PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, March 22, 193$ J Spartan Quint Champ Fast - Passing, -Attack of TbrsonV Crew Wins T Crowd's Plaudits I (Continued from pace 1) the outclassed rranilin team like the limited gcinf by a Hag sta tion.. ""-, Title Tucked Away J At Close of Half It was almost a repetition of last year when Jefferson, after fighting to the finals, was swept Into the mnner-up position by an Astoria attack that conldn't be checked. The Spartans, -as well made a piece of basketball ma chinery as the tournament has of ten seen, couldn't be stopped last night. They had the championship safely tncked away at the end of the first half when they led 22 to 11. To the Tlctors" belong the spoHs and to Corrallis' valuable Captain Pflugrad smiling Dr. Bruce Bax ter presented the gleaming trophy that goes to the champions after presenting the four winners of lower places with their trophies while the crowd roared its ap proval. , To Merle Kruger, the lithe limbed little sniper whose long range howitzers were i great fac tor in all of the Spartan victories, went the KXL trophy for the out standing player. To Ted Sarpola, whose one-man rally saved fourth place for As toria yesterday and who took tournament scoring honors with 59 points, went the trophy for the man most valuable to his team. To Harrison Wallace, who cap tained his little Bellfountain team to a state B championship and to third place among all the state's basketball teams, went the award for the outstanding sportsman ship of the tournament Well-Rounded Team ' Earns State Title Corvallis won the championship by being ace ballhandlers and sure fire shots and by being de fensively as fine as they were great offensively. The way Cor vallis whipped that .basket I all around last night was a revela tion. If they had played good bas ketball before, and the certainly had, they were playing their fin est ball last night. Hardly an er ror could be chalked up against them. For only one brief moment at the opening of the game when Hansen dropped In a field goal to counter Kruger's opening free throw did Franklin have a smell of the lead and Franklin never had a smell of a chance. It was 8 to S at the end of the first quarter and then, as the sec ond period opened, it was 10-5, 12-5, 14-5 and finally 18-5 before Kemnitzer. all - state guard, dropped In his lone two points of the game. Williams, Franklin center who scored eight of the Quaker's 20 points, holed out two more baskets before the halt end ed with Corvallis ahead 22 to 11. It had been Pflugrad, passing with almost eye-defying speed to Warren and Blackledge under the basket,, who had wrecked Frank lin in that period while Kruger sizzled them in from his favorite spot diagonally out from the gift line. Quakers Helpless la Third Quarter trageay, The next period was Cross Word Puzzle Vs 12 3 'A '5 16 'A it 22 23 2A 25 26 21 31 3? 33 35 36 3 42 4 46 At SO 5Z 53 55 56 By EUGENE HORIZONTAL ' 1 prefix, - -;j seven . ' ' v I perched 8- tramp -. l2rodent 13 to run regu larly be- . " ; tween two " 'porta- ; 14 verify i 15 t sea ,4 -16 rowing 1' implement 17 bristle like 18 shoo ting stream of ... i- water " 20 pertaining to the stars 22 alliance 24 xclama- i tion 27 verse i divisions SI Portuguese coin ' 32 feminine' : came 34 poem 7S5 cyclone, 37 system of ' signal - 33 person or - - thing that adapts 41 conceit 44 fit to-fee -. eaten as - food 48 web-footed :. sea-fowl with long" wings 49 fortify or . . provide.: - against ; 51 urgent 1 " . want - r - 52 to insulate 53 pinch 54 persons as sociated for i some pur- . pose 55 fish 56 make lac 7771 Herewith is the solution to Safer day's puzzle. . ".V C E WftJT Hp T E R u s emSSa tee 1 1 gA YiShlABA : OPjAN T gh'shyoi n hub k CvFttM, If II. Ua Becken Survives in Battle Royal; W Club Smoker Fills in Tourney's Idle Afternoon With Many Laughs ALTHOUGH Dick Weiserber and John Oravec, featjired performers, failed to show, the Willamette W ' dub staged a smoker yesterday afternoon that kept a small crowd well supplied with belly-laughs for a couple of hours. - The big events a battle royal between eight Willamette athletes, was won by Elliot Becken, who pinned Harold Hoyt O and saw the complete breakdown of the formerly mighty Franklin offense as the Spartans, racing like sprinters, checked the Quak ers to futility. If Williams bad not dropped In a field goal in the final moments of the period it would have been a scoreless one for Franklin. It ended 30 to 13 and Franklin might Just as well have conceded the championship. It was Bill Blackledge. taking most of Pflugrad's red hot passes under the basket, that scored most of the Spartan points. His total was 13. Stewart Warren, the center, accounted for ten and he I one who during the regular sea- on was happy if he collected a single field goal during a game. Tommy Hansen, Franklin's all state forward, was held to three field goals by the air tight Cor vallis checking. CorTallls (34) FG FT TP Pflugrad, f 0 2 2 Blackledge, I 1 13 Warren, c . . . 5 0 10 Kruger. g 3 3 Crockett, g 0 0 0 Totals 14 6 34 Franklin (20) Hansen, f 3 1 7 B. Nunnenkemp, f ...0 1 1 Williams, c 5 0 10 Meek, g 0 0 0 Kemnitzer, g .1 0 2 Totals 9 2 20 Personal fouls Corvallis: Pflugrad 2. Blackledge 2, Kruger, Crockett 3. Hearing (sub). Frank lin: Hansen 2, B. Nunnenkemp 3, Meek 2, Kemnitzer 2, D. Nunnen kemp 3. Lenore Whigard Tops 3 Records CINCINNATI. March 21.-jpy-Lenore Klght Wingard of Cincin nati, national and world swim ming c h a m p i Q-n. broke three world's, records for women in the 700, 800 and SSO-vard free style divisions at the annual Ohio A. A. U. indoor championships to day. Her time was 9: IS. 8 for the 700 yards; 10:38 for 800 yards and 11:39.9 for the full 880, against previous A. A. U. marks of 9.28.1, 10:53.2 and 11:57 for the respective distances. Kansas Cagemen National Champs DENVER. March 21.-(iiP)-The towering Globe Refiners of Mc Pherson, Kas., second place team last year, won the National A. A. U. basketball championship tonight with a decisive 47 to 35 victory over the Universals of Hollyood, Calif. In a thrilling struggle. Western Transits, Hutchinson, Kas., de feated the Santa Fe Trails. 1935 (National A. A. V. champions, 35 to 33 to win third place in the tourney. II 17 20 21 23 21 30 IA 37 21 AO AA 45 A6 47 2 51 5-4 5? 'A SHEFFER 57 Gaelic 11 consisting of spoken words 19 ;half an em 21 remain 23 bar 24 skill 25 constella tion 26 atmosphere 2& any soolo- . gical ; garden 29 sum up SO observe S2 soft cushions 33 a substance of extreme hardness. VERTICAL 1 rough, wooly hair -; 2 relieve 5 plunder 4 annoys y 5 diversion 6 wing-like "7 oppressor! 8 hurry 9 more thaa 10 letter in Greek - . alphabet 36 secured by - , decisive or . ' . prompt . , - '' '- action i ' " 37 wince " 39 entice '.. - -. 40 man's : r nickname -' -41 shield, -v 42-outburst -43 wide v , - 'v mouthed V . cooking -'-; " vessel of . i :: - earthen- t - 'i ware:- :: t 45 endure 46 camera : part:'1". - 47 margin v c -50 email river rutont tjmtimu. I I after all but the two vest pocket guards had been eliminated. The affair was a laugh riot from be ginning to end.- Bill MeAdam was the first to fall, as nearly the whole field-ganged up on him. Surprisingly Bill Sutton, lightest man in the ring, was the last to be pinned before the final duel between Becken and Hoyt and it took the combined efforts of the. pair to do it. Others who took part were Art Gallon, Norm Ho genson and Jiggs Burnett. t Alice the Goon Vagt, 220, won a decision over Eugene the Jeep Connors, 225, in a whaling heavy weight fight. Vagt, whitest or the white hopes, slugged Jack Con nors merrily in a fast final round and bad the hefty ex-gridder so dizzy he didn't know whether it was Saturday or Christmas. Show How Pros Do Darrell Newhouse, Garibaldi chief of police, took two out of three falls from Tots (The Rus sian) Yada in a comical bur lesque of professional wrestling. . Max Bigby and Vern Rierson went to a draw in another exhi bition of wrestling as it is done for cash. Hank Woodbury, 182, declsion ed Os Morley, 180, in a four round bout, while Barre Urell, 182, won a decision over Bill Hall. 180, in another four-rounder. Myron Sautter, 139, state school for the brind, took two out of three falls from Art Wat son, also of .the blind Bchool, in a wrestling match. Curley Mon filB. 125. O. S. B., won a decision over Bob Reeves, Salem high, in another wrestling exhibition. B Champs Third In Main Tourney i (Continued from page 1) section of Benton county went on last nigbt to whale McLoughlin high of Mllton-Freewater 29 to 17 for third ranking among the state's 16 best basket-ball teams. It was Bellfountain that carried eff the booty last night, for three cups came to the little team whose, fighting spirit was the admiration of every tournament fan. Bell fountain got the handsome bronze R trophy, the gilt third place tro phy and to the boy who generated his team through four days of championship play, Harrison Wal lace, went the sportsmanship tro phy. Passing Game too Moth for Pioneers Bellfountaln's sure passing Fame was too much for the weary Pioneers from Mac-Hi and with Bud Kessler leading the way the giant killers swept away to an easy victory. Kessler, who scored nine points, and Captain Wallace, who drop ped In 11. were hitting the basket too fast and too often for Mc Loughlin high, its scoring punch lost, to keep the pace. Bellfountain. flashing across the floor like so many hornets, took the lead In the first period which ended 3 to 2. and was nev "t headed. Tbey led 14 lo 8 at halftime. The anguished efforts of Captain Stan Fislt to whip up his Pioneers were of little avail and Mac-Hi could not overtake the Bellfountain speedsters in the tLird peri doalthough the succeed td It keeping even. A scorins: hurst on .the part of Likens, a Bellfountalif substitute, in the final period put the little giants far out of reach as the game neared its end. Likens dropped in three field goals in pon-rjop-pop order. Lineups: ncllfountain (2? (17) Mac-Hi Larkin F. . . . 3 Monahan 8 Buckingham 3 . F. . . 2 Ireland Kessler 8 C 3 Roloff Wallace 11 G 3 Flsk ninton G . . . . . 2 Rinker Substitutes: For Bellfountain. F. Buckingham 1. Likens 6; for Mack-Hl. Kolberg 4. Officials, Coleman and Leeding. Grads Defeated By Hazel Green HAZEL GREEN, March 21. Thursday afternoon the school teams won the ball games played with, the alumni; the boys 19 to 3, the girls' 15 to 5. The boys' team will play a practice game with Hayesrtlle on their field Monday, March 23. The first league game will be played with Hayesville on their field March 27. March 3 Ilayesvllle will play Hazel Green on home field. Berry Festival Set LEBANON, Ore., March tlHft--Officials of the Lebanon Straw berry Fair association said plans already are under way for parades and exhibits at the two-day event June S and 6. THIMBLE THEATRE Starring Popeye TTjNCLt BEN SENT ME ft PET FROM AfRCA IT'S A oEEP- DOVOU K1SOW VsiHftT A JEEP IS, POPEYE?, Astoria Takes Fourth Place Sarpola Pops Five in Row to Overcome Big Lead of Cheeeniakert. , Ton cant keep a good team down and Ted Sarpola . was - the factor that kept Astoria from be ing held down yesterday as the Fishermen cam from behind in a Whirlwind last Tluarter to beat out Tillamook 43 to 36 for fourth place in the final . tournament stands. Tillamook, aa the losing team, took seventh." " "' V The game, following right' on the heels of the Salem Benson thriller, was ' one of the bright spots of the tournament and allow ed 'Astoria in Its old fashion of cot being beaten until the last whistle. . ' i - Behind 30 to 25 at. the half, it was Ted Sarpola that grabbed the torch and by sinking five straight shots gave his team the lead and the game, and did a great deal to win himself an all state posi tion. It was the Sarpola of yore that went to work In that last quarter to race ihe Fishermen ahead and keep them there. The fire straight baskets from Sarpola's famed hook shot were lust part of the nine he scored during the game. It made him easily the highest scorer of the tournament, with 59 points in four games. Tillamook Rallies It looked like plain sailing for Astoria in the first quarter as the Fishermen quickly worked up a 13 to 4 lead but Walker, Moore and Stoneberg led a Tillamook at tack that brought the Clieesemak rrs up to 18 to 15 at halftime. Stoneberg, Tillamook center, turned in one of the best games eny center has shown during the tournament, adding up 15 points for his team and holding the all state Kokko to three field goals. Tillamook Moore 10. (36) (43) Astoria 18 Sarpola 7 Sandness . 11 Kokko . . 3 Parker .F. V.'alker 11.. Stoneberg 15 Hediger Long Substitutes ..F. ..C. .G. G 3 iuola For Astoria, Ko- ven 2, Flippo 1. Offiliacs: Plluso and Leeding. POLLY AND HER PALS MICKEY MOUSE LITTI.E ANNIE R00NEY 77-nr 22, iZj- EES ZIS ( A BOWL (t(A ' 'a! .'Ll GLOQVOZKY, ZEBO. WMEM MP. BULUOM LlaTES YOU ME UKcTS YOO X GOSS VOu teS "TW6 OMLV UTTLB POOCH 94 THS VA-OLE TWAT HAS A EVecry OAy t -rue TOOTS AND CASPER "2Se FINALLY LEARNED CASPERS 1 THOSE SECRET WHEN HE CONFESSED TO TOOTS THAT THE LETTERS B-K-6 tattooed on his arm are the initials of Beatrice , . Katherine . 60LDILOX, A CjlRL HE USED TO Q WITH! ON MY MET HOV) SHOULD I KUONrJ ? A,bcLL VT FOR THIKTY BETTER LOOK At) vEKT$ IT 1 "ZST FIRST Radio Programs f- , xonr roBTUjro xc . . - . Baadsy, March 18 ;00 RcflaetioM, CBS. :0 Cmwt KUittVM. 9: SO Buiaaar Trail, CBS. :45 ' KxebBBf. CBSi 10:00 Cfcarek ef the Air, CBS. 10:10 UmIc.1 Toot XotM, CBS. 19:45 KaltrabOTB KdiL, CBS. . 11:00 Walks f Ufa, CBS. 11:15 PJaa Faataaiaa. -11:80 8aloa Madcrma, CBS. 11:00 X. T. Philharmonic Orea CBS. S:00 Old gongs mt tha Chare. S:30 Joaa Maaxanaras' So. Aaiarieaa Orch- CBS. 1:00 Zoloa Hour af Charam, CBS. :80 Smilia 4 McCoaaaU, CBS. 8:45 Soafa Aaarica 810(1. 4:00 Kcaat and Carter. CBS. 4:15 Biasing Striata. 4:30 Mutie Uaitar. CBS. 6:00 Ud Glmkia Orrh, CBS. -5:15 Sonny and Bnddy. -5:45 Voptjr, the Sailor Van. SrtJO Ford Sunday Eraning Hoar, CBS. T:00 Fivddia Bich Orei CBS. T:15 Leoa T. Prswa, organ, 7:30 Littla Show. 7:45 Air Adntari ot Jimmia Allen. 8:00 Eddi Cantor, CBS. 8:30 Volet of Kxpericaca, CBS. 8:45 Leoa F. Draws, Organ. 8:00 Laalia Howard in "Jat Sap VOi,'' CBS. 8:80 Sevaath Infantry Band. ' 10:00 Ellis Kimball Orca, 1LBS. 10:30 Xortnrnal Serenade, DLB8. 11:00 ail Baffa Orch, DUBS. 11:80-12 Gay lord Carter, Organ, DLBS. afOBday, March S3 ;80 Klock, Iraa and Walter. 7:55 News. 8:00 Golden Jubilee Variety Show. 8:15 Ranger Mioatrel. 8:30 Jutt Plain Bill, CBS. 8:45 Air Shopping. 9:00 Voiee of Experience. CBS. 9:13 Mu.tcal Reveriee, CBS. 9:30 Mary Marlln, CBS. 9:45 Five Star Jones, CBS. 10:00 Hoateia Coonsel, CBS. 10:15 News. ' 10:80 Coaiumer Xews. 10:45 Thia sad -That with Art Kirkham. 11:00 Between the Book Ends, CBS. 11:15 Hanpy Hollow, CBS. 11:30 American School, CBS. 12:00 The Topi. 12:15 Store Reporter. ' 12:30 tyr of the World. 12:45 Book of Life. 1:00 Concert Miniatures, CBS. 1:J5 People of Hawaii, CBS. 1:30 Home Maker's Institute with Jeannette Cramer. 1:45 Som of the Pioneers. 2:00 Jsrk Shinnon Orch.. CBS. 2:15-WHdrness Road. CBS. "2:30 Ptudia. 2:43 The Goldberfra. CBS. 3 :0O Feminine Fancies, DLBS. 8:30 Newspaper. 4 :00 Bark Rogers in the 35th Century, CB8. 4:13 Ted Honing Charioteere. CBS. 4 :30 Newspaper. 5 :00 Helene. 5:15 Sonny and Baddy. 5:30 Leon F. Drews, Organ. 5:45 Air Adventures of jimmy Allen. 0:00 Radio Theater. CBS. 7:00 Wayne King. Orch.. CBS. The DOM T I I III POOR CAP'N Til 1 I S-.l t. . 1 - N-Tt TWIS COLLAR COST A TBSOlSLa? UDTTA MOslEy BtT WPTJU CACernjL MOT TO GO COLLAR FOB CHASWMd CATS week. CAUSE PKXICS VOU ALL THE ill avj rrncir neo "ttyttV UNLOCK "1 THE DOOR DONT STW MAD! INITIALS WERE TATTOOED ARM BEFORE I EVER YOU I HAD IT DONE POR ON A DARE QAMMA .MY colleAe m,DaB Now Showing -Welcome to Our Ot j r fSRE lOU DOING IN rMERCA? V0O DONTT MEfSNTHKT 1 ,tDUVE- 7:80 March at TUea. CBS. 7:45 Goaaa Creek Parson, DLBS. . 8:00 My rt and Marge. CBS. 8:15 Singin Sam. CBa. 8:90 Pip Smoking Time with rick - aad Pat, coaediaaa, CBS. 9:00 Mnalcai MosMnta. 9:15 Little 8haw. - - ' " - 8:80 Mayer Joseph X. Caraaa, jr. 10 :00 Dorothy Dix. 10:30 Laarie Riggina Orch, DLBS. 11:00 Jimmy Dwraey Oresu. DLBS. -11:30 Tad Dawsoa Orch, DLBS. 11.-451J Elngiaf Striaga. I'- ? - KOW POaTUUTD 2 Ka. ' ; - . Soaday, March tt 8:00 Sunday 8unrisa PrograBt, Port land Coaaeil af Charcbea. 8:30 Major Bowes' Capitol Theater, NBC 8:59 ArUagton Tinta Signal, NBC. 9:80 Chicago Round Table, KBC. 10:00 Roads to Romany, KBC. 10:30 Tommy Lake. 1KO0 Bay It With a Song, XBC. 11:80 Peter Absolntc. NBC. 13:00 Tear English, KBC. 11:15 Martha Graham. 13:80 Metropolitan Opera Audition, KBC 1:00 Sunday Special, KBC. 1:30 Temple af Song, NBC. 1:45 Doumitt March Time. 3 :00 Posey Playlets. 3:15 Garden Talk. Bay W.' Gill. 1:10 Stars af Today. 8:00 Catholic Hoar, NBC. 9:80 Loois Breese Orch.. NBC. , 4:00 News. E. Palmer Hoyt. 4:15 Albert Paysea Tarhnaa Dog Dra a, NBC ' 4 :80 Bakers Bmluit, NBC. ' S:00 Major- Bowes- Original Amateur Hoar, NBC : 6 :00 Manhattan Merry -Go-Round, NBC 8:30 American Album of Familiar Mu sic, 'NBC 8:00 Sunset Dreams. NBC. 8:80 Jack Benny. NBC. 9:00 Life la a Song. KBC. 9:80 One Man's Family. NBC. 10:00 New Flashes, NBC. 10:15 Musical Momenta. 10:80--Organ. 12 .-00 Weather. , Monday, March S3 7:00 News. 7:05 Happy Jack,- NBC. 7:15 Dan Harding's Wife. NBC. 7:30 Musical Tricks and Treats. NBC. 7:45 Amateur Cooking School, NBC. 8:00 NBC Light Opera.. 8:59 Arlington Time Signal, KBC. 9 :00 News. ' 9 : 1 5 Hoaey boy and Saaaafraa. NBC. 9:30 Rce. 10 Banjoleera, NBC. 10:15 Doe Schneider Texas Cowboys. 10:30 Drrti Parade, KBC. 11:00 Stars af Today. 11:30 Rnssiaa Melody. NBC. 11:45 News. 12:00 Forever Toon. NBC. 12:15 Ma Perkins. NBC. 13:30 Vie and Bade. NBC. 12:45 The O'Neills. NBC. 1:00 Betty and Bob. NBC. 1:15 Gene Arnold Ranch Dots. KBC.. 1:80 Clinic 1:45 Grandpa Barton. NBC. 3:00 Al Pea rce and Gang. NBC 3:30 News from Hollywood. 3:35 Cadet's Quartet. NBC. Sweet BIystery of Life aszellent! magneef1e !! BUT DO NOT TELL A SOUL. Place Called Home Sweet Home KNOW I BUT I WSH HH .COOLO HAV9X VAITEO LDOtrruKK rr dowtx HUFCS AT nisht! A Watch Dog U AM'! GUESS SO "rOU GOTTA CAPERJL NOT TO ACT STUCK-UP JUST BECAUSE UJChTV AKl' JUST 'CAUSE MR. BULLION LIKES US OR ANVTMINK3 . . WOJ. BE VJOtTOMGi Aim i no reason! Wrry you AMD TIMS NOWm 'Handy" Words II V 1 - 7 IS TOOTS BURNT UP ? WOYlTS WELL. I DONT BLAMS HER SHE ALWAYS 1 THOUdrHT &K-C STOOD TO BETTA KAPPA X BV FRATERNHTY! mmm ... 1 ha. O Bmns mm mm ii I MEAN THAT KT THiS MOMENT THERE IS f JEEP IN THIS CVTV! I TRAILED IT fKLUTHE FROM t :45 Para Gold Part land Couaeil ml Charchea. . - 9:00 Woman's Magasiao, KBC . -4:00 Did Tea Know I 4:05 Orch. ' v - 4:10 Cocktail Hoar. 4:15 CoBterrille Sketches. ' : -4:30 Herald Daaa la His Soags aad Tears, KBC. T 4:45 Lasgerdorf Pictorial. KBC 8:00 Fibber MeGee sad Molly. KBC 8:80 Bveaiar Paria Roof, NBC. : 8:00 Musical MaBBeqaiaa, KOMO. 6:80 Stadia Party. NBC 7:O0 Contented Pregrass. NBC.' 7:80 Tear Program. NBC. 8:00 Ames ' Andy, NBC 8:15 Lam and Abaer. KBC. :S0 Voice of Pirostawe. NBC 9:00 Helen Hayes, -NBC -9:80 Hawthorne House. KBC 10:00 Kews Flashes, KBC . 11:00 Jackie Bvaoers Orch. 11:80 Mark Hopkins Orch. 13 :00 Weather.- 1 PORTLAND 1 180 Xs. Sasd'sy, March 83 . 8:00 News, XBC -8:05 Glee Ctab. 8:15 Neighbor Nell, KBC. 8:80 ChriaUsa Ea dearer Caion. -8 :45 Samorar. 9:00 Happy Jack Turner, KBC 9:15 Toley and Glenn. 9:80 Radio City Masie Hall, KBC. 10:80 National Youth Conference, NBC 11:00 Magic Key, NBC. 13:15 Harold Kegel Rhombs Orch, NBC 13:45 Lafayette College Choir. KBC 1 :0O Abe Bercoriti. Tioliaiat. 1:15 Calrary Tabernacle, Rct. Willard H. Pope. 1 :45 Latheraa Program. 3:00 Synagogue. 3:30 Sadio Chnrch, Abe I. Bennett, Minuter. IfWRIG LEY'S HAS A j 05MOOTHQv A ' - I Uinu I m I rt r 4 I 1H PERFECT GUM mn BE YOU Akj'mE GOTTA BtT I BUT ME SHOULD SET 6NOTy k " a- 7 ffTlf , .. -. .l UytEiJL, P'fiOSH SAKE.S! T X-Z -' ' OViVy Awr fHUCKS lWltU VA LOOK AT TW' J,X- S . 'V.jf MlHNt! THERE'S FVACe! TH CAiP'H 'T'sS'Xrr' IT'S t NUTHIN "T BE 1 MUSTW - --CTEqv njl SO &o Y SCARED O-t TROUSUE! X.vv, :- Sr SORT Or i JUST HANQ OH JW- J fiiG-' .tZ - r a a a u ar aa, - I'VE NIPPED tirABSYS AME, ANYWAY HElJ. NEVER BLEED MS FOR ANY MORE . DOU6H BY THREATEN INUj- TELL TOOTS ABOUT B-K-H 1 STOPPED THAT WHEN TOLD HER ABOUT IT. MYSELF! S - 23 MO f Mlf 7FI PllNT YOU FKT fSFRlCA FIVE TEARS AGO TO KEEP MY rWP rkDFM COR ftKE OF THOSE LITTLE AWALS VJEIJL-.'BEN THE GREAT EXPLORER, FO0N0 0NE. HE SEHT IT HERE TO HIS NIECE, CNL M . Ta. - Si - r -SL ir r n C AT TTT1 fv.1 1 11 I 3 :00 Plasa Daace Orch, KBC . S :0 Ialaadera. S;45 J. William Belcher Stadeata -Ke - ciUL ' .' ' ' . 4:00 K. Serea, KBC 4:80 SiBg aad Swing, KBC , 4:45 Listen to Lialwld. 5:00 Maiody lingers On, NBC 8:00 Personal Cioeeapa, KBC. 9:15-8:00 Silent to A.OB. 8:00 Concert ICnsemble. a. an BnJr 4)vrk NBC 8:45 iJ Chiee Spaalsh Htne, XBC 9:00 Tom Coakley . Orch HOC 10:00 A Ca pells Singers. 10:15 Paai Martin Masie, KBC. 10:30 Calrary Tabernacle Jubilee. 11:1 Midnite Melodies, KBC 12 ;00 Weataor aad Paliee Keperta. ' . Monday, March M 8:30 Mnakal Cteck. 7:00 Calvary Tabernacle, Kv. WillsrJ H. Pope. 7 :30 FiBanciaJ Sereiea. NBC 7:45 Nata aad Bella, KBC b;w nfir ar aaaaavi ue, uv 9:00 Siapsea Beys, XBC. 9:15 Teley end eitoan. 9: 30 The New- World;' KBC 10:00 Musical Alsaaaaclu -10:15 Hints to Housewives. 10:20 On the MalL-- -10:80 Heme Institate.-- 10:45 Cnp'a Dsn .'a' Eanio. 11:00 Great Momenu ia History, Bread east to Portland PubUc Scheeia. 11:15 Keyboard Capers. 11:32 NBC Masie eaild. 11:55 Market Reports.' 12 :00 Western Fira and Home Hoar, NBC . 1:00 Forum Lnaenewa. 1 :80 Radio Chare k. Ah T. Bennett, Minister. " - 2:00 Financial aad Graia Market Re ports. 2:05 Ross Graham, Baritone. KBC 2:15 Jr. Badie Journal. NBC. 2:30 Larry Larson, Organ, NBC 2:45 Johnstone Ensemble, SBC 3:00 Army Band. KBC. 3:25 Mickey Gillette, NBC 3:30 News, NBC. 3:35 Answer This One,. NBC. 8:45 Three Scamps, NBC. 4:00 Hsrry Stanton, NBC. 4:15 Carl Schreiber Orch, NBC. 4:30 May fair Casino Orch, NBC. 4:45 Dinner Concert, NBC. 5 :00 Studio. 5:15 Newg. 5:30 Melody Mirror. NBC. 6:00 Jimmy Richardson Sports T1V. 6:15 Silent to KOB. S:00 Newt. 8:15 Thooe O'Malleys. 8:30 Studio. 9:00 Homicide Squad. 9:30 Wrestling Bouts. 10:35 PesuTille Club Orch., KBC. 11:00 Psul Carson, NBC. 12:00 Weather and Police Reports. mm vim , By CLIFF STEHRETT hv r FT SHALL ALWAYS a i "" I rt 1 t OUR SECRET: By WALT DISNEY By BRANDON WALSH I KNOW you 1MONT 6T SNOCHxj 'CAUSE you WAS A Maju uttle POOCH WHEN you Ot&vTT WXVg MO COLLAR ATAU.90VCki'(S TOO SMAST TO ACT PWOUOaAWns you -t SEE ME ACTJN4 tVOOTY.CROWL AT M& AWPUC LOUO Llh you w4AS hact-act ME By JIMMY MURPH UPOE'S r?ARHV ACTPP THAT 150028 UTTLE DOES HE WKIOKAJ Mrs. frAMPS HOLME'S .HAD HIS LONtr ENOUcfH tvncw rrs nr turn to . LXJ IHE. lALAiN MV- iU. LCI MT riSI9 Ms 7 SEGAR ME TO A bJEEPinSJ - .:.-! THlb ClTYll; lENiEj 60001 FINE! COME-TROEi fFTEafra! J