The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Saturday Morning;, April 4, 1936 SligJhl profit Taking Halts S 9 ssioi 8 PAGE EIGHT tock Advance but Kece Small In Comparison Under 2 Million Shares; Average Reduced J2, Loss Well Spread " NEW YORK. April 3.-P)-The tock market went through the profit taking mill today without suffering too much damage. -- While the final assay found 4 Iff declines against 2S1 advan ces, the former, on the whole, - were confined to fractions and Ut latter also were generally re ' stricted. The list today reverted to its recent dragging tendencies by turning In a rolunie of only 1 . , 709,270 shares compared with yesterday's moderate total of 2, 284.510. The Associated Press average of 60 issues suffered a net de cline of .2, of a point at 63. S. The industrials and rails were each .3 in arrears while the utili ties, dull throughout," were :.l - easier. Wool Mart Quiet; Somewhat Lower BOSTON, April 3. - (jp - The Commercial Bulletin will say to morrow: "The wool market continues quiet. It is also lower, although no one knows just how much, since there is hardly any business being done, upon which prices can be based. Mostly, the sales are of foreign wools. "The west, there is little be ing done and that at lower pri ces. "The plecegoods markets are exceedingly slow as far as new business is concerned, although there is a slight betterment in specifications against old orders. "The foreign markets are rea sonably steady with fair clearan ces reported. "Mohair is quiet but firmly held. Supplies are light." The Bulletin will publish the following quotations: Oregon: Fine and F.M. staple 85-Sfi; Fine and F.M. clothing 79-80. Mohair: Oregon 55-57. Foreign prices in bond. Potatoes Holding Firm at Portland PORTLAND, April 3-tfV-Lte advances in butter on the Produce Exchange included lc lb. on two top scores and lc on two bottom ones. Butterfat was advanced lc lb. Eggs steady unchanged. There was a shortage of poul try. California was in the mar ket for northern supplies. Extreme strength was indicated throughout the country killed meat market with prices holding. The wool trade was awaiting better weather and general shear ing operations. Buyers were in clined to withhold'offerg until the wool is off sheep's back. There was no change in nominal wool or mohair quotations. Potato market was firm for both old and new stock with sup plies of the former scarce. On Jons were steady. Aspafagus was firmer and high er with adverse weather in Calif ornia. Farmers Union Meets The quarterly convention of the Marion county Farmers Union will be in session all day today at Central Howell, with the local there as host. General Markets PRODUCE EXCHANGE PORTLAND, Ore., April 3. (AP) Produce Exchange net prices: Battel1 Extraa. 30c: atandards, 30c; fnaaei firsts, 2Hc; firata, 2c. Butter fat, 3J-33e. Eggs V. 8. large extras. 18c; C. S. aaediaaB extraa, 17c Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore April 3. (AP) Wheat: Open High Low Clos Kay 814 81fe 81 81 i. 73 734 73U 73 Sept. i. 71 71 71 71 C ah : Big Bend bluestem, 13 pet cent. $1.17; Big Bead bluestem, 11.14; dark r whiter, 13 per cent, 31.03 H; dark :lu4 winter, 11 per cent, 81He; toft ? white, western white, northern spring, hard wiatar, western red, 81Vc OaU, K. 2 white, 922. Corn, K. 2 atern yellow, 130. Mi lima, $17. Today's car receipts: Wheat, 14; bar ley; flow. ; hay. 1. Portland Livestock Today's ear receipts: Wheat, 21; bar ley, 3; floor, 24; hay, S. PORTLAND, Ore, April 3. (AP) (TJ8DA) Hogs: Receipts, 800. 204 di rect; aaarket ateady. Good-choice 160 200 lb. MriTeins, 10.75 85; 135 55 lb., 910.25-65; packing sews, $8.25-50; light neigkU tt 99; aiieabl cnpplie, 90-140 U. feeder pig. 910.25-75. Cattle: Receipts 400., 184 direct; ealr e dO, 90 direct; aaarket low. Around losda torn unsold. Held tally steady ap to 97.85; other claase areoad ateadr with Thnraday' arerage; few eosamon steers, 9S.50-85; plainer kind down t j 950; SBediana heifers, $6.75 and down; low eatter and catter cows, $3-4.50; com-BWB-sBediam, 94.75-5.75; good beef cow p te 96; balls, 95.25-6.25; good Tealors ap to 990; choice qnotable to 910. Shoop: Receipts, 25, 18 direct; aaar ket aoaaiaally steady. Good-choice driTo rna' salable aroand $10.00-25; few aoed iam,. $9; fat owe. $5-6. . Portland Produce PORTLAKD. Or April 9 (AP) Butter Priata, A grade. 12e lb. in rrthaaeat wrapper. 33e lb. ia cartons; grade., parchment wappe, tie lb.; car tons, 32e lb. Butterfat Portland delirery A grad. dleliTories at least twice weekly, $32-84 lb.; eotmtry rentes, 30-33e lb.; B grade l-32 lb.: O grade at snarket. Volume Salem Markets tirade II raw 4 per cent milk. Salrni baic pool price $2.12 per hundred. C'o-o buttcrfat price, F. O. B. Salem, 32c. I MUk cased eo Mad aeotblj attertM am t Distributor price $231. A grade bill icrfal Deliv ered, 32c; B grade deliv ered, 30 ts c. A grade prints, 32?sc; B grade, 31 He. Prices psid to grwra by Salem u7ra (Tli, price belo. supplied by lor a I grocer. r IndlcatH of tb daily narkti but are aat guaranteed T The States mil ) (Buying Prt) Calif, fresh dates, lb . Pineapple. Hawaiian. ea. jti Si Oraugra. fancy 2.73 to 3.23 Choice 2.00 to 2.50 itaiiana. lb- on sua 06 M.ii.da .07 Lemons, fancy 5.00 to 8.25 Choice 1 00 to 5.50 !. nnrs, fresh, do. 1.00 (.-rjpefruit. Florida 3.75 to 4.50 Ariiona 2.2 " to 2.75 Apples, bii. .03 to 1 JO Strawberrira. ho, rru'l "0 vegetable (Buying Price) Asparagus lb .0'J New peas. Calif., lb , . 1 Rhubarb, hothouse .70. .80 and .90 Cauliflower, Calif., crate ... 83 to 1 2.i Lettuce. Calif, crate 2.73 to 4.00 Paisnins. lug 1.20 Sweet potatoes, crate 1 90 Onions, I.abish. cut 75 Yakima marbleliead squash, lb. .... .05 ilshhajp Orrtron. cwt. I 7 to 2 50 California, cwt 2.00 to 2.2 Carro'.e, Calif., doi. 33 to .45 Celery hearts, dot. Green peppers. Calif., lb. Potatoes. So. 1. local Potatoes. So. 2. local Spinacli. Calif.. 401b. crate .. Local spinach, 20 lb . 1.50 .15 .. 1 so .. 1.3." .... 1.05 .... .5 Chinese cabbage, erat 1.40 HnThonse tomatoes . 2. 50 to 3.00 Turnips, dozen. Calif. .C3 Celery, t'tah variety . 2.15 to 2.75 Celery, Chula Vista 1.90 to 2.50 Ortichokts. box - 'JOO to 2.50 Katabsras. cwt. 1 50 .40 ... 2.50 1.10 Green onions, dozen . New potatoes, hamper , Hothouse cucumbers, doi. NUT a Walnuta. Ib. Filberts, Ib. .10 to .14 ta .14 .1 aora (Buying Prlca) Clusters. 1935, to . top 09 Fuggles. 1935. tup, lb Nominal WOOL AND MOHAIB (Buying Price) Mohar Medium wool .40 .30 7 Coarse wool ZOOS AMD POULTHT (Buying Price of Andreeena) Extras .15 Medium extras .13 Standard . .13 Medium standard , .12 Mixed extras 14 14 Case count, 58 lbs (Andresen A Son Baying Price) Retry bent, 4H or orer .16 J6 J4 .12 .11 X6 .08 Heary bene, over 0 lb. Colored mediums, lb. Medium Leghorns, lb. Light. Ib. Stags. Ib. Old roosters. Colored fiy. lb. J7 .13 Whit Leghorns, fry, lb. WAKION CREAM EH Y boyiag prices LIT Ponltry. No. 1 stock Heary bens, under 5 lbs. . Heary bens, over 5 lbs. .19 .10 .13 .13 JO .16 .08 .07 .05 J .14 .14 .13 .13 .12 Medium colored bens, Ib. Leghorn hens, orer 3H lbs. Leghorn hen, light Colored springers Old Roostera la. . Staga , , , Reject Eggs Candled and graded Large extras Large standard Medium extra Medium standard Cndergradea Pullets UVE STOCK (Baying Price) Sprint- lambs 10.00 Lambs 10.00 Ewes. lb. .04 Yearling lamb , .05 to .06 H Hogs. 130-160 lbs. 10.00 to 10.25 160-210 lbs., top 10.50 to 10.75 210 250 lbs., top 10.25 to 10.50 Sow .50 to 8.00 Steers 5.50 to 6.50 4.00 to 5.00 5.00 to 6.00 5 00 to 5.50 5.50 to 6.50 10. OO Dairy type cows Beef cow Bulls Heifers Veal, top Dressed Teal, lb. .13 '.J Dressed bogs .15 GRAIN AitD EAT Wheat, western red 74 - .75 . 20.00 .' 19.00 20.00 18.00 1 5.00 14.00 White, Xo. 1 Barley, brewing, ton Feed barley, tou Oat", milliner, ton Feed, ton Alfalfa, ralley Closer hay Hay buying prices Oi ts and vetch, ton 14 00 B grade cream for market Buying price, butterfat bais. o3Hc lb. Eggs Buying price of wholesaler: Ex tras, lac: standards. 16c: extra medium, 16c; do. medium firt. 15c; under grade, 13c: pullet. 13c doien. Cheese Oreeon triplets, 16c; Oregoa loaf. 16c. brokers "ill pay Vs cent be low quotations. Milk A . grade. Portland deliver?, 58 He lb.; butterfat basis for 4 per cent. Country meats Selling price to retail ers: Country killed hog', best butchers, under 150 lbs.. 14144c lb.; Tealers. No. 1. 15e lb.; light and thin. 1013c lb.; heaT-y, 9-12e lb.; cutter cows. 8-10e lb ; spring lambs. 23-25c lb.: ewes, 6 10c lb. Mohair Nominal contract price, 4'Jc lo. Cascara bark Buying price, 1935 peel. 2Vsc lb. Hops Nominal: 1935 clusters. 7-9e ib. Lire poultry Portland delivery buyin; price: Colored hens, over 4 lbs., 18 19c IK; under 4 4 lbs., 18-le lb.; Leg horn hens, over 3Vi lbs., 16-17e lb.; un der 3 lbs.. 16-17e lb.: Leghorn broilers. lti to 2 lbs., 1516c lb.: springs, 2 lb;, nd cp, 17-1 8e lb.: colored springs, 2 lbs. tad up, 19 20c lb.; roisters. 8-9e lb.; Pkin dueks, young. It l"e IV; geese, ll-i2e lb. Onions Oregon, $1.15-1.25 per 100 lb. Potatoes Local, $150 cental; Klam ath, $2-2.15 cental; Scappoose Netted Gems. $1.60-1.75 cental: Deschutes Net ted Gems. $2-2.15 cental. Wool 1936 contracta, nominal; Wil lamette Taller, medium, 30c lb.; coarse and braid, 28 lb.; eastern Oregon, 25 28c lb.; southern Idaho. 30 32 Vie Ib. Hay Selling price of wholesalers: Al falfa. No. 1. $16; eastern Oregon alfalfa. No. 1. $15-15.50: eastern Oregon timo thy. $17.50-18 ton; Willamette Taller timothy. $15-16 ton; eata and -etch, $12.50-13; clover. $11-12 ton. Portland. Stocks and Bonds April 9 STOCK AVERAGE! (Compiled ty Tb Associated Press) $0 15 'l5 60 Indasl Rails Ctil Stocks Today 84.8 37.2 48.8 63.S Pre-, day . 85.1 . 37.5 48.4 64.0 Month ago 82.9 38.7 49.6 63.5 Tear ago 51 9 20.3 25.7 37.5 1936 high 85.1 39.7 40.8 64.0 1936 low 73.4 30.2 45.0 55.7 1935 high 76 3 31.2 44.7 56.1 1935 low 49.5 18.5 21.6 34 8 BOND AVERAGES 2W 10 10 10 Raila 92.6 S2.8 93.9 - 77.3 .. 94.3 86.9 87.8 76.4 Indcat. 102.7 102.6 103.3 92.9 104,1 102.1 102.2 92.3 Ctil forei Today PreT. day Month ago Year ajco 1036 high 1936 low 1935 high 1935 low 101.8 69 6 101.8 102.3 89.5 102.5 99.8 99.8 4.5 69.6 72.0 66 1 72J 69.5 70.4 65 Bottom Hit by Chicago Wheat Persistent Weakness, May Futures at Winnipeg Causes Decline CH1CAOO. April 3--fP-Per-sistent weakness of May wheat at Winnipeg did much to bring about a lower average of wheat prices everywhere today, includ ing season new bottom records. In connection with Winnipeg market downturns, trade talk was heard that the Canadian govern ment wheat board mTftht be per mitting prices to rail, in order to work off accumulated sup plies. Late rallies of wheat values here resulted, however, from dust storm reports, together with word that high winds prevailed over the entire southwest. Wheat in Chicasro closed irre gular, a low to higher, com pared with yesterday's finish. May 94-e. corn unchanged to 1ic down. May 59 7s-60c. oats un changed to !(c off. and provisions unchanged to 10c decline. Many Vaccinated, Richmond School Aided by the 40 ft 8 society cf the American Legion, the coun ty health unit staff yesterday vac cinated 30 pupils at Richmond school in an effort to block a further outbreak of smallpox here. Dr. Vernon A. . Douglas, health officer, said only 13 pupils in that school remained unvac cinated. Dr. Douglas urged that all cas es of suspicious rashes be report ed to him promptly in order that he might ascertain whether or not the cause was either smallpox or scarlet fever. The health officer said the four recently discovered cases of small pox apparently bad not been in contact with the general public. The Richmond pupil who fell ill with the disease had not attended school after the ailment set in. Virtually all pupils at Parrish junior high school, one of whose pupils recently contracted small pox, have been vaccinated, he said. Want Prosecutor For Rioting Case A special prosecutor will prob ably be appointed today by At torney - General Van Winkle to handle the cases involving the re cent labor union riots in Clat sop county. The attorney-general will confer with Governor Martin on the matter this morning. The order is to be signed by the chief executive. Clatsop county officials, includ ing Willis West, district attor ney, asked for the appointment of a special prosecutor to handle the 37 indictments which were Gardeners' and Ranchers' Mart PORTLAND, Ore., April S.-JP) -Activity held up well on Friday's Gardeners' and Ranchers' market. California and Roseburg cauli flower rose 10c to $1.60. Mexi can tomatoes dropped 50c to 4.50 a lug. California lettuce was obtain able between $2.75 and $3. Rhubarb prices went up, extra fancy going from $1.25 to $1.50 for a 15 pound box; fancy from $1.15 to $1.40; choice from 90c to $1.10. Local rhubarb arrived on the market at $1.10. Fifty pound sacks of peas drop ped from $5 to $4.25. Green pa o0 lbs., $4.25. Spinach Per box, $l-l.:o; local, tl 1.15. Carrots Per dozen benches. 75c. Beets Lug. fl. Dry onions U. S. No. 1. 100 Ib. sack $1.25; Xo. 2. 80c. Green onions 25-35c. Cabbage Crate. California. $3.25 3.50. Cauliflower Calif., crate. $1 60. Rose burg. $1.60. Celery Crate. California. $2.50-2.75. Apples Fancy Delicious. $1.25: Hocil RiTer SpTtzenbergs, 40-55c; fancy Spits enbergs, $1. Potatoes Local, per 100 pound tack. $2-2.10. Parsley Per doxen bunches. 30 45c Lettuce Csliforni. $2.75-3. Tomatoes Oregon, hothouse. Ib, 16 20c; Mexican, lag. $5. Squash Hubbard. S4c; Uarblebead, 3c. Cnenmbers ITothonse. dot., $1.10-1.50. Pumpkins 11 4e per pound Sweet potatoes No. 1, 50-lb. lax. $2.25: Southern Yams. S2.25: unclassi fied. $1.75. Parsnips Per lug. 85e. Garlic Pound. 12c. Oranges California Kavcl. $2.55-3.50. PhnKaaK F,tr f,nv IS IX Kn $1.50; fancy. $1.40; local. $1.10. Brnisel prout Pound, 8 10c; crate, 75e. Aspararus Pyramid, $2.75 3. Artichokes Box. $2.50. THIMBLE THEATRE Starring Popeye O0S' TRIED TO NEITHER AT returned after two men were kill ed and several others wounded in a riot out of Seaside) last month. The riot occurred at the logging camp of the Crown - Willamette corporation and was occasioned by a labor union Jurisdictional dispute. Reduction in WPA Payroll Due Soon The WPA district for which Sa lem is headquarters must reduce its payroll to 2900 persons by April 15. D. G. Metcalf. labor in ventory officer, was notified by state WPA officials yesterday. J This figure represents a reduction of 200 from the April 1 employ ment status of the district, which includes Marion, Polk. Linn, Yam hill. Tillamook, Lincoln. Lane and Benton counties. The 200 cut In WPA rolls will be reached easily through a nor mal decrease due to gaining pri vate and public works employ ment, Metcalf predicted, lie said it was unlikely WPA workers would be discharged into the ranks of the unemployed. Demonstration of Safe Driving Due A safety demonstration cam paign is planned for Friday, April 10. under sponsorship of the Lions club. Cars furnished by Montgomery Ward and Company and Valley Motor company will demonstrate the right and wrong way to drive. The demonstration has been presented in 60 cities of the United States, attracting thousands of people. The men in charge have been working 1n Cal ifornia and will enter Oregon next week. E. H. Young of the Ward or ganization visited Salem yester day to complete preparations for the demonstration, further de tails of which will be announced in next week's papers. POLLY AND HER PALS MICKEY MOUSE LITTLE ANNIE R00NEY fxinM" -r" t sorr roe vou TO - N I i I -. I YA CXJMB DIDOy! ) SJT ( SUCK SHINER , I VEAH, I HAD A WHY TH' SAM MtLL S OH, V GOT THERE ARGUMENT WITH A S DiDrT VUH SOCK J ( VEAH ? J 1-7 'M ' n f'we'u. GIVE YOU ONE MORS rryT0 I fCOME ON! STAirrVSJV I Lyk KEMEMBER1. VUU') I Y "Vlf f. 1 Cl N. M2. MOARLAVJDiS DGTECTiveS ACff NO LOJGEO SMAOOAV)N3 MV ORPHAN AGE? . n, now pebvwps I Cam fmd that urrTLE? IMP, ANNIE TOOTS AND CASPER GONTROL. i . i rvi C, Ct r naa iimimiI f M NEARLV " FRANTIC HE OIDNT OURSELF, TOOTS. IF CASPER IS TO BE FOUMD, COME HOME LAST NICiHT- WEll-FIND HIM! BOT.POPEVei WHY, UJfW TO MORDttV vmi?. ir s?ezsz tF"tfcs -yrxrrrt 1 nr 1 1 L I Assault Charged To Charles Jones Charles F. Jones, 502 North Winter street, . arrested on 'a charge of assault being armed with a dangerous weapon, took 24 hours in whichto enter his plea when he was taken before Justice of the Peace Miller Hay den yesterday. Complaint against Jones was made late Thursday night by his wife, lara V. Jones, after Jones allegedly used a stove poker and back of a chair in threatening to take the life of her and their young daughter, Mary Jones. Jones allegedly told' them that he "would kill both of them." lie will be brought Into justice court at 10 o'clock this morning to enter his plea, and meantime has been in the county jail in de fault of $750 bail. Sfiplling Contest For County Planned Soon Papers for the annual spelling contest in schools of the county have been sent out this week by the county school superintend ent's office. The date of the con test has not been announced by Mrs. Mary L. Fulkerson, superin tendent. The contest will be held at the same time throughout the county. Teachers have been preparing for the contest for many weeks and keen rivalry is expected for county honors. Memorial to Sumner Is Planned, Palm Sunday Palm Sunday a memorial to the late Bishop Sumner will be dedi cated at the 11 o'clock service in St. Paul's Episcopal church. The memorial, which is a special form of candalabra is the gift of the St. Agnes Guild which is a group of 30 business and professional wom en of the church. LET ytxj sckjQW 1 CM, YEAH ? I , ME ACQ THE NEWS . LITTLE ANtslnH DOOMEY rS NOW HOME Of B BUO4ETT Bt.W I t ROOJEY, AMD 1 ME TCSATS THE KlO UhCE SHE 7 WAS THE QOEEN t 7 or SHEBA IN JWMa MCK tSAUC a f .4L 1 Jf YESTERDAY SHE NEVER WANTED TO LAY EYES OKI HIM ATTAIN AND TODAY SHE CANT WATT TO SEE HIM! i I sit Now Showing "Poor Little Crittre' LSTENi. VAQKEV- THAT UTTV.E fMlHW. IS uXPJH MOkE'IS YOOAK ME KIM EAJEN lMfatIs.e 0 " T S ) Radio , SatardaT, April d XOrjT POKTAD 940 Kc 6:80 Klock. Iran and Walter. , 8:0 Cinciuati CoBnerratory of hfaaie. :15 MaslraV reveHos, CBS. - 9:90 The Colombians. 10:00 College choir. 11:00 Aato 8how, CBS. 12:30 The Tops. 12:46 Book of Litf. 1:15 Tours in tone, CBS. 2:00 Frank Pailey oreh., CBS. 2:15 Aboard the Winchester, CBS. 2:30 Vinrent Lopes orch.. CBS. 3:00 Frederick WilUara Wile. CBS. 3:15 Town town tempos. CUS. Bedding Store Is " Basis of Article Nearly a full page In the Daily New Record of New York, a Fair child publication for the dry goods trade, is devoted to the story of a Salem business enter prise, the Better Bedding store at the Imperial Furniture com pany. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Hunt are proprietors of the Bedding store, which is the only one of ! its kind in the United States. The history of their store is given, also a picture of a window de voted to towel display which the store had in February. Mr. Hunt was sales manager for Kay Woolen mills before opening the store in 1934. Leslie Holy Week m Plans Announced Services planned for Holy week at the Leslie Memorial church. South Commercial and Myers streets, are announced by the pastor. Rev. Dean Poindexter. Thursday night Holy Commun ion will be served in quietness by a lighted cross and candle light. The service will begin "at 7:30 o'clock. Friday night the choir, under the leadership of Mrs. Jes sie Bush, will present the sacred cantata: "The Seven Last Words of Christ,' by Th. Dubois. Not a Fast Runner In the Neck! The Latest Report GUESS VOJ AImV NOT RULLlOfsl. LIV1MG AT TV4G pecsoaa The Tables are Turned GOT ft HUNCH THKT CVAaXEUUUT HIRED ft SOJfcB TO M0R0ER ME OlS ftCCOONT OF YftSEU-HlM YER0EEP f WHERE CAKI HE BE ? WHY DOESMT ) W 1! HE'PHOiMB ? OH, MAYBE I DROVE IJLA. HIM TO IT MAYBE INt A PIT Of DESPONOErXYTHIrJKINtfl HE HAD IktOOTS, YOU NOTHING MORE TO UVE fkJ MUST CALM Programs 4 :S0 EsaJ! Batfa ore, CBS. sVoO-Twd 'pianoa,' CB8. 5:15 Sana and Baddy. 5 gOOrrpoa Fcderatioa of ! elab. 6:00 Aodrs KoststaaetV orch, CBS. 6:30 Prclfie roast aaaaic achoola, DI.B8. 7:00 Col. rYaak - Knox: "Whora I Staad." CBS. 7:30 Leoa F. Drews, organ. g :oo Jim my Bittiek orth, DLBS. 8:30 Portland" Junior symphony orch. 9:00 Ziegfeld FolKea, CBS. 10:30 Cole afeElroy oreh. 10 :30-r-Kenny Allen orch. 11 :90 -Jimmy Doraey orch.. DLBS. ll:15-fKelly'a Kaballeros. 11:80-12 Ensil Baffa oreh, DLBS. I KQW PORTLA2TD 20 Kc 7 :0S Martha and Hall. N'BC. 7:15 Vasa Family. SBC. 7:30 Nicholas Mathay orch.. NBC. 8:00 Our American school. SBC. 8:15 Norsemen quartet. NBC. 8:'0 Mexican Marimba orch., KBC. 8:59 Tiire signal. 9:15 Coneert Minitnre, XBC. lOrOO Mayiair orch.. XBC. 10:3O Lotus Garden oreh., XBC 12:13 D:d you know! ( I NEVER. PINO I UA Y 2 I) ANOTHER GUM JfcJk I 1 1 UKE. WRtGUEY'S I 2 L.VRIGLE Noeooy else-amo f THAT KO EVER TCUf THE' MULTlMtOlONAlQC ?!? I HIM ABOUT THE V4y -J YOU TREATED MEU- l OU BETTER FtNO OLA-l exsr sr A mane sa s. i ( IjVl tf V7 DtEPOCEAW t.s5H avly? SOMETHINt DREADFUL must HAVE HAPPENED STAYED AsW UKE THIS BEPORE- OH. CASPtR- T WA, OMLY I COULDNT UrVC WITHOUT YOU. I want you BACK MSI tLL ftOMVT HE'S CUTE, BUT CftNVT bEc UJHY Ht'b SOVftV.UtiB.E- UJHY DOES Mk. CHAAtkFUrT IWfSHTHlM is gfr,CTtOTi Ww. Crast lrinm nrso T . nV A. e-4L ' -- 12:20 Agriculture, 1 Bevne. a 1 :3U tiiniev- - 1:45 GleeS !. 2 :'00 Blae Boons Echo. XBC. 2:30 Te White. 2:45 Pianos. j Joo Carl Barhsaan. . 15 otto Tharaa Barariaa oreh. a!s5 Ahna.KltehelL XBC. g -45 Religion la tha n-wa, BC Concert orch., NBC. 4:15 Tea Danaante. .NBC. 4-30 Haatptoa lartitnto choir, iBC. -5:00 Hit Paraa. XBC. 0 :0O Kobinof f. KBC 6:30 Chateaa. NBC. 7:10 CeUbnty aight. 9:O0 National bam stance. XBC. :00 Fieata, SBC. t:30 JaekU 10:00 Walts Timo. NBC. 10:80 Archio tjaToland orclu 1 1 00 Ambasasdor errh., BC. 11:30 Palae oreb, 2BC. 12 :00 Weather. x poETiJn--ii x. 6:30 MasicaJ eloek. 7.3O Financial semee. MJO. :45 Originalities. v. ,:15 Wendell Hall. BC. :30 Jr. raato jo-mai, -"- a X' 11 A ksat i;f T 111 rtarwv j:59 Tie sifnal, IfBU 00 Four 0owmn quarsc " :15 Toley and Glenn. :30 National farm and homo nosur. unM.' inatitnte. )':43 Hint to houoewirea. :0O Word, ana nic. 32 RecitaL 11:55 Market report. ::00 urcn. i.o" - . .45 Soloist. 1 Jesse Crawford. :30 tnaesnnie. :O0 Financial and grain- 05 Mdical adventure. SBC, : 15 Quartet. :30 Treasure Trails. XBC. ;05 Pianist. . :30 Philadeipnia '"""' :1 J Armchair quartet. NBC. 30 Music box. XBC. Homfk orch, XBC. .a ct.SLMw winm orch.. ru. :00 Carefree eamieal. BC. :30 Mark Hopkina orch.. SBO. -00 Deaneillo elub oreh.. Jpc- an R1 Tabarin orch.. XBC. 00 5r"-. ., so. :00n earner ar.a "f- s 9 I 9 i it TK PERFECT GUM By CLIFF. STERRETT 9 AN' THEN rr0 BE HIS TURN AGAIN By WALT DISNEY By BRANDON WALSH LOOK. ZeCO - REPORT CAPOsT SAV I Va CONG FlNt? AN' Z GUESS r AM BUT I DOJT f CEL. AS J SSAAWT AS A KlO OUGHTA FEtTL. WHO HAS SOCTEAsWKRS By JIMMY BIURPHY S THE HE NEVER HOURS PASS WITH NO WORD PROM CASPER POOUNQ WE'RE ALL BE.COM I NtT CONCCRNID ABOUT HIM! WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO HIM? Ey SEGAR r n 1 -r- "ft. , f ftHOY, 0EEPE) s.