The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 22, 1936, Page 11, Image 11

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday; Morning, March 22, 193$
Card Party is
Final Event
01 Week
CONCLUDING, the e r I e s of
rents in observance of Na
- tioaal Business Women's
Week, the local B.P.W. club en
tertained with a card party Friday
Bight In the Woman's clubhouse.
Funds derived will be used to send
the club chorus to the state con
vention to compete lor the trophy
which it has won two consecutive
times. '
'- Special prlxes went to Mrs Hil
da, Liedstrom and B. E. Su-son.
Honors for contract went to Miss
Kay Laugbrige and Eluxa McMil
lan. Auction honors went to Mrs.
Roy Harland and C. D." Matthews.
Pinochle prizes went to Mrs. Joe'
Maddison and W. E. White.
TWt fU.rinr were Un. J. F. BiJWr.
Mrs. W. J. hwB. Omr JC Irwin. K. 3.
Piekeu. Slut Clara Pemeroy, alii
WUtr. SCrs. IU 4a4reva. Sir. Kaa
Bamtt. Mrm. Lisbafa Water.. Mn. F. U
Ma44iaoa, Miaa Graea Gilliaia, Mr. ana
Mrs. Ptrry Aadmoa, Mr. mmi Mn. Bj--
Faker. Mrs. Gaacriava Maratara, Mrs.
it. La Kant. FVankia Habba, Winnia Epj
latt, Mr. aa Mrs. W. E. Whit. Ma
ria Smith Mills. Mrs. Effia Wttarl. Miss
Belea Laaisa Crosby, Miss Taanc Smith,
Miss F.Mia U Smith. Mrs. Mobs Taaer.
Mrs. Fraat Bawrx, Mrs. Eobart Down
lag, Mr. Arthur Maarc. Xiaa Ruth 11 oar.
Ida Miller. Ajraea Taehopp, Lelada! Pirk-
. ens, Ethel Fsrr, Hilda Uedttraoi. Jose
pbiaa rVhaaaep. Mr. J. A. Gray. Miss J
Grajr. Kliaabot Stackaaaaaa. Edna Pardr.
Mrs. A air C. Adas. GeaeTieve Adaau.
Mrs. James Levis, Mr. D. C. Mrate, Mrs.
Floreaee Ira-ia, Ambroaiaa Amera, Alida
Baadrick. Slarjoria Smith. Charlotte
erwt, Mrs. K4r4 Raff.ty, Mr. and
Mrs. Dn Madisaa, Mr. sad Mrs. Mas
Oaeatker. Margaret Steiner. ataxia Baa
kia, Maiise McLean, Esther Baird. Mr.
Edam Rowland. Mrs. J. H. Wrath. Mr. aad
Mrs. Robert Breanaa. Mrs. C. 3. Ram,
den. Mr. Srare Wkitti. Mr. Ceeil Hart
ley. Mrs. Owendolra Colli, Edith Wltsel,
Mr. and Mr. Albert Coha. Mr. and Mrs.
L. i, Btea-srt. Mr. sad Mrs. H. Richard
Kobertson. Mr. T. H. Crosby. Miss Arn
old. Mr. and Mr. W. H. Wood, Mra. R. T.
1 BoaK Mrs. A. F. Marcos, Mrs. Nellie Har
ris. Mrs. L. M. PnrriB. Mrs. Versa Bao
fli. Mi Ltta Westenhoase. Mis Cob
tanro FovWr, Mis Dorothy Coio, Mrs.
H. W. Wiliiam. Mr. and Mrs. EUno Me
MUlaa, Mrs. C. t. Batoa. Helen Alls
boacK Manraret MeAae1, Anita Foster.
Katali Colli. Mr. and Mrs. Malrolia
Satith. Vn. Alton Horley, Mr. Harrey
W. Parker. Mr. aad Mrs. E. Majek. Mr.
and Mrs. A. Matthews. Haiti Bssiek,
Port Clark, Helen' Breithaapt. Mrs. Wil
mer Wells. Mr.- Roy Harlrtd. Mr. and
Mr. Fari If. Mootry. Mr. W. Pettyjohn.
Mis Bertha Babrork. Madeline Binerar.
GUdya MrCVoad. Mr. Bert Victor. Mr
Blanch Kin. Mrs. Effl Area art. Miss
Taiy Hayden. MUs May Cleveland. Mis
Tnerma 6aydr: MUf Mollie Schwabhaer.
Miss Lsars White. Mr. Ssdia MrCIaia.
Mr. Lacil McBride. Mr. Gayncll Al
fred, liki Janet Weil. Kay Lanah
rife. Mr. Baell Mefford. Mi RoHertu
Varloy. Mis Hsrriet Adams, Miss Csrc
lya Braden. Mi Virian Carr. Olsdv Tip
ton. Rath sn'd Fhebe MeAdams. Mr. and
Mrs. J. Dale Tt1ot. Mr. LooUe Milton
Itercer. Mr. Ether Hsaedom. Mrs. "W. T.
Miltonbereer. Mr. Haxel Picken. E. Ir
via and Jack BiUeter.
o o o
Mrs. Refolds Hostess
In Silverton
Silverton. Plans are completed
for the library bridge to be piven
at the home of Mrs. C. A. Rey
nolds Tuesday afternoon. Mrs H.
B. Latham, chairman of the lib
rary board, and Mrs. G. B. Bent--Bon.
a member of the board, are
sponsoring the party.
Mrs. C. R. Wilson, whose hus
band Is a member of the board,
and Mrs. Reynolds win be hostess
es together with Mrs. Latham and
Mrs. Bentson.
Board members urge all who
are interested in the library to
come for card play or tea.
a a
Loyal Guards Have
Ranting Meetimg
Brush Creek Mrs. Oscar WIgle
was hostess Friday afternoon to
the members of the Loyal Guards
cIs-sb of the Methodist church.
Qniltfnfc for the hostess occtfpled
the afternoon. Mrs. F. W. Schroe
der is teacher of the class.
o o
V.F.W. Joint Dinner
W ill Be Tuesday
The V.F.W. post and auxiliary
will Join in a club dinner Tues
day night at the armory. 6:30 p.
to. Entertainment and cards will
follow. All veterans are welcome.
Chapter AB Has
Meeting Monday
Mrs. W. E. Chandler, 1369 Cen
ter street, will open her home
Mondar niicht at 7:45 p. m. to
Chapter AB of P.E.O. Mrs. R.
J. Hendricks is a Joint hostess.
o a
fUlver Medal Contest
Is Sunday Night
A young people's silver medal
contest sponsored by the North
Salem W.C.T.U. will be held in the
First Christian church tonight.
Tillirum Dance
Slated Tueaday
The Tillicum club will give a
formal dance Tuesday night in
CastfUian halL Numerous affairs
will precede and follow the ball.
-:--'----.. --- : - -i, .
; Office) hours for tbe society editor are as follows:
. 10 a. m. to 12 p. ra. and 2 to 0 p. m. ever day bnt Sat
- nrtlay. Ob Sat arday. they are 11:80 a. so, ausd
12:30 jk m. to 6 p. m. ,
' : r- Monday, March tS
. - Chapter AB.. K E. O. Sisterhood; with Mrs. W. E.
Chandler, 1369 Center,' 7:45 p-. m.
- American Legion auxiliary dinner at Quelle no
host. 7 p. nu'Res. at 878 or 7824. .
Junior Woman's club meets at clubhouse before go
ing to line party, 7:30 p. m.
Tuesday, March SI
: Executive' board meeting of Council of Church
Women. 2:30 p. m. at T. M. C. A.
P. L. E. and-F. club all day at home Mrs. A. A. Bil
brey, 107 Garnet. "
V. F. W. post and auxiliary club dinner, 8:20 p. m.
at armory.
A. A. U. W. music appreciation class at Melton stu
dio, 324 N. Capitol, 7:20 p. m.
Alpha Mu Delphlans in library. 0:30 a. m.
Sons of Veterans and auxiliary covered dish supper,
8:30 p. m. at home Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Yantias, Glenn
creek road.
Wednesday, March 25
Unity class at Marion hotel. 8 p. m.
A. A. U. W. literature class with Mrs. H. E. Rahe,
1126 N. Winter, 7:30 p. m.. topic. "Drama".
Thursday, March 26
Capital auxiliary No. 11 at I. O. O. F. hall, 8 p. m.
Beta Sigma Delphiansjn public library. 7 p. m. Elec
tion of officers.
Salem district conference of W. F. M. S. in Corral-
lis, all day at First Methodist church.
Friday, March 27
League of Women Voters luncheon at Quelle, noon.
Additional Society
Page 12
Junior High Boys Hold
Woodburn Party
Woodburn. The 4-H club
"Bachelors" from Washington
junior high school were entertain
ed at the home of their leader,
Mrs. Guy Engle, with a St. Pat
rick's day party Thursday.
Present were Roy Dickenson.
Raymond Rich. ' Peter Erwert,
Robert Miller. J. C. Miller, Lewis
Murray and Orlo Harr. Mrs. Myr
tle Clarke, principal of Washing
ton school, was a guest.
Mrs. Engje was presented with
two lovely gifts from the boys,
Orlo Harr. president of the club,
making the presentation. The
rooms were decorated in green
and white, the club colprs. and
also for St. Patrick's day. Games
were played and refreshments
served after which the boys were
taken through the work shop of
Mr. Engle.
Mrs. Engle has accepted a posi
tion as primary teacher in the
school at Auburn for next year,
a a
Willard Women's Club
Is Complimented
Waldo Hilla Mrs. P. J. Neus
wanger of the Evergreen district
was hostess Thursday afternoon
to members of the Willard Wom
en's club.
Mrs. Robert M. Morton of the
-Centerview neighborhood gave a
most interesting talk on "Haw
aii. Its Language, Customs and
This club ha, just finished &
quilt lor -the Children's Farm
home and alo sent a box of flour
sacks. At this meeting they vot
ed to 6end $5 for the new hos
pital unit at the home.
Special jruesta Thursday were
Mrs. R. M. Morton. Mrs. Frank
S. Bowers. Miss Winifred Riches
and Mrs. Harvev Kaser.
- K
Portland People Take
Keiacr Soil Home
Xetzer Taking a day off from
the Southern Pacific office In
Fort land. FToyd Kester with Mrs.
Kester and son, Eugene, drove
down to the George X. Thompson
home Thursday, returning jto Port
land Friday morning. They took
back several trunks of Kelzer soil
to enrich their garden plot.
Youll find
Djr (34?
Possess Yourself
of the
Power of Vision
Know that yoa see
quickly and SKcnratdy.
Hare confidence ia your
eyes and ia yourself ...
Se us today and mnmkm
aw of your vision.
444 State St. ' Phont 323
ThenetP Tremsarette contains:
Ardent Cleansing Cream
Ardcna Skin Tonic
i Ardena Vdva Cream
Ardena Special Astringent
Ardena Astringent Oil
and Ardena Cleansing Tissues
- plus
Vclva Cream Mask
Illusion and Cameo Powders -and
die new Maquillages Harmonises
(Make-up Color Chart) ia com
plimentary with jour purchase
f theTreasarette.
410 State
Phone 9123
Visitor? From Africa at
Bestvatcr Home v
Cloverdale Mrs. A. W. J. Best
rater entertained at dinner on
Thursday in honor of her brother
and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. A. F.
Kroeker, of Antwerp. Belgium and
Kafamba, Belgian Congo, Africa.
Among those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Cornie Reimer of Dallas and
Mrs. Sam Reimer of Dallas.
Mr. and Mrs. Kroeker. with
their son, Clement, have recently
returned from Africa where they
were engaged in school work and
other missionary activities on the
Mission Station at Kafnmba. They
were forced to leave the tropics on
account of Mrs. Kroeker's health.
They have spent a number of
years in Antwerp, Belgium and
plan to make their home there.
Since their return to America they
have made an extensive tour of
the states, lecturing in various
places. They are now visiting with
Mrs. Kroeker's family t Dallas.
Alpha Mu Delphians Will
Study Tudor England
The Alpha Mu Delphians will
take up the study of "Tudor Eng
land and Continued Social Life"
Tuesday morning when they meet
In the public library at 9:30
a. m.
Those giving topics will be Mrs.
O. I. Paulson, Mrs. W. T. Jenks,
Mrs. Fannie M. McCall. Mrs. How
ard Jenks, Mrs. Lawrence Maves.
Mrs. S. W. Klahn and Mrs. George
Artist at
Concert for
VIRGIL DAY, youn tenor from
Portland, la singing as guest
artist for the MacDowell elub
Mareltll. . .-. -.
. air." Day was chosen a soloist
to sing the tenor role In the Mes
siah with the Portland Symphony
orchestra In 1934. - - . - .
In 1935, as tha result "..of his
success la. Handel's oratorio; he
was selected to" sing tha part of
Obadiah In J o h a n n Sebastian
Bach's St, Matthew's Passion. .,
Mr. Day la now tenor soloist in
the Tempi Beth Israel, tha Iarg-
est Jewish sypagogue In Portland.
The Portland Civic OPera asso
ciation, of which Mr. Day ia a
member. Is arranging to Prodace
Von riotow'a opera "Martha-:
sometime jdoring the fall a. fid Mr.
Day Is singing the tenor role.
Girl Reserves to Meet ,
During Week
All Girl Reserve groups will
meet as usual this week. The T.
W. C A. office will provide sub
stitute leaders In case spring va
cation, occasions the absence of
Blue grade school dresses aad
white ,high school uniforms may
be procured from tha T.W. Fri
day after s e h o o 1 or Saturday
morning. Miss Catharine Skeltoa
is In charge of their distribution.
The high school G.R. cabinet
meets Thursday. Monday, Miss
Ruth Reasor will go to Grant
school to teach the group there
a Spanish song.
Ninth grade Girl Reserve at
Parrish are planning a hike Sat
urday afternoon. AH groups In
the city are working on the doll
festival which is scheduled for
April 17.
Brigadier Samson Dies
In Hongkong
Salem Heights Word has been
received of the death of Brigadier
James E. Samson of the Salvation
Army in Hongkong, China. Pneu
monia was the cause. Brigadier
Samson made an extensive speak
ing tour before taking up his post
in the orient last fall.
Ll Ruby E. Skelton. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. C P. Skelton of
Salem Heights, has been promo
ted to the position occupied by
Brigadier Samson. She will be In
charge of soathern work In Hong
kong and sailed to the orient last
September. She visited her par
ents last summer.
Mrs. Campbell Honors
So-and-Sew Club
Fairview Mrs. Lowell Camp
bell entertained the So-and-Sew
club at her home in Fairview Fri
day with 16 members present.
Mrs. Lloyd Stephens became a
new member. Visiting and fan
cy work were enjoyed. Mrs. Ste
phens terved refreshments. The
next meeting will be at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cran-
Virgil Day
Vou6U Duty! double Comfort!
II II i "v ' t..a.-
ism i
rfnlTW .. ... . . i V - nan , n.,-1
. ' '
A Qt&MHis Vim
B You "11 rtTel ia this new Double Duty Viutrttto Foun
dation ... a quick change artist if there erer was one. A
flick of tbe miraculous back strap and it's transformed
from formal .bacileuneM to diytime support. No fuss,
no bother, no pins! Simply fasten ... or unfasten ... the tiny
loop and button. And lie all Vasaarettea, this intriguing
number smooths too beautifuHj and comfortably at all
' times. Perfect for formal wear and practical for daily duty I
OAcr Ntw Vissirettcs . . ; . $5 to 15 .
On tbe MjUh Highway Follow the Use
400-415 Coert Street Betweew Liberty and IHe
" , , Coirteajr Vctfom Joaraal
Above it Virgil V. Day, tenor solo
ist from Portlasd. who will aP
Tear mm gamt artiaC on tbe Mae
. Dowen dab spring concert
March SI.
Silverton Matrons Go
To Monitor " :-'.V;; -"--r"
SilTerton.- Among the Silver
ton women motoring out to Moni
tor Friday to attend the sessions
of the Women's Missionary Fed
erttion of Lutheran churches of
Oregon, were Mrs. A. T. Gander
son. Mrs. M. O. Gaaderson, Mr.
Hans Jensen, lire. Oscar Satera,
Evelyn Solum, Marie Bun ess. Thea
Jensen, Mrs. Anna Jensen, Agnes
Torrend, Mrs. Ole Saternv Mrs. J.
M. Jensen, Miss Clarissa Brager,
Mrs. O. Ormbrek, Mrs. 8. Melby,
Mrs. N. Moseng. Mrs. Silas Tor
vend. Mrs. L Holden, and Mrs.
Hans Thompson.
Beta Sigma Delphians in
Session Thursday ' X
Election of officers will be the
purpose of the Beta! Sigma Del
phians -when they hold their, first
regular meeting Thursday at
pjn. In the publie library. A. dis
cussion of "English Contributions
to American ClvilUaUon" -wlU
follow with Mrs. Victory H. Mor
ris aa educational supervisor. -
Members may bring interested
friends according to Mrs. C H.
Woodward, National . Delphian so
ciety field secretary, who will act
i temporary chairman daring
election of officers.
' Following Is the list ot mem
bers: - . ---j..' ---'
Miss - Florence Adams, Mrs.
Blanche Allen, Miss Helen Bar
rett, Miss Anne Calaba, Miss Ha-
set Cook, Miss Esther - Erickson,
Miss Eire Fischer, Miss Ruth
Given. Mrs. Esther Hagedorn.
Misa Vfcda Lee Hill. Miss Sally
Holzman, Miss Nettie Hutcheon.
Miss Bernita Jones, Mrs. Ethel
Lau, Mrs. Bemadine Ledfors, Miss
Berselce Lee. Mirs Isabella Leep
er. Miss Bessie McCloud, Misa Lil
lian McDonald, Mrs.. Nell Morgan,
Mrs. Victory II. Morris, Mrs. Win
nie Pettyjohn. Miss Julia Query,
Mrs. Burton Randall. Miss Kath-
ryn Reod, Miss Nellie Schwab.
Miss Let Smith, Miss Jessie
Steele, Miss Lois Steinke, Miss
Elisabeth stoekhausen. Miss Leah
Suing. Miss Beulah Van Guilder
and Mrs. Cordie Wiper. :
e .
Needle Club Entertained
At Unionvale
TTntnnvalAMra. Ttavmond Pal
mer entertained the Arrawannah
Nedle club at her home Wednes
day afternoon.
. Nine members were present sua
trio, nm UevMAem wis eomoll-
aented with delfghttnl Birthday
shower. -Mrs. Palmer served re
Tn Birthday ;
Is Obserred - " -rU
- Mt, Angel Joseph Oster w a sH
given a surprise party la honor of
bis birthday Thursday by hi
children and their families. Cards
were played . and refreshments
eerred.: Present were Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Oster, Mr. and Mrs.
Sabastian Oster of Silverton,. Mr.
and Mrs.. Joe OUer of Marquam.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dnrschmidt
of ML Angel. Mr. and Mrs. Sitt
ness. SOrerton, Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Swanson. Monitor, and Michael
Oster, Mtj AngeL
Mrs. Willis Opens Home
To'Hayesville Club .
: Hayesville The Hayesrille Wo
man's club met at the home of
Mrs. Davie Willis -Thursday with
Mrs. Bruce Willis assisting.
: 'For roll call the members held
a flower exchange, Mrs. Frank
Marshall gave an Interesting book
review on ."Dr. Wallory." by Al
lan Han.. Mrs. Frank Fitts was
presented with a shower. .
Special guests were Mrs. W.
Fitts. Mrs. L. B. George. Mrs.
Virgil Bolton. Mrs. Paqaia. Mrs.
W. Beyers and Mrs. IilUan Shan-
er. - ' - v '
.The next meeting will be April
2 at -Mrs. D. Jansen's, -Mrs. W.
Johnson and' Mrs. L. Fisher sssist-
ing. ' , ,
Radio Committee to Fete
Auxiliary Heads
Mrs. J. H. Turnbull. department
president of the American Legion
auxiliary, and Mrs. Gentry Yates,
department radio chairman, win
be honored guests of the radio
committee from Capital unit at a
no-hostess dinner at the Quelle
Monday -night, 7 p. m. ...
All auxiliary members are In
vited to attend. Reservations may
still be made with Mrs. Lelf
Bergsrlk at 879S or with : Mrs.
James L. Cooke, 78Z4.
Willamette Songmen Off
On Spring Tour ,
The 1 Willamette XTnlyersity
Songmen leave Salem this morn
ing for their annual tour during
spring vacation. .Thile the mile
age covered this year Is somewhat
smaller than former years,! Prof.
Cameron ' Marshall believes in
making the most of every minute,
and has-scheduled IS appearances
In the seven days out, 5 . . '
Several of these are at special
assemblies . In Portland high -schools.
The formal attire of the
Songmen this year Is Indeed at
tractive. Tuxedo dress with white
jackets having black lapels. A
chartered bus from Portland, will
carry the group on the trip.'.
The .travelling squad has : 3 C
members including Flavia Downs,
pianist; Hume Downs,, violinist,
Kathryn ; Smullln. : soprano and
Professor Marshall, director. Tha
tour closes on Saturday. March
28. with a half-hour program ever
KOIN from 11 to 11:50 a.m.
. . , -
Schwah Home Opened '
To Dinner Guests
Mt. Angel. Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Schwab entertained at dinner at
their home Thursday - night to
compliment Mr. and .Mrs. Joseph
Boylan and Mrs. Clyde LIndsey
visiting here from California. -
Covers were placed for Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Boylan, Stockton,
Calif.; Mrs. Clyde Liadsey, Ukiah.
Calif.; Mrs. Fred Schwab. Mr.-and
Mrs. Paul Schwab. Mr. aad Mrs.
Leo Schwab. Benedict . Schwab.
Jerry Schwab, and Mr. and Mrs. t
Louis Schwab. Miss Charlotte
Krose assisted In serving.'
The Boylans and Mrs. Xindsey
are spendiag a, few weeks here
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Schwab, and other relatives.
They will be joined the end ot the
week by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Schwab, also of Stockton.
! mp i .
rfSa Meal ai IF
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MolLer. Tm -Hftingry
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CLcrry Ctly OaLlzxrj Company Salern