The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 19, 1936, Page 7, Image 7

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' ,c oil ; .
Bearcats Nose Out Sons 30-29: Face Three Foes TMs Week
io League
Stop Belated
Asliland Drive
Walter Tosses in Three;
Monmouth First on
Bill This Week
MEDFORD, Ore., Jan. 1S.-JP)-Wniaraette
nnirenity of Salem
defeated the Southern Oregon
Normal school tonight at Ashland,
39 to' 29. in. a close, hard fought
" game. . ;
With two minutes left to play.
the .Sons were trailing by seven.-!
Forward Walton threw three bas
kets in rapid order to nearly tie
the score in a hectic finish.
The game was rough through
out, and according to Coach Spec
Keene of Willamette "got beyond
the control of the officials."
Anton, Willamette center, went
out of the game with a badly
sprained ankle, and Coach Keene
said he would be out of the game
for two weeks. Versteeg, Willam
ette guard, was banished from
the tussle for unnecessary rough
ness. Gastineau, Willamette forward,
was high point man with 12
"Spec" Keene's Bearcat hoop
sters will return from Southern
Oregon to face a week that will
bring them against two tough in
dependent teams and a college
team that already holds one vic
tory over them.
Oregon Normal, the Sherman
Packards of Portland and the high
scoring Union Oil team, also of
Portland, will furnish opposition
for the Bearcats this week. Wil
lamette will meet the Wolves at
Independence Monday while the
two independent teams will be
met on the Bearcat court Friday
and Saturday.
Coach Al Cox's flashy Wolves,
victors over Willamette 32 to 21
last Monday, will meet a Bearcat
team somewhat stronger than the
one they defeated. With Bill An
ton, back at center the Bearcats
should be able to cope with Nor
mal's dead-eye center, Jack But
terworth, whose ability to flip
baskets over his shoulder from
just outside tha foul circle was
the straw that broke the Bear
cat's back.
Whether Coach Keene has solv
ed the problem of "What ails the
Bearcats" will not be known un
til Monday night. The team had
been, at least up to last night's
victory at Ashland, unable to re
capture the aggressive drive it had
in its' three early games and has
fallen down on its ability to hit
the basket.
The Sherman Packards were de
feated by Grand Theatre here sev
eral weeks ago after a hard, fast
battle. Union Oil. which the Bear-
cats meet Saturday, is one of the
best independent quints in the
northwest and includes such for
mer college stars as "Spook" Ro
bertson, Ralph Cairney and Glen
Sanford. The Oilers downed Wil
lamette twice last year in three
Hopmen Win Over
Canby Five 29-13
Coach Loren Mort'g Hopster. bas
ketball team showed plenty of
power Friday night on the local
court In beating Canby high quin
tet 29 to 13.
The Independence team ran
wild through the entire game. The
Canby boys only scored three
points on the Independence first
stringers, taking the 10 points
when the second siring played in
the second and fourth quarters of
the game.
Ray Dunckel and Junior Hart
man. Independence's flfsby for
wards turned in 23 of the points.
The good playing of the entire
team was the deciding factor in
ringing up the long lead from the
opponent team.
Independence 29. 13 Canby
Dunckel 17 F 2 Eiliers
Hartman 6 F .... 8 Kruger
Carey 2 C Melum
Newton 4 G ... Thompson
Birch.. . ..G Jochnke
Substitutes for Candy, Quinn 1.
Clinger 2.
Referee, Shreeves.
Touh Games Are
Faced by Dallas
DALLAS, Jan. 18. -Dallas
high opens one of its toughest
weeks of the se'ason when it en
counters Silverton on thehome
floor Tuesday night In a Willam
ette Valley league game. The
Orangemen take on the Silver
Foxes at Silverton Friday night in
another contest against the sec
ond place jteam.
Dwight Adams' men could turn
the league raee into a havoc by
knocking over the Silverton eag
ers in either game and they are
apt to do just that if they con
tinue, to improve. Dallas put up a
terrific battle before the losing
out to Monmouth Friday in the
County league opener.
The Orange quintets have for
the last -four 'years had a mon-
opoly over the county in basket
4 ball but this year the champion
ship might go to any school. The
defeat Friday was the first A lea
gue loss for Dallas in . five years
and the first in 17 consecutive
conference gam en.
Three Tied in
Major Circuit
Two of Them to Meet This
Week; MUls Holds Top
in Minor Digision
Major Division
Grand Theater .-...3
Valley Packing 3
Teachers . 3
W. U. Frosh 2
Safeway .' 1
Valley Motor .- 0
Minor Division
Kay Mill 3
Dutch Mill 3
Paper Mill 3
Liberty ...... 1
Producers 1
DeMolay 0
. .250
With three teams tied for first
place in the major division and
two in the minor division the City
Y hoop league will swing into the
last lap of its first round this
The deadlock in the major divi
sion will be simplified by the elim
ination of at least one team when
Valley Packing and Grand The
atre, both tied with the Teachers
for the top spot, meet in the 9
o'clock game of the major triple
header at Parrish Wednesday
night. The Teachers, defeated last
week by the rampaging Grand
Theater team 38 to 21, will meet
the lowly Valley Motor five in the
7 o'clock opener.
Valley Packing and Grand
Theater, rated as the two strong
est teams in the loop, are expect
ed to stage a battle royal in their
tilt for supremacy. Both are high
scoring quints. Grand Theater
has been defeated only by the
Willamette freshmen wuile Valley
Packing lost out to the Teachers.
The Willamette freshmen will
play the Safeway quint in the 8
o'clock game.
In minor division games Tues
day night on the Pp.rrish floor
Liberty will meet the Producers
at 7 o'clock, Kay Mill will meet
Oregon Paper at 8 o'clock and
Dutch Mill will meet DeMolay at
9 o'clock.
The ten highest scoreu in each
league follow:
Major Division
Scales, Grand 17
Pengra, Teachers 15
Foreman, Grand 11
Kitchen, Packers 9
Moye, V-8 .....10
Griggs, Safeway 9
Marr, Packers 8
Magee, Safeway 8
Kelley, Packers 8
Burrell, Packers 8
Ashby, Packers 7
Minor Division
Beechler, Kay 2 7
Summers, Liberty 21
Parrish. Paper 18
Kotts, Dutch 14
Graber, Paper 13
Thompson, Dutch 14
Nelson, Producers 10
Cater, Dutch 11
Allbrich, Kay 11
Shafer, Kay 10
Harrisburg Quint
Defeated by Scio
SCIO, Jan. 18. Playing furi
ously in the best form they've
shown the entire season, Scio boys
upset the league dope by defeat
ing. Harrisburg 27-20 on the Scio
floor Friday. The victory puts
Scio back in the running in sec
ond place with a chance at the
Linn county class B title if they
defeat Shedd. Scio led the scor
ing at the end of each period.
The lineup:
Scio Harrisbjirg
Parker F .... Hardest-
Wheeler F Lutz
Bilyeu C Grimes
H.Myers G Potts
MacDonald G ... Estergard
Girls Win Too
Coach Patterson's Scio girls
were given a close run for their
championship by the fast, tricky
Harrisburg girls. The scoring
was close throughout, with Scio
leading 27-22 at the final whistle.
Scio led the scoring except in the
first half when the board showed
17-11 in favor of the visitors. The
win keeps Scio girls undefeated in
the county class B league. They
won the championship last season.
Marie Lane, former Scio high
coach, is mentor fbrHarrisburg.
The lineup:
Scio Harrisbur
E. Palon F Cook
V. Palon F Grable
Sims JC ... Marguth
Bartu SC Cramer
Fredrick ...... .G Burk
Faltus G .... Murphy
Scio substitute, Moses.
WoodburnT Sophs Win
WOODBURN, Jan. 18.. The
sophomores of Woodburn high
school won the interclass basket
ball championship when they de
feated the seniors 9 to 7 Thurs
day. The juniors finished third
and the freshmen fourth. The
sophomores lost only one game of
the series by being defeated by
the freshmen 7 to 6.
Members of the winning team
are Harold Schell, Gilbert Ram
age, Frank Surmeyer, Jack Lee,
Bob Frentz and Fred Evenden,
jr. :v.
' ... By BUBNLEY . .
Wan J i rsP Mvir become zeal.
epi . y '
THE torch - topped Mervin
(Red) Dutton. in his first
year as a big league hockey
pilot, has already made a terrific
impression with his brilliant hand
ling of the heretofore unmanage
able New York Americans.
This fiery ice man took a disorga
nized bunch of hockey prima don
nas, notorious for their lack of
team-work and diffidence in action,
and welded them into a well-knit,
smoothly functioning sextet that is
a real championship threat.
The Americans, it must be re
membered, have only finished in the
The Oregon High School Ath
letic association has done a very
wise thing in putting the B teams
m a bracket ny -"J
the state basket
ball tournament.
The four teams
from the state's r"
four B districts
will play each
other until all
are eliminated
but one. That
one will then
and there be
come the state B
school champion.
But it will go on
into the semi-fi- PsnlHsaMx
nals of the tournament, meeting
an, A school team, and there's
always the possibility that it can
add the grand state champion
ship to its B school title.
The drawings for the tour
nament were held yesterday at
Portland. Salni, which can
come to the tournament even if
jt doesn't win a game the
whole season, will play in the
first game of the first night's
program against the champion
of District No. 6. McMinnville
represented District 6 last year
and probably will again.
The A schools, who saw Oak
ridge -surprise everybody last year
by getting clean into the semi
finals, had better not forget the
B schools this year. There are'
several of them that are hot after
the state title. One of the best is
little Bellfountaln, dubbed the
Biant-killers. Bellfountaln high
school is in South Benton coun
ty nd has a grand tOtaLof 59
students, male and female, en
rolled. Out of that Coach Kenny
Litchfield has . developed, a bas
ketball team that has been top
pling the big ones right and left.
v Kenny Litchfield
from Willamette in
I s
St , "
1929 with
Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, January
Blaze of the
ml if l t W0?AJD THS
VfM u HIonM,
seaisaTioaj of yue
AUTu Hockley loop.
Stanley Cup play-offs once in their
long and turbulent career as mem
bers of the National Hockey League.
That was in 1928-9, and it was
hockey's greatest manager, that
miracle man of the ice, Tommy
Gorman, who performed a verita
ble feat of legtrdemain in queer
ing the Americans into a coveted
play-off berth.
Dutton, a playing manager, is
one of the best defense men in the
loop, if any one should ask you;
and his work on ice is really an in
spiring example for his men to fol
a law degree. He played bas
ketball four years under Bear
cat colors, part of that time
under "Spec" Keene's tutelage.
So far this year his team has
toppled the Willamette fresh
men, Cofvallis high. University
high of Eugene, a Corvallis in
dependent team and numerous
teams in its own classification.
Watch out for Bellfountaln.
Salem basketball fans who
want to get an idea of what next
year's University of Oregon bas
ketball team may look like had
better drop over to the Salem
high gymnasium Tuesday night.
The Vikings are playing Coach
"Honest John" Warren's Oregon
Ducklings at 8 o'clock. On the
squad are Bobby Anet, Henry
Nilsen and Wally Johansen, three
of the hard-running Finns who
gave Astoria another state cham
pionship last year. There's Lad
die Gale, too. the six foot four
Oakridge center who was every
body's favorite at the tournament
last year.
Grayson Married
HONOLULU,Jan. 1 S.-(JPy-Bob-by
Grayson, Stanford university's
all-America fullback, and Miss
Christine Williams were married
today at St. Clement's Episcopal
Sr. ,
Alleys Open to A. 51.
Until Midnight
Bowl-Mor Co.
Rf2 4821
19, 1936
low. Recently, in a game against
the Canadiens, the Americans' pug
nacious pilot notched two goals and
two assists, a remarkable scoring
record for a defense player.
The addition of the veteran Nels
Stewart has helped the Americans a
lot, and little "Runt" Worters at
the nets is a bulwark on the defense.
With their newly found fighting
spirit, Dutton's outfit will have to
be reckoned with when the play-offs
come around.
CtvrrKM. King rattans BTadlnU. Im.
St. Vincent's Wins
Over Deaf School
The St. Vincent's A basketball
team defeated the School for the
Deaf team 23 to 17 Th'ursday.
Koenig, St. Vincent's center, was
high scorer with 10 points.
O.S.S.D. (17)
Blakely 6
Sojovic 2
(23) St. Vincent's
4 Thomas
6 Doerfler
10 Koenig
2 Weisner
1 Wickert
S. S. D..
3, Ruchak
Crawford 3.
1, Moxley 2.
Frosh Win Easily
EUGENE, Ore., Jan. 18.-;pV
The University of Oregon fresh
man basketball team defeated a
Fall Creek CCC quintet 69 to 32
here today.
Salem Armory,
Lower-Floor 50c, Balcony 40c, Reserved Scats 75c (Xo Tax)
Students 25c, Ladies 25c
Tickets, Cliff Parker's and Lytle'a - Auspices American Legion
x Herb Owen, Matchmaker
Chambers and
Elliott Clash
j Referee Seeks Revenge on
-Bad Man; Curtis' and :
Lipscomb Billed . '
Harry Elliott, one of the war
riors hurt, humiliated and deeply
grieved by Hobo Cliff Chambers'
rampages in the armory wrestling
arena several weeks ago, will take
his turn at vengeance Tuesday
night when he and Chambers meet
in the main event of the American
Legion wrestling show at the ar
mory. Otis Clingman, also previously
maltreated by Chambers, dumped
the mighty Hobo last week and
presumably the rough and tough
gentleman is in for no easy going
as the ghosts of his past indiscre
tions come back to haunt him and
take him to pieces.
Was First Victim
Elliott was Chambers' first vic
tim in Salem, the whirlwind from
practically no "place dumping El
liott unceremoniously over the
ropes for a fall and a couple of
bounces when the latter was ref
ereeing Chambers' first go here.
Later the Hobo downed Elliott
when the referee was in his "rass
lin' " clothes.
Jack Curtis, clever wrestler
who has long been a favorite here,
will meet Bud Lipscomb, hard
eyed rascal from Missouri in the
45 minute semi-windup. Lips
comb's tactics are a bit on the foul
side while Curtis sticks pretty
close to science.
Otis Clingman, who evened
matters with Chambers last week,
will take on Dick Costello in the
30 minute opener.
Rickreall Downs
Dallas Soldiers
RICKREALL, Jan. 18. Rick
reall town team took a basket
ball game away from the fast
Company L hooPsters of Dallas
Thursday night. In the first half
the visitors had the lead to the
tune of 14 to 9, but Rickreall's
power returned and the contest
ended in a 25 to 23 score.
Dallas (23) (23) Rickreall
Minnick 8 ....F 4 Gilliam
Vaughn 4 ....F 4 Graves
Webb 6 C 12 Price
Jones 3 G.... ... Pence
Kltever 2 G 1 CaPps
S 4 Rogers
Normal Loses to
Mt. Angel Squad
MT. ANGEL, Jan. 18. The Mt.
Angel Academy girls' team was
cheered on to victory over the
Normals at the Academy gym Fri
day night in an exciting 21-19
battle. The score at half-time fav-
tored the Normals 14-3.
A game has been scheduled
with Marylhurst college on their
floor next Saturday afternoon.
High School (121 (19) Normal
A. Grosjecques 9 F 8 Terschweiler
G. Piennett 10. .F 11 H. Piennett
M. Zollner JC .... Saalfeld
Smith RC Hunt
Berning G M. Grosjacques
F. Zollner G ... Broxmeier
Weidinger 2. . . .S
Referee, Coach Wachter.
Bifsy Grant Revenged,
Enters Final at Tampa
TAMPA, Fla., Jan. 18.-)-Bryan
Grant, jr., of Atlanta, the
country's third ranking tennis ace,
got revenge in the semi-finals of
the twelfth annual Dixie tourna
ment today for a defeat handed
him last week at Coral Gables by
young Arthur Hendrix of - Lake
land. The liny Georgia elimin
ated his rival handily in straight
set, 6-2, 6-4, 6-4.
3 Big Matches!
1 Hour
45 Minutes
Teams Are
In Tourney Drawing
Salem High Plays Neighbor District
Entry in First Night Came of p
Annual Event March 18
PORTLAND, Jan. 18. (AP) The board of control of th
Oregon State High School Athletic association, under thr
new arrangement which assures a "B" team in the semi
finals, conducted a drawing today for the state basketball
tournament at Salem.
The tourney will be held in the Willamette gymnasium
March 18 to 21. O '. .
Bracketings will include 12 1
class "A" schools and four class
'B." The highest placing "B"
school will be known as the state
champion in that class regardless
of the outcome in its competition
in the semi-finals or finals with
class "A" teams.
Districts 13, 14, 15 and 16
all "B" teams will make up the
top quarter of the bracket.
Following was the order of
play determined by the drawing:
Following is the schedule for
the first day, Wednesday, March
18, with the district winner of
last year in parentheses:
1 p. m. District No. 14 (Gar
diner) vs. district No. 15 (Mill
2 p. m. District No. 16 (Oak
ridge) vs. district No. 13 (Uma
pine). 3 p. m. District "No. 5 (As
toria) vs. district No. 11 (Ben
son ) .
4 p. m. District No. 7 (Cor
vallis) vs. district No. 9 (Ash
land). 5 p. m.- District Xo. 12 (Jef
ferson) vs. district No. 8 (Marsh
field). 7:30 p. m. District No. 10
(Salem) vs. district No. 6 (Mc
Minnville). 8:30 p. m. District No. 1
(La Grande) vs. district No. 4
(Columbia Prep).
9:30 p. m. District No. 3
(Klamath Falls) vs. district No.
2 (The Dalles).
District tournaments will be
held the two weekends previous
to the state event. Salem auto
matically enters from district No.
10. The Portland league cham
pion fills the No. 11 spot and the
runner-up, No. 12.
The class "B" districts include:
13 Wallowa, Union, Baker, Mal
heur, Gilliam, Wheeler, Grant,
Harney, Hood River, Wasco,
Sherman and Umatilla; 14 Jef
ferson, Crook, Deschutes, Lane,
Klamath, Coos, Douglas, Curry,
Josephine and Jackson; 15
Clackamas, Multnomah, Colum
bia, Clatsop, Tillamook, Yamhill,
Marion and Polk; 16 Benton,
Lane, Lincoln and Linn.
Clas "A" districts include: 1
Win wa. Union, Baker, Mal
haur; 2 Umatilla, Morrow, Gil
liam, Grant. Harney, Wheeler,
Sherman, Wasco, Hood River; 3
Jefferson, Deschutes, Crook,
Lane, Klamath; 4 Clackamas,
Multnomah; 5 Clatsop and Col
umbia; 6 Tillamook, Washing
ton, Yamhill, Polk, Marion; 7
Lincoln, Benton, Linn, Lane; 8
Douglas, Coos, Curry; 9 Joseph
ine and Jackson; 10 city of Sa
lem; 11 city of Portland second
place team; 12 city of Portland
first place team.
All over town motorists ar talk
ing about "Winte rixad" uied cars
what thy mean in winter driving
protection, and comfort. Buyers axe
rushing to snap np the money-saving
values in used cart and tracks that
we offer. Don't let them beat you to
it come in today and find out for
yourself what "Winterised" means you I Don't delay I
. -"TrtciM--!! '
tfi "DEPENDABILITY" ; ,,)- HTfi
V 235 South Commercial Street
'llBjl - Phone 4711 or S5tl f 'i"f.' 1
Huskies Climb on
Loggers by 80-19
Huge Score Run Up; Subs
Unable to Miss Loop
in Early Period
SEATTLE. Jan. 1 8-)-Thre
University of Washington basket
ball teams took turns peppering
the basket to smother the College
of Puget Sound Loggers 80 to 15
in the second contest of their two
game series here tonight.
Last night at Tacoma, Washing
ton won the first game 53 to 4 0.
The Washington second team
scored seven out of every ten
shots to run up a lop-sided lead
of 48 to 10 in the first half, the
first team regulars carried on for
a bit of practice during the next
ten minutes to reach a count of
70 to 13 and the third stringers
added ten more points in the clos
ing minutes.
The Tacoma team started out
in the yead 3 to 0 when Tollefsoa
cashed a field goal and free throw
but from that time on the Log
gers saw little of the ball as the
Huskies scored baskets from ev
ery conceivable angle.
After Tollefson scored his three
points, C.P.S. failed to count acaia
until the Huskies had tallied 26
points for themselves in the fol
lowing ten minutes.
Jefferson Drops
Couple to Gates
JEFFERSON. Jan. 18. Jeffer
son lost both basketball games
with Gates Friday night played
in the local gymnasium. Follow
ing are the lineups:
Jefferson (21) (31) Gates
Boyer 4 F 18 Heath
E. Turnldge 10 F. 2 Farmen
Marcum 5 C 2 Brown
McClaln 1 G.... S DonielI
Parrish G 4 Mefinest
Substitutes: for Jefferson,; Har
ris, 1.
Referee Burnett.
Jefferson B (13) (18) Gates
Harris :F.. 10 Donnell
Knight 5 F ( Young
Thurston 2....C Grofe
Phelps 2 G 2 Carey
D. Turnidge 2 . . G
Substitutes: for Jefferson. Lar
son, 2.
Referee, Burnett.
Brakce ecrvlcca
Battery Winteriied for r
Salt tire
Winter grease and ail
Kadlatorsarvtced lot winter
WiadshltM wiper that
Pre frees aemal winter
Us v