The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, March 3, 193S .r 1 . Indnstrials Lead in Quiet' treef on PAGE EIGHT Upward .Move Wall ent IBghs Reached But Sales Few Steels Take Initiative on Forecasts of Increase in Mill Production NEW YORK, March 2.-UP)-ln dustrial stocks led a quiet for ward movement in today's mar- keC A late' upturn in the steels, following ofiicial estimates of an increase in current mill opera tions. was pleasing fodder for the bullish forces. Bat .farm implement, motor. agar, mine anda wide assort meat of specialties gave an ex eeptlonally good account of them selves and many new five-year highs were recorded. The only shadows were that trading was relatively dull and some buying was said to have in dicated professional participation. The interest of the public was far from feverish. Transfers totaled only 2.016,' 320 shares, the smallest for a five-hour session since January 21. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks turned in a gain of .$ot a point at 62.1. The indus trial composite stepped up .9 of a point to its best level since 1931. Portland Man Is Injured in Crash JEFFERSON, March 2 One man was seriously injured in an auto accident Monday at 8 a.m. on the highway two miles north of Jefferson in front of the Goin farm. Jack Wiebe of Portland, foreman of an Albany school con struction project, driving a Ford sedan traveling south lost control of his car and it skidded across the highway directly in front of an other car driven by VT. E. Fitz gerald also of Portland traveling north from Eugene, collided with the Weld car, hitting it broad side. Wiebe was taken to the Albany hospital by ambulance where it was found he was suffering with a pnnctnred lung, lacerations and bruises. Fitzgerald also received a cut above an eye and body bruis es, which were treated at the of fice of a local physician. He re turned to Portland Monday noon by stage. . The impact was so great that th sedan was completely demol ished, and the other car also badly damaged. The fog was quite dense Monday morning. Su Patrick Silver Tea Will Be Held Friday by Women, Turner Church TURNER, March t. The Me thodist women will hold a St Pat rick's sllrer tea, Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Oswald W. Jefferson. church congregational bus iness meeting Is called for Thurs day sogni at a: is o'clock at the church. Old-Fashioned Party Planned For Roberts ROBERTS, March 2. The ; Home Economics club of the Rob : erts grange Is sponsoring an old fashioned play party and basket social at the community hall Sat urday night, March 7. Everyone is lnrited and each lady bring a well filled basket Men are to wear overalls and women sunbonnets and house dresses. General Markets PK0DTJCB EXCHANGE PORTLAND, Ore, March 2. (AP) Produce exchange net prices: Batter Extras, 33e; standards, prime Crata, firata, 82 He. Butterfat 85-36 He. Zggs Large C. 8. specials. 21; U. 8. extras, U. S. aaedinm extraa, 18e. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore , March 2. (AP) Wheat: Ope a High Low Close May 854 85 8514 854 Jaly 78 79 79 19 September 79 79 79 79 Cash: Big Bead blueetem, 13 per cent.' 81.24; do. 13 per cent, 11.21; dark bard winter, IS per cent. S.ll; do. 11 per eat. 89e; soft white, western white, wasters red, 84 He; northern spring, hard Viator, 86e. Oata, Jie. S white. 123 to $24. Cora, No. 2 eastern yellow, $32. U illran. $18 to $18.50. Today 'a ear receipts: Wheat. 50; floor, -4; oata, ; hay, 2. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore, March 2.(AP) (TJ. S. Dept. A sr.) Hogs: Receipts 2,. OOO iacrading 50 direct ; market alow, eoastly 25-40 below Friday. Good to c'.aice 165-215 lba. drire ins $10.60 10.75. Lead lota largely $10.80; one load a-rty 910.9O; 330-260 lba. 810.25; hea--Ser daws to $9.75; right ogata. $10-10.25. Paekiag tows $8.75-9; feeder pigs, $10 10.75. Cattle: Receipts 3.500 Including 111 throat- and direct: eal-ee 225. Market Matly ataady. eloaiac (airly active. Veal era, $1-10 lower. Balk fed s tears, $6.15 T; Plainer, $V. Heifers largely. few. $6.15-6.95; low eattar aad eatter cwwB, $9-9.75; eemmoa to aaedinm, $4 4.75; good beef caws, $3-5.85. Bulla, $5-5.50, oaUUadiag to $5.85. Good to eneiea -aalera ! largely. $8.50-9, few early aalee, t-0--- Shew-: Receipts 9,300. Market fairly aetl-a, mostly steady. 8ix doubles $4-95-la. feel Iambs, $9.75-10. Medina to good drire-i-a, $9-0.35; cboica to $9.75; eea wtaa dowa to $70. Medina to good ewea $3.75-4-10; ehoiea qnoUble to $5. Portland Prodnce POKTLAND. Ore, March S.(AP) Batter Priata, A rrade, 3He Ib. la SarehaieBt wrapper, 87 IK ia cartons; grade, parchment wrapper, 85 lb.; rartom 3H lb. Battarfat Portland dell eery: A graae, detireries at leaat twice weekly, 97-3Se IK; country reatee, 35-87e IK: B grade, delireriea less tkaa twice Wwekly. 85 8Ce IK; C grade at market. Salem j Markets Grade II raw 4 per cent milt, Salenv basic pool price $1.91 per htndred! Co-op bu t erf at price. F. O. II. Salemj S3 He. (bint cased oo Mai monthly attraja.) Distributer price $2L34.f A grade intterfal Peliv ered, 37 He; B grade deliv ered, 36c. A grade prints, 37c; B grade, 86c. Cnfti pn4 M frowara by Salaa bnrara. (Tba pricaa bk. aupplia- by. a local frocar. ara ir.dlcatWa af tba daily' mark it but ara aat fiiaraataad ky Tba CtaUa man.) (Burins Prlca; CaJif. fra date, lb. At Pineapple. Hawaiian, aa. , .85 H Oranges, fancy 3.25 to $.00 Choica 2.50 to J.50 Manama, lb.. OB tta!k , ... .08 iiai.da , , .07 Lemont. fancy 5.00 ta 6.25 Choice 4.00 to 5.50 (.imps, fresh, dox. 1.00 Grapefruit, Florida .... . 3.75 to 4.50 Arizona 2.00 to 2.50 Apples Delicious, bu opiu. buabal 40 ta .30 ta .15 .85 VEGETABLES (Buying Price) New peas, Calif., lb .09 Rhubarb, hothonss .. .70. .80 and .SO Cauliflower, Calif., crate 1.00 Lettuce. Calif., crata 2.00 to 3.25 Parsnips, log 1.20 1.90 1.25 1.85 .04 S.50 3.00 .35 1.50 .15 1.80 1.15 1.50 , 1.75, 1.40 Sweet potatoes, crate Onions. Labish. ct Yakima, rwL Yakima marblehead squash, lb. . Cahbare. Oregon, cwt. 1.75 to California, cwt , Carrots, Calif., dot. , Celery hearts, dos. Green peppers. Calif, lb. . Potatoes. So. 1. local Potatoes, No 2, local Spinach. Calif.. 20 lb. crate Texas spinach, hamper ... Chinese cabbage, craie Hothouse tomatoes . 2.50 to 1.00 Turnips, dozen, Calif. . .63 Celery. I'tah Tariety 2.25 to 2.75 Celery. Chula Vista 2.00 to 2.50 Artichokes, box 3.25 Rutabagas, cwt. ,, 1.35 Green onions, doien . .40 NUTS Walnuts lb. .10 ta .14 Filberta. lb. .14 ta .11 HOPS (Baying Price) Clusters. 1935. lb, top .10 .33 .29 .27 rugglea. 1935. top. lb. WOOL AND MOHAIB (Buying Price) Mohair 32 to Medium wool Coarse wool EGGS A50 POTJXTET (Buying Price of Andreseni) Extras Medium extras .16 .14 .15 .13 Standards Medium standard (Andresen A Son Buying Price) Heavy hens, m ot over .18 HeiTT hens, oter S lbs. .10 .14 .12 Jl .08 .00 .17 .15 Colored mediums. Ib. Medium Leghorns, lb. Light, lb. Stag, lb. Old' roosters, lb. Colored frys. lb. White Leghorns. frys. Ib. MARION CREAMERY boyiag prices Live Poultry. No, 1 stock Heavy hens, under 5 lbs. Hear- hens, over 5 lbs. .16 .18 .13 .13 .10 .18 .08 .07 .05 .16 .14 .14 .13 .13 .12 .20 .20 Medium colored hens, Ib. Leghorn hens, over 3V4 lbs. Leghorn hens, light Colored springers . , Old Boosters, lb. : 8 tags Rejects Errs Candled and graded Large extras ,, Large standards . Medium extras . Medium standard a TJndergrades Pullets TUEKET MARKET Fancy young hens. Ib. Fancy young torn, lb. LIVESTOCK (Buying Price) Lambs 9.00 .04 .06 H Ewea, Ib. Yearling lambs Hogs. 130-160 lbs. 160 210 lbs., top 210 250 lbs., top Sows .03 to .05 to . 9.50 to 10.25 10.50 10.00 to 10 25 7.75 to 8.25 5.00 to 6.00 1.50 to 4.00 4.00 to 5.00 4.50 to 5.00 9.00 to 5.50 8teers Dairy type cows Beef cows Bulls Heifers Veal, top 10.00 - Dressed real. lb. .13 .15 Dressed ho; GRAIN AND HAT Wheat, western red White, Xo. 1 Barley, brewing, ton Feed barley, ton Oats, milling, ton Feed, ton ; Hay buying prices Alfalfa. alley .81 .82 ..23.00 21.00 23.00 ..21.00 .13.00 .11.00 .1 1.00 Clorer bay . Oata and retch, ton Stocks and Bonds Man-h 2 STOCK AVEEAGES (Compiled by The Associated Press) 30 15 15 60 Indost. Today eo.7 Pre-, day 78.8 Month ago 78.6 Tear ago 53.0 1935 high 80.6 1936 low 73.4 Ralls 37.7 37.3 34.6 21.0 39.7 30.2 31.2 18.5 TJtil. 49.4 49.0 47.7 23.0 50.8 45.0 44.7 21.6 Stock 62.1 61.5 59 9 37.5 61.5 5S.7 5.l 34.8 1935 high 1935 low . 76.3 . 49.1 BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 10 Rails 93.2 . 93.3 Indnst. 103.6 103.8 103.2 94.5 104.1 102.4 102.2 92.2 Util. Forei'n Today .... 101.9 71.9 Pre-, day Month ago Tear ago 101.8 101.9 88.7 102.8 99.8 99.8 81.5 71.5 70.6 69.3 71.5 69.6 70.4 65.5 91.2 82.6 94.8 1936 high 1936 low 86.9 1935 high . 7.9 1935 low 76.4 Xew 1936 highs. B grade cream for market Buying price, butterfat basis, 53 He lb. Eggs Buying price of wholesalers? Fresh specials. 1819c; extras, 18e; stan dards, 16e; extra medium, 15e; do, me dium firsts, 14c; undergrade, 13e; pal lets. 13c doxen. Cheese Oregoo triplets, 17c; Oregon loaf. 18c. Brekera will play H cant be low quotations. - Milk A grade. Portland delivery. 58 He lb.; butterfat bssis (or 4 per cent. Country msats Selling price to retail era: country killed bogs, best botchers. under 150 lbs,: 14H-15 lb.; -eaiera. No. 1, 14H-15 lb.: light and thin. 9- 12e lb.; heary, tH-lOe lb.; cutter cows. 7-Se IK: can nasi, cows, 6-7e lb.: bulls. 8H-9e IK; lambs.. 16-17s IK; mediam. 12-13e lb.; ewea, 6-1 Oe lb. Mohair Nominal contract price, 95c Ik- . .... Caeeara bark Buymg price, 1989 peel. 3He IK Hops nominal ; dusters, i-e to. LiTa poultry Portland deliery buy ing price: Colore bene, arer 4H 17-ISe lb.; aa-er 4H ios in.; Leghora hena. eer SH lbs, 19-16e IK; under SH lbs. 14-15c; Leghora broilers, 3 lba. aad dawn. 19a lb.; springs, S lbs. and ap, 19-SOo IK; colored apriaga. 9 lbs. ap, 19Z0 Id.; roosters, - .; Pekla decks, young, 14-174 IK; get. ll-12a IK Oaioaa Oregoa, fl.73 per 109 lba. Potatoes LocaL $1.50 cental; K-a- atK 81 65-1.75 eeatal: ScappooM Kettod Gems, $1.50-1.60 cental; DeacbuUs Net ted Gems. 91.65-1.73 cental. Wool 1936 contracts, nominal: Wil htmette valley, medium. 30e IK; coarae aad broad. 28e lb; eastera Oregon, S5e IK - Hay Selliag price of wholeaalere: Al falfa. No. 1. $15-15.50; esstera Oregaa timothy. $17.50-1$ ton; Willamette -al ley timothy, 81-2-16 ton; oata aad eteK $12.50-13; eloTcr. $11-19 toa, PorUa-4. Crop News on Wheat Bearish Texas Panhandle Damage Small; Moisture Lack Steadies Market CHICAGO, March 2-rI3)-FTor- sble advices about tne Unltea States winter crop prospect eased wheat values somewhat today. In particular, notice was tak en of Kansas reports that wheat fields are greening up rapidly, Other crop news included esti mates that wheat damage In the Texas panhandle Would not ex ceed 25 per cent, with probable yield of 35,000,000 bushels. From Springfield. 111., came word a 250 mile trip showed wheat was look ing fine. Closing quotations on wheat were unstable, Vt-V under :at- urday's finish, May 99-1.00, July corn - off. May 60S-4. oats H-1 down, and provisions unchanged to 10 cents higher. Warmer temperatures prevailed throughout the entire domestic grain belt, and the Liverpool mar ket was lower than expected, so wheat tended downward from the outset. Kansas Larks Rain A steadying influence, however, was absence of moisture In im portant sections of domestic win ter crop territory. For example, Kansas dispatches told of places where records showed but .02 of an inch of rain In all of February, whereas the normal amount is 1.30 inches. Explaining the weakness of Li verpool values was announcement that wheat afloat for importing countries showed an Increase ot more than 5.000,000 bushels this week, compared both with the week previous and a year ago. Inez Miller Out For School Post MONMOUTH. March 2. Mrs. Inei Miller, Monmouth. Saturday filed her declaration of candidacy for the nomination of county school superintendent of Polk. Josiah Willis is incumbent. Mrs. Miller is at present assisting Dr. P. A. Parsons at Eugene, as coor dinator on the state planning board. From 1918 to 1932 she was a member of the teaching staff of Oregon Normal school, and for five years of that time headed the school's staff of Ore gon Normal school, and for fire years of that time headed the school's rural department of edu cation. She came here from Douglas county where she had served many years as principal of rural high schools and rural grade schools. She is chairman of rural life work of the States Parent Teacher's association. Her slogan is: "A good school for every child, and every child in a good school." In 1935 Mrs. Miller was vice president of the Townsend club of Monmouth and addressed Town send groups throughout Polk and in many adjacent counties. She was one of Monmouth's two dele gates to the Townsend national convention at Chicago In October. Gardeners' and Ranchers' Mart PORTLAND, Ore., March 2.-(jP)-Market supplies showed a lib eral increase at the early garden ers' and ranchers' Eastside whole sale market Monday. More buyers were present and general turnover was brisk. Price quotation changes were few. Spinach Per box. 81.40. Carrots Per doien buncben, 50 65c Beets Lu 40 50c. Dry onions V. S. No. 1, 100 lb sack. 81.60-1.75; No. 2. 31.10-1.30. Green onions 40 55c. Cabbae Crate, local, f 1.50-1.75; red cabbaja. $1.63; California, f 1.75-2. 75. Cauliflower Calif crate. 90e-$1.15. Radishes Per doien bunchea. 35c Celery hearts Per dosen bunchea. $1.75. Celery Field packed, rlpa. ersta, $3.25; dosen bunchea. 81-1. 50: Califor aia. 33.25. Applea Spitienberfs, Hood River. 45 55. Potatoes Local, per 100 pound sack. $1,40 1.65. Parsley Per dozea bnnchea. 80 45c Lettuce California, $1.75-2.75. Tomatoes Oregon, hothouse, lb- 141 20e. Turnips New erop. doiaa bunches, 60c Squash Hubbard, 3 lie; Marblebead, 8c Cucumbers Hothouse doi $1.10-1.60. Pumpkins 1-1 per pound. Sweet potatoes No. 1, 40-lb. erate, $1.60. Parsnips P..- Inf. 64c Garlic Poond, 10c - Oranfo California Nael. $2.75-8. Tanrerioes California. $1.75. ' Ru tabs ess 100 lba. $2. Rhubarb Extra fancy. 15 Ib. box. $1; fancy, voc; choice. Toe; pie, COe. Brusttla sprouts Pound, $ 12c; crate, 80e. Asparafue Pound. 14c THIMBLE THEATRE Starring Popeyt 1 VfXM NOW GONER PULL OFF THl GREATEST PIECE OF WfR STRftGETVJ THS EVER BEEt P0UE0 OFF -osa a m- - 1 Song of Death iv ; :-;. I . v. .v.----' -V.' v. 1 . - i " f i T," ' -- Frank ICovach Frank Kovach, Chicago radio en tertainer, ia believed to own the only copy in United States of the haunting melody, "Sorrowful Sun day", which is believed to have driven 18 persons to commit sui cide in Budapest where it is now banned by the government. Louie Dennison Dies ZEN A, March 2. Mrs. C. E. Butler of Zena received word Sat urday of the death of her uncle, Louie Dennison, of Santiago. Cal. Mrs. Butlers two brothers. Louie and Frank Bebe. who were visit ors here about a year ago from California, have been appointed as administrators of the estate. Mrs. Butler plans to leave for Califor nia next week. POLLY AND H-ER PALS MICKEY MOUSE POURTH U o -thl r3AT-TL. AND OSCAR IS HAVING THE -TIME HIS. LITTLE ANNIE R00NEY TOOTS AND CASPER UOOK AT MY PHOTO IN THE PAPER TOOTS, WITH ,3S?gS5'fo v I I j v Vcr ill I JUST START1N' ) VfS: if&fcj J "Z (Cj 1 I WERE CCMES MR BULLION AKl' I J f 111 H I WISH I WAS SMART ENOUGH TO fcl H 1 I IHINK. - A PIIVC VWKU) Tl I , - fv S TO TMAMx: HIM FOR. ALU TME r--f , SEE WHAT CAKI BE J ABOUT MV WORK AT PLUNK ER 6 CO THI3nl f-flVE OU.O COL. OKI CX. HOOr-ER SOMETTHlN-r TO Ba UEALOUS ABOUT! lutCH CUIUS OUfSRS Unicameral Plan Tabled by Grsitage Rickreall Group Hears of Agricultural Project for Coming Season RICKREALL, March 2. A ? o'clock dinner Friday night was enjoyed by a few grangers prior to the regular , meeting, which was well attended. ! Glenn Hogg gave an excellent agricultural report outlining va rious .ventures for next year, stressing squirrel and gopher con trol. After much discussion it was decided to have J. R. Beck, county agent, demonstrate poison ing as soon as weather permits. A spirited argument was waged between R. W. Hogg, F.- M. Ed gar and.S. L. Stewart over a reso lution favoring a one-house legis lature. The present system was decided to be satisfactory and the resolution was tabled. The next open house meeting is to be with Brush College. Rick reall grange will contribute 'one number, a skit entitled "When Do We Eat?" by Mrs. Grace Pence and H. A. Dempsey, to the program. Representatives from the. Dal las chamber of commerce will be entertained March 27. At this time the placque, recently won, will be officially presented. Applications for membership by transfers from Macleay grange were received from Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jennings and they will be admitted at the next meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hamilton were received by transfer and introduced and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grolbert were initiatted by the Rickreall degree team. Special guests were members of the Dallas grange, who visited in a body. Meyer Sits Up Now SILVERTOX. March 2. Tom Wills is at the Silver-ton hospital r1 Ut, AK1N1IE ARE havino f exjj nrv AirXi zy-YA BuS su'na-heh!J llV ! ( MYGOSM.osc-l.r oogsohe' thev're wMwiNi lwHooPEa'. NOW et : K(-7V VEF? 3'-OSEO T y f jX--7 - -CA r-IESBE VDu'VE WELL - t'U- FHX J nWIVr.. ( SEfi'EM A5S Ma1 a-j rVWVC BE IM A S v'MJ "V t V iOT rH' F?SHT THAT! ZT VtmEV'U. THINK Ttgyte J te ' IVp lLN ' : d-? not, just molleq and Tll SEE itsSreat sttupp beint A STORV IN THE SP0TLItHT"EVERV- DODY WHO SEES RECOrKBH MS 1 I a Now Showing "Artists are Born" r I GOT THE EMENV 6ENERN. KU0CKE0 OUT 114 Hii CHAR m X YrM 60 NF.R USE WM FOftft vrMTPwntfisT sf 1 IT V vx n.r 1 47trt. t t t)mt tit-. 33 Radio ' . Taaadar. March S 1 KOI OETUn 140 Ke. S:80 Klock, Ivaa and Walter. 8 :00 Harmony Tima. r.- 8:15 Rambl8 la Rhythm. '' 8:45 Uoldca Jabilea Vsriaty Show. :80 Mary Marlia. CBS. :43 i'iy 8tar Joors. CBS. 11:00 Betwen tht Book Knds, CBS. 11:15 Happy Hollow. CBS. 11:80 American School. CBS. i 18:15 Tito Oaiaar, CBS. 12:30 Library ot Congress Kaslrale. CBS. 1:80 Book of Lifs. ' t :0O 8ymphoaaera. CBS. 2:15 Wilderness Road. CBS. 2:30 Tba C-iraroans, CBS. 2:45 Tho Goldbergs. CBS. 8:00 Feminine Fancies, DLBS. 4:80 Close Harmony, CBS. 4 :45 Renfrew of the Mounted. CBS-- 5:00 Harmonottea. CBS. .5:15 Leon F. Drews, Orfan. 5:80: Lawrence Tibbett. CBS. . :00-Doa Lea Worksbip. DLBS. 7:00 Parties at Pickair. CBS; 7:30 March of Time. CBS. 8:15 Male Chores Parade. DLBS. 9:00 Warinc's Pcnnsylranians, CBS. 9:45 Eddie Oliver. DLBS. 10:p0 Gigi Royaa Orchestra 10:30 Larry Lee Orrhestra, DLBS 10:45 Sterling Young Orchestra, DLBS XQ W POBTLAJTO 62 0 Kc. 7:05 Happy Jack. NBC 7:15 Dan Harding's Wife. NBC. 7:30 Doe -Whipple Piano Impressions. NBC. 7:45 Clark Dennis, Singer. NBC. 8:00 Cbae. Jacobs. Trumpeter. NBC, 8:15 Jerry Grannon. Tenor, NBC. 8:30 Tour Child Dr. Ella Oppen heimer, NBC, 8:45 Piano ReeitaJ. XBC. 8:55 Helpful Harry's Household Hints. 9:15 Heneybo and Sassafra. NBC. 10:16 Cabin Clah Orchestra. XBC. 10:30 Budrateers, NBC. 10:45 XBO Mask Guild. 11:80 Rhythm Octette. NBC. 11:45 Newa. 12:00 Forever Tounc. NBC. 12:15 Ma Perkins. NBC. 12:30 Vie and Bade. XBC. 12:45 The O'Neills. NBC. 1:00 Betty and Bob, NBC. 1:15 Oene Arnold and the Ranch Boys; NBC. 1 :30 Clinic. 1 :45 General Federation of Women's Clubs, XBC. suffering from pneumonia. L. H. Meyer, who had his leg broken January 25, was able to sit up in a wheelchair Saturday. He will be at the hospital for several weeks yet. Mr. Meyer lost his one leg as a child. She's an Indoor Sport "Track Muddy' The Good Fairy XXI ANIO ZERO K . r TVAI Rc WHAT CAN BE OOKie. ABOUT Not a Flattering Picture MC WIU. l$rkabs theey'H, FROM I ft KFlRT,GCrr TO FIX Hlb fcTfct. SO THct U. L00KUKB HE ftlKT . UNC0MSCI0US rv J Programs 2 .00 American Medical Association. NBC. - 2:30 Tba Dansante, NBC. 3:00 Woman's Mafaiine, XBC. 4:00 Easy Aces, NBC. 4:15 Cemerrille Sketches. 4:80 Goald and Hhafter, Piano Dae. ' XBCJ 4:43 Abo Berroriti, Violinist. 5:00 Beaux Arts Trio, XBC. 5:33 Orchestra. :0 Ben Bernie aad All the Lads. NBC.; 6:30 Jumbo Firethief Show, NBC. 7:00 Studio Party. XBC. 7:30 Jimmy Fidler and Hia Hollywood Gossip, NBC. 7:43 Benson Concert Ensemble. ' 8:00 Amos 'n' Andy. XBC. 8:13 Lum and Abner, NBC. 8:30 Phillip Morris. NBC. 8:00 Death Valley Days, NBC. 9:80: Crime CInes. NBC. 10:13 Mnsical Moments. 10:30 Reflections in Tone Abe Bereo- vits and Glenn Shelley. 11:00 Dtaaville Clnb Orchestra, NBC. 11:30 Mark Hopkins Orchestra, NBC. 12:00 Weather. KEX PORTLAJTD 1180 Xc 6:30 Mnsirai Clock. Gum BRINC5S Vou EfUOYMENT " m r 1 1 VRIGLEY'Sw TH PERFECT GUM ' 1 I ( honest, k. EajuOKir rr MAkres me s : t I I'M HAVlNie THE J HAPPV TO VOU IOJOW, Z LH Swell est time aw y L wear vou j used to think KHO EVER HAD J 1 SAV THAT, J ALA OCX M AM' 1 I J rVS JUST ICE I ( HCNEy f THE WONOEQRIL B r LTVlKlG RM A STOQV V. J LANnP WAS JLTST 1 S', a BOOK. AlsT ZERO m A STORV. NOW t s J IS SO GLAD HE X if L GUESS fT WAS ) just krEPSvM-KiH'lja- Xr? AU. TRUE K fl r AH-H. THOSE, TWO LACHES - n.n. a- a aaaaa - Oaf PM tymi I Vrr the. THRILL Ot THETJS LIVES WHEN THEV TURN THIS WAT AND SEE ME P NEVER TCXK LESOcH N ME UFE 7:80 Financial Serriee. NBC 7:45 Nata ad Bolts, XBC, I 8 :00 Breakfast Clnb. 8:00 Stmpaoa Boya, XBC. :15 Toley and Glena. , . 9:30 StriaglTime, XBC 10:00 Keyboard Capers. 10:15 Hiata e Hoasewrrea. 10:30 Homo Inatitatc 10:45 Children's Coaeort, XBC. 11:15 Words and Music. SBC, 11:32 Golden; Melodies, XBC 11:55 Market Report. 12 :00 Western Farm aad Home. NBC. 1:00 'Woman's Radio Berae, XBC 2:00 Financial aad Praia Markets. 2:30 Larfy Larson, Orgsn. XBO. 2:45 Conrreea Oreheafra. XBC. 3:00 Sonthemairea. XBC. 3:15 Harry Kogeo Orchestra. NBC 8:25 Better Eag!is Mrs. Skeels. 8:35 Statleri Orchestra. XBC. 3 :45 Charioteers, NBC. 4:00 Jack Meakin'a Masie. XBC 4:15 Norsemen Quarter; BC. 4: SO Coaaoh) Capers. XBC. 4:45 Mario Coast. NBC. 5:00 Berbers Merkley. XBCL 5:30 Pair ot Pianos. XBC. 8:45 Ground Gripper. 8:30 Wrestling: interriew. 0:45 Ambassador Orrhestra. XBC. 10 :0O Palace iOrchestra. XBC. 10:35 Bal Taharia Orchestra. NBC. 11:00 Paal Carson. NBC 12:00 Weather and Police Reports. KOAC CORVAIXIS 550 Ke. 9:00 Homenaakera' Hour. 10:45 KOAC School of the Air. 12:O0 Nooi? Farm Hoar. 1:15 World Book Maa. 1:30 Myatery of the Mind'a Desire Helen Miller Senn. -2:00 Lesson 'in Spanish. 2:30 Raral Life Review. 3:00 "For Those Who Can't Star.4 Short Stories Leah Finkelsteia. 3:45 The Monitor Views the News. 5:00 Oa IhW Campnae. 5:45 Veapera Led by Rev. 3.' 8. Bnrna. j 6 :00 Dinner 1 Cone ert. fj 6:30 Farm Hoar. "5 7:30 The Cittsea sni -His School "The Fnaeiiod 'of a .Nursery- Cchool" Mrs. Prah V. Case. 8:15 The World" ta .Rvlew Dr. Vi- tor P. i Morris. . :30 O.S.C. Cadet Ban. 8:45 Readme for Enjoyment Or- Sif- ard H. Peterson. By CLIFF STERRETT By WALT DISNEY By BRANDON WALSH By JIMMY MURPHl By SEGAR V BLOW ME OOWN! HE SURE OONrT V.OOK UKE HE'S 6UEEPlt UKE HE'S SU THIS MUST M"Y MOW COULD SUCH BE A PICTURE j A BEAUTIFUL rlRL EVER OP THE HAN MARRY SUCH A HOMELY. WHO'S ... ' A. yLY-iOOK4T. LITTLE . MARRIED V HALJ-P1NT? y- TO TOOTS Y: ; -r YssjsK 1 - . .1