PAGE :FIVE Shelburn People On Excursion Too SHELBURN, Feb. 1 3. The 1 2 eoach special to Idanha, with two loeomotires, passed through Sbel hura at S a. m. Sunday morning, bound : for; the new winter play ground which, was of tioially open ed that day. A number of local people Joined the merry crowd at this plaee. . - f.x Mrs. - Herman Holm ' and son, Elrln, who have been In Silver ton : for the ; past eight weeks, where Elvla has recelred hospi tal treatment for an injured foot, returned home Friday. - - , Victor Arendal, formerly of Al bany, who died at the home of his father, in Roseburg, formerly held the pulpit in thia church. Pruning Peach Trees is Completed at Unionvale; Worthington Baby is Boy UNIONVALE, Feb. 13. Prun ing peach trees in orchards here has been completed. Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Worth lngton are the parents of a Im pound son born February 8 at their home here. This is their fifth child and the fourth son. He has been named Floyd W infield. The Evangelical Ladies' Aid chicken and noodle supper held In connection with the fish pond Tuesday night added $22.73 to the Aid treasury. President Junior Qub At Silverton Reported Recuperating From Flu SILVERTON, Feb. IS; Miss Ellen Christenson, daughter 6t Mr. and Mrs. George Christenson, who has been confined to her bed for the past nine days suffering from a severe case of influenza, is on the road to recovery. Tues day, Mrs. H. R. Riz of Portland, an aunt of Mrs. Christenson, came to Silverton and her niece return ed to the city with her where she will recuperate until the end of the week when she will return to her work at Steelhammer'i drus store at Silverton. Miss Christenson Is president of the Junior Women's club at Silverton. BE SURE YOU'RE AT SALLY'S ID) IPG QQQG 9 . , ' ARRIVED New Spring Styles 100- (5)00 - Don't Miss Seeing Them! o o o o New Mannish Styles JFred Astaire Backs Swagger Styles 00 to o o o 40 Just Arrived jl oo Mw$m v B 98c rwif i4e)..i a in r'i V 1 1 J ID I XL. Cares oi State Forgotten it ? i it - x - -V A 'I :-x-:-:-:--w::. v. i ' If; Chief lattice Hughes Speaker Joseph Byrne Birthday Dinners Are Given For Two Women In . Southern Marion JEFFERSON, Feb. 13. Mrs. Gordon. Barker and other relatives of Salem arrived Friday night to help her mother, Mrs. Dan ftorb, celebrate her birthday. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Dan Korb, Mr. and Mrs. Enos Korb, Ivan Korb, and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Gor don Barker and Mrs. LaBaer of Salem. Mrs. S.' A. Pease entertained with a dinner Sunday In honor of her husband's 75th birthday anniversary. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. William Duck worth of Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Pease of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. SA. Pease. When Fish and Poultry Go Union They Go to Salem Fish and Poultry Market 173 S. Commercial, Next to McDowell Market L SEA FOODS Season's Best Variety for Your Selection FREE DELIVERY POULTRY Dressed and Drawn Priced Right 100 Union Shop PHONE 6010 R Timber Worker Hurt SCIO. Feb. IS. H. I ("Pat") Pattern, a timber, worker in the Beran tract near Scio, is In Al bany hospital as a remit of. a fracture of his right hip on the highway 'a short distance east of the Arnold school house near Scio Sunday afternoon. , " : : ROYAL DESSERTS, 3 pkgs. for 17c Tour Choice of 10 Delicious FlaTora Tenderleaf Tea 7 oz. Black 29c 7 oz. Green 25c , & S. -Dated Co&cc 'ifec Enjoy Major Bowes Amateurs Sunday - 8 P. - XBO Royal Baking Powder, 12-oz. tin 31c Blade from Ocam of Tartar EAT FLEISCHMAXN YEAST "FOR TOUR, HEALTH PARAMOUNT MARKET FORMERLY STEUSLOFF iiKT. 390 Court St. Phone 3189 r.3uflHuimeny Look for . the Big: Neon Sign ALTERATIONS FREE 9 357 Court hief Justice Charlea Evans Hughes, left, and Speaker Joseph Byrns. right, posed for this photo when the two officials met at the annual toner fivea Ij Vice President Garner and Mrs. Garner for President and Mrs. Roosevelt Farmers' Union News CENTRAL HOWELL, Feb. 13. The Fanner Union meeting had a packed house Monday night. Eight new members were given the obligations. Arden Reed spoke on "Tee Relation of Agriculture to Our State College." Frank Bowers gave an entertaining chalk talk. E. Werner and J. S. Kaufman installed W. E. Batch- ellor as gatekeeper in a comic manner. G. W. Potts, state president, was an unexpected visitor and gave a report on the national convention in Illinois and on the meeting of the farm leaders with Secretary of Agriculture Wallace. Visitors from Bethel, Mt. Angel and Gervais were present. TALBOT, Feb. 13. A pie so cial sponsored fcy the Sidney Talbot Farmers union, was ehld in the Talbot schoolhouse last night, with a large crowd attend ing. The program follows: Musical selection by Talbot or chestra; musical duet, Virgil Cala van and Dale Turnidge; play, "Little Abe's Birthday," by the Talbot school; vocal solo. Mrs. Claude Johnson; story, Henry Turnidge; play, "Mrs. Magician's Mistake," by Aden Cahmbers. Vir gil C a 1 a v a n, Larsel Mathews. Ilene Bliuston, Albert Varits, Ane ta and Donald Gilmour. Roben and Gaynell Cole, and J. C. and Helen Walker, vocal trio, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johnston and son. Paul; play, "Cornfed Bebies," pre sented by the Ankeny grange, by Esther Hartley, Alphonse Schach- Pbone 7818 Easy Credit 184 N. Liberty, Salem, Ore. Phone 3527 294 N. Commercial We'll Pay You to Visit Your Irish Bing Store First in large savings with our low every-day price on every item. It will pay you to come here first and see! - Grapenuts, pkg. 'c . 1. Cream of Wheat, PkS.U 1;. 15c 22c Enter Pacific Coast Contest on Ivory Soap, 1 tg. Ivory,1 r 1 med;. Ivory, both for C ANNUAL SALE OF AMf lZQ SYRUP Golden ' 5-lb. pail 33c 10-lb. pail --63c Corn Starch 2 pkgs. :..--.....15c Crystal White 5-lb. pail - -35c 10-lb. pail 67c Gloss Starch 2 pkgs. ..... 15c This Syrup is Recommended by Medical Association CHASE A SANBORN'S DATED COFFEE pound 23c Enjoy Major Bowes' Amateurs - Every Sunday 5 P. 31. - NBC Royal Baking Powder, 12-oz. tin 31c MADE FROM CREAM OP TARTAR TENDERLEAF TEA .?gg:; Royal Desserts, 3 pkgs. for . . . .17c ' ALL TRUE FRUIT FLAVORS ' " Fleiscnman's Yeast for Health ... It Keeps Ton Fit! Ovaltine, 11.00 size 59c Valley Rose Flour, finest val ley flow, ' . : - fct 1Q 4t Ihn. " lISf Pnre Cane Sugar, 10 lbs. ' 49c Tuna Flakes, a 10c Grade -A" Butter, none better 36c Kerr's White Eagle -Flour, a real special for Friday and Saturday Cl in 49 lbs. . . l.Zj Peter Pan Flour, the real flour, 49 lbs. .... Country Klst Golden .. f Bantam Corn, 3 cans. .. aCDC $1.84 Pacific Slope Peas, gar den run, 3 cans Booth's Sardines, . spsorted, 3 cans .. . 25c 23c Crisco, 6-lb. can 97c Purex, gal. 17c Miracle Wbip, quart 39c Tomato Sauce, 3 cans 10c 25c 10c Campbell's Soup, all flavors, 3 cans J.. Oranges, medium size, dos. . : Have you ever given your lay ing hens a real treat? If not, " giro them Hod gen - Brewster " Egg Producer with o OA milk 0OU, Three Star Egg Mash, 21 protein- $1.95 Wheat, 3 grades 70 Mill Run, 80s Dairy Feed, 3X Oyster Shell or Grit -..ZZ 85c 95c "95c er, Ralph Dent, Ilene Blinston and Wilma Wintermantel; accordion solo, George Roth, sr.; piano solo, Paul Johnston; cornet solo, Da vid Turnidge; music by the or chestra. Following the program the pies were sold. E. B. Heuningsen act ed as auctioneer. Chamber Dinner Gathering Will Welcome Robot SILVERTON, Feb. 13. George Westinghouse Robot, the mechan ical man, will entertain at the February meeting of the Silver- ton chamber of commerce. The meeting will not be a dinner af fair, as usual, but has been call ed for 8 o'clock at the armory. it is open to tne pudiic and a special invitation is extended to country visitors. No charge will be made during the evening. Appearing on the program will be L. E. Hinman, who will speak on "The Human Side of Utility Business"; Wayne Rose, in piano numbers; Parzy Rose, in violin numbers, and Neal Rose, in xylo phone selections. Light refreshments will be serv ed at the close of the meeting. Choose Your Fabrics The beauty and warmth and colorful smartness which dis tinguish the Upholsterings, of finest, modern Furniture can be made to bestow transform ing effects on your old, worn pieces by our clever Upholster ers. Those "specimen" Chairs, Setees, etc., which fine Furni ture Shops display, show you what we can make your Furni ture look like! Genuine Engraved Calling Cards Your Choice of Styles of Type 100 Cards Plain or Paneled $175 I Plate Included FREE! Statesman Punishing Co. 215 S. Commercial St. Phone 9101 1000 lbs. of CANDY To Be Sold at as ib. Friday, Saturday Monday WILLETFS Capital Drag Store Corner of State and Liberty Sts. J Corner State and Liberty Phone 3118 Make a purchase amounting to 49c or over ' and get choice of 1 lb. of Jelly Beans, Gum Drops or Chocolates. mi LnJ gran We Barbasol Shaving Cream Just look at these 4l.lMV)MU ' J 40c . Fletcher's Castoria 28c Woodbury's Creams 35c f "i r 1 1 1 1 jX3 i Ori SALE! Book Matches Carton mt SOBoolu 8 J PIECE Shinola Set Brmht Poliiht 18)' BIGSAVTNG iOc ATLAS Shoe Polish 4 ra er Dpi NFWDEStGNf Cantaar Playing Cards 21c WHILE THET LAST! IOCOmmI Paper Napkins 4C 58c Kolynos Tooth Paste 34c Aspirin Tablets Bottle of 100 19K Tyson Rubber Gloves Palmoliv Soap 6,or25 Send Mack feaada lima J cakea ud 10c t City. N. f , lor C ptaria Biwsk Mrtk $1.00. L rremr? ,i I9e ' Phillips' Milk off Magnesia POND'S CREAMS 4Q. IScBh.. 0JC DR. LYON'S 1 T. Tooth Powder ZleBite...,...."" V CAM?ANA DRESKIN 97. MAR-O-OIL SHAMPOO CQI n.t 14-. sire.. 97C CALOX TOOTH POWDER24q ALLjSETALCUMOQ UneTia 67C UFEBUOY 0, 8hainf Cremm tS SUe atiaBV J22bb;jr:....50'-98c tJM Cvmania Hnb Fta . . . f 79 ANACtN TABLETS f A 25c SUe Tin of 12 ...V PEPSODENT 9QC Tooth Pte Oe Tub.... RA1JBUT UVEA 00. CATSUIIS OQ. Ptein 50's or SS'e Fortified.. . SQUIBB'S MINERAL OILCQe TU Sim Pint wJJv BAYER ASPIRIN Qe KELP-A-MALTTABLkTS7Qe tlM 8ie 100't.,.. 3" MILK OF MAGNESIA 9?e SQUIBB COO LIVER OILTQc ll-Oance Bottle 9V ' MALTED MILK ?QC Plain or Chocotof Mwl.w.Jg C IF. CoughRtlUf,4M......43c . 2S Hinds Cream 21c 3Sc Laxative Bromo Quinine 24c I. mm sttcrrs riltllll Valentino Card arrfc bw mndfyt In Shnmt htart-thaomd Scott Toilet Tissue 3263 Walotef, 4 for IS Vclentlno Heart Box 5(C) 211 Vefctt--EartBflx,Lb.JL25 2U.$2X9 fifta iarftlawi TT Cleansing Tissues Ofafwn Cod Liver Oil Wondci 10ft Kotox Box of 36 Garcia Grande BABIES CIGARS Ann Leslie Taster Box LLb.Mi 1 Chocolateer Assortment atma wrapped. Miniature' Chocolates WWT Bwtter creana, wat and fim( oaBtarib - $1.23 value - MsWwSaVssft HAIR TONIC wtth Ms IsMtanft SHAMPOO Boihi For Valentine Gifts and for Your Own Us $4.00 Coty's Perfume and Face Powder Set New B0URJ0IS S-in-1 Offer FREE1 ' EytWrvf In Parta andSprinaiaaa PERFUME mith tlM . Ewiiinfia Paris Faca Pawdar juavataa " 2.9S Choice of LXMaan.' L'Aimant. Baa. rande. Parte at CfoUnTt Teeth Paste 288? m New Design I IT A!OTCIadffaD JOe Bromo-Seltzer k23 Bost i Toothpaste Xemorea ' fticettae tain from the tRtk.' lite L Cbaraajrv't Tata) -Perfume DRAM SALE of PERFUMES. t ". Cnyilit D.' SOD- AMwrtMlT Briar; FREEI ; v CSt PUptnaar ITALIAN Balm '' &w?55 11 fey Brushless MAN-O-WAR SHAVING CREAM REM For Coughs .-z.Siz yYsoLN. Disinfectant 43c : I ',' " ' Dandre-Sol ' ' V HAIR TONIC NIPPLES X I -CRIB J 1 SHEETING I V MaMiwcli v' ITimlan l MINERAL OIL X I . M0LLE s I V , Shavfni Cream fi J WE GIVE S & II GREEN TRADING STAMPS