The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 04, 1936, Page 6, Image 6

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    ; PAGE SIX
'Golfing Activities
Begin Anew
WOMEN'S golf activities at the
Salem Golf, club bad an aus
: ' ' - - plcious beginning yesterday
when 32 members ahd.rriends ap
peared for the first regular Fri
day afternoon tournament for the
fair golfers.
High score or the afternoon in
class A players went to Mrs. Har-
old dinger, and was given by
- Mrs., Walter Arthur: and in class
8, to Mrs. Harry Weidmer, given
' by Mrs. Sam Adolph.
Luncheon reservations for the
next play may be made with Mrs.
' H. K. Stockwell. phone 5845.
-- Those play in? yesterday were
"Mrs. (Y O. Daue. Mrs. Harry Ol-
. . n a 1 M
t; inger.'iBrg. A. J-ir, Mia.
-' Kate Bell. Mrs. Guy Smith. Mrs.
S. W, Starr. Mrs. R. D. Byrd. Mrs.
'Kenneth Bell. Mr.. J. L. Cooke.
Mrs. D. R. Ross. Mrs. R. D. Day.
- Mrs. Harry Weidmer. Mrs. W. E.
Chandler. Mrs. Harold Olinger.
Mrs. E. L. Baker. Mrs. Ercel Kay,
Mrs. E. N. Gillingham. Mrs. Ray
mond Busick, Mrs. Al Petrie, Mrs.
G. O. Sharkey. Mrs. S. S. Stevens,
Mrs. J. N. Bistop. Mrs. George
Flag?. Mrs. A. S. Hussey. Mrs.
Sam Adolph. Mrs O. E. Locke.
Mrs. U. S. Page, Mrs. R. H. Sav
age, Mrs. Curtis Cross, Mrs. H.
K. Stockwell. Mrs. Claude Johns
and Mrs. Walter Arthur.
Wesleyan Guild to Meet
Monday Nijrht
The Wesleyan Service Guild of
The Jason Lee church will hold
its regular meeting Monday at S
p. m. at the home of Mrs. Jewel
Christensen, 1055 North 16th
There will be a special mite box
ceremony led by Mrs. Dorothy
Klempel, also special music by
Mrs. E. A. Brewster and the guild
Art's League Sponsors
Professor Zane
Of interest to art lovers will be
the illustrated lecture on land
scape painting, new and old. by
Professor Zane from the Univer
sity of Oregon, Tuesday night at
Waller hall.
Professor Zane is being spon
sored by the Oregon Art's League.
The public is invited to attend.
might successfully be made up
twice. First, in one of the gay,
new cotton prints gingham,
percale, broadcloth Or chambray,
for aa attractive and comfy a
morning frock as one could wish;
thA In eyelet batiste, or printed
I , . - ;: r
f T" v. i. i 4
v , y ,
4 . J. v ;
if t J
N f , v-
" K " ''i &
h , J.
r crepe;, (minus the pockets, if you
r wish), for afternoons and run
about, w oman i you like it u
"e.-. .
sleeves-In-one to simplify mat-
: ten and save you precious mm-
nww. ii x a. BiH i in ill tc villi rt.
neeouii, jusi wnuess ice Hciion
' In those roomy sleeves and that
Inverted skirt pleat! Sleeves may
pan or iiare.
Pattern 2535 Is available In
fx 11 II II n 99 Si l(
33, 40 and 42. Size 'lC takes 3'.
: yards SC. Inch fabric. Illustrated
1 step-by-step sewing instructions
. Included with , each pattern.
8eaa fifteca cents (ISt) ia r
Umyi (eoint prtttmi ) tot th'w"
Iih Altai pkttcra.- Writ plainly
un, adarcM n aty! innbtr. E
ar stat aixe.
8n. (or jonr copy ef ear Aaaa
A&mmu Fitters Book! Too '11 lilt rt
forxichtd advie ok. ta latest paa
teraa, tabrira, aeeassarioa. tasUoa
traadi. Taa'll lika taa way It kalpa
yea piaa a. whole (mart wardrobe.
Tsa'll like Ma aleaderaiac atylea, ila
Ufhtlal eattaraa (or iotaes aaa eki'
draa. A beok thai'a brioiaiiac with
geoa ideaa. 8ead for it today. Pri-e
f beok fiflrea cents. Book and
pattern together, twenty-fir centa.
Addreaa orders to The Ore(o
Utateasaaa Pattern Dept, 11J Sontb
CeeuMretal atreet. Saleav Ore. Make
aeeeesary enclotarea. Tear order will
be promptly attended to.
Ordera caatemarily are filled within
fear days from the taaae recoirod by
.The Statesman.
News and CMb
Jessie Steele,
Office hoars for the society editor are as follows:
10 a. in. to 12 p. to. and 2 to 6 p. ni. every day bat Sat
onlay. On Saturday, tbey are U a. m. to 11:30 a. m. and
12:30 n. m, to 8 p. m.
Saturday, April 4
Chemeketa chapter, D. A. R.. at Dallas Woman's
clubhouse, 2:30 p. m. For transportation, call 7991.
Woman's Relief corps in Miller's hall, 2 p. m.
Monday, April 6
Sewing club of auxiliary to Sons of Veterans withj.
Mrs. H. R. McWhorter. 590 N. Summer, 2 p. m.
Royal Neighbor drill team practice, 7:30 p, m. In
Nelson hall!
Wesleyan Service Guild at home Mrs. Jewel Chris
tensen, 1055 North 16th street, at 8 p. m.
Installation Event of
Thursday Night
Thursday nlghi following a
dessert supper at the Quelle the
Salem Zontians installed their
newly elected officers.
The officers were installed a3
follows: president. Miss H"zel
Cook; first vice-president, Miss
Dorothy Pearce; second vice-pres
ident. MUs Lillian McDonald
secretary. Miss Doroihy Riches
and treasured, Miss Helen Yockey
Easter decorations were used
on the serving table. Those pres
ent were Miss Alice Harris of Ta
coma, a special guest; Mis Doro
thy Pearte, Miss Helen Yockey
Miss Helen Barrett. Miss Hazf
Cook, Miss Karbara Barnes. Mrs
Roberta Butler. Mrs. Victory Mor
ris. Mrs. Mabel Brownell, Mrs
Belle Niles Brown. Dr. Helen
Pearce. Miss Kathrvn Gunnell
Mrs. Margaret Rosecrans. Mis
Lillian McDonald. Mrs. LaVern
uir.kier. Miss Doris Riches. Miss
Nellie Schwab. Mis9 Helen Louise
Crosby, and Mrs. Ora F. Mc-
The Zontians will meet at the
Marion hotel for luncheon April
9. Mrs. Bell? Niles Brown will
give reports on the recent district
six conference session at Tacoma
The next conference of the dis
trict will be held in Everett, Wn
Couple Observe Silver
Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harms cel
ebrated their silver wedding annl
versary with a luncheon last Sun
day night. The table was centered
with white carnations and fern in
a crystal bowl, guarded by crystal
candelabra and silver tapers.
Miss Clara Jane Harms and Miss
Lola Dale Pickens assisted Mrs.
J Harms with the serving.
The guest list included Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Billeter, Mr. and Mrs.
K. H. Pickens. Mr. and Mrs. J. D
Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lindburg,
Dr. and Mrs. K. K. Adams, Dr
and Mrs. H. A Dowd, Mr. and
Mrs. W. F. Foster and Rev. and
Mrs. A. Q. Wenigar.
e o
Salem Folk to Attend
Golden Wedding
Departing this week for Council,
Ida., were Mrs. Earnest G. Clark
and Mr. and Mrs. Solon L. Shinkle
and family. They will attend the
golden wedding celebration of
Mr. and Mrs. Seward Piper, par
ents of Mrs. Clark and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Piper were mar
ried April 7, 1886, in Verndale
Minn. They moved to Council.
March 27. 4900, and have lived
there continously ever since with
the exception of two years' resi
dence in Salem. They have many
friends here.
Auxiliary to Observe s
Army Day, April 6
The 8,700 units of the American
Legion auxiliary will cooperate in
the observance of Army Day,
April 6. according to Mrs. Carl
Susbauer. chairman of the nation
al defense committee of Capital
Auxiliary Unit. Programs have
been arranged In cities in all parts
of the country.
Army Day is observed annually
on the anniversary of America's
entrance into the World War. L
is sponsored in order to bring pub
lic attention to the Importance ,
and needs of the nation's military
e e e
Sigma Nu Study Club
to Meet Monday
The Sigma Nu Delphian Study
club will meet at the library at 2
o'clock Monday.
Topics will be given by Mrs.
George Rossman, Mrs. W. B. Ross,
Mrs. Charles McElhinny. Mrs.
W. E. Feldman, and a book re
view by Mrs. R. D. Paris. .
o e a
Burt Club Organized
Friday Afternoon
Election of officers was held by
the newly organized U. S. Burt
club Friday afternoon.
Dr. Floyd Utter of Salem was
elected president and Mrs. M. E.
Bryan, secretary.
This is one of the first clubs of
its. kind to be organized in this
e e
Rainbow Girls to Meet
The Rainbow girls will hold a
business meeting - tonight at 7
p. m.
All members are urged to at
tend. Independence Tuesday after
noon, April 7, at 3 o'clock the
Woman's- club will meet at the
Training school where a program
will be presented for them by
children and teachers. The -club
will hold election of officers for
the new year on that day at 2
o'clock -t the) club house.
Society Editor
Mrs. Gunter in Charge
of Bridge Tourney
A bridge tournament will be in
play at the Elk's temple Monday
night. Mrs. Max Guuter is in
charge of arrangements and the
public is invited to attend.
Winners in Wednesday's tour
nament have been anounced as
follows: north and south, first.
Mrs. Ercel Kay and Mrs. Gordon
Wilson; second. Mrs. Harry Weid
mer and Mrs. Walter Cline.
East and west, first, Mrs. Rob
ert Krason and Mrs. Fred Stin
nette; second, Mrs. George Hen
derson and Mrs, Arthur Binnepar.
Winners in Monday's tourna
ment were: north aud south,
first. Oliver Houston and Mrs. W.
Evans; second, Mrs. Oliver Locke
and Mrs. George Henderson;
third, Mr. and Mrs. Max Gunter.
East -and west: first. Mrs. Rob
ert Brennan and Mrs. R. Rankin;
second. Mrs. Harry Wiedmer and
Mrs. Roy Byrd: third. George
henderfon and Homer Smith. Sr.
Mrs. Bray Entertains
Ten Ten Club
An interest iog event of Wed
nesday afternoon was the meeting
of the Ten Ten Sewing club at the
hflme of Mrs. Joe Bray.
The rooms were attractively
recorated with daffodils and the
hostess was assisted at the tea
hour by her mother, Mrs. Archie
Invited to attend were Mr. Jack
Pederson. Mr. O. L. Scott. Mrs.
Clarence Maves. Mrs. Fred Smith,
Mrs. Robert Thatcher. Mrs. Glenn
Hilficker. Mrs. Lee Weisser. Mrs.
Harold Richardson. Miss Frances
Baies. Mrs. Willard, and the host
ess, Mrs. Bray.
Macleay Mrs. Stella Masten
was surprised Thursday afternoon
with a shower of quilt blocks pre
sented to her at the schoolhouse
by a group of friends. Luncbeon
was served at a table decorated
with daffodils and green and
white streamers.
Present were Mrs. Masten, Mrs.
G. A. Spelbrink, Mrs. Marion Kep-
hart, Mrs. Ana Cady, Mrs. Merle
Welch. Mrs. Eleasa Spelbrink,
Mrs. Bernice Strawn. Mrs. Alma
Strawn, Mrs. Louise McGee, Mrs.
Minnie Tooker, Miss Grace Rich
ards. Mrs. Alice Nielsen. Mrs. Ada
Neelands. Mrs. Frankie Bantels,
Mrs. Doris Bantels, Mrs. Bertha
Goin, Mrs. Hazel Miller, Mrs.
Musa Miller and Mrs. Alta Wells.
e o o
Silverton A women's chorus
is being organized at Silverton
under the sponsorship of the Par
ent-Teachers association. Officers
have been chosen as follows: Pre
sident, Miss Frances Nelson; se
cretary, Mrs. H. E. Johnson;
treasurer, Mrs. J. J. Jordan, di
rector, Mrs. T. A. Anderson; pian
ist. Mrs. Gertrude Cameron.
The aim Is to have a member
ship of 40 voices.
Talbot. Members of the Wo
men's club met with Mrs. Mae
Van Buskirk at her home in the
Lincoln community west of Sa
lem all day Thursday. The Van
Buskirks were former Talbot res
idents. Mrs. Arthur Johnson fur
nished a game for special fea
ture with the prize won by Mrs.
Laura Wheeler Pattern
Jiffy Knit Pattern 033
"Certainly make it in a day!"
affirms Laura Wheeler, for yon
can so easily since it's a Jiffy
knit blouse, done all in one piece.
Large needles and heavy cotton
or wool make row upon row of a
large lacy mesh, which needs but
side seams joined and sleeve
I bands added.
i Pattern 933 comes to you with
Englewood Club
Has Meeting
THE Englewood club met at the
home of Mrs. Raymond Fish
er Friday afternoon.
Following a business session a
short program consisting of a talk
on flowers by Ernest Infer, a Sa
lem florist, and musical numbers
by several Willamette students
was given.
Hostesses for the affair were
Mrs. Hugh Davis, Mrs. Charles
Fowler, Mrs." Elizabeth Enger,
Mrs. R. D. Morrison, Mrs. D. O.
Lear, and Mrs. Fisher.
e e " e
Altrusa Club Planning
Dinner at Godfrey's
A meeting of the Altrusa club
was held at the home of Mrs.
George H. Alden Thursday night.
After a business Bession refresh
ments were Berved and a social
hour was enjoyed.
The club is anticipating a din
ner to be held at Godfrey's April
14. Miss Theresa Davis is in
charge of arrangements.
Woodburn. The regular meet
ing of the Woman's club was held
in the club rooms of the public
library Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. W. J. Wilson, chairman of
the program committee. Intro
duced Miss Iva Harris aud Miss
Margaret Twedie of the Lincoln
school, who presented a program
in which a -number of pupils
from Lincoln school participated.
Those taking part were. Vir
ginia Whitman, Bruce Nelson,
Junior Miller, Donna Dean and
Donna Wengenroth
At the business nession. dele-
gates were chosen to attend the
Marion County Federation of Wo-
men's clubs in Aurora April 24,
with the Aurora Woman's club
and Hubbard Woman's club as
hostesses. They are Mrs. Burton
V. Dunn, Mrs. J. Mclvin Ringo.
Mrs. Arista Nendel, Mrs. Taul
Pemberton. Mrs. W. J. Wilson,
Mrs. Frank Sfttlemier. Alternates
are Mrs. L. C. Buchner. Mrs. W.
D. Simmons, Mrs. A. E. Austin,
Mrs. J. J. Hall, Mrs. Walter
Plans for the observance of
Music week were made and a
committee consisting of Mrs. Paul
Pemberton. Mrs. J. Melvin Ringo
and Mrs. Howard Miller were ap-
pointed by the president, Mrs.
Liberty. Mrs. Mason Bishop
was hostess to the meeting or
the woman s club at her home
Thursday afternoon. Assisting her
were Mrs. Holland Seeger, Mrs.
John Dasch and Mr. V. Decatnr.
Quilting was done, A nominating lor me eieciion ol oi-
ficers to be held at the next
meeting was appointed by Mrs.
Shattuc. president, as follows:
Mrs. W. R. Dallas, Mrs. W. Wes-
tenhause. Mrs. V. Ballantyne.
Mrs. Lon Shuttleworth and Mrs
Shattuc read current event arti
cles. ,
Silverton Fish ponds and
cards furnished the amusements I
at the April fool party held by the
Rebekah order at Silverton)
Thursday night and attended by I
visitors from Corvallis, Salem,
Woodburn and Monitor.
A Franz of Woodburn and Mrs.
Mabel Strew of Monitor were win-
ners of high score prizes while
O lrl.k1 m A T1 V. T av.
encon of Silverton and Mrs.
Fields of Salem tied for low score,
The Triple Link club will meet
Wednesday at the R. F. Larson
home. Mrs. E. Lankiey will be as
sistant hostess.
Scotts Mills. A miscellaneous
shower was given Saturday af
ternoon at the home of Mrs. Ar-
thur Rich, honoring Mrs. Martin school, directed by Arthur Best
Johnson (Mildred Kellis) a re- rater, also taking part. Numbers
cent bride. Many nice and use- were given by Homer Hadley,
ful gifts were received by the
bride after which lunch was
detailed directions for making
the blouse shown in sizes 1C to
18 and 38 to 40; Illustrations of
it and of all stitches used and
material requirements.
Send 10 cents in stamps or
coin (coin preferred) for this pat
tern to The Oregon Statesman
Needlecraft Dept. Write plainly
pattern number, your name and
Oregon, Saturday Morning
Student Recital Given
Friday Night ,
An iateresting event of Friday
night was the piano,' violin, and
cello recital given by atndents of
Mrs. Joy Turner Moses at 1 her
residence studio, SS5 North Capi
tol street. It was an invitational
Viola Mills and Donald Lewis,
two of her atndents, assisted with
the monologues and dance num
The program was aa follows
A Day in Jane ilebl M. Biahop
Y iaifred Briuy, Georgia Aaa Hull '
Aellie Klchter. irgmia Caie
Spring . .. , Barth
Marilyn Mix, Mrs. Moaea
Festival March i Low
IWothy Aaa Zeriao, lire, ilotee
Hickory, Dickory, Dock Speuldiag
Vaace Smith. Mn. Hoses
Romance . . Barta
Helen Sebern. Balpb. Sebera
Queen of Hearts -lJ..; - Wbaroeliffo
Bererly DaTeapert, Barbara Keyea .
QjV'T Song .. 1
Vernon Greenlee, Clarenre Ureeaiee
Tvilicht Hour Florence BarDour
Delorea Hultmsn, Mrs. Moses
Back Dance -
Donald Lewis
Laucbinc Buttons Presser
Jo Ana Tweedie. Mrs, alosaa
Maiora and Mi son Ann Bcott
Georfia Ana Hull, Wiatire Bruey
The Witches. Flicht ......
ilxine Case. Gsynell Conrsey
School Flat Geo. U SpauUiaf
Virginia Case, Georgia Ana tutu,
Kellia Biebter. Donald Lewis
Uarch from Aida" . derail
Viola Mills. Mrs. Moses
I'laviiig Tag Gertrude Mnscella
Nellie Richter. Georgia Ann Hull
String Trio "Walti in A llajor.Brahjni
Violin, Irene B. Boeley; 'eeiio,
Artensia B. Wonder; piano, Joy
Turner afoses
Kine Cotton BOUia
Aurita Uuild, Mrs. Moses
Duo. (2 phinos) A Pleasant Morning
Vernon Greenlee, Clarenre Ureeniee
March from the Hunter's Chorus
Msrie Phillips, Mary Votes
Viola Mills
Morrean Brilliant.! Blake
Msiine Virginia Csse
Duo (2 oianos) Glow Worm. ...P. Lincke
Miinf Case. Gaynell Conrsey
Quartet ic Clnstr of Rosea Zametnik
Violins, Irene B. Eceley, Id
Wunder; 'cello, Mrs. T.d Wun
der; piano, Un. Moses
Independence The Independ-
ence Woman's club was guests of
the McMinnvilie club Thursday af-
ternoon and presented a Program
there as follows:
Reading by Mrs. Floyd T. El
lefson: clarinet duet by Evelyn
Scott and F. T. EUefson; dance by
Betty Jane Winegar; two Tocal
solos bv Mrs. M. J. Butler, ac-
companied by Mrs. Melford NeU
son; Dutch dance by Rose Marie
Charboneau and Mildred Pome-
roy; vocal duet by Mrs. M. J.
Butler and Mrs. J. C. Collins ac-
conmanled bv Mrs. M. Nelson:
clarinet quartet, Evelyn Scott,
Mavourn Baker, Alvin Hulse and
F. T. Ellefson; tango, by Rose Ma-
rie Charboneau and Mlldred'Pom-
About 30 Independence women
attended the meetinc at McMinn
Aurora The Woman's club
met at the home of Mrs. Frank
McAllister Wednesday afternoon
Mrs. Alphid Mandeville was Joint
iiAitaci km tn tn nii, muH
not be present.- Aurora club will
be joint nostesa wltn tne HUDDara
Woman's club to entertain the
County Federation in Aurora
April 24. Lunch will be served by
the women of the Lutheran
church at noon. The club voted to
contribute to the Red Cross flood
relief fund
Anna Sainio, teacher in
dramatics at the Ellison-White
Conservatory In Portland, enter-
tiPd -!, ..r.r.i readinn
Independence Mrs. Paul E.
Robinson entertained the Wednes-I
day bridge club at her home for a
1 o'clock luncheon and an after"-1
noon of contract.
The rooms were decorated with
large bouquets of Japanese quince
anI tnnmill, rka Intv l(ttl limn.
ese plarecards marked the place of I
each guest. Mrs. Clarence Har-
wood was an added guest. Mrs. Z.
C. Kimball held hiah score for the
e e e
Cloverdale. Mrs. Ivan Hadley
presented a group of her pupils
here in a musical recital at the
school house Wednesday night,
with the rhythm band of the
Rose Davis, Lowell Hadley, Joyce
VnnV I? A I i n Ctnlffarar Dam
Daris. Anna May Davla. Marie
Sherman, Norval Hadley, Dorothy
Schifferer. Betty Peetz. W. II
Neidlinger. Mrs. E. F
and Mrs. Hadley.
e e e
Hayesvllle Nineteen members
of the Hayesville Woman's club
met at the home of Mrs. D. Jan-
sen, Thursday. Mrs. M. S. Fisher
and Mrs. C. B. Johnson were as-
sistant hostesses. Walter E. Keyes
was the principal speaker after Hopkins and Mrs. Jeanette Zim
whlch a social hour was spent. ' merle.
Opening Special Today J
Titi Special is to
Announce Our New Fountain
Where We Will Serve
In Addition Our Cafeteria Luncheon
(Today Only)
Sttatte 5aGetteE?na
April 4, 1936
, .....
"How sweet and lovely!" yon say
X 9 'V'
I r-!, ' i"' ' " ' "
you're going to knit one like ft! Well, It's a jiffy knit, so if yon get started now, yonl! be displaying h
to an admiring audience in virtually no time at all. Just two simple stitches are all there is to it
drop stitch for the graceful yoke and sleeves, and a lacy stitch for the softly feminine bodice. Make It
up in white or colored Shetland floss. And then just see if you ran resist making a plain knitted
akirt to go with it! The pattern is M102 available in sizes 16-18 and 88-40. It gives complete instruc
tions for making both blouse and skirt; illustrate them and the stitches; gives material requirements.
To get pattern XI 192, send 10c to our Needlecraft Department, The Oregon Statesman,
Schedule Funeral
Monday, Portland
I Manaizer 6f Dairy Firm's
Office is . Pneumonia
Victim on Friday
Funeral services for Frank S.
Scheible, 42, who died at a lo-
Cal hospital early Friday morning
, ,rf.rir of nneuraonia
suffered Just a week previous, will
I be held Monday afternoon at 1
o'clock at the Holman and Lutz
chapel m Portland.
jnr. gcheible had been manager
... he Western Dairy Products
.nrnnan. ffirA npre Kince June
26, last, when he was promoted
from tne Portland offices of the
company Dpon the death of How-
Was Kiwauis Member
The family residence is at 960
North 16th street. Mr. Scheible
was a member of the chamber of
commerce and the Kiwanis club
Surviving are the widow, Ger
trude; three cbildren, Frank Rob
ert and Jean; his mother. Mrs.
Joseph Frahler of Gervais; two
sisters, Mrs. Eva Nibler and Mrs.
Kate Bauman, both of Gervais;
and two, brothers, Joseph Schei
ble of Gervais and John. Scheible
of Oakland. Calif
Interment will be in the Lincoln
memorial park in Portland. Re-
mains are at the Clough-Barrick
mortuary here.
Woodburn. Mrs. Harold Ien-
hardt was honored with a sur-
prise gift shower at her nome
on naracasue avenue aaiuraay.
Refreshments were served by
Mrs. C P. Zulsdorf. Mrs. Alton
s B
and iovelyKnit lt
..... .....
. . .-. .' T ... . '. ...... . v -.
- Ji,-.' .- .V... . S - It 4,
n'--..'iii':"':-V';.V ..&. .lot1.,.
... jj. . -. w.- A e--
lii ii ii ii 'liifmB iniinlii fii'trfflff
of this latest la ora Wheeler blonse,
Residence Five Years
In State Necessary in
Neu Assistance Setup
Residence qualifications for old
age pensioners under the new plan
being effected this month have
been misstated. Glenn C. Niles,
executive secretary of the county
relief committee, declared yes
terday. The rules under the new setup,
he said, are that to be eligible
persons over 7 0 years of age
must -have resided in the stale at
least five out of the last 10 years
and to have resided continuously
in the state for the past year.
U. C. Graduate School's
Dean Coming Next Week
Willamette university will n
terain a distinguished visitor next
week In the person of Dr. Charles
j B. Lipman, dean of the graduate
school of the University of Cali
fornia. Berkeley. He -will be the
personal gnest of President Bruee
R. Baxter, and will be a guest at
a number of university functions.
ANYWHERE from a four-room cottage with
a square yard of garden o aatansion-by-the-eea,
ean be found through: one CLaesi
fied Columns.
Read The
making ,pp your mind Instantly
rut t4t$ sroat coirt
m m