The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 07, 1936, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OitlTGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Monring, Fcljsary 7, 1938
Local News Briefs
Car, Boal Collide A city street
lus drhren by William Allen. 295
North Front street, and an auto
mobile operated by S. C Alexand
er, West Salem, collided at Com
mercial and .Mill streets yesterday.
Ho Injuries were reported. Other
accidents reported yesterday In
'volTed Herbert W. Winkler. 830
Saginaw street, and Bert Tomp-1
kins, 1009 South. 12th, on Cheme
keta between Commercial and
liberty; El Tin. Almquist, SIS
North Church, and George Milll
ken. Sublimity, on Church be
tween State and Court.
A hat free with each salt sold.
31T.59 to 124.50. G. W. Johnson
fc Co.
Fights DiTorce In an answer
filed ia circuit court here. R. H.
Sehnman protested against grant
ing of a divorce to Mary Sehnman
who had filed her complaint here
last month. He alleges that they
are both past middle-age and that
both have been guilty of some
disputes but thst a reconciliation
has followed each separate flare
up. Sehnman says that he signed
certain papers affecting their
property last month without read
ing what he signed or knowing
the contents of the papers.
Quality goat milk. Tel. 3175.
Estate Probated The estate of
the late Robert Alexander who
died May It. 130. in Odessa.
Wash., was admitted to probate
here Thursday and Frank W.
King was named administrator.
Assets in the estate were set at
1433. The estate of William Alex
ander who died In 1928 in Juneau
county, Wisconsin, was also ad
mitted to probate and Frank W.
King was named administrator.
Assets in his estate were 1433.
Lutz Florist, 127 N. Lib. P.9592.
To Tay Attorneys A fee of
$200 for work done for the Scotts
Mills bank, in liquidation, was
approved for E. L. Crawford, at
torney. In circuit court Thursday.
The court also approved a fee of
1300 for Custer E. Ross for work
done for the Bank of Woodburn.
in liquidation. Ross won & case,
carried to the state supreme
court, which brought the bank
The Spa open until after all
Two Recruited Two applicants
for admission to the United States
army passed preliminary examin
ations here Thursday. Fred Al
ton Cady of Portland passed the
tests here to go into the infantry
in the Philippines. Roy Charles
Cameron, 323 North 14th street,
passed preliminary examinations
for the United States air service.
Both young men will go to Van
couver, Wash., for their final ex
aminations. Extradition Urged Governor
Martin urged the California exe
cutive department Friday to sur
render to Oregon officials Frank
Harper, who is under arrest at
Crescent City. Harper is wanted
at Roseburg on a . charge of at
tempting to obtain property by
false pretenses.
Pay Up Taxes Marion coun
ty as a body politic Thursday ap
plied. In circuit court to dismiss
charges against Max A. Hugh
stone und several other property
owners since they have recently
paid all taxes due on a foreclosure
suit began by the county.
File Appraisal The estate ot
Dosco E. Burroughs, incompe
tent,) is worth $1239, the cash
value of an adjusted service cer
tificate, according to inventory
of Robin D. Day, Alice Davidson
and Lyle J. Page filed with the
court yesterday.
Speeding Charged Three Port
land motorists were booked by
city police yesterday on charges
of speeding. They were Eldred L.
Mallary, Arnold Blitz, jr., and
William A. Myers.
Name Appraisers Carl Arm
strong, Paul Traglio and Elmer
Dane were yesterday named ap
praisers of the estate of Frank
Crossman. Joseph B. Felton is
In this city, on March 3, Peter
Larson, at the age of 36 years.
Survived by widow, Frances. Fu
neral services Monday at 3:30
p.m. from W. T. Rigdon dc com
pany chapel.
Elizabeth Breckenridge at 1815
Elm street in West Salem. Sur
vived by daughter. Grace B. of
Salem, and son, E. E. of Iowa:
brothers, Tom Cochran and Will
Cochran of Iowa. Funeral an
nouncements later by W. T. Rig
don company.
At Boulder, Colo., March 3, He
be Charles Beard, Jr.. 37. Sur
vived by his widow, Mrs. Alvera
Beard; three sons. Melvin, Robert
and JJilly, all of Boulder; parents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Beard ot In
dependence: brothers, William J.
and Ralph of Salem, Victor L.
Beard of Washougal, Wash.;. sis
ters, Mrs. S. F. mum. Malad City,
Idaho, and Mrs. D. W. Thorp, Lo
gan, Utah. Funeral services from
the chapel of Clough-Barrick com
pany, Saturday, March 7. at 3:30
p. m. Interment In I.O.O.F. ceme
tery. ! !
Mrs. Katherine Johnson, at a
local hospital, March 4. at the age
of 70 years. Late resident of 536
South 17th street. Survived by wi
dower, Peter W. Johnson ot Sa
lem, and the following children:
Miss Mary Johnson of Washougal.
Wash.. Mrs Martha Hubbard of
North Bend, Mrs. Eva Cummings
and Mrs. Lydia Martin, both et
San Francisco. Herman Johnson
of Salem, and Edward Johnson.
Funeral services at chapel of
Clough Barrick company Satur
day, . Mareh 7, at 2 p. m. Inter
ment at I.O.O.F. eemetery. Ret.
Amos E. Minnemaa will officiate.
Glover Gets Meal .Ralph Glov
er of the Stiff Furniture com
pnay produced the best tale of
personal experiences In credit col
lections at the Credit association
luncheon yesterday noon, and as
a result will have a meal on the
rest of the members next week.
Final details .for the annual
spring banquet of the association
were worked out at the easion
yesterday. Between 150 and 200
persons are expected for the ban
quet, to be held Thursday, March
12, at the Marlon, with Dr. Bruce
Baxter of Willamette the main
Salesyard open Sunday 9:30 'til 2.
Trees, shrubs, rose bushes. Pearey
Bros., 240 N. Liberty St.
Immunizations Today Dr. Ver
non A. Douglas, couaty health of
ficer, yesterday urged all parents
to make certain that their chil
dren have been Immunised, parti
cularly to diphtheria since two
cases have been reported In Ma
rion county in the last two weeks.
He said immunizations would he
administered free of charge at the
clinics held each Saturday from
8:30 to 10 a. m. at his offices,
201 Masonic building. He also ad
vised immunisation to whooping
cough, which may be had only
from private physicians.
The Spa open until after all
Highway Job Let The con
tract for grading and surfacing
the Cold Springs Bridge-Holman
section of the Pendleton - Cold
Springs highway in Umatilla
county, was awarded by the state
highway commission Friday to H.
C. Rogers of Yakima, Wash., on a
low bid of $51,872.23. The con
tract covers approximately C.34
miles of grading and 7.35 miles of
oil mat surface treatment. Bids
for the project were opened at a
previous meeting of the highway
Demurrers Filed Demurrers
were filed yestreday to com
plaints in the following circuit
court cases, each claiming insuf
ficient evidence: Ellmore J. Gll-
strap and wife vs. Walter C.
Winslow and S. M. Endicott;
school district! No. 24 vs. N. Selig
and others; William E. Cadle vs.
A. I. Crnadall and others: Ben
jamin Franklin Line, Inc.. vs.
Frnak C. McColloch as public
utilities commissioner and others.
Ask More Time Charles En
gene Shull. Robert John Shull
and J. F. Shull yesterday asked
the court to continue hearing to
determine heirship in the estate
of Henry Link for a period long
er than March 10, the date or
iginally set. The application is in
connection with suit of Henry A.
Link et al against Arthur Link
et al over the estate.
A hat free with each suit sold.
$17.50 to $24.50. G. W. Johnson
& Co.
Here For Glee Gus Ander
son, once a leading figure in mu
sical circles at Willamette uni
versity but now a professional
globe-trotter, is here, at the mo
ment from Seattle, to witness
Freshman Glee for the first time
since 1921.
Fined, Basic Rale Mary Rose
Read, Portland, and William A.
Myers, Portland, each paid a $5
fine in municipal court here yes
terday. They were charged with
violating the basic rule by driv
ing at a speed considered exces
sive. Gaiser at Office Superinten
dent Silas Gaiser was able to re
turn to his office for a short time
yesterday afternoon. He Is suffer
ing with an attack of influenza
which has caused him to miss a
day from school work for the first
time in 13 years, he said.
Sale Authorized Sale of prop
erty in the estate of Frank A.
Palm, personal assets of which
are valued at $81.49, has been
authorized on petition of the ad
ministrator, Joseph B. Felton.
Makes Denial A general de
nial was filed Thursday in circuit
court by Ray A. Gilbert, plaintiff
in a case against Grace Gilbert.
, LlstOB
At the residence, 520 High
land. March 6. William A. Llston.
Survived by children: Mri. Cel
este Harris and Mrs. Frances Le
mon, both of Portland, Mrs. Flor
ence Ruth of Tacoma, Mrs. B.
Margaret Neimeyer and Ethel Lls
ton of Portland, Mrs. Cecile Dun
gan of Salem; sister, Mrs. Emma
Albaugh of West Virginia; broth
er, Frank L. Llston of Salem;
five granddaughters, 3 grandsons
and two great grandsons. Fnneral
services will be held Monday.
March 9 at 10:30 a.m. from Rig
don's mortuary. Interment in Ja
son Lee cemetery.
Thursday. March 5, at her resi
dence near Quinaby. aged 83
years, Mary E. Ricketts. Survived
by sons. William of Scio, Homer
of Capulpa. Okla., J. A. Brooks,
Charles B. ot Portland, George
W. of Brooks; daughters. Mrs. H.
A. Penny of Salem. Mrs. Colbert
of Capulpa. Okla.. Mrs. J. Degar
and Mrs. Jess Hartwig of Port
land; brother, John Arnhart of
Oklahoma; 39 grandchildren and
33 great grandchildren. Funeral
services from chapel of Clough
Barrick company, Saturday, March
7, at 10:3 a. m. Interment Clag
gett eemetery. Rev. G. L. Lovell
Mrs. Eva Heth at 1796 Cheme
keta street. Survived by widower,
Grant Heth; sons. Robert and El
wood, all of Molalla; parents, Mr.
and Mrs. S. A. Hughes; sister.
Mrs. C. D. Bnrglss. and brother,
V. A. -Hughes, all of Salem. Grave
side services will be held at City
View cemetery at 2 p. m., March
7, under direction of Clough-Barrick
Co. i
: Three Industrial Deaths There
were three fatalities due to indus
trial accidents in Oregon during
the week ending March 5, the
state industrial accident commis
sion reported Friday. The victims
were Lewis F. Hanel, Hood River,
truck driver; William F. Johnson,
Portland, watchman, and Wallace
Price, Eugene, foreman. There
were 602 accidents reported to
the commission.
Minors to Pay Claims of $1,
176, largely for hospital, nurses'
and doctor's bills, against the es
tates of Emily and Margaret Rey
nolds, minors, are allowed in an
order filed in probate court here.
The court also granted a monthly
allowance of $25 to Emily and of
$20 to Margaret. The two recent
ly received $5000 in an out-of-court
No Board Meeting The spe
cial school board meeting tenta
tively scheduled for last night to
pass on the new contract offered
Superintendent Gaiser was post
poned when it was found Director
Walter B. Mlnier would not be
present. The contract probably
will be acted upon at the regular
meeting next Tuesday night.
Report Is Filed N. LaRaut.
administrator of the Richard J.
Stang estate, yesterday tiled final
accounting, showing nlcome of
$989.22 offset by expenditures.
Insurance on a house and con
tents which burned down on the
estate premises accounted for
$9 SO ot the income.
Land Bank Gets Decree The
Federal Land Bank of Spokane
won a decree here Thursday from
Mark D. McCallister and several
other defendants in which princi
pal of $4764 and interest and
costs were awarded to the plain
tiff. More Foreign Cars Non-resident
motor vehicle registrations
in Oregon for February, 1936, ag
gregated 2802, as against 2461
during the same month in 1935,
Secretary of State Snell reported
Friday. There were 100,303 regis
trations in 1935.
Walter Mlnier 111 Walter B.
Minier, Salem school director,
was reported improving yester
day at his home where he has
been confined for two days with
a severe cold. He expected to be
able to be up and about by
Install Canby Society - Mem
bers of Sigma Lambda chapter.
National Honor society, at Salem
high school will go to Canby
Tuesday night to install a chap
ter in the high school there.
Pablanza Fined Pedro Pab
lanza pleaded guilty in justice
court yesterday to operating a
motor vehicle with Improper li
cense plates. Judge Miller B.
Hayden fined him $5.
Inspects WPA Work Iran E.
Oakes, state director of opera
tions, spent yesterday in Salem
inspecting the district WPA of
fices here. He also visited sev
eral Marion county WPA projects.
Final Hearing Set Final hear
ing in the estate of Cynthia Ann
Kesling, of which George Kes-
ling is administrator, has been
set for April 13 In probate court
To Alter J. A. Bernard! yes
terday took out the only building
permit Issued here yesterday. He
obtained permission to alter a
dwelling at 458 South High street
at cost of $4 5.
Pngh Files Chester J. Pugh of
Woodburn has filed as tv candi
date for republican precinct com
mitteeman. Hearing in Month In estate
of Emily Miller, final hearing has
been set for April 3 at 10 a. m.
Courtroom Given
Complete Airing
Business was at a standstill in
circuit court yesterday, while de
partment one. scene of the KvIp
murder trial, was given a thor
ough airing following fumigation
after the trial. A conglomeration
of articles from the Kyle home,
including bed and bed clothing,
was incentive for the fumigations
Both departments of court will
swing into action Monday again,
with the Mary L. Skiff estate
case in department two. In de
partment one. Judge McMahan
will preside over trial of the
$7700 damage action brought by
Mearl Ensley against the South
ern Pacific railway and its con
ductor, C. W. Williams.
In the damage suit, based on
an accident at the Mission street
crossing October 31 last, plaintiff
alleges the train hacked into the
intersection so rear of the train
struck the car, with resultant In
jury to plaintiff, who contends
there was no signal from the
The defendant claims, in part,
that the plaintiff's car was not
under proper control so a step
cculd be made at the crossing,
and that two employes of the
train swung lanterns and signaled
to the approaching car, and also
shouted warning.
Stark Convicted,
Drunken Driving
A jury In Justice court yester
day afternoon found Walter Stark
of the Liberty district guilty of
charge of driving an automobile
while under influence of intoxi
cating Hquorv Whereupon Judge
Hayden assessed a $100 fine and
sentenced Stark to jail for 39
days, along with recommendation
to the secretary of state that
Stark's driver's license be re
voked. Attorney for Stark immediately
filed notice of appeal In open
court, and Stark continues at lib
erty under S250 bail pending out
come of the appeal.
Bnoy Back in Position
'PORTLAND, Ore., March .-GTy-Tba
lighthouse service today
reported the lighted whistle buoy
"K" at Coos bay had been restor
ed to position. It was moved by
recent storms.
Coming Events
March 7 28th annual
Freshman Glee, Willamette
March 10 County Holi
aees association. South Sa
lem Friends church, 10:30
a. m. nd 2:30 p. m.
March 10 Father and
sob banquet, Jason Lee
church, 0:30; Dean C. G.
Dnbach. speaker.
March 10 Negro spirit
ual concert. Town send club
No. 3, high school auditor
ium. March 11 Auxiliary
to Sons of Union Vetera
of Ovil war Oregon Pro
ducts banquet honoring na
tional president, woman's
dob house 8:30 p. xa.
March 11 Minnesota
club meeting, TM.CJL
March IS Jan Knbelik.
violinist, la recital at Wil
lamette university gymna
sium. March 12 Salem Credit
association annual spring
banquet, 6:30 p. m.. Mar
ion hotel.
March 10-21 Spring va
cation, Salem high schooL
March 17 la high school
anditorinsB. Townsesd dub
So, S. St. Patrick's tlay pro
gram. March 1A-22 State high
school basketball tourna
ment. March 20 Spring open
ing by Salem merchants and
Ad dub.
April IS Pomona grange.
North Howell.
Blarch 27 and 28 Marlon-Polk
county older boys'
March 80 Final date for
filing for state and couaty
April 4 County conven
tion of Farmers Unioa at
Central Howell.
Gregory Advised
Case Inadequate
Ex-Mayor P. M. Gregory sought
out District Attorney William H.
Trindle again yesterday to urge
him to act against city officials
whom Gregory asserts have not
handled water funds legally. He
went away from the district at
torney's office with the advice
that he could obtain no assistance
there on the grounds he now
claims to have for action.
Trindle advised Gregory that
malfeasance charges may be
brought only when there is evi
dence that an official has misap
propriated public funds to his
own use or has accepted a com
mission for a public contract, he
"Gregory said he would keep
hammering away until he gets the
council and water commission to
do what he wants," Trindle said.
Gregory earlier this week urg
ed Trindle to act against eight
councllmen and the mayor on the
grounds that they had voted to
appropriate water bond funds In
an illegal manner.
Few Words That
Compose Half of
All Talk. Listed
Some of the employes at the
county courthouse discovered this
week that of the reputed 455,
000 live English words, 43 are
repeated so often that they com
prise half of the total words
written and spoken in English.
So the employes sat themselves
down to make a list of the 43
words. They hit it about 50 per
cent correct on the basis of the
list which a dictionary company
holds to be the 43 words compris
ing half the total usage.
Here are the 43 given this vol
ume by the authorities: And, the.
to, have, will, it, you, of. about,
can, get, in, one, these, all, come,
go, me, say, they, with, as, day,
hear, much, she. this, write, at,
dear, her, not, so, though, your,
but, for, If, on. that, time, we.
Costs of Trying
Kyle Are Heavy
Room snd mesls for the Jury
which sat in the Kyle nurder tri
al which ended here Wednesday
will cost Marion county 1319.80.
according to the bill filed with the
county clerk yesterday by the
Marion hotel.
The Jury spent seven days at
the hotel, with eight rooms charg
ed at $1.50 per day for the 12 re
enlar inrors. two alternates and
two bailiffs, or a total of 1175.
Meals, at a rate of 40 cents Tor
breakfast, 40 cents for lunch and
tn for dinner, totaled
$173.90. One bailiff took only two
meals daily at the hoteL
Communism Topic
Of Church Class
Th rellrinus education class of
Jason Lee church which meets
every Sunday morning from 10 to
10:45 will begin a study of Chris
tianity vs. Communism at its reg
ular meeting next Sunday. The
discussion will center around four
subdivisions, "How Communism is
Succeeding In Russia," "How
Pimmnntsm fa VailinC in RnBSlaU"
"How Christianity Is a Better!
Way" and "How Can a New or
der Be Put on by Christian
Anyone interested is invited to
attend the sessions.
American Liitheran Church
Charch Street Betweem Chemeketa aad Center
Male Quartet: "O Be Joyful in the Lord" (Shackley)
R. Craven, G. Hallowell, IL Hobsoa, R. Burton
Solo: "By the Still Waters of Babylon" (Howells)
Rath Bedford x '
. Dr. L R. Patmont, Screen. Pictnres : j .
REV. P. W. ERIKSEN, Pastor i 1 1
Prune Deal Is
Found Popular
Sign-Up Around Keizer Is
Practically 100 j Per
Cent, Reported
Practically a hundred per cent
sign-up for the proposed new
prune deal was given in the
Keizer district at a meeting of
growers there Thursday night,
leaders report. Under the pro
posed plan, a cooperative market
ing organization will be set up
for orderly sale of prunes.
Aigood sized crowd attended
the session, held at the school
house, with every grower but two
present signing the contracts.
These two members both belong
ed to an established prune ex
.Growers in the various prune
districts over the state are car
rying through the work ot get
ting contracts signed, and are
meeting with good results. A. M.
Chapman, administrator ot the
old prune . control board which
the new set-up will replace, stat
ed yesterday.
Maay Signing Up
However, an accurate check on
the number of signatures to date
is not available, inasmuch as the
contracts are held in the banks
at the various growing centers. A
large percentage of the growers
in Linn, Lane, Douglas, Clacka
mas, Polk. Washington and Mar
ion county are reported to have
The third week in April will
tell definitely whether or not the
new organization, to be known
also as the Oregon prune control
board, will function or whether
the prune Industry will go back
to the old basis. Chapman says.
Elections hare been set for thst
week in each of the seven dis
tricts in which the state will be
divided under the proposed or
ganization. Each district will
elect two directors to the state
executive committee of 14.
Philadelphian Wants to
Avoid California; Asks
Lakevietv to Reno Route
T. S. Dunn, prominent resi
dent of Philadelphia, has sent a
letter to the state highway de
partment here for information as
to how to travel from Lakevlew
to Reno, Nev., without crossing
a California line.
The writer said he had read ot
the blockade now being- enforced
at the California borders by Los
Angeles police.
6SS Ferry street. Her. Roy Breuler,
pastor. Sunday school at 9 :4 a. m. W. T.
Afott, superintendent. Morning worship at
11 o'clock. Young people' service at
0:45 p m. Eveninc evangelistic service
at 7:45 o'clock. Rev. Llord Rice of Dallas
preaches morning and evening services.
Prayer service Taesday st 7:45 p. m.
Yeang people's cottage prayer meeting
Wednesday at 7:45 p. m. Choir and or
chestra practive Friday at 7 :45 p. as.
17th street and N.hpa.b. D r u
minUter. Church school 9:45 a.m. Morn
in worship 11 o'clock.
Awakening." Musical program and song ii coirii oi ut. is. v. Lxtwrrr
at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. J. C. Hill and Mrs.
Vim McKinney wil sing a duet. Sermon
by Dr. P. Jss. Schrsg. Midweek service
Uednetda.v, 7:30 p.m. William Dunigan
17th snd Chemeketa ttp..i. TT
iici. pastor, Bonder aeboo at Q l .
H. W. Wall. UDerintendnt Vnmi'ns
worshio at 11 a'rWk Th.m. "r. m.-j
Away from a Successful Revival. " Eve
ning aervices at 7:30 o'clock, Theme
"The Penitent Malefactor." Koeriil
and orchestra music at these services.
1 rcyer meeting ednesday at 8 p. m.
Liberty at Center street. J. R. Sim
onds. minister. "Family Service" with
period of worship, sermon and discussion
for all aces, beaina at 11 and clones st
12:J5 o'clock. The sermon will be the
second in the Lenten series on "Stories
Jesus Told." the theme beinf. "The
8ory of a 'Successful' Man."
Highland avenue at Church street. T.
Clio Brown, pastor. Bible school at 10
s. m. Clifton Rosa, superintendent. Meet
ing for worship at 11 a. m. Junior C. E.
st 5:30 p. m. Intermediate and adalt
C. E. st 6:S0 p. m. and evangelistic ser
vice at 7:80 p. m. Prayer meeting Thurs
day at 7 :30 p. ns.
South Commercial and Myers street.
Dean C. Poindeater. minUter. Church
school st 9:45 a. m. Morninr worship at
11 o'clock. Message. "Mr Words Shall
Abide." The leagues will meet st 6:30
p. ra. Evening service at 7:30 a'cloek,
with Mia Maoda Aldrirh speaking and
also at th senior league. Special music.
Meet at Fraternal temple, Center atreet
at Liberty. Sunday, 2:30 p. m.. transcrip
tion lecture, with question invited on re
lated subjects. At 3:30 p. u. Bible study.
"Our Responsibility as Christians."
Corner South 12th and Leslie streets,
upstair. Bibl school at 10 a. a. Morn
ing worship at 11 o'clock. Revival Mr
vices every night at 7:45 with Evsa
geliat W. A. Crumpacksr speakiag.
(Miuoari Svnod)
16th and A streets. H. W. Grose, pas
tor. Sunday aehooi at 9 a- m. Service at
10 a. ra. Germaa at 11 a. as. Lewtea ser
vice Wodaesdsy evening at 7:45 o'clock.
438 H Ferry street. Services eefh eve
ning at 7:30 o'clock. Sunday school at
10 a. m. Worship at 11 a. m. uev. u. u.
Milam, evangelist.
, Also American Dishes
How set there? Ton walking
down Commercial street to
Fits fishing market then you
tepplnr upstairs. There we
are. '
II A. M. to 2 A. Bla
Cwsrt and J 7th streets. D. W. ittniela.
pastor. Bible school at 9:45 a. as. Hias
Jean Hawkins, aapcriatendent. Hernia,
worship snd Lore's sapper st 11 s'clock.
Sennem, "Gettinc Back a Lost Art."
Chris timai Zadeavor aseetinrs la senior in
termediate and junior societies. Evening
sosr aarrios led by Dr. H. C. pley. PUs
sola hy Martha Weller followed by alar.
"Hanrlnf the glga" by tha Bibla Draasa
chb. Vocal daet by MUsee. Tvoane Wai
ters and Doris Krnrer. Sermon, "8traag
Tainis." Ladies' Aid society Wednesday,
dinner at aooa; Bible Drama elb a 6:15
a. is, for dob sapper. Bible atady Thurs
day at T:I0 . aw at tha Vsnfalow.
North Winter and Jefferaoa streets.
Lynn A. Wood, minister. Charch school
t;4S a.m. Moraine worship 11 a.m.
Theme: "The Expansion at tha Idea af
Ood." Worship at Methodist Old Peo
ple's homo S P.m. sponsored by tha Bia
aeaoei Zpworth lecwe. United Epworth
leaawa service S:SO a.aa. led by Gladys
Hedlsmd af Oreron State caMe-. Even
ing; service 7:89 p.m.. sponsored by 13
Wesley Feaadatiaa stadewta frwai Orecen
State collets. Special aaaaie and speakia.
Howard . rnffi. Japemes will sneak an
"Kagawa and His Work" aad Miss Va
leria Caaa will spesk on "Mskstnu
Gandhi" at 8 -.SO pj.
ran acsraoDxsT zrzacoPAX
8tata aad Charch etreeta. Jas. E. Mil
hfaa. pastor. Mildred Bartholomew, di
rector af arndeat activities. It M. Gstke.
Sender school anporiatewdent. Saadajr
seaool at S:45 a. as. Classes for all grades
Morning worship at 11 o'clock. "How
Shall Wa Dot" Evoaiag worship at 7:30
'clock. ''The Git a." Toaug people's
testings t 6:80 p. sa. Uaivartitv vs
aars is the Carrier room. Georsre Self,
lender. Hiarh school group led by Vorril
Crary. Babjeet, "Influence of Friends
ad Companions."
Marion Sad North Liberty streets. Brit
toa Ross, minister. Bible school at 9:45
aj a. Fred Broer. superintendent. Morning-
worship st 11 o'rlock. Sermon. "The
lwatitation: Called Sabbath in Christ's
Day." Second sermon an tha 8abhsth
question. B.T.P.C. at 6:80 p. m. 8nnday
prayer me tin a- at 6:80 p. m. Orchestra
arehsda at 7:10 n. m. Eveninc service at
Tl'80 o'clock. Sermon. 'Tha Sevenrv
Weeks af Daniel." Special nroale at both
service. Prayer meeting Wednesday at
7 :80 p. m.
"Kilo Oiftoa Ross, minister. Rnndsv
school at .10 a. m. Mrs. Bert L. Hamil
too. superintendent. Morninr worship at
1 o'clock. Soprano solo. Mrs. Floyd E.
Bates. Sermon. "Tooth snd the Ssv
lfar." Intercessory prayer at 4 p. m.
Christian Endeavor at 7 n. m. Evana-eKa-tic
Berries at 8 p. m., first of a series
of ihidies on tht Prophet Jonah. "The
Prophet's Commission." Oioir rehearsal.
Tuesday eveninc. directed by Mia Phyl
lis Macy.i Midweek meeting Thursday
night at the parsonage.
Ths monthly meeting in the Sonth Sa
lejn Friends charch. Smith Commercial
tad Washington streets. Tuesday. Rev. E.
A. Fogg, pastor of th Evangelical rhorch
of Kings Valley, speaks at 10:30 a. m.
Rev. G. G; Edward, pastor of the Wood
fcsnt Free- Methodist church, sneaks at
3:80 p. at. No night service. Come and
bring toot ranch. Edgar P. Sims, presi
' South Commercial at Washington street.
Chaa. C. Haworth. pastor. Snnday school
at 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11
o'clock. Christian Endeavor meeting nt
6:80 P- as. Evening rospel service at 7:80
o-elack. Thursday, 7:30 p. m.. midweek
meeting. Ths quarterly meeting BiMn ia
stitnte will begin it sessions Monday
night at 7 "o'clock at the Highland church.
i Corner af Center snd High street. Gov
Li Drill, minister. Charch school at 9:80
a. a, with A. P. 8 peer, superintendent.
W - i : j : . I -tA.j?
aorami wornup mum". . v .
o'clock. Sermon, "Mobilising the
caareh. l nrtstian cnaeavor as :ia
n: m. Evening service nt 7:0 o'clock.
Sermon. "Paul Preaches to Ralem Peo-
.UWli.i TTia T.Tt and What la Hi
Theme t" Special music at all services.
Ctistrch ata-ht Thursday, club supper at
StSO d. m.. classes and devotional ser-
tks at 7:30 p. in.
Vilo Clifton Rosa, minister. Morninr
wjorship at 10 o'clock. Sermon is No. 2
oa the 91st Psalm. I Will Deliver
Thee." Sunday school st 11 a. m. Mr.
Skelton. superintendent. Wednesdiv at
7i80 p. m . aU Interested in oreanizinc
the community church are nrced to at
tend the meeting at the home of Mr.
Emma Wheldon.
'. Chemeketa and I.ibertr streets. Run
djlr school at 9:45 snd 11 a. m. Ser
vice at 11 a. m. snd p. m. 8utjert.
MMan." Testimony reading at 8 p. m.
Wednesday. Readina; room open in the
Masonic temple. 11 a. ra to 5 p. m.. ex
rapt Satidays snd holidays.
fXorth Capitol aad Marion streets. Ed
win Horstman, pastor. Sunday school at
10 a. m. German services st 10 a. m..
tThv Will Wo Done " F.nrlish services st
li a. m.. The Lord' Return." So mid
week Lenten ervre Wednedy. March
l aa pastor at the snnnsl meeting of
CJsssis at Tillamook Msrch 10 to 12.
K. K. Clark, minister. Church school
at 10 a. m. Mrs. Esther Henningsen. su
perintendent. Morning worthio st 11
o'clock. Re 3. 8. Green of Salem will
neesch. Epworth Leaa-ue at 0:30 p. as.
feaiag worshin at 7 :30 o'clock. Sermon
sabject. 'The Lstt Judgment."
- Xorth Cottst-e and Shinoinc streets
Cj T. Spring, minister. Bible tudy t
lft a. m. Preaching st 11 a. m. Tanie. "Is
the Oae Baptism (Eph. 4:5) Water or
Spirit I" Observance of the Lord's aa
pr. Evening service at 7 e'eloek.
'- Corner of Hel and Acedemr street.
Bible eehool at 10 a. m. Preaching st 11
a.:m. aad 7:80 p. m. Special nrsaic. Pray
ead praise Thursday at 7:30 p. m.
Attractive patterns in mercer
ized lisle. Double sole and heeL
in the season's newest designs!
I 474 Coart . . Phone 5401
j When Others Fail
f- Chinese Herbs
1 Healing- virtue
;has been tested
hundreds rears
for chronic all.
'meats, apse,
thmat. - atlanaafeia
catarrh, can. Fon
longs, asthma, chronic rough,
stomach, gall stones colitis,
constipation, diabetia, kldaers.
Madder, heart, blood nerve,
neuralgia, rbewmatisn, high
blood pressure, . gland, . skin
sores, male, female and chil
dren disorders.
CL 'B. Fong, 8 rears practice
In China. --Herb Specialist.
122 If. Comsnerclal St Salem,
Ore. Office boars 9 to C pan.
Sander aad Wed. 9 to 10 m.
Winter aad Chsasskota stroota. 5 rover
C. Blrtcheu D-D- pastor. Charch aehooi
at S :80 a. m. J. J. Fittsimmoas. superin
tendent. Morning worship at 11 o'clock.
Samoa, ' Series : 'Life-Saving Masaagea
ad tha Saviosr' : II Tbo Trarodr at Isa-
letioa'." Anthem. "Ths Lord U My4
Strsarth" (Wooler). Sola by Miss Lil
lian Scott. "How Beautiful Cpsa tha
Moon tains" (Harker). C E. societies at
6:80 pi m. Evening worship at 7:80
o'clock. Sermon, Series: . "Christian
Tooth Building a Now World," J: " A
Sow Person." Anthem. "Father Thy
Children Bow ia Adoratioa" (Sullivaa).
Eighteeata aad State streets. Xav. Ames
E. Minnemaa. A.M., pastor. Germaa esc
manias at 9:80 a. as. 8bject, "Faith.
That WiU Nat Let Go." EagHsh csm
mnnioa at 11 a. m, Sabject, "Faith's
Acid Testing." Sunday school at 9:80
a. a. Mrs. Jacob Fox, sopsriatsadsat. La
thee Lsagu at T p. as. German Lntes
service Wodaesdsy at 7:SO p. a. Sub
ject, "Leaning Obsdisnes Through Suf
fering." English Lenten ssrvies Friday
at 7:80 p. as. Subject. "Delivered by th
Determinate Coussel of God." Dsrcas so
ciety Wednesday at S p. as.
Charch street bstwssa Cheassketa aad
Caster strests. Rv. t. W. Krikasa, pas
ter. Sunday schawl at 9:4S a. as. Arnold
A. Kruefer, saperiateadeat. Morning wor
ship rt 11 o'clock. "How the DUilla
aioned Find raderstsadiagf" -Special mu
sic, srrsaged by Prof. E. W. Hobsoa. di
rector 1 saasic af tha charch. New sneaa
hers ts be received. Lather League at
6:80 p. m, Lenten study. T:S0 p. au,
Dr. Lewis E. Pstmont will deliver s lee
tars oa topic, "My Experiences ia the So
viet Union" illustrated with scrses pic
rare. Ths Oidewn male quartet will fur
nish the special singing.
19th and Ferry streets. H. C. Stover,
minister. Morning worship at 11 o'clock
Sermon. "A Msgaifieeat Obssssisa." An
them, "By ths Foot of th Cross"
(Adams). Obligate solo, Afleae Moored.
Trie. "Tech Me to Live" (Rolfe). Eve
ning drsmstie ssrvies st 7:80 o'clock.
Crams. "The House en the Sand" (El
liott Field. Ladies' trio, "Bless This
House" (Brahe). Charch aight sapper
Wednesday at 7 p. m. Rev. Robert R.
Whitaker, of Freswater, speaker.
North Cot tare aad D street. J. E. OH
hoff, pastor. Bible school at 9:45 a. m.
Sam Schirmaa, superintendent. Morning
worship ia Germaa at 11 o'clock. Thame,
"The Preeminence ot Christ." Evening
service st 7:80 o'elsek. Sermon. "Ths
Fourth snd Fifth Beatitude." Mid-week
service Wednesday at 8 p. Women's
Missionary Society Thursday at 2 p.
Young people's ronferenes begins with a
banquet Saturdsy evening at 7 o'clock
Sunday 8 p. m, installation ot new of
ficers. rnXB METHODIST
North Winter at Market street. M. H.
Pitcher, pastor. Maxiae Ross, director af
the young people's activities. Herbert
Hansen, Sunday school superintendent.
Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Morning
worship at 11 o'clock. Rev. B. B. Camp
bell, general evangelistic secretary, of
Winona Lake, lad., will speak. The T.
P. M. 8. groups at 6:30 p. m. Evangelia
tie erTieo at 7 :30 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday at 7:30 p. m,
13th aad Center atreet. Marvin G.
Jobs, minister. Frank M. Litwiller, San
day school superintendent. Sunday school
at 9:45 a. m. Morning worship at 11
o'clock. Sermon. "The Maa With a Pur
pose." Yonnr people's meeting st 6:50
p. m. Hare! Edwards, lesder. 7:30 p. m.
evangelistic service. Song. duet. Dorthy
Jaya aad Esther Reidesel. Sermon. "High
Peaka aad ths Possibility af Reaching
Them." Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:80
p. m.
S57tt Court street, upstairs. Sua day
Ecbool st 10 a. m. Young people's meet
ing at 6:80 p. ra. Services Sunday at II
a. m. Morning worahio. Evanrelistie aer
vico at 7:80 p. m. Friday. 7:80 p. m..
evangelistic service. Pastor. Rev. Roy D.
815 X. Commercial atreet. Services
Sunday: Bible school at 2 p. m. Mrs. Joe
Wilson, superintendent. Devotionals at S
p .m. Evangelistic at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday
praise and praver at 7:30 p. m. Thurs
day divin healing subject at 7:30 p. m.
Saturday nicht. Rev. Hansen at 7:30
p. m. A. J. Jensen, pastor.
12th and Mission street a. A. 8. Hen
derson, pastor. 1155 Mission. Service at
11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Special services,
Kiss M. ii. Aldrieh st 11 s. as. Sunday
school at 10 a. m. Fred Tooe. 1r u
perintendent. Toung people's meeting st
6:30 p. m. Prsver service Wednedy eve
ning at 7 o'clock. Burt Buell; leader.
Corner of Cottage and Chemeketa
atreet. Snnday school at 10 a. ra. Sacra
ment service at 6:30 p. tn. M.I.A. Wed
nesday at 7.: 30 p. m. Relief Soeietf
Tanrsdav at 5 p. tn.
. a .
II -
"Mj mh:.& - .wcv
Mm W-Wm 1
5 wv
The Store - for Ladies
464 STATE ST. r
Leads Exhausted
: In Jeet Mystery
Howe Finds Many Objects
in River But " Quest
For Body Fails
Disappearance of L. E. Net
chief deputy in the county tax col
lecting department prior to Feb
ruary 12 when he dropped from
sight,- was still as much ot a mys
tery as erer last night. Sheriff A.
C.fBurk said.
Bert Howe spent yesterday
searching on the Willamette, drift
ing from Salem down to Wheat
land, with no trace. This investi
gation was predicated upon pos
sibility of suicide. Howe reported
that he found a cow, three dead
dogs, two dead eats and two duels
on his 17-mile check ot the river
Sheriff Bark: said late yester
day he bad about exhausted im
mediate leads. He expects to get.
word to Neet's sister In Califor
nia, bat aside from slim hepe of
some help from her, ha indicated
that it looks now u though Neet
took a boat to some far plsce. .
Audit WIU Wait
Inasmuch as Neet' did not han
dle funds la. the tax department,
the sheriff believes an audit which
he has suggested and to 'which
ths county court has agreed will
reveal the books in excclleart
No order for the audit has been,
made, and at the present time
auditors are working on the 19XS
records for various departments
of the county. When an audit ts
made of the tax department books
from January 1 to February 22,
it will entail no extra expense to
the county, as the audit at the end
of this year trill be picked up
wnere it is left off on this spe
cial check, Burk said.
No Radicals in
New Party Here
The farmer-labor party being
formed here has no connection
with the communist party and
will countenance no communist
activities among its membership,
Herbert E. Barker, a member of
the temporary executive board de
clared yesterday. He said a re- '
solution to this effect had been
adopted at the initial meeting
last Sunday.
The board will meet at Labor
hall here Sunday to elect tempor
ary officers. Members of the
board, : chosen last Sunday, are
Barker. William J. Entrees, Mrs.
M. G. Panek, Rev. Dean C. Poin
dexter and representatives from
the Jefferson, Scio and Stayton
at Your Party Tonight
The 'Game That's Sweeping
the Country!
: S40 State St.
Dr. Chan Lata
Natural remedies
for disorders of Us
er, stomach, glands,
skin; and urinary
system of men and
women. New diav
cnteri f ne m m m at s
llahete a I t h n a t 1 "
the use of Insulin.
19 years la bnsi- T-
ess. Naturopathic
physicians. 393 Court St.
Corner Liberty
Office) opew Satarw
days aad Tuesdays
only, 10 A. M. to 1
P, M., 6 P. BI. to 7.
Consultation) Blood
pressure and arise
Gsidi. ckaa t e s t s are free of
H. p. marge.
34 Inches
The answer to the
ball gal's prayer for a
chiffon stocking that's
really made for her.
And Rollins S175 with
its Flexible top fits
without binding at the
thigh. It's ringlets,
land has wearing tea
tares aplenty.
iai a.) AMt