5 AGE nYO The 01U2GOX -STATESMAN, Salens Qrezon, Saturday Morning Mardr 21, 1935 tarted- College Town tment- on m Cdmtruction r-Apar Visit Sunday Bullock Resigns Post He Has Held 18 Years at . -Todd Hall .MONMOUTH. March 20. Con- - a traction u begun this wek on an apartment house for Mrs. Sa die Smith. The building ia to be 29xSt feet and will be dirided into three roomy apartments, each of which will contain a liring room, - kedroom. 7 kitchen, dinette and showery with garage. Oil heating and electric refrigeration will be installed. W. L. Mason la the con tractor who Is beta .assisted by W. L. Smith, aon of Mra. Smith. Bishop E. W. Praetoriua. D. D., of Cleveland. Ohio, will rislt the local Evangelical church Sunday night While here he will gire the concluding message of the evan gelistic meetings in progress the past two weeks. Bollock Retires John Bullock, chief cook at Jessica Todd hail for the past 18 ' years, has retired, and will make his home on a small farm tract which he owns about fire miles from Salem. Mrs. Bullock who as sisted him at Jessica Todd hall for 17 years, retired last year to the home near Salem to recuper ate her health. They hare a com fortable modern home and expect to hare time now for various rec reations and activities. WPA money for the city water replacement program has not yet been . made available, but plans are all completed for a prompt start on the work. The council held a short special session Mon day, passing an ordinance recom mended by the WPA; and all oth er details are ready to start the project Marion Telephone Unit Plans Improvements on One Line; Hold Election MARION, March 20 A called meeting by the directors of the Marioa Telephone company was held Monday night at the Gray mere farm. Officers elected were Arthur Tucker, president, and secretary. Warren Gray. It was voted to make improvements on line No. 1 with new poles and wire. Grangers' News MONMOUTH. March 20 Mon mouth (range members held an all day meeting Saturday with a noontime dinner. In the morning exemplification of the order was given for Mr.and Mrs. J. A. Duan, Mrs. Ada Crowe aad Erie Swen son. Paul Carpenter of Oregon State college discussed cooperative or ganizations of various sorts, and the advantages resulting to a com munity having such an organisa tion. Carpenter, who was county agent of Polk some years since, enjoyed meeting many former ac quaintances and friends. The Call Board - GRAND Today Charlie Chaplin in "Modem Times." - ' , . EXSIXORE Today Double bill, Lily Pons in "I Dream Too" Much" and "If I Had a Mil lion" with 14 stars. CAPITOL Today Double bill, Rlch- . ard Dix in "Yellow Dust", and "Girl of My Dreams" r-l with all star cast. I HOLLYWOOD Today Double bill, Edmund Lowe in "Thunder In the V Night- and "Sunset of - Power with Buck Jones. 8TATE Today Ken Maynard in . Western Courage." II II A WonwOnwiTbcater f CJOLLYlVCOlJ ( eotiaaous Performance Today 2 1;SP to 3 P. M. - 10c TWO FEATURES Back Jones Sunset of i. Power" Thunder in the Night" with Edmund Lowe 'Added Final Chapter , - BUCK ONES tS i "THE ROARING WEST 9aadayr Moday aad Taesdajr ; with - -' ' . Charlotte Henry, Billy Brmd Fraakie Darro, Henry Armetta William Benedict The Greatest Comedians V it Mickey Mouse Gub Notes So many members have asked for more time on the limerick contest, that we've decided to ex tend the final limit to Thursday, March 2S. at 6 o'clock. Either mail or take them to Miller's. In case yon would like to see them again here are the limericks below: To a party went Minnie Monse, She forgot to lock up the house. When she came back, alas and alack A wise creature was Clarabelle COW, She knew how to. settle a row. When trouble was started the fighters soon parted Mickey went to the animal fair. Every one of his friends was there: He ate some cheese which made him sneeze. Ail you need to do is write a last line for the limericks to rhyme with the first two lines Write as many as you wish. There are six big prizes. M. M. C. Made necessary by a heavy pro gram schedule, the "Tall Tale contest has been definitely call ed off. M. M. C. You're been hearing about the Mickey Mouse "Spring Follies" for months and months! Well . . . here it is! The biggest, busiest. an-siar youth show ever assem bled. Honestly, it's an ace musical comedy. Be sure your folks see It. (P. S. Do they know the flag salute and "America?") M. M. C. It's fun to recline in an easy chair and listen to the broadcast program. Really enjoyed the show, last Saturday. Heard Benita Cannon, Edith Tanner. Georgetta and Ardys Thompson. Jean Duval, Mildred Beach, Shirley Lukins, Paul Fer guson, Jean Bates, and Marguer ita Mosier. M. M. C. Big time today! A souvenir for everyone attending the matinee chapter eight of serial Charlie Ruggles and Jack Oakie In "If I Had a Million." and Lily Pons in "I Dream Too Much." M. M. C. Will I see you at one? So Long ZOLLIE. Lower Rate For Water Is Sought WOODBURX. March 30. At the regular meeting of the city council held Tuesday evening a petition for lower water rates with over 200 signers was presented to the council by J. J. Hall, Mrs. Al bert Beckman and Mrs. Eliza Christenson who were representa tives of the Garden club. The matter was discussed for some time but no definite action was taken. Mrs. Ollie Bogard appeared be fore the council asking again that some action be taken in regard to stray dogs running at large and City Recorder George Beach was instructed to Invite the county dog , catcher to visit Wood burn and round up the dogs that have been molesting the residents. A list of delinquent water users is to be presented by the recorder at the next council meeting. State Leader Visits AMITY, March 20 Mrs. Cora Ilea ton. of Hillsboro, president of the Rebekah Assembly of Oregon, will pay his official visit to Indus try Rebekah lodge of Amity, Tues day night. tr" 1 t A .f 1 my At !' L-T I:.; 7W PICTURE OF '. WHICH IT CAN -7f :' : REALLY BE SAID ' -mV I fTHE WHOLE WIDE ; 1 j ' 1 :' WORLD HAS BEEN J ; ' : W WAITING FORI M Record Crowd at; Chamber Session Soil Erosion, Mechanical Man Features of Program SILVERTON, March 20 Per haps the larger group which has ever attended a chamber of com merce meeting at Silverton met Wednesday night at the armory when the soil erosion program and the Portland General Electric me chanical man were the drawing cards Mrs. J. C. Schlador, president, introduced the speakers who in cluded members of the electric company from Portland And Sa ltan, and Harry Riches, county agent. A number of slides, show ing the damage of erosion, were also displayed. Musical numbers included piano solos by Wayne Rose; violin so los. Party Rose, jr.; xylophone so los by Neil Rose and group selec tion.! by the three. These hoys are the young sons of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Rose of Silverton. Mr, Rose is local manager of the elec tric company at Silverton. Following the meeting, dough nuts and coffee were served by the chamber of commerce lunch eon committee, headed by R. A. Fish. 'Cracked America' Is Jones' Theme AMITT, March 20. The Fath er and Son banquet and program, held under the auspices of the Ep- wortn League of the Methodist church Thursday night In the com munity rooms of the church, was one of the outstanding events here this month. The dining room was restive with the spring col ors. Royal Cochran, league presi dent, gave a short address of wel come; Rev. Ray Vincent of Mc- Minnrille, the invocation: June Hendrie of Linfield college, so los; short talks by Rev. Ray Vin cent and Attorney Earl Nott of McMinnville and Rev. J. N. Bur dell of Amity; a reading by Miss Esther Smith. Professor William C. Jones of Willamette university gave the main address on "Cracked Amer icans," showing how great deeda are so often accomplished by per sons who are often spoken of as "queer" at the time. Over 100 were present Mrs, M. Molden Passes in North SILVERTON, March 19 Old time Silverton residents who re member Mrs. Marl Molden, 88. have just learned of her death at Parkland. Wash., March 1. Mrs. Molden was born in Hade land, Norway, November 13, 1847. and came to the United States at 21 settling first in Ottertail coun ty, Minn., where she was married to A. G. Molden; in 1892 the M ol dens moved to Silverton where they lived nntil 1902 when they moved to Parkland where Mr. Molden died in 1925. Survivors include Gustav Mol den of Portland: Adolph Town send, Washington, and Clara of Parkland, all of whom are well known at Silverton. 25c DANCE 25c MELLOW MOON Tonight 25c Dance Band 25c LAUGH...CRY .nd THRILL TO HIS GENIUS..! SCOT. ii csw CENTRAL, HOWELL. March 20 -The program at the Community meeting Friday night was present ed- in an nnnsnal and original manner. Judge L. H. McMahaa gave an Interesting talk, i Other numbers were: Skit by Emogene Wood and Rath Simmons;1 piano solo by Louise Aubrey; jokes by James Sehon and AlCowden; skit by Mrs.. Grace Sehon and Mra, Clarence Simmons; music by Roy Herr and Donald Stef fan;, skit by Gene and Donald Kuenzl. - MARION, March 20 Twenty one baskets were sold at the Com munlty club social Tuesday night at an average of 60 cents per baa ket. Jim Wilson was auctioneer. program, mostly musical, was giv en by the Marion glee club. Elmer Hester Is Called at Coast MILL CITY, March' 20 Elmer Hester, 70, an old time resident of the Gates community, passed away in Tillamook Monday. Mr Hester was born on what is now the Bowe farm, and lived there until about 25 years ago when he moved to Raymond, Wash. For the last three years he has resid ed with his daughter. Mrs. Nellie Johnson, in Tillamook. Funeral services were conduct ed by Rev. McAuley of the First Presbyterian church of Mill City, at Fairview cemetery Wednesday afternoon. Hester Is survived by the daughter, Mrs. Johnson, of Til la mook; two brothers, Ashby Hes ter of Detroit, and Fred Hester of Salem; sisters, Mrs. Ann Chat- field, Salem, and Mrs. Susan Swink of Lebanon. Mrs. D. L Turnidge was a sister-in-law. Two King wood Croups Going Into Chicken Venture in Big Way KINGWOOD, March 20 A. L Applewhite has built a new brood er house on his acreage on the Glenn creek road and brought home 700 baby White Leghorns Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hall are beginning the baby chick season with White Leghorns. Mrs. Lorna Matthews and daughter, Frances, left Sunday tor their home at Yreka. Calif. Small Frances was afflicted with both measles and flu during the weeks they were visitors here at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. England. Snow Ploughing Ends For Wisconsin Folks, Mrs. Madsen Learns BRUSH CREEK. March 20 Mrs. M. J. Madsen received a let ter from her brother. William Hjorth, of DePere, Wisconsin, who pent part of the winter In Ore gon and California, that his sons had completed 29 days of 24-hour now ploughing last Saturday, with two ploughs working. The snow had begun to melt at the time of the letter writing, but another four inches fell that night. Today Only ! Also s4L Wfife V , " x wave Sunday - Monday 4 UNIT PROGRAM? VICTOR JORY EVELYN VENABLE "STREAMLINE EXPRESS" ."Aadioseopiks'' , . v -V A'ThlrdH TH mew ton Novelty 'nuV LATEST tTttVERHAT, JCEUH REEL '-T J Performances Of Pension Play t . - -. - - SILVERTON, March 20-1. B Alfred,, president of the local TOwnsend dab, announced, that plans are complete for the show here Saturday,, sponsored by the ClUb. . . .. : . . "Life Begins at 60" will be giv en by. Will E. May Ion and George R. Stone. There will be three per formances, one at 2:30 in the af ternoon and two at night, one at 7:20 and one again at 9:30. The last show will give local business men an opportunity to attend as business houses at Silrerton re main open until 9 o'clock. The big drawing card here will be the appearance of Helen Kleeb. former Silverton girl, aa: Mazy. Ted Athy, also known over the ra dio, will play the part of Tom Harding. Other characters Include John Cassidy as Toney, the bar ber; George Roolh aa Arnold Hope; Blanche Saunders as Mary Harding; Doris Blair as Julia Morrow; Jerome Mylie as Peter Morrow; Lawrence McDonald as Allen Harding and Frank DuVall a Richard worth. The play, witn this same cast, has been showing at the Mayfair at Portland. Gym Contract to Be Let March 30 LEBANON, March 20 The contract for the rebuilding of the new high school gymnasium will be let March 30, reports Lester A. Wilcox, superintendent of schools. The Mikado, a Gilbert-Sullivan operetta, will be presented by the Lebanon high glee clubs Thurs day, April 2, at 7 p.m. and Friday, April 3 at 8 p.m. in the high school assembly. The clubs have been practicing very intensively with Miss Irene Moore, director. the last two weeks. Coach Reed Clark presented the basketball letters to a group of his players Friday to Jack Haek, Kenneth Eichner, Claud O'Brien, Frank Cruson, Robert Simpson, Truman Forbis, Dean Blatchley, Russel Morgan, Dick Nash and Carl McGowan. Silverton Legion and Auxiliary Sponsoring KOAC Program Tonight SILVERTON, March 20 The Silverton Legion post and auxil iary Is sponsoring another radio program of local talent over KOAC Saturday from 8 to 8:30 p. m. Roy Davenport is heading the committee making the plans Numbers will Include a piano solo, Bevty Whitlock; vocal solo, Clara Keebev: trumpet solo, Har old Moffett: vocal solo, Arland Schwab; violin solo, Frank Vaughn; yodellng, Agnes Walker. Legion rost rrotests Move Against Training SILVERTON. March 20 Let ter will be sent to the officials of the University of Oregon and the Oregon State college from the Silverton American Legion post. protesting the discontinuance of military training in the state edu cational Institutions. A Great Western! riGHTING roariaa " " 1 . . . MWUU' rm . Selected Short Films'! MICKEY MOUSE , r.-.......'-to--,v.... "BUCKET'S POLO TEAM'' -55 lit 1 - - ... Study Classes Are Held j ;Ewery Monday Night at Parish Hall, Suhlirnity SUBLIMITY, March 20 Every Monday night Study club will be helj at the parish hall, conducted by Father Joseph Scherbrlng. . Joseph' gchreve and son -are now farming the Joseph-Schnlte larm. r . ' Thursday afternoon the mem hers of the; Women's Altar society held their monthly meeting at the parish halt The next meeting will be on April 23 at the parish hall. Men and Women Unite Efforts to Redecorate Church at Aumsville AUMSVILLE, March 20 A project to redecorate the Chris tian church is being carried out frere, Albert Ham and Charles Martin being at the head of the committee.! Others assisting are Hanrey Carlson, Claude Boane, D. W. Lamb, Mr. Greene and D. A. Lowe. Women meet In the dining room ad Kitcnen each day and serre a Lot dinner to the men working in the church. Mrs. Fred Potter. Mrs. D. A. Lowe, Mrs. Albert Han. Mrs. Charles Martin. Mrs. Arthur Lowe, Mrs. Fred Steine and Mrs T. C. Mountain have donated their time. Most of the work on the church has been donated by the men. , Rumor Uppendahl May Be In Race For -Burk's Job WOODBURN. March 20 Con stable William Uppendahl has an nounced that he will not be a candidate for that office at the coming election. Uppendahl has been constable for this justice court district for past two terms and it is rumored that he will consider placing his name as one of the republican candidates for county sheriff. Grade Girls Beaten LIBERTY, March 20. Thurs day afternoon the Liberty school alumnae girls made up a team for kitball and played against the school girls. After several innings the score stood 10 to 0 favoring the grade school girls, the older girls then went into a winning spurt, taking the game at 10 to 11. COURT ST. CHURCH ' OF CHRIST Court and 17th S(s. Are You Afraid of the Church? Read Our Announcement on the Church Page and COME! ! "WE MAKE TOU FEEL AT HOME" SUNDAY AND MONDAY Midnite Prevne TonHe, 11:30 2 BIG HITS Fall Length Feature 90 MAD MERRY MUSICAL MOMENTS!! Hbid And 2nd Hit- Again the Screen's Most Glamorous Man Hunter Gets Her Man!' Bette Davis SPECIAL -i.:. AGENT" GEORGE BRENT RICARDO CORTEZ V. JACK LA RUE Last Times Tbday . Continuous 2 to 11 J "YELLOW-, I "GUI oLMr DUST I Dreants" Adah Chapter to Be District Host INDEPENDENCE." March 20 Adat chapter, O. E. S., will be boat for a- district meeting of roar chapters; ; Dallas. Amity. Falls City and Independence, Fri day night, March 27. Dallas wHI- have charge of the initiatory work; Amity of opening and closing the meeting and Inde pendence, escort duty and ballot mgr .' - - -" -. There will be a special program during the evening and a social time will follow chapter. Several grand officers are to be present, among these Inex Glasler, worthy grand matron, and Helen Friday, associate grand conductress. All members are invited to attend. Swander Will Conduct Installation Sunday Of Zook at Silverton SILVERTON." March 20 Rer. C. F. Swander, state secretary of the Oregon Christian churches. will conduct the installation ser vice for Rer. Frank Zook as pas tor of the local Christian church Sunday morning. A basket dinner will be a feature of the day's pro gram. Rer. Zook and his family came here from Myrtle Creek to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Or. W. O. Livingstone. Student Is Sneaker MOXMOUTH, March 20 Don ald Gebbert, a student of Oregon Normal, addressed the Townsend club here Tuesday night, present ing comparisons of past depres sions periods with the present E. X. Gillam read an original poem of his own; and violin music was presented by G. W. Shanks. WHEN ANNIE HITS THE YUKON THERE'S NO YUKON THERE'S NO 7 PLACE LIKE NOME ! PHILIP REED l - ADDED AH Color Cartoon "RTTX 8HEEP ItrV KEWS MATINEE Today. . 1 P.M. Stage Show ChapL 9 Serial The BROWN DEBY 271 North Commercial . Bert Thompkins and Syd Gentzkow v . Proprietors Rainier and Blitz Weinliardt Beer on LUNCHES CANDIES TOBACCOS Drop In Missionary Convention In Session at Albany Dnring This Weekend ALBANY, March 20. Mrs. M. G. Griebenow of Salem, a return ed missionary from Tibet, was the principal speaker last evening at the opening session of the mis sionary convention being held t the Interdenominational church this weekend. Mrs. Griebenow and her husband have been serving as missionaries In. Tibet for the past 14 years. Other apeakers will be Rer. and Mrs. A. L. Garrison, mis sionaries from India. . Operator Is 111 JEFFERSON, March 20 Mfci Rose Green, chief operator at the local telephone office, Is ill at her home with a severe attack of the flu. Mra. S. A. Pease, another op erator, is In Eugene taking treat ments for an infected ankle. Xlrs. Georgia and Mrs. Leon'Boyer are working In the telephone office this week. Form Softball Teams CENTRAL HOWELL, March 20 Central Howell soft ball team Is practicing faithfully. -They hare played two practice games with Hazel Green, both of which they last, and two games with Pratuni which they won. Woman Seriously 111 MOXMOUTH. March 20 Mrs. D. L. Hamar is seriously sick at a Salem hospital. Her condition is said to result from an erysipelas infection. Choct Colds . ....Best treated jCt?- without "dosing" ' W7J VAPORUI BiroNIGHT PREVUE TONIGHT, 11:30 , LAST TOIES TODAY LILT POXS J "If I Had A "J Dream I MlTHon Too Mitch I witn It Stars JGelXc mialnted! I "Thicker Than Water"