The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 04, 1936, Page 5, Image 5

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L 6 c a 1 News Briefs
.O0dwelITti5iu. Rev. W. H.
Caldwell, pastor of the Christian
and Missionary Alliance here un
til fire month ago, bat now pas
tor at Aberdeen, Wash., la spend
ing aerera! daye here and will oc
cupy the local pnlplt Saaday
morn ins and ni?hL Ha win apeak
afr 11 a.m. on TTha Price of Un
ity' -The regular pastor here. Her.
Roy Bresster. was recently caDe
east( 4 to Use serioua illness of
hu 'ttother. Accompanylnf Rev.
Caldwell to Salem were Mrs. Cald
well mad their two sens. Merle
. sad-. Wayne.
Maaake Named Roben J. Maa
! ske. Assistant state ttrperintandent
of schools and director of adult
will te one of the restored speak
ers -at the annual conference of
the Pacific Northwest association
- for 4alt education which will ha
, held at Spokane, "Waalv. April 7.
-1 and t. Other Oregon, speakers
at the conference' will Include O.
D. Adams, state director of roea
. tloual education, and; .Kenneth
.Beach, state eaperlsor of admit ed-
- r cation. ? -
Best patterns floating dry flies
10c each. fl.St per doses." Tri
angle S e r t 1 c Station. Fair-
grouaua iwava aoa vou(i du r
'; Report Mishaps An nnex
pected turn by a school boa, driver
m ' - .. PA m
unnamed, caused Fayette I
Thoatpson Cngene, to drive his
car Into collision with a track op
erated by Kenneth HoHoway, 1175
North 17th street, at Farrish and
Capitol streets yesterday after
noon, Thompsem reported to po
lice." No injuries were listed.
Mrs. M. E. Hilborn. 34 North 13d
street, notified police - yesterday
her ear had collided at 23d and
State with a machine driven by
Mefttft Johnson, 725 Court street,
lints Florls, ' 1 2 7 " N. Lib. P.P5SX.
Press First Saed The Press
Publishing company ? here, pub
lishers e the Capital Presa, was
. ssed yesterday by Blake. Moffltt
and Towne paper firm. The plain
tiff asks to reeoTer an eight-page
rotary press and the sterotyping
equipment which accompanies it
or to be paid 31000 In damages
with an additional $250 sought
as compensatory damages for the
alleged wrongful retention of the
Sheriff Writ Granted A writ
to authorixa A. C. Bark, sheriff,
to dispossess Elizabeth Grace Al
baugb. and others. Including
Thomas Dorris. of 215 acres of
land involved in a foreclosure ac
tion brought by the Prudential
Insurance company,' was granted
yesterday in circuit court here.
The insurance firm asked the
eonrt for the writ, asserting it
. was needed to gain possession of
property which It otherwise could
not obtain.
Pays Filing Fee Walter Whit
beck, Portland, democratic candi
date for representative in congress
from the third congressional dis
trict, Multnomah county, sent
3100 to the state department Fri
day to cover his filing fee. Whit
beck originally filed by petition
but failed to complete, the secre
tary of state said. All candidates
at the primary election will be
certified to the county clerks to
day. 'Estate Distributed The es
tate of the late Sarah Everson has
been distributed among six heirs
according to a report filed yester
day in probate court here. Each
heir la to receive 3119. The Ladd
sc. Bush Trust company served as
-'sre35Q in Efrtate The estate
of the late Mary E. Wataon has
assets of 32250 according to an
appraisal filed yesterday in pro
bate court here. George M. Wat
son serves as administrator of the
1 Obituary
Monte Vandenberg. March 31.
ageH 73 years. Survived by two
brothers, J. D. of Toronto and
J. K. Vandenberg of Canyonville,
Or4 sister, Mrs. Ida TJts of Kan
sas Funeral announcements later
bydough-Barrlck company.
At the residence on Rt. 1, April
. 2, Jtalph A. Shepherd, at the age
mt 37 years. Husband of Josephine
Shephard. Funeral services will
be held from the W. T. Rigdon
company, chapel. Saturday. ADrfl
a. at 2 p. m. Interment Belerest
Memorial park. Rev. W. C. Kaat
sTwill officiate.
At a local hospital. April 3,
Frank S. Schefble, aged 42 years,
lata resident of ICO North lfth
street. Survived by widow, Get
trad R. Scholble: two sons,
frsak and Robert Schefble, and
a-daughter. Jean, all of Salem:
nether, Mrs. Joseph Frahler; sis
ters.: Mrs. Eva Nlbler and Kate
Baw, all of Gervais; two bro
thers, Joseph Scheible, Gervais,
and . John Schefbie of Oakland.
Calif. . Funeral services will be
k4d front the Holm an and Lnts
ha.nel.-ln Portland. Mondsv. April 1 "P. JB. Interment Lincoln
Memorial park, ander the direc
tion - of Clough-Banick company.
'. Jonathan Bourne, 37, late resi
dent of S7S Court street. Salem,
at a local hospital, April 3. Sur
vived by four sisters, Mrs. W. H.
Smith, Portland; Mrs. Charles G.
: Graham; Colorado Springs, C0I04
. Mrs. Tresley JLaadeaster. Holly
wood. Calif., and Mrs. Byron J.
Crowley, Portland, and one b ro
ta er. George D. Bourne. Kansas
City. Mo. Funeral announcements
later from Clou th-Barrick , com
pany., . . .. . ,
. G&ataa
C. K. GIlman of Grants Pass;
: la this city, April 3. Remains for
warded to Grants Pass -by W. T.
Blgdoa compaay". "
Viola Pearl ei&Grande.
April J. Daughter of fSfr. and
Mrs: Acy Best. Remains, will be
forwarded to La Grande by W. T.
Rigdon company. , - "
To Sell Property Permission
was granted yesterday to the ex
ecu tries of the estate of the late
Mary Brewer to sell residence
property between 12th and 12th
streets here for 307S eash to
Char lea Spits bar t. The property
had a higher appraised value but
the handlers of the estate report
ed they were a liable to obtain any
offers for the property at. the- ap
praised figure. "Nettle -Myers and
Amy. Webb are handling the es
tate. : , '.
' Three Istfaetrial Deaths There
were three fatalities due to indus
trial accidents In, Oregon during
the week ending April 2. the state
industrial accident commission re
ported Triday. The victims were
Clarence C Hansen; hoist opera
tor, ToledorBni Pnts Garibal
di; hacker, and Oren A. Adamson,
Eade Point, struck driver. Thero
were 332 accidents reported dur
ing; the week.
Baild your new home in Rosedale
Audition; lots on paved streets.
33 04; easy terms. See W. H.
Grabenhorst ft Co., lit S. Liberty
Cttlsetttblp Class Tonight
ony-ijve applicants for ciraen-
ship hare been attendmr the Sat
urday night classes at the Salem
I T. M. C. A., C. A. Kelts said yes-
iwu&T. tui persons mteresrea in
stsdvinr tho raoniramenta for ei-
tisesship are invited to attend
tnese classes free of charge. They
meet at 8 p.m. Final hearings for
ttisensnip are to be held here
eariy in June.
Fines Total S427 Fines and
bail forfeitures collected in muni
cipal court here last month to
taled 3427, according to a turn
over made to the city treasurer
yesterday by Recorder A. Warren
Jones. The recorder's total re
ceipts aggregated 3497. of which
3a I was rental on the city airport.
$19 a local option fee and $10 a
beer license endorsement fee.
Attention, Fishermen Weller
Hdw. closing out all fishing tackle
and hardware 4 SC. rntirt
- Ball Forfeited Ernest Wilson.
charged with being drunk, forfeit
ed. $10 bail in municipal court
yesterday. When J. H. Harper
pleaded guilty to being drunk.
Judge A. Warren Jones Imposed a
ten-day suspended sentence and
placed him on probation for six
months. Case of Charles Erick
son. similarly charged, was con
tinued to April 13.
Chimney Afire City firemen
put out a chimney fire at 11:50
a.m. yesterday at 853 Cbemeketa
street. They later answered a call
to SUte street in front of the tel
ephone building to what was re
ported to be an automobile fire
They found smoke coming from
the car was due to overheated
To Speak on Unity Mrs. M
B. Clark, formerly of Bingham-
ton. N. Y., a nationally known
lecturer and teacher of Unity, Di
vine Science and Christian Psy
chology, will speak on "Creative
Power of the Mind" at the Fellow
ship Center. 4 20 State street Sun
day at 8 p.m. Special music Is
Ray Bound Over Pearl Ray
was bound over to the grand Jury
for further investigation of as
sault and battery charges made
against him by Elsie Rowland,
following completion of prelimin
ary hearing in Justice court yes
terday. His bail was raised from
$50 to $150 and in lieu of raising
this, he is in the county Jail.
Averett Brtter Condition 'of
George Averett, who has been se
riously ill following an attack of
pneumonia, was reported yester
day to be considerably Improved,
though he is still at the Salem
General hospital. Use of an oxy
gen tank, has been discontinued.
Averett is credit manager for the
Spaulding Logging company here.
Son to Legislator A son was
born to Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Thorn
as. West Salem, Monday at North
Bend, Oregon. The boy, whose
father Is a representative in the
state legislature from Polk coun
ty, weighed eight and one-half
sounds and has been named David
Lowell Thomas.
D'Arcy Estate In The estate
of the late Theresa D'Arcy was
admitted o probate hero yester
day and W. J. D'Arcy was named
as administrator. The value of the
estate has not been determined
Miss D'Arcy was a long time re
sident of Salem, and a sister of
the late Judge D'Arcy.
Oosstags Dangerous T here
were 13 grade crossing accidents
in Oregon during March, with one
person killed and six Injured, Util
ity Commissioner McColloch re
ported Friday. In March, 1931.
there were only eight ' accidents
with one person killed.
Get Decree The SUte Veter
ans Aid commission has been
granted a default and decree in
circuit court here in its case
against Oscar J. Beck and others.
The decree calls for payment of
12950 principal together with In
teres! and costs.
BmOding 'Department Pays
The city building department
headed by E. C. Bushnell yester
day tamed $121.47 over to the
city treasurer. This sum con
stltated Bnahnell's collections of
building, plumbing and electrical
permit fees during March .
Paulas Denies Guilt Gottfried
Paulas pleaded Innocent la muni
cipal court yesterday to a charge
of. reckless driving. Judge A.
Warren Jenea set April II as the
date for Paulus' trial.
13000 la Estate Assets of the
estate of the late Bertha Carlson
total 33900 according to a prelim
inary appraisal filed yesterday la
probate court here. H, W. Carlson
and H. P. Jensen are executrlces
of the will. -
Guardian Reports G. I. Put
nam, guardian of the estate of the
late Irvin E. Putnam, incompe
tent, reported yesterday' that as
sets of the estate totalled 33294
A considerable portion of the es
tate is cash la a local bank.
Gosslin's Acts;
Lafky Say Law Violated,
Martin Aide Say Fee .
Merely Advanced
Marlon county's .hard-working
grand Jury "was faced with a aew
line of Inquiry - yesterday a
probe of tho action of William
Gosslin. secretary to Governor
Martin. In advancing filing tees
for six candidates' whose names
win appear on the May primary
District Attorney W. H. Trin-
dl said ho would -lay the mat
ter before the grand jury after
he had received a letter from
Herman Lafky, Salem attorney.
demanding that the matter be in
Lafky charged in his letter
that the advance of the tiling
Xeea constituted "an open, flag
rant violation not only of the
spirit bnt of -the letter of our
corrupt practices act" Lafky cited-
an Oregon statute forbidding
office holders front advancing
money to anyone s campaign.
.. .Repaid, Explains
Gosslin said ho would gladly
appear before the- grand Jury. He
said he advanced filing fees for
six candidates at their request.
"With one exceptloa I made the
filing and. paid the fees when
reenested to do so by telegram,"
Gosslin said. "I have already been
repaid for two of the fees ad
vanced and the other persons
who filed have promised to re
pay me."
Secretary of State Snell said
there was nothing unusual in one
person advancing the filing fees
for another and declared the
practice had prevailed In the
Viola Uoa Doabted
Statehouse lawyers pointed ont
that the Oregon code on election
procedure made it illegal for an
office holder to donate to a can
didate's campaign funds. Filing
fees paid before a man filed for
office could not be construed as
campaign funds they said and
added that lending a man money
to file could not be classed a
Candidates whoso filings were
made by Gosslin Include Mrs.
Harry Burke, Astoria, for state
representative; L. V. Bronghton,
The Dallea. for stste represents
tive; C W. E. Jennings, Valley
Falls, for state representative; R.
Wayne Erwin and C. A. Moll. The
Dalles, for state representatives.
and D. C. Sloan, Portland, for
state senator.
District Attorney Trlndle said
he thought the grand Jury would
look into the charges by Wednes
day of next week.
Lafky is known here as an op
ponent of Governor Martin. He
organised an anti Martin" group
known as "The Crackpot Lea
gue." Gosslin has been prominent
in democratic affairs and served
as the first president in the state
of the Young Democratic league.
Reduced Gasoline
Freight Approved
The new South Pacific tariff.
reducing Intrastate freight rates
on gasoline from Portland to
southern Oregon points, on the
Siskiyou line south of Eugene,
and from Coos Bay to theae same
destinations, was approved by
State Utilities Commissioner F.
C. McColloch Friday.
The approval was made con
tingent upon the Southern Pad
tic company granting a similar
related reduction from Portland
to the Klamath Falls district.
The new rates are a reduction
of from five to 42 per cent,
when compared with the present
charge, depending upon the
length of the haul and the des
The order sets out that the new
intrastate tariff conforms to the
recent order of the interstate
commerce commission reducing
Interstate rates on gasoline.
McColloch said the new tariff
would permit a reduction of oae
cent a gallon in the price of
Program. Good Friday Next
Friday night's program in the T.'
M. C. A. lobby will be In obeerv
ance of Good Friday. The entire
program will be in German. Ar
rangements are in charge of Dan
To Conduct Service Rev. Wil
liam Schoeler. Litt.D., Lutheran
student pastor at Corvallls, will
conduct the Palm Sunday ser
vers at Christ Lutheran church,
ISth and State streets. Sunday
morning at 9:30 and 11 o'clock
Trust Conpaaf Keports The
Ladd A Bush Trust company yes
terday filed a. report on Its year's
administration of tho estate of
Anna Queadi. Incompetent. In
come for the year was $383 and
outgo was $290.
Clab Meets Today Plans tor
the Marlon county spring Jersey
show will be formulated at a
meeting of the Marion county Jer
sey club to be held this afternoon
at the chamber of commerce.
starting at 1:30 o'clock.
Case CoaUaoed Charges of
possession of illegal liquor against
Henry Jairl were continued la
Justice court from yesterday after
noon to April 15, on motion of
the defense attorney.
Fined $25 Operating a truck
without p. a. e. plates cost Joseph
Wade Scott $23. plus 34.59 court
costs, , when he admitted -the
charge to Justice of the ' Peace
Miller B. Hayden yesterday.
Final Account In Tinal account
waa filed here yesterday . by M.
Grace Robertson as' administrator
de bonis non of the estate-of the
late Ada B. Simpson Fellows. The
court approved the report.
f 100 la Estate The late Wal
ter Wiens left an estate of 4100
according to an appraisal filed
yesterday in probate court. John
ny Wieoe is administrator of the
Coming Events -
r April' 4 County conven
tion of Farmers' Cnloa at
Central HowelL '
April ' Pre ach ing ' mis
sion at First Christ la a
church, Center " and High,
conducted by , James Earl
Ladd, ends. .
April 0 Salem Garden
clab, S p. sw it Unitarian
church. Bliss Edith - Scbry
ver, speaker. ' ' -i
April City coancfi
sneetsv sv. -an. .
April fr Young Rcpvbll
caa dab meets at courthouse
rally, S p. m. Senator Mc
Kay win speak. '
. April 10 Salem high
school Future Crsftsmea
chapters annual father-em-ployer-soa
banquet. Quelle,
7 p. as.
April 10-11 State Ugh
school extempore interpre
tive speaking contest oa
Willamette campus.
April 11 Womaa'a Re
lief Corps school of iustrac
Uoa. Lebanon.
April 11 Salem Grange
meet, at Aabura school.
April 18 Easter Sunrise
Caloa service, a a. m at
Belerest. Memorial Park.
April 18 Polk County
Health association. West
Salem community hall,. 8
p. sa.
April 14 Senator Mary
Farquarsoa of Seattle
speaks to Farm-Labor meet
lag to be held st 8 p. ax.
Labor halL North Commer
cial and Court streets.
April 14 Salem school
board meets. 8 p. aa-, 484
North High street.
April 13 Pomona grange.
North HowelL
April 10 Sub-district La.
dies' AU niiy of Methodist
Episcopal church. First M.
E. chorea.
April 17 County 4-H
club fair, fairgrounds.
April 17 Philharmonic
Symphony orchestra, 8:30
p. m., at armory; Flavin
Downs, soloist.
April 18 Northwest 1.
M. C. A. voUeybUl teams.
ment, Salem Y. M. C A.
April 18 Philharmonic
Preparatory orchestra, 8
p. m., armory; David Smith
and Warren Downs, soloists.
April 18-10 Reserve of
ficers' contact camp, air
and field ma nearer, Salem
April 10-20 Peace Week
April 90 Marion - Polk
ministers co-operative
church conference, T. M.
C. A.
. April 21 8 p. m. Town
send moving picture, high
school auditorium, sponsor
ed by dobs 8 and 8.
April 28 25th anniver
sary Jason Lee M.E. church
with homecoming for choir
at night service.
School Red Cross
Donation $154.42
Pupils in 11 of the 12 Salem
public schools had contributed
3154.42 toward the Red Cross
flood relief fund late yesterday
afternoon, it was announced from
the school superintendent's office,
Collections were handled by the
Junior Red Cross in the schools
having units of that organisation.
The largest donation. $33.32.
was made by Parrish Junior high
school students. Other fcontribu
tions were as follows: Leslie Jun
ior high $23.22; Senior high.
315.49; Washington. 314. S3; Lin
coin, $13; Garfield. 3 11.3 3; En-
rlewood, $11.22; Richmond, $9;
Park $7.17; Highland. $3.84:
McKmley, 3 3-78.
Virginia Covert, Mercedes Mc-
Key and Martha Weller, student
leaders of the Junior Red Cross
units st Washington school deliv
ered their building's contribution
to Superintendent Silas Gaiser.
Test For Scarlet
Fever Is Offered
"Parents should know whether
or not their children are suscep
tible to scarlet fever." declared
Dr. Vernon A. Douglas, coanty
health officer, in announcing yes
terday that scarlet fever immun
isation tests would be given at the
regular clinic from 8:30 to 10
o'clock this morning at the health
office, 201 Masonle building. He
said Dick testa tor scarlet fever
should be given to all children
over one year of aga.
Dr. Douglas announced hope
that a plan whereby- c h 1 1 d r e n
found susceptible, by this test, to
scarlet fever could be Immunised.
Torre Fined For
Lack of License
Mario Torre, of Seattle, opera
tor of the track which featured in
a double fatal accident on the
highway south of Salem last Sun
day night waa fined $25 in jus
tice court yesterday on a charge
of operating a motor track wlth
ont an Oregon license. Tho fine
was levied following trial in which
Terra was found guilty.
Fatally Injured la the accident
were Walter Johnson, 22, and Al
bert L, Cutler, 47, both of Port
land. OH Firm Chief.
' Chamber Giiestk
Local-managers of the big oil
companies and service station op
erators will be guests of the Sa
lem chamber of commerce Mon
day noon when the luncheon hour
will be devoted to consideration
of what these citizens can do to.
promote Salem to the tourist.
At this luncheon new folders
advertising Salem will be distri
buted by the chamber. These
folders will be Just off the press,
a first issue of 1008 being run.
Week7f Services'
: ' " '- ' 'V' : '
ST ATT ON, April V-The
Church of Christ Is planning a se
ries of special services beginning
Sunday, April 5. and closing with
an Easter program and pageant
Sunday evening-April 12. There
will be services each night except
Saturday; -
The services Sunday , evening.
April S will be conducted by the
Christian Endeavor. Among tho
special features of . this service
will be a solo by Llnora IngHs who
will sing. "Who. at My Door Is
Standing,' . and ' a , pantomime,
More Lore to Thee." The song
win be sung by Margaret Klm-
b rough and pantomimed 1y- Doris
Crab tree, Frances Rider and Dor
othy Tate.
On Monday evening the theme
for the services will be "Christ
Cleanses tho Temple." Special mu
sic is being plsnned for this ser
vice as well as all the services of
the week. .
The . services , throughout the
week will follow the events of the
Life of Christ through v the last
week of his earthly ministry. Each
service will be illustrated with
lantern elides, appropriate music,
and the sermon will be oa the
theme of the evening.
Work Applicants
Total Unchanged
Actlvepplications tor work
being carried at the re-employment
office here totalled 1968 at
theend of March the same num
ber as at the opening of the
month. The report showed 84
placements in private work. 228
in- public employment and 115 oa
works relief projects, but an equal
number of new applications and
registrations and 111 renewals
brought the list back to the mark
of March 1.
The re-employment office point
ed out that all the registrants
were not unemployed. Some men
have found work but have kept
their names on the rolls hoping
to get other positions.
Each six months all registrants
are asked to report if they still
seek Jobs. If they make ho answer
to the request of the office, their
names are dropped from the rolls.
Special Classes
Handed Approval
Special classes for seven' boys
who have apprenticed themselves
in the carpentering trade here
were authorized to start at once
by the Salem school board Thurs
day night. They will be given
technical schooling In these class
es to accompany their practical
study of the trade. The school
district and the state board for
vocational education will share
equally in the 38 cost of the
140-hour course.
The board also voted to share
on the same basis in a course for
maids, to cost $40, to be conduct
ed in the part time school. Neith
er course will require payment of
tuition fees.
WPA Expenditure
For March Heavy
WPA expenditures in Marion
county last month reached a to
tal of $319,917.58 since the work
program began last fall, it was
announced at the district finance
office here yesterday. The pay
roll for the month, which went
to 1898 employes, amounted to
381.C89.S5. a gain of 8148.50
over February.
Throughout the eight counties
in the local WPA district the
month's payroll of 8182.433.85
for 3775 workers for March
brought the cumulative outlay to
Wage checks for the entire dis
trict are Issued from the Salem
Lutherans' Holy
Week Plans Told
Holy week services will be held
st the American Lutheran church
starting Tuesday and Thursday
nights at 7:45 o'clock, and Fri
day morning and night. Rev. P.
W. Eriksen, pastor, announces.
For Good Friday, tho morning
service on "The Way of the
Cross" will be held at 10:30
o'clock, and at 8 o'clock that
night the women's Madrigal club,
the Salem Civic Male chorus and
the American Lutheran choir will
present a concert. "The Crucifixion-
by Ftalner, with Prof. K.
W. Hobsoa directing. .
Filings Fees Amount to
$8820, ITett Over Mark
Of 1934 Primary, Word
Filing fees lor the 449. candi
dates who filed for the primary
election, aggregated $3820" or ap
proximately 70 is excess of the
fee collected Tor the,, primary
election in 1934, Secretary of
State Snail reported '-yesterday:'
. Receipts tor candidates' state
ment in tho Voters Pamphlet, to
be issued prior to the primary
election this year, totalled 34.-
390. or $1,170 less than- collect
ed for a similar purpose Js 1934.
In 1934 tho . caaairtstesT filing
fees aggregated $8,110 aid the
candidates' statements tor tae
pamphlet $5,340.:
Cash Position of City '
- Aided in Nets Turnover
. - i '
' Receipt of a second turnover of
1988 taxes 'yesterday raised the
Salem city cash position above the
$80,000 mark Alfred Mandt, act
ing treasurer. . announced last
night Tho turnover amonnted to
324.593.79. The city bow has no
outstanding warrants unpaid for
Iaek of funds. '
O it aaS lTtk atraata: 1- W. Daa-
lata. yaatar. Bibla aekaal at S:S. Sfias
Jess Hawkiaa. 'Maraiaf wvrakip
sac SMcnacs sf Iks Lars's fcoar st
11. Smmc. "Whs T.14 Taa Taa An
a Caristiaat' Ckrirtiaa EadasTac. aaa
far, iataraaaiata aa4 jwaiav aacWtiaa at
S:SS a. au - Eraaiar soar aarviea M br
Dt. B. . C iplar. - Uaaaaaa., "marrta
ia tka Craaa. Bibla Drama etak aata
lag Waaattday far clab aappar at 0:1S;
knsiaM Baetinf aa fiaal praetfea iar
Kastar. Prayer aarriea Taaraoar at T :
a. m. im tka Baajalaw.
SS5 larry straet, ealam; Bv. Ray
Brasftlee. pactar. Saaaajr sebaal, 0:43
a. . as. Marmiaf wankia, 11 a. av Teaac
Paaala'a aarriea. S:a5 p. gtaalag -aacattatia
aarriea, 7 :45 ajn. rrarar aa
vie TSetear, 1:45 p. m. Yaaaf Paa
U's rettac prsyu aarriea WsaJMaeay,
T:4S. Caair aaa ercbaatra . praetiea,
Tkaradsy. 7:4S y. aa.
' Kile Cliftoa Boaa, n La is tar. . Martin
varakis at IS a' clack. BaraMa, "Tka
SatisfartfaM at Sarrica." BaaS
aekaal. 1 a. am.j Ckeater 8kaKa. aapt.
lataartaat attatiag lor arraaiMtiaa af
raaranaity cbareh will ha kM Waaaaa
dar, t p. au, at taa caaMuaitr hell.
rnraujruix foxl oosrzz. snasiOK
Caraar Soatk 12tk ana Lsslie atreata,
apstaira. ' W. A." Crampacker, aopply paa
tar. Bibla aekaal at 10: FeHawakip aar
riea all day Baadar itk KraaraUat
kfaaa aad party. Special laoaie aad sinf
lac 8 ei-rice Taatdar, Thandsy aad
Friday aishta at 7:45 p. m.
gxas Tronroa xxsaiOB
145S Oak (tract. Saadar school. 19
a. av; EJdrrd Lands, tupt. Morainc
worahle, 11 a. at. Toaa People's ser
vice. 0:10 p. at. SalTatioa mrssace,
7 :S0 p. wk. Praise and prarer Friday
areolae T:S0 p. ai. Earene D. Landea,
IStk aad SUte streets; Ber. Assac E.
lUaaaaaaa. A-kL. paster. Oeraua Pala
Saadar Bet-rieea. S:SO a. m. Eaciisk. 11
a. av Saaday aekaal, :0 a. .: Mrs.
Jaeek Tax. rupt Lather learn. T P m
Goed Trldsy eerrlect, Oarwaa, 9:80 a.av
Good Friday Easlisk aerrices. T: P-"-
815 Nortk Camsaereial atreet. Rerir
st serriees erery nisnt at 7. SO and 8na
day atternaea at S a'eleck. H. E. Wer
Decka. astiontl Presbyter af the atare
ment, ersBcelist. Monday. 7:80 p. .
Btaiatera plaa 80th anniversary proiram.
A, J. Jensen, pastar.
Charck and Ckemeketa tTt- Hay
roamanioa. 7 :SO a. at. Charrh school.
BUS a. as. Holy Eoekarist and Ssraion.
U a. as. Taaa,- People a l eiiowiaia.
6:45 p. at. Good Friday erricrs, 12
aoea aad S p. at.
8. Caasmereia! at Wsthinrtea St.:
Chat. C. Hawerth, pastor, fianday. 10
a. ., Sanday school. 11. morniar wor
ship. S:30 p. av. Chrietiaa Endearer
atactiitc 7:SO. ereaint; worship. Thmre
day. T:80 p. ., prayer, praise aad bib'a
Serth Cotuca and Shippiag street: C.
T. Sprincv mlnUtrr. Bible stady ai 10
a. m. Preachinc at 11: topic. "Faar
Views af Life." Observance of the
Lard's Sapper. Evening ssrrice at 7:S0
e' clock.
Cottar and Cheaaekata streets. Saadar
sehoaL 10 a. as. Saeraaaent aervice. S:0
p. as. K. I. A. Wednesday. T:80 p. at
Belief satiety, aartday, 1 p. av
Pratarnal Teiaple. UbertT at Center. A
bible 1 acta re at 8:80 Sunday afUraoon:
electrically transcribed. Followinc this
a bibla stady ea 1 Thessalonians 5:2.
Corner af Hasel aad Academy streets.
Bible school at 10 a. aa. Preachina at 11
s. av and 7:10 p. m. Snecial maaic.
Prayer aerriee. Thorsdsy,' 7:80 p. av
Baptist District
Meeting Is Here
The 22nd annual gathering of
the "Woman's American Baptist
Han and Forelrt Mission socie
ties for the Columbia River dis
trict will be held in the Calvary
Baptist church here April 31 and
22. Delegates from four states.
Idaho. Montana. Oregon and
Washington will assemble to hear
national speakers.
The program which Is .being
completed provides for morning,
afternoon and night sessions. The
outside delegates, who. will num
ber well over a hundred, will he
entertained In the Baptist homes
of the city.
A sight seeing tour is being
planned for the delegates by the
women of the First Baptist church
who are cooperating in bringing
this convention to the city. It is
anticipated -that many from sur
rounding towns and -cities will be
in attendance to enjoy the con
vention sessions.
Booklets to Advertise
Scenery, Recreational
Resources Are Printed
Prlntinr of 40.000 booklets, ad-
vertiaing the scenic and recrea
tional resources of Oregon, was
under way here yesterdsy.
The booklets will contain a
number of photographs, in eolors,
and interesting articles dealing
with what Oregon has to offer the
tourist, The cover design stresses
the words, "Drtve Oregon high
ways. Material tor the booklets waa
furnished by Harold Say. director
of the state highway commission
tourist bureau.
Distribution of the booklets
throughout the United States will
iegla within two weeks.
Jsataral remedies ;.. " bi
tor disorders af liv
er, atsvaach, glands,
sklaj aad swraary
vale .mr mm aaa t .
w-swa. dU.r tJ
esvery roe sagar J
llabetes wlthant :JL-,
tha aaa mt Iaalla.i
at sm- a. x, M
m.w a. n.
physicians. Z9ZH Court St.
caraar lunrriy
Office opra Satar-
. - l days aaa xaesaays
oaly, 10 A. M. to I
Z-r i P. Blm 8) P. IL to 7.
press are aad nrtne
Oouu Cksa ! " " r T.
X. S. charxea,.-,,,. .f -
v o btobutd rxrnrDS
Ric-hlaad aveame at Chare street; T.
Clia Bran, paataev Bibla aekaal as IS
e' clack; Xarl kt. Beekett. aetiag - aapt.
Worship at 11 a. av. Tse Only Csaae
far Uaeertalaty." Maetiaf as adaistry
aad arevslfhi at 8 Sv aw Joaior C. T
at S. lataraisdiata aad adalt C. K. at
7 and araaaaUatia aes rii a at S p. as.
Masaaaa, "Jeaaa Appraackiaa; . Daatk."
Pre-Eeaater reviral kcjrianiar with Saa
day aifht service will eoattave aach
airht throarh tha week azeeptiaf Moa
day, at S aw av Tka aaasaarea by tha
pastor wU be aa tha taenia. 'Presa the
Upper Baaaa ta tka Bampty Tenia."
Fevry at .Hit- street; Bar. Ana Q.
Weaicar. pastor- Baaday aarvicea ae fol
lows: Biata aekaal. S:aS a. av; W. T.
Faster. aapV Moraia( warakip. 11 a. av
geraftea topic, "A Ward ta the Thief."
Tesar PaapU's ateetitif. 8:80 s. av Ire.
aiac warakip. Y:S0 a. m. Bemioa tap!:.
"Tka Pleea CaUaa Calvary." Tka aast
ed. ekair aiaaa at bath aervicee aadae
tka di recti oa af X. D. Liadbar. Tka
Bid -week aerriee af prayer Wednesday
alrM followed by a beaiaasa aessioa.
Marioa aad Kerta- Liberty street :
Britts Bass, aunister. v Bibla aekaal at
S:45 a. m. Trad Broer. aapt. MorniBr
warship at 11 a'ebjek. "A Great Giver
and a Great Gift." Jaaler aad senior
B.T-P.U. at S:80 p.a. Saaday evenias
prayer aaoetinf at S:80; araaa pralade
at 7:10 p. nv ZTcarns service at- 7:80.
SeraneaT "The Gross and the Glory af
Christ ia Prophecy." Wedaaaday, 7:80
p. av, prayer aaaetiar aad bibla stady.
Kerth CotUre and D street: J. F.
Otthaff. paster. Bibla school at S:45;
gam gchirmn. gvpt. Maraiaf warship
at II. Sermon. "The Tsars af Jesas."
The Lord's Sapper. Special aseetinc for
embers af tha eharrk a 3 p. at. B.
T.P.U. ateetiar. S:45; Mrs. Alee W3
leckv leader. Ereainc worskip at 7:80.
SerBMra. "Christ and the Law." Midweek-
deretional hear. 8 p. m. Wedaet
day. Bible school and Saaday aifht ser
vice ' in Eng-Usk.
Xorta Cottife aad Hoed streets: L.
Wester Johasoa. pastor. 8oaday arhaol
assemblv at 9:45 a. v.; Lyie D. Kaox.
not. Morntaa worship at 11. Sermon.
"The Test af Discipleship." Joaior
rbareh at 11. ia basement chapel; Mrs.
J. Leslie Davis, leader. Tonne people's
meeting at 6:45 p. m. Installation t
newly elected officers. Evening evsn
gelistic service at 7:45: broadcast 8:15
to 9. Midweek service Wednesdsy sight.
H. C. Stover, aunister. Morning wor
ship at 11. Sermon. "The Crass, gvm
bol of Tietory." Anthem, "Behold Thv
King" (Parker). Quartet. "A Crown tf
Thorns" (WHson. Evealnr service at
7:80. A Lenten mn.icsl service with the
Crass ss Theme. Sunday s-boel st 10
a m.; Boy Hsrland. snpt. Christian En
deavor at 6:45 p. m. Lenten preaching
mission during Holy Week.
Xortk 17th ana Kebraska streets: R.
C. Msnn. minister. CTosiag day of th
evangelistic services. Bishop L D. Wsr
ner will preach at 11 a. m. oa "The
AbaBdaat Ufe," and at 7:80 p. m. on
"Life's Most Important Question!
Chare h school at 9:45 a. nv Christua
Kndesvor, :80 p. nv Midweek services
Wednesdsy. 7:45 p. m. Good Friday
service. Fridsy. 7:45 p. m.
Ferry and 13th atreet; C. G. Weston
pastor. Sunday school at 8:45 a. m-i
O. W. gchendeL aapt. Chnrch semco at
11 a. m. Evangelistic service at 7:45 p.
m. Rer. J. L. Issaca preachiag eonelBd
ing aermoaa af revival campaign. Spe
cial musical -numbers at each service. Bi
ble atndy Tanadar at 7:45 p. m. P.
P. Chrivt's Ambassadors, 7:45 p.
17th and Chemeketa street; H. H.
Dick, psstor. gondsy school at :45
a. m.; H. W. Wall. aapt. Moroiag war
ship at 11. ; Evening services at 7:80.
Bev. Abr. Kroaker, missionary from Af
rica, will apeak ia the evening. Speeui
mnsic aad aonga at both services. Pray
er meeting aa Wedaesday at S p. av
Preachiag Goad Friday at 7:80 p. av
Boatk Commercial aad Myers streets:
Deea C. Poiadeater, minister. Chnxch
school at f:45. Moraing worship at Jl :
Who Is Tkis Thst Cametk ia tka Name
'of the Lord!" Beeeption of asembars.
Tho leagues meet at S -.80 p. m. The
senior league led by Mrv Clriek an
"What doe it mean to fellow Jeaaif
germoa at 7:80, VEjea Cato Death.
Liberty ht Ceater; J. B. Simoada.
miaiater. Family aerviee. with warship,
sermon aad discassiaa groups for all
sges, at 11. The sermon. "Tha Amsi
ing Judgment," the last af tha series
-c. imm. T.M ' Mauadr Thnrs-
day CemmaBioa, with reception of mem
hers hnraday. April t at S a'eloek.
Korth WfatteT at Market street: M. H.
Pitcher, psstor. Herbert Haaaea. Bun
day school aapt. Soaday school at
t:43. Morning warship aad praachiagat
11, "Tha Marrow at the Gospel." The
T.P.M.8. froepe at :30 ETaaaaBatij
services at 7:80: midweek prayer meet
tag, Thursday, . a.
Xortk lth sad Breytaaa streets; Em
at H. Brown, Ptar. Suadsy achaol
at :45 a'eloek a. m, Weadell Crae.
sV Moraine warship, 11 a'eloek; aer
"Tha FiaMvar." B.T.F.U S:S0
o'clock. Ireaiag aervieea at 7:80: aer
maa. "The Day Triumphl,, Midweeh
services, Thareday. 7:30 p. at.
r-i ... f t mt...t- J. AToasa
Readers, minister. Sunday, devetieaal at
10:30 a. av Biata seaaaa, z p. -. d. -Barker,
aapt. 3:80 P. prayer aad
praise. Gleaaers. S U5; Batk Skaey Bear.
. V-S aa. Taea-
day. Tkaraday aad Satarday aerviees, at
f;45 p. av
. ( ntiaaenri Syaod.) ISth aad A ftreete--mr
" -. BndtT araaai. S
a. m. Fslm Baaday aarriea at IS a,
at. Genua 11. Zraalaf sarvlee -as
Maaady Thar. day at :5 with Helj
Ceuemwaiea. Usrasa aarvica a ww-
Friday.'lS a. av -
See Our
New Spring -Woolens!
latest Colors
Newest WeaTes
Let, ts Tsilor Tonr NeW
- Sprlar Bolt
D. Ha-Mosher
474 onrt Phone 5401
-Salem Wool &
Hide Co.
Wili Par Top Price for
Mohair - .Wool
Cascara Bark'
Hides, Frits, Far, Horsehair
450 ST. Froat V Ph. 6423
- Wiatoc aad Chsmihstai atreet: 6rve
C. Birtchct. D-D, pwssor. . S:SO a. '
chart h achsat; J. J. rWiiimaaa. aapt, 11
a. sv, maraiag warship. Caaaaraaiaa oer
vica aad recepttoa at members. See
maa: 'Wkitaar a Trraarpkal Batry."
Aathaaa: - "BUda Oa Bide Oa' fgcattl.
Bala ay Mndrad Malkey: "Hyma af the
Last Supper' ( Deuterett). S:M av av,
C. E. societies. 7:30 p. av. aveaing war
skip. Special installs Uoa aerrtea for ail
tka sffieera af the eharrk. Aataean,
"Tha Kiag mt Lave kfy Shepherd Is"
(ShelWy). Bala ky -Mrs. Eaary "htiUla,
"All aa tha April Cveaiac" IMaek.
SpacHal featarea. Tharsdsy, 7:80 p.-av,
pacial Holy Week aarriea. . t
) '
Casta aad Uigk atraaea; Gay 1 Drill,
miaiater. Charck aeaeat at S:AO with A.
F. Spear, supv Maraiag warship sad
commsaiea at 10;i. Aatkam: "Bide
Ob I Bide Oat" Beatt. With incidental
sale br Miltoa, Gralape. - Opam ta
Gaaaa,'1 (aappw a teaac eel kg J aha
Scaaaidv Seranea hy EvaagaUtt Samea
Kari Ladd: "Lard, Teach ls ta Pray.
eaiag aerriea at 7:80. ."Awaktauag
Christian Eadeavar aaeietlea at 4:1a. Ev
Charaa" hy tka chair. Sermaa ay Ev
aagaBst Ladd: "Gad, Baaaia. aad Athe
ism. So aarriea Meaday ereniag. Orh
erwiee there will be aerrieea every are
aiag st 7:44 with Evangelist Ladd t peak
ing. -
State atreet at Chnrch; Jil K. Mil
ligaa, paster. Mildred Bartholomew, di
rector af Teaac People's activities. B.
Id. Gatke. 8. & sapU Saaday school at
8:45. Morniag worship, 11. "Same
ThoaghU af Calvary." Baptiasaa aad re
ceptiaa af aaembera. Evaaiag warship,
7:80, "Oa Wa Caret" High aehooi
league meets at S:80; Edgar FerTnrr
presides. Topic, "Why Pray!" Uai
veraity Vespers meeta at S. Warrea Pe
ters presidev Ike aew gtadeat Council
will aa lasiaiteas xea -vui we nam
from 7 to 7:80 o'clock.
mst xTAjrarxicAx
Corner Summer and Marioa street;
Emory W. Petttcara. li-l) miaiater.
Sunday aekaal at t:45 a. nv; Joha J.
Rudia, aapt. Maraiag worskip at 11
a 'clack. laet, "Lara Diriae Ail Lara
Excelling" Stainer), Mrs. B. H. Ermri
sad Prof. William Wrighv Sermoa
"Primary Edueatioa." Seaior league aad
yonag people's league at 6:30 p. av Eva
aiag evangelistic service at 7:30 a'eloek.
Gospel song service. Tenor nolo by Prof.
William Wright. Sermon, "Solomon's
Song." Bible study and prayer service
Thursday at 7:30 p. av
Corner Winter. Jefferson and Fair'
ground road; Bev. Lyaa A. Wood, minis
ter. Charck achool. v:aa a. av -moraing
worship. 11 a. av; theme, "Ldvui;
Triumphantly. Intermediate league, 9:30
p. m. High achoot aad senior IpWerih
leagues at 6:30 p. nv Evening- service
7:30 p. av Aa Easter play with a mod
era setting entitled 'The Boy Who Die
covered taster." hy Elisabeth McFad
dea. produced hy Betduh Graham. Pah-
siaa week aervieea Tuesday, apru i.
thraagh Good Friday, April 10, at 7:30
P- m.
SS5fc Csart street (anstairs). Bun-
day school. 8:45 s. m. guaday maraiag
worship, 11 a. av Cemmaaioa aerriee.
Sunday young people a aemce, a: p. m.
sngeliatic: sabjeet, "King for a' Iay."
Wednesdsy bible atady aad prayer, 7:45
p. av Thursday, Holy Cemmaaioa aerv
iee, 7:43 p. at. Triday aad Saturday,
pictures and costumes shews, by A. I.
aueinacamiat. retaraea misHoaary ira,
India. 7:30 p.m. Bev. Key D. Balder
soa, pastor.
cmrxcH of the baxaeese
ISth and Center street,. Sunday
school at 8:45 a. m - Frank M. Lit-
willer, aapt. Moraing worship hoar t
11; Marviae G. Jobe, minister, solo ay
Alfred Shreeder. Sermon. "Our Inheri
tsnca." :30 p. m, young people's
meeting. Subject. "Fiahiag for Souls.
7:30 p. av, avaagrlistie aerviee. goag
by girls' roartet. ! ?rmon. "gevea Days
and Nights of Time, or Whst Time Is Is
Sow." Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30
p. nv cnoir praet-ee loiiowug.
Chnrch streeV between Chemeketa and
Center atreeU; Eer. P. W. Erikaeav pas
tor. 8:4,5 a. nv. ganday school; Araald
Krueger, supV 11 a- av Faba Saaday
warship. Prelude: "There la S Green
Hill Far Away," Boubod Barnes, Bath
Bedford. Solo. The Pnlmv" Faure.
Richard Barton. Solo. "Jeruaalem.'
Parker, Ronald Cravea; aatkem. Selected,
the choir. Prof. E. W. Hohsea, director,
germoa, 'Things ta Kaew ia tha Light
of Palm Sunday." 7 a, nv. Palm Saa
day a Stady, tha Lather league.
Kfla Oiftoa Bosv miaiatar. Saaday
..vui , o . m - U p. Jttwt 1 Hamilton.
aapt. Morning worship at 11. Aatbem,
"I Will Sot lave tea lewuoruess,
(Kites). Sermoa. "The Coming of the.
Lord raweth Nigh." Intercessory pray
. a n rhriitisn Endearer soci
eties meet at 7. Evening evaageliatie
serviee at B. lTomoone aoiwa o wtym
Ballaatyae. Sermon, "A City Turns to
God." Taeaday evening, 7:80, atady af
life ef Christ, followed hy choir rehearse!.
Korth Capital aad Marioa street: Ed-
wia Haratmua. paafar. Saadsy achool.
10 a, av Germaa eorvicev 11 a. -.
T-vn . T. Tmm Fvil ' EnaKsh aev-
vlea, 11 a. m, "Attitades aad Aetiaa."
Special Paha Saaday musle. Candle
light Confirmand'a Beunion aerviee S
p. av - 8 racial aaaeie. I-eatea aemce.
Wedaesday. S a aa. German services
Good Friday. 10:80 a, ,m. Commaaioa.
-Bart L. Hamntoa. paatar: Saaday
school, 10 a. av; warakip aerviee, 11 a.
Watches, Clocks aad Jewelrr
atrefaUy aad hoaesUy repaired
54 K. Chawch Sc.
Mesaher Ttrermaraid Clas Ka. i
Also Asserlrsa Dishes
How set there? Too walklas
dosra CoaiBierclal street to
fits fishing market ties jo
stsppiar apsUirs. There we
are -
1 1 A. M. to S A. M.
Others Fan
Chiarse Herbs .
' Hesitate vlrt-se " '
has beea tested
adreds " rear
te chrwsJc all
loata, Bose, l
aaasnar,, ansarawia, v-m
catsf rh, ears
ttrnxs, authasa, chroaie roagh,
ttotwacls, sn stcHaes rolltis,
eBtfttioa. disheUs, klaUrys,
Madder, heart, bkwd Bervtav
srfaralrla, rheaanstism. hlh
blood prrsswre, tlssKl, skla
sores, SBaJe, fetealo and chO
dreat sllsorderav
C, B. Fetrg, S years prartire
ta Chtma. Herb Specialist,
122 S. Commercial St, SaJeas,
Ore. Ofrtce boars Otsd pA
Saadar mad Wed. 0 to 10 avim.