, 1- I - The OREGON STATESMAN, eOregdiCTucsday Morff, January 28;1336 PAGE NINE Used7 Cas?s ; : -L..v --v i V" "... v- - . to Sfaesma7t Classified Ads Call 9J0I ' . ClaniVIed Advertising Single Insertion per lint ..10c Three Insertions per line . . JOe Six insertions per 11a . . i . SOe One month per line ... .J 1.00 Minimum charge ......... 25o Copy f tale -.sage attested an til :JO the eveaiag Safer aasUeatiea far elataiflcatio. Copy received after this time will ee ra ends the bead tag Tee Let ta Classify. The StataaaMts hum aa f isea eial reeaoasiBittty far cntn vkitk aa appear la adeertiaaawnta eablUa 4 4a its celustss. sad is eases where thia paper la rat fault will rtpriat that part at aarediaitieaiBBUt ia which the tjpograpaieal aiiataka eraara. Tha Etataaaaa raaartra Ua rtgUt to ajact atijaeMaaatrfa a4artiainc. It fur ther reaarraa taa jixbt la claaaily ail dvrtiiDS aaAar taa proper etaaufiea tWa. 1 Help Wanted Male Young man wanted to work on ranch. Call Sunday or evenings. 1 mi. .north o( Keizer achooU 1. K. McGinty. Want two younj men for ateadjr Job In Salem. Most have n!cn school eau- catkm and furnish local references. Call 381 State St.. Room 204 today, a p. to. Take your Diesel training In Cal tfornia theory at home ; practical training In national school dieael artop. transportation both ways Included in reasonable tuition fees. Small monthly payments. See Mr. Newberry, 2325 Maple Ave, Salem, Ore. j Situation Wanted ' Bodyguard c a p a b 1 e, experienced college man. Licensed chauffeur. Ref erences. Call 87 18 ask for James Fox. Experienced girl .wants housework. Eveninga free to attend achool. N. Henderson, Rt. 2, Independence. Willamette boy wants work for board and room. Teh 9364. i for Sale Miscellaneous I ' Safe for sale, fireproof. tU Cbeme kats. TYPEWRITERS Rent a machine. practice at noma. Special rates to stu dents Koen, 429 vourt. rnone S773. Selcrest lota. Tel. C352. Iloorer k Prnneir Vac. Cheap, cash. Brushes rebrisUed. Teed. 40 S. list. New radio tubes tic Moore's .Radio Serrlce, OS North High Street Wadgewood gas range. TeL 4498. Team with harness, reasonable. Ter- tjsaki. Route 2, Box 2 J 9. Good apples ISs box, t for 8 Sc. Fire- weed honey. 6 lb. pall. Sc Cbotce ra- rel oranges, bushel box. place pack. All sljtes, 1.85 box; 15c to fiSc dozen. Puritan apple cider fresh daily, gal- ion, Z5c. PURITAN CIDER WORKS" WEST SALEM SALE Pigs 1 ml. north of Keizer schooL D. K. UcGinty. Gusrnsey-Jersey heifer freshen this week. Also hay. 1095 S. 14th St. Poultry fertilizer, straight or with nat or with peat moss. TeL 133FS 's Hatchery. Vacuum cleaner, Airway, latest model, only 851. 10. Salem Hdwe. Co. TeL 4998. Household furniture, 211 yds. of carpet. 1498 Court. TeL S55& Clearance sale this week only. Lea ther scraps 10c lb., silk pieces 10c lb. j&uem Quilt Shop, 419 Ferry. , Wanted Miscellaneous Free Wa pick up desd and worth- lass horses, cows, soeep. tcl 4 las. Walnut, filbert, meat a Walnuts In ahelL Any quality. State Cafeteria. W pay cash for used pianos TeL 8787. j - Wanted Furniture CASH PAID FOR TOUR TOOLS Stoves, Furniture Capital Hardware A Furniture Co. SSS N. Commercial Pbons 7848. Miscellaneous Haircuts, 20c-15c 303 & Winter. For Rent Rooms Rooms, 696 N. Cottage. TeL 6673. Sleeping room. JeL 4493. Warm room, close In. TeL 4515. Heated sleeping rms. 444 S. High. Pleasant room near state bldgs. Hot water ueau aa i. ,apicoi. Heated, room, 549 N. Cottage. Furn. room In private home. 3 blka from town. Ibo, 635 Chemeketa. Front, nested, sleeping no, TeL 4373. Room and Board Rm.-bd. TeL 8J94. 360 Chemeketa. Km. A brd. single, $6 wk, double $5 ws. Ph. ZilQ after S. Basement room and board. TeL 4445. L Board, room. 1083 Electric St . Room and board near statehouse, 352.50. Children boarded. Box 895, statesman. Board and room. 369 N. CapltoL t For Rent Apartments 1 1 Furnished steam beat, Frlgldaire, '. fine water. Hawthorne Court. 1000 No. CapUoL . . ADVERTISING . .T Portland Representative Cordon B.' BelL Security Building. Portland, ore, Western Advertising RepresentatlTes Fengsr-HaU Co, Ltd. taa Francises, Los angeles, oaatlle Eastern Advertising -" ; RepresentatlTes Bryant, Griffith Branson, I no, Chicago, New Tone, Detroit, Boston, Atlanta aTsfcre f 4a Posforfies at Salrn, vreocH, at gecosa-Ciasa atattar. pa luaed avary marsta sxesps atewgay B-uiss of tie, 316 tost Cossamarvia' SUBSCRIPTION RATKSi Mna Subscription Rates, In Advaacs. Tviunn ursgon: uauy and Sunday, l " W"' wsvswu awssltaj fsVUVS kJ UUUSJ Bio. 60 cents: 4 Mo. $1.18 0 Mo. 33J8 ; rear 4.. Xllaawnara KB easts s Mo, or $5.9 for 1 year In advance. Pas -copy s cents News stands cents. By City Carrier: 43 cents month . $4.89 a year la adraaea. nteresting We hear that Joe Herman, for merly manager ot the Marion ho tel is now with the Warerly Golf dab In Portland. We were told that Joe was Just about running the place. Perhaps some of Joe's friends will get a chance to play golf on this exclusire course. a See that the gang that used to gather for their second breakfast at the market have moved to the Peter Pan. a a Both Bererly and Marblehead, Mass., claim the honor of being the birthplace of the United States nary. a a a Each consumer in the United States ate 20 pounds less food i each depression year. a a The original A. A. A. still stands for. the American Automobile as sociation. a a Banks will remain closed this Friday election day. a a Four state measures and one city measure will appear on the ballot this Friday. For 'Rent Apartments Furn. am., lights, water pd.. May tag. $9.59 up. Garage. 124 H N. Capitol Small furn. apt., 599 Union. Apartment, fireplace, private bath. Adults 735 X. Com'L TeL 8115. For Rent Houses Furn. unfurn. Forkner. TeL SOIL - - I-, - i -.-,- .l...MWn "HW" '" ' A. Winter rates on cottages. Lona Star Auto camp. UfO N. canitoL 8 R. furn. ltouse. Inq. &81 Oak. 8 room house, garage . and garden spot. Close in. S.li.aV. a room house, garage, 818. 7 room house with 12 acres of ground 1 miles from Salem all for 812.60 per month. Fv. II. Weir. 210 Oregon Bldg. Snappy bungalow furnished, elec. range and refrigerator. 1235 N. 16th. Mod. furn. bungalow, 1235 N. 16th. Unfurn. 4 R. house, Fairmount Hill, 125 K. Superior. For Rent I Offlcs rooms tor rent 881 State 8L feL J7IS. liuspltat beds and whee-k't.a)ra Stiff Kurniturs Co. enL H. I. Wanted to Rent WANTED A small, unfurnished house. Box 999. Statesman. 4 or 5 room furn. or partly furn. modern house, by steadily employed party, pref. 830 mo. TeL 6628 or call at 463 Ferry. Wanted furnished apt.. 2 adults. child. Box 998, Statesman. For Sale Real Estate SPECIAL HOME BARGAINS $1800. Good four room plastered home located near Englewood school, only $38 down, balance $18 per month to include Interest. $2409. Large bungalow style home with two nice east front lots, on paved st., only $43 down, baL 8?4 ner month- $1700. 4- room home with two bed rooms, oak floor, fireplace, ga rage, $209 cash, balance 317 per month. $2000. Late modern room Eng. style home with basement, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, garage, paved St., only $300 down, baL $20 per month. $2600. Modern 5 room home with base ment, furnace, fireplace, ga rage, paved St., located near Richmond school. $260 down. bal. 826 per month. $2500. Late modern 4 room home with basement, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, located in new dis trict on paved st. $650 down, baL easy terms. See us for bargains. W, H. GRABENHORST CO., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St- Phone 6468. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION OF A CHOICE 5 ACRE COUNTRY ESTATE . Well located and close in, all in cul tivation, excellent solL 1 acre filberts. some raspDemes ana otner iruits. uh new room, plastered house witn built-ins, good plumbing, electric water pump, gas, 500 capacity chicken house and small barn. ' Price $3950, part terms. Will take Salem horns as part. SKB CU fiord Harold with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 6708. 5 room bouse Including 1 acre, near city limits, cloae to the Garden Road. Price $1400.00. W. G. KRUEGER 147 N. Com'L. Phone .4728. 3 room liouse. garage, corner lot. Jo 2 a. $2 down. $10 per month. F. H. Weir, 219 Oregon Bldg. "(sAsssajaaaaassssasssa INCOME PROPERTY Good apartment close in. 10 rent als, showing good income. Value $12, ooo. win accept clear farm as part payment. CALL Mrs. Ellis with CHILD3 A MILI.RR- Ra1tnr 341 State St. Phone 6703. List yonr property for sale with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC Houses Grant, 629 Court. Tel, 1733, ------------i- - ----.-.--."WTrtruiuxarui FOR SALE, by owner, S room home. large lot witn fruit, double garage, walking distance: shown by appoint ment only. Price $3200.00, terms Pbons 9541 or can at 1710 N. 17th St- GOOD BUYS IN REASONABLY PRICED HOMES 2 room house, corner lot. caved street, trice vw. part terms. room cottage, needs some repairs. garage and woodshed. 2 large lots. fine garden spot, several choice fruit and nut trees. Pries 3630. cash 380, oai. uxe rent. To doss an estate will sacrifice price on a beautiful little cottage, well located in North Salem. Price $1260. immediate possession of a neat room English type cottage in South balem. corner lot. Price 31250. terms. or less for cash. ; - ALSO: We write aH lines of Insur ance, SEE US t renew YOUR FOL IC r. - - CHILDS at MILLER, Realtors 344 SUte Street Phone 6763. ( For Sale Farms 1 A BBJS-MBl Sin ttv VaV lfla4 sitl Im msV I w wvive uuiuiivi-h Ua aS MS X. I tlvUoo. On paved road 7. miles from Salem. For quick sale. $190 down, bal ance easy payment. - 19 acres well improved, equipped for F. IL Weir, 210 Oregon Bldg. I For Sale Used Cars " 1 McKA We Will Not Be Undersold ; We Do Not Misrepresent ... We Furnish a Written Guarantee ! DAILY SPECIAL 1931 Ford DeLuxe Sport Roadster High compression hesd windowings aid mounts and all the other trimmings Best buy In town 8 26S OTHER BARGAINS 1928 Chevrolet Coupe 1928 Oldamobile Coach 1929 Chevrolet Coach 1930 Chevrolet Coach 1931 Chevrolet Coupe 1931 Buick Sedan 1931 Chevrolet Sedan McKAY CHEVROLET COMPANY S3) Center, - Pbons S1S9 Open Sundays MORE 30 DAY USED CARS CARS ON HAND OVER 30 DAYS MUST GO! WE LOSE YOU SAVE A SQUARE DEAL ALWAYS TODAY'S SPECIAL 1933 V-8 DeLuxe Coupe, completely overhauled, new paint and good rubber $385 1934 V-8 Victoria 1934 V-8 Tudor . 1934 V-8 Fordor - 1933 V-8 Tudor 1933 V-8 Coupe DeLuxe 1931 Model A Ford Roadster 1929 Buick Master Sedan 1928 Essex Sedan SQUARE DEAL Buy Your USED CAR Now FROM OCR JANUARY CLEARANCE SPECIALS AT THE VALLEY MOTOR CO. Marlon & Liberty TWO USED Phone Ford sport coupe, 1930, completely overhauled, new paint, license. Cash or terras. Private owner. Pilot, Salem Air port. ' "Nash sedan, late '27. good condition. gas or diesel oil 111! Saginaw. Wanted Real Estate Nelson's Farm Agency has buyers coming for bargains in farms. Ph. 8380 for write Rt. 7. Box 14. Want best buy in 10 acres Not over $1000. $25 down snd $19 a month guaranteed. Not, over 6 miles out. Box 997, care Statesman. Money to Loan FOUR PER CENT nald on savings INSURED to $5,000.00. Salem Federal Savings A Loan Assn. Guardian Bldg. Phone 4109. Federal housing loans Utle S. build or refinance homes or business prop. Low rates A bra ma A Ellis. Masonic B. Automobile Loans Private money for automoblls loans st new low rates. . Personal Attention No Delays You Keep Your Car Roy Simmons First Nat l Bank Bldg. Phone ISIS. Licensed by the Stats A Complete Service on I Loans Up to $300 We can advsncs cash quickly and privately to any employed man er woman In 34 hours i Beneficial Loan Society of Salem Room 119, New Bllgh Bldg. 2nd floor LICENSED XfO. S-122 AH 165 by STATE 111 State St. TeL 3 T 4 a Loans Mads In Nearby Towns i Personal Loans By sg Independent Salem Finance Co. Amounts to flaw One to Twenty Months to Repay Deal . with, an Independent Salem owned-end -opera ted finance company where your needs will receive every consideration both before snd after tha MSn la made. . I No Delays - - No Red Tape General Finance Corp. First Nat l Bank Bldg. Phone 8551 ; Licensed. 8-136 by SUte Loans Wanted FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS. Invest your money at home where you can examine the security yourself. We have a number of highly) secured first mort gages netting investor 6 semi-annu ally. Amounts! $500-$750-$1000-$2000, We collect the 1 Interest for you. ;Seet for SUNO INVESTMENTS. CHILDS A MILLER. Utge. Loans 344 State Street - Phone 6708. Loans wanted on farm and city property. Before borrowing. Inquire at Hawkins A Roberts, Wood Sawing Wood sawing reasonable Call 1298. Wood sawing, lowest prices T. 4934. I i For Sale Wood 18 In. old fir, $1.50. Phono 1451. GUARANTEED DRT wood coal Tel. 5000. Salem Fuel Co. Trsds Cottage. j 16 in, old fir, 6.25. TeL 693$. bnarknteed dry 2nd rroirth, 7860. Wood all kinds. Call 6818. Get what you buy. Tom and-George. t pry Wood, -reasonable, TeL 3354. 16 la. old fir. $5.23; 16 In. 2nd growth $4.75. (TeL 8456. ' Best krade dry old fir. Ash and oak. tei. .as wo. 12-16" dry wood. Tel. 3673. FT Personal ; Worrladt Procure best advice from Mrs MarUn, PS. D., 420 SUte SL "-sassesaaTgisjt STOMACH ULCER. GAS PAINS. INDIGESTION victims, why suffer T For. quick relief get a free-sample of udkQ a do'of . Tr.onBrcapt ltal and Perrys Drag Stores. For Sale Used Cars j Y S , 85 165 . 195 . 276 . 845 . 885 . (95 4 SO N. Commercial A Evenings ..Originally 8550 NOW 8495 8625 NOW 3495 3550 NOW $525 3465 NOW $445 3445 NOW 3435 3260 NOW 324S 3250 NOW 3230 $145 NOW $135 USED CARS Center A Liberty CAR LOTS 7910 Used Trucks 1930 Chevrolet dual tires ..$ 150.90 85.00 385.99 1929 Dodge 1-ton 1SZ9 norland Z-ton L. w. B. 1929 Dodge with body and hoist 350.90 359.09 300.00 395.00 1931 Ford L. W. B., good body is 33 -ora ptcKup Model a 1933 Ford pickup V-8 1934 Chevrolet 1H ton I W. B. E65.M 1930 International A-4, L. W. I, with heavy duty log ging trailer fully equlp P - 1200.00 L912 Studebaker 2-ton L. W. B. 895.09 1335 C-l International I W. B. pickup SSfcOO Others to select from. Come In and look them over. James H. Maden Co. 217 State Street Phone 8538. International Motor Trucks A McCor mtck Deering Farm Machinery - ' ' ------ i -i ii-rnfWnvirwuTAvi Come in and Inspect Our Used Cars 1935 Buick Sedan . $895 415 415 349 1933 Pontlac Sedan . 1931 Studebaker Sedan 1930 Buick Coupe - 1929 Buick Sedan , 1928 Buick Sedan 295 215 1928 Buick Coach 1925 Buick Coach , 185 , 65 I 1935 Chevrolet Coupe Master 646 495 1934 Ford Deluxe Coupe, driven only 10,000 1929 Buick Sedan 1928 Chevrolet Coupe 276 165 1926 Buick Coach 145 1927 Pontlac Sedan . 95 85 85 1927 Pontlac Coupe 1926 OldsmDblle Sedan 1925 BulcksSedan 65 2 Models T Fords from $15 to $25 Balance can be carried on easy monthly payments Otto J. Wilson 3S3 N. Com'l. St BUICK A - Phone 515L PONTIAC EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned was duly ap pointed executor of the last will and estate of Anna M. Lewis, deceased, by order of the Coun ty Court ot the SUte of Oregon for the County of' Marlon, on the 15th day of January. 1938. and that all persona having claims against said estate are hereby requested to present their respective claims, with proper Touchers, duly verified, to the undersigned executor at Room SO 2, First National Bank Build- j ing, Salem, Marion County, Ore gon, within six months from the date ot this notice. Dated January 20, 1938. GEORGE E. LEWIS Executor of the last will ' aad estate ot Anna M. Lewis, Deceased. JOHN BAYNE Attorney for Executof. Published . In Oregon States man January 21st; 28th, and Feb ruary 4th, 11th and 18 th, 193 1. No. 9132 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of j Marion. In the Matter of the Estate of j - J. B. PARKER, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been ap pointed administrator ot the tate of J. B. Parker, deceased, by the above entitled court, and has duly qualified. All persons hay-l ing claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly reiified as by law re quired, to the undersigned at 358 United States National Bank Building, Portland, Oregon, with in six months from the date here of. Dated and first published this 7th day of January, 1938. CHAS. T. PARKER, - Administrator as Aforesaid. RIDGWAT. JOHNSON b KEN DALL. 358 V., S. National Bank Bldg., Portland, Oregon, Attorney.- tor Admmistrator. J.7-14-21-2-F.t 1 For Sale Used CareM Exceptional Used, Car Bargains 18J5 Plymouth DeLuxe R. & Coupe, low 184 Chrysler 8 4 -door Sedan 1984 Plymouth DeLuxe l-door Sedan its. Pivmontn DuLuifr t-aoor bcaan : 1I1Z Plymouth PB 4 -door sedan, reconainonea ana guaranteea . 1938 Ford 4 -door Sedan, motor rebuilt 130 Ford Sport Coupe, motor reconditioned and guaranteed 193S Essex 4 -door Sedan, A-J conaiuon. 1929 Buick 4 -door Sedan, thoroughly reconditioned and guaranteed 1926 Overland 2 -door Sedan, cheap transportation .,. Terms Open Evenings W. L. Anderson, Inc. I De SOTO-PLYMOUTH DISTRIBUTORS 869 Marion Pbons Used Car Specials That are Priced to Sell! 14 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan gun-metal equipment. - 34 Plymouth DeLuxe R. S. Coupe run nui nwnr nrrra tn aruaramee. 34 Dodge 4-Door DeLuxe Sedan with trunk very low mileage can't be equal led at the price. 38 Dodge DeLuxe 8 wheel equipped, a These cars will equal any values ootainea ana are oiierta at a special price. BONESTEELE BROS INC. "WATCH STUDEBAKER" Corner Liberty and Chemeketa ..w...w NOW WRECKING 1928 Buick Master Sedan 1928 Essex Sedan 1928 Chevrolet Delivery 1927 Packard 6 Sedan 1927 Dodge Sedan 1925 Dodge Coupe We have wrecked the latest model car in the valley. Call us for all parts. ACME AUTO & TRUCK WRECKERS "Look For The Neon Sign" . 430 S. Commercial Phono 7721. '33 Plymouth Coupe. 710 N. 29th. Mississippi Governor Sworn in n i -A sj is ff : " n -( - - - J 7 - fey y. When Hugh L White, left, a Democrat, was sworn Into office by Chief Justice Sydney Smith, right at the capital at Jackson as gov ernor of Mississippi, it signaled the beginning of an administration bostiie to the Huey Long machine and- allied with Senator Theodore Bilbo. . Payless Professor Retires PcT Rollin H. Walker, professor of- English, Bible at Ohio Wesleran niilTersityV" Dekware, practices the , principles of Christian generosity as well as teaching them. ' Since Dr. Walker joined the Wesleyan faculty in 1899, he has given more money o the uniTersify than he has received. He has worked without pay for years and even paid the ' salaries of bis' departmental assistants . out of his modest jneoo.from other sources. His academic eaer end next June when he retires at the agVof ?0. ' 7 "' . X I For Sale Used ara mileage, new car guarantee t685.M - ; 1- - reconoiuonea ana iwresiew a J95.00I guaranteed 285.0 36&.e new -pa in i 826.es 298.04 116.90 Sundays Trades 7791 ; Salem, Oregon. gray finish, low mileage, extra , 18.900 miles, practically new tires, for- buy see this one. O - Young Republicans Will Young' -Republicans are to meet tomorrow night to elect officers and to transact other business, Darid Hoss announced yesterday. He . is president of the group, Hoes said delegates from the Younr Republican club had al ready made plans to go to Port land on the night of Lincoln's birthday to hear ex - President Hoover. The latter will speak at the Multnomah hotel at 7 p. m. His address will be broadcast orer a national hookup. 1 Chief Justice Smith s - If Dr. RolG. H. Wslka j I '"'til Y- l1IJ I 'V-" ft -'X-;-:-:. v: I 7 Business Cards in this directory run 1 Mattresses .? T'Jl? Z;t?tei remade, new cover. $3 5. 11 AO per Una per month. CAPITOL BEDDING CO, Phone 4S9. '' ' ' &KiMk FLUFF-RUO and Mattraaa I Antn Rrakes I Factory. NEW MATTRESS mad. ta I APW ISTauaCT I order, old remade: carpet deantag, eta ' . ng; fluff rag weaving. & 13th A Wil li Ike Panes. Z7I South Commercial, tmr. TeL 144 L OTTO V. ZWICKER. I i Est, U1L ... j Contractors & Builders ' i i . . . , ' - 1 Music Stores Peter JohannseB. Work guars n teed. i i No pay U not satisfied. Tel. tS87. GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing ! t machines, sheet musio and piano erud- 1 nhimnev Sween I Repa-lrtng radios, pnowocras4tsnd UUmB" JW"P ' aewlng machines. 438 Stats fcUreat, Telephone 4150. ! R. C Korthnesa Salcm Cbiropractors I Photo agraring ) DR. O. L SCOTT. PSC C3lroprsctor ' Photo engraving. 147 N. Com- 26 N. High. Tea. Res. 8762. mix-t Tet 683T. ) Electrical Service 1 I tMnting 1 BASLER Elartrlc. 14g StWM St Wb BBTmNSk. ZFfS. STt tng. motors, appllanea. repairs, aerrica uS'VhTtf PrfnUn, i . m. j Department, 111 & Commerciak Tels- I Excavating j phone siol Excavating of an ktnds. Basements I StOVeS I duo Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for ' saleSalem Sand and Gravel Co. Phone , rpmlr j. ' Sell new and rebuilt atovca, ranges and rn . . """ circulators, stock fence, posts, chicken rlorrgts wire, Salem Fence and Stove Works, 282 Chemeketa. TL 4774. R. a Bratthaupt a. 447 Court. Fleming. ALL kinds of floral -wor. Lots. Fl or- I Xrnnsfr 1st, 1171 N. Liberty. TeL 152. ' tiauaicr t wr i FOR local or distant transfer storage. I Keys I call 818L Urmer Transfer Ca Trucks ' to Portland Oaily. W make key. Barry W. Scott " Ramseyer truck service. Phone 3364. Laundries J CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co. 226 State St TeL 7773. Distributing, tor THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY ' wsrdlng snd storsga ear spec blty. Get THE WEIDER LAUNDRY wr rates 263 a High , TaL 12S capital city la un or z I Well Drilling j vim. i rvn-ii M4 c-wi 1 . Telephone 3164 1264 Broadway NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of mortgage fore closure execution issued by Cir cuit Court of Stste ot Oregon for Marion County In suit: "No. 25849, BKNJ. FRANKLIN SAV INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, a corporation, Plaintiff, v. C. C. SETTLEMIER and BERTHA C. SETTLEMIER. husband and wife. Defendants," therein pending, and to me directed, I shall, on Sat urday, February IS, 1936, at ten o'clock in the forenoon thereof, at west door ot Marion County Courthouse, Salem, Oregon, sell at public auction, for cash, all right, title and interest had and possessed by said defendants, on or since May 21, 1931, in. and to the following-described real prop erty, to-wit: Beginning at a point 18 links north 87 links east of the Northwest corner ot the State Land bought of B. F. Bonham Estate; thence West 15.55 chains; thence North 9.48 chains; thence East 15.55 chains; thence South 9.48 chains to the place of beginning, containing 14.71 acres, more or less, said Cross Word Puzzle 444 ii 14 i Vj 17 23 to 21 22 2 21 SO 31 32 3d Ho 42 44 45 At SO VXX ill By EUGENE SHEFFER HORIZONTAL 1Wk was the wii af Abrahasa aad asatkar af lease? 6 Accumulate 11 Bartered 13 Where Is Lake Wsswer? 14 What city bacaaae tha capital 1 of Tarkey ia W23T Ji Tribe on tha Warn Springs jieserraBoa !lHaheczs .117 Utiliza . ' .19 Child's protectiv cloth 20 Hebrew name for God r 21 la what BTwriaca ef Caaads Is CHcasyt . 25 Bone 28 Horrible 2S No aa distant - 30 la what stats did the battle of Leokest hfoonUla take pUce7 '32 Insane person -33 Speech , : ' SS Greek letter :f 36 What Is tha priacipal star ia Store ja 7 - 38 Artiadal language 40 Ot each an equal quantity 42 Troth In the "Faerie Queens" ' AXmm Drinlrinr weasel 44 -Device for operating telephone bells - ? 47 Fodder . 60 Uvelv h7 51 Demonstrated 52 Attendant on a lora 53 Pitchers . ! VERT1CAI. ' 1 Look at fixedly . , '2 WW wrote -Sohrah sad Ras- 3 Storm ; 4 Fuss 6 PoasessiTO pronoun a Inspire with revereritial fear 7-Chess pieces , 8 SUr in Draco V ,' 9 Student ia his last year at college Directory R. A. Wast R ft. Box 445. TeL IfSFL property lying and being in Sections 11 and 14, Town ship 1 South. Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian in Marion County, Oregon. A. C. BURK. Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. J 14-21-28 F 4-11 City Warrant Debt to Be Liquidated Soon if Tax Payment Continue If tax payments continue at their present rate, the city should be free of warrant debt within a short time, Alfred Mundt, act ing city treasurer, said yester day. During the day he redeemed approximately half of 850,000 worth of warrants called In for cashing. The call was of all city warrants to and including num ber 97-150. Redemption of these warrants will leave warrants dated De cember 20. 1935, the oldest out standing, Mundt said. io 15 25 25 33 34 37 3& 35 43 48 45 J . lftThos who admir social st. tion 12 Besmear V 13 Cubic meters 18 Desirnatinr a subdivuion d the Upper Deroniaa 21 Sphere of action 22 la whoso hoaor was the sun f Peiregrad changed? 23 Savor : 24 Open spaces 27- Eskimo group 29 IHorigated fish 31 CreatiTe force 32 What is the fourth largest city af Oarsaany ? 34 What president af the Trans vaal had its Basse changed to , tha South African Republic? 35 French revolutionist 37 Grata or scrape 39 Unrolls 41 Species of pier A3 Hollow place in the earth , 45 Alcoholic beverage 48 Night before a holiday 48 Anger 49 Calling sound made by cattle Herewith Is the solution to yes terday's puzzle. m. i ii