The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 26, 1936, Page 10, Image 10

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    muss fisgi.fcwitaeBfcstftJa.
Salen. Oregon, Sunday Morning, January 26, 1933
and; Music Pasfe of TEe "Statesman
Society Editor, j
Phone 9101 U
v -
. - , i . ,
P.;E.O.: SisterHoiod Enjoys
Limcheon - Gathering
At Marion Hotel
FOUNDER'S DAY was fittingly observed by P. E. O. Sis
terhood yesterday afternoon
at luncheon were placed
decorated with daffodils and pussy willows. Gold letters
on the various tables- designated the! chapters represented,
i 'Chapter G and chapter AB of Salem were hostesses for
the affair which drew guests iromo
Eugene, Corvallis, Albany, Leba
non, Woodburn, McMinnville and
Oregon City.
- i Mrs. Mary -Ralston of Albany
was elected president of the cen
tral Willamette district; Mrs.
Myrtle Gill of Lebanon, vice-president;
and Mrs. Corabelle Rogers
of Eugene, secretary-treasurer.
- i The mid-summer meeting will
be a .picnic with Chapter O of Al
bany as hostess.
i The Salem committee on ar
rangements was made up of Mrs.
A. R. Hunter, Mrs.- Gardner
Knapp, Mrs. F. D. Voight, Miss
Josephine Gray, Mrs. T. S. Rob
erts and Mrs. L. J. Sparks,
i Chapter V of Lebanon present
ed the program which included a
pretty' candlelight ceremonial.
Neighbors of Woodcraft
Hold Installation
Silver Bell Circle No. 43, Neigh
bors of Woodcraft, sealed new of
ficers Tuesday night In the pres
ence of a large number of mem
ber! and invited guests.
Dr.-W. G. ScJtt, grand physl-
ian of the order from Portland,
was Installing officer assisted by
Myrtle Walker of Salem, and
- Grand Captain Jorg and his team,
and Neighbor Cora McDowell of
." (Officers seated were: P.G.N.,
Fearl Bairey; G.N., Eva Craven;
adv., Bessie Haldenian; clerk,
Jennie Shelton; banker, Olive
Hawk; C. of G., Vonna Herron;
managers, O. L. Scott, Russell
WInchcomb, Sara McNeil; magis
trate, Eva Goff; attorney, Flor
ence Bressler; I.S., Pauline Clark;
O.S., Edith Witzel: music, Agnes
Hayre; F.B.. Hallie Lynch; cor
respondent Alta Scott; S.G., Mina
A program followed consisting
of a soprano solo by Aldeane
Smith, accompanied by Mrs. Ken
neth Dalton; piano ducts by Miss
Hoshle Watanabe and Miss Gladys
'Edgar. W. 0. Storhow presented
his guitar club in several selec
tions. The Juveniles put on a flag
drill and ( fancy drill under the
direction of S. G., Mina Olmstead.
; Captain Jorg of Portland present
ed his team in a fancy drill, and
interesting talks were given by
the grand officers present
j Dancing followed the close of
the program.
WJl.C. Aid Society Elects
Officers Thursday,
The Aid society-,of the W.R.C.
. held an all day meeting Thursday
at the state fairgrounds. Birthdays
of Mrs. Mettle Schram and Mrs.
Clara McDerby were honored. .
I Mrs." Mary Wirtz was elected
president of the society, Mrs. Ber
tha Ray, vice president; Mrs.
Mettle Schram, treasurer; and
Mrs. Florence Shipp, secretary.
iThere were 16 members pres
ent. South Salem W. C. T. U.
In Session Friday
. 1 Mrs. Necia Back will address
the Friday afternoon meeting of
the Sonth Salem W. C. T. TJ. for
which .Mrs. C. W. Stacey is host
tsin her country home.
! Mrs, Winifred Stevens and Mrs.
Leila stripling are assisting host
esses. The meeting starts at 2
o'clock: -
Press Club to Elect
Officers Tuesday
; The Woman's Press club will
b entertained with a 1:30 o'
clock dessert luncheon by Mrs.
8tephea Stone, 873 Leslie street,
Tuesday afternoon. Officers will
be elected for 1936.
White Elephant Sale
St. Paul's Episcopal
Junior Guild . .
-Ramseyer Garage
. N. High
Friday and Saturday
in I
ii ii
- The gtntm twin derelopmentt ia radio today. Metal
tobes and the cxclasbw new Ftmdyut RmUo. Aawsiaf
, rotutd-tht-worU rectpdoa. Nothing like ft ever before.
- Durti&l , Cnft-BjriU cablaett. Set and htu the seoae.
rio&al 1936 Smrtn-'Uuzit Fimdyns, sow on display.
JAQUKPn tiucic CO.
rnons wi . ; i . ' so nobth high st.
at the Marion hotel. Covers
for 105 at tables beautifully
Likes Wings
x i
a -, i v
Cecile Hamilton of Los Angeles
was granted her transport li
cense by the Department of
Aeronautics -after flying for 11
months only. She is 10 years
old and the nation's youngest
transport pilot.
G.R. Conclave
Opens Next
WITH "Understanding" the
theme for their conference,
, Girl Reserves from all ever
Oregon and southern Washington
will assemble in Salem next week
end. Registration opens Friday at
4 o'clock in the educational tc-m-rlfi
of the First Methodist church.
ISeveral hundred girls are ex
pected to attend. The conference
registrar, Mary Elizabeth Ross,
and her committee made up of
Mrs. Herman Jochimsen, Lillian
Townsend, Gladys Quesseth and
Lois Wilson, have already receiv
ed a large number of reserva
tions. Dinner at 6:30 o'clock Friday
will open the conclave. Esther
Mle Devore and Mrs. George
Lewis are in charge. Three fire
side groups will meet for discus
sion after dinner with Portland
girls in charge. Bettylou S warts
and Miss Grace Lowers are chair
men. j Banquet Saturday
A worship service is scheduled
Saturday morning at 8:45 a. m.,
followed by discussion groups and
Saturday nigtt at 6 o'clock the
conierence will be climaxed with
a j banquet at the church. Miss
LQUise Hayes is toastmlstress.
Geraldine Arnett is banquet chair
man with Mrs. C. H. Glenn. Mrs,
Bert Hulst and Jeanette Hulst are
planning decorations for the en
tire weekend. "
! A skate will conclude lhe eve
ning. Jere Simmons is in charge
assisted by Mary Collar.
A 9:30 a. m. session Sunday
morning will precede church. The
Girl Reserves will take over the
entire 11 o'clock service at the
First Methodist church. The New-
berg group is In eharge of the
program and Miss Gwen Gallaher
Is directing the music. Dr. Bruce
Baxter will deliver the sermon. A
ceremonial will end the service
and the conference.
Tillicum Formal Ball
Slated Tuesday Night
j The Tillicum dancing club will
hold its January formal In Cas-
tillian hall Tuesday night. Sev
eral dinner parties have been ar
ranged to precede the dance.
iii ii
! ,-V
Will Play
rim first major musical event
of the early spring will be the
Salem appearance of the Port
land! Chamber j Music Trio, spon
sored by the MacDowell club, Feb
ruary 4th, lit the Knight Memor
ial church, j II
The personnel of the trio in
cludes Miss iMary Schultx, violin
ist; I Mrs. Edna Chittick, pianist,
and IBernard Barron, 'cellist. This
is the first time the group has
played In Salem.
From th interest shown last
year! In the sonata programs pre
sented by Miss Clara Eness and
Miss Schulta, Salem is not lack
ing in devotees of chamber mu
sic. ! :
Mrs. Chittick and Mr. Barron
are both associated with the mu
sic department of Reed college.
The i 'cellist lays with the Port
land Symphony orchestra and has
a large class of students here.
Critics Praise
The Portland trio was organ
ised ; several years ago by promi
nent1 musicians. This is Miss
Schults second season with It.
The artists have been enthusiasti
cally; received on their numerous
concert appearances in the city
to the northi :
Following! are some of their
press notices:
"To those; who have an honest
ache for intimate music done
with: unquestionable finish, the
Portland Chamber Music Trio
comes as a comforting reality. It
was a performance of the kind we
could pray to have come more
of." i ;
i The Spectator
"This fine organization made
an excellent; impression with Its
artistic performance. The work of
this trio throughout was inspir
ing and musicianship was strong
ly in evidence."
Two Molalla Matrons
i i
Molalla Mrs. Otto Russell was
honored with a party and gift
shower given by Mrs. Ralph Hol
man and Mrs. Frank Dicken Fri
day at Mrs.j DIcken's home.
Refreshments were served to
Mrs.; Russell, Mrs. George Greg
ory, Mrs. George Daugherty, Mrs.
C. CJ Connett, Mrs. Ray Boehmke,
Mrs. W. J. E. Vick, Mrs. Harold
Ridings, Mrs. John Ridings, Mrs.
George Blatchford, Mrs. Maurice
Buxton, Mrs. George Durant, Mrs.
J. 0. Staats, Mrs. Gilbert Noe,
Mrs. ! Lulu Kent, Mrs. C. R. Aus
tin, Mrs. George Case, Mrs.. Solon
Echerd, Mrs. Erma Williams, Mrs.
Ray Heiple, Mrs. W. W. Ever
hart, Mrs.j Kenneth Frledrich,
Mrs.j Everman Robbins, Mrs. F.
M. Henriksien, Mrs. Earl Stowe,
Mrs. E. R. ToddrMrs. R. S. Gret
tie, Mrs.F10yd Campion, Mrs.
Donald Hartung, Mrs. Charles Al
bright, Mra. E. G. Miller, Mrs.
Ethel Loney, Mrs. E. R. Worth.
Mrs. t Kate Adams. Mrs. Wayne
Bauer, Mrs! Henry Schats, Miss
Wilma Russell, Miss Elta Smith,
Miss Willa Daugherty, Miss
Blanche Daugherty and Miss Aud
rey Henriksen.
Presbyterian Society in
All-Day Gathering
Rev. and Mrs. G. H. Wilbur op
ened; their home to the Willam
ette I Presbyterlal society all day
Friday for j the quarterly confer
ence, j
) The group accepted the invita
tion of the Newport society to
meet there on April 23 and 24.
In attendance Friday were Mrs.
J. O. Arthur, Mrs. Homer Dowd
and Mrs. W. C. Mitchell, all of
Albany, Mrs. Roy Nelson, Mrs.
W. W. Bollen and Mrs. J. Burns,
all Of Corvallis: Mrs. William
Delschneider of McMinnville, Mrs.
Mark Hay ter of Dallas, Mrs.
M. s. Durbin of Eugene, Mrs. C.
H. Sedgwick of Portland, and Mrs.
J. J.l Nunn Mrs. F. R. Leonard
and Mrs. G. H. Wilbur of Salem,
Letter Carrier's Group
Has Sewing Meet
Mrs. John Bolin was hostess to
the National Letter Carriers' aux
iliary Friday afternoon. Sewing
wm toe principal diversion and a
late luncheon was served.
Present were Mrs. Roy Tung,
Mrs. Harmon Garrett, Mrs. Dal
Jory. Mrs. S Flovd VolkeL Mrs.
Guy Boise Mrs. William O'Neil,
Mrs. Emili Otjen. Mrs. Chester
Nichdls, Mrs. Dudley Taylor, Mrs.
Frank Zinn, Mrs. Henry Craw
ford. Mm. FerdfnanA TtarafMr anil
the hostesi, Mrs. John Bolin.
Leslie Cando's With
Mrs. E. D,' Rosemaii
Wednesday afternoon at 3
o'clock the" Leslie Cando's will
gatner at the home of Mrs. E. D.
Roseman. 2557 Lee street. As
sisting hostesses are Mrs. rw. W.
McCain and Mrs. F. X. Hoereth.
If l II
Gunnel! &
Phon S572 '. .
r 'Vur. Photographs
Portland Chamber Music Trio
i I X -:. :,
. : -. Iliullil 1MMMMIJ
Above are members of the Portland Chamber Music trio who will
appear In concert February 4th. They are; left to right, Mrs. Edna
Chittick, Miss Mary Schulta and Bernard Barron.
Date 'for -Scholarship Tea
Set by Women's Club
On Saturday
rIE Scholarship Loan tea given
each year by the Salem Wo
man s club has been calendar
ed for February 4th at the club
house, from 3 to S o'clock in the
alternoon. The date was set yes
terday at the! club meeting.
Mrs. Oscar Cutler is general
chairman of the tea and has on
her directorate Mrs. W. S. Lev
ens, Mrs. L. H. McMahan, Mrs.
D. C. Mlnto, Mrs. H. O. White,
Mrs. D. A. White, Mrs. H. C. Ep
ley, Mrs. Charles Galloway, Mr.
Nell Pearmine, Mrs. C. F. Breit
haupt, Mrs. Theodore Madsen, jr.,
Mrs. George Rossman and Mre.
Stanley Satchwell.
Mrs. Milo Rasmussen displayed
several new mountings being used
in the picture library over which
she has supervision.
Talks on Movlee
Miss Maul Aldrich of Gresham
gave a splendid talk on motion
pictures, tracing the history of
Mrs. Hugh Estes Feted
With Party Friday
Mrs. Harold Beach entertained
Friday afternoon in honor of Mrs.
H. A. Estes (Ildria Beach) at the
home of her mother, Mrs. Ernie
Mr. and Mrs. Estes have Just
returned from southern California
where they spent the winter. The
couple will reside in Salem for
the present.
Refreshments were served and
the afternoon spent Informally.
Assisting the hostess were Mrs.
Ernie Beach, Miss Mildred Estes
and Mrs. Durlyn Beach.
Guests were Mrs. Hugh Estes,
Mrs. Merle Kemper, Mrs. Frank
Coleman, Mrs. Ernie Beach, Mrs.
Harry Savage, Mrs. Britton Ross,
Mrs. Henry Cross, Mrs. Paul
Baughman, Mrs. Floyd White,
Mrs. Frank Wood, Mrs. Clifford
Moynihan, Mrs. Floyd White. Mrs.
Frank Wood, Mrs. Clifford Moyni
Jian and son, Larry, Mrs. Lulu
Estes, Mrs. Kate White, Mrs. Ger
ald Beaeh, Mrs. Frank Bolton,
Mrs. Ivan Burns, Mrs. Durlyn
Beach, Mrs. Mabel Craig and son,
Kennie, Miss Fern Flagg, Miss
Mildred Estes, Miss Lois and Miss
Frances Wolfe, Miss Mildred and
Mis Bertha Beach, and Leora
lone Mulerone Honored
On Birthday
A birthday party honoring,
lone Mulerone was given at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Ray Van
Vleck, Thursday night. Lunch
eon was Served following the
evening of entertainment.
Present were the honored guest
and Florence and Agnes Moisan,
Wayne Morgan, Virgil Boiling,
Ray Pangbourne, Frank Hersh
feldt, Gladys and Pearl Anderson,
Margaret Murphy, Pat Mulerone,
Warren Butler, Roy Reynolds,
Joe Vleslc, Leonard Tan Vleck,
Ed Lytle and the hosts, Mr. and"
Mrs. Roy Van Vleck and son, Larry-
Junior Guild Sponsors
White Elephant Sale
The Junior Guild of St. Paul's
Ep&copal church will conduct Its
annual white elephant tale next
weekend, Friday and Saturday, in
the Ramseyer building. Mrs. Vic
tor Griggs, Mrs. Arthur Knox,
Mrs. Sydney Kromer end Mrs.
Harold dinger are on the com
mittee. I
XTCllI urn trnintr fa ru ban.
X pier with those photo
graphic records than any
other possession. Why not
have ANOTHER photo
graph of bahy thia very,
very week?
10 discount on chil
dren's , photographs taken
during January and" Fet
ruary. !
Robb Studio
t B20 Stt Street
of Children Glorify",
censorship from 1908 to the pres
ent time. V3he declared that fed
eral legislation was necessary,
sine local censors controlled
such a small area that young
people from districts which had
no restriction associated with
their children and the effect was
She urged passage of the bill
regulating block booking now be
forefore the national congress.
The club voted to write Oregon
congressmen placing their approv
al on the measure.
Tea was served after the bus
iness session. The table was at
tractive with crystal accessories
and white narcissi. Mrs. I. M.
Schannep and Mrs. George R. K.
Moorhead poured. Members of
the social committee served.
The next club meeting is Feb
ruary 8 with Superintendent Wal
ter Dry of the state blind school
as speaker.
Miss Welch Feted With
Kitchen Shower
Miss Alice Welch, bride-elect of
Eldred Williams, was feted with
a kitchen shower Tuesday night
at the home of Mrs. Dave Caplin.
The evening was spent in needle
work for the honor guest. Miss
Renee CapUn danced and played
the piano and also brought in the
gifts, attired j In a rain costume.
The supper table was covered
with a lace cloth and centered
with pink cyclamen.
Invited guests were Miss Welch,
Miss Lillian Roethlin, Miss Lo
retta Roethlin, Miss Elsie Woods,
Miss Mildred AJison, Miss Viola
Shrank, Miss Renee Caplan, Mrs.
Lee Ohmart, Mrs. Arthur Roeth
lin, Mrs. Rex Gibson, Mrs. Edna
Spritts, Mrs. i Jack Swanson, Mrs.
Galon Mishler, Mrs. Tom Welch,
Mrs. Arnold Roethlin, and Mrs.
Lona Alison.
Ramsey ers Will Go to
Olympia to Live
An au revoir tribute to Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Ramseyer who are
moving to Olympia Wednesday
was the bridge party given last
night by Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Hauk in the Royal Court apart
ments. Mrs. Robin Day assisted Mrs.
Hauk at the supper hour.
Guests in addition' to the Ram
Beyers were Mr. and Mrs. Urlin
Page of 8ilverton, Dr. and Mrs.
Vera Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Blssell, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schrel
ber, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F.
Burgh and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
B.P.W. Clnh Dinner Set
For Tuesday Night
The Business and Professional
Women's club will meet for a
0:30 o'clock dinner at the Quelle
Tuesday night. Reservations
should be made by Monday with
Miss Ruth MeAdams, 7279.
Mrs. Manehe I. Langley, field
representative of the Federal
Housing administration for Ore
gon, will speak on "Homes and
gardens and how to get them." '
Unity Class Meets
Wednesday at Hotel
The law of visualizing will be
discussed at the Unity class meet
ing Wednesday night in the Mar
ion hotel at 8 o'clock.
NEW! Special II
Bring friend
and get your per-'
manent for only
50c! Pay the reg
ular price for our
PUSH-UP or our ZOMCO prices
$2.50 and $3.50, then pay only
50c for the second one and di
vide the cost! Open evenings by
appointment.' - "
Miller's Beauty.
Finance I Drive
To Start
BUDGET of $4100 has been
announced as the goal for the
1936 finance campaign of the
Y.W.C.A. which begins February
3rd. Dr. J. E. MUligan is general
manager of the drive.
The many functions of the T.
W.C.A. in a community are weU
known. Not only is It a club cen
ter but it maintains an employ
ment; bureau for women and a
hotel. Girl Reserve work la es
pecially stressed this year and
new groups are being formed in
schools throughout the city.
Working with Dr. Milllgan as
his directorate are the following:
Team captain chairman, Mrs. H.
G. Maison; Initial gifts, Mrs. F.
A. EUiott, chairman, and Mrs.
William Gahlsdorf, Mrs. William
McGilchrist, Mrs. Frank Spears,
Mrs. Milton L. Meyers, Mrs. W.
T. Jenks and, Mrs. Elizabeth Gal
laher. List chairman, Mrs. W. E. Feld
man; publicity, Mrs. J. R. Pol
lock; hospitality, Mrs. Milton L.
Meyers; program,- Mrs. Claude
Glenn; auditors, Mrs. J. Brown
son and Mrs. Effle Cook; general
secretary, Mrs. Elizabeth Galla
her. 1
Mrs. Kinzer is Hostess
To Bridge Club
The Thirteen Trjcks club was
entertained with a bridge lunch
eon by Mrs. Floyd Kinzer Thurs
day afternoon. Mrs. E. R. Nlles
and Mrs. Charles Kinzer were as
sisting hostesses.
Honors at cards went to Mrs.
Charles Kinzer, Mrs. Archie
Brewster and Mrs. George John
son. In attendance were Mrs. Emma
Vesper, Mrs. D. W. Medley, Mrs.
C. W. Heckman, Mrs. Douglas
Armstrong, Mrs. Marie Cardy,
Mrs. E. J. Kirchoff, Mrs. J. A.
Krebs, Mrs. C. H. Ringwald, Mrs.
Herbert Nlsson, Mrs. George
Johnson, Mrs. E. R. Niles, Mrs.
Charles Kinzer, Mrs. Archie Brew
ster and the hostess, Mrs. Floyd
Mrs. Dorman Honored
On 84th Birthday
Mrs. J. A. Dorman was honor
ed on her 84th birthday anniver
sary Tuesday afternoon by Mrs.
O. L. Dencer and Mrs. Herbert
Guests included Mrs. F. S.
Scott, Mrs. M. Btgler, Mrs. R. E.
Miller, Mrs. Anna Brown, Mr. and
Mrs. H. A. Gille. Mrs. J. P. Bucu
rench, Mrs. E. E. Matten, Mr. and
Mrs. William Zosel, Mrs. Dorothy
Walling, Mrs. Blanche Walling,
Mrs. Ethel Walling, Mrs. Joe Hen
nan, Mr. and Mrs. J.' H. Dorman,
Mrs. Mary H. Cleveland, Miss
Helen Elgin, Miss Dorothy Ban
man, Mr. and Mrs. Dencer and Mr.
and Mrs. Gille.
Mrs. Davis jOpens Home
For Birthday Fete
The birthday anniversaries of
Mrs. J. S. Beck and Mrs. 8. J,
Butler were observed Thursday
with a party at the home of Mrs.
Gilbert Davis. Miss Theo Beck
was an assisting hostess.
Mrs. Guy Williams won honors
at bridge. A Valentine motif was
used at the tea hour.
Those invited were Mrs. Beck,
Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Roy Mills, Mrs.
C. W. Standish, Mrs. Charles
Jory, Mrs. C. S. Patton, Mrs.
Charles Eyre and Mrs. Guy Wil
liams. Miss Charlotte Eyre drop
ped in for tea.
Rehekahs Sponsor Play
At Church Monday
The Rebekah lodge is sponsor
ing a play, "The King's Son" to be
given in 4he Knight Memorial
church Monday night at 8:15
o'clock. The public is welcome
and there is no admission charge.
Rev. H. C. Stover is directing
the production and Donald Alli
son is the musician.
Federated Church Guild
Meets at Hubbard
Hubbard The ladies' guild
of the federated churches of Hub
bard met for an all-day session
at the home of their president,
Mrs. Nellie Foster Friday. Lunch
eon was served at mid-day. The
members are busy making aprons
to be sold at a later date. Plans
were made for the public dinner
to be served on election day at
8:10 p.m. There wUl be a short
program later in the evening.,,
Sons of Veterans
To Have Dinner ,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kruger will
open their home at 1815 N. 4th
street to the Sons of Veterans and
their auxiliary for a 6 o'clock cov
ered dish supper and social eve
ning Tuesday.
Shop. Phone 7953
Third Annual Gharit
Scheduled Thursday "
v . loathe Armory
THURSDAY night promptly at 9 o'clock, citizens of Salem
and surrounding communities will join with thousands;
of others throughout the United States in the third an
nual President's Birthday ball.
The armory is! the scene of the affair and will be be
decked with flags and other patriotic insignia. The Oregon
Campus Darling
'The Darling of Louisiana State
University9 was the title con
ferred on Miss Ursula Comp
ton, above, of Alexandria, La.,
coed selected to perssonlfy the
song of the same title, compos
ed by the lata Huey p. Long
and dedicated to the university.
Party Given in
Home Feting
A PLEASANT evening was spent
V by alumnae of Alpha Phi Al
pha Friday when they were
guests of Beta Chi alumnae at the
home of Mrs. George R. K. Moor
head. !
Miss Helen Breithaupt and Mrs.
Francis Earnest (won honors at
bridge. Bouquet; of white nar
cissi provided the! floral touch. A
late supper was" served.
Honored guests were Mrs.
Earnest, Mrs. Francis DeHarp-
port, Mrs. Wilmjer Wells, Miss
Dorothy Ann Gojrdon, Miss Har
riet Adams, Misg Josephine And
erson, Miss Margaret Morris, Miss
Edythe Glalsyer.i Miss Ann Cal-
aba. Miss Mary White, Miss Helen
Breithaupt, Miss
and Miss Roberta
The hostess group was made up
of Mrs. Russell j Mefford, Mrs.
Clarence Emmons, Mrs. Paul
Morse, Mrs. George R. K. Moor
head. Miss Loretta Fisher. Miss
Lelia Johnson, Miss Lila Cation,
Miss Caroyl Braden, Miss Helen
Boardman, Miss Isabel Morehouse
and Miss Charlotte McClarv.
Eastern Star jWill Hold
Social Afternbon
. i
Chadwick chapter. Order of
Eastern Star, will spend a social
afternoon Tuesday in the Mason
ic temple. Mrs. I Jennis Utley is
in charge of the entertainment
and refreshment, j
Assisting on her committee are
Mrs. Ida Niles, Mrs. Addle Curtis,
Mrs. Addle Dunsford, Mrs. Opal
Lewis, Mrs. Margaret Fox, Mrs.
Ida Babcock, Mrs. Grace Gillon.
Mrs. VerUe Ellis and Miss Con
stance Kantner.
Office hours for the society editor are as foUows:
10 a. m. to ,12 p. m. and 2 to O p. m. every day bat Sat
urday. On Saturday, they are 0 a. m. to 11:30. m. and
12:30 p. m. to 0 p. tn.
; Monday, January 27
Royal Neighbors, 8 p. m. public installation in Fra
ternal temple.
"The King's Son", a play in Knight Memorial
church, 8:15 p. m. Public welcome.
A. A. V. W. International Relations class at home
Mrs. F. H. Spears, 1039 Chemeketa, 7:30 p. m.
Tuesday, January 28
Neighbors of .Woodcraft Thimble club No. 4 in Fra
ternal temple, 2 p. m. Election of officers.
Eastern Star: social afternoon, 2 p. m. In Masonic
temple. f I t
B. and P. W. club (:30 p. m. dinner at Quelle. Res.
Woman's Press club, 1:30 p. m. dessert luncheon
and election of officers with Mrs. Stephen Stone, 373
Leslie. ! !
Officers of Woman's Relief corps, 2 p. m. in Mil
ler's hall. F
A. A. TJ. WJ Music Appreciation class with Miss
Frances Virginie Melton, 7:30 p. m. Topic, "Debussy".
Sons of Veterans and auxiliary with Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Kruger, 1315 N. Fourth, 6 p. m. club supper.
Wednesday, January 29
Leslie Cando's with Mrs. E. D. Roseman, 2557 Lee
street, 1 p. in. '
Unity class, 8 p. m. in Marion hotel.
1 . Thursday, January SO
A. A. U. W. French class with Mrs. PhD Huth at
Haseldorf, 7:30 p. m. - -
HoUywood Ladles social club with Mrs. William
HanselL 2 p. m.
: 1 Friday, January SI t
8outh Salem W. C. T. U. at home Mrs. C. W. Sta
cey, 2 p. m. .
! Saturday, February 1
Chemeketan's banquet, : JO p. m. at. Fraternal
' temple. Res. at Senator hoteL
Melody Ramblers, a iz-piece ea
lem orchestra, will play.
Governor and Mrs. Charles H.
Martin will lead the grand march
which opens festivities for the
evening. The matter of dress is
optional. . . either formal or in
formal attire will be correct. Ev
eryone is invited to Join in the
dancing and thus contribute to the
fight against infantile paralysis.
May Watch Dancers
For those who do not care to
dance, a spectator's balcony wiU
be available. With 70 per cent of
the net proceeds staying in Salem
to assist victims of the dread dis
ease and to provide preventive
medicine, there is even more in
centive to contribute to the cause.
Only nation-wide generosity
can remedy the plight of the na
tion's '300,000 infantile paralysis
victims, Colonel Henry L. Doher
ty, chairman of the National Com
mittee of the Birthday Ball for
the president, declared yesterday.
"Faced with this distressing
situation," Colonel Doherty said,
"our hope Is that the funds raised
by the third Birthday Ball for the
president January 20, will exceed
the 81,071,000 raised at the 1935
Funds Needed
Colonel Doherty pointed out
that a total of 82,074,000 has
been raised by the Birthday Balls
celebrating the President's 52nd
and 53rd anniversaries. But, he
added: 3.
"Despite this fresh financial
ammunition to combat the
scourge, the 47 hospitals, less
than one for every state in the
union, were Inundated in a new
torrent of ailing humanity flow
ing through their doors from the
scourge of 1935, when this dread
disease added approximately 10,
004) victims to its rolls."
Club at Aumsville Has
Jolly Meeting
Aumsville The Women's
club spent a delightful afternoon
Thursday with Mrs. D. W. Lamb
as hostess at the home of her
aunt, Mrs. C. F. Heln.
Quotations were given by the
women in response to roll call.
At the business meeting ft was
voted to purchase paint and ma
terials to redecorate the Interior
and seats at the Christian church.
Refreshments were served by
the hostess, assisted by Mrs. C. F.
Hein and Mrs. Bland Spear.
Those in attendance for the after
noon were Mrs. Fred Potter, Mrs.
D. A. Lowe, Mrs. C. F. Hein, Mrs.
William Forgey, Mrs. William
Howdy, Mrs. Charles Martin, Mrs.
Ernest Towle, Mrs. John Ran
som, Mrs. Bland Spear, Mrs. D. W.
Lamb and a guest, Miss Beverly
Chemeketans to Party
Saturday Night
The Chemeketan hiking club
wiU give its annual banquet and
evening of entertainment at the
Fraternal temple next Saturday
night, February 1st. Dinner will
be served at 6:30 o'clock; res
ervations for which should be
made at the Senator hotel.
Members are privileged to bring
friends. A Valentine motif will
prevail in decorations, Cards and
dancing to the music of Barney
Krop and his orchestra will fol
low the banquet.
Mra. Martin Talks
To Hollywood Club
Mrs. Hannah Martin will ex
plain the measures to be voted
upon this week to the Hollywood
Ladies' Social club Thursday aft
ernoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Wil
liam Hensell is the hostess.