PAGE NINE cttoim f U The OIIEGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday" Blornin March 11, 1936 Listed Statesman Classified Ads Colt 9101 Classhicd Advertising Single Insertion per 11 a ..10c Three Insertions per lis ..20c Six Insertlont per Una "... .3fle On month per lint (1.00 Minimum churl ,25c Cap? tot tbie para arcit4 aatil : the iTtna before paVieitioa for cUuificsiioa. Copy receives1 after this Mae will b ma uaeer the hud DC To Larte te Claaaify.- Tlie Stavteejaaa inomn as' fiaaa ciat lespoaaiaahty for arrora araiab atayeppsar la aeVertiaeBieai pnbliaa ed ta Ha eoiaBss, and ia casei a-aere this paper i at taalt will rcpriai that part el aa eereztieemeet la which lb kjrpCrapaieai miaiaka eccare. The Stataaeiaa reaerret the rialit to reject ebjeetieaable aaTsrusiag- It fur taer reserves tha right ta claaaif j all idvertiaiBg tiair ti i apar ctauilica tioa. ( Help Wanted female WANTED ??at experienced sales lady at ladies' -ready-to-wear store. Write Bus 1033, Statesman. WOMAN FOR housework and care for small child. 601 1st Nat'l Bank. WANTED CAPABLE, refined wo man for motherless home with two children of school ages, la small town. Give references and age. Box 8, Statesman. Salesmen Wanted WANTED SALESMAN. Prefer one familiar with groceries". Give experi encv, age, etc. Box 1040, care States man. Situations Wanted WANT GARDEN work or genera! work. Chas. Berry, 1409 N. Church. MIDDLE AGED lady wants posi tion as companion to elderly lady, or light house ork for elderly couple. Good refs. TeL 7400. WANT WORK wash windows, trim shrubbery, lawn. 35c nr. 1769 S. Church. f or Sale Miscellaneous BELCRE3T Choice lota Tel. 8163. Baby chicks every Monday afternoon or Tuesday. Warlner'a Hatchery, 2180 N. Fifth or 54a Highland Ave, Salem, ( bias west of Fairground. ARE i'OU HARD OF HEARING? Take advantage of Souotone's FREE Lome test. Write Monotone hearing aid specialist for app'L Address, Wm. S. Faught, 1555 Saginaw St., Salem. TYPEWRITKK3 Hent a machine, practice at noma. Special rates to atu dema R.n, 420 Court. Phene (772. Oats, vetch, alfalfa hay for sale. Mclaughlin bop ranch. 2 mL north of Independence. Tel Independence 27 F2. New " set of 1935 Harvard-Classics, 81' volumes, reasonably priced. TeL :4l. ' RIVER SILT at 25c yd. Is only lc per 100 lbs. How else can yon do your lawn or flower garden so much good so cheaply? Call at River Bend Gar dens or TeL 124F3. 8.1 f for sal, ftrrpruot. Zai CHeiue kata. GOING WEST use the best. Cap's Texaco Ser. Station, 1254 Edgewater, West a!em. W. H. McClain, prop. Poultry fertilizer for flowers and laarns. Straight or with peat moss. TeL 133F2, Lees Hatchery. BOSTON Bull puppies. Geo. Meier, Pc 1. Box 234, Salem. NEW and Used Furniture, stoves and linoleum, moderate prices. Woodry Furniture Company, 474 S. Cora'l. R. L R. hatching eggs. TeL (7F3. MODERN ENAMELED gas range. Automatic oven control, 140.0. 991 MilL Phone 3296. Trade Miscellaneous Trade good used Ice box for 2 cords dry 2nd growth 4 ft. wood. Sea at 180 W. Owens St. I Wanted Miscellaneous Free We pick up dead and worth less horses, cows, sheep TeL 4869. Custom hatching our ninth year Others have been satisfied repeatedly You will be pleased too. Wariner'a Hatchery. 2160 N. Fifth or 546 High land Ave., Salem, ( blks. west of Fair ground. WANTED One passenger to Glas gow, Mont. Leave Salem March 17. Inquire 330 & 14th. Schmidt. WANTED TO store or rent grand or square piano. Phone 4791 aft-t-r 5. WALNUT, FILBERT meat?, wal nuts in shell. Any q't'y. State Cafeteria. W anted Furniture CASH PAID FOR YOUR TOOLS Stoves, Furniture Capital Hardware A Furniture Co. 185 N. Commercial Phone 7848 Miscellaneous MIRRORS RESILVERED and made to order. 1125 Edgewater, West Salem. MEN-WOMEN. Start $105.00 to 3175.00 month. Government Jobs. 23 cnaehO free. Try next Salem examina tKiif. Common education usually suf ficient. 40 hour week means many Pos tal appointments. Full particulars and list . positions FREE. Apply immedi ately today sure. Box 1030, care Statesman. Salem Wood ft Hide Co. deals In mo hair, wool, hides, pelts, furs, chlttam bark: 430 X. Front Ph. 8422. Haircuts. lOolSc. 101 8. Winter. I For Rent Rooms TJea. front R.. fire p. 2S0 S. Cottage, NICE. SUNNY room. Phone 4498. CtCratoa ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives . ranger-Hall Co, Ltd. aa Fraaeisea. Los Aagalea. Seattle Eastern Advertlsins - Representatives Bryant. Griffith 4V Brunson, Iml, Chicago, New York. De trait. Boston. Atlanta STa fared at tht Peateftc at Salem. Orepom, a, 8tcod-Cla Uatttr. Pv liihtd trry monHng scp ifantldy Baataeaa of fie; 21i South Commorxial Srraet. SUBSCRIPTION RATES t Mail Subscription Rates, in Advance, Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday. 1 Mo. Steenu: 3 Mo. 8L25; C Mix $2.28: 1 year 34.00. Elaawhere St eeata pet afo or 15.00 for 1 year in adranca. Pat Copy S cents. News Stands I cents. By City Carrier: 48 cants a month; a year ta ad l)"wV v""V: Facts Between 700,900 and 800.000 children are on relief rolls In the United States. . a More of the sun's radiation la captured and stored every year by forest trees in the United States than is released by all the coal mined. a a a Boundaries of the Great Sahara desert are reported as expanding at the rate of more than one mile a year. a a Women on" the farms in this country work an average of 64 hours each week, and many of them work as high as 77 hours, a a The countries with the biggest forest resources are Russia. Bra zil. Canada and the United States. Room and Board Front rm. with board. 215 S. Winter. Board, room, very close In. SI 82. Room and board. 249 K. Church. NEWLY furnished, large front room for two. Tel. 3634. ------ . - ,- i i.n-u"Lixrx.nn.-Tr n-Ln.nrrij- Room and board, also basement room; 40 Marion St. TeL 4445. RM.-BD. TeL 894. 8(0 Cbemcketa. aOfaTiiLtijitirii,iijiji r BOARD AND room. 10S5 Garnet St. i For Kent A partments 2 R. FL'RX. apt, heat, light, water, washing machine. Adults only. (45 terry. FIVE ROOM modern flat, nicely furnished. 1'rlvate bath and shower, 361 Leslie. U RN. 2 R.. bath, 1470 Waller. FURN. 2 R. apt. water, light, ga rage. 1121 N. Church. 3 R. mod.. 2005 X. Capitol. FURNISHED rooms, 255 Bellevua. For Rent Houses Furn. and unfurn. 1S53 N. CapitoL 2 furn. houses. TeL 3723. HOUSE IN West Salem, Box 1038. Statesman. S R. HOfSK-333 S. 19th. Tel. 6095. NEW 7 ROOM house, chicken house. One art-re, 10 miles, 8 5 per mo. and care of buildings. Use of pasture for cow. Rpf. required. Also another place for $5 mo. See Clifford Harold. Childs Miller, Realtors, 314 State St. TeL 6708. For Rent Rent 8 acres. Call 63F15. Hospital bed and wheelchairs to -ent. H. I. Stiff Furniture Co. Office rooms for rent 381 State ft Tel 27 1 J LARGE BALCONY at 230 N. Lib erty, including light heat and tele phone. See Miss Smith, Tha Treasure Chest For Sale Real Estate OCEAN FRONT beach lot at Roads End. $325 cash: or $375, half cash, balance 8 mo. G. Morgan, Statesman office. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME $ acre tract with neat ( room house, electric water system, good barn. 300 capacity chicken house, about 70 fil bert trees C years old, variety of fruit trees, raspberries, etc Good residential district Short distance N. and E. from Salem. Price $3950, easy terms. CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State St Phone (708 List your property Tor sale with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC FOR SALE, by owner, room home, large lot with fruit double garage, walking distance ; shown by appoint ment only. Price $JIy0.00. terma Phone 9541 or call at 1710 X. 17th St Houses. Grant 829 Court TeL 7723. 32500 MODERN HOME, basement, furnace, hard wood floor, fruit and nuts. On acre wonderful soil, 3 blks. from city. Paved road. Terms. $3250. 20 acres 4 miles east, good dark soil, ( room house, electricity, family orchard, 2 wells, bam, garage and chicken bouse. Terms. R. A. FORKNER 1853 N. Capitol TWO ACRES Joining normal school grounds, large house in 2 apts. and 2 small cottages for atudents, bam. lots of fruit and nuts, an opportunity to ed ucate your family and an income. Will t.V.e home la Salem in exchange, price $3500. 3 A. on Silverton road, 5 rm. modern house newly decorated inside and out, fireplace, modern chicken house and brooder rm., good barn, owner has left Salem and will sacrifice at $4200. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 214 N. High Street SUBURBAN ACREAGE with or without buildings. Glenn Adams, phone 82F12. RM. MODERN house. (H acres, mile from Salem, on hwy. Sell or trade for small house. Tel. 102F3. $1750 NORTH PART of town, 5 rooms, basement, furnace, garage. P. H. Bell, 4i9 Oregon Bids. QUICK SALE! THIS I RM. home on Court St, lot 50x1(5, is not far out. New garage on paved alley, good sized yard, fruit trees, full cement basement with fur nace and laun. trays. Price $3950. SEE THIS HOME TODAY. See R. A. Johnson with W. H. Grabenhorst A Co., Realtors 134 8. Liberty St Ph. (4(8 8 ROOM HOUSE in the Oaks Addi tion. Also new 5 room strictly modern Colonial house, two fireplaces, full basement, rumpus room, garage. H. L Stiff. SUBURBAN HOME 1 ACRE, S room bouse, modern ex cept basement good outbuildings, auto matic water system, fruit trees, shrub bery and berriea. Located close to East city limits. Price only $3750, part terms. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State St : Phone (70S WILL. SELL cows, crops, feed and a lease on 6 A. of land on Howell Prairie, $600. Owner leaving for the East. H. C. SHIELDS 31 Oregon Bldg. TeL S903 FAIRMOCNT HILL HOME 7 ROOM COLONIAL borne on Urge corner lot, beautifully landscaped, shade trees, sprinkling system, etc. Nothing like It for $7800. Will rent to reliable party for $50 per month. SEE Mrs, Ellis with - -CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State St Pbone (70S For Sale Used Cars DEPENDABLE USED CARS SEDANS 1334 DODGE Deluxe Sedan, radio 1)22 DODGE Leluxe Sedan. wheels 1(32 DODGE Coach, wheels : 1131 CHRYSLER Sedan. ( wheels 1128 BUICK, a dandy COUPES 1935 CHRTSLER Ope 1,34 CHRTSLER Conv. Cpe. 133 DODGE Deluxe Bp. Cpe., radio 1932 FORD Spt. Cp. 1931 CHEVROLET Cpe. New paint 50 Cars to Pick From HERRALL-OWENS COMPANY "DEPENDABILITY" 235 S. Com'L St. I For Sale Real Estate NICE EAST front. 60-foot lot on 24th street near State, paving and new sidewalk paid. nly 1375. terms. Two fine lots (0x130 each, covered with large fruit trees, one block from Les lie Jr. high school ana playground. Reasonable price, i'hone S4. Exchange Real Estate TO TRADE 100 acres near Salem, clear, for Salem or Eugene property. Box 1037, Statesman. For Sale Farms 233 ACRE RANCH 228 PER ACRE ONLY 14 miles from Salem, lot of improvements, part timber, milk routea and school bus. JASX iLttas. s-e us today. SOCOLOFSKT & SON First National Bank BWg. Acreage ( ACRE3. BEST of soil, 5 room plas tered house, outbldga., close to Salem ; 12500, $500 down. 10 acres, 3 room house, barn, very good soil, living stream, $1700 ; $300 down. 18 ft acres, $ room house, barn, out bldga, 12100. Terms. It A. FORKNER 1853 N. Capitol ACREAGE 10 ACRES, EXCELLENT soil, mod ern a room house, good barn, fine ben house. Karaite, family orchard, crop seeded, good road, electric lights ; - miles to Salem. A fine buyi Some terma SEE Mr. Walter with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State St Phone 6708 Wanted Real Estate LIST YOUR property that Is for sale with me. I have buyers for certain kinds of property I haven't got Yours may be the very choice my customers would take. F. H. WEIR, 210 Oregon Bldg. Business Opportunities SALE OR trade, good milk route with 19S5 truck. Tel. 3254. EXCELLENT SERVICE STATION ON PACIFIC highway In good valley town. Only $2500. Also 100x200 ground and modern residence can be Included at $5000 for both. SEE Mr. Walter with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 311 State St Phone 6703 Monev to Loan Automobile Loans Private money for automobile loans at new low rates. Personal Attention No Delays You Keep Your Car Roy Simmons First Nat'L Bank Bldg. Phone 8383 Licensed by tha Stats A Complete Service on Loans Up to $300 Wa can advance cash quickly and privately to any employed man ar woman In 24 hours. Beneficial Loan Society of Salem Room 119, New Bllgh Bldg. 2nd floor LICENSED NO S-122 AM 1(8 by STATE SIS State St TeL 3748. Loans Made In Nearby Towns Personal Loans By an Independent Salem Finance Co. Amounts to 31500 One to Twenty Months to Repay Deal with an Independent Salem owned-and-operated finance company where your needs will receive every consideration both before and after the loan la made. No Delay, ... No Red Tape General Finance Corp. Flrsl Nat l Brtnk Bldg. Phone 8553 Licensed. S-13S by State Federal housing loans title 2, build or refinance homes or business prop. Low rates. Abrams A Ellis. Masonic B MONEY TO LOAN on strictly high grade property In sums of $1000 or more no commission or brokernge. LADD A BUSH TRUST COMPANY FOUR PER CENT paid on savings INSURED to $5,000.00. Salem Federal Savings A Loan Assn. Guardian Bldg Phone 3801. Loans Wanted FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS. Invest your money at home where you ean examine the security yourself. We have a number of highly secured first mort gages netting Investor 1 semi-annually. Amounts $500-$750-$1000-$:000. We co.lect the Interest for you. See us for SOUND INVESTMENTS. CHILDS A MILLER, Mtge. Loans 844 State Street Phone 478$. Loans wanted on farm and city property. Before borrowing. Inquire at Hawktna A Roberta ------------- - -i-i-rir'iriri-LrvLrLrx-ruxrij-u- WANT $1500.00, good security. dwelling and business property. A. G. Anderson, Box 335, Route 1, Salem. Livestock and Poultry DAY OLD LEGHORN COCKER ELS $2.00 per 109 f. , b. McCoy. Wednesday of each week beginning February It OAK KNOLL POULTRY FIRM. McCOV. OREGON. For Sale Wood Wood all kinds. Call (1( (Set what you bay. Tom A George. II In. old fir. IS.51 Phone flJl .... i - -- -- -- - m-'winrwnAfm.u GUARANTEED DRY wood roal TeL S0O0. Salero Fuel Co. Trade Cottage. --'--"- '- - -- -M- - i-Lrun -i Guaranteed wood, all kinds. Old fir. IS.S0. 854 S. CqmmerciaL TeL 3046. Wood for sale. Dial (((3. - IS IN. old fir. $3.50. Tel. 1400. 'l"il-'"i' --a i s-sTLiLrLnj-u-in DRY ft fir. 84.7a. TeL 3(00. l For SaleUsed Cars .1745 . 10 . MO . 35 . 2i . (75 318 350 3(5 Phone XI (9 Used Car Quiet Auction Sale OTTO J. WILSON 8AT3 TO SELL EVERY LOW PRICED USED CAR HE HAS IN STOCK AS WE NEED THE ROOM. ASK FOR DOC ROBERTS OR SAM BOONE Come in and Place Your Bids WH HAVE A FINE SELECTION OF USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM. YOU SIMPLY COME INTO OUR USED CAR DEPARTMENT. PICK OUT THE CAR YOU LIKE AND PLACE YOUR BID. Sale Ends March 14 AND A LI. BIDS WILL BE CLOSED SATURDAY EVENING. MARCH 14. ALL BIDS AND TERMS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF OTTO J. WIL SON. SAVE AND SHOP AT Otto 7. Wilsons 388 N. Commercial St Quick and Pontiac Salea and Service Bulck and Pontiac Sales and Service 19 22 Pontiac Sedan thoroughly over hauled, good paint and Urea. Will ac cept cheaper used car In trade. Car can be seen at 2188 Myrtle Ave., Sunday. J ! wmVmMWVy-fJ'fr McKays 1925 1927 1925 1927 1929 1928 1929 1930 1939 1931 1930 1931 1932 1934 1934 STAR Touring CHEVROLET Sedan DODGE Pickup 33 45 45 45 95 135 STAR Sedan ...... FORD Roadster FORD Pickup FORD Coupe FORD Roadster NASH Sedan .... 15a 99? 265 285 285 345 3S5 445 495 623 575 695 FORD Sport Roadster CHEVROLET Sedan CHEVROLET Coupe CHEVROLET Coupe CHEVROLET Pickup CHEVROLET Standard Coach 1935 CHEVROLET Standard Coach 1934 CHEVROLET Master Sedan.. 1935 PLYMOUTH DeLuxe Sedan.. McKay Chevrolet Co. 33 Center St 430 N. Com'L Phone 3189 Open Sundays A Evenings 1929 HUDSON 8 cji., 5 pass. Sedan, ' CHILDS A MILLER, INC. 344 State St Phone 6708 Clean-Up Specials 1928 1928 1927 1925 1925 1926 1926 1923 1930 1927 192S Chevrolet Coach Pontiac Coupe Essex Sedan Studebaker Sedan Ford T Pickup Bulck Coach $14 12 9 . 6 4 6 Ford T Sedan . 3 . 3 . 8 . 9 13 12 Ford T Coupe Chev. Pickup Che v. Coach Reo Sedan Ford Panel Del. Ford T Rdstr. . 1929 1926 1928 1923 Dodge Touring Ford Coupe . . Essex Coach Overland Coach Studebaker Sedan Foi d A Coupe Ford A Coupe Model A Coach 1928 1926 113 143 is: 192S 1928 192D 1925 Chevrolet Coach The Valley Motor Co. Marion A Liberty - Center A Liberty Two USED CAR Lots Phone 7910 Cars, Pickups and Trucks 1934 Plymouth Coupe, like new with radio $550 1929 Pontiac Sedan, six wire wheels 200 1927 Buick Sedan ; 95 1928 liuick Standard Sport Road ster 150 PICK-UPS 1933 Dodge Pick-up 395 1934 International Pick-up 475 1934 International Panel Deliv ery , 500 TRUCKS 1934 Chevrolet U W. B. 495 1929 Dodge with three-yd. body hoist 359 International Logging Truck with Trailer 1200 Otliers from - $25 and up James H. Maden Co. 217 State St Phone 8590 International Motor Trucks A McCormick-Deerlng Farm Machinery Automobiles A brand new Cherrolet fully equip ped, delivered In Salem for (695. your old car as down payment baL as low as $25 per month. Special terms for veterans. For details and demonstra tion see Jimmle Davis, new cars, trucks, used cars, at Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. Phone 2189. or 8908. Acme Auto A Truck Wreckers, 430 B Cora'l Ph. 7722. Rebuilt generators, starters, radiators, motors, wheels. For Sale Wood SPECIAL THIS week only, II In. old fir. $5.25. TeL 1037. Wood Sawing Wood sawing reasonable Call 12 IS Wood sawing, lowest prices. T. 4084. Lost and Found i LOST BROWN purse containing currency and- records. Reward. TeL 8908. ' Personal FREE! STOMACH ULCERS, OAS PAINS, Indigestion relieved quick. Get fct ITT at m-v1 a Jk sis f i-taw Sa ffVMtwaJfv$ IViM I A asarfW 7asi - w w wi s rcan,i tA'tivis, Udga. at Capital and. Parry's Drug Stores. For Sale Used Cars Just Like Spring! OUR USED Cars have the appear ance of a new spring day and they are ready to go. 1835 Plymouth Coupe 1835 Dodge Sedan 1931 Chrysler Coupe 1931 Ford Coupe 1930 Durant Sedan 1929 Durant Coach 1929 Otdsmobile Coupe 1928 Pontiac Cabriolet 1928 Oldsrooblle Coupe ' 1928 Pontiac Coach 1927 Star Touring 1927 Pontiac Coach 1928 Pontiac Coupe ' Salem Auto Co. Home of CHRYSLER A PLYMOUTH 438 N. Com'L St - Phone 4673. St Patrick's Tea Slated by P. T. A. Event Will Rank Among Big Spring Social Activities SILVERTON, March 10 Plans sre being: completed for one of the loveliest early spring social af fairs for St. Patrick's day when the Silverton Parent-Teachers' as sociation will give a benefit tea at the Eugene Field auditorium. The purpose of the benefit is for an emergency clothing fund for school children who are being forced to remain out of school be cause of lack of proper clothing. Spring flowers will be used about the room and will center the tea table which is under the di rection of Mrs. C. E. Jaqua and Mrs. R. Fish. Mrs. S. A. Pitney heads the committee in charge of serving. Mrs. Edson Comstock, who suc cessfully arranged the Founder's day tea in February, Is also gen eral chairman of the committee arranging, this affair. In charge of general decora tions will be Mrs. Otto Aim, Mrs. L. E. Inman, Mrs. J. J. Lewis, Mrs. Ed Givens. Mrs. Tom Ander son and Mrs. W. P. Scarth will ar range the program which will con sist of musical numbers through ought the afternoon. Esther Wilcox, bead of the art department in the Silverton school, is arranging the posters which will advertise the tea. A telephone committee to call out lying districts Includes Mrs. Dewey Alien, Mrs. R. B. Renwick, Mrs. Warren Crabtree, Mrs. S. P. Rose, Mrs. F. G. McDonald. Mrs. James Scarth. Mrs. Ben Gifford, Mrs. Scott McPike and Mrs. Paul John son. The committees report that everyone Is invited to the tea and the hours have been set from 2 to 5:30 in order to accommodate! those who work until S o'clock. j Christine E. Lee Rites on Friday SILVERTON, March 10. Mrs. Christine Lee, 73, died here this morning. She was born May 5, 1862, in Minnesota. In 1880 she was mar ried to Eiman Lee in Montevideo, Minn, In 1907 they moved to Sas katchewan. Canada, and in 1920 came to Silverton. Her husband died in 1928. She is survived by three sons. Dr. Oliver Lee, head of the as tronomical observatory at North western university, Evanston, 111.; Selmer Lee, Stayton, and Os car Lee. Silverton, superintendent of the Silver Falls Retail Lumber yard. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Ekman's chapel, with Rev. E. G. Larson officiating. Trace of Relative Here Sought by Mrs. Bretcer An appeal to the chamber of commerce to assist in location of her great aunt, Nellie TilloLson who settled in or near Salem, Is made by Theodosfa Saxe Brewer in a letter received yesterday. Mrs. Brewer says the aunt mar ried William Tillson or Tilson, who had a prune ranch or packed prunes for shipment. The chamber will appreciate word from any one who knows the party. Spring Brings Regular Epidemic of New Dresses For Shops and Stores For Silverton Business District SILVERTON, March 10 Sil verton business district is sprucing np for spring. Paint brushes are very much in vogue and other changes about town tre being made. The old Digerness store la get ting a new front and being en tirely redone and In due time the Kelly pool hall will move from it; present location on South Water streets. The small shop along side of it, which has been vacant for sometime bag been re done and Henry Williams moved his barber shop from South Water street to this location over the week-end. A brilliant new Neon sign has appeared at the new location of the local Portland Electric store. Reiarnish Handy Store The. Handy Variety store U taking on a new lease in life, too, with an entirely new front of very modern design." Sho ." windows, -as such,. are being reitoved and the new sirafegement will permit an Inspection of the entire inside of the store from without. A new paint Job Is also being done on the store building. The exterior of the Bentson grocery 1j being repainted snd recently considerable remodel ing was done within the grocery. Vala Davis Holm Is having her beanty shop on First street com pletely remodeled and redecorat Picture Planting Tlieme of Cooley eaaBBBBBBBaBSaBBBa Woman's Club Hears Talk on Gardening at Ames Home SILVERTON, March 10. The beautiful Ames home on East Main street was the setting for a garden talk by Rholin Cooley Monday afternoon at the March meeting of the Silverton Wom an's clnb. Mr. Cooley had for bis subject, "Picture Planting," and stressed tha point that It was just as ne cessary to carry out a harmonious plan without the house as with in. And in so doing, Mr. Cooley said, the entire four seasons of the year should be remembered. It was unbalanced, he indicated, when planting to think of sum mer alone. , Prefacing: Mr. Cooley's talk, Mrs. O. B. Bentson read a poem, "My Garden," written by Miss Rosella Richardson of McMinn ville. Mrs. A. B. Wiesner briefly reviewed Aydelotte's novel, "Long Furrows." Vote Fnnd to Farm The club voted to send its an nual money donation to the Farm home at Corvallis and to the Foundation fund of the general federation clubs. Plans were discussed for a lib rary benefit tea and bridge to be held the latter part of this month. Tbe approaching Parent-Teachers' SL Patrick tea was also announ ced and all club members were urged to attend. Organize Council On Steed Industry An Oregon state seed council composed of growers and dealers was organised at Oregon State college by a group of some 50 representatives of the industry from many sections of the state. both east and west of the Cas cades. The group voted to set up a- temporary organisation with Alec Cellars of McMinnville as temporary -president and E. R. Jackman, extension agronomist. as secretary. A committee on or ganisation and policy was ap pointed to complete steps for a permanent association before April l. The idea behind the new body is to coordinate all the agencies concerned with Oregon's expand ing seed industry in order that it may be both promoted and nro- tected when desirable. Problems arising from the lowering of cer tain seed tariffs in the Canadian reciprocal trade agreement, and the threat contained in the pro posed lifting of the foreign bulb embargo, were issues suggested for immediate attention. Ray Gill, master of the state grange, who took part in the or ganization meeting, urged the in clusion of vegetable seed produc tion in the scope of the associa tion. Capitol Material Query Is Started What materials are produced in the Salem district which could be used in construction of the new state capitol building? This query is being addressed by-the chamber of commerce to all persons In this area connected with the building industry in an effort to get a complete list or list of any form of building material available here. The chamber also wants sug gestions on any product from this district which could be used in the new eapitol. These queries are be ing sent out in cooperation with the Oregon Manufacturers asso ciation, Portland, to which the Information gathered will be for warded. The manufacturers in turn will present the matter to the capitol reconstruction com mission. ed. The Ross service station has taken on a spring 'appearance in the coat of paint given it this week. ' On slain street the Hoblitt building has been completely re rodeled, even to the front of tbe store. Thlg Is In preparation to the opening of the Digerness and Adams store there. Anderson Mores i: Tom Anderson has moved Into hi newly redecorated building on First and Lewis 'street formerly operated by the Conrad Uptown Feed and Seed store. The place has been redecorated without and within. Mr. Anderson is the new Ford agency man at Silverton. Conrad's .Uptown store, ; moved across the street Into the Conrad building which was also redone, prior to the moving. The cleat-np and repair pro gram has extended to the city park where 21 new picnic tables with benches attached have been completed under the direction of M. J. Dolaa. park superintendent. ThU makes a total of 80 tables at the park. . ; 'I think e will be able to accomodate' everyone." says Mr. Dolan. "I hate to have people leaving the park or having to sit on the ground for lack -of table and ! bench space.' Business Ords la this tUsrctarjr rua tnonthly baais only. Kate: StjM per Iraa- per mowth. Auto Brakes tfike 1 amek. S71 South COqjrnerclaL Chimney Sweep ( Telephone 4lSS R. & Northneaa. Chiropractors DR. O L SCtriX OBI ChUvprerter :4 S. Utgn TeL Res. 4T82. Contractors Wa build for team, Peter Johanaen. gen. contractor, 1185 'Madison. TeL 8537. Electrical Service 'tnsi.KR Klertiie. 248 State fit Wlr ng. motors, appliance, repalra service Excavating Excavating of sU kinds. Basements dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for aJe. Salem Sand and Gravel Co. Phone 4HS. Florists Rrenhaupt'a, 447 Court.' VLL kinds of floral work. Iita Flor ist. 1278 N. Uosrty Tel 9592. Homeopathic Physician Dr. L. G. Attman. Treats both acute and chronic diseases. Office and residence, S07 Center. TeL 8832. Laundries TfIR NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER l-AUNDRY 3 8 High Ti 8123 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First In Quality and Service Telephone 3188 12(4 Broadway Lawn Mowers Sharpened, repaired and traded. Ph. 4514. Harry W. Scott 147 S. Com'L Lawn Service SOILS-FERTILIZER. Call Smith 47(0. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS RESERVOIR EXCAVATION SALEM, ORECiON Sealed proposals will be re ceived at the office of the City Recorder, Salem. Oregon, up to Two-thirty o'clock P. M. of Mon day, the 23rd day of March. 1936, for furnishing all labor, tools and equipment and making an exca vation for construction of a re servoir of ten million gallons ca pacity. Tbe material to be excavated will consist of earth and soft rock in a total amount approximating 37,400 cu. yds. Plans and specifications may be examined at tbe office of the Sa lem Water Department or at the office of Stevens Koon, Consult ing Engineers, Spalding Building, Portland, Oregon, after March 10, 1936. Bidders must pre-qualify as re quired by Chapter 225, Oregon Laws 1931 and thereafter may se Cross Word Puzzle ' I2 I3 A I6 I7 I4? o 1 1 j m m ' 2? 3? 31 32 IIlIIllllIIII 35 36 37 3? AO Z?. ai " 43" 7 "aa T 2 45 A6 Al A& At SO "I I 1 iH 1 vA" 1 1 Uj KUCJENE HORIZONTAL 1 saucy S easel 8 rough 12 Hebrew month 13 beverage 14 amorphous hydrous silica 15 infinite duration IS cause to erase 17 Roman ' patriot 13 pronoun 19 genus of shrubs 22 to take in successive mouthf sis 23 at this time 25 negation . 25 eyprinoid .fish . 2S musical note 29 part of an overdue debt 21 European tree S3 unit of work 24 born t5 Spanish lady 38 iron rod sued ta - 41 indefinite article 42 pooch 43 lithium (efaern. symbol) 44 poem 46 twice 47 disease 60 silver (ehetn. symbol) SI Egyptian goddess 63 decay 64 open space 56 tone of voice 57 vexation 68 prim Herewith is the solution to yester day's puzzle. glass- JDirector? Mattresses Mattress remade, new cover. I3.SS. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone- 4 OSS. Al3 k'LOFe'-RUU- and , ataiUwa Factory. NEW IAATTKE3 made te order, old remade? carpet rteait4ng. ste rna; fluff rug wearing & 12th A WU ur. TeL S44I... OTTO V. X WICKER. Eat I1L : Music Stores IKD C WUJr-Ptenee, redtaa, swd machines, sheet music and plane) etotl iea. Repairing radio, phonographs and sewing tnarhlnea, 433 glate Street. Salens. I Painting - Paperrtartpirty Painting, paper hanging, kalsemhtlng W. C. O Neil. 74 D St TeL 3690, Photo Erigraving Alarm pheio engraving. Ill M Cow inerclai. TeL S887. Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, progroma. hooks or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Priming Department. 21 & CommerctaL Tele phono 91 0L Real Estate F. H. WEIR. 21S Ore. Bldg. TeL $902. Stoves I ispalr stoves, rangea circulators. Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and zlrculatera. stock fence, posts, chicken wire. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 262 Chemeketa, TtL - 4771 a a Fleming ; j Transfer FOR local or distant transfer storage, alt S13L Lanner Transfer Ca Trucks e Portland dally - - . j Ramsey er truck service. Paone 2354. CAPITAL CIYY Transfer Co. 228 State St TeL 7773. Distributing, for erardlng and aleraga our- aperlalty. Oct air rotes. , j Vacuuni Cleaners For rent or service, call Salens Hard ware Co. TeL 480C Well Drilling B, A, West R 1 Bos 443. Tel 118FS. cure plans, specifications and pro posal form upon application to the Manager. Salem Water Depart ment er the Consulting Engin eers, accompanied by a deposit of Five (15.00) Dollars. The deposit will be returned to all those who submit bona fide bids and return all documents in good condition immediately after the award of the contract. Each bid nust be accompanied by cash or certified check payable to the City Treasurer in a sura equal to Five (5) per cent, of the amount of the bid. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any technicalities or irregularities and to accept any hid if it deems such aetion to be for the best in terests of the City of Salem. V. E. KUHN Mayor A. WARREN JOXE3 City Recorder M-10-11-12-1M4- SHEFFKR 69 want 60 haunt 61 cows VERTICAL 1 metal bowl 2 one in charge of a pub lication t butt violently 4 journey 6 drawing room astringent mineral salt 7 division of the Hebrew Scriptures 8 legendary bird of prey tree of Java 10 genus ef plants 11 one who runs -away -v" formed by trajtspoe- -ing letters -. of another' word 21 glandular 24 bird 27 delightful region SQr-god of love 3MfceT ef Apollo ; SS one of as ancient -Persian -" r avjet-;.-. " ' ; ; 86 place on an Island 87 raite ' ' 88 part of a printing- -:.' press " : 85 pertaining : i to Mount -, Ida . . - 40 amhe its dor 48 location 48 learning ' 49 jerk, 62 turf 65 Porttroesa . .-corn. .. .