The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 22, 1936, Page 10, Image 10

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    )xt OREGbll STATESMAN, Eakn, Oregon, Sunday Morning, March 22, ICC
; ; '- - - ; " 1 : : : i
fiOM M
State D AR Convention in Barbary Coast
ID j win bw ; rarty
Mrs. Ralph Barber
IN answer to e can sent cut j
I tha American Bed Cross tor
. i. J. - ;r.Trr. 4 - nrum tmnw . will Mads to stncwn
ffx ATTflHTEKS uf intu juiiymv mv vw "in flood areas of eastern states.
II assemble in Portland this week for their annual state ltte Saiem 20-80 dubs has an-
mJ assemuie " ... , j n wii k V,eM L,oH . -nrba rr coast" bene-
,V 11,1- Vpt at the Camn- t party for Friday. night at the
iionaay nigiii. wiwwuis - v.v - - - . ,. . Meilow Moon.
Hntirt hotel- convention headquarters. nancinc to the music of Harry
- i a, ir:.. T7..-4-w rMAw i . . . . m
nAlroto fmm f .hemeKeta cnapier are juus auw uccj, iweseiv'e nine-piece orcnesira wu
& oMrs-H.. J. Ostllnd, Mrs. I. M. beKiQ at 9 o'clock. Special enter-
Schannep. Mrt. R.-M. Morton, uinment features will be prorid
l. u.
Rebital Slated
H Waller
'a ' BENE FIT program, for the ln
A strument fund ot the Philhar
monic orchestra will b pre
sented in Waller hall Thursday
"night by Jean Hobson Rich, pianT
1st, Mary Talmadga Head rick, yior
. linlst, and Rtn Bedford, accom-
panist - - . - . ; - ' ' ' v-
Tickets may be obtained at the
Wills music store. - The concert
will be arranged under the per
" sons! .guidance of Mrs. W. E. An
? derson, business . manager of the
orchestra. . t - ' n
- . patrons and P&trone3ses will be
Mr and Mrs. J. H. Albert, Mr.
and Mrs. George Anen. Mr. and
Mrs. : Ira Darby, Mr. and Mrs,
Euthya Turriey, Mr. and lira. Don
aid Young. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
nolman. Mr. r and Mrs. Bruce
Spaulding, Mr. and Mrs. Breyman
Boise, Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Simonds,
Dr. and Mrs. George Lewis, Miss
Frances : Virginia Melton, Miss
Mary Fake, Mrs. Walter Denton
and Mrs. Elsa Ebsen. - '
"Mrs. Beaty is Hostess -To
FX. Club 3
''... -j . -
Mra. Joe Beaty entertained
members of the F. U dub at a
business' and social meeting on
Thursday. Miss Irene - Scbeelar
was IniUated into the club.
'. . Members present were , t h e
i Wane T.netta Baker. Charlotte
i La Due, Blanche Leabo, Lula Mc-
Clay, Myrtle McClay Hele MCEi-
tot. Colene Mennis. Maxine Saut-
i ter. Vera-Leabo and Irene Scbee
lar r Mrs. Dee Himes. Mrs." Ches
ter Lanktree. Mrs. George Nader-
i m.n .nfl the hostess. Mrs. Joe
: Beaty.
liss Boylan Appears
In Broadcast
Miss Elizabeth, Boylan broad
cast OTer the radio from Portland
i yesterday afternoon as one "f the
winners of the district eontest of
the Oregon Federation et . Music
- flnba. She ia-a student -of Miss
Frances Vlrginle Melton. .;. .
Mlaa Borlan played two groups
March Wind? by. MacDowell and
i "DiTerslon by Carpenter: "Pas
torale Yarie" by Mosart r and
"Singing roantain" by Niemann.
t Benefit Card Party .;' -
' Monday at Annory :
' The public Is inrited to parti
cipate in a benefit card party Mon
day night at 9 - o'clock la the
; Armory sponsored by the Disabled
American Veterans of the World
War and their auxiliary. Prizes
irlll be awarded and refreshments
aerted. ' ';-v .
of the Latest
Creations in
Mrs. F. W. SetUemeir, Mrs,
MeLeod. Mrs. Oscar Hayter of
Dallas, Mrs. H. T. Lore, Mrs. J.
W. Harbison and Mrs. ; C. C,
neer. Mrs. W. F. Fargo will
also attend from Salem.
Begins Tuesday
Registration begins Tuesday
morning at 8:45 o'clock. Mrs.
Mark-V. Weatherford, state re-
rent, will preside at all sessions
She win aiTe an address and re
port during the morning as will
the state officers and chapter; re
gents.: , - - - :
T u e s d a y's good eitisensblp
uncheon will honor Miss vira
Austin, "who ; will represent the
society at its national congress.
Special guests will b the girls
from Portland high rxhools who
entered into the contest with Miss
Austin, and John L. Gary, prin
cipal of , Oswego-WefA Linn high
school, will giye greetings. Mrs.
Weatherford will present a re
port on the good citizenship pll-
rrimage, as chairman or the com'
mittee, and an address on "Good
Citizenship" will be siren by Mrs.
Nanny Wood - Honeyman, state
representatlte, Orefon leglslatiTe
, Mra. Clark Pours
The Tuesday afternoon session
will . be deroted to additional re
ports and - nominations will be
made for new state officers. Ma
Jor H. G. BagnalL U. S. recruit
ing officer, will giTe an addres3
during the afternoon on "What
the r Army Does in Times of
Peace." - "
Mrs. C. C. Clark of Salem will
be among those pouring at the
tea and reception at the Portland
art museum in the late afternoon.
Wednesday morning at 7:30
breakfast at Campbell Court ho
tel for the State Officers club,
with Mrs. John T. Richardson
presiding, is scheduled.
Wednesday morning, toting for
new state officers will take place.
Dan Gould will show his talking
pictures,. "Around the World
TraTelogue,, for the entertain'
ment of the assembly. ,
Wednesday's luncheon will
honor the board of governors ot
Champoer Pioneer Mothers Mem
orial log cabin.; Fred Lockley will
speak on "Pioneers of Champo-
eg.!- Wednesday afternoon will
see Installation, of state officers-
Wednesday night there Is a at the . Multnomah hotel.
honoring retiring state officers
and state officers-elect. The ad
dress of the evening will be given
by Hon. John ' P. Winter, J udge
of the fourth judicial district of
Oregon, on ."Americanism."
Regent Candidate
Election Interest will center
about the selection of a, new state
regent to serve for the next two
years. The; candidate put up by
the nominating committee la Mra.
Boone George Harding, Crater
Lake chapter, Medford. Mrs. Har
ding transferred her membership
from Capitol chapter. Washing
ton, D. C, in November, 1924.
She has served uthe Oregon so
ciety as registrar and as chair
man of genealogical records com
ed in addition. A quota of $1000
has been set by the Marlon coun
ty A-B-C. chapter for flood reliet
and this benefit fa expected to add
materially to the sum.
The affair Is Informal and In
vitational. F. - L. Earnest, presi
dent of the 20-30 club, announced
his committees yesterday as fol
lows: v w -.-..:
General, Robert Sears and Vera
Mathis; Invitations, Harold Pro-;
Itt, Joe Young and Floyd Em
mons; music, Kenneth Lee; dec
oration and arrangement,". Carl
Trick. Delwin Fin ley and Clifford
Walker; entertainment, Edward
Robey, James Sehon and E. T.
Mutch. .
Vercler Golden Wedding
Date Observed
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Vercler
observed : their . Golden Wedding
anniversary last week in their
Polk county country home, now
occupied by Mr.'and Mrs. Chester
Noland. Tha Verclers are residing
at present at 735 N. Commercial.
The couple were married March
18. 1886 In Chenoa, Illinois. They
located in Salem In 1890 and have
resided In and near Salem aince
that time.
Present at the dinner were the
four daughters and their families.
They are Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Gib
son and two sons, William and
Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W.
Holman, Mr. and Mrs. Chester No
land, all of Salem, and Mr. and
Mrs. John Bennett, and two sons,
Earle and Alan, of Yakima, Wash.
Junior Woman's Club
Will Enjoy Line Party
The Junior woman s club will
meet at the clubhouse Monday
night at 7:80 p. m. before going
to a line party at the Grand the-1 o ALEM society literally dropped
atre Refreshmenta will be en- X TerytWng the past week and
Joyed afterward at the Spa. Mlaa " tw,i n mansa ta tha state
v u " ' KtBnell-Ellii Pkoto
A lovely bride of Friday night was Mra. Ralph Barber (Margaret Fax
on) whose marriage took place ta the Portland home of her par
ents. Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Faxon. Ber. Earnest Barber, father of the
bridegroom, officiated. ' " : ;
Tourney Occasions Round
Of Entertaining lor
Basketball Fans
mittee, and has just completed a
term as first vice-regent, and
chairman of the southern Oregon
WhUe chairman of genealogi
cal research committee she made
a - valuable contribution to re
search work here. From a photo
stat copy she copied and Indexed
the first federal census of Oregon,
the oldest on the Pacific coast,
and had copies prepared In book
form for reference. This census
was taken In 1860 when Oregon
territory contained approximately
18,000 Inhabitants and 10 coun
In addition to two terms aa
basketball tourney morning, aft
ernoon and evening. But with so
many visitors In the city, informal
reunions took place, about early
morning breakfast tables, lunch
eon boards and late supper elr
clee following the games.
The home of Coach and Mrs,
Roy 8. Keene was Opened yester
day afternoon for the annual
luncheon honoring coaches, news
papermen and officials, smaxi
tables centered with bouquets ot
rnmvthia. and daffodils were
used. '
iTortr were ' served. Assisting
Mrs. Keene were Mrs. Ralph Cole
man nf rarvallis. Mrs. John Gary
of West Linn. Mrs. Ed Bloom ot
Milton-Freewater, Mrs. William
Phillips and Miss Jessie Wood.
Friday morning, Mrs. .Custer
Rosa presided at a smartly ap
pointed breakfast at Godfrey's
honoring a group ot basketball
fans. Yellow narcissi and con
trasting tapers made s pretty ta
ble. Places were marked tor Mrs.
Roy Keene, Mrs. Ralph Coleman
of Corvallls, Mrs. G. F. Chambers,
Miss Dorothea Steuslotf, Mrs. Ev
erett May, Mrs. Max Page, Mrs.
William Phillips and the hostess,
Mrs. Custer Ross.
I Committees on
Music Week
i. Are Told
NATIONAL Music Week, an
event which captures the In
; . terest ot both musician and
layman, has been set aside as May
s to 9. . . '.
Mrs. Walter Denton Is once
more general chairman ot the ob
servance in Salem and has on her
committee Mrs. Joy Turnet. Mo
ses, Mrs. David Eason, Miss Dor
othy Pearce, Miss Ruth Bedford,
Mrs. Mary Talmadge Headriek.
Mrs. - Bertha Junk , Darby, Mrs.
Henry Lee, Mrs. T. S. Roberts,
Mrs: P. F.- Thomas, . Professor F.
B. Churchill, and Miss Gretehen
Kreamer,.who Is in
school activities and the festival.
The full committee of schools will
be announced later. .. ,. . . ;
Stimulate Interest '
One ot the most important pha
ses of civic music is that embodied
in National Music Week. .... , :
The concentration of many mu
sical veents Into a single week has
for Its purpose, the awakening of
the whole community to the im
portance of music In some form. (
; Although called National Music
Week, It is project' which must
be carried out by the various com
munities, and it Is left entirely to
the judgment of the people and
local committees who best know
the resources, special needs and
the possibilities of their city, town
or. community. It la hoped that
schools and people generally will
participate in th celebration. , ,
' The need for. music has grown
through the yeara aa machines
have Increased the hours ot leis
ure, and therein lies a great op
portunity tor .National M usie
Week. .. " '
In cities and communities from
coast to coast, committee work
ers will concentrate upon encour
aging & greater use of each com
munity's assets, making their
value more apparent to their
neighbors, and also calling atten
tion to their easy availability. .
' School Programs
Schools have an opportunity to
Impress upon the public what is
being done for children through
musle m the schools, ana to se
cure the cooperation of parents
and the support of the people gen
erally for the further establish
ment and extension ef these ad-
Tantares. , - -
Music clubs and other clubs and
societies hsve an unusual oppor
tunity to prove their public spirit,
and to strengthen their influence
in the community.
The music festival is strongly
urged because It Is the means of
arousing people to their own mu
sical resources. It furnishes Inspir
ation, enthusiasm, .incentive to
better work, higher standards, and
quickens tha perception to our
musical needs and opportunities.
Barbara Barnes Plans :
Society Editor,
Phone 9101
. D
Hears Address by
FI! i Y-Tlllvliiri xnemDers oz oaiem uiau, w. ,,
gathered at the First Presbyterian church, yesterday
afternoon for luncheon.; The tables were pretty with
bouquets of daffodils and f orsythia. Dr. Helen Pearce pre- .
sided, v-'v: ' - .' . v
Five women f rom . the newly - organizea .uanas Dranca
Miss IUa- 11 .
1iim1w affcrnnnn If ink StenS-
loft and Mrs. Chambers entertain- Open House
ed Jointly with a luncheon at the
home of the former. Their guests
numbered 18
Bi.W. Conference to Be
Your . Favorite Colors'
:. .0 GltEY! '
o BROWN! :
. BlCK! ; ; 1
Sec ' Onr - Beautiful
Foxes - Capes Capelcts
When You Order a
Fur Coat at DuBain
- Fur Company . i
Yon Select Your
Skinsl;-:-;:- - - -We
Tailor Your
Garment to Mea
sure at No Extra
CoSt! '
ajaajBissBBBBBBB . r t
O " '.. :
We Do Expert -
-Kemoileling ;
. -Repairing
Use Our Cold ;
Storage Service!
Compare Our Price!
Manufacturing Furriers
Keen 3, lliiler HUz.
Phcue C315 .
chapter regent. Mrs. Harding -has
served her chapter aa recording T A etnrfa SnnrlflV
,Arfmnir .Aer.tainr l Asioria ounuay
rector, treasurer, and as chair
man of various committees. She
has been active in patriotic work
for many years and is at present
councillor ot Oregon chapter.
Daughters ot Founders and Pa
triots ot America, a member ot
the Eastern Star, and is at filiated
with many social and cultural
r n
an eica viciron mrn
Consol radio that
V brings in foreign as
' well as domestlcbroad
cc j f$, police clcrms cs
- well as aviation and
amateur phone, end
brings them cs only a
Metal Tube radio canl "
The Salem Business and Pro
fessional Women's club has re
ceived an invitation to attend the
North Willamette district confer
ence In Astoria Sunday, March 89.
Clubs In the district are Astoria,
St Helens, Portland, Gresham,
Hillsboro. McMinnvine nd Ore
gon City.
The executive council will meet
for breakfast at th Hotel SUot at
7:80 a, m. followed by a couneil
meatinr with Mrs. Winifred R.
Herriek, state president, in the
The open forum session in the
dining room of the Hotel Astoria
la at 10:80 a. m. A akit entitled
"Positive Health" will be given to
gether with reports.
Luncheon at 12:80 p. m. . Is
slated In the large dining room
with Miss Charlotte Rudd, presi
dent ot the Astoria club, presid
ing. '
Highlights of National Business
Women's Week will be presented
by elub presidents In one minute
talks. An address, "Life," win be
delivered by Dr. D. J. Ferguson.
Adjournment Is at 8 p. m.
Provision will be .made- for
sight -seeing trips, tennis,' golf,
and horse back riding for all who
come Saturday afternoon, March
28. reception and party will be
held at the Y.W.C. A. Saturday
night at 8 p. m. ;.
. Make luncheon and hotel reser
rations with Miss Charlotte Rudd.
Hotel Astoria, Astoria. Luncheon
reservations should he made 1
soon as possible, y ,
Hal Hibbard Auxiliary at
Bane Kesidence f - v
?.30. G. Ui!I fJusic.
432 State St.
Members of the Hal Hibbard
Auxiliary gathered at the country
home of Mrs. W. B. Bane tor s so
cial afternoon on Friday. Assist
ing the hostess were Mrs.1 Fred
LaCombe, Mrs. C. W. Brant, and
Mrs. T. I. LInd. .
Daffodils and green and yellow
tapers decorated the rooms. Mrs.
Arthur Welch and Mrs. IB. W.
Walcher won prises for the con
tests. " ' : I .
Members present were Mrs. Ev
erett Buckles, Mrs. Kathryn Stry
ker. Mrs.' J. H. Arnold. Mrs. Lula
Humphrey, Mrs. Charles McKln
lev. Mrs. O. Miller. Mrs. Fred
Kuhn. Mrs. Clyde McClung, Mrs
L. Hlckelson, Mrs. B.I W. Wal
cher, Mrs. A., Tyner wooipert,
Mrs. R. C. Churchill, Mrs. Arthur
Welch, Mrs. Fred Thompson. Mrs.
John Bertleson, Mrs. Charles M.
Greene, Mrs. C O. Wilson, Mrs.
Martha Harrington, Mrs. Charles
Brant, Mrs. Fred LaComb, Mrs.
Llnd and' Mrr Bauer-' - -
Basketball Teams Feted
With Banqriet
a lolly affair of the past week .v
was the banquet neia in ne 01. Thla annual
Vincent aa rani parun nan .
which the Sodality Girls were
hostesses. It was "father and
son" night with members of the
O.Y.O. basketball teams ana meir
dads aa guests.
Tha hall was beauufuUy decor
ated in the team's colors ot or
ange and black. The Ubies were
centered . with miniature . basket
balls containing orange tulips and
baskets ot flowers were piacea
about the rooms. . ' J . ..
Dan McLellan. sr., acted as
toastmaster and Introduced ' Rev.
John Reedy, advisor; Rev.- T.-J.
Bernard. Father Flemmlng. u.Y.
O. director of Portland; Ed Heen
an, coach ; T. A. Wlndlshar, Bert
Ford, J. L. Prange, Haroio poer-
fler, George Tnompson ana ia
McLellan. jr. ' :
Little Patty White appeared
a tan solo and George Thompson
sang. The ooys presemea jui
to Father Reedy and Mr. Heenan
In apprecUUon ot the work iney
have dona for them, r -
Guesta - present ; were -Father
Flemminr. Rev. John Reedy, Rev.
TV J. Bernard; Rev. R. Neugebau
er, Dan McLellan. sr., Ed Heenan,
T.' A..Winaisnar, sen -ora, 4. u.
Prange, Leo Doerfler, J. Manuia,
A. Jarvis. E. A. Thompson, Mr.
Koenig, R. Heine, William Bliven,
Mr. Hoffert, Mr. Taylor, f. weis-.
ner, Mr. Hickman, Dan McLellan,
Jr., Leo Prange. Harold Doerfler,
John Mahula. Gene Jarvis, George
Thompson. Paul Koenig. Mel Pil-
lette, Walter Heine, Pete Horrert,
Albert Wickert, John" Welsner,
Conrad Prange, Chuck Pillette,
Nick SeTdots, Jack Bllleter, Mike
Miller Marion Hickman, . Roger
Quackenbnsh, Joe Thomas, George
Smith and Martin Mahula. . - -;
Hostesses were the Misses Mar
garet Thompson, Theresa Molson,
Mary For. Bernlce Doerfler, Sal
ly McLellan. Merle Lange, Pearl
Bairey, Margaret Molson and Kay
piUette, assisted by Mrs. E. A.
Thompson. Mrs. J. L. Prange, Mrs.
Dan McLellan, sr. Mrs. W. B. Pil
lette, Mrs. A. Molson, Mrs. J. Ma
hula and Mrs. Leo Doerfler.
Nearly ISO Invitations will be
Issued thla week for an open house
at Barbara Barnes studio to be
held on Friday, March 27. The
program will -begin promptly at
7:18 p. m., and will include class
demonstration lessons as well as
various ensemble and feature
vent I much
looked forward to by pupils ot
Miss Barnes as It gives them an
opportunity to demonstrate tor
their parents the progress of a
season's training In the school.
Visitors Honored
At French Home
Mr 'and Mrs. Curtis French are
guests at the C. F. French and
Mason Bishop homes. - Alfred
French Is here for the weekend
from the Portland medical school
to visit his parents, Mr. ana Mrs.
CV IV French. ? "r . .'1, i -
w,r in aiienaanco
Jnbnson was announcea as ine
new chairman of the fellowslilp
committee succeeding Miss ran
ees Welch,' who resigned.
A committee made np 01 Mrs. i
David Wright, Mrs. George Rno
ten, Mrs. C. W. Noble and Miss
Margaret Cosper. was named to j
represent the A. A. u. w. ai un:
meeting ' of? the 1 Camp Santlam
group.-. Monday, morning in .the
ccurthouse. -Uv"v;' - :
i;w :;. Ballard W: -r
The- nominating committee In
cluding - Mrs. i Ab Fisher, airs.
A. C F. . Perry and Mrs. Lestle
Sparks : wiU report, at the Apru
meeting. ' - . ' : - '
Dr. J. Hudson Baiiara, paswr
of the First Presbyterian church
In Portland, gave an Illuminating
talk on ."Psychology, and ? Mental
Health." , -V- n : v- -;
The studv, of the ,mma inas
been the last to be taken np. Dr.
Ballard said, and it must be in
conjunction with a study of the
body since the two are so cioseiy
He spoke optimistically of the
great reserve" of mental and phys
ical ' energy which humans have
but 'seldom use. The recent re
search conducted on ductless
tlanda mar reveal these mysterl
ous elements as the bridge be
tween bodr and mind. Dr.; Bal
lard declared.' -'
.-. ' ;.
Past Matrons Dinner at
Godfrey's Friday
A smart affair ot Friday night
was the dinner given" at Godfrey'a
by the Past Matrons of the oraer
of Eastern btar.
The table was covered with 1
laca eloth and centered with daf
fodils guarded by green tapers in
crystal cadenianra.
j After the business session s
6ocial hour waa enjoyed.
. . Tha committee in charge con
slsted Of Mrs. Mabel Settlemler,
Mrs. Marion Derby, Mrs. Gertrude
Wilson, and Mrs. Minnie Moeuer,
urembera of the association are
Mrs. Ida Babcock. Mrs. Rose Bab-
caelc. Mrs. Lena Beechler, Mrs.
Emma Murphy Brown, Mrs. Lena
Cfcerrinrton. Mrs. Alice coouage.
Mrs. Cordelia Cupper, Mrs. Jeesie
Tiarbr. Mrs. Hettde Davis, Mrs,
Marlon Derby, Mrs. Jennie ; l Em
kiabi. Mrs. Jessie Follls. Mrs. Ha
zel Gillette. Mrs. iaa uoairey.
Mir Fmmn Godfrey. Mrs. Irma
Rricrs. Mrs. Monnle Hauser. Mrs.
Rtalla Henrv. Mra. Mary Johnson
Mra. Margaret KeUy, Miss Leila
Johnson. Mrs. Josie La Fore, Mrs.
Mkrie McCall. Mrs. Ora Mclntyre,
Mrs. Alica Meyers. Mrs. Mane
urintA Mrs. Minnie Moeller, Dr.
rin Nllea. Mrs. Ida KUee. Mrs.
Addle May PetUys. Mrs. Pearl
PratL Mrs. Rose Pratt, Mrs. Flor-
enca Reeves. Mrs. Mabel Settle
mler - Mra. Estella Smith.- Mrs.
Tttin Smith. Mrs. NetUe Smith
Mrs. Eleanor Stelner. Mrs. Luclle
Sweeney. Mrs. AletU Welsser,
Mrs. Carrie Wood. Mrs. Faye
Wright, Mrs. Lillian King, Mrs.
r.Artrnd Wilson, and Mrs. Llda
Poorman. " -
AJa.TT.W. Music CUs
To Take Up Russia
Modern Russian musle and Igor
Stravinsky will be discussed by
Miss Frances Virginia Melton
the leader of the A.A.U.W. Music
Appreciation class Tuesday night
In her studio, 324 N. Capitol, at
7:80 p. m. - Russian piano com
positions will be played.
At: Home for
G HARMING . In" Its . Informality
will be the. "at home" In the
. . - '' .at.'
George Allen resiaence mis ai-
ternoon from 8 to o clock com
pllmenting Mr. and Mr. Reynolds
Allen (Mary Love Tpue. Miss
Beryl Holt will Introduce.."; ,
Presiding at the. tea Ubte.the .
irst period will he" Mrs. Lyman.
Steed and Mrs. L. O. Clement, and
the second, Mrs. David B. Hill and
Miss ; Frances Virglnie - Melton.
Calia lilies will make up the cen-,
terplece. 5 .-- . ' : . .
Mingling with guests in tna
drawing-room will be Mrs. Robert,
Craig. . Mrs. Phil Barrett, : Mrs.
Ralph Scott," Mrs.: Asa CTsner ana
Mrs. Don Smith. ... - - v ' :-
A levy of the younger set will
assist in serving. They are Miss
Betty Steed. Miss Caroline Brown,
Miss Barbara Scott, Miss Margaret
Siegmund, Miss Jeanette Hulst
and Miss Esther Black.
Tonight a group of college
friends haa been Invited to greet
both Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Allen,
and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cross
(Stephanie Smith) of Portland.
Mrs. George Allen will serve a
fireside supper with Mrs. Homer
Goulet and Mrs. Curtis Cross assisting.
Roman Residence Scene
Of Jolly Party
The basement game room of
the Joe E. Roman residence was
transformed into an Irish banquet
hall with dwarfs, harps of Erin
and Irish posters depicting a 8C
Patrick's motif last night for &
buffet supper served by the hosts.
Mr. and Mrs. Roman. - -
White daffodils and greenery.
enhanced the serving tablea.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. John
Edlefsen, Mr. and Mrs. Vance
Steenrod, Miss Gertrude Rndgear,
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Eakin, Henry,
Collins, Al Caswell, E. L. McDou-
gal, all F Portland. Mr. and Mrs.
M. J. Berg and Miss Mary Ranta,
all of Astoria, Mrs. Rue of Alame
da, Calif., and Mrs. Ef f ie Deggs of
Gear hart, Mr. and Mrs. Irving;
Dexter, Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Lytle,
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lachmund, Dr
and Mrs. David Bennett Hill, Mr4
and Mrs. Conrad W. Paulus, Mr,
and Mrs. V. E. Kuhn. Mr. and Mrs,
Dan Fry, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Keith,
Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Snell,
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Livesley, Mr
and Mrs. Harry V. Collins, Mr. and
Mra. David Adolph, Mr. and Mrs.
Palmer MacDonald, Mrs. Harry:
Hawkins, William 6. Walton, and)
Mark Skinner, y V ,,
- .j .. -. :' . !
Women to Play Again
At Golf Course
- April 8 will mark the resump
tion of "Ladies' Days" at the Sa
lem Golf club. Morning play will ,
be followed by luncheon - at '1
o'clock. ' .
; " Mrs. ; Robert Savage la captain
tor the season and Mrs. H. K.
Stockwell has charge of the April
luncheons. - t y
. : -; and the ; , ylf
via big, fast, eas-ri ding President Liners
Orleif s closer tehesse The Sboct Route el the
jbnericaa Ma3 Una saves 122 miles, gives yon three
more days ashore in the Orient. And yon enjoy saors
comfort at ses, for President liners are BIG SHIPS,
famous for their roominess and caiy-riding qualities.
Your stateroom will be outside and surprisingly
large, wkh real twin beds, wbeUw you ga FJm Oast
r Tourist. Spacious public rooms and long, glass-
low w roondtzip fares pins a farorabl rata f
exchange saaks this the time to go. v v
to Japan 8240, Jtpaa and C3uaa--$277, Japan, Ouaa,
Philippines I3T7, popular Tourist Class. . :
President Liners sail formlghtly from Seattle. Tee
may stop ever la any or all ports of call, Yokohama,
enclosed promenade decks give yon plenty el room Kobe, Nagoya, Slumidcu, Shanghai, Hong Kong aad
for pleasant hours ef sport and relaxation,' Food and ran. American Mail Line tickeu are honored en
service srs snperh, Concerts, ities, a college dance fiai JJners 0! Dollar Steamship lines, providing
fenestra, outdoor swimming, first run talking pictures eMan.veek-long stoporers tluxwghout the Orieat.
Chancellor Hnnter
To Speak Friday v ,
The" League ot Women Voters
meets tor luncheon at the Quelle
Friday noon. Dr.-Frederick M.
Hunter, chancellor Of the Oregon
state system of higher education,
will be the speaker. -
2 add to the fun of life at sea. These are the rea
sons so many trsns-Padfio travellers alwsrs choose
American Hairs President Liners.
lew issusar fern, Bsrssla Crulsts PUa to see
Jspan, CLina and the PhUIppmes this summer I Very
And yottW.retuTavU Hawaii, tfy
- JUxpentt Oriental entiset d toon in many com-
! binations, regular or. escorted, save trsreHers money.
Fares include eccommodalions and expense asaore.
For details, ask your Travel Agent, er :
S1.50 V:
BIrs. Garner's
363 EUte St.
Phone 7044
E.CouldJL.C.r.&P.A,634S.WJPordnd,Oregon . Telephone Beacoa 51 T5