The OREGON STATES3IAN7 Salenu Oregon, Fridarl.IoraIng, AprFiliMG- PAGE FIFTEEN od U ora TTra Cars LMedl Sfafesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertiaing Single insertion per line 10c Three insertions per line 20c Six insertions per lino - 30c One month per line ,.-$1.00 Minimum charge 25c Copy for this paje accepted nan! :S0 the evening before pahliratina 'r clatsiticaticn. Copy receired after lUit time will be ran noder the hee4 ia( Too I .ate to Classify The Ststemsn assiraaes ae finaa cial rtgpontibi ty for error whw-h ay appear ia advertiseaeati publish ed in its col use;, and Hi enn srhere this paper is at faoit will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typographical auiatake occurs. Tli a Statesman reserves tat right to eajert questionable advertising. It fur ther reset-re taa rijht to classify all aeTertuir.f ur.etr the proper eiaaaifira lien. Help Wanted GCITAR TEACHER Haw. Span. Notes. Solo ou one. Boa 1055, i Statesman. Help Wanted Male WANTED, TVOODCCTTERS. Set R. M. Ashcraft. 3 70 Kingwood ave. Tel. ::$. WHITE FIR cutters. Apply eve ning. A. MattJon. :I14 N. Front St. MO.NTGOMSRT-WARD wants ex perienced man to handle outside eell inf of electrical appliances on a aalary and eomDirssUm r.asLs. Prospect Hats furnished. TeL T74 fur Interview. ""W ANTED TRITKS for hauMn pil ing. Salem Fuel Co, Trade and Cot tage. . I Help Wanted Fernni!iJ I ROOM, BOARD for lady to be with semi-invalid afternoons. Close in. I '"I?. EXPERIENCED GIRL for house work, car of two small children, five references and as-lary expected. Box 177, care Statesman. T Situations Wanted WANTED PLASTERING. stucco and any kind of mason work. 174 S. Oiurch. - SKILLED CARlCXTER, finisher, remod. Prics reas. Day-contract. 1095 Gamet St.- 17-TR. OLD y srnnts work. Small wages, lit S. Ciiufc'r.. MARRIED CM'I'LK want work on firm, or any t-T.i'-r ork. Tel. iS4. I For Sale Mieeltaneou 1 Baby chicks esery Monday afternoon or Tuesdav. NVariner's Hatchery. I ISO N. Fifth or 54 Highland Ave.. Salem. blks west rt F;rsjround- TTPJ5 WRITE R3 Rvnt a marh'ne. practice at home. Special rnttl to etu denta Roea, 42t Court Phone 4771. 8a fa fot sale, fimwoof 14 ii-m-fceUL. WHEAT, WHITE. rhua. Brina: racks. Mis. WrigLt, 4H n.i. Wallace Rd. TOP'DIR't'. !and. fertiliser, garden rotic Pliorie 35 vt'. Liicey. Sclireiber's ar.rabs, trees, 200 Nbr. GASOLINi:. BARREL LOTS, 15Vc. Free ielireTv. Lu.Uy Corner S. Sta. Tel. 7 t NEW TR L R. 177 A St. -S WKa. OLD c :rkerl3, J9 Center. BANTAM CHICKENS. Tel. SS4. TENNIS SilOES r boya or men, 4?c. Greeobscri. ?. 246 N. Com'L PAIR WHITE kid nurse's shoe. 1st T, arcli s'ifp':'t. Worn 4 hours, Cost I7.S. 44 Court St.. Kuhns. CHOICE ALFALFA hay. 113 ton at Betid. Inquire DaTi-M. opposite Shell Sta. highway. Hubtard. WELL ROTTED twirnj-ard fertilizer, delivered In sncic. Tel. 4?4. FULL SET rr.est rr..trket fixtures for ! at a bare-a:r. Box 107C, care Statesman. FERTILIZER. TEL S0SS. MILK GOAT for sale Corner S. i S immer and McG:..:hr;st St j Wanted Miscellaneous 1 Free We pick up dean and worth leas horses, cows, hep TeL 4 Ms. WE BUY Wool and Mohair (Money Advanced) See us before you sell, or store with HARRY MILLER Liberty and Trade Sts. Ph. (541. WANTED MOTORCYCLE, '2S or titter, reasonable. John Edwards, (43 Union, evening". DOUBLE TESTED row, milking 4 gallons. Cash. L, H. Zlelke. Rt. 3.-1S5, Ro'terts Sta. Miscellaneous LEARX DRESSMAKING for $10. Complete course. Experienced, compe tent teacher. Enroll now! Classes start M'Mi Apr. 2Tth. 453 Court Bt. TeL lil. Wanted Furniture CASH PAID FOR TtrUR TOOIJ Stoves, Furniture Capital Hardware Furniture Co tti N. Commercial Phone 7(44 I Room and Board I ROOM BOARD. 349 N. Cottage. BHD., RM., recr.r,b!e. 1180 & rind. j For Rent Rooms I NICE, ECXNT room. Phone 4S. KM. FOR business mn. 255 Center. QrWiiiiaaatr . ., f "9CTHtVk ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives Fenger-Hall Co, Ltd. afas Franeisro. Let Anrcl. Seattle Eastern Advertising Representatives Errant Griffith Brunaon, laa, Chicago. ; New York. Detreit, Boston, Atlanta aWkwSawSwBSawaaawSwSwkSwjaw3a() Kultrea at Ike Posioftce f talent Oreffc.- vl &ee4-CloM lotter. Pe tUhtd ery wtoruinf gcep Ifoadap Bsmai of fie. 115 South CammTcv !& SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Ratea, In Advance. vTUhla Oregon: Dally and Sunday, 1 Mo. & eenu: S Mo. $L25 ; ( Mo. $2.2S ; t year 14.00. Elsewhere It cents per Mo or $5.00 for 1 year in advance. Pat Copy S cent a News Stands S cents. By City Carrier: 45 cents a month : (S e t a year la aa : f " Interesting WW Fact. Yesterday we told you that the 5$ foot whale that will be display ed here Friday and Saturday was 55 feet long. We still stick to the story. Also someone told as that we had mentioned that the whale did not hare any scales and they were wondering how it could be weighed. Mrs. Verna Cover has a big 250 pound buck that not only sleeps in a regular bed. but likes his cof fee for breakfast and an after breakfast cigarette. Mrs. Cover holds a Colorado license to keep "Chiefie," the big deer, in cap tivity. Col. A. M. Prentiss, of the Chemical Warfare Service, pre dicts extensive us of fire bombs in the next war. Seen bombs are filled with spontaneously inflam mable liquid made of chemical oils, and explosives. For Kent- Rooms FOP. RENT rXFt-RXISHKD ROOMS, reason able. 111! S. Commercial Street H. K. Room. CSO Center. For Kent Apartments J FURNISHED APT.. coramodkts rraa.. bedriu. and glassed-in sleeping pnrch, automatic hm. water heat, Frlg idaire. fireplace, sm porch, piano, ga rn iall at 3 IS N. Hth atreet or Tel. j WINNIE PETTY JOirN I 1 OR I RM. furn. light hskpaj.. Its., wood, water furr. Adults. 1095 Garnet. R. FVRN. apt. $!.;o wk. 1290 Oak. Tel. 0:7. 2 OR S ROOM ap'-. furn. or unfurn. Court Apt. T.'. 7410. SMALL FURN. ript.. clean and com fortable. Adults or.;y. HZ Ferry. I NICE FT'RN. npts. 3 R. garage house. Tel. 74. ::61 Hazel. FURN. AITS., ttewly -edecorated. 24H N. Capitol. SMALL FURN. apt.. 13JJ State. 4 R. PARTLY f-jrrt.. Hollywood dist. Adi:lts ojy. Ii!.4iiirf lOoJ N. InJ. SMALL ITR.V. apt . J?0 Union." For Rent Houses Furn. and unfurn. 1S53 N CapltoL FOR RKNT A smail unfurntahed house, vaiant. Apr. '.'nd. Inquire at R. FURN. Iwus. Hano. SS Brcys Aw. Iuiire at 19 S. 2itli. FOR RENT Seven room house close in. Garden plot, fruit and beiTles. Phont 44i4 Iwtween a. m. and 5 p. m. 5 ROOM MODERN house. Adults only. A'.r-ar. S mile from Fair ground", Rt. 7. Dox .". 1. Tel. 1GF2. eve nings. ONE P."M furn house. Tel. 8810. For Rent Rent & acres. Call CFli. Iloxp1ta.i bed anu wr,e-lrr.aire to mi l I. Stiff Furniture Co. OffTee rooms fot rent 1(1 State Ul Irl 37 13 Wanted to Rent WANT S or 7 R. Iiouse. furn. or part ' ly furn., lr. N. Sa'em. P. J. Box 254, I Salem. WANT TO rnt, or take charge of 40 to 1:0 A. f.itm. Tt-1. iS4. WANTED I OP. 3 unfurn. down st.xirs husekfg. rootns. Box 1078, Statesman. i For Sal3 Real Estate Housea Grant (29 Court. TeL 7721. OREGON FARMS, for rent, sale, trade. Ore. Lar.d Co. P. Hy. Woodburn. 2 t ACRES part or all. house, fruit. On mil out. Phone 4745. $-.ft.) HOME FOR $5500 ONLY SMALL payment down. bal. $40 por month including 4 j interest buys a fin 7 room English type home. One of our hit built houses, large lot, good location. Not another opportunity like It. SEE Mrs. Ell!" with CHILL'S A MILLER, Realtors 34 4 State S. Phone 8708. DUPLEX BARGAIN TWO 5 ROOM ajartments. well lo cated, paved atreet. Combined rentala from $35 to $40 per month. A good in vestment. Prl.-ed at only $2500. SEE Mr. Walter with CHTLDS ft MILLER. P.ealtors 144 State Street Phone 4708. BUILDING SITES on S. 12Ui St. cutoff, lots 4x:in. running water, city water, several fr;:it trees, $400, also H A. or larger trarts. Conti-r lot on N. Fifth 7SxS7, paving and walks in. $'.". MELVIN JOHNSON. 72i Court St Ph .ne 3 722. $:i0 Tk iWN. i R. house and 2 lots In N. Salm. some fruit, close to bus and :hool..$l.'P0. $15 iKiwn, 4 R. hotw and 2 lots- at 14f. Ie St.. $1250. $200 Down, ." R. house, woodshed, fruit room, g.irnee. snie trees, on Wil son St.. $1750. $390 Down. I R. house at 30 Rich mond Av, basement, furnace, fireplace. $2275. 500 Down, modern 4 R. " home and beautiful lot at 1383 N. Church St. $2S75. $J00 Down, ire on bal.. good ( R home on N. ISth, close to Center St. $1100. Money to loan at (. MELVIN JOHNSON. 725 Court St Phone S723 I Exchange Real Estate THE; YERY best buy. 8H A. 4H A. cherries, strictly modern house, $ mL from city limits : reasonable terms. Trade for city property. H. C. Shields, 214 Oreg. Bldg. Tel. 1901 For Sale Farms BEAUTIFUL FARM !5 ACRES NEAR Kelser sx-hooL An under plow, excellent aoil. modem 7 room horn, bam and hen houses. Well fenced. Fine yard and lawn. Commer cial loganberry field, cherries! and Other fruits. This place has been a home for many years. Owner must Set) ft T i srr-.inffe come Urmt rH,ed at $7j' : this is a buv. SEE Mr. Walter with CHILI'S MILLER, Realtors 141 State Street Phone 474$. For Sale Farms 31 A. I ML from Salem, good R. house, bath, lights, other bldga., or chard, good soil, 1 4 250. Take city property. Ill A. close to Monmouth, good btdgs., all fenced. 10 A. orchard, 10 A. timber, (52.50 per A. Take small tract. MELV1N JOHNSON. 725 Court St Phone 1723 t Business Opportunities I CADTS GROCERY and gaa station and 8 room house. $15 rent for all. Stock at Inventory. Part of fixtures go with place. Will reduce stock to suit your purse. Act at once if you want a good location. J. H. Cady, Dal las, Oregon. Tel. 2352. Money to Loan A Complete Service on Loans Up to $300 Personal Loans W ran advance cash quickly and privately to any employed man ar woman In 24 hours. Beneficial Loan Society of Salem Room 119. New Itllgh Hldg. 2nd floor LICENSED NO S-122 U 1(5 by STATE ill State St TeL 17 4 1 Loans Made In Nearby Townr MONET TO LOAN on Salem resi dence property. Small monthly pay ments. Salem Federal Svgs. aV Loan Assn., 402 State Street. Phone 3101. PRIVATE LOANS for automobiles New low rates. Roy IL Simmons, First National Rank Bldg. lly an lmlrprn1enl S.-ilm Finance Co. Amounts to $1500.00 One to Twenty Month to Repay Deal with an Independent Salem owned-and-operated finance company rhere your needs ; will receive every ionalde ration both before and after the ktan la made. No Delay - - - No Red Tape General Finance Corp, Mrsi Nat l Bank Bldg Phone 1551 Licensed. S-ltl by Stat Federal bousing loans title 2, build or refinance homes or buslnesa prop. Low ratea Abramt A Ellis, Masonic B. FIRST MORTGAGES ON REAL ES TATE. Inrest your money where you can examine the security yourself or have some reliable person do so. Buy a first mortgage on real estate that nets 6. Come in and let us explain our convenient plan of Investment. Loans on hand $500 $750 $1000, C Int. net. CHILDS M1LLSR, Mtge. Loans 34 4 State Street Phone (70S. Loans Wanted Loans wanted on rarm and ctty property Before borrowing. Inquire tr H.iwklna A Roberta Livestock and Poultry -DAT OLD LEGHORN COCKER ELS $:.00 per 100 tab. McCoy. Wednesday of each week beginning February 12. OAK KNOLL POULTRY FIRM. McCOT. OREGON. BABY COCKERELS only rew cents each. Immediate delivery. Hhone 133F2. Iittl Hatchery. HORSES JUST RECEIVED, load of good farm chunk?, matched teams, good sin gle horses. Barn, N. Com'l. and Liberty. 2 NICE GENTLE saddle horses, good and showy. S yrs. old. Cheap. Red barn. N. Com'L and Liberty St. FRESH COWS and springers. Must sell. Red barn. Commercial and Bel mont. For Sale Wood Wood al! kinds. Call 5(1( Get what you buy. Tom A George, GUARANTEED DRT wood coal Tel. 60u0. Sl,m Fuel Trade 'ntrnre 1( IN. OLD fir. TeL 5(I(. DRY WOOD, all kinds. Tel. 43. DRY WOOD, all kinds. Tel. 80IS. 1( IN. OLD fir. $5.25. TeL 6037. BIG 14" old fir, $5.00. 1( dry sec growth. Ph. 56 IS. 14 IN. OLD fir, $5.00. Tel. 5037. Wood Sawing Wood aaw'rng. lowest prices. T. 40J4. Loht and Found LOST NEAR Mitchell service sta tion, one wire stret-her. Liberal re ward for return to W. R, Raker, Rt 4, : Salem. For Sal; Used Cars HERE AGAIN ANOTHER GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY TO GUY THE BEST TRANSPORTA TION AT I.OWF.ST POSSIBLE COST. 1924 Ford Coupe $19 1924 Ford Pickup 1924 Essex Coach 192 Ford Coupe 1324 Stude. Touring 1925 Bulck 4 pass. Coupe 19?5 Stude. Coach 1924 Stude. Coach 49 1924 Buick Sedan 89 Also LaterModls to Choose From On Display Otto J. Wilson Bulck and Pontlac Sales and Sen-ice 388 N. Com'l St. Phone 5451. Salem QUALITY USED CARS 1931 Plymouth Business Coupe, low mileage,' new car guar antee $545.00 1932 Chevrolet i - door Sedan, 4-wheel equlpt, trunk, A-l condition 430.00 1321 Bulck 8-5SS Sport Coupe, reconditioned and guaran teed K5.00 1930 Ford 4-door Sedan, recon ditioned and guaranteed .. 285.00 1929 Bulck 4-door Sedan, re conditioned and guaran teed 293.00 1928 Ford 2 -door Sedan, low mileage 185.00 1928 Buick Standard Coupe 200.00 IS28 Chevrolet 2-door Sedan .. 175.00 TERMS TRADES W. L. Anderson, Inc. Do Soto-Plymouth Motor Cars 140 Marion Phone 7703 Salem ' Out to Win America on Value Alone! 1927-Chevrolet Delivery $ 89.50 1929 Durant. like new 195.00 1930-Ford A Coupe .. 145.00 1929-Naah Sedan 215.0 1915-ChevTolet Sedan, new rub ber, flniah like new and radio 445.00 Others To Choose From TRAINED SHOP SERVICE A PARTS Carter & Church Motor Co. 3(3 No. Com'L St. Phone 37J4. DO DOE lVi-TON truck, good con dition. Se at Lone Star Auto Camp. N. CapltoL For Sale Used Gars A SQUARE DEAL ALWAYS Two-Day Money-Back Guarantee R&G AND SQUARE DEAL USED CARS mo 1930 1929 1932 1914 1135 1913 1930 1930 1935 192$ Model A Coach. V-S wheels, heater, ether accessories If 5 DeLuxe Chevrolet Sedan. New rubber, new paint Complete overhaul , ' , (43 Nash Std. Sedan. New rubber, orlg. finish, com p. overhaul 245. V-8 Coupe. Complete overhaut v-s couper A real buy. DeLuxe V-8 Touring Fordor. A car you would love to own V-8 Coach. Completely reconditioned .. Chevrolet Coupe, rumble, new paint good rubber Model A Coupe : V-8 Pickup. Like new. Ah- balloon tires, low mileage Lincoln, custom 7 -pass- Sedan. You will have to i car to appreciate It - THE VALLEY MOTOR CO. ilrlou A Liberty TWO USED Phone Always Remember When You Buy From McKays You Get a Written Guarantee You Pay Only Market Value or Less You Always Get a Better Car HUDSON COACH OAKLAND SEDAN .... 1927 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1928 DURANT COACH 1929 FORD SEDAN 1929 FORD ROADSTER 1930 DURANT SEDAN 1929 CHEVROLET SEDAN , 133 CHEVROLET COUPE 1934 CHEVROLET SPORT COUPE 1133 FORD V-8 COACH 1934 CHEVROLET STANDARD COACH McKay Chevrolet Co. 333 Center Street Pliore Don't Waate Your Time Or Money UC SHROCK To Buy Or Sell Your Car Buy your uaed car from a used car dealer. All makes, models, body styles and prices, at all times. Cash paid for good cars. SAVE AT HKOCKS 555 Chemeketa Street Phone 792J We Have "B. O." (Bargains Only) Fast Flight Made PORTLAND, Ore., April 16-(P) -A United Airlines plane made the trip from Oakland, Cal., to Portland today In 2 hours and 53 minutes nine minutes under the old record. Time from here to Se attle was 56 minutes. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS RKSKRVOIB CONSTRUCTION AND PIPE LINE MATERIALS SALEM, ORFXJOX Sealed proposals will be re ceived at the office of the City Recorder, Salem, Oregon, up to 7:30 o'clock. P. M., of Friday, May 1st. 1936, for furnishing la bor, materials, tools and equip ment for construction of a 10 million gallon capacity reinforced concrete reservoir and for the fur nishing of certain pipe and pipe line materials. Bids will be open ed in public at the time stated but no award of contracts will be made prior to the regular meeting of the City Council ou May 4, 1936. Separate bids will be entertain ed, as follows: 1. For reservoir construction complete, exclusive o'f rough ex cavation and the furnishing of certain pipe and pipe line mater ials. The principal items of the work are, approximately. 5500 cu. yards of concrete and 25 0 tons of reinforcing steel. 2. For cut iron and standard steel pipe, pipe fittings and valves within and about the reservoir and for connections to the water distribution system. Bids for reservoir construction will be considered only if submit ted by a bidder who has previous ly signified his desire to bid by filing a request to that effect on a form provided for such purpose by the City Water Department and who shall hare received no tice from said department that his bid will be considered. All such requests must be filed with the Manager of the Water Department on or before April 27, 1936. Bid ders must also pre-qualify as re quired by Chapter 225, Oregon Laws of 1931. Plans and specifications will be on file for examination and dis tribution on and after April 22, 1936. Adequate provision will be made for examination of the plans and specifications at the of fices of the City Recorder, the Sa lem Water Department and Stev ens & Koon, Consulting Engin eers, Portland. Oregon. Proposal forms will be furnished without charge and anyone desiring; com plete plans and specifications for personal use may obtain the same upon application to the engineers, accompanied by a deposit of Twenty-five (125.00) dollars. Said de posit will be returned to all who submit bona fide bids in accord ance with the specifications and return the documents in good con dition. If such bid is not submit ted then Eight ($3.00) dollars of said deposit will be retained to cover the cost of extra printing. Specifications for pipe materials and valves may be obtained by making a deposit of Five (35.00) dollars, the whole amount of which will be refunded to all who submit bona fide bids for any part of such materials. Each bid must be accompanied by cash or certified check payable to the City Treasurer In a sum equal to Five (5) per cent of the amount of the. bid. The City reserveg the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any technicalities or irregulari ties and to accept any bid if it deems auch action to be for the best interests of the City of Sa lem. V. E. KUHN. Mayor. A. WARREN JONES, City Recorder. A - 10 - 14-17-21- I For Sale Used Cars New paint 425 45 7fi 445 2 285 (15 this S7S Center A Liberty CAR LOTS 7(10 ..( 45.00 45.00 15.00 125.00 145.00 145.00 196.00 345.00 395.00 445.00 425.00 495.00 313) 430 N. Commercial CHEV. PICKUP, for sale or trade for roadster or coach. 1145 Nebraska. TRADE NASH coach and some cash for Model A Ford, private party only. Phone 4984. No. 83-7D Syaopaia of taa Minnesota Mutual Lif Iaauraace Company of Saint Paul, it the State of Minnesota, en the thirty first day of December, 1035, made to the Insurants Caanauasiener ef the State I Oregon, pursuant to lav: CAPITAL Amount of capital stock paid up. None. INCOME Total premium income for the year. S5.S3.786.5.'. Interent, drridenij and rents reeeiTed during the rear, 1 j, 1 30.1 1. Income from other aonrrea received during the year. S81.i.101.92. Total ini-ome. (8. 1 1H.0.58. DISBURSEMENTS Paid for lo-es, endowment, annui ties and surrender value. $2, 812. J5. 74. Dividends paid to policy-holders during- the jfr, t6.'1.361.2. Uividendi pa:d on capital aotrk dur ing the sear. None. fomn.iiioni ad talariei paid durin; the year, S07.778.31. Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year. S113.J22.03. Amount of all other expenditures, $1,130,498.81. Total eipenditnres. $3,317,120.56. ASSETS Value of real estate owned (book ral ueK $3,031,461.79. Value of stocks owned (or amortized value), book and bonds amortized, $18. 074,293.27. Loans on mortgages ind collateral, etc , $S,251.4"H07. Premium notes and policy loans. (4, 313. 281. 12. Cah ia banks and on hand, $1,670, 418.22. Net uncollected and deferred premi ums. $1,199,470.08. Interest and rents due and accrued, $313.01. 93. Other assets fneti. (2,728.95. Total admitted asset. (33,876.189.43. LIABILITIES ?"et reserve. $29. 039. 491.70. Gross claims for losses unpaid. $240 -905.86. All other liabilities. $2,920,781.15. Total liabilities, except capital, (32, 201,178.72. Capital paid up. Kone. Surplus over all liabilities, (1,673, 010.71. Surplus aa regards policy holders, (1.H75.010.71. Total. (33.87fl.189.43. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Gross premiums received daring the year. (46.919 93. Premiums and dividends returned dur ing the year. (4.101.42. Losses paid during tlie year. (6.008.00. Name of Company. The Minnesota Mu tual Life Insuraaee Company. Name of President, T. A. Phillips. Name of Secretary, Carl B. Anderson. Statutory resident attorney for service. Commissioner of Insurance. No. 1-83 Synopsis of Annual Statement of th Multnomah Industrial Health Association og C07 Woodlark Bldg.. Portland, in the State of Oregon, oa the thirty-first da7 of December, 1935, made to the Insur ance Commissioner of the State of Ore gon, pursuant to law; CAPITAL Amount of capital stock paid up, $6,339.23. INCOME Net premiums received during the yea-, (97,934.82. Interest, dividands and rents receive! daring the year, $383.19. Income from other sourcea received daring the year. None. Total Income. (98.520 SI. DISBURSEMENTS Xet losses paid during the year in eluding adjustment expenses. None. Dividends paid oa capital stock dat ing the year. None. Commissions and salaries paid during the year, (..9,678.47. Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year. (94.19. Amount of all Other expenditures. (33.258 33. - Total expenditares. (93,033.01. ASSETS Value of resl eitaie owned (market value). None. - Value of stocks and bonds owned (at case lesa than market value), $, 908.14. Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc.. None. Cash ia banls and on band. $19,- 430.03. , Premiums In course of collection writ ten since September 30. 1935, (6.475.83. Fixed, assets, inventories end prepa'd expenses, (3.261.81. Total admitted te. 434,093.81. LIABILITIES Gross claims for loses unpaid. Noae. Amount of nnearned premiums en all outstanding risk. (2.903.41. Due for commission and brokerage. None. All other liabilities. (3.125.77. Total liabilisiaa. except capital. (6. 029.19. Capital paid op. 6. 339.28. Surplus over all liabilities. (21.726.80. Surplns as ' regards policy-holders, (2rt.0Grt.lS. , Total. (Si.OCl.ftt. BUSINESS IN OREOON FOR THE TEAR Net premiums received daring the year, (97.934.82. I.oases paid daring the year. None. Leases incurred daring the year. None. Name of Company. Multnomah Indus trial Health Association. - Name of President, Eugene P. Owes, M.I. Name of Secretarr. F. H. Daramaseh, MIX Statutory reilnt atforne far ricc, TWiw Kai Centenarian Says Day Is Too Short Mr. .Matildia Archer lias Perfect Hearing, Does Not Need Glasses WAITSBURG. Wash., April 16. -yey-Tor a. centenarian, who has ieea more than 3C.S00 days com and go, each day Is too short, says Mrs. Matilda Archer. Mrs. Archer, although 100 yean ld, prepares three meals daily for herself and her son, Al bert, who will be 70 soon; does all the housework and sandwich es ia enough reading to keep abreast with the news. She will tell you not to shout her hearing is perfect and she has never worn glasses. Glassea. she said, "are a lot ot pother and bother" Intended for young folk. "When I was a girl there was little to do except work; no time for gadding about and getting into mischief. "We married early those days, which is right. I was 19 when my first child was born and she is getting along In years now, well past 80." She had IS children, 11 of whom are living and five of whom are grandparents. Born in Ontario, Canada, she came to Waitsburg 30 year ago to visit some of her children and decided to stay. Triined Fleas to Show Here Today Featured With Big Whale and Other Exhibits in Marine Life Circus Among the added features with the "big whale" today will be Madame Sirwell with her troupe of trained fleas. They ride bicy cles, run races, juggle, kick a foot ball, run a merry-go-round, do a fan dance and one of them the strongest, named Sampson, pullf a little wagon weighing 6000 times his weight. Madame Sirwell has followed her father and grandfather as a trainer of fleas. Each flea ia nam ed and she can tell them apart as easily as one does his friends. The exhibit will be located on a specially constructed railroad car at Court and Front streets for two days starting today. The ex hibit will be open to the public from noon until 1 p. m. daily. Bessie Cowles Is Buried. Woodburn WOODBURN, April 16 Funer al services for Mrs. Bessie F Cowles were held Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock from the Beechler-O'Halr chapel, with Rev. George H. Swift, rector of St Paul's Episcopal church of Salem officiating. Music was by Mrs Henry W. Moore of Newberg, and Mrs. Ralph Sebern of Woodburn Interment was in Belle PaasI cem etery. Mrs. Cowles had been a resident of Woodburn the past 46 years and had been active in church work. She was organist for St Mary's Episcopal church since it was built many years ago. She is survived by a daughter. Mrs. Chester Cox of Salem, and her widower, Ethan Cowles. of Woodburn. Pallbearers were J. W Moore, Hurtle Moore. Kelly Moore, Merle Milburn. Lyman H. Shorey and Robert H. Scott. 24 Scouts Given Awards at Court Chief George Bent of Chema wa was the principal speaker at the Boy Scout honor court lield at the courthouse Wednesday night. His subject was Indian lore. Justice Harry Belt presided at the court at which 24 scouts were presented honor awards. Thirteen deaf school boys were among the group. Second class rank was giv en to two boys. Six received sec ond class merit badges. Bryan Goodenough and George Naderman assisted Judge Belt in making the awards. USE MHILILEES FEEDS MILLER'S Egg Producer 21 protein (milk) $1.95 cwt. MILLER'S Dairy Ration 18 protein $1.35 sack MILLER'S Oiick Starter $2.25 cwt. Milk, cod llTer oil, 0 protv FAR ME R S GRAIN WHSE. Liberty and Trade Sts. Phone 6543 Business Cards) la this director run oa a snoathly baais oaly. Rate: fl.OO per line) per tnoartla. Auto Brakes Mike Pa. nek. ST South Commercial. ChiinneY Sweep j Telephone 4 . R E. NortUnesa Chiropractors OR. a L. SCtrTT. PSC. Chiropractor N. Ill art Tel Res. (7(2. Electrical Service ROSLER Kle;trto. M Stnvs t Wir ing, motor apoliaace. repairs, service Electrical Tattooing LOW PRICED Sailor Jack 4!( S. 17th. Excavating Ciea ratine of all klnda Basements dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for le. Salem Sand and Gravel ca mono 401 Florists Brelthautt s, 4 IT Court. ALL fctnds of floral srsrk. I Jits. FUr- ist. 4T( N. Uberty Tel 6t j Furniture Refinishing Reflnlahlng and repairing. TeL 7112. I Homeopathic Physician DR. L. a. Altmaa. Treats both acute and chronic disessea Office arid resi dence, (07 Center. Tel. 5852. Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE VVEIDER LAL'NORT !(! S High T-i. till CAPITAL C1TT I-AITNDRT Fleet In Quality and Service rrtephwie (I4i tll Broadwa Lavm Mowers Sharpened, repaired anfl traded. Ph. ISIl Harry W Scott. 147 a. com t Farley to Talk, Ad Club Session Ross Farley of the Safeway stores public relations depart ment, Oregon division, will speak before the Salem Ad club this noon at the Quelle. The program this week has been arranged by Oscar D. Olson. The Salem club will be host May 143 and 17 for Ad clubs of Oregon, with members from Cor vallls, Euene, Albany, Klamath Falls and Portland to come for this gathering. Son of Governor Held as Speeder OLYMPIA, April 16. - LP) - Frank Martin. 16-year old son of the governor, was one of the first victims of the capital city's safety week campaign, it was learned today. Cross Word Puzzle 2 3 5 ' 7 Q 1 to il 12 sWTPWs 72i 22 23 24 25 7 26 22 21 2? 32 33 34 35 35 36 ttt-- UA 43 44 45 45 47 46 4t 3cT 3 "Mill iH 1 11 1 B EUGENE 39 negative 40 make lace 41 for the affirmative 42 towards 43 correlative of either 44 planet 47 the legal profession 48 mythologi cal firore who flew too near the ran 60 heavy silk staff HORIZONTAL I one of an order of angels 7 Jaud 1 3 depression worn by running water 14 One who pursues tame " IS rubber tree 16 frightened 18 behold! .. 19 Greek letter 20 Peer Gynt's mother 21 article of furniture ' Greek letter 24 lav level with the ground 25 a pike 27 nsefnl office 2S harbors -30 main point 21 cross by wading" SS portion 34 riinj 37 feminine name 28 tissue ia items of woody atasrta Herewith is the ay's puzzle. ee n- rvrvjc n- rt - Directory Mattresses Mattress remade, new cover, (3.9S. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. PTione 4(. SAiaJM FLUKF-RUU and Mattr Factory. NEW MATTRESS mad ( order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, r lag; fluff rug weaving. S. II th A Wil i.ur. TeL (44L OTTO F. ZW1CKER, Est. 191 L Music Stores ilKO C WILLr Ptanoa, radtns, sesrtnc machlaes, sheet music and ptaco ecrxj iea Reaalrmg radios; phonographs and sewing machinea 432 State Street, ?5alem. Photo EnpravirjLg 4t lent phJta engraving. 147 K. Com iwrrl.a Tel (((7. Printing An STATION ERt, card pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department. Hi S. CotnmerctaL Tele phone !!. I Sewing Machine Repairs j REBUILT AND repaired. AU make a E. Leatberman. T ((7a. IKS Waller. Stoves l repair store range circa later Sell new and rebuilt stove ranges and circulator St or feac. jost chicken wire. Salem Fence and Store Work 74! Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R. B. Fleming. , Transfer ."OR local or distant transfer tegW all 11 IL Ijirmer Transfer Ca Taiclr n Portland dally ' . Ramserer truck servtcsa Phono aa&4.' CAPITAL, CITT Transfer Ca til State St. TeL 7T71. Diitrlbuflog. for warding and storage oar esievlaU. Get ur rate SHRTDER TRUCK A Tran TeL ISM. Vacuum Cleaners For rent or nerrlce. call Salera f'ard ware Co. TeL 4JC4. Well Drilling I R A. West a 1 Hot 44S TeL IllF. He was arrested yesterday for speeding, finally arranged to post $10 bail and remarked, "Don't let anybody tell Dad about this, be cause he might not let me have the car again." The governor's son, a student in Olympia high school, also was embarrassed because when arrest ed by Olympia police he was in a bathing suit. He was returning home from his first swim of the season in a nearby lake. Frank recently took up flying and a few weeks ago mad hs first solo flight. Hjort Claims Receipt, First Local Asparagus H. J. Hjort of the Table Supply store on North Commercial, says he believes he received the sea son's f 1 r 8 t asparagus, locally grown, as some came In from south of Salem three days ago. Hjort says the quality is excellent and that this asparagus is the fin eat he has seen at the opening of any season. SHEFFER 62 gleams 63 -cuts off the final syllable VERTICAL 1 things difficult to explain 2 native salt 3 night before a holiday 4 Japanese measure 6 Truth in the "Faerie Qneene" 6 kaims 7 particular appearance 8 subterfuge r insect 10 pronoun 11 choose 12 wears away 17 fot- 21 lead 23 silver 24 awake 25 perform 26-meaber of i the nobility 28 moral failiu? 29 flesh of aolntino to Ytr. . swine 31 on behalf of 83 dialect 33 to graft 84 trift 35 revolve 36 places for -aafekeepinr 38 very stupid 41 feminine name 44 rase with a pedestal 45 otiliae . 48 alt 47 request 49 three-toed sloth 61 note ef teas seal rwiLiM.mr3i