The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 26, 1936, Page 14, Image 14

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Blornlrig, January 26, 1938
j Bonus Moneys
Will Be Spent
j Most will Reach Channels
I - of Trade Soon After
! Received, Shown
f Tomorrow the United States
senate is expected to rote the
i veterans bonus over the . Presi-
dent's veto-and thereby release to
! ex-soldiers funds aggregating 1 1,
1988,391,000. ;
i By Jane these moneys Trill be
j arailable for the veterans and
! most of the sum, despite the fact
jit will , be paid In - gorernment
j bonds, , will go into the channels
of trade according to studies made
! by the American Legion national
! organization,
j How will it be spent?
i This question, according to
fjerreld Owen, secretary of the
state veterans' commission here
and a member of the publications
j board of the American Legion
Monthly, has already been thor
oughly studied by the Legion. A
i careful surrey was made of 42,
;000 typical veterans and here, is
some of the data obtained:
s Payment of Bills , .
Takes Dig Amount
I Thirty-one per cent of the to-
- tal bonus payment or $623,615.
'OOO. will go to retire bills and
landed debts items already in
curred by veterans who will be
enabled to catch up on their ob
ligations through the bonus mon
ey ij This item of debt payment
:will take by far the largest per
centage of the moneys received
from the bonus.
When the veteran has cleaned
rap his old accounts 54 per cent
of the bonus recipients have out
standing accounts the next
- charge on his bonus will be his
house. A careful survey shows
that the estimated amount of ex-
"4 penditures in repair of houses
runs to $133,000,000 and far ex
ceeds the outlay contemplated for
cars. Nineteen per cent of the
veterans who receive bonus pay
mnts plan to spend a portion of
their nest egg repairing the "old
home". New bouses will- take a
sizeable chunk of bonus pay
ments: estimated expenditures for
this item are J92.451.000 while
the task of painting existing hous
es is going to claim $34,200,000.
I Next to fixing: up the present
residence or building a new one,
the veteran Is most interested in
acquiring real property, the sur-
vey shows. Based on a test of
42,000 veterans, it is estimated
that $129,00,000 of bonus pay
ments will go for the purchase of
homes and slightly more than half
of this amount $66,733.000
will be paid out towards the pur
chase of a farm. Lots call for
an outlay of $31,000,000. '
Autos. Furniture
Will Be Purchased ,
j However, not all the veterans'
money will go for substantial pur
chases such as lots and farms and
, houses. A sizeable amount will
be laid out for the newest and
most' attractive auto models. The
survey shows that $122,716,000
- of the total bonus paid will go for
cars,' new and old, with new car
purchases emphasized,
i Bit the housewife will receive
almost as much money for b e r
purchases as will the car dealer.
Furniture purchases will total
$61,000,000 the estimate declares,
while $45,000,000 will go for In
terior furnishings of house, apart
from furniture. The electric or
gas refrigerator people are in
for a sizeable chunk of business;
the survey indicates they will get
$21,000,000 In purchases and the
radio dealers will have a $9,000,-
000 stimulus.
1 Ad clothing no small outlay
will bo the investment of Mr. Vet
era for wearing togs; suits and
overcoats will receive $34,000,000
In expenditure.
4 Ne estimates were made on the
amount of savings to be set-aside
' from the nearly two billion dol
lars coming to , veterans. They
will bo very much a minority of
' the dollars given: the veterans.
Not more than 20 per cent of the
recipients of the bonus are ex
pected to bold onto the bonds
which the government hands
them. By June of this year the
lineup at the pos toff ice will - be
long ; and the payment on bonds
almost continuous ltV a busy
season in prospect for the mer-
.JtVt4 tV. t. itM
ui v icaiivi Ail LI LUC
collector, when the bonus Is paid.
T According to Mr. Owens, Ore.
VoVs share In the bonus will be
1 2 0,179,0 3 4. : Marion - county's
ahare will be $1,312.S89 and Lane
county's share will be $1,181,462.
, Largest outgo will be In Multno-
nak county where the veteran is
to Tecehe an aggregate of $7,-
332,403. . ..
Batter and Eggs
Trend Unchanged
PORTLAND, Jan, 2S-iPr-There
were no cnanges in esg, butter or
Imttorfat quotations.
! General chicken trade showed
I There was no change In the
country killed meat situation.
) Potato trade wns stagnant, with
lower prices ruling generally. .
I Slow, trading continued in the
Hothouse rhubarb market with
prices shaded.
Onion market remained - un
changed with growers holding for
Via net generfally tor their
Brakes All Found
In Good Condition
I State police staged a brake
checkup on State street near the
penitentiary yesterday afternoon
at .found none of the 30 auto
mobiles inspected with brakes in
a condition prohibited by the, state
znoier veaiae. act. Five of the 30
motorists, however, were warned
that their brakes should be ad-
Justed. - - - .
The only arrest made was -of
RMnehart Smith Shaw, on
charge of driving an automobile
without an operator's license. He
was cited to appear in Salem Jus
tice court Monday: .
Safety Valve
Editor Statesman:
I am thanking you for space In
The Statesman to answer Mr. Dil
ler in some of the statements he
recently made in the "Safety
f Valve." '
In the first place, Mr. Dlller,
you ask "who has the right to
compare Dr. Townsend to Moses,
or any other men of the bible?"
I answer, I do not think It either
unholy or unlawful to compare
any good man to a bible character,
if they are comparable, as all stu
dents of the Townsend plan sees
that Washington and Lincoln did
lead, the one, a people from ty
ranny; the other a people from
slavery; and I now repeat, Dr,
Townsend is leading, a people out
of poverty.
It has been a long established
belief that these men were Di
vinely chosen to fulfill the mis
sion which they did; so if Moses
delivered 2,000,000 slaves from
bondage, Washington about 2,
000,000 from the bondage of ty
ranny, and Lincoln 4,000,000
from slavery, why think It impos
sible that Dr. Townsend Is chosen
for the same purpose? any more
than that he will deliver more
than 100,000,000 from the bond
age of poverty! In a speech In Co
lonial days, -John Adams said in
regard to fighting for liberty, "Di
vinity shapes our ends." I there
fore state again I have the right
to make the assertion I have, for
I believe with him, and a host of
others, "Divinity shapes our
You say this is a "man-made
plan." I would ask how you
think God carries out His plans
on this earth? Is it not by man?
You say, "God has his own plan,
and does not have to choose"
mere man to lead sinful"' people
out of a sinful condition (whicn
the world is in) by a man-made
plan." What was the last com
mand given to the disciples? Read
Matt. 28-19,20: "Go ye tnereiore
and teach all nations: .... Teach
ing them to observe all things
whatsoever I have commanded
you, and lo, I am with you al-
way, even unto the end of the
world." No, "God does not
HAVE to choose mere ; man to
carry out His plans," BUT HE
DOES DO IT, and has ever since
He first spoke to man In the gar
den of Eden.
If man Is not chosen, then I ask
what agency do you think, or sug
gest that He uses or should use?
You may answer, "the Holy Spir
it." Well, the Spirit, which is God,
works through man; Impresses
him. if he desires to be led.
If man is not the agency wnjen
God works through, what shall
we look for to Christianize the
world? Some great miracle? An
army of angels, or God Himself,
appearing to the people? No, none
of these. God has always had a
few chosen people to carry out
His plans leading up to the "last
great day."
What about Marvin Lutner. was
he not a "mere man?" And Rid
ley, and Latimer, and Wesley, and
a host of others, on down to today,
teaching and doing His work?
Were they not all "mere men.'
and were they not led or Goa?
That is what I term such. And if
they were not, then they were all
hypocrites, and It is not the plan
of God after all that sinful men
should be taught the way of ever
lasting life, by men. after He told
them to "go into all the world and
teach all nations."
You quote II Chron. 7-14: But
do you 4hink God will "heal their
land," or help them in any way,
if they just sit down and wait for
God to drop manna from heaven?
I do not think so, for we are liv
ing under the new dispensation,
when manna does not fall from
heaven, neither does fire come
down from heaven and- consume
water. We now have to "walk by
faith, and not by" sight." (II Cor.
5-7.) "If faith hath not works it
is dead, being alone." (James
2-17). And "man has to work out
his own salvation with fear and
trembling. For it is GOD WHICH
GOOD PLEASURE." (Philllpians.
2-12. 13).
So, when we have "wiped the
dust off our New Testament," we
find "mere man" will have to
work out his own salvation, and
that "it is God WORKING IN HIM
As for the "extravagant spend
ing of money," I will . say .. that
Luke 10-7 tells us that, "the la
borer is worthy of his hire." ana
we' contend (as you do) that this
Is a worthy , cause, for you say
"the old people ' should have a
pension, but you want to set the
amount. Dr. Townsend has set
the amount. Tou do not think
they should have enough to pay a
doctor bill, or pay off a mortgage,
or pay for an operation at a hos
pital,, or live decently, let alone
putting enough, money, into clrcu
latlon to create Jobs for the an
employed. In fact, you would not
like to see prosperity brought to
the American people.
, So much for "extraragant
spending. Now what does the bi
ble say about hoarding, about
those who pinch the laborer, and
"graft in their business in order
to hoard? See James 5-1. 4. "Go
to now ye rich men, weep and
howl for your miseries that shaL
come -upon you. Behold the hire
of the laborers .... which Is of
jrou kept .back by fraud, crlethj
You quote, "seek ye first the
kingdom of God and his righteous
ness, and all these things shall be
added nnto you." But He did not
aay , by what method "these
things" would be added. Yon ap
parently think that one having
obeyed the first part of the com
mand, the last pan, can be ignor
ed, and then all one would have
to do would be to just, ait down
and expect all the rest of life's
necessities to be added. Well, my
friend, yon would have a long
time to wait: . For the Bible no
where teaches that we will be as
sured of anything in this world,
euner morally. - financially or
spiritually, without working for
To more fully explain what this
passage means: If one "first seeks
the kingdom of God," he will then
have a mind; and will to work, so
that "all these things will be add-
Led to him. even enough perchance,
to help his less fortunate brother.
and thus play, the part . of the
"good Samaritan. -
Next you say, "that a. pension
for the old!; people would i be a
Christian Met?' Just what amount
do you think 'constitutes ar Chris
tian, act"?. Dr. Townsend' and
others figure that $200 per month
Is that amount! The government
figures art about the same; $4,
000 per year to the family. I think
as millions of others do, that It
would be Christian act to turn
over to the old people a part of
what they have earned and never
got, and tell them it was their
Job to spend t, and for their pay
they could 3 have what the money
would buy!. The young people
would therefore have a chance to
work to produce the' things the
eld people fwould require. ' '
Do try a'ndi be consistent! .You
say in one! breath, "the old folks
deserve a pension,', then in ' the
next you state that', "God's way
Is not the money way." If this is
Next yon quote, "the love of
money is the troot of all evil.
suppose there are not many more
passages of scripture so much
quoted, ana so little understood!
You will notice that it does not
ALL EVILS but it is the. "LOVE
OF MONEY!") One might have a
million dollars, and not love mon
ey! Again one: might not have a
dollar, and yet lose his soul be
cause of the love of money. c
When the time comes to get the
$200, (and! we (are going to get It)
if you think it so irreligious to
accept it, fjust remember this:
In an Indirect! way it will help
you, for your taxes will only be
about half as much as now.
It is not the love of money
which spurs the Townsendltes on
to VICTORY! It Is knowing thai
this amount, and nothing less, put
In circulation will bring recovery
to our people land nation. It Is
not the money Iwe want, (for. we
cannot keep it) but WHAT IT
God has always wanted His peo
ple, (even when they were wor
shipping idols) and the people of
this Christian nation, to prosper.
Wants the i cause of starvation
wiped out; wants you. and a few
million others to feel they "are
tneir brothers keeper. j
I see plainly I you have not at
tended the Townsend club meet-j
Ings regularly, lor you could not!
say, "you jthink the Townsend
plan would j have a tendency to
lead people away from God." You
are much mistaken. Better attend
a few meetings, and at least be
led to God for a few minutes dur
ing the opening I prayer, for I have
attended hundreds of such meet
ings during! the last year and a
half, and very few have been open
ed without prayer.
I am willing it should be put
to the testis "If It be of God ye
(Acts, 5-3 9. )e So now friend Diller,
just dust off the covers of the
New Testament and see what' God
says about directing His people!
Get some Townsend literature,
study the plan! and perhaps you
will see as millions of others do,
"that It is a gift come down from
above," as James 1-17 says: "Ev
ery good gfft :and every perfect
gift is from t above."
Yes, this $3 a gift to Dr. Town
send to show to the people of the
U. S.. regardless of race, sex.
creed, or political affiliations, for
we have all kinds In the U. S., but
when they I get to a Townsend
meeting they are JUST TOWN
j Salem, Ore.
Editor Statesman:
May I have fuse of the Safety
Valve column in which to answer
E. C. Diller's i letter of January
recent issue? f or the purpose of
easing the pressure brought about
by some of his exceptions: Onr
Bibles are hot on the shelf cov
ered with dust. Mine Is open on
my table day and night Matt. 7-1
Who has a right to judge that
Dr. Townseho" is not chosen by
God to lead jhis people out pf .this
chaos we are now in?
ir you waiij ioiiow the move
ment, know its growth anil how
much extravagant money has been
used to further its cause, you
would know God Is behind this
plan. ! !
Dr. Townsend will go down in
history (if the Lord delays his
coming that long) as the greatest
humanitarian since the time of
our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Take your Bible for nroof that
since time began, God has work
ed through tnan to bring about his
work here on earth again. We are
ail sinners! but through God's
grace and through bis blood we
are redeemed and we are his low
ly followers; j Have you observed
the kind and quality of people
who are swelling the ranks of
Townsendltes?! The majority are
praying. God-fearing people, who
nave their country and brothers
welfare at heart, as genuine chris
tians should.
I Take notice that 2nd Chroni
cles, 7-14, was a command given
to Solomon,, that the leaders of
our nation iwould do well to lis
ten: If lt.wasjto-us of this day?
Then. 2nd thro.. 12-12: "Behold.
God Himself is with us for our
captain, and his priests with
sounding trumpets cry alarm
against youl" etc. In case yon do
sot know: Since Christ Jesus was
born and came Into the world to
save you and tne and all who be
lieve in him and follow him, we
are living under a new law, a new
dispensation. The New Testament
is the law of Christ to us of the
present' dayr l Corinthians. 1-25
to ' 2 9 : "Because the foolishness
of God la wiser than men and the
weakness of God Is stronger than
men.! For you ee your calling,
brethren. Ho wj that not many wise
men after this flesh, not many
mighty, not; many noble, are call
ed; but God has chosen the fool
Ish things Soft the world to eon
found tho wise, and God has cho
sen tho weak things of the world
to confound the things which are
mighty; add the base things of
tho world and things which are
despised. Hath God chosen, yea.
and things (that are not, to bring
to naught things that are." .
' He does hot speak of money in
terms of money as we, but be bid
them give tithes of all they pos
sessed.,, and we know they had
money ; by line coin . that' was
tribute to Caesar. The money
changers, the tax gatherers. God's
things cannot bo bought with
money. But he knows wo have
need of other things and If we
serve him first these things are
added; unto us and who can say
by which way they come? y
Since time began God baa chos
en men from humble walks of life
to lead, his people out of -bondage,
of one sort or another. Moses, Da
vid, Joseph and on: down; Joan
of Arc, who; led Franco to victory.
Do yon doubt she was called by
God? Our ; Washington, against
overwhelming odds, won our in
dependence; and freedom. Our
Lincoln ended human slavery and
gave, his life for the cause; and
on down, I 'might mention others
but space will not permit, and
now Dr. Townsend; a God-tearing
doctor, to lead us from this whirl
pool of debt, graft, greed and dole
that our country is now in. Who
else has offered a plan that will
see us through? Mr. Diller, have
you a plan that's better? You call
it a gimo of extravagance. What
have the heads of our nation done
but' spend extravagantly and even
now and where has it brought us?
Further Into; vortex of this whirl
pool, j 1
. It's time some one has a plan
to help, or stop us, we are doom
ed. Else: Who are the Townsend
ltes? Has there ever been a move
ment for the help of humanity
that has grown in two years with
as little extravagant money to car
ry it there? Do you attend their
meetings, and know what is go
ing on, and what they are doing?
I have known doubters to find
out' the truth and be converted.
You have never heard Dr. Town-
send speak. : How he holds and
sways his listeners, be "they
thousand or 10 thousands; or else
you would know he Is a man of
God in. purpose. No, God is not
dead, nor is he asleep. The same
yesterday, today and forever. No,
his ways are not money's way; the
past three years has proved it, and
we are brought into debt, dole and
starvation. Now what? So you
think $200 a month is extrava
gant a decent home, decent
clothes and the children with full
stomachs? Thank God for that,
for they sure are not getting that
now. In my 64 years I have
helped make my country what it
was when this depression hit us,
banks breaking, mortgage fore
closure leaving us broke. When
our president called our sons to
war we sent them. They came
back, some of them, to what? No
obs, dole and handed out and
and how; while some have thou
sands a month and you say $200
is extravagant. Have you tried
to live on $15 per month M know
hundreds and hundreds that don't
have that much. To have a square
meal, to do good to others and
live like human beings.
I tell you it's not the $200 for
ourselves, but it's the Jobs for the
thousands and thousands who
have no work. Who shall say this
plan will not work until it's tried?
It pan't any more than fail like
ail the rest have done. LuKe 18-7
8: "And shall not God avenge his
own elect, which cry night and
day unto Him, tho he bare long
with them?" I tell you that He
will avenge them speedily. Yes,
money seems to be the root of all
evil, in the hands of a few.
think the way has been broad in
deed the past three years. But
we Townsendltes plan on narrow
ing it down to the straight and
narrow way that leads to God and
eternity and peace to all men.
I am a Townsendite and proud
to march under the banner they
carry: "The Cause of Humanity."
Sunnyside, Jan. 24.
To the Editor:
In an earnest desire and effort
for fair play and truth, we wish
to correct some of the false im
pressions which your article has
made on the minds of the people
in regard to the new "south of
Salem' road now being pushed by
the heavy truck companies. The
new survey runs one mile "east'
of Sunnyschool, up to the Paulus
orchards where a twenty foot cut
Is contemplated. This present
highway will not be abandoned as
the men securing teh right of
way assured the resident taxpay
ers. The full right of way has
not yet been secured. Yes the
new grade "south of Salem" will
take one hundred- and fifty thou
sand dollars of tax money to par
allal the present highway coming
back onto the old highway at the
Frits Feller place. As to the
cross roads of which there are
about six or seven? 'What about
them and the Turner road. They
confess they are in a mess; and
how does the ! travel get to the
pavement nortn or souio? wnicn
is a problem which is puzzling' the
minds of the people.
31. C. TAYLOR.
Editor Statesman:
I notice in the issue of the 23rd
ono O. Henry Olsen "legislator
opposes the sales tax proposition
as it levys too heavy a premium
on poor families. Well, did you
ever! i
Says "big ' business' is behind
tho sales tax proposition. How
easy to ! say that. Says be favors
"old age pensions" but should
come from "big incomes. Yes
but O. Henry,! that would come
long after day after tomorrow
People, vote the sales tax.
-1 N. J. BOWERS.
Just Phone '
4642' 5
I .lathis I
C Salem Paint &
Roofing Co
Z. , 474 Ferry St.
i Service
PHine Raisers of
Umpqua Signed Up
- --
Enthusiastic There Over
4 Ne Control Program;
to Be Cooperative
Put down tho prune growers of
Roseburg and tho Umpqna valley
as enthusiastic supporters of the
new agreement for marketing of
green and dried prunes. ; Frank
Chapman, who served as manager
of the old control board, out of
business through the unfavorable
state AAA decision, came back to
Salem yesterday thoroughly pleas
ed with the southern Oregon re
sponse to the new prune organi
zation. "Those growers down there
are thoroughly sold on the new
prune growers' cooperative organ
ization," Chapman said. "They
treated me royally on my trip
south and I found far more than
a majority of the growers would
support the new corporation."
As announced last week by
Chapman, the proposed new cor
poration would be a cooperative
association of prune men. The cor
poration would undertake to sell
prunes for its members although
the actual deals could be made
direct between the grower and the
purchaser. Members of the co-op
erative would have to agree, how
ever, not to sell for less than
the minimum price set by the co
Complies With Law '
Chapman says the new plan
does not meet the legal hurdles
that the old state AAA law pro
vided and at the same time it
does provide a reasonable means
to keep prune prices up.
Chapman said ho met with
growers at Oakland Sutherlin,
Myrtle Creek, Canyonville and
Roseburg and found them uni
formly for the new organization.
A. C. Marsters Is acting as leader
of the new organization. Chapman
will go on this week contacting
prune growers in other parts of
the state.
Temporary financing is being
secured for the new organization
throkgh an assignment of left
over moneys in the treasury of
the Oregon Prune control board.
Tree, Small Fruit
Survey Will Begin
A survey of Marlon county's
tree and small fruit plantings will
be started Monday by 15 enum
erators employed through the
works progress administration,
County Agent Harry L. Riches re
ported yesterday. L. C. Jenkins of
the Oregon State college- exten
sion -service has come to Salem
to assist Riches in directing the
Each fruitgrower In the coun
ty will be asked questions con
cerning his acreages in various
fruit crops, the number of trees,
varieties of fruit and age of trees
or vines. The Information will be
compiled for use by the federal
bureau of crop estimates and the
Btate extension service.
Riches said he expected the
survey to be finished within a
month. A similar survey already
has been completed In Polk coun
Wallace Hug Goes
To Flying School
The war department has as
signed Wallace Hug, son of Mr.
and Mrs. George Hug of Salem,
to Randolph Field. Texas, tor a
two-year training course with the
flying cadets, according to notice
received here. He was the only
one of seTeral Oregon applicants
who passed the entrance examina
tion. Hug will report for duty next
month. His first year will be
spent in flying instruction, the
second year in tactical flying with
the army air corps. His enlistment
will run for three years.
After graduating from Salem'
high school. Hug attended Uni
versity of Oregon for four years
where he starred with the swim
ming team and received R.O.T.C.
training. He has served as life
guard at Seaside during the past
three summers. -
or large type, J9A K(i
standard keyboard U
platen .. -. $27.50
sturdy, dependable
' and np
All Typewriters Guaran
teed to be Perfect Mech
anically . . . Easy Terms
SAVE 30 .
on the price of new type
writer . . Underwood 'Mas
ter Grade, factory rebuilt.
Remington Noiseless rebuilt
by Remington Rand. .
See the new Royal Portable
and Noiseless Portables, all
models and prices.' .
1 only Underwood M4 Cf
See this machine.. plZdv
465 State St. : Phone 5802
' All Makes Typewriters and
.Adding Machines Sold. .,
- Rented and Repaired :
Holman to Speak ;
Tuesday, Kiwanis
Rufus C. Holman, tUle treasur
er of Oregon, la to bo the princi
pal speaker at the Kiwanis club
luncheon at the Quelle Tuesday
noon. His subject' will be: "Giv
ing an Account of My Steward
ship ;
Rev. George Swift, program
cbtirman, has arranged a six-minute
forum to start the meeting.
Tho topic for the day will be tb
proposed state sales tax. For the
tax will be Ralph Moody; against
the tax will bo Allan Carson. Club
singing will be led by Harry E.
Stage Play Adviser to
Visit Here; Series of
Conferences Planned
Miss Floyd Crutchfield, educa
tional adviser and acting manager
Hart Schaffner & Marx, Michael Stern,
Varsity Town and Others
Re-GGu3Decl Oon
Over three hundred suits to choose from! They
come in regulars, longs, shorts, stouts and semi
stouts. Suits for young men and men who stay
young. Conservative and sports models. Worst
eds, twists, tweeds and cheviots. Guaranteed
all wool fabrics in the most desired colors and
and patterns. Dark blues, Oxford greys, Havan
nah browns, etc., and they all go on sale for
fifteen dollars!
Over 500 Men's Shirts
He-Grouped Cop
Final Di;
Wilson Broev Phillips Jones, Rembrandt,
Froit of the Loom and Others .
Values to
Closing Out One
John B. Stetson, Lee and
values to
Final Windup Price
Closing Out One Lot Men's
ii ::
of the Lot Angeles office of Sam
uel French play publishers, will
be in Salem January 11 to 2 S ob
serving tho ; work if community,
high, school and college drama
tists, Prof. H. E. Rahe of Wil
lamette university, announced
yesterday. -. .-w -Cv', --v
Professor Rahe. who Is spon
soring Miss Crutchf ield's visit,
will arrange conference for drama
'students and teachers. Samuel
French company is the largest
play publishing concern in the
Dejonge Arrives;
Will Handle Fuel
Dirk DeJonge of Portland, un
der seven years' sentence for vio
lation of the state criminal syn
dicalism law, arrived at the state
penitentiary yesterday.
DeJonge was assigned to a soli
tary cell where he will remain un
Values up Hi
35 c
Values to
til tomorrow when be will be
given employment with the hog
fuel erew.
DeJonge was convicted in the
Multnomah " county circuit court
and the decree later was upheld
by the'9 state supreme court.
Attorneys for DeJonge yester
day filed a petition with the su
preme court asking for a stay. of.
judgment and recall of the man
date. The court has not yet taken
any action."
T i
Closing Out One Lot
Interwoven, Wilson Bros, and
Dr. Ames
Hose for Men
4 .
6 Pairs for 91.00
Closing Out One Group
. Friendly and Fortune
Shoes for Men
ft "V
Arrow, Wilson Bro&, Dr. Ames and
Many Other Well Known
Shirts a Shorts