. CY:V1 , ; 7 The OnEGONlMATESaANBaba, Oresonf.Snndaj Mornlnsr, January 3 19, 1936 PAGE TH i Past Matrons Hold Dinner Frid a THE Past Matrons of the East era Star initiated Mrs. Ber--; t nice Blodgett into their " as sociation Friday night following the dinner at Mrs. Ida Godfrey's home."-. . -- The tables were covered with lace cloths and decorated with yel low spring flowers and white tap ers in candelabra. Mrs. Ida Bab cock, Mrs. Hazel Gillette and Mrs. Florence Reeves were oa the com mittee and assisted with the ini tiation. Mrs. Blodgett was pre sented with a gift. Mrs. Gertrude Beach from Woodburn was a special guest. 'Covers at dinner were laid tor Mrs. Ida Babcock, Mrs. Rose Bab cock, Mrs. Lana Beechler, Mrs. Gertrude Beach, Mrs. Emma Brown, Mrs. Bernlce Blodgett, ' Mrs. Lena Cherrington, Mrs. Jes sie Darby, Mrs. Hettle Davis, Mrs. Marion Derby. Mrs. Jennie Em mons, Mrs. Jessie Follis, Mrs. Hazel Gillette. Mrs. Ida Godfrey, Miss Emma Godfrey, Mrs. Mon nie Hauser, Mrs. Stella Henry, Mrs. Mary Johnson, Mrs. Mar garet Kelly, Miss Leila Johnson, Mrs. Josie LaFore, Mrs. Marie McCall, Mrs. Alice Meyers, Mrs. Mabel Mlnto, Mrs. Minnie Moel ler, Mrs. Ida NUes. Mrs. Pearl Pratt. Mrs. Florence Reeves, Mrs. Mabel Settlemler. Mrs. Nettle Smith, Mrs. Lucille Sweeney, Mrs. Aletta Weisser and Mrs. Faye Wright. . . Episcopal Young People Have Gay Dance The Young People's Fellowship division of St. Paul's Episcopal Church gave a colorful balloon dance at the parish house Friday night. Black and red streamers, balloons and soft flood lights were used in decorating. General chairman for th affair was David Compton and the com mittees appointed by him as fol lows: Decorations, Hilda McDow ell. Shirley McCain, Victor Gib son and Mary Goebel; refresh ments, Eleanor Swift and Mazine Clark; music, Dorothy Kibbe and Bob Elgin; chaperone, Barbara Compton and Eleanor Aspinwali; lean-up, Marion Ritchie and Jim HcHone. I'nity Class Meets Wednesday XJght Miss Olive Stevens will talk on "The LaW of Demonstration" at the meeting of the Unity class Wednesday night at 8 o'clock in the Marion hotel. Why Not Sunday Dinner at THE SPA The price . . 60c and 75c Beautiful Mt. Angel Bride r V J f I ,J ,1 --' 15 rv GannelVRobb Porttait Mrs. Paul A. Keber (Edytbe Marguerite Taylor) whose marriage was solemnized January 11th in St. Mary's church at Mt. Angel. Mr. and Mrs. Keber are at home in Salem at 120 East Owens street. New Members Invited for Chornr Mrs. Fargo as Candidate Has Had Wide Experience THE Salem Woman's club is proud to present and endorse Mrs. William Fordyce Fargo ag its candidate for second vice president of the state Federation, for she is one of the capital's most distinguished clubwomen. The pioneering necessary in perfecting the recent district plan and in making the Third District (the nine northwest counties) an integral and effective part of the OFWC is the work of Mrs. Fargo, who was its first president. Mrs. Fargo has been president of the Salem Woman's club, serv ing1! also as director for three years; as chairman of fine arts; of American citizenship; is the present parliamentarian and chairman of literature; and has been actively interested in the leg islative, educational and art com mittees. For two years she was president of the Et.okta Woman's club of Salem, being a charter member of that club and its first secretary (which position she held for three years). She has been regent of Cheme keta chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution; leader St li e r 1 1 n g from Hartman Bros. Available to All on the 10-Payment Plan Every woman looks forward to owning Sterling, the table silver of character which is destined to give a lifetime of service and retain its full beauty . . . Hart man Bros, make it convenient for you to own all the lovely Sterling1 you want by budgeting your payments over a period of ten -months without any extra cost above the nationally estab lished price. For example: 30-Piece Set Service for 6 ($8.35 Month) 83 50 Candlelight by - TOWLE A 30-piere set may include A Knives, Tswks, IS Teaspoons and Salad Forks. i Hartman Broa. invite yon to choose any arte aet you want, now, on the 10-payment jlan. Besides the "Can dlelight" pattern by Towte (Illus trated) we effer yon choice of about 50 other lovely designs . . . also any piece may be bought separately. Hartman Bros JEWELERS . Corner Stale and Liberty . . Phone 8577 of the Salem Writers' club; twice president of the Salem Arts lea gue; secretary of the County Fed eration of "Women's clubs; chair man of the Marion county art ex hibit at the state fair; and Ma rion county chairman for The Ore gon Clubwoman, a magazine to which she has long been an active contributor. She was also third vice-president of the Northwest Poetry Society. In state work," Mrs. Fargo has been a member of the fine arts department, OFWC, for the past nine years; first, as chairman of current literature during which time she prepared several radio broadcasts; and more recently, as chairman of the poetry division and poet laureate OFWC, and a member of the national poetry committee. Nesika Bridge Club Has Dinner Party Independence The Nesika Bridge club met at the Monmouth hotel for dinner Friday and later went to the Melford Nelson home for an evening of bridge. Guests of Mr. a nil Mrs TCplson were Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Ira D. Mix, Miss Mont gomery, A. L. Thomas, Dr. and Mrs. George C. Knott, Mrs. A.-B. Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Z. C. Kimball. New England Food Promised Toesday The Ladies' Aid of Knight Memorial church will serve a New England boiled dinner on Tuesday night at -6 o'clock at the church. rrtHE MacDowell dab chorus will J. i r e s a m e activities Tuesday i-aism ai i:3vociock in the First Conrreratlonal ehurrh. All former members of the chorus are invited to sartlcinate strain in a Program scheduled for March 31. Strangers in the eitv whA interested In choral work m in. vited by the -director, Miss Lena Belle Tartar, to become affiliat ed with the MacDowell chorus. Two outstanding concerts r yet to be given this year. The Portland Trio will appear Tues day night. Februarv 4. and th annual spring e o n c,e r t by the Chorus and viiiltine artist will he sung the last of March. . . Applications for memherahln may be made through the direc tor, Miss Tartar. Independence Matrons Plan Bridge Independence Mrs? Elmer E. Addison, Mrs. Clarence Harwood, Mrs. Grover G. Mattison and Mrs. Paul EL Robinson will entertain wit ha one o'clock luncheon and an afternoon of bridge at the In dependence Woman's club on Sat urday, January 25. Invitations sre oat to tho following SUmU: Ui Anita Bole, Mm Mrcll DeMj-tt, Hiss Virginia Dahlman, Mrs. Margaret Kelley, Mrs. Howard Bennett, Mrs. Loren Mort. Mrs. Miltor Nelm, Mrs. DeUner Dewey, Mrs. Elsie Bolt, wrs McB. Ior Hendy, Mrs. Harry O. Keener, Miss Merns Flet cher, Miss Edith Morton, Miss Henrietta Wolfer, Miss Blanche Urognid, Miss Blanche Baker. Mrs. C. E. Tallest. Mrs. C. A. Fratske, Mrs. Iran Bennett, Mrs. Clande O. Skinner, Mrs. Francis Knee Miss Katherine Arbnthnot, Miss Emma llenkle, Miss Ruth McClure, Miss Flor ence Breadsley,' Miss Elisabeth Baker. Mrs. M. C. Williams, Mrs. K. L. Wil liams, Mrs. a. M. Walker, Mrs. 8. B. Walker, Mrs. G. G. Walker, Mrs. George C. Knott. Miss Myra Montgomery, Mrs. W. A. Bsrnnm, Mrs. James 8. Hart, Mrs. a. u. cimosii. .airs. Jonn a. Black, Mrs. A. B. Robinson, Mrs. J. D. Mix, Mrs. George D. Herley, Mrs. J. G. Mclntoth, Mrs. Pesrt Hedges. Mrs. H. N. Mattison. Mrs. Dale T. Pomeror. Mrs. C. O. Slontr Mrs. William Cockle, Mrs. Csri DeAra ood, Mrs. Walter Smith, Mrs. Clarence Charboneaa, Mrs. Maurice 3. Baiter, Mrs. O. D. Bulter, Mrs. C. D. Cslbreath, Mrs. Robert W. Craren, Mrs. Erin Di- ment, Mrs. Lex Wheeler, Mrs. B. F. wope, Mrs. C. O. Irine, Mrs. Walter Plant, Mrs. Fred Hill. Mrs. J. C. Collins, Miss Faye Lindley. Mrs. Pearl Van On- dal. Mrs. J. O'Donnell, Mrs. James 8. Robbie. Mrs. Glen Smith. Mrs. Dre Collins. Mrs. W. Kirkendall. Mrs. How ard Morlan, Mrs. Chester Henkle of Dal lss, Mrs. Irin Baun. Mrs. Will Walker, Mrs. Harrison Brant. Mrs. Bert Piercy, Mrs. R. Jepson, Ms. Forrest Chambers. Mrs. Vslen Guild. Mrs. Joe Guild, Mrs. Homer Link, Mrs. B. Messinger, Mrs, Witllrd Craven, Mrs. Ross Kelson, Mrs. Don Barn urn, Mrs. Glen Hiltibrand. Mrs. William Darling, Mrs. Hodges and Mrs. Homer McCIsin. Mrs. Fletcher Hostess To Minglers Mrs. A. W. Fletcher opened her home to the Merry Minglers Thursday afternoon. Mrs. C. C. Col well will be the next hostess. Present were Mrs. J. J. Ack erman, Mrs, E. S. Baker, Mrs. C. C. Colwell, Mrs. Robert Fromm, Mrs. C. L. Snyder. Mrs. J. E. Woodburn, ijrs. J. E. Dugan, Miss Orlie Mitchell and the hostess, Mrs. A. W. Fletcher. Mrs. Beach is Hostess To Bridge Club ' Woodburn Mrs. George Beach entertained her bridge club at her home on Settlemler avenue Mon day afternoon. The prize for high score at contract was won by Mrs. Robert H. Scott, sr., and consola tion by Mrs. W. P. Lessard. Re freshments were served. Present were Mrs. Mary Whit man, Mrs. Keiih O'Hair, Mrs. Ed gar Dodge, Mrs. R. H. Scott. Mrs. Nelson Adams, Mrs. H. W. Bla- dorn, Mrs. Willard Cole of Salem and the hostess. :? . I SOCIAL CALENDAR - Office hoars f or th society editor are as follows: 10 a. m. to 12 p. m. and 2 to 6 p. m, every day tmt Sat urday. Oa Saturday, they are 0 a. m, to 11:30 a. m. and 12:30 p. m. to 8 p. m. . ' .- ..-'x Monday, January 20 American Legion and auxiliary," : SO 'p. m.' club' supper. Fraternal temple. ' Sigma Nu Delphians, 3 p. m. with Mrs. W.'E. Feld : man,-940 Parrlsh. - . . . ' White Shrine of Jerusalem, S p. m. in Masonic temple. 7 r Art Appreciation class, 8 p. m. In T. M. C. A. Mrs. C. A. Kells, instructor. .Alpha Phi Alpha alumnae with Miss Velleda Ohm art, 196 E. Rural, 8 p. m. Tuesday, January 21 Laurel Social Hour club,- 2 p. m. with Mrs. David Williams, Kingwood Drive. Chadwick chapter, O. E. S., in Masonic temple. Reception to follow. Etokta club with Mrs. William Grier, Olympic apartments, 730 N. Liberty, 2 p. m. Juveniles of Neighbors of Woodcraft, final drill practice in Fraternal temple, 4 p.-m. Silver Bell circle.. N. of W public installation, 8:30 p. m. at Fraternal temple. Salem W. C. T. U. observes Temperance Education Day at 201 S. Commercial, 2 p. m. American War Mothers at Lutheran church, 1 o'clock covered dish luncheon. Wednesday, January 22 Unity class at Marion hotel, 8 p. m. A. A. U. W. Literature class with Mrs. H. E. Rahe, 7:30 p. m. Thursday, January 23 Town and Gown club, 2:30 p. m. in Lausanne hall. Past Presidents' club of Hal Hibbard auxiliary with Mrs. M. W. Baker, 825 N. Cottage, 2 p. m. - A; A. U. W. French class with Mrs. Phil Huth at the Haseldorf, 7:30 p. m. Friday, January 2 Scotch program in Y. M. C. A. lobby, 8 p. m.- Wil liam McGilchrist, sr., in charge. Woodburn Past Matrons Hold Gathering Woodburn The Past Matrons of Evergreen chapter, Order of Eastern Star, held their regular meeting a the Masonic hall Wed nesday night with Mrs. Lillian Bitney presiding and Miss Elfa Lytle and Mrs. Jessie Sims as hostess. Plans were completed for the annual dinner and initiaion which will be held January 30 in honor of Mrs. E. Aline Beers, retiring worthy matron, with husbands of the past matrons and past mat rons as guests. Refreshments were served by the hostesses. Present were Glad ys Adams, Mable Settlemler, Maude Scott, Elfa Lytle, Ada Set tlemler, Martha Belling, Florence Butterfield, Jessie Sims, Lillian Bitney, Delia Overton, Eleanor Vickers, Carrie Young, Maude Mo chel, Gertrude, Beach and Minnie Richards. Mrs. McMorris Honors Scotts Mills Club Scotts Mills. The Stitch and Chatter club met at the home of Mrs. McMorris Friday. Two com forters were tied for the hostess and work done on the club quilt. Twelve members were present and seven visitors. The club will meet with Mrs. Paul Matovich January 23. A hot dish dinner was served. Sigma Nu Delphians in Session Monday Modern French opera will be discussed by the Sigma Nu Del phians Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock when they meet with Mrs. W. E. Feldman at 940 Parrlsh. . Mrs. James Heltzel will preside as supervisor. Those giving top ics will be Mrs. F. A. Erixon, Mrs. G. 8. Paxson, Mrs. Charles , Cole, Mrs. David Wright and Mrs. George Rossman. Mrs. McCauley Feted On Birthday Monmouth The birthday of Mrs. Charles McCauley was pleas antly celebrated last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elk- ins, who entertained the following friends at games and a treasure bunt: Mr. and Mrs. McCauley, Mr. and Mrs. F. Banks, Rev. and Mrs. James Dunne, Mrs. Lydla Carmkhael, Mrs. Edna Bool, Mrs. Harvey Young. Wilmer, Perry and Braxton Powell. Mrs. Sadie Waller was hostess to the Golden Rule Ribln strhrtn! class of the Christian church, Fri day, and Mrs. McCauley's birth day was remembered when mem bers of the Dorcas soeietv nraAnt. ed her With rifts of "china and a nanasome birthday cake. Mr. Hafner Surprised On Birthday Rocky Point J. T. Hafner was pleasantly surprised on his birth day anniversary Friday night with a party. Five hundred was play ed with high score going to Miss Alleda Zuber and Chris Cremer. A late luncheon was served. Present were Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hafner, Walter, Max and Wal neta Hafner, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cremer and children, Richard. Robert and Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. John Stuhr and children, Herbert, Robert and Dorothy, Frank Lair, Miss Alleda Zuber. Clifford Stuhr and the hostess, Mrs. Clifford Stuhr. W.C.TJJ. Will ObserVe Temperance Day The Salem W.C-T.TJ. will ob serve Temperance Education Day Tuesday at 2 o'clock in the hall, 301 S. Commercial. The program as outlined by the national organization win be presented-by Mrs. Lydia Y. Lehman, Mrs. Neela Back. Mrs. 'Fred Toose, Jr and Mrs. J. J. Nana. - Mrs. Ingall Returns From Yacatlom Trip Mrs. W. S. IngaUs. who recent ly returned from Berkeley, Calif. where she spent the holidays has been ill the past week with influ nza but is recovering nicely and able to see friends now. Free! Free! Announcing a New Kmttin sCl ass Beginning Next Wednesday, 9 to 10 a.m. A new course in KNITTING which will last seven weeks, will be introduced to interested Salem women next Wednesday morning at nine o'clock. There will be two classes . . . Wed nesday and Saturday mornings. These, will be called begin ners' classes, but many advanced knitters will benefit greatly by taking the course. In fact, efficiency in knitting depends much upon a thorough knowledge of the seven subjects listed below which will be taken up during the period of the courses. "CASTING ON AND KNITTING" "PURLING, ABBREVIATIONS AND RIBBING" "INCREASING AND DECREASING" "LACE PATTERN STITCHES" "READING DIRECTIONS" "HELPFUL HINTS IN FINISHING" "REVIEW QUESTIONS, INCREASING AND DECREASING PATTERNS" Requirements For Class Entry, All registrations must be in not later than Wednesday morn ing before the classes begin. Preferably Monday and Tuesday. All registrants required to purchase ball of yarn and knitting needles at time of registration. (No registrations for entry will be taken after the classes begin work Wednesday) MILLER'S Free! Free! S. ALLEN'S H ousewares Department Mid-Winter SPECIAL CUP and SAUCER SETS Plain and decorated . several patterns to choose from in this fine assortment. Your choice., .as many sets as you want, only .... Come in Tomorrow . . Early ! Cult Geo. E. Allen 236 N. COmtEROAL ST. Hardware Housewares TELEPHONE 4610 "Reductions Speak Louder Than Words PLAN TO ATTEND MLLER'S ANNUAL JANUARY CLEARANCE STORE HOURS 8:30 TO 6 EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK (CCL --AsJIM , QPIOOM t