steven, Uiea LiU
Farrell, Uiga Gwen Hunt, Kit Bea
Hartuns. Hiia Grace Xliiabeth Holman,
hfiaa Gertrude liiahlor, Uiia Jalia Joha
aon. Ifisa Eleanor Tnndle, Kiss Mary
Howe, Miss Alice Chandler. Mias Nina
Steinmeti, Mia Betty Zelinek, Miaa
Cathrim Headriek, Mias Bath Oeer, Miss
Dorothy Minnieh, Mis ' Margaret Gary,
Mias Rath Tschamer.r MUs Beverly Bales.
Miss Audrey Ann Allen, Miss Iris Jor
rnsen, Mies Boeemary Huffman. Mias
Charlotte , Bar, Mia K&riaB SteiRer
wald. Miss Jeanne Abraham, Mi is Jane
Fiaher, Mias Dorothy Wright, Mias Vir
ginia Moore, Miaa Betty Williams, Miaa
Keola Billings. j - - -,
Miss Gladys Hanson. Mias Viola Cro
sier, Miss Mszine GahUdorf, Miaa Rob
erta McGllchriit, Miss Agnes V. Emmel,
Miss Chsrlotto Hill, IMies Dorothy Kibbe,
Miss Peggy Gruff. Miaa Helen Ciotti,
Mias Won Seheldon, Miss Helen Mat
eolm. Mils Xagenis VTrden, Misa Verna
Vesper, Miss Dorothy Palmar, Miss Es
ther Wood, Miss Edith Rowland. Miaa
Jeryms Upaton. Misa Mildred Richman,
Miss Shirley Cronemiller, Mlas Vera Jean
Huber, Miss Rath Annnnien, ' Mias Mil
dred Seott, Miaa Esther Black, Mias El
eanor Perry, Miss Jeaa Bahlbnrg, Miss
Helen Bosrdman. Kiss Betty - Bey lan.
Miss Alice Cunningham, Misa Marcie
Brown, . Mias Qretchea Thielsen, .-Miss
Winifred Gardner, iMias Helen ' . Ham
mond, Miss Dorothy 'ElUnger, Miss June
Breasted, ' Mias: Margie Pickens, r Miss
Betty Hamilton; Mias Lois Barker and
Miss Catherine Faion.
lit. and MraJ Dwight Adams. Mr. and
Mrs.' R. E. Eyre. A. Gallon, Jack Carl
en, Walt Batlinrer, - William - Beard,
Vena BlersonJ Ed Ledgerwood, Wia
throp Henderson. Ererett - Gary, Oeenr
Spaeht, Wilbur Beneon, Gas Moors, Gny
Tncker, EUis; Doon, Harrison Elgin, Eor
est Bobinaon. Bob JClarka, Charley D.
Boblin. . Bhrere 1 Andersen, D. N. Hunt
er, Bill Hansen; M.E. Welch, Ray Me
Key, Deng Sharp, plal Carpenter, Otto
Wilaon, Pant Stnrgea, Carl Collins, Joe
Felton, At HarOnn, George MeLeod. Bil!
Clearer, Joe HarTey, Ernest Greenwood.
Cecil Stheuerman, Will McDowell, John
Fergeaon. -a-'. "' '
Arthur 8mitn.; Clairs Miller. Bill Aa
ton, Ty Gillespfe. Oliver Draper, Harry
Fredrick, Bob Brady, Cecil Quesseth.
Msx Hauser, i- Bob :Vagt, Was Boeder,
John Harman. Jay Putnam, Norman He
ir en son, Grover Williams, George
Vatta. Bill Fisher. Bill Bodner, J. O.
Edwards. Del Bamedell, Neil E. Bheff e,
Hal Moe, Loots Turner, Wayne Dough
ton. Dwight Aden, Allan Bterena, R
Reddea. George Jaekaon, . John Ross,
Frank; Shepard, Glenn Browns, Earle V.
Potter, Galea : K. Dean, Ely Swisher.
Frank Pemberton. Bob Nelson, Bob Stsf
ord. Bud Eatea. Glen Melston, Don Met
ealfa and J, Siton.
. -
Joint Choral-Dance Fest
at Grand Theatre
Miss Barbara Barnes and the
Willamette University Songmen
are preparing a spring concert of
dance and music to be presented
at the Grand theatre Friday night.
May IB.! The program wim be
classical and. will include dances
in character, toe, intrepretative,
modernistic and j modern creative,
This is the first time Miss
Barnes has presented the modern
istic and modern creative dances,
and this new art with its dynamic
rhythms and natiye music accom
paniment, , the beating of tom
toms and gongs ringing out. is
Unique in the entertainment
Church Women to Hold
Council Meeting
-The Council of Church Women
Will hold an all day meeting at
the - Bungalow Christian chnrcb,
corner 17th and Court streets be
ginning at 10 a. m., Friday.
There will be election of offi
cers, and a speaker from Lima,
Peru Luncheon will be served at
. NO IfACHIXERTt . . .
Hot Heavy AppUaaeea oB Her
Frederlclui and other Standard
Jliidred'g) , V
60 piece s3ver let,
to ternish proof
chest FREE in The
Cotillion pattern, a
product of the' In
ternational S i 1 v e r
Co. ."
Ulakers of Ilolmes
' & Edwards
DR0S. CO. .
uhhutt STr.nrra .
IS ll - -H- -ff- rf-V -M
; . Masonic Temple j
mHE Salern Daughters of the Nile wifl give ! a benefit
I bridge tea Thursday, afternoon starting fit 2 o'clock. m
the Masonic temple. Last year, 75 per cent of the Club s
money went directly toward assistance of crippled children.
Both contract and auction will be played with prizes,
in each division and a door prize will be awarded those call
ing at tne tea nour. .
Reservations are being made
with Mrs. Glenn C. Niles, 5318;
Mrs. Charles Pratt, 3342; Mrs.
R. W. Hans Setts, 5 0 5 8 ; or Mrs.
Paul H. Hauser, 7828 Those al
ready ' speaking for : tables are:
Mrs. J. N. Chambers, Mrs. Percy
R. .Kelly, Mrs. Earl Snell, Mrs.
George L. 'Forge, Mrs. E. B. Ga
briel, Mrs. R. Lee Wood, ' Mrs.
Muler Hayden, Mrs. Frank Prime,
Mrs. J.- A. Bernard!, Mrs. E. Hi
Kennedy, Mra. ; Ray A.- Yocom,
Mrs. Frank Jirak, Mrs. II. R.
Robinson,' Mrs. Irvine Cap linger,
Mrs. W. J. Llljequist, Mrs; Xdda
Poorman, Mrs. Arthur Hunt; Mrs.
David A, Wright, Mrs. WI E.
Feldman, Mrs. Frank E. : Loose,
Mrs. Lloyd F. LeGarie, Mrs. Ira
L. Darby, Mrs. Charles S.v Pratt,
Mrs.; Russell Pratt, Mrs, Emil
Hallk, . Mrs. H. C. -Shields, Mrs.
Frank Reeves, Mrs. Paul - H.
Hauser and Mrs. George R. Moor
head. ; ' - , -
Decorations and table arrange
ments are being handled by Mrs.
Joy ; Turner Moses, Mrs. Charles
Pratt, Mrs. M.' C. Petteys, Mrs.
Adolph Bombeck, Mrs. W. J. Lll
jequist, Mrs. O. A. Olson, Mrs.
George Dunsford and Mrs.. John
Imlalu - ' v :
Delta Phis Fete Weekend
Guests With Tea '
The C. P. Bishop residence at
7C5 Court street will be opened
this afternoon from 3 to 6 o'clock
for a smart informal tea given
in honor of Delta Phi's : May
Weekend guests. ' .
The tea table will resemble a
miniature royal court, a tribute
to Queen Winifred Gardner who
is a member of the 'sorority; . -
Mrs. Fred Alban Weil and Mrs.
D. W. Pugh will ponr and Miss
Vornelia Hulst, Miss Roberta Mc
Gilchrist, Miss Marguerite Smith
and Miss Ruth Pemberton will' asT
slst about the rooms. .
. Miss Eleanor Johnson will open
the door. Piano solos during the
afternoon will be rendered by
Miss Esther Nelson,
- Miss Virginia Pugh and Misa
Thelma Davis are in charge of ar
rangements. Unity Clase Mcet ,
Wednesday Night
White Flowers" will be the
subject for the Unity class 'meet
ing Wednesday night at 8 o'clock
in the Marion hotel. Miss Olive
Stevens is the teacher.
J v
r v m
i . I'l
Ctirtir- :icr.:y tt 9 A. II.
Elijah Event of
Tonigiit on
I -
$ ; t . .
ORATORIO is (scripture et to
music Unforiunately many of
- the Oratorio texts in nsv today
suffer through lack of adequate
musical background. Mendelssohn,
the Christianized Jewish compos
er of "Elijah," seems; however, to
have caught the vision of this he
roic character ot the Old Testa
ment, :. . ' . ; ! : - -1 '
The prominent scenes ot Part
1 of the oratorio have to do with
three of the major miracles per
formed by God throsgh his Pro
phet Elijah; giving life back to
the dead man who was the eon of
a widow, calling down fire from
on High to consume the sacrifice
ot tha slain bullock ; after the
priests of Baal had failed in their
efforts, and bringing rain to the
dronth stricken fconntry.
Part II of this oratorio deals
with Jezebel's persecution of Eli
jah. Elijah's escape Into the wil
derness and his ! humble petitions
to the Lord to tike from htm this
scene of woe are portrayed in
the' soul stirring . air: 'It is
enough, O, Lord; now take away
my life, for I am not better than
my Fathers." , I' -
The climax of this gripping
story is reached with the angels
appearing befor Elijah with the
Lord's message the journey ot '
40 days and 40 'nights to Iloreb;
the pathos ot Elijah's final, plead
ing with the I Lord ; th. fiery
chariot with fiery horses carryings
Elijah by a whirlwind to heaven.
The WiUametie University Phil
harmonic choir bf 100 voices will
present "Elijah" tonight, in the
university gymnasium beginning
at 7:30. The public is cordially in
vited, there being no admission
charge. , - ; -t
Study Group Has. " 1
Meeting roaayj- j, '
'"' The Mother's! Study group of
the First -Congregational ;church
will meet Friday at 2:30 pi m., in
the home of Mrs. E. Q. Rjcketts,
1783 S. Church. . Assisting the
hostess will be f Mrs.- R. D, Slater
and Mrs. E. S. I Oliver. Dr; D.-H.
Schulze will address: the group.
All This S
Week; !
3Iay 3rd to 10th t
. .1 ! - f
up to the minute 1 n
; 1
-..-..-,.-. i
. sprino; styles all Vew
dresses this spring i no
i 1ioldovers.w Soft ink
crepes in the pasters and
"I , -i CV
and black.
1 2-4f
O Sport 'Dresses I
!- I ' .
O Street Dresses ! '
. ' " f ' i
O Afternoon' Dresses
i :
09415 COURT ST.
Eet. LTjerty & Elh
Three Big Group
1 1