The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 16, 1936, Page 7, Image 7

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    headers mimermn& for State moot
o I
Vikings Beaten
Id Last Period
Look Good in Defeat When
They Hold Rooks Even
in Middle Stanzas .
Led by Deadeye Phil Fogle and
lanky Bob Riseman, tbe Oregon
State Rook basketball team puH
d away! from a stubborn Viking
2uint In the last quarter last nignt
to chalk up a 40 to 3: win and
itB second victory over 5aleru
Outplayed and outfought by a
determined bunch of Vikings
through the two middle periods,
the Rooks owed their v'ctory to a
sudden burst of hot shooting on
the part of Fogle who beran lay
ing In the long shots In the sec
ond half end the efficiency -under
the basket of 6 - foot - 6 Bob Riss
Salem was forced to display it
best ball hawking abil'ty from the
start and did l, well enough to
worry the Rooks. Although Bi'l
Wanner, no shorty, was somewhat
dwarfed by the Rooks' tall Ri.
man. who consistent!? got the tip
off avant!e. it mad- little Jif
ference to the Vikings through the
two middle periods. Wagner am'
Luther were taking the hall off
the backboards well and while tip
Rooks were mtsin it was a good
enough procedure. Whn they be
gan to connect in the final period
loss of tb tinoff was fatal.
Tied at Ouarter
With Phil Salstrom leading 'he
Vikings as they showed a fast
passing, accurate shooting brand
of ball the Rooks were unable to
get ahead until the lasi period
The game wa? neck and ppck from
the end of the first perled whe
Salstrom dropped In two tree
throws to knot the count at 9 to
9 to the beginning of the final pe
riod. The Rooks opened up In a hur
ry and held a six-point lead mid
mrav in th first neriod but Was
per and Salstrom managed to even
it up by ouarter time. Once evan
Salem maintained the pace. Wag
ner sank a one-handed shot a
the second oerlbd opened to glv
Salem its first taste of the lead
and the Vikings held it until a
minute before the end of the hair.
Then Fred Sandoz pocketed one to
make It 15 to 15 as the teams left
the floor.
Coming back for the second half
Rissman tipped in a field goal af
ter Kuvallis had unsuccessfully
shot free and the T utors held a
slight lead until two minutes be
fore the end of the third period
when Williams gained a free
throw to knot it at 22 to 22. Th"
period ended with the Rooks lead
ing 26 to 24.
Hot. Last Period
Fogle potted two long ones
wihle Williams was collecting a
free throw, giving the Rooks a
fire-point lead and the Vlkinss
were unable to overtake the sud
denly hot Rooks. Fogle accounted
for two more goals in the rest of
the period while Quesseth and
Salstrom gained Salem's lone two
Salstrom led scoring with 15
points. Fogle scored 13 for the
Rooks, Including five field goals,
all in the last half.
The Vikings face two tough
m trins this week. They will
meet McMinnville at McMinnvill
Tuesday night and play a secono
game with the state champion As
toria team Saturday at Astoria.
05.C. Rooks (40) (31) Salem
Fogle 13 F 2 Skopil
Kuvallis 6 F . . . 15 Salstrom
Rissman 7 C Wagner
A. Sandoz 4 . . G Luther
McCarty 7 G 6 Williams
Substitutes: For O. S. C. Rooks.
Bretz 1. F. Sandoz 2; for Salem.
Ouesseth 2. Referee. Harold
Hubbard Ahead
th North Division
- HUBBARD, Feb. 15. Huh bard
high school won the championship
of the northern half of the Ma
rion county "B" league last night
by defeating the Gervais high
team 36 to 9 on the local floor.
This makes the fifth straight vic
tory for the Hubbard team In this
end of the county and with only
one more game to play the Vik
ings are a cinch to play with eith
er Mill City or Gates for the coun
ty championship.
Gervals garnered only three
-points In the last half of the game
here last night, although it had
control of the tip-oft throughout
tbe game.
. The Gervais girls handed the
Hubbard girls a trouncing as a
preliminary. This was the second
defeat for the Hubbard girls in
this league.
Salem B Defeats
Calvary Baptist
Leading all the way the Salem
high B team defeated the Cal
vary Baptist quint 40 to 25 last
night for its 12th straight win.
Included la the B team's victories
.are five over high school quints,
" two over Corvallis, and McMinn
ville, Eugene and Chemawa one
each. -
The B team led 21 to 10 at half
time last night. Medley was high
scorer with It points.
Calvary Baptist 15 40 Salem B
Foster 3 . . . . . ..F. . . . 8 Galfaher
B. Taylor 6. .. .F. ... . 12 Medley
J. Taylor 3 C... ... 5 Maers
Strickland .... .G .... . 2 Hiebert
Swelgert 3. . . ..G. . ; . . 4 Holsteln
Substitutes: for Salem B, Driggs
2, Erland 4, Meyers 2, Damon 1,
Benson 1.
Referee, Hauk.
1 - - , - ...... - :
Sugai to Meet
M eanie Champ
Local Boy Will Face Hobo
Chambers Tuesday Eve;
He Isn't Worried
Don Sugai, Salem-growa grap
pler, will continue his campaign
of showing the local fans how
much mat trickery he has learn
ed in his travels when he takes
on the toughest of them all, the
irrepressible Hobo Cambers, as
the main event of Herb Owen's
Tuesday night mat exhibition at
the armory.
Sugai. who downed Jean La
Belle, wild and wooly Canuck
grappler last week, has promised
that the madcap. Hobo will be
able to get away with nothing
fancy while he is in the ring. It
will be Sufeai's first encounter
with Chambers but he has cap
ably handled many similar vil
lains on his tours in Mexico and
Curtiss Meets Piluso
Jack Curtiss, Mississippi mat
expert, and Ernie Piluso, Port
land Italian, are billed tor the
45-minute semi-windup. Both Pil
uso and Curtiss know all the ins
and outs of the mat science and
can be expected to stage a skill
ful exhibition. Piluso and Otis
Clingman last week staged one
of the best exhibitions of pure
wrestling local fans have seen in
a long while.
Jack Hagen and Paddy Nolan,
the comic Irishman, are sched
uled to mix in the 30-minute
opener. Nolan, whose waxed mus
tache is the object of much deri
sion, is a thorough-going villain.
He Did Really Did
Win Feature Race
HeT)id conquered a tfrack field of
3-year-olds today to win the $25,
000 added Santa Anita derby be
fore a crowd of 25,000 turt fans.
Setting a pace that was never
relinquished, Mrs. Silas B. Ma
son's colt turned back a stretch
challenge by Valliant Fox, but
beat out the Norman Church en
try by a head.
Gold Seeker, a 35-to-l shot, fin
ished third in the mile and one
sixteenth classic over a muddy
Gloomy Skies held down the
turf treasury with $26,000 in add
ed purse money, and paid off
15.20, $3 and $3.20 to his backers
through the pari-mutuel ma
chines. Oregon Natators
Top Golden Bear
BERKELEY, Calif., Feb. 15-(iPj-The
University of Oregon
swimming team defeated the Uni
versity of California paddlers 4 8
36, here this afternoon, to chalk
up their third consecutive victory
on their barnstorming tour. They
had previously defeated Stanford
and San Jose State.
The meet was featured by the
stellar performances of Califor
nia's Jim Werson and Jim Hurd
of Oregon. The former broke the
Pacific coast intercollegiate 200
yard breast stroke record when he
did the distance is 2:33.3, better
ing the former record, held by
Foster of Stanford, by more than
a minute. C. Reed of Oregon was
Olympic Hopeful
Jennie Caputs, champion gymnast
of the National Turners Associa
tion, performs a handstand in New
ark, N. J, where she is practicing
for a place on the U. S. Olympic
team. .
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They re Out
i v.
2Cfrt 4& -
'mi l-- uiV
Here's the aggressive, ambitions volleyball team of the Salem Y. M. C. An 1936 edition. Coacb L. E.
llarrick believes the outfit has excellent chances to win the northwest tourney and go on to the na
tional meet at Davenport, Iowa. Top row: left to right: Schnuelle, Bone, Gregg, Brown, Seblak. Low
er row: Kitchen, Hill, Barrick, Lee Hilborn.
Leslie Noses Out
Baptist Cagemen
Score 36-32; First M. E.
and Presbyterians
Other Winners
Leslie Methodist, leaders of the
"A" church league, barely nosed
out First Baptist 36 to 32 in the
feature contest of last night's
round of games. First M. E. upset
Jason Lee 35 to 33 and Presbyte
rian downed Evangelical 36 to 18
In the other tilts.
Saturday afternoon's games re
sulted as follows: Jason Lee Aces
15, Christian 12; Nazarene 8, Ja
son Lee Cubs 5; Jason: Lee Mid
gets 18, Evangelical 17; Jason
Lee Juniors 7, Calvary Baptist 25;
First M. E. 13. Presbyterian 14.
Senior league scores:
Jason Lee (33)
Lowe 9 F.
Duncan 15 . . . .F.
Lapschie 4 . . . .C.
(35) M. E.
,...14 ike
,10 Hibbard
. . 5 Buxton
Ben ja men . . . G
Keuscher 3
.G. . 6 Smith
Leslie (36)
W. Bertelson 8 F.
Ritchie 14 F.
Stockwell 8 . . .C.
J. Bertelson 5 . .G.
(32) Baptist
8 Clark
.4 Robertson
...15 Broer
... 1 South
J. Bush 1 G 4 Curry
Evangelical (18) (30) Presbjt'u
Lanikin 8 F 2 Bailey
Arnesmeir 4 . . .F 7 Mason
Ballantyne 2 . .C. . . . .10 Upston
Childs G 5 Glaisyer
B. Rudin 4 .
.G 10 Moore
Sebern S.
2 McKay
Pacific Makes It
Two Over Albany
15.-)-Pacific university made
it two straight over Albany col
lege tonight, defeating the visi
tors 31 to 19 in a Northwest con
ference basketball game. Pacific
won from Albany last night to
leave the cellar position which
the two teams previously shared.
The home quintet led 14 to 11
at half-time tonight and further
increased its lead in the final
frame. Sikstrom, Pacific forward,
and Marsh, Albany guard, shared
scoring honors with seven points
Albany (10)
(31) Pacific
7 Sikstrom
4 Eilertson
6 Tuom
Barnes 2
Haviland 2
Fraxee 2
Wright 6
Marsh 7
Substitutions: Albany Brown,
Patterson, Arthur; Pacific Cox
2, Mills 6, Cook, Haller. Lipton.
Referee, Heniges, Portland.
Scio Boys Win
Fifth Victory
SCIO, Feb. 15 Scio boys took
their fifth Linn county class B
victory at Tangent February 14,
25 to 7. The game was ragged,
and Scio boys -were below their
usual standard of play. " v
Coach "Bub' Elder's boys have
vanquished Sweet Home, Shedd,
Harristrurg and Tangent twice in
the B league. They have lost to
Shedd and Sweet Home. The re
maining league game on Scio's
schedule is with Harrisburg there
February 25.. The battle will be
the crucial one of the season to
determine the county champion
ship. Harrisburg has one victory
ahead of Scio, but has been de
feated by Scio here earlier In the
season. The dope favors Scio in
the coming tilt
Scio's line-up in the Tangent
garner included: Forwards, Wheel
er and, Elmer; center, Faltus;
guards, MacDonald and Bilyeu.
Parker substituted for Elmer.
Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, February
for National Volleyball Honors
People used to think volleyball
was a sissy game, one that shriek
ing girls, anaemic youngsters and
fat e x e c u tives
played. Lots of
people still do.
They're wrong.
Volleyball, espe
cially as exem
plified by the Sa
lem Y. M. C. A.
team, is any
thing but slow
moving. It gets
p r a c tically cy
clonic at times.
As to the sissy
part take a look
at the personnel
FaolHaKtei of the Salem Y.
team and we dare you to walk up
to any one of them and blat "Sis
sy." It you do you'd better smile.
You'd better run first. Not for
anything do volleyballists call
their lead-off men "killers."
The Salem Y. M. C. A. team,
coached by that genial sports
man, Dr. L. E. Barrick, will be
one of the seven teams in the
Pacific Northwest A.A.U. tour
nament at Seattle Saturday.
Salem, which has already
beaten three of the other six
teams, is given' excellent chan
ces to cop the championship.
Teams entered are the Wash
ington Athletic club. University
of Washington, Seattle Y., Ta
coma Y., Bellingham Y., Port
land Y., and Salem. Salem has
beaten Washington Athletic
club, Seattle and Portland.
That volleyballists call their
servers "killers" doesn't mean ne
cessarily that they are a blood
thirsty tribe but it doesn't pay to
be in the way of a volleyball
when one of them smashes it
across the net. Joe Sedlak, Keith
Brown, Lorenz Schnuelle, John
Bone and Lloyd Gregg are the
killers who will go to Seattle with
the Salem team. The set up men
aren't by any means "set-ups"
either. They are Nile Hilborn
"Squee" Kitchen, Elmore Hill and
Herb Burch.
Nile Hilborn and Dr. L. E.
Barrick bear the titles of fath
ers of volleyball in Salem. Hil
born is a real veteran, having
-played the game for 16 years.
He is still rated as one of the
best defensive men In the north
west. He nsed to be a killer bnt
changed over to the set up job
after many years in tbe blood
thirsty role. Even killing gets
boresome after a while, we
guess. When Hilborn was a kill-
er for Salem the saying nsed to
be among other teams, "Stop
Salem's number one man and
yon stop Salem." The saying
doesn't work ranch anymore.
You have to stop them all and
who wants to, except a volley
ball team.
The game of volleyball was in
vented in 1S91, four years after
Dr. James A. Nalsmith invented
basketball at the Springfield,
Mass., Y. M. C. A. Like basketball
volleyball was also a Massachu
setts product, only it came from
the Holyoke Y.M.C.A. and a man
named William G. Morgan invent
ed it. In those days Y.M.C.A. Phy
sical directors weren't worth a
hoop and a holler if they didn't
invent a game or two every year.
Mr. Morgan wanted a gymnasium
sport that was competitive but not
combative. We wonder if he likes
to have the servers called killers.
It was intended ma a game for
middle aged men who had to
be coaxed oat of club windows.
The old boys still play the
game, as do girls, but it's the
yonng fellows who pnt the real
tornado effect in it. There are"
Htwa mmc" '' "1
16, 1S36
Simon-Pures Will
Tangle Thursday
Traglio-Fruit Match May
Take Place at Last; All
Will Be Fast
Unless Jack Fruit changes his
mind again he will meet Webb
Traglio, Salem Y amateur boxer,
as the headline event of an ama
teur card Thursday night on
which Salem Y. M. C. A. fighters
will be matched with boxers from
the Portland Northeast Y and
the Portland Boxing school.
Fruit, who holds two technical
knockouts over Traglio, was
scheduled to meet him on a card
several weeks ago but failed to
show. He was decisioned by Joe
Bonn of Gervais on the National
Guard amateur card Wednesday
night. Fruit is a Multnomah club
The Traglio-Fruit bout will be
for five rounds, as will be two
other bouts on the card. In oth
ers Peter Seltice of Chemawa will
meet Don Waddingham of the
Portland Northeast Y. M. C. A.
and Bob Quamme of the Salem
Y. will fight Billy Burbank, 112
pound P. N. A. champion from
the Portland boxing school. Wad
dir.gham gained a technical
knockout over Seltice in Portland
last week while Quamme gained
a decision over Burbank here in
a previous Y card.
Many Short Bouts
Three-round bouts scheduled
Alvin Richardson, Salem, vs.
Kid Schmeer, Portland Boxing
Henry Ch'amplain, Salem, vs.
Ace Heintz, Portland.
Bill Case, Salem, vs. Dan Jar
vis, P.B.S.
Jim Daugherty, Salem, vs. Joe
Market, P.B.S.
Clayton Vanderwarker, Salem,
vs. Gus Strieker, P.B.S.
Melvin Cleveland. Salem, vs.
Warren Howe, P.B.S.
Volk of P.B.S. will meet Dale
Breedlove, Don Harms or anoth
er 90-pounder.
Med ford Stays in Race
Defeating Grants Pass
MEDFORD, Ore., Feb. 15.-Jf)
-Medford high remained in the
hectic race for the southern Ore
gon district basketball title by
defeating Grants Pass, 30 to 22.
Sam Van Dyke, shuffling Med
ford forward, looped in 13 count
ters in a second - half scoring
six players on a team. A net is
spread high across the center of
the court. After the serve, done
with the hand, the players bat
the ball back and forth across
the net. They can hit it with
any part of the body above the
hips and the way some can use
that area would make Gilda
Grey green with envy. Fifteen
points make a game. After 15
points a novice is ready to hoi-
' ler "Cncle."
- ' .. AT Alt ' .. ; ' f
Whitman Again
Tops Bearcats
Score 32-28, Tight Game;
Willamette Will Play
Two Here This Week
W. L. Pet.
Whitman 6
Lin field 3
Willamette 3 3
C P. S 3 3
Pacific 2
Albany 0
-Never behind, but constantly
threatened. Whitman made It two
straight over Willamette In bas
ketball, 32 to 28, here tonight,
to remain undefeated in Nortn-
west conference play. Whitman
led at the half, 19 to 13.
Whitman drew first blood when
Reser, high scoring forward, pot
ted a long shot. Versteeg tied it
from a rebound, Reser sunk an
other long one, Beard retaliated
and then Clark, with a free throw.
gave Whitman a lead it never re
The Missionaries forged on to
a 13 to 6 advantage, the Bear
cats twice cut tbe margin to a
basket, but Just before halftime
Clark came in with two goals to
make the halfway score 19 to 13.
Clark, Captain Miller and Re
ser waxed hot as the second half
opened, running the score to
Whitman 29, Willamette 15. A
parade of Bearcat substitutions
ensued and they had all the best
of the scoring thereafter, Whit
man missing seemingly sure shots
Beard, Gastineau and Versteeg
played fine ball for the losers
with GeiBt, Whitman center, dom
inating over to two Bearcat Jump
ers. Reser's shooting and the
floor work of Miller and Clark
stood out for Whitman.
Whitman won Friday night, 44
to 37.
Whitman (32) (28) Willamette
Reser 12 F 4 Beard
Miller 6 F... 7 Gastineau
Geist 2 C......2 Anton
Bierwagen 1 ..G 1 Weaver
Clark 9 G S Versteeg
Whitman subs: Porter 2; Wil
lamette subs: Nunnenkamp
Brandon 1.
Referee, Coleman, O.S.C.
The Bearcats will wind up their
Northwest conference season and
possibly play for the year when
they meet Pacific in a home and
home series this weekend. Wil
lamette will play the Badgers at
Forest Grove Friday and on the
Willamette court Saturday night.
Coach Anse Cornell's team, sec
ond place holders last year, are
only a step above Albany in the
conference standings. The Bad
gers have won twice from Albany.
The Bearcats will meet the
strong Mt. Angel college team
here Wednesday night.
Huskies Continue
Victorious Stride
SEATTLE, Feb. 15. -.-TV Wash
ington's unbeaten Huskies ran
their list of basketball victories
to 10 straight games here to
night by romping over the hap
less Idaho Vandals 40 to 29 in
the northern division of the Pa
cific Coast conference.
At half-time the score was
Washington 22, Idaho 11.
The Vandals, holding bottom
spot in the northern division
standings, looked hopelessly out
classed in the first period,' but
rallied in the second half to
make the Huskies extend them
selves. Coach Hec Edmundson of
Washington took no Chances on
the Idaho team springing an up
set and he kept hsi five "iron"
men on. the floor until the gun
ended the game.
It was Washington's second win
over the Vandals, who were beat
en 50 to 30 last night.
Tri-County Sportsmen's
Association Is Planned
The Salem Hunters & Anglers
association will meet in tbe cham
ber of commerce reading room at
8 o'clock Monday night to com
plete plans for a meeting here
within the next two weeks at
which formation of a Marion-Polk-Yamhill
sportsmen's association
will be proposed. This association,
according to N. J. Billings, mem
ber or the Salem group, would co
ordinate efforts toward building
np fishing and hunting resources
in the three counties.
BeWountain Gains
Wins 15 Straight; Salem Showing Is
Indication Western Oregon Will Be
Strong; Ashland Is Upset
HATS OFF to little Bellfountain high, whose undefeated
basketball team won 15 straight games and the Ben
ton county B championship. This little school at cross
roads in a farming district has only 23 boys, but they live
and eat basketball. They defeated Monroe 42 to 28 to clinch
the county title.
O The team, coached by Ken
Denies Charge
Dr. Clarence Spears
Charges made by William Fallon,
veteran trainer at University of
Wisconsin, that varsity athletes
had been given whisky before big
games and that injured players
on several occasions had been
forced to don uniforms under
orders of Dr. Clarence Spears,
head coach, were denied when
Spears took the stand at a meet
ing of university regents, above.
Meanwell, Spears
Get Ouster Order
MADISON, Wis., Feb. 15.-iP)-
Dr. Walter E. Meanwell, athieti?
director, and D. Clarence W.
Spears, head football coach, storm
centers of the University of Wis
consin's noisy athletic departni;nt
war, were ordered dismissed to
day, effective July 1, by the board
of regents.
Ouster of the two doctors de
creed to purge the department of
discord, ai the same time, appar
ently created a new problem.
The action was taken in defi
ance of a recommendation by the
University athletic board, and a
battle between the latter group
and the regents, appeared in the
The athletic board had reported
in recommending retention of
Meanwell and dismissal of Spears,
that It would consider any other
action "an invasion of its author
ity and tantamount to a denial of
faculty control" of athletics.
Dismissal of Dr. Meanwell pre
ciptated the resignations of the
four faculty members of the ath
letic board. The student member
6aid he also would resign.
Walton Leaguers Will
Hear Wire and Dimick
The Salem chapter of the Iiaak
Walton league is to meet Thurs
day night at the chamber of com
mere here to hear two men of
state reputation on subjects deal
ing with game. F. B. Wire, state
game supervisor, will speak, as
will Dr. K. Dimick, whose subject
will be "Game Propagation in
Oregon." Don A. Young, president
of the league, called the meeting.
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sO SiV T. 1
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fv- v ' I
Salem Armory,
Lower Floor 50c, Balcony 40e, Reserved Seats 75c (Xo Tai)
' Students 23c. Ladies S5e
Tickets, Cliff Parker's and Lytle's - Ansptce America Legtoa
Herb Owen, Matchmaker
in B Rank
Litchfield, must win the county
tournament and district tourna
ment to gain entrance to the state
meet at Willamette university
next month. Oakridge of Lane
county, the team that knocked
Bellfountain out in last year's
district meet, looms as the strong
est district rival.
Western Oregon puffed out its
basketball chest after Salem de
feated Hood River 42 to 28 in
the first mid-season game between
eastern and western Oregon
teams. Only once has the state
basketball championship gone to
an eastern Oregon outfit Pen
dleton's 1931 giants. The Salem
Hood River game was as indica
tive as any one game could be,
for each quint ranks about tops
in its section.
Salem also toppled Eugene 36
to 27 the past week.
Corvallis Leader
Tillamook high labeled Itself
dynamite by defeating Astoria
high 36 to 29, and then came
the Corvallis team and downed
the CheesemakeTS 33 to 26. Cor
vallis kept well out in front in
the district 7 league with a 40-to-16
win over University high.
Grants Pass pulled one ot the
biggest upsets of the week by
handing Coach Don Faber's Ash
land high team its first league
defeat of the setson, 24 to 16.
It hurts, too, for the southern
Oregon league winner Is state
tournament entrant without the
uncertainty of a district tourna
ment. Roseburg continued its whining
streak with a 28-to-23 nod over
Myrtle Point.
Another big upset was North
Powder's 2 5-to-16 win over Baker
high. The Dalles looked Impres
sive with a 42-to-33 victory over
Pendleton, but only eked out a
26-to-25 win over an improved
La Grande team. Milton-Freewa-ter's
team also is one of the
stronger eastern Oregon outfits.
Klamath Favorite
The Bend high team showed
improved form with a win over
Redmond, 37 to 17, but Klamath
Falls remained the favorite to
represent the district in the state
Other scores of the week, In
cluding Friday's games:
McMinnville 25, Linfield Frosh
West Linn 21, Oregon City 20.
North Bend 23, Reedsport 21.
Gardinier 37, North Btnd 24.
West Linn 33, Woodburn 20.
Venzke Defeats
World Champion
New York. Feb. 15.-i!P)-Amid a
veritable bedlam of excited ac
claim. Gene Venzke, Pennsylvan
ia's picture runner, scored a
smashing victory tonight over his
arch-rival. Glenn Cunningham, in
the Baxter mile, feature event of
the annual New York A. C. track
Venzke outran the world record
holder decisively and broke the
tape three yards in front in 4 min
utes 10.2 seconds.
Alleys Open 10 A. M.
Until Midnight
Bowl-Mor Co.
3 Big Matches !
r 1 Hour
45 Minutes - 1
FEB. 18