-.it t;-, . .vi.nwK .nr-v.r WAtZTs ATA The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sundajalonung "January 19, 1936 . 'TJLGB FIFTEEN w 1 Is VMuable. Glassafieds am Classified Ads Call 9101 -Classified Advertlstag Stasia insertion per lias ..10e Three Insertions per lis . .20e Six Insertions per Una ,,..3e One month per line ..,..11.00 Minimum charge . . ..Se Copy . fo this page accepted estil 4:30 tha evening before public tioa for classification. Copy received after this that- will he nra asaes the head ing Tm Late U Classify. The EUlwna aatamaa fiaaa eial responsibility for arrera which easy appear ia adfextiseaseaU publish ed ia )ta eelamss. sad ia eaaaa where this paper ia at faalt witt reprint that part of aa adcertiseaent ia which the typographical auatake occurs. , The Statesauta reserves the right to reject objectionable adTcrtisisK- it far ther reaema the rijht to classify at! idvertising aa4ar tbs proper classifies HOB. ( Help Wanted Female Opportunity to earn money. Does not interfere witb inow dutiea; arood pay ; permanent.' lnterriew raqnired. itox 981, ' statesman. BARN tip to ISO a thousand address ing envelopes laailing circulars for advernaera. Experience unnecei Detaila frea. Wilson Company, Long lieacu. Calif. ' Position open. Married . woman. Showing ( stunning Spring Fashion 1 Frocks. Can earn JU weekly, get an your own dresses without cost, fciper- ience unnecesaary. No investment. Fa shion Frocks, Dept. N-260. Ctncis- nati. Uhlo. ' Woman to work for room and board and small wage ia exchange for light work in. caring for elderly lady. 329 So. ISth. Salegmen Wanted , DISTRICT MANAGER WANTEDi An opportunity for a high caliber man. Large old lino life insurance company has opening for .an agxresslre life in surance man aa district manager for Salem. With tha return of i business confidence now is tbo time !to make such a connection with a company that has millions of Insurance In fores in Oregon. Splendid proposition for the man who can qualify. Write full information la first letter. Box 978, care Statesman. MAOIC GAS Increases mileage 28 50. Used by bua compajUea.; Harm less, guaranteed Approved by automo tive engineer. Amazing sales records. Free ' radio advertising. Agent's .nasao n cans. Particulars, proof free. MA GIC UAs BCILJJLNU, Ont., Canada. Alexandria, I Clothing salesman wanted. To rep- 1 resent the world's largest manufactur- j ing retailers of men's clothes New spring and summer fabrics and styles now ready, liberal .commissions. An opportunity to make a good income and establish and increasingly profit able business. Writs The Richman .Brothers Company, Cleveland, Ohio. AUTHENTIC LIFE, WILL ROGERS 1 Contains his humorous sayings and ' wise comments. Large book over 300 - pages, profusely illustrated, only 1.00. ' Enormous demand. ..85 -to' 80 a day easily made. Credit given. Freight! Pd. De aotaetay. end St once 10c to cover cost of mailing cloth bound sample book. UNIVERSAL HOUSE, i010 Arch St, Philadelphia. i Situations Wanted Exp. girl wants housewk. TeL S377. Willamette student wishes work for ' board and room. 1433 State. TeL 9364. For Sale Miscellaneous" Safe (or sale, fireproof. IIS Cosmo- , Rata. TYPEWRITERS Rent a machine, practice at home. Special rates, to stn- Oents. Koen. 4Zt Court, pnono Sill. Belcrest lota TeL 6352. osshassjasaaaaasaassaesasssssaaa Hoover ft Premelr Vac Cheap, cash. - Brushes rebrlstled. Teed, 490 3. 2lsi New radio tubes 29c. Moore's Radio Service, 695 North High Street - i- - n.ri -i -.-uLn Wedge wood gas range. TeL 4498. Man's suit, almost new. 855 Center. Good apples 29c box; 3 fpr 8,5c. Fre- weea. honey. lb. pau, 49c Choice Na vel oranges, bushel box, place pack. All sises, l.ss box. 15c to 55c dozen. Puritan apple cider fresh daily, gal lon, 25c PURITAN CIDER WORKS WEST SALEM ----------- - -rmMWWifvuvwirtririji Cocker spaniel puppies, 8 2.60, $3.00, this week. Stobers, 2460 Laurel. - -- - - -I'l-i'.-wwir.www Seo our second band pianos at $59 : cash.. $69, $79. $98 and up. Also new . .uprights, grands and spinet grands, at unheard or low prices. Terms. See . Tallntan Piano Store at once and save. Located at old location, 395 S. 12th St, .i C0YaUU. I Pekingese pups Reaa 635 N. 15th. Good chicken brooder. 'TeL 34 F21. - - i-i-i i-i-i-,-tm.ru-uanj-Ln 1300 7 -tube Bush ft Lane radio, dec tro dynamic speaker, beautiful walnut cabinet $35 cash. Wood heater, burns 16 in. wood, $7. 337 N. Cottage St 1 Wanted Miscellaneous Free Wt pick up dead and wortn was norses. cows, sneop, lei. ssta. Walnut, -filbert, meats Walnuts In shelL Any quality. Stats Cafeteria. ' - - - ,i -i-irii-innnnj-i n Upholstering sewing machine at once. TeL 9653. . - . Wo -pay cash for used pianos. TeL a? a t m .Wanted Farnitore t CASH PAID FOR TOUR TOOLS - Stoves, Furmture Capital Hardware 4 Furniture Co. IIS N. Commercial Phono 1848. Portland BepresenUtfTr . - Oordon.B .BeU." Sectrrlty'RunSini. --' roruana,' ur, Western Advertising , i - . . BepreseulaUTes ...4, 4 Fenger-Hall Co, Ltd. : - 2 . Saa frasciaeo, Los Aarslaa. Seattle I 1: iteni AaTeytIsin V-"!.' Represents tlTes I Bryant. Griffith ft Branson, Ins- Chlnnt Ne Tort ' Detrwrt. Boston.' Atlanta aTarrrcd'et $ Psto7lee gslKt; vroooit, os sseoso-cioss storrer. -o WM evonr ssorstso sep jfvaaay. SssisoM oica, 216 Mouth Comssrcidl street. :-. .-..i- - SUBSCRIPTION RATES I "Itaa Subscription Rates, In Advance, Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday, 1 Mo. is cents: I Mo. $!.; SI0. I2.28S r rear $4.00. Elsewhere cents ver Mcx- or $5.00 for 1 year in advance, Pot Coot S conta News Stands 6 cants. By City Carrier t i caput a month .w a year u aa vanes Miscellaneous 3105-1175 MONTH START. U. S. government Jobs. Ma 'women. We coach, you tor next -Salem examina tions. Qualify now. Common educa tion usually sufficient Experience us ually uiiiiwtiiiu). List Jobs full par ticulars and -sample coachln g FRE E. Apply today sure. Box 9(2, care Statesman. -A'-'-z ' Vacuum cleaners for - rent. Salem Hardware Co. TeL 4906, Party who took blcyeia with box on from W. C. T. U. bunding- Friday night la ksowa and unless bicycle ia replaced where H was within 48 hour full pros ecution or the law will ne made. ; Haircuts. -0o-15c. I0J & Winter. For RentRooms Rooms. (91 N. Cottage. TeL ((71 Modern heated rooms. Men only. Reasonable. 649 N. Cottage. - riVwimiiviAimjiArir Pleasant sleep ins. llvlne room. 250 S. Cortase, lltated sleeping rooms, 444 S. High. Sleeping room. TeL 448. Heated sleeping rooms. TeL 9490. Nlca heated front room. Hot and cold water. 3S5 Center street. Sleeping rooms - near state bides. Board if desired. 270 N. 13th. Lnre' heated sieeDlna room. 79 N. High St. i i- - riViViVMWvwwwwwA Heated sleeping rms. 444 S. High. Room and garage, 1050 X. Summer. References. TeL 6187. Room and Board Rm.-bd TeL 8394. 860 Cbemeketa. Board and room. 1083 Electric. Room and board, 2 blocks from state bouse. 253 N. lath. Rm. AV brd. single. S( wt. double 85 wa. rn. i7v after a. For Rent ApartmentT Furn. 3 rsorn apt. TeL 9490. Small furn.' apt. 890 Union. Furnished steam heat. Frigidaire, fine water. Hawtnorn Court. 1000 No. CapitoL Z room furnished ant. Main floor. $2.25 per week. 1290 Oak. Phone 5276. Convenient 3 and 5 room furn. du- plex apis. 8(0 Mill St. Mod. 2 rooms, 2003 N. CapitoL Apartments, 355 Bellvue. Ground floor flat, two bedrooms, overstaffed ; wood and gas stove Ught, water, garage; adults 6288. For Rent Houses R. unfurn. house. Garage. Adults. 315. Call at 2275 Laurel Ave. Furn. a unfurn. Forkner. TeL 3031 2 room furnished house. 8840. Winter rates on cottases. Lone Star Auttt 08 mp? A9.60. C?"1.10- 5 H. unfurn. bungalow, at 1560 Wil bur St. Fireplace, garage. Inquire 1196 S. Hth or Tel. 7540. S room houfe tor rent, 290 King- wood Ave., $18.00. Tel. 9566. 5 room furnished house with garage. STEGNER, 180 N. Com'L Phone 6412 For rent furnished strictly modern bungalow, $40 ; a 5 R. duplex. '$30 ; a five R. house, $2s ; cosy 4 R. house $20 : a two R. apt. with lights and wa ter, $12: unfurnished house, 5 K., $15 Also a 5 R., $12.50. A choice one acre i mod. bung, for $15. See BECIITEL or JACKSON. 34 1 State St 4 R. mod. furn. A. J. Flint TeL 3920 For Rent Office rooms for rent. 381 State St red. 3713. stssxsasas,sstse Hospital beds and wheelchairs to rent H. U Stiff Furniture Co. FARM FOR RENT 141 acres Santiam river bottom farm. two sets buildings, 6 acres bear ing walnuts, wonderful carrot and vegetable soil. CHAS. HUDKINS, N J. LINDGREN 275 State St Phone 9494. For Sale Real Estate PICK YOUR CHOICE $290 down. 6-R. house, paved st Price $1200 $500 down. Nice creek, lot, 6-R. house, for $1100.00, st paved. 6-room English type, all modern. corner lot, both streets paved; only $2750.00. 2 houses price of one. one 5-k. modern one. 3-R. house rented. Will take a good lot as part payment. If it s a home, see us Jas. D. Sears or G. "W. Johnson 132 S. High Phone 9629. List your property for sale with HAWKINS ft ROBERTS, INC Houses, Grant. 639 Court TeL 7723. You Be the Judge W will nut this -oretty country home up against anything offered. 5 1 rooms and nook wltU unfinished up stairs, nrepiace, nice nign uawineni. xuraace. Dtauuiui duiuw iitcb iu shrubbery. Bearing warmits and fil berts. On river. $3739 terms. Socolofsky & Son First National Bank Bidg. Phone .7807 during day 4839 evenings FOR SALE, by owner, S room home. large lot with fruit double garage. walking distance : shown by appoint ment only. Price $ 3240.00, terms Phono S4i or cau at me n. I7tn st Two big lots, good price for cash. inquire Z44 N. 12th. Equity 4 rooms and bath, $100, terms Balance $413, $15 month. Call Sunday at 16(5 Tew St S acres close in on paving, small unfinished house, well, fine location for home, only $1300. $200 cash, terms on balance..) One acre- J" room modern house. closaJa garage,- hen-house, few y,oung walnuts, nice crees. szuvv. vtun new furniture. 32400. w have cash -buyers for nouses be- Tsreen State and Center, list with us. Bechtel or Jackson, 341 State "St . 1 A., small bldgs., elec, garage, fruit and nuts, ioo. - - 6 A., - ho si - -barn, garaga,-. ooops, elec, berries, $1650. Some cash, bat 815.13 month. . . S A., "house, barn, . garage, frplt it sat. see casn. 5 A. Rm., base., elec, gas, bath, plast. water system, double garage, good hen house, barn, 34350. FOR BARGAINS. SEE - -FRANK GRlEPENTROa j$ 4- McCoy St TeL 4954 4 apartment dwelling, modern, close fat: 3 rented for $82.50. All furnished. Price- $12,000.00. Take small suburban tract as first ftaymerrfc - - - " i'GiHS' dormitory in "'collega town. I good 1 farm. good Income: would exchange for 109 sere farm: 40 acres In cultiva Uon: balance timber and pasture running water, new small bldga. Price fieoe.OO; trade ror smaller acreage, a M. F.ARLE GEO. F. ULRICH 101 No. UIgn Phone 9(71. For Sale Real Estate "Will exchange one good Income resi dence property, . on N Broadway, for unimproved tract, close to Salem. This party wants to put on blags, to suit himself. Tract of rand on hard -surfaced road. 324 ft In length, by 177 ft width. A real building site for a country home; $500 on easy terms. $25 down, $! mo., to responsible party. F. H. Weir, zio uyegoa mag. TWO GOOD LOTS on pavement. near new high school, fruit and nuts Only $900. SOCOLOFSKT ft SON, First National Bank Bidg. . : rsrsaas,asssasosaosaawi Don't Wait for the 'Impossible e Buy that home now. Here are two specimens of the bargains offered. $1375 buys good 5 room home with double' garage, 2 lots, some fruit $2150 buys fine 4 room home with hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, garage attached. South Salem Socolofsky & Son First National Bank Bidg. SPKCIAL HOME BARGAINS $2000. -Good modern S room Eng. style shake home on paved st, has basement, furnace, fireplace, oak floor, garage. ONLT $300 down, bal. 320 per month. $1900. Late modem 4 room home with full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, garage, only 8 blocks out $250 cash, bat $20 per month. Nice creek lot. $5800. Nice modern ( room home In excellent location with CREEK LOT, located close in on J. Summer St TOU WILL LIKE .THIS HOME. $1S00. Good six room home with base ment and furnace, larger cor. lot, paved st, located close in at 907 Oak st, $800 cash, bat terms SEE US FOR BARGAINS W, H. GRA BENHORST ft CO., REALTORS 134 a Liberty St Phone 6468. LARK3N REALTY CO. 109 S. Commercial St Phone 5470 YOUR CHANCE TO OWN A GOOD HOME Also your choice of the following for only $250.00 down, balance $15.60 per month. 5 acres, buildings, electricity, two wells, nice home, good road, has fruit nuts, furnished, ready to go. Priced at $2000.00. 7 acres, buildings, well water, live water, fair home, near pavement, fruit nuts, priced for only $2300.00. Each of the above tracts are 10 min utes from the BUSINESS district $2250. Modern S room house, hard wood floor, basement, furnace and fireplace. $500 down. $1900. 4 rooms with hardwood floors, good location. $500 down. $1650. 4 rooms plastered, $150 down, $15 per month. R. A. FORKNER 1853 N. Capitol $2650. 5-K. well furnished house, mod ern in every way. Good loca tion. Terms $3500. Nice 5-room home, modern in every -way. Oil burner, etc. $750 down. 5 on baL MELVIN JOHNSON - - 725 Court St Phone 3723 5-R. house on Shipping St Bath. lights, garage, paving. $775. 4-R. furnished house on Norway St Bath, lights, garage, nice lot paving paid. $950. $250 down, good 8-R. plastered house on Maple Ave., bath, garage, pav ing, lot 50x135, some fruit $1375. - $500 down, 6-R. modern home at 1363 N. Church St $3950. MONEY TO LOAN at 6 MELVIN JOHNSON - - 725 Court St Phone 3723 Exchange Real Estate FOR EXCHANGE 360 A. ranch, about 4 miles from Eugene. 100 A. m cultivation, balance timber and pasture. All yesr creek of fine water. Brand new house, fair out buildings. Will consider hofhe In Salem as part payment For full particulars, see Mr. Ltndgren. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. INC EXCHANGE A 7 room, modern house In A-l con dition, oak floors, fireplace, oil burner. etc. Large corner lot close to schools and business district Price only 14000. Will accept smaller house as part pay ment SEE Mrs. EUfs with CHILDS ft MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 6708. Small home in So. Calif, on farm. Ph. 8280 R. 7. Box 14. FOR EXCHANGE Good 5 a acres of river bottom land. 20 acres of hops, some alfalfa, 2 houses, good out buildings, 40 acres In cultivation, located near Springfield, Oregon. Price $11,000, equipped. Own er will exchange for farm, service station or camp grounds near Salem. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST CO., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 6468. FOR EXCHANGE -7 acre home near Macleay. 4 room house, to exchange for Salem home, price $1600. Clear of debt SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST ft , CO. 134 S. Liberty St For Sale: Farms ATTRACTIVE FARM BUYS 147 acres 7 milaa out on macadam road, fair set buildings, well and spring water. 80 acres in cultivation, balance pasture and timber. Price only $7350, part terms. ' - 40 acres lew roues oat on srooa rma, 19 acres now ffl crop, new house' barn. woodshed and chicken house. Priced very low at $2650. SEE US for-Hood- Karm Buys. CHILDS -ft MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street - Phone (708. RANCHES 1-acre (close In), some fruit, nice 6-R. modern home, basement furnace, electric lights and water system, ga rage, woodshed and hea house, sacri ficed for about price -only $2000. 25-acres paved highway, all in cult and good - sou. Good : reconditioned house, barn and etc. Owner says aell for only $"2400 a snap. If you want to buy or sell, SfcJ& - Jas. D. Sears or G. W. Johnson 132 S. High St Phone 9429. Out on a Limb ! Owner must sell,. Investigate this ASTOUNDING VALUE. -140 acres near Salem, some timber and pasture, balance in cultivation. Good home with bath and-fireplace, good chicken house, outbuildings. Spring water. Call 7807 during day,.45S evenings. - Socolofsky & Son First National Bank Bidg. 125 acre ranch near small. town In Polk " county!. Excellent soil. Distant ewner. Leased to Ortober 1st. 1934. Priced for quick at. 365.09. Wt QfclOEGER 147 N. Com'tefr , Phono 4728. 180 A. 5 ml. east of Newport on paved road, 61 cult All fenced, several hundred cords of wood. 7-R. house, bath, lights, large dairy barn. All stock and equipment -Including 22 head of cattle 8,7000, $3000 down. . 105 A. 10 mL from'Ealem od paved road, 35 cult Fair 6-R. housei good soil, 2000 cords of wood,' some stock Saoo. 12 A. about. 8 Tnt. east f Salem, al most .new 7-TC- house, electric liKhts. AU cult 32350 8550 cash. 6 A. 2 mL from Salem. 4-R house, good barn, garage, chicken house, . good weU-$1809 $250 down. 1 A. 1 ml. east on Sllverton road, 4 room house, good soil $1000. KELVIN JOHNSON 1 - 725 Court SL Phone 1721 For SaleUsed Cars 1 A Square Deal'Ativays AT THE VALLEY MOTOR CO. We hare on hand a large assortment of INSPECTED and RECONDITIONED USED CARS - - - Priced, to Insure , ; ' SQUARE 'DEAL'i ' ' W 193! V-8 Regular Coup 14,000 miles. Perfect'- 1933 V-8 Regular Sedan 1935 V-8 Regular Sedan. 18,000 miles 1932 B-4 Ford Sedan. New paint, new 1932 V-8 DeLuxe Sedan ; 1938 Pontiac Coupe, rumble ' , , , 1930 Model A Pickup 1929 Model A Sport Coupe , 1934 V-8 DeLuxe Coupe 1934 V-8 Victoria 1934 V-8 Coach, low mileage 1933 V-8 DeLuxe Coupe. Complete 1929 Master 4 Buick Sedan, mech. 1927 Buick Sedan. A real buy at 1934 V-8 Regular Sedan, low mileage 1931 Model A Roadster. New paint. SQUARE DEAL USED CARS Buy Your USED CAR Now FROM OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE SPECIALS at THE VALLEY MOTOR CO. Marion & Llierty - - - - "Center ft Liberty TWO USED CAR LOTS Phone 7010 " " For Sale Farms LOOK AT THIS BARGAIN $1650. All cash will buy this five acre I home with small house, good drilled well, all in bearing or- chard, located 3 miles out on I main Pacific highway. 1 SEE. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Plione (468. FARM BARGAIN 143 acre farm, 90 acres of plow land, balance pasture and timber, old buildings, about 7 miles out Price for QUICK SALE $35 per acre, part toi-ms. TTS A BUY. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 S. Liberty St. FOR SALE 16 A. of beaver dam. Give Immediate Dossession. Good terms, 10 A. near Keiser school. 4 A. of bearing wal- nuts. $3000 u A. . Fair "d'nK'ilc" Rehnann, 167 S. Hih.xlial 8632. A real home on terms you can't beat investigate, 1H A. all kinds fruit good house. 12 A. 3 A. cherries, fam ily orchard, good bldgs. 10 A., good hi dim 8" 14 A., modern imn. 4 A. cher- rlaa. All close in and Drlced right. See m for terms and trades of all kinds If my prices are not right, you won't buy give me a trial. H. C. Shields, Ore. Bidg. Ph. 8902. Acreage 1 acre modern 5 room house, Sa- I lem Hta district clear, $2000; Furni- ture additionally if deaired. ' House with furniture, paved street in good district $2650 cash. 80 acres near Siltcoos. Oregon. Clear title, to exchange for acreage of 3 to 10 acres in Salem vicinity. H. P. GRANT Tel. 7723 529 Court St Modern suburban home hardwood floors, full basement, furnace and flre nlano Ijtvn and shrubs Sacrifice. 5 acres, black soil, 5 room plastered house, good out bldga 30uo. ierms. R. A. FORKNER 1853 N. Capitol Wanted Real Estate Nelson's Farm Agency has buyers coming for bargains In farms Ph. 8280 or write Rt 7, Box 14. I Business Opportunities I Established beauty shop. Good lo cation. Reasonably priced. Box 972, Statesman. Manager to supervise distribution of nationally advertised, essential prod ucts placed in stores on consignment No personal selling. Earnings $2500 up yearly. $300 required, which is se cured and returnable. State qualifica tions and phone. Box 979, care States man. Money to Loan j A Complete Service on Loans Up to $300 We can advance cash quickly and privately to any employed man or woman in 24 hours. Beneficial Loan Society of Salem " Room 119. New Bllgh Bidg. 2nd floor y-i r- - v-S-v auN a SB SL. ISC Si w I piw. 43-i aver a, STATE SI I State St TeL 7 4 0. Loans Made In Nearby Towns Federal housing loans title 2. build Low rates Abrams ft Ellis, uasomo t. xwwwwwvwwwwwwxwM Personal Loans ' By an Independent Salem Finance Co. Amounts to iiauu One to Twenty Months to Repay Deal with an Independent Salem owned -and-ope rated finance company where your needs win receive every consideration both before and after the loan la made. . No UeJaya - - - no ko -ipo PPi ?i2?lcj5f2:e First Nst'l Bank Bidg. Phone 8553. Licensed. S-1IS by state Automobile Loans Private money for automobile loans at new low rates. Personal Attention no ueiays You Keep Your Car Roy Simmons First Nat'L Bank Bldk Phone 8553. Licensed by the State FOUR PER CENT paid on savings INSURED to $5,000.00. Salem Federal Savings ft Loan A n. Guardian Bidg. Phono 4109. Loans Wanted Loans wanted on farm and city property. Before, borrowing. Inquire at Hawkins ft Roberts. WANTED: $1000 private wan on dose In six .room home with basement and furnace. Will pay Interest SEE, W, H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 South Liberty Street Highly secured FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS: The best aad safest Invest ment Amounts $500, $759 and $2000. Net Investors ( semi-annually. Ex amine security yourself. CHILDS ft MILLER. Attge. txns 344 State Street Phone (70S. Livestock and Poetry. Springer cows.' 2296 N. Liberty. For sale 35 to 79 White Leghorn pullets Call at Warmer's Grocery, 644 Highland. TeL 65(5. For Sale Wood H 11-14- dry wood. TeL 1(78. 't.: II In, aid fir, $5.60. Phone 1451. GUA RANTCED ' DRY Tel.. soea,. Salem Fuel Co. , Trade Cotraga, -- II In, aid fir. 15.26. Tel $931. . For Sale Used Cars .$550 465 (95 185 383 125 245 145 625 495 495 435 236 126 650 - uphoL A-l mechanically . . , 1 i n.. : . - overhaul A - L new paint A-l mechanically ... 260 l'aWaaaBB--asaTfca Used Trucks 1030 Chevrole't. dual tires w-$. 150.00 1929 Dodge Ihi -ton . 85.00 1929 Moriand 2-ton L. W. B. 285.00 X929 Dodge with body and hoist 1931 Ford L. W. B., good body 350.00 350.00 309.00 395.00 1932 Ford pickup Model B 1933 Ford pickup V-8 1934 Chevrolet 1 ton L W, E ; 665.00 1930 International A-4, L. W. B. with heavy duty log ging trailer fully .. equip p 1200.08 1932 Studebaker 2-ton L. W. B. - 395.00 19J3 C-l interaationafll W, R pickup 533.00 Others to select from. Come in and look them over. James H. Maden Co. s ri. a a Phone 8590. International Motor Trucks ft McCor- mlck Deering Farm Machinery Come in and Inspect Our Used Cars 1933 Buick Sedan .$895 . 415 . 340 . 295 . 215 . 195 . 185 . 65 1931 Studebaker Sedan 1930 Buick Coupe 1929 Buick Sedan 1928 Buick Sedan 1928 Buick Sedan 1928 Buick Coach 1925 Buick Coach 1935 Chevrolet Coupe Master (46 1933 Chevrolet Sedan Master 495 1928 Durant Sedan 135 1929 Essex Sedan 185 1934 Ford Deluxe Coupe, driven only 10.000 495 1929 Buick Sedan 275 1931 Graham Coupe 265 3 Model T Fords from $15 to $25 Balance can be carried on easy monthly payments. Otto J. Wilson 388 N. Com'l. St - - Phone 6451. BUICK ft PONTLVC Don't Waste Your Time Or Money "C'Shrock TO BUY OR SELL YOUR CAR C42-575 Chem. St Phone 9588. PLENTY OF GOOD BUYS IN CARS, ALL MAKES. BODY STYLES. MOD ELS. AND PRICES. SEE THEM: Cash Paid for Cars OR SOLD ON CONSIGNMENT Out to Win America on Value Alone! St Chev. Panel Delivery . ..$ 95.00 Stude Coupe 45.00 29 Nash Sedan, comp. overhaul 285.00 29 Hudson Sedan, like new 295.00 33 Ford V-8 DeLuxe. new paint and tires 395.00 29 Ford A Coupe with R. seat 148.00 28 Whippet Sedan, '29 motor 125.00 28 Buick Sedan, new paint, re conditioned - 225.00 29 Ford A Coupe Sport Model 175.00 29 Ford A Sedan, completely reconditioned 195.00 29 Nash Sedan, 26,000 miles Like new (Pete) (Bill) Carter & Church Motor Co. Nash ft LaFavette Dealers 265 No. Com'l. St Phone 8734. I T S1 C ?- X JOnUOTy KjieOTOnce OCIie Of i x Tr, w-s y-, M n C iruaranteea ua&u uino 28 Chevrolet Coupe . 28 Oldsmoblle Coach 29 Chevrolet Coach 80 Ford Coupe I nevroiei onup I IV ronuac ioupe i 31 Chevrolet Coupe 31 Chevrolet Cabriolet 33 Chevrolet Coach 33 Pontiac Sedan ...... 34 Chevrolet Town Sedan ... 34 Chevrolet Sedan 35 Chevrolet Pickup McKay Chevrolet Co. 333 Center Phone 3189 430 N. Com'L Open Sundays ft Evenings. DRIVE A BARGAIN Unless You Get LOW TERMS You Don't Get a Used Car Bargain 1934 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe 1930 Chrysler Royal Coupe 1936 Chrysler Sedan 1930 Chrysler Sedan 1934 Plymouth Coupe 1928 Hudson Sedan, new S-ply tires, paint and upholstery A-l condi tion and not a rattle In It AND 15 others for $300 and under Salem Auto Co. Home of Chrysler ft Plymouth 435 N. Com'L - Phone 4473. Now Wrecking 1927 Oakland C 1927 Hupmobile Six 1927 Star Six 1928 Standard Buick Willys-Knight 4( 1929 Studebaker Dictator Glass mufflers, batteries, water pump parts, all cars - WILLAMETTE: AUTO WRECKING 975 N." Commercial - - Phoner 892. For "Sale Wood Fir. oak. ash. TeL 1254. BsASaBssaSsjessaassaass Guaranteed dry 2nd growth, 7340. Wood all kinds. Call Ids. Get . what I you ouy. lorn ana ixeorge. . 5. Dry wood, reasonable, ,TeL 3364. 16 In. old fir. $5.26: 16 In. Snd growth, $4.76. TeL 9456. v Wood Sawing H Wood sawing reasoaablo. Can tilt. L Personal Partner wanted" (for' 99 yrai Must like Calif. Address Slim, P. o. box 193. B-mM A r-H ; TTTER. . GAS PAINS. tNDIGESTION victims, why suffesT I For ouick relief set a free sample of 1 Udga. a doctor's prescription at Cap Ital aad Perry's Drug Stores, 1 For Sale Used Cars'"! Values Values Values : USED CARS " f - ' - ' r. X ' - v - . -K- '' -.V-'-'"''V ' -' - '"' ' ' ' '" 'Bonesteele Bros Inc. Moved North of Nelson . . Bidg. on Liberty St. : ; 1(36, Studebaker Custom Sedan, v " Planer front end. Low mile- age - L 2 i.t895 1935 Btude Custom . Sedan, less .than XO.OOO miles 8U 1935 Dodge Coach, radio ft heat- er. 12,000 miles 763 1933 Dodge Coupe, looks like new (95 1934 Hudson Coupe, valve grind. . new tires t. a (75 1934 Plymouth Rumble seat Coupe looks good as new '. 595 1933 DeSoto DeLuxe Sedan, air wheels, "tires new 69 1933 Todge DeLuxe 4 -dr. Sedan .. 685 1933 Plymouth Coupe, very fine condition 495 1931 Stude Commander Sedan, re conditioned 4SU 1932 Ford V-8 Coach, new motor 45 1932 Dodge rumble seat Coupe, looks like new, 16,000 mL .... 440 1934 Willys 77 Sedan, run 25 to 39 miles rer frallon 42S 1927 Chevrolet 4 - door Landeau sedan, with trunk. I cense 14 1931 Ford A 2-door Sedan, good condition 295 1931 Hud 4-dr. - Sedan, good, con dition JZa 1927 Oakland 2-door Sedan 95 1928 Reo- Sedan . 250 1928 Willys 70 Sedan, runs excel lent ' . .. ; 195 1929 Model A Ford Tudor, new rubber 16 1928 Pontiac 4-door Sedan, new paint , lav 1927 Dodge 4-door Sedan DeLuxe. new license .... laO 1929 Durant Coach, motor per fect condition 14 1927 Dodge Sedan, reliability and service . 13a 1926 Hup Sedan, good value 1 1927 Olds Coach, new -tires and trunk : now 115 1923 Dodge Sedan . : . 95 1927 Chevrolet 2-door Sedan, new paint : 95 Used Car Lot Moved North of Nelson Bidg. on Liberty St. Bonesteele Bros., Inc. Studebaker Dealers Chemeketa ft Liberty Ph. 4444. 72 Chrysler Sedan, fine condition, good rubber, $245. TeL 4093 or 4281. Wanted Used Cars Wanted light car for $500 equity In late '35 model. 982 Statesman. Floods Give 19 Pupils Another 5-Day Vacation rrom Jak romt School OAK POINT, Jan. 1 Half of the pupils of Oak Point school have been absent on account of the high water. The children from the Horst company and Dur- bin and Cornoyer hop ranches and the Diehm children from tne litus rancn are snut in. irom me nign water, maamg iv aosent since niouaay. The road from the highway to the Horst company ranch Is com- pletely covered with water, and only one high place is seen in the road from the highway to the Mc Laughlin ranch, but Bert Gwin, superintendent, reports the wa ter going down fast and thinks they will be able to come, out by Saturday. To Care For Mother KEIZER, Jan. 18 Mrs. Robert Woodrille, with her daughter, Marian of near Berkeley, Calif., came this week to be at the bed side of her mother, Mrs. Saymour Jones, who has been 111 for the ! past ten days. Harem Skirt C.:- M -t,5 !4tV 1 Hollywood; haa fose far afield for Its newest sty l creation m uus blue gowa featmlns the barem skirt, a fMaamer coat and tof . ptd off with a-natto hat In ternational mastrated News phot f w . . . aT j. mv , m 245 S "I , J. f I 285 a - . ' f - .i 345 I . 'r.' V 3 675 I " " . A 69$ I ', ' v-' r :i KAS II . r 4" -. . i - ' i 57i I .vl."' I t is ; m Business Cants In this tUrecstww ma t a monthly fea&is on!. Rate! $1.00 pet llmm per -month.. - . Auto Brakes Mike- Fanok. 275 South ComroerciaL Contractors & Builders Peter Johannsen. Work guaranteed. No pay if not satisfied. TeL 95(1. Chimney Sweep Telephone 4150. B. E. North neas. Chiropractors OR. a L. SCOTT. PSC. Chiropractor 251 N. High. TeL Ren. 1752. Electrical Service BOSI.Elt FJectrlc 14( State St Wlr ing. motors, appliance, repairs, terries Excavating Excavating of ail kinds Basements dug. Dirt hauled" or moved. Dirt for sale. Phone 4644. . x Florists Brodhaupt'a, 447 Court A1X kinds of floral work. Luis. Flor ist 17( N., Liberty. TeL 9593, Keys We make keya Harry W. Scott. Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER IJlUNDflT 43 & Hush . TeL 6 CAPITAL C1TT LAUNXmi we a. a .. 1 r s f 1 P Irll in WUaiiLT lUU sgssswasjsw I Telephone 31(5 12(4 Broadway No-Consideration Cicaim Is Refuted Denying that note and mort- gage involved in suit Drougui against John H. Miley and wife by the Union States Life Insnr- j ance company, was. given without consideration, the Miieys yester day filed answer and counterclaim in the suit. The defendants allege that agents of the Capitol Underwrit ers corporation made misleading I representations In securing the note and mortgage. Defendants claim further that at time ,the note was executed the Underwrit- ers were selling subscriptions for its capital stock under permit from the state corporation de- j partment on condition that such 8 1 0 c De 80id or casn or equivalent, and that attempted ga, Qf Bach stoct In exchange for the note and mortgage was contrarv to law. Defendants ask the suit be dropped, the note snd mortgage declared invalid snd re- turn of 172 with interest, Cross Word Puzzle It 7T 20 21 24 23 2d 33 34 33 3o Vs. 30 31 V. 41 A2 "A AA A3 Al 52 33 34 53 sa 3? to 62 43 e By EUGENE SHEFFER HORIZONTAL 1-bmk - - sharply and nddenly labor for - breath 9 animal allied to taunels 1 otter in shrill torss 18 screes -lft allsTed 17160 square rods IS irame played on : torseback IS footstep 2ft-4onall rodent 44VOMthat trres back 46 ends 47 wide mouthed pitcher 48 prepare flax 49 short piece of connect in pipe 52 facts 65 that which consoles K to disgrace 60 body of church 61 a handle, is . of hearenlr body -62 off ray - 63 paradise) 64 a liquid ' - food covered vehicles 2i Imasfood of the Dutch 25 color of slippery elm 25 jar or pot 28 carry on hostilities 23 bearded ... rnorJtey . . . i Herewith Is Tnrday s puzzle. U implement , fox sweep- imj confined -37 exist "38 to merit 53 animal af cat family .4-jortof 41 before 42 drawn to- . -. gather with . cords 43 dibls -fuAg-mi tS IE fTISN j E IT lAr-j Directory Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDUfU CO Plhtna 40(9 itALaUi ; FLOFr-ffcVa and -tsaUMOa Factory. NEW MATTRESS mad lo order, eld remade ; carpet cisaatrrg, sis- Ing; flurf rag weaving, s. iita Wil bur. TeL 844 L OTTO F. 2 WICKER. Est. 191L . ; .- Mosic Stores iKO C WIU Pianos, radio, sewuuc machines, asheet maslo and piJtno af wd iea Repairing radios, phonographs-and sewlag macaloea 421 State Street. Salem. Photo Engraving Salem photo engraving. 117 N. Com mercial. TeL (SSI. Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call Tha Statesman Priming Department 111 S. Commercial. Tele- phono 910L, Stoves I repair stoves, ranges, circulators. Sell new and rebuilt stoves ranges and circnutora stock fence, posts, chicken wire. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 2(3 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. ' R. B. Fleming. Transfer FOR" local ear distant taanafer storage, call XLU. Lanasr Transfer Co Trucks to Portland dally. Ramaeyer truck service. Phone 3334. CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co, 126 State St TeL 7773. Distrlbu t Ing. for wsrdlng and storage our specialty, Oct sir -rates. Well Drilling R. A. West. R. C Box 445. TeL II0F5. Td Kjgfvw ocrvnc l-VIHKIW In Salvation Army Hail The Mead famliy of Brnnk's Corners will : conduct a special service in the Salvation Army hall at 193 "North Commercial street tonight at 8 o'elock. They will be assisted by P. S. McKinzie, Scotch soloist, sad George Lewis, Alaskan Indian violinist. Christian Endeavorers Attend Dallas Rally ZEXA. Jan. IS A group of Spring Valley Christian Endeavor members attended the Polk coun ty Christian Endeavor rally held at Dallas in the Christian church Wednesday 1 night. Those from here were Elaine and June Worth ington, Ida, Verl and Perl Me Kinney, Hazel Utterback, Harold French, Kenneth Edwards, Ver non derrick, Ruth Whitney, Dor otha . Belknop. Frank Crawford, Emmett Johnson, and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Utterback. 12 13 iT 2S 27 2 3 31 132 37 AO 1 A6 4d 'A At so 31 56 37 77 66 hard hearted 6o caused 13 pertaining ' ; towinrless' form of to (O insects 7 joint of let 11 on the ocean VERTICAL average 13-4oms ap 21 to stuff . ' , 22 to change' -27 directed . ZS gained 23 cealoos -rt'. SO den ; 31 impel 'i 52 aqjcadc , : Z animal , 83 a brewed . liquor- 1 34 underdone- 35 native form of metals , 36 guides 39 yields tof OTernoU--, - woollf 40 line' 1 place at intervals 2 recess ia wall- J-rnonthof variable weather 4 end of head of hammer 5 burrowing rodent 6 evade 7 transfer for a prica 8 lengthened 5 a term in lawn tennis 42 base the solution to Sat 43 companion jaeger grill . ' ' 48 modern 48 corvine, ., -. bird 43 end of wood' , fitted into a' "'-4 mortise ; " 53 to result t 51 public - s storehouse 52 mtraina ' . Z the flow 63 indto . - 64 etory 56 to burden ' 67 cover tot.'j i tha face . 63 regularly, - - (eostrac- f 9tion) . 51 III