The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 19, 1936, Page 3, Image 3

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Three G Lit.-Lie Jiu?jc3 to
DccLIc Competition et
iricn Club
MAHIO.V, Jan. 18 The com
mitteo responsible for the contest
program for tbe Marios Commun
ity club program to be given Tues
day nirht, January 21, at 3:30,
in the W.O.W. tall, are lira. Har
old Smith, Mrs. Claud Overholser,
Mrs. Homer Smith, Mrs. Grover
Stevens, Mrs. George McCoy and
Mrs. Faul Neinke.
Ey vote the women were given
the January program, the men
February. The winners to be de
cided by three Judges chosen
from outside districts. Much
time and practices-is being given
by the ladies talcing part. . Anti
cipation runs high and ' good
evening's entertainment is assur
ed. There ia a charge of 10 cents
for men.
Mrs. Nell Edwards of Seattle,
ia here this week to help cele
.brate the 85th birthday of her
father Ben Russell. - His step
daughter, Mrs. Naoma Pate Doty,
from Newport, is also present for
the occasion.
Installation Held
: Par Eastern Star
" DAYTON, Jan. 18 The annual
installation of officers of ' Electa
'ChapterNo. 23, Order of Eastern
Star, was held Tuesday night with
50 members present and guests
from Portland, McMinnrille and
Amity. Refreshments were served.
Mrs. Harry Sherman was Instal
ling officer and Mrs. Ceorge
Webster, installing marshal. '
Officers installed.' Worthy Ma
tron, Mrs. W.1 S. U'Ren"; worthy
patron, W. S. U'Ren; associate
matron, Mrs. Irene Senn; associ
ate patron, F. W. Hole; secre
tary. Era L. Baxter; treasurer,
Mrs. M. R. Cooper; conductress,
Mrs. Leo Cell; associate conduc
tress, Miss Lena Stilwell; chap
lain, Mrs. George Webster; mar
shal, Mrs. Herman Louis; organ
ist, Mrs, V. J. Frink; Ada, Mrs.
Oscar Cower; Ruth, Mrs. R. D.
Johnson; Esther, Mrs. Charles
Carr; Martha, Mrs. Harry Sner-
man f Electa, Mrs. Carl Mitchell;
warden, Mrs: Paul Londershan
sen; sentinel, Herman Louis.
Macleay Qub to
Join Federation
MACLEAY. Jan.' IS At the
4-M club meeting at the grange
hall -Tuesday, Mrs. H. E. Martin
and Mrs. A. Webb, Mrs. I. White
and Mrs. S. Neeland were hostes
ses. Mrs. A. H. Fuestman was
elected president for the coming
year; , Mrs. A. Spelbrink, vice
president; Mrs. W. B. Frink, "sec
retary; and -Mrs. J. F.-C. Teken
burg, treasurer. -'
. The club voted to affiliate with
the Marion County Federation of
Women's clubs, and "went on rec
ord favoring the W. C. T. U.'s
motion picture measure and non
liquor bill for District of Colum
bia. During the program hour,
Mrs. . W. H. Humphreys read ft
letter from Gertrude Ashby Arch
ibold; A. H. Fuestman entertain
ed with - jokes, and Mrs.. H. E.
Martin, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. C.
Tekenburg and Mrs. W. B. Frink
told of the early days of the club
when it was known as the Ladies'
The Sunshine committee for the
year is Mrs. J. F.- C. Tekenburg,
Mrs.-'M. M. Magee and Mrs. I.
Health Group -Plana
Discussed Tuesday at
I . Amity - Civic Qub
AMITY, Jan. 18 The Women's
Civic Improvement club met.Tnes
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
George Morrison, with the presi-1
" dent,' Mrs. F, Chase Thomas,- pre-,
- siding. Mrs. Mary E. "Breeding, a
, member, of the county health as-
sociation, discussed, .its plans for
the year. vThis month .the asso
ciation Is giving special attention
rto vaccination. '? During the social'
jhour light . refreshments were
served.'- .Twelve.' members were,
present.", Afsisting hostesses were
"Mrs". George D. Thomas and' Mrs
Breeding. - '' .-. -
; Mrs. A. W. Kewby is in Ballston
this week,-caring for. her, father,
Yesley Green,' who has been ill
Hay Lengthen. Day to. - ,
--. Shorten School Tcrni
I LIBUr.TY,-.Jan. 18 A. V..VLeT-
ers, locaK Bchool" p'riiicip&l, this
w-e.-kiseot" qti iicnria.Ires ltd' all
8l..oI ratrcr.s requesting their
errors regarding' a pro,po?al to
i :crea.e7 tie' hoursl of .school in
ord? cic-se' school earlier ia the
faring. -.'Ia crier t6 tip for
tie Icrst-C ir:- tirts'Taratic-n dur
ing Vth. t-e sequel bulllr? wfis
renovate,1 it is pror"s"S!1 to.hoixl
sctdcl-Hven; h" 'its c-".y instead
ci s'.:f, for p'. .od .cLe bout tle
wetVs,- starting ' about1. Kirch , 1.
U U: Cou'fVt-by this .-rlan'th
F.,eol work rHuiremests 'ca'n .be
covered, and school close Juse 5
h.steal cf Jus 19. Most cf the
TUrcrs are retorted to favor the
pun! ' : .;, ;.'
-iLarrie Wsler is reported as
havizg the"tjaT.-rs. - - -
' Officers' Fcr NewVtdr Arc
- ' - - '.,,. . .
EIcctc.l.Ly-Tc :rcnil Guj
IS Te Town-
; i tA c!I5-eers
. . t r!
r v. s
.-. . -.y
:s. 'Hey
I - ! re t
C- L.
. tr 1
rk. a;
Remodeling Program fa in Oiling
HAZEL GREEN, Jan. 18 The
Salem Jaranefce congregation has
bought the llaifl Green United
Brethern church property for
$300. The property includes
church house, five-room parson
age, fruit house, woodshed, barn
used as garape and an acre of
land located 2.5 miles northeast
of Chemawa corners, one half mile
from Haiel Green park.
The purchaser's are planning : to
remodel the buildings soon. The
church was closed last September,
the congregation uniting with the
Salem Englewood United Breth
ern church.-
Church 3.1 Tears Old ""
The church grew out of a Sun
day school organized October 12,
1902, by Dr. W. C. Kanter, -Con
gregational' church and Revj Ber
tha M. Peoples,. United Brethern,
at a time when the two groups
were considering union. Dr. Ka li
ter had been preaching occasional
ly since 1895 in the schoolhouse,
March 25 the class was organized
at the schoolhouse with - tieven
members. The denominations re
presented were: ReV. Bertha M.
Peoples, United Brethern; O. M.
Peoples, Baptist; D. R. Peterson.
Congregational; C. L. May, Ifetty
Wolf, and Charles Alexander,
Methodist; Margery May, Presby
terian. A half acre of ground was
bought in fall of 1903, the. land
had been covered with tall trees
175 to 200 feet high. A .sawmill
had located there the summer of
1S02 to cut the best of the trees
to piling for the Polk-Marion
bridge at Salem.
Rev. Mr, Cissna and Mrs. Cissna.
- ' -" "Jl 'L" " " ' ''" ' 1 '" 1 "" " ' 111 J i ""l"i"."-iJJJim in i nil i. un i in j iiujuu j ii. in.... ill Jim. oiijiii ii .ii.i ii.ii i m
jf: i j I v ..7.. i - .
I ' Y-'-- " j : i; ' - j"
F,...r: J -V ;:...-''..'V:.:.i. J li y 5 .W:. ..
. : j y j ;
- J ...... :
I , -I -J- tFl
' yith" greater ease and
-'vwa mu uww uujr anjp,
v irom eny.rora ceaier.;
. laiecn nousoxae, roru ; v-o coay siyies, ceposii ;; : See your Ford dealer today. Let him demonstrate t
V usualjow down paymenf and then pay the balance ; the cWorVouV choice udVarpla these" new plans; ' -f
t 52o a month which coyers everj-thing. v : ; ,-vf.!i .i r-V '.j
It enables yea to ewn and drive" a ctw, Fcird V8
without strain on either your caitd or income. Your 5
t car ia trsis vful rrciacly caver tis cowa
- It brisks ycu lower credit ccstcIy 6 per cent f
. . fcr twelve months or. 1 "per "cert per rrcnlh for !'";
, leaner -rtneis ca' the
It gives you. new .and
" Ard best cf t2, it aa
'.JSCy tjf f "fv'Rf JfiJJ' Ppte't
:y BWXit&lfcwiO' i .T.;-6'
Jh .5
r Ik IT- f
camped ia the horse i!.el ia 1908
while the .yarEcnaj-e -wes being
built. The Lara, wcod. V.ed and
fruit house was built la 1909 dur
ing Dr. W. F. Jcnes pastorate.
Crew Busy iilaldng
Hall New
The old North Howell grange hall
is a very busy place these days
with a crew of volunteer workmen
remodeling the kitchen and a
group of Home economics club
members Quilting anJ, Incident
ally1, supervising the carpenter
The dime card party next Fri
day evening is the social night af
fair. The committee in charge,
Raymond Paulson and Mr. and
Mr$. A. B. Wiesner, have arranged
fcr prizes and refreshment's.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Coomler,
Mrs. Thomas Bump, Mrs. W. M.
Oddie, Mrs. Martha Vinton and
Mr. and Mrs.W. H. Stevens drove
to Monitor last week for the Po
mona grange .meeting. ' Mr. Stev.
ens' wa sinstalled as Pomona
grange treasurer.
i Son Is Born
KINGWOOD. Jan. l'$ Mr. and
Mrs. Dalton Castle are receiving
congratulations on the birth of a
son, John - Dalton, Friday, at a
Salem hospital.' .. The newcomer
weighs hine - pounds and is the
first child.
1 i . . I - i. i - r - - r- I - , , ... ..... .1 . . , If ' . . .1
with usual low
at lower cost of .financing, '
ivpcw ww.roru v-o car
- M8Keyour cnotce lrom tne.
ciirrii2l - - c2ssi4 - - bt!i2cs:. - sd
- .broader irsurarcs coverte ! ;
iavestcstst. ia" red autcoo-'-'t
rl , f
now own
'. - - . . i . . - .. ' - -.- v
ects ct
ricnilcr; Keir Officers
! -Are Installed
' ETAYTO", Jan. 18 T's re-M-lar
Eieeti."? cf Ponora gra? sa st
Monitor Yednc-bday was a rcrtt
i.itereEting cne. J. O. Farr, mas
ter, presided, anJ the 15 grar.pes
of Marion county were all repre
sented. Each grange gave i.i,"ir
ing reports. Ac ken y had
added a new rocf to their hall;
Woodburn had built a, dining
room and kitchen addition to
theirs; North Howell reported
having enlarged their kitchen and
other grafts had paid off out
standing dcbt3. '
Fourteen candidates received
obligations In Pomona fifth de
gree and Eecret work. Morton
Tompkins, Yamhill county, over
seer of the state grant ? gave a
talk on the articles to be voted
upon at the coming election, t ?
At noon an excellent meal was
enjoyed, 140 persons being seat
ed . at one time. - Following the
dinner the officers were installed
by : Mrs. L. , S. Lambert, Stayton
grange. Her corps of assistants
were Mrs. J. O. Farr, Ankeny,
marshall; Mrs. Amelia JVan Er-.
men," Stayton," regalia" bearer;
Mrs.' Esther Hartley, Ankeny,
emblem - bearer; Mrs. Esther
Sweany, Monitor, chaplain; Mrs.
Helen Kleigehe, ' Chemawa, musi
cian, atfl Rexp Hartley,' Ankeny,
soloist. ' The ceremonies : were
most impressively carried out'
Officers Installed were: J. O,
Farr, Ankeny; master; James Dar-
bile value. At this low cost
pcrxonnancc, ime-car iuauiy,
. f ora economy..
Z larioa - Pomona
rT&ete plans art Ktd,TtIcl
aiaj be arrsc-ed. 'c
T . Cosocsny throch all Ford dealers. " y" A ,t -
.Tiffl f tvme&ta atej act axceel S fr rjatiu-H yccr
,4ow pymeot ia iarcr, cvea lower aaoauJ f'7L '
.' t eka of Beir. Tcfl cost el eredit is et?y t. .
preBtBionu "y5 r2I r4 tdaae tisa"fciwrT-
aaea.'-(65S loir twelve etoatLsJS 7 I'Z rfVj 1
Ittaarasca ' agsiait ' ra cad tLcft," wit!i C3 .'dadaeflb! ,"
.". eoUlrioa aad proteetloa f jalatt t aiiv elcr act! .
phjtisal dam2 t9 your ear. E?osi. tiraat "re-lif"..
Coalcrcaea' rates.
snJard accessory grQKfrJzchd.'rj.
;Uu a- .i jLi.o4Jt t4..w . jl
-v f i - f .in 1 m'f :i -
ti.-Wi rJ; ... ;;.
6h ,:-taBt stewar
I; Elsraii !-iu;
t - tr '..f T ' , V - r - - 1 r
A" c. , but t , tl.
II. t'tevcis. North 1I?v,lU, trv. us
urer; llrs. Anr.a Haley, f.lvfrt-i
II;:.'?, urcrctsry; Larry
Hartley, Ankcr.y, Ctries; I'rs.
Anna ra;!:?n, North Ho-svc!!, To
i:c.i; I'.v?. Jo.-tr"""-e Iv. Ur.Ica
Hill, F3:ra; Ilia. . :i. Ti. Un
i;.n Ili'J, JiJy a'-:.'tact Etewrrd;
lira. Leuiia Ilrenz, ,Uiion II I II,
Jjvtnile catrcn; . exec-altve to
mittce. Charles S-weeney, J.Icnitor,
Uex Hartley, Ankeny, and II. R.
Sava; Chenawa.
Th agriculture and home eco
nonika.conroittes rave excellent
rpcrts. Musical -nunibrs vere
furnished by a Quartet.
Going from Stayton bsidea Ttr.
and Mrs. L. S. Lambert were Mr.
and Mrs. George Sandncr, Mr. ar.d
Mrs. Jack Richards, Thun! a
Thomas- and Mrs. Amelia Van Ur
men. . ,
" There la no grange in the coun
ty where at some time or another
the oificers have not been in
stalled by Mrs. Lambert.
Hold Annual Meeting
; - Of Telephone Company
W ACONDA, ' Jan. 1,8 The an
nua meeting of Sal aFairf ield
teliishone company was held Sat
urday afternoon at , Clearlake
schoolhouse. . The main business
was election of officers for 1936.
Mrs.. Robert Cole, will entertain
members of the Waconda Com
munity club Wednesday, January
22 at her home In Mission Bot
tom. Mrs. Cole is the new club
president. .This will be an all
day session with club luncheon. -
you obtain V; 8. cylinder' '
cig-car. roominess ana
by the Ustrcnu'Cret' .
- : ..- .
Ikx'trt.czJ -:;:
7 jr
Jlji 4,x -A. MAUL
- ' - it - .'v .',-
1 C 2"
A -J w .
V -
lxfv f4n -
Only 5 in Stock
Here your opportunity to get
dependable heater at a low
price Come ia daring our sale.
7ell save yon money on
heater for your car and on our
' complete line of auto supplies.
oft ViOt vr---t
AU "-i mmYm
li 'i i,n. - ull.
wtU ""Sob
Cuifct Tarms if desired .
' l. -,w - ' 1 ' HOvw .
V f"
"vr--" c"Tt?Tp k Trr r v
X.4 I ri.Ai ji,la. 4A
. 1," ' -
e-t-V ('S'
-V " -5--
'C ,..r;;:r'v'L':;ts its; etcrvin-
t i
'. . v-- tcii:;:'; J.: :
-Day Today!
deflector. Fremm md de
fleeter thrmm plated,
XIOTCIt net:Uet umtto.
mil? knew Eel metor,
brmcket momntlmg.
a eop-
I 69.93.
1 4
Only 9 in Stock !
t . v
a .
V j
j.- .
, : . . ..
SUk ,
- Don't wait for your present battery
to go dead.- Save time, trouble and
money by equipping your car with a
. Firestone . Battery during this sale.
. '. Liberal trade-in allowance for your
old battery! " .
.j .... ,
tlist 8 ccca .T:nr.l;rrT.- "it ';ces net miicr . .
whether it ; i-'alUc"iI:rac?,;.ltc.tehicr:t,- crh
--' --Wilht:!i jbv:r.;T:rry3iat!re; Vvy' ycii-'vcr.t -.' li
07 A1
- fn
v.: m . t v
'V.: g
L '-J i -in
' . - ' mmM AT C .
9 p StaSs.
Think ot hi A hrnd mew Fire-
C. ..... ... WT t .. m
stone stcwan-w m-Mcr rmoio ior
. . . t
jour car. prictra wiuua naca vi
all. Exeeptioaal tone and reerp-"
live qualities. Complete wkk
et Iiwn m a Ivtia m, at W tWiiMlii '
911 5
- r." - - "it ';ces net mttcr
a ' ilcnt:;-fcat-i:prc-.:ivc" t
mm: j
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