- $y Trade Volume Above Normal . fifA4lra Avtfiiirinr Tin at njsv--a sa av $j o r 62, New High; DoUar Is Still Weakening , NEW YORK, Feb. 15. -(vP)- A hesitant atock market today was thumped Into lite by a last min ute expansion In steels, rails and several of the non-ferrous metals. Higher prices, some of them the best in seTeral years, snapped ibe volofme for the short session to 1.373,795 shares, a bit more than the previous Saturday and sub stantially better than the hourlv "fate for Friday. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks advanced .3 of a point to 62.0, a new high for the year, and industrials with a like rise and utilities with a boost of .1 of a point also went into virgin ter ritory for the year. Rails, up .4 of a point, equalled tb$ 1936 peak. Bond Market Ht"aly The dollar continued to weak en in relation to leading foreign exchanges, and the French franc closed .00 K of a cent higher to 6.68 , and 4he pound sterling ended of a cent- ahad at 15.00.. The bond market held steady with government issues and rail road obligations generally prefer red; " 21,000 Bales of Hops Being Held A total of 21,000 bales of 1935 Oregon are reported to be still In hop growers' hands, it was learn ed bere yesterday in a check-up of the holdover from last year. The market ranged between six cents and nine cents. A total of 1500 bales were sold last week in Oregon. Of these, 400 bales or better grade hops sold at nine cents, 100 bales at six cents, and the remainder at prices ranging in between those two figures. A small amount of contracting was reported. Sale of Domestic Wool Moderate During Week But Price Are Firmer BOSTON. Feb. U.-iA3) - (U. fi. Dept. Agr.) - Sales of domestic wools in Boston during the past week were very moderatejmt pri ces were firm to slightly strong er. Most grades of territory -wools had a little call, the bulk b-ing on. 58s, 60s, blood and finer wools. - Fleeces were mostly quiet,' and quotations unchanged but largely nominal on strictly combing Ohio and similar fleeces at 34-35 cents, in the grease for 64a and finer, at 35-36 cents for 58s. 60s. blood, and at 41-43 cents for 56s, blood and 48s, 50s V. blood, , Spat foreign wools were fafrly active, firm at slightly higher. Portland Gets Mission PORTLAND jiOre., Feb. 15.- Dr. Samuel JlcCrea Cavert of New York, general secretary of thefederal council of churches of Christ in America, said today Portland will be one of the 25 Am erican cities to get the national preaching mission next fall, prob ably November 5 to November 8. Dr. E. Stanley Jones, widely known missionary, will head the group of 15 leading religious fig ares to come hero. lha,'Halff-Ton la this Half-Toa International Model C-l arc incorporated many of the features that pro vide the stamina found in the big heavy-dory Internationals. Plus speed, handling-ease, "tad fuel economy that any driver will brag about, ; j j Put it op to t Gt, and you will do your hauling job with aew efficiency and a new economy that will be a source dJonnoo D3a Modee 5oa 217 STATE ST. PHONE 8590 International Motor-Tracks and McCormick- Deerlng Farm Machlner Blizzard Paralyzes Navigation ' ' 1.?- V K v, a -,v. . v: V 1 WAV Frigid , blasts which whipped across most sections" of United States lashed the Atlantic seaboard, marooning islanders paralyzing ship ping and creating such waterfront scenes .as the above view of a Boston wharf where one of the fishing boats staggered into port, sheathed in ice. Three Grades of Butter All Even Quoted at 35c But Not on Open Market; Eggs Are High Due to Cold PORTLAND. Feb. 15--Three grades of cube butter were quoted at exactly the same price on the produce exchange for the special session. Advances were from c for extras up to lc for .first, or last grade. Three grades of cubes, extras, standard and prime first were quoted at 35c, a price that does not exist upon the open mar ket for all quantities. The advance of lc in butter fat was not in line with recent advances for butter and premiums up to lc lb. exist in the trade here. Both the local make and re ceipts showed a decrease for the week to date as compared with last week. Sharply higher prices were forc ed for eggs on the exchange with rises of 2 to 3c dozen as a result of the extreme cold snap in the east Sharply higher prices were quoted at some other coast mar kets. Chickens . Unchanged ' Despite the fact that Vancou ver is reported Belling dressed fowls at less than the local trade can afford at prevailing live chick en prices, no change was made in buying values for the latter. Held prices on dressed turkeys appeared the result chifly of the low values as compared with other fowls. Local demand is fair but spotted. Receipts were moving chiefly into coolers. A trifle, delayed Florida new po tatoes were being generally dis tributed by the trade around 8c lb. The stock is of fancy quality with desireable sizes. Old potato market continued firm with the ; rr I of profit, year after year. There is a great variety of body adaptations made possi ble because the C-l comes in two wbeeibases 113 inches and 125 inches. The longer size is a special International feature ia a half-ton truck. Come in and see this truck or phone us and we'll bring one over. Other ' Internationals up to powerful c wheelers. f- . --:.v- - .-.r.-- - ' i -at . . .1 1 ' country still unable to make deliv eries. There was a good demand con tinued all through the market for country killed meats even though veal is most chiefly sought. The best quality is scarce. , Produce Is Scarce A few small lots of carrots, parsnips and turnips and a limited volume of dry onions constituted most of the supply of local pro duce on the east side farmers' wholesale market. Carrots sold 60-75c lug accord ing to quality with sacks mostly around $1.25. Dry onions were around 55c for No. 2 quality in 50-lb. bags. Parsnips sold $1 lug with a quick demand for the limited of ferings. Valentine Motive Is Followed in Luncheon RICKEY, Feb. 15. The Rick ey Sunshine club spent a delight ful Friday afternoon at cards and sewing with Mrs. J. C. Simpson. A delicious lunch carrying out the valentine motif was served to Mrs. C. H. McCullah, guest and the following members: Mrs. Floyd Beard, Mrs. Stuart Johns, Mrs. Frank Fulton, Mrs. Carol Courtnler, Mrs. J. C. Court nler, Mrs. William Carothers, Mrs. Harel Taylor, Mrs. Fred Miner, Mrs. Frank Smith, Mrs. Carl Sha fer, Mrs. Roy Shaw, Mrs. L. E. Swift, and Mrs. J. C. Simpson, hostess. 2 Boilers Ready For New Plant at MU1 City MILL CITY, Feb. 15 The two boilers, which are being brought from Clatskanie for the new mill arrived by truck Thursday and will be placed at once, so building can be commenced. TUCCC Hotf-Ton Modol C-l. TbM an uuof dM faom thM accowM for fc gnat pop larky of chit Half-Toa later, aatioaal: HanJion V.rrpo radiator wkk ataiiaai gnU fciAn (nil teagtli raaaisg board ifptiaa-cyp ianra- paacL iMyiaMcraa oVrtlop aulan twaka rjat i kp. of MJ-ml aiay 4wtf powar ia Half Toa (rack. 2tt0X0 - ,s i ij I -. ts J., f S 1 1 ' t n if Grain Sags in Spite of Cold Actual Crop Development ft " ' Awaited by Traders in Chicago Wheat Pit CHICAGO, Feb. 15 Not withstanding that no relief from extreme cold is In sight, wheat values sagged at the last today, most traders being inclined to await crop developments. Wheat closed easy at the same as yesterday's finish to cent lower.'May 98, corn - orf, May 61-, oats at decline to an equal advance, and provi sions unchanged to 5 cents down. With sub - zero temperatures prevalent over Kansas, unofficial croD damage reports poured in" from the western part or the state, as well as from the Okla homa panhandle and : northern Texas. A good deal of an offset', how ever, was that export business in Canadian wheat remained scanty On the other hand, domestic pri mary receipts totaled hardly more than half as mcch as on the cor responding day last week, ' Bears emphasized that world Imperii, estimated to attain 540,000,000 bushels during the present crop year, may apparently fall short of even 500,000,000. Lumber Output Is Lower, Orders Up SEATTLE, Feb. 15. -UP)- Two hundred and one down and oper ating mills in Washington and Oregon produced 98,726,159 board feet of lumber in the week ending February 8, the West Coast Lumbermen's association reported today. . The production rate was 59.0 per cent of. the industry's average weekly production for the years 1926 through 1929, the assocla tion said. The mills nroduced 102.128.252 board feet of lumber in the pre vious week. The production rate was 61.1 per cent. New business reported for the week waa 102,147,017 feet, with shipments of 87,358.174, compar ed with aevT business of the pre vious week of 100, 695;425 feet and shipments of 110,645.119 feet Unfilled orders for last week were 552.849,188 - board weeky compared with unfilled orders, of. 540.658,500 feet of the previous week. General Markets FBOBUCS EZCHAV02 1 PORTLAND, Ore., Ffb. IS. (AP) due Exchange net pricei: ' Batter Extras 34c; itandarda, prime tints, 85c; firsts, 34c. Bntterfat 38-39. Eggs Large U. 8. specials. 22c: TJ. 8, extras, 22c; U. 8. medium extras, 21c. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. 15. (AP) Worst: Open High Low Close Msr 83 li 83 83 L 834 July 78 78 4 78 784 September 774 774 77 774 iasn: uig Bna Dlnestem. 13 per cent, $1.22; do, 13 per cent, $1.19; dark naro winter. i'i per cent. 11.09 tt: do. li per cent. ec: toft white, western wane, bard winter, western red. north era spring, 84c. Oats, Bo. 2 white, 123-25.50. Corn, No. 2 E. yellow. $32.50. Jtillron, $18-18.50. Today' car receipts: Wheat. 80; flour. 11; oats, 1. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. 15. (AP) Butter Print. A grade. 37 Ue lb. in parchment wrapper; 38c lb. carton; B grade, parchment wrapped, 37He lb.: carton, 38 He lb. Bntterfat Portland delivery: A grade deliveries at least twice weekly, 38 39c lb.; country routes, $6-38e lb.; B grade, deliveries lest than twice week ly, 36-37e lb.; C grade at market. B grade cream tor market Buying price, butterfat basis, 53 Ho lb. ggs Buying Drtco of wholesalers: Fresh specials, 18-19e; extras, 18c; stan dards, 16c; extra medium, 15c; do, med ium firsts, 12c; undergrade, 12c; pul lets. 12e dozen. Cheese Oregon triplets. 17 hie: Ore gon loaf, 18c; brokers will pay He be low quotations. Milk A grade. Portland delivery. 58 He lb.; butterfat basis for 4 per cent Country meats Selling uric to re tailers: Country killed bogs, best butch ers, nnder 150 lbs., 14-14 He lb.; veal n, No. 1, 15-15 He lb.; light and thin. 10-lSc lb.; heavy, 8-10e lb.; cutter cows. 6-8e lb.; eanners, 6-6 He lb.; bulls, 8H-9c lb.; lambs, 15-16e lb.; medium, 12-1 3e lb.; ewes, 7H-9e lb. Mohair Nominal buying price, 50c lb. Cascara bark Buying price. 1935 pel. -He ib. Hops Nominal; 1935 clusters, 6-8c lb. Live poultry Portland delivery, buy ing price: Colored hens, over 4 lbs.. 17-lSc lb.; nnder 4 lbs.. 18-19e lb.; leg horn hens, over 8H lbs.. 14-15e lb.: un der 3 lbs.. 14-15o lb.; Leghorn broil ers. 2 lbs. and down. 20-2 le lb.: springs, over 3H lbs., 19-20e lb.; colored springs. lbs. up, 19-20e lb.: roosters, 8-9c lb.; Pekin ducks, young. 14-17s lb-; cheese, ll-12e lb. Onions Oregon. $1.75 per 100 lbs. lbs. Potatoes Local. 81.50 cental; Klam ath,- $1.75 cental; 8eappoosa Netted Gems, $1.50-1.60 cental; Deschutes Net ted Gems. $1.75 cental. Wool 1935 clip, nominal: Willamette valley medium. 25clb; coarse and braid. 23e lb.; eastern Oregon. 16-22 lb. Hay Buying price from producer: Al falfa, No. 1. $15-13.60; eaatern Oregon timothy, $15-16; oat ana retch, $12.50- 13; clover, fill, ton, Portland. Stocks and Bonds February 15 STOCK AVXaAOES (Compile by Tha Associated Press) 80 15 15 CO Iadust. .79.9 . 79.C . 75.2 Sail S7.S 86.9 81.9 23.7 87.8 90.3 91.3 18.5 TJtiL Stocks Today Prav. day 50.8 62.0 50.7 46.8 61.7 57.8 88.8 61.9 Month ago Year are 54.4 13.8 50.7 45.0 44.7 31.6 1934 high 79.9 1986 low 73.4 1983 high 76.8 1035 low 49.5 S5.7 6.1 14.8 BOND AVEKAOES SO 10 10 10- Bails Indost. Today 93.9 104.1 Prev. day 93.9 104.1 Month ago 90.4 103,4 Year ago . 85.6 94.4 1936 high 98.9 104.1 1936 low 84.9 103.4 1935 high 87J 103.3 1935 low 78.4 92t tJtiL rorai'B) 103.8 70.9 103.8 101.5 88.5 103.8 99.8 99.8 84.5 70.8 70.T 69.9 71.4 69.6 70.4 5,5 Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 per cent milk, Salem baste pool price f 1.82 per hundred. Co-op bntterfat price, P. O. B. Salem, 88c. (MUk eased aa aeml atsstUy otterfat aTsraga.) Distributor price 82.10. A grade bntterfat Deliv ered, 38c; U grade deliv ered, 30Hc. A grade prints, 37 He; B grade, 1 86 lie . Pncas Pld ta growara by Salen boyera. (Tha prices below, supplied by local grocer, are icdieatit of tha daily market but art not guaranteed by The Elates man.) (Buying Price) Calif, fresh dates, lb. .is Pineapple. Hawaiian, ea. .35 A Oranges, tancy 2.73 to 3.50 Choiee 2.50 to 2.85 Bananas, lb- on ataik .09 Hands .07 Lemons, fancy , 5.00 to 6.25 . Choice 4.00 to 5.50 . Limes, fresh, dox. - 1,00 Urapefruit. Florida 3.50 to 4.25 2.00 to 2.50 2 75 to 8.25 Arizona Texaa Apples- Delicious, ba. 40 to .75 spitx, bushel .30 te .65 VEGETABLE I Buying Price) Rhubarb, hothouse 90. 1.05 1.15 Calif, cauliflower, crate 1.15 Lettuce, Calif., crate . 2.00 ta 4.25 Psrsnipa,-lag - , , ; Sweet potatoes, erata 1.75 Danish squash, dox. .20 Onions. Labish. cwt. 1.25 Xakima. cwt. 1.85 Takima marblehead tauasu. lb, .03 Uabbage. Oregon, cwt. 1.73 to 3,50 California. ewL 2.50 Carrots. tni - Ant . JS Celery hearts, doz. 1.50 Green peppers, Calif., lb. .15 Potatoes, No. 1,- local : ; 1.80 Potatoes, No. 2, local 1.15 Spinach, local, orange crate 1.00 Texas spinach, hamper - 1.65 Chinese cabbage; crate 1:40 Hothouse tomatoes- 2.50 to 8.00 Turnips, dozen, local .35 Celery. Utah variety , 2.25 to 2.75 Celery. Chuta Vista 2.75 to 8.50 Artichokes, box Rutabagas, cwt. Green onions. 3.8. 1.35 .20 .14' .18 ozen ..... NUTS Wainuta. lb. , .10 to Filbcrte. lb. i .14 to aopa (Buying- Price) . Clusters. 1935. lb top Fugjlea, 1935, top. lb. . . WOOL AND UOEAIB .10 .18 (Buying Priea Mohair .29 .29 .27. .27 Kedium wool m ...... Coarse wool .' ... LamLs ' .'. ZOOS AJTD POULTBT (Buying Price of Andreaens) Extras . Medium extras Standards .19 .17 .18 Medium standard 1G (Andreaan A Son Baying Price) Heary hena, 4. .or orer . BeaTy hena, OTer.6 lbs. Colored ' mediums,' lb. ' Medium Leghorns, lb. Light, lb. - .,: , J8 .14 .12 . .11 4)6 J09 BUgs. Ib OTC roosfera, lb. JColored frys lb. .17 .16 White Leghorns, fry. 11 . MARION CREAMERY buying prices-? Lite, Poultry. .No. 1 itoek - Heavy hens, under 6 lbs. .18 Heavy hens, over 6 lbs. .16 iledinnj colored .hens. )b. -,13 Leghorn hens, over 3 Vi lbs. .13 , Leghorn hens, light .11 Colored springers .. - J 6 Old .Boosters, lb. ,. ., ,, , .06 SUgs .07 Reieeti , - 3 Eggs Candled and graded Large extras- . Large standards .19 .17 .16 .14 .14 .20 .20 Medium extras Medium standards . Cndergrsdes snd pullets - TURKEY MARKET Fancy young hens, lb. Fancy young toms, lb. LIVESTOCK (Buying Price) Lambs Ewes. lb. .03 to t.00 .04 Yearling lambs .05 to .06 Hogs, 130-160 lbs. . 160-210 lbs top 210-250 lbs., top , Sows . .10.00 to 10.50 11.00 to 11.10 .10:50 to 10.75 8.00 to 8.50 5.00 to 6.00 1.50 to 4.00 4.00 to 5.00 4.50 to B.OO 8.00 to 5.50 9.00 Steers Dairy type cows Beef cows Balls Heifers Veal, top Dressed veal, lb. .13 H Dressed bogs a OBAXS AND HAY Wheat, western red .. .77 H White, No. 1 Barley, brewing, ton Feed barley, ton Oats, milling, ton .79 H ..23.00 21.00 .22.50 ..20.50 Feed, ton Hay buying prices Alfalfa, valley .13.00 .11.00 .11.00 Clover nay Oata and vetch, ton Stopping Wobbly Car Rough task; McNabb in Jail Early yesterday morning Xew ton A. McNabb was driving nis car out South Commercial atreet State police noticed the auto was wabbling;. In attempting to stop McNabb they did not copnt on his inability to stop his car as the officer demanded. Reaait.was violent bump to the car of the ar resting' officer. Late yesterday McNabb was fully sober. In the interval he had been brought before Justice of the Peace Hayden, had pleaded guilty to driving while intoxlcat ed and had been sentenced to epend 30 days in the county jail and to nav a $100 fine. He began his Jail sentence last night'. BUY DOG MCEXSES NOW Dog owners are again notified that an act of the legislature re- anires that all dogs over eight months old must be licensed be fore March 1st to avoid payment of the $1.00 penalty for delin nnonrr. A license on a male or snaved female dog is now 11.00 after March 1 this must be In creased to $2.00. Until March female dogs can be licensed for $2.00; after that the license fee must be increased to $3.00. Dogs becoming eight months old after March 1 may be licensed without penalty at any time before they become eight months old. Mail letters with money for li censes to U. Q. Boyer, County Clerk, Salem, Oregon. Enclose the proper fee and state the breed and sex of the dog and your name and address. This notice published hy an thorlty of the Marlon County Dog Control Board, C. C. Cannon, Sec retary. TJ. O. Boyer, County. Clerk. F. M-23 Cattle and Sheep Losses Are Small Oregon Range Reported in Good Condition, Snow r Is Not Prevalent The harshness of the recent cold spell, always a thing dreaded .by stockmen, was somewhat allevi ated In the Willamette -alley toy the facts that winter ranges were in good condition, there was no snow except in the high, areas and ample feed supplies were at hand. Cattle and sheep losses were re ported to be small in the valley. Breeding ewes were in fine shape and early lambs were growing well. Some No. 1 alfalfa bad been shipped into the valley for dairy feed. Despite severe weather during January and the first two weeks of February, the condition of cat tle generally throughout the coun try declined . only slightly, mis was largely a reflection of the good condition In which the ani mals entered the winter and the ample fed supplies in most areas. The volume of marketing has been light. While it, is yet too early to draw any definiteconclusions- re gafdin? calf crop prospects,-the good condition of breeding herds and ample .supplies indicate that calves should arrive in sturdy condition and that the percentage calf crop of 193? should be aver age 'or better: - " -.- Early arrivals ia some states already indicate this as being a likely development. Cattle and calves in feed lots, have made good gains. Stock water is ample in nearly el Isections except -in some of the northern areas where low temperatures have frozen over drinking sources. . In . general,, the financial condition of the cattle industry is reported the best - In several years. Undergoes Operation PIONEER, Feb. 15 Mrs. Darel Bird underwent a tonsil operation at thei Pallas hospital Tuesday. She was -taken to the. JUy Bird home .Wednesday and Mrs. Bird is caring for rher. She is., getting along nicely now. No. B. 20800 ... IN THE DISTRICT ' COURT OP -THE -UNITED . STATES. FOR THE DISTRICT Of OREGON . In. the Matter of . . . Marie Warwick, r Bankrupt. , ; To the creditors of- Marie War wick, of Salem, in- the County of Marion -and District aforesaid, a bankrupt. NOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN that on the 17th day -of -January, 1936. the said Marie Warwick was duly .adjudicated bankrupt, and that the -first meeting of her cre ditors will be held at Room JOT in the U. S. National B&nk Build ing, in the City of Salem,- Ore gon, on the 2ith day of February, 193.6, at 2:00 o'clock in the after noon,-at which time the said cre ditors may attend, ptove their claims, appoint a trustee, 'examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. WILLARD L. MARKS Referee in Bankruptcy. F. 16 No. B 20865 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON In the Matter of John Kohlhepp, Bankrupt. To the creditors of John Kohl hepp, of Salem, in the County of Marion and District aforesaid, a bankrupt. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 3rd day of February, 1936, the said John Kohlhepp was duly adjudicated bankrupt and that the first meeting of his cre ditors will be held at Room 301 in the U. S. National Bank Build ing In the City of Salem, Ore gon, on the 27th flay of February, 1936, at 2:30 o'clock in the after noon, at which time the said cre ditors may attend, prove their claims, 'appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. WILLARD L. MARKS Referee in Bankruptcy. F. 16 Gardeners' and Ranchers' Mart PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 15.-UP) -Extreme cold weather led to a marked scarcity of local produce on Saturday morning's gardeners' and ranchers' market. Only ap ples were well stocked. Parsnips changed from 75 cents and 90 cents to $1.00 and $1.50 per lug. Spinach Per box. 81.35. Carrots Per dozen bunches. 45 50c, Beets Log, 40-50e. Dry onions U. S. No. 1, 100 lb. sack $1.60-1.75; Ko. 8. $1.10-1.30. Green onions 30r. Cabbage Pound, 8-4; red cabbage. 4c; California, 3-4c. Cauliflower Crate, local, $1. Kadisbes Per dosen benches, 35e. Celery hearts Per dozea bonrhea. $1.75. Celery Field packed, ripe, erata. $3.25; dozen bunches. $1-1.50; Calif or nia, $3.25. Apples Spitxenberji, $1; fancy Deli eiooa, $1. Potatoes Loral, per 100 pound sack. $1,40 1.65. Parsley Per dozea bunches, SO 43e. Lettuce Imperial. 5 doa.. $2.75-3. Tomatoes Oregon, lb 10-16e. Turnips New crop, doxen bunches, 60s. Sqaasb Hobbard. Bohemian. Varbte head. SKe. Caenmbers Hothouse. 4os $1.35 S, Pampkins 1-1 14 s per poond. Sweet vola'oee No. t, $3; snclassi fled. $1.75. . Parsnips Pee lr, $1-1.50. Garlie Pound. 10c. Orange California Rare!. $2.25 4.25. Tangerines California. $1.85. Retabacas 100 lbs $3. Rbobarb Hothouse, eatra fancy, $1.30; 15 lb. box; fancy, $1.20; choice, 85c - ; - .v - hmiiI .fAB S. 1 ml. 5. ' r; Statesman S Classified Adst : CM9101 CTsaiiTedAd-ert'siB$ Single Insertion per line . .10e Three Insertions per line ..20c Six Insertions per line ...S0e One month per line ... . .$,1.00 Minimum charge .. ....... 2&c Copy for thla pager acpte4 aatll 6:3 J taa areaing before ' poblicetioa for cUssificatioa. Copy received U this tiie will be ran oaer the heaeV hag ToalM tm Claaaify. Tlie iRateamaa assurace aa fins a eial responsibility tot errors trhick may appear ia adTertiseoieuts publish ed ia ita colamaa. an- ia eaaea srbera t-ia paper ia at fault will reprint that -part of ao adrertiaa-teat ia which the fputfrapfair.l mistake occurs. The Statesman reterres. the right to reject obicr tiotiable advertising. It fur irter reaertea toe right to classify all jlverluing antler rile proper ciassifica roe. Help Wanted Unemployed notary public to circu late petitions. Address Box 1098, tU paper. , . Help Wanted Male Experienced circulation men looking for different deal. W rit Box 1009, Statesman. s . . ourMra. dresses tree and opportunity-te, earn to f 24 weekly- demon strating lovely' Fashion - Frocks. No house-to-house, canvassing. Kxpeiiencc unneceBsary. No Investment. Fashion Frocks, Dept. N-5J63, -Clndnhatl, Otiio.- tieip Wmtel---l,emaJe t Address envelopes at borne, spare- time; sa to 1 weekly.- Experience unnecessary. IHjrnined work. ' Stamp brings details. Employment Mgr.. Dept. 1114. Box 75, Hammond, Ind. Address envelepea -mall . circulars, at , home, for- adyertiserm. Experience 4innecessary. Send addressed envelope. WILSON CO.. Long Beach, CaliC Salesmen - Wanted MEN WANTEEr for Rawleigh routes of 800 families. Reliable hustler should start earning $25 meekly and Increase T j i . ' TY- L : . r i i l. 1.. rapidly, "rue nAwirtati, t -v". ORB-187-8. Oakland, Califi Aftents wanted addr as 291 N. Con. mertlaf St, Salem, OreeTon. .. - Situations Wanted ( Myinsr. 25c iri SliirtS 12ct:TeL '7818. For Sale -Alifniellaneous Safe foi"alw ftrapro-i 2k5'tfam ta. . . TPfPrVniTKKa Kenf a ' tnachln ractlc at ljomar Special ratw. to sto denta. Rotn. 4:8 Couit. lliona 8I71, Cleaned used bilokB, 12.50-13.00 per tnousmn-i-Tins weev onfy. 145 Cenrerr Chow puppies, reasonabls. Trade. 18C8 ' ' ' - -1- -f-i " i-in'i-ir -iititm Small portuhic mwixiIU S4" ATKINS Maw nrnk 11mhi..n lhr iaH ikahM boxing, crutittK, .Ate. tJeod conditlon. cuinpieie, ena.uv. .Aiireu xtupp -xu. i Dallas. ,- Peach, trees anil .il.iza.irr! .-. rhrrv seedlina;, 4 ft. 16c Oeneratvartety oi trees. - - - FBUITLAND.NL'BSERT 240 Center Street A. J. MATHIS. Prop. RADIOS VXtll SALE 5- Tube Philco Midget, used $12.50 "-Tube Crosley Midget used 19.50 7 -Tube Philco Midget used 21.50 6- Tube Clarion "Midget ued 24.50 7- Tub R. C. A. cabinet, used - 28.59 10-Tube Clarion cabinet used 32.50 8- Tbe Edison cabinet used 22.50 S-Tube Zenith cabinet used 48.50 Terms Ja.OO down, $4.00 monthly. See Mr. Jans, GEO. C. WILL MUSIC 5TUKK, Salem. 400 II. Leghorn liens for auick sale. 50c each. Rt 2, Box 87A, near Keiser scnooi. w. . rieiiy. Trade- Miscellaneous Good bicycle, will trade for wood. Phone 4516. Wanted Miscellaneous Walnut, filbert merits. Walnuts In siiei- siny quality, taie caieteria. Free We pick up dead and worth less horses, cows, slwep TeL 4 869. We buy hides, pelts, wool, tallow, chittum bark and horse hair. Salem Wool Hide Co., 450 N. Front St. Cards in this directory run on a monthly basis only. Rate: SI.OO per line prr month. Auto Brakes ll';l;e TaneS. 275 South CommerclaL Contractors &- Builders Peter Johannsen, Work guaranteed. No pay if not satisfied, TeL 9587. Chimney Sweep Telephone I ISO. R. E. Northness, Chiropractors DR. O. U SCOTT. PSO. t'hlropractor 256 N. High TeL Res. 8752. Electrical Service ) iOS!.nn Electric. 246 Stat 6u Wir ing, motors, applhtnce. repairs, service Excavating Excavating of all kinds. Basements dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for ale. Salem Sand and Gravel Co. Phone 940S. Florists BrwUhaupt'e, 447 Court, ALL. kinds or floral work, tatx, Flor ist, 127$ H, Liberty. TL $581 Keys We make keys, tlarry W. Scott Laundries .THB NEW SALEM LAONDHT ; - i THE W EIDER UAUNDRT !43 High TeL $12$ " CAPITAL.' CITT LAUNDRY - v -" First la Quality and Service T reIephono3t45 . 1264 Broadway Well Drilling & JL West, a , Box 448. TeL llOFl, Business Directory Wanted Furnitnre CASll PAID FOR JOUR TOOUI . - Stoves; Furniture Canlul Hard war A Fum'tura Co. 285 N. Commercial .Pbonw 1$4I 1 Miscellaneous Ualrculs. 20c-1 5a 303 & Winter. For Rent Kooms Mod. sleeping nns. 54 N. Cot tags. Furnished heated room. TeL 4498. Room. 3 beds. Men. 725 Court. Heated rms. :fij Cottage. 57 . Sleeoing room, one and two room apt. Steam beat, reasonable.. $33 Ferry. Room and Board Board ami room, 29$ N. Cottage. Front room and board. TeL 6317. Room and board. TeL 1185. For Rent Apartments Small . f urn." MDt clean and warm, 845 Ferry. Nice fiirn. apt., 690 Union. P1a In m rf nnrlv Vljllnt! llVir- ated and furn. colonial style. Heat. water, lignts, mam iioor, sjv. n Union. - - ' . Tt rt newlv decorated. Private bath, lights, water. 1170 Market. . 2 R," upstairs furn. apt, lights, w ter. $8 mo. 412 N. 21st. . One room modem, 205 N. CapitoL 2 R.. furn. or tmfnrn. 247 S. Church, Nice clean, heated ancT furn. 1 A. apt kitchenett. . $40. 143 . Court. . Furn. apt TeL 7664, 2261 HaseL 2 room furnished apt Main floor, lights, water. 1290 Oak St Phone 6276. . ' ; For Rent'41onses - Winter rates on cottages. Lone Star Auto Camr 16 N. CapitoL Furn. and unfurn. 1853 N. CapitoL 0 B. fura., 5 room modern, 4 BL n- furn. 1296 N. 16th St. Mo&. 5 R. and nook. 275 Hood, roomuhu house. TelT 884$. - Modern -furnished 8 " room cottage, garage. Ede water Court. TeL 8877. - For Tent 13t5 WalIr St, $15 ; 455 Unionist., 6 R.. $12.50; furnished. 360 C-ren '8t.,:4 R-, $20; furn., II 40- Union. 5 R., $20; furn." apt.,- J R., lights, wa ter, $12. , v - - v BF.CHTEL, or JACKSON. S41 St it 3 R. garage house, furn. Also 1 R. apt. Call at 1095 Garnet ' or Buster Brown Shoe "Repair -Sttop. . 6 room furnished, semi-modern, $25. 600 St Church. TeL 7370. For Rent Offtas rooms for rent $$1 Stat ft. TeL 3711 - -ii-iii-.i-i-i'i..-i-.ii-,-,M-,-Er i i"r-in nnrtM Ilospitai . budaamt wiwriruurs to etit -ft t Stiff Funxtturo Co. Rent 6 ftcres. Call 68F15. A ladies dress or ready to wear store would do well in this Willamette val ley town about 40 miles from Portland. I am reserving the only suitable vacant store spoee for this' purpose. Rent $20.00. Box 1013, Statesman. Wanted to Rent Wanted to rent room or smalt house In South Salem for two women. M:st be cheap. Box 1011, care Statesman. For Sale Real Estate"! $ 2,000 Creek property, I pns, bath, furnace. Close In. Terms or trade for acreage. $ 3,500 Strictly modern, fine resl- dence property, 5 rms., hwd. firs:, fireplace, terms. Will accept clear lot part payment. $10,000 Strictly modern duplex, 5 rms. each, furnace, fireplace, breakfast nook, garage, very close In. Will exchange for suburban or city home. See JS in onr new location In Sen ator HoteL WINNIE PETTYJOHN 214 N. High Street Good east front lot, 24th street, pave ment and sidewalk paid, block to bus line, only $375, terms easy. Phone 8854. 765 Rural Avenue. M W"H-'"- A - FOR SALE 3 room house with bath. $1000.00." ' Room house, good location. $1200. 5 Room house with fireplace, new, $1700. EAST TERMS M. B. STEGNER, 180 N. Commercial Phone 6413 Mattress remade, new cover. $3.95. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4069. -AI.L;M FLDFF-RUO and MattreM Factory. NEW MATTRESS msd- te rder, old remade: carpet cleaning. sl Ins; fluff rug weaving. S. lltb A Wll. lur. TeL 844L OTTO F. ZWICKER. Music Stores SEO. C WILLPtanoa. radina, sewing machines, sheet music and piano stud lea Repairing radio, phonographs and oewtng machines, 433 State Street. .Tlem. Photo Engraving Salem photo engraving. 11 N Com :nervlaL TeL 5887. Physicians and Surgeons Dr. E E, Getslaff hag moved his of fices from the First National Bank building to 1380 Center SL Phone 777L, 1 Printin? FOR STATIONERY, card, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of IH-lnting. call The Statesman Printing ivnnrtment. 21$ & CommerclaL Tele-phone-$101. - Stoves I repair stores, rangea, elrruiatora fell new and rebuilt atovaa. ranges and circulators, stock fence, posts, cMckea wire, Salem Fence and Stove Works, 2$2 Chemeketa. TeL 4IT4, a a Fleming; Transfer KOIt local or distant transfer storage, all 3131. Larrnr Transfer Co. Trarks Portland dally - Ramseyer track service. Pbone 8354. CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 22$ tatet. TL 77T3. Distributing, for warding and slorags our sporislty. Get oir rates I J Mattresses J