The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 11, 1936, Page 6, Image 6

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    P - ( r r. y ft.... fs , . . t - . - . - . .
A .. Ui4ki..l.Ul t.., VA , Hi-.. ,J . . . .
and GluJb
Jessie Steele. Society Editor
Unity Tables are
Already faken
rESERVATION3 have been
I coming In thick and fast to
th . Woman's elnh for their
bridge benefit - Thursday after
noon. Tfle a 1 1 a i r siaris at z
n'rlnrlc in the clubhouse- and ad
dftlanal meat ar inriteri to rail
kt the tea hoar between 4 -and 5
O'clock. - . :.-
Those playing are a s k e d to
hHnr thir owl tablft aceAgaoriea.
Mrs. George R. K. Moorhead -will
pour at the tea hour. ..
Proceeds from the benefit will
go to the Children's Farm home
at lorTaiua.
Tnose 'taking tables so far are
Mrs. JohnL. Rand,. Mrs.' Percy
Keuy, Mrs. Thomas McBrlde. Mrs.
J. N. Chambers. Mrs. C. S. "Pat-
ton, Mrs. Ralph. Cooley, Mrs. Os
car cutler, Mrs. j. H. Bagiey; Mrs.
J. C. Jerrv. Mrs. Harrv Weidmer.
- Mrs. Joe ; S. Roman. Mrs. TV O.
Russell, Mrs wC. Dyer, Mrs. R.
D. Paris. Mrs. Geonre Torre.' Mrs.
Charles E. Stricklln. Mrs. C. G.
Shipley. Mrs. C W. Parker. Mrs.
wuiiam cnaaaier, Mrs. Jerrola
Owen, Mrs. Kate Bell, Mrs. Wal
ter Cllne. Mrs. Ellsworth Ricketts,
Mrs. Harold Hughes. Mrs. Russell
Pratt, Mrs. K. G. Bowersox, Mrs,
W. S. Levens. Mrs. W. E. Feld
man, Mrs. Charles Galloway,' Mrs.
John Carkln. Mrs. George R., K.
Moorhead, Mrs. T. T. MacKenxie,
Mrs. Virgil Moorhead, Mrs. A. G,
Skelton, Mrs. J. A. . Brownson;
Mrs. Harry V. Collins. Mrs. H. O.
White, Mrs, I. L. Darby. Mrs. Es
till Brunk. Mrs. G. W. Ross, Mrs.
B. J.-Ericksen, Mrs. Oscar Paul
son, Mrs. Earl Stewart. Mrs. How-
ard Rex, Mrs. Glenn Paxson and
Miss Frances Baler.
. ' . .
W.R.C. Past Presidents "
Have Meeting
; Mrs. Mary Ackerman entertain
ed Past Presidents of the Wom
an's Relief Corps yesterday af
ternoon. Mrs. J. F. Van Osdol
assisted her mother at the tea
' bour r - -
Others present were Mrs. Sarah
Peterson, Mrs. Bertha Loveland.
Mrs. Florence E. Shinn. Mrs. Ber
tha Ray, Mrs. Helen M. Sonth-
wick, Mrs. Effle W. Dunlap, Mrs.
Rose Voris, Mrs. Rose B..Hage
dorn, Mrs. Era Martin and Mrs.
Jennie F. B. Jones.
. . .
Composition by Local -
Musician Slated
-One week from tonight Mai
18, in the Neighbors of Wood-
crait nau la Portland. Miss Alicia
McElroy and her ensemble will
appear in Joint recital with, Hal
Young, tenor. The Active club is
sponsoring the concert.
. Included 'on the program will
be tnree selections by Oregon
composers, one of them Tir.
-flies' by Mrs. David Eason of
saiem. -
Office hoars for the society editor are as follows:
10 a. m. to 12 p. m. and S to 6 p. su. every day bat Sat '
-nrday. On Saturday, they are 11 :S0 aw VU and -12:30
r. Bkioflp. m.
Wednesday, March 11 ;
Missionary society of First Presbyterian church, ..
1:30 p. m. in church parlors. ;r -
Sweet Briar club with Mra. Larry Wendt, 2 p. m;:' '
Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans, banquet.
p. m.- at Woman's clubhouse. .
' South Salem Friends Missionary society' et home
Mrs. Don Patton. 130 Baiter street, 2 p. m. ' i
Woman's Home Missionary society in Jason Lee
church. 2:15 p. m. : j . '
- Amerfcan Lutheran guild In church parlors, 2 p. m, -
Unity class in Marion hotel. J p.a- '
: Dorcas society of Christ Lutheran church, 1 p. m. ,
- W. H.Ta. S. of Leslie church with Mrs. Mason Bish
op, 2 p. m. - ; ' . ' j ': --.;: '. . .
... Minnesota. club. C;30 p. m. Covered dish dinner In--;
Y. M. C. A.. Bring dishes. ;- ; '.- TZ-
Kappa Alt Theta alumnae meeting with Mrs. Guy '. ;
Vincent Smith, -6 05, Royal. Court apartments, 8 p. m
EzecutiTe aboard, American Xeglon auxiliary, . no -.
.host dinner, at Peter;Pan 7 p. m. , V . ' . -; J
. .s ' Thursday, March If v " '
W. R. C. Aid society all day quilting meeting st
fairgrounds." '
Hollywood Ladies social club with Mrs. O. A. For
gard. ip.n. .-- '". -s " . ; - -. . .
Missionary meeting at Knight Memorial church,
2 p. m. ' ; ; . .
- Brush College Helpers at home Mrs. Leland Wendt, :
1p.m. . . .
K. C K. T. club with Mrs. Roy Wassam, 1046 N.
CapiUl, 2 p. m. f ...
Daughters of Nile til day with Mrs. John Imlah,
1270 Fir street. -V .; ..v
Friday, March IS .
Mother's Study group of First Congregational
church, 2:30 p. m. with Mrs. Em 11 Carlson, 1475 N.
. Fourth. r ; . .. . . " :-- - - " -
lfissionary society of First Baptist church with Mrs.
Mark Skiff, 421 Court street, 2 p. m.
Women of Salem Dakota club with Mrs. Anna Tall
man, 443 N. 23rd, 2 p. m. v
- Rickey Sunshine club with Mrs. L. E. Swift, 2 p. m.,
2080 MyrUe Ato.
Saturday, March 11
Salem Woman's club, board at 2 p.. m., business '
session at 2:30
Chapter AB Has Election
Of New Officers
Twenty-fire attended the meet-
mg or Chapter AB, P. E. O., Mon
day, at the home of Mrs. w n
Smith and Miss Rnm mKBth
Smith. Refreshments were serred
alter orricers were elected.
Those named were as f oTTnwa
Miss Etta. White, president; Mrs.
Albert Hunter. Tice nrMMpnt
Z Miss Ann Boentje, recording sec
retary; Airs, w, e. Chandler, 'cor
- responding secretary; Mrs. E. C.
Richards. treasurer: . fr. r - s
Roberts, chaplain, and Mrs. Erie
-Muuer, guarov ' S
is so rare '
as a stocking
that can "take it"? '
We boast, of "the fact that
our hosiery not only wears -like
everything but it keeps
up its attractive appear
ance regardless of unusual
'wear and many tubbings!
The new colors are - here
for your, personal selection! f.
kWns tsry -
7?c to $1.65 .
Mrs. Madsen Hostess
For Affair Today
Mrs. M. Theodore Madsen. fr..
will preside at a dessert Inncheon
today m her home on the Wal
I Disabled Veterans Have
Joint Session
Disabled Veterans f thm Wnrld
War and the auxiliary are plan
ning a benefit card party to be
lace road complimenting members I glTen March 23 at the armory.
of her bridge club. Daffodils and
acacia will brighten the rooms.
Additional guest will be Mrs.
Carroll Madsen, Mrs. Burton My
era, Mrs. B. A. Brown. Mrs.
The . two groups met Monday
night: at the armory and T. W.
C. A. - !
Dl&tinrnlshed meats wer Rav
Shires of Newberg, state senior
George R. K. Moorhead and Mrs. I rice -commander;. Arda Shires,
J. A. Jelderks. Members lnrited state ! auxillarr senior command-
are Mrs., a D. Adams, Mrs. Estill
Brunk. Mrs. Keith Brawn. Mrs.
Carl r Emmons, Mrs. Bjarne Er
icksen. Mrs. Stephen Mergler,
Mrs. Gardner Knapp, Mrs. Oscar
I er; Mrs. Ethel Porenmire, presi
! dent of the Newberr American
Legion auxiliary. -
Mill City Mr. and Mrs. Dlek
Paulson, Mrs. George Rhoten, Sander entertained the ¬
atre, u. w. noss. Mrs. iTea woiie
and Mrs. Earl Cooley.
Adolynk Club Bidden to
Kennedy Home
Mrs. E. H. Kennedy, will ah
her home this aftctnaoa tnr .
bridge tea tetlnsr members of tfc
Aaoiynk club.
Guests will be Mn n v rw.
ens, Mrs. Al Adolohson. Mrs. Edna
Rowland, Mrs. Lawrence Imlah,
Mrs. ueorjte Nelson. Mrs. Jim
Teed. Mrs. Albert Gragg and Mrs.
tiarris uets.
Jefferson The March nMilnr
of. the Woman's Missionary soci
ety or tne Christian church, was
. H .1
The Store for Ladies
club at their home Saturday nlrht.
High scores went to . Mrs. R. L.
Faust and W. J. Robinson, and
low to Daisy Hendrlcson and L.
E. Dike. Those eniorinr the nartv
were Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Faust,
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Robinson, Mr.
and Mrs. L. E. Dike. Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Heroes. Mr. and Mra c VT
Cllne, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Mason: Mrs.
Clara Ellsworth and Miss' Daisy
Hendrlcson, and the hosts.
e- e- e
Mrs. Ira B. Bushey will leaya
this mornlnr for San rru
where she will spend two months
with friends.
e - e
Brush College Brnsh CnllrA
TTIiwi'M will i v . . .
- . - , I w " ... m vuu UUUiO ui
held' Friday afternoon .In- h. I Mr. - Tiant H74 in. . .
vuuvu yuiun wim memoers oil ociocav '
tne execuure committee ex hrta ! , e .
ine yice-president. Mra. rJiariM i.j i. . t
Hart. presldefLMrs. nih.rt VZr?? oi aruette.
hune led . the dro uYi V,1 S": " " e8t OI ftU
AJTin Kooinson entertained with
a duet, accompanied by Mrs. Lcab.
ara Mccaw.
Mrs. Sallie Tandy, was nrnmm
leader, nsinc as hpr tnni "Di
Pearl of the Carribean". PartioU
patlhg in the program were Mrs.
uuy Aupperle. -Mrs. John Wrirht
ana Jars. Martha Hntchfnrx.' rnr
In r the social hocr following th
program, refreshments were serv
ed. Mrs. A. D. Belknap, Mrs. Al
rln Robinson, Mrs. Ora Robinson
and Mrs. John Wricht er n.
cn guests, v
Eldriedre ' . ' A family timiM
was enjoyed Sunday at th hnm
of Mr. and Mrs." Frank Saalfeld.
tne occasion being the birthday of
Saalfeld. Present were Mr. and
Mrs. L. L. Coooer and chlldrn nt
Oregon city: Mr. and Mra." n. H
baaireid, Mrs. Teresa Cooper and
sons, Salem; Miss Lillian Saalfeld.
uswego: Florence nnRett rnnv
Saalfeld, Jr., Cecelia SaaUleld.
ana nr. and Jin. Saalfeld.
e e e ;
Rlrerrlew The' Thnrdy
Thimble -ub met at the home of
Mrs. Frank DeWalL with Mrs.
John De Wall assisting Thursday
afternoon. Sixteen members were
present. The afternoon was spent
quimng and tewing on a club
QUllt. Which is to be riven awav
at the annual harvest festival. The
next saeetlns will at th hnm
ox airs, jesse FreiUg March 20.
Hubbard "Grandma" Hanna
an Oregon pioneer, who liyea-with
her son-in-law and daughter ,Mr.
ana Mrs. i.'S. Moudr..was idn
prisea Sunday on occasion of her
tires andMriends' from ButteriUe:
Present were Mr. and Mrs. .Wal
ter Hanna, Margy and John Han
na, Mr. and Mrs. Meltla Clancy
ana son Leun, Mrs. Sidney Gra
nam and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gra
Talbot Mrs. A.' E. Cole was
given a surprise birthday party
at her home last niirht- Gnesta
were Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cole and
children, Phyllis, Marjorie, Ro
bert, Gaynell and Donald, Mr. and
Mrs. w ..E. Doty. Mr. and Mrs.
Keith Allen and eons Ronald and
Gerald." . Ilene Blinston. Eldon
Turnidge. Ralph Brown. ; Elmo
Brown and Irtia Lenaberg. At the
close of the evening, refreshments
Thursday Club is
Bidden During
Afternoon -
rrHE Thursday club has been ln
X Tited to spend tomorrow after
noon witn Mrs. . Marie Flint
McCall in her suburban home. A
dessert luncheon serred.
Mrs. C. P.' Bishop and Mrs. A
N. Moorea are Joint hostesses with
Mrs. MeCalL Mrs. S. P. Kimball
will b an additional guest.
" Members bidden are Mrs. J IT
Albert, Mrs.. Russell Catling Mrs.
E. c. cross, Mrs. Richard Cart
wright, Mrs. S. C. Dyer. Mrs. F.
A. Elliott. Mrs. Robert. Fleming;
Mrs. R. J. Hendricks. Mrs. W. E.
Kirk, Mrs. B. C. Miles. Mrs.
George Pearce, Mrs. C. K. Spauld
inr. Mrs. Frank Spencer, Mrs. F.
W. Benson, Mrs. George Rossman.
Mrs. John IX Rand. Mrs. R. P.
Boise. Mrs. c. A& Park and Mrs.
Frank Snedecor. , . "
Spinsters Entertained'
Monday Night
Miss Frances Johnson, former.
ly or f ugene. was welcomed
an affiliated member of ethe Sa
lem Spinsters at their Monday
night meeting. Miss Iris Jorgen
sen was-hostess.
Plans were disenaad far tnr-
nishinr a room at the Salem Gen
eral hospital.; '
In attendance were Mix p.rr
Goodfellow, Miss Margaret Wag
ner, , Miss PriscUla Fry, Miss
Grace Holman. Miss Frances
Kena. MtH TTv T on.Vrl.. Vf o
Peggy Munger and the , hostess.
miss jorgensen. .
e .
Smiths Give Card Party
For Friends
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Smith were
hosts for a card party Saturday
night. Prises were awarded to
Mrs. William Carothers, F. E.
Mnler, Mrs. L. E. Simpson and
Frank Fulton. '
Supper was served at tha eon.
elusion of the evening. - ,
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Carothers. Mr. and Mrs. Ka-
foury. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Conrt.
nier, Mr." and Mrs. C D. Court.
nier, Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Beard,
r. ana Mrs. J. c simnson. Mr.
and Mrs. Stuart Johns, . Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Fulton. Mr. and Mrs.
can Sharer, Mr. and Mrs. L. E.
Swift and Mr. and Mrs, p. E.
Woodburn Mr. and Mrs.
Earl W. Gibbons were hosts to
members of the newly rranled
"500 elnb at th!r hom on
Pacific highway Friday nirtt.
raxes for high score were, receiv-
ea.or sirs. Kieven uauman and
erie Gibbons and for consolation.
Mrs. Charles Saunders and Albert
Kelllnr. i . ...
Z e "e ; e
Amity. The "Stitch and Chat
ter" club of South Amity .met
Thursday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Joe- McKee with the presi
dent, Mrs.. Donald . Shields," pre
siding. The program: A group of
vocal solos by Mrs. August Rohde,
a short -talk bv Mrs. fie area
Thomas on the club having a wel
fare committee, , piano solos by
miss Marjorie Stewart
Auburn. The Anbnrn Worn.
an's dub will meet Thursday at
the home of Mrs. T. B. Jorren.
sen. 1165 N. Fifth street. R.l.m
-.The Auburn school harmonica
bana, nnder-the direction of the
primary teacher. Miss Mamie Bos
track.' made their debut a the
Mickey Mouse, ehib in Salem Sat-
nraay. ; .
ineta Hums are
xTo Meet With
Urs. Smith
A LTJMXAE of Kappa Alpha The-
i ta will gather at the Royal
Court apartment of Mrs. Guy
Vincent Smith tonight to sew for
charity. Mrs. James Sears Is the
assisting hostess. Supper will be
served after the evening" of
; Members of the alumnae group
are Mrs..W. W. Blum, Mrs. Rod
ney Brown, Mrs. Wallace Carson,
Mrs. Frank Chapman, Mrs. George
Hug.. Mrs. Jtoy Keene, Mrs. Wil-
iara. Marshall, Mrs. James L.
Sean, Mrs. Richard Slater, Mn.
Tom Wood. M rs Laura Hawkins.
Mrs. Clifford Brown. Mrs.. George
Swarts, Miss Elolse Buck, and the
noitesf, Mrs. Guy Vincent Smith.
... .. e .
Artisans PIan; Dancing
Party, Thursday ,
Capital assembly of Artisans
w ill hold a Leap Tear dance
Thursday night in Fraternal tern
pie for members : and friends.
Hours will . be from S to i
o'clock. -T ' -. ...
- James Calloway Is chairman of
me committee, which includes
John Emery and Elmer ' Coward.
floor manarer. - , " .... . . ;
': The men's patrol under Cap-.
tain ueorjre Diets has been.' se.
lected as the Al- Aiar natrot and
wiU Journey, to Portland the see-
ona weanesday of each month to
put on the regular ceremonial at
tne Al Atar temple. .
Monday Study Cluh is r
Complimented '. '.'.
Mrs. V. A.' Dan r las waa nnateaa
to the Monday Study elnb for ttn
afternoon meeting this week. Mrs.
Harris Liets gave a report, Mrs.
i v. Benson a book review and
Mrs. William Braun. a. blorranhv.
The topic this year is Mexico and
Central America. -
A discussion of current events
closed the meeting.
Present . - were . Mra. . Russell
Pratt. Mrs. Al Adolohson. Mrs.
William Brauaft Mrs. HarrU Liets,
Mrs. Leon Brown, Mrs.9 Ed Good
win. Mrs. Carl Armstronr. Mrs.
L. V. Benson and1 the hostess.
Mrs. V. A. Douglas. - s
Mr. Murray. Speaker "
At Qub Meet 1
J. 8. Murray, bertilHon expert.
addressed the Junior Woman's
elub Monday night on his work
at . the state . penitentiary. Miss
Hasel Shutt gave a report on the
district song contest.
Miss Nadine Lynn . and Miss
Edith Green were welcomed to
membership. Miss Frances Baler,
president, was la the chair.
Vonian's Clab to Hear
Col. Robertson ,
Colonel C. A. Robertson will ad
dress the Salem Woman's club on
European affairs at the meeting
Saturday afternoon starting . at
2:30 o'clock. The club trio will
sign. i
The current literature class
meets this afternoon at 2 o'clock
in the home of Mrs. J. A. Brown-
- . :' ' -
Mrs. John Imlah will open her
home for an ail day meeting of
the Daughters of the Nile Thurs
day. Mrs. Glenn Kiles is the as
sisting hostess. Members are ask
ed to brine rolls instead of the
Customary sandwiches.
The', executive board of the
American Legion' auxiliary ' wiU
rather for a no-host dinner a.e ih
Peter Pan tonight at 7 o'clock.
followed by a business session at
the home of Mrs. Nota Henderson.
'. Woodburn Mrs. Charles Moore
entertained the eontrart YrAr
elub of Hubbard at her home; in
Woodburn Thursday afternoon.
Two tables were In play with prize
for high score coins- to Mra. Hnrh
Wells.--.- '"-'.. i -
Refreshments were- served - In
the evenins after which the rronn
attended a line party at the Bun
galow theater.,
Wallace Road Mm riand
Wendt will be hostess to fellow
members Of the Sweet Briar elnh
at her home on the Wallace Road
Wednesday, at 2 o'clock.. . i
Zena Eirhtv-six nersons at.
tended the danee sponsored by the
Happy Hoar dance elub, held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hor
man, Cresswell, Saturday night
' "
Lyons Members of the eard
clab, Friday afternoon, surprised
Mrs. u. js. Brown In honor of her
birthday. Carda were In nlav. with
refreshments served.. -N ;
WiU Set Hearing
On Route Changes
Dates for hearings on nronosed
changes in the state highway run
ning through McMmnville and
through Roeeburg wil be set to
morrow or Friday when the state
highway commission meets In
Portland. - . ..
Thirty days' notice must be giv
en before the hearings can be
held. After the arguments for and
against the changes are made, the
commission ' will make . its deci
sion. . . t . . --.i..
The commission is tentatively
committed to a program of con
structing the Initial link la the
Pacific highway between Aaron
And WUsonvUle, It was stated
yesterday at the highway depart
ment here.
As announced late last month
survey of the road running north
from Aurora to Wilson villa is vir
tually completed. The new route
takes off to the north at a point
this side of Aurora, goes under
the Southern Pacific on a new un
dercroesing, and proceeds due
north. The road will run into the
4th street highway into Portland
near Tualatin and will form the
eventual through route for traffic
from Salem to the metropolis. A
1275,000 outlay on- the road Is
projected for this year.
Work on Meliana
Roads Is Planned
Twenty-fly men will shortly be
assigned to WPA work on roads
in the Mehama " vicinity, County
Engineer Hubbs announced yes
terday. The men will work on the
Mehama-Mlll city county road
and will also improve the old road
along the south bank of the Little
North fork leading out from Tay
lor s grove. . -. ,. . . .,
The work will consist of wid
ening .rights-of-way, putting in
ditches, cutting out' corners and
clearing-out brush. ' -
. No work will . be done bythe
new crew on fe right-of-way for
the new Mehama-Mill City road,
a project on which an average of
200 transients worked . for .18
months.' ; .."..'i v'
A number of the men will be
Quartered at the transient camp
whose members were "demobilis
ed' late last month. -
Attend County Confab
' . DAYTON, March 10. Mrs.
A. Rossner, ' Mrs. S. R. Tilson,
Mrs. Wendell -Willard Miss Mad
alene Rossner and Miss Violet
Senn, members of Naomi Rebekah
lodge of Dayton, attended the .
county convention held . at New- j
berg Saturday. , .-. '
For Scout Qiiet
The first of a new series el
training classes for scoutmasters
will be held at the Salem chamber
of commerce Thursday night wllhi
at least 20 men from Marlon, Polk .
and Linn counties expected to be
enrolled. The course, in the ele
ments of scoutmastership is epea
to any man over years of agev -It
is a prereqsiiita to obtainlag? '
the scoutmaster key, the five--,
year trainlag award,
Instructsra tsr Ct first fdw
classes will ta Cizrt NadermiB
Gene .Kennedy and" Harry WTed--maier
of Salen-nd Carl Conaetr.
A second series; will be of f ere2
late la the spring; cc tarty nexti ,
fall and a acoatnxaster's first aid
course later ln.the year. '
First series classes will be LtU 1 ,
March 12, 1 and 21 and Apr3
2. :. -- - -
Ilouf about the
RENT you would lose?.
We have a policy
to cover such a loss!
rJerrillD. Ohling:
. Insurance
275 SUte SL Phone $494
Now Open For
Business in Its
's World . . . Appropriated by Women!
Marinisir' SLUT isHere!
:A nnouncinq Our
aj -.
25 years ago Mrs. Henry. Thlelsen. made the first
-purchase in-our new store. (Watch each 'day for
.- names of i persons who - patronised our . store ; SS
'years ttoJ) -Z - ' '.'Wr.;;'-- " '
IV J N. fill
Twentyrfive years ago tomorrow .we.cpened our - "
.first store in Salem on Liberty street and have ;
U been in continuoua business- since that time. 1
-: R'f )ur Clf annlvVrwy,. and ; we "are troini
. celebrate during, the entire month with fBIRTH-;
; DAY SPECIALS" each day. Z-f ; , z-Z 1 ? :
Watch for our daily advertisements of these epe
. ; cials featuring new spring . merchandise "at ex- .
: traordinary savings. -. - .
Wednesday Birthday Special
All new 1936 Spring crepes
-very latest styles pas
tels and navies and black.
i -
l ..
l coiucui, waa in lua cour. uicuw uu. .
I Hi 1 .
III,-- ' : . . . - : - :
III. . . . . . ...
S IIS ...
. . I V 71 7 I X
- - :, ... - - - . " - - -'. v ,.:.- ....
A: 1 Xsy I -
J W' It z
' B I Itl T BBB- B I Bi BE I
mzm i 1
Z .. -V .Z"""" if V - - ;
. ! :..' ,:::: -i i- ,
'-'III -. - - ' XI A. X J. 1 J -- - - ,
Have these modern Initials
or .monograms placed on - v
your new handbag! It takes -- .
but a Jiffy to. put them on ' " " T "
.1 , and what a difference ' : (III 77"-
I v they make! ;; Tu u
I f ' III
I a. or cnuice oi several Biyies oi le iters. t -r
III S-! liliL LI r II IHI U I I U Villi U. H I I M . If .1
PHONE 4032 . 1
Plan to visit our store today. Itfa new, iti attractive
i . that's why we say: "A more efficient service for
our customers than everH And you're sure to" find
what you need in our complete stocks of corsets, hos
iery, underwear and cotton wash frocks I . ; -
Designers have stolen from
the mannish dress of smartly
clad men in every walk ...
from the Tyrolean guide; to
the dinner suit worn by men
- and yon'U wonder, how .
you ever Jived without one !-A-
carton copy of your""Eus'
hand or brother . your fern
Ininity is capriciously cmpha-1
sized .' ; and do men Icrve it!
It's just another kini cl flat-
Several, models, including the
Fred Astaire'. backsHre 'r e
ready for you!. -Theycari so V
practical, .wearable and thor.r
oughly deh'ghtful for spring, .
193f5. , . - . .
And,the price is only ;
New Ones! Matcliing
Shades ! Clever Fasliions ! J,
Hold everything! - These newly arrived 1
bags are being placed on display for to
day's showing and we feel Quite 'sure
youll want to see them.
j ..' . t ....... J . . .
' v Shirred Vagabonds . ',
- Carrel Vagabonds -" '
Oval frame, wrist strap
; e Bow knot trims, sJrjer style
Clack, blue, grrj tan, red
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On the Main Highway . Follow the Line ' Z.