hfj OREGON STATESMAN, SaleWOroh Hc&adiforiiaCiafti v" .-V JESSIE STEELE SdctVty Editor, "i Phone 91011 PAGE TWEL?g Account of Foreign Toiir Interests AoA.HW. J ' Luncheon Meet A fine turnout of members marked the A. A. U. W. lunch eon yesterday afternoon in the Presbyterian church din , . ing room. Covers were placed for 75. Dr. Helen Pearce presided. The club voted to send a resolution opposing block book ing by theatres to Oregon congressmen. Mrs. W. C. Jones PHish Notes By J. L. S. DENTY MOWREY, O r e g d n ' s own composer, will play one of his concertos with the Portland symphony tomorrow ' night. Beethoven's second sym phony in D. Major Is also on the concert program. Tune in the Willamette Song men Wednesday night at 8:15 p. m. over the Columbia network. Emery Hobson chose intensive study of piano rather than a col lege education.- He practices at least four hours a day. Piano soloists have been un usually popular this winter. The matinee . concert of the Portland symphony next Sunday, January 28, will feature a Bach concerto for three pianos, played by Nelle Rothwell May, William Robinson Boons and Henri Arcand. Vocational Convention Holds Interest Mrs. Winifred Herrick, Oregon Federation president, has just re ceived word that several of the Business and Professional women who are chairman of national committees will have prominent .parts in the National Vocational Guidance association convention which will be held in St. Louis, Mo., February 20 to 23. Miss Frances Cummlngs, direc tor of education, heads the 'com mittee on community aspects of guidance which is in charge of one program at the convention. Miss Mary Stewart, chairman of the special vocational advisory committee of the national federa tion, will preside at a breakfast sponsored by the Federation on Thursday morning, February 20, at Hotel Coronada. Six members of the -committee will speak and ' Miss Josephine Bell, national ed ': ucation chairman of the national federation, will be present as an ez-officio member of the commit tee. The subject of the breakfast will bo "Practical Ways In Which ' a Lay Group May Work." Junior Auxiliary to Be Formed Monday While the Junior Auxiliary has been functioning in many places for several years, it is an entire ly sew project for the local unit of the American Legion auxiliary. All daughters of members of the Legion under 18 years of age are eligible to enroll, according to Mrs. Bryan Conley, Junior chairman. Tomorrow night In the Frater nal temple, the Legion and auxi liary will hold a club dinner at t:30 o'clock with their song and daughters as special guests. Auxi liary members are asked to bring a tea towel, . r-: , - . r 1 Matrons on the eommittee If on day are Mrs,' Glenn Seeley. Mrs. R. D. Barton, Mrs. Ray Bassett. Mrs. OS ear Cutler, Mrs. L. 8. Heuperman, Mrs. V. E. Hoekett, Mrs. C. L. Newman, Mrs. Edna Rowland, Mrs. George Waters, -Mrs. Leif Bergsvik, Mrs: Thelma Wood, Mrs. F. H. Thompson and Mrs. Ralph Mason. , . " KeoepUoa to Follow , ? , Eastern Star Meet : 'r '. Chadwlck chapter of O.E.S. will . nuuur ubw oincers wnn a recep- won a uesaay nignt alter the re- guiar meeting in te Masonic ; temple. Mrs. Berniee Blodgett man ine .retiring officers ar in cnarge. - S Thhnk You! tjjl Many, many ladies and gentlemen of Salem and the surrounding territory have visited our store since the open ing Friday morning. We wish to thank you for your in terest and words of praise for, our new shop. It will be our continued aim to make the FASHION LOUNGE your de pendable source of last-minute styles and .values. . Arlene Brown Fashion Lounge , 51& Court Street explained the measures to be vot ed upon in the special election tbis month. Dr. Pearce announced May 6 and 7 as the dates for the regional meeting of the North Pacific sec tion of A.A.U.W. in Portland. Mrs. L. T. Merwin, regional director. will be In charge, and Dr. Meta- Glass, national president of the as sociation, will be a distinguished guest. Miss Edith Schryver who re turned this fall from a world tour, described her journey from Indo-China to Java. She illus trated her talk with pictures. Among the many fascinating places mentioned was Angkor and its mysterious history. Miss Schryver described the costumes worn by the Auebodian dancers and exhibited one. Hal Hibbard Auxiliary Meets on Frida Hal Hibbard "auxiliary of U.P. W.V. met at the home of Mrs. Emma Vesper Friday for a social afternoon. Mrs. L. Mickelson gave a chronology of William Me Kinley, president of the United States In 1896 and re-elected in 1900. Mrs. Arthur Welch, Mrs. Kath- ryn Stryker and Mrs. Cardy shar ed hostess honors with Mrs. Ves per. The rooms . were attractive with baskets of firethorn and cyc lamen. Refreshments were served at small tables. Present were Mrs. A. Talman, Mrs. C. O. Wilson, Mrs. A. T. Woolprt, Mrs. W. B. Bane, Mrs. C. W. Brant, Mrs. H. O Miller, Mrs Clyde McClung, Mrs. L. Mick elson, Mrs. Hugh Craig, Mrs. Ar thur Welch, Mrs. E. E. Buckles, Mrs. Sherman Nelson, Mrs. F. C. LaCombe, Mrs. M. W. Baker, Mrs. C. T. Harrington, Mrs. B. W. Wal- cher, Mrs. Kathryn Stryker, Mrs. Charles McKinley, Mrs. Arthur Gl rod, Mrs. Charles M. Geene. Mrs. F. A. Thompson, Mrs. Cardy. Miss Betty Weiser and the hostess, Mrs. Emma Vesper. Jason Lee Class Enjoys Dinner Meeting The Young Peoples elass of the Jason Lee Memorial church met In the fireplace room of the church Friday night for a 6:30 o'clock covered dish dinner. -Mrs. Fred Lange and Mrs. Al bert Christensen were in charge of the dinner and Miss Sylvia Meatte and Mrs. Elton Savage had charge of the evening s entertain ment. Present were Rev. and Mrs. Lynn Wood, Mr. and Mrs. George Naderman, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Klemple, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lange, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Chris tensen, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Sav age, Mrs. Herman Rehfuss, Mr. and Mrs. Francis DeHarpport. Miss Sylvia Meatte, Miss Edna Mc Elhaney, Albert Christensen, Ju anette Christensen, Cleonna Na derman, Qerald Nadersan, Joan Savage, Joan Land and Robert Lange. I War Mothers to Fete State Officers The American War ' Mothers will honor state officers living in Salem with a covered dish lunch eon Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock in the Lutheran church. Mothers are asked to bring cards and pictures suitable for making scrapbooks. These will be given to children of war vet erans In state instituions and to children at the Fair-view home. Mrs. Gallaher Meets Advisors Monday - All grade school Girl Reserve advisors are asked to meet with Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher Monday morning at 11:30 a. m. In Eaton hall on the Willamette campus, room 83. - . 4wt Emery Hobson WiH Play at aller FRIDAY night in Waller hall, Emery Hobson will be heard in piano recital for the first time in many months. He has been studying at the College of Music in Cincinnati, Ohio, under his sec ond year's scholarship and is va cationing in Salem with his Par ents' Prof, and Mrs. E. W. Hob son. His brother, Henry Hubbard Hobson, baritone, will assist on the program accompanied by Mrs. Jean Hobson Rich. The ticket committee includes Mrs. Asel Eof f, Mrs. Donald Young, .Mrs. W. E. Anderson, Mrs. George Will, Miss Mary Eyre, Miss Aldeane Smith, Miss Ruth Bedford. Paul Wallace, J. H. Al bert and Cameron Marshall. Mr. Hobson is a favorite with Salem audiences, winning a big ovation when he appeared as solo ist with the Philharmonic orches tra two years age. Ho Is study ing with Dr. Albino Gorno in Cin cinnati. The program for Friday is as follows: Prelude and Pugno C Minor Bach Prelnde and Fufu O Sharp Major -Back Ballade A Flat . ..Chopin -Chopia -Chopin -Chop 1b -Chopin Ead A Flat . Etude F Minor Prelnde C Sharp Minor Prelude Flat Major PTelude r Major .Chopin "None But the Lonely Heart' - Tichaikowiky "Pare'a Road Song" Norello Htrbert H. Hobson Carpiccio Opvia 76, No. 1 Brahma Prelude 0 (Sharp Major (for the left hand) Sehiabine Serenade Saehaaninoff Jeui d Eau Ravel Etude de Concert D flat Litit Violin Recital Today by Institute Pupils ThI'j afternoon at 3 o'clock the general public is invited to a vio lin recital in the armory to be given by pupils of the National Institute of Music and Arts. Miss Helen Creitz is the instructor. The program will be as fol lows : Sorority Walta Rubahk Even Song .Kubank Ensemble Twinklinf Starg Harvey Vanola Christenien, Darlene Evana Lilly of the Valley ..Jrfareifc irn Chriatenaen, Robert Bobbins, Joseph Justii, Erma Davis, Edna Wilbur The Danube Waves . ; 8traust Andrew Zohare, Donald Qhapman March of the Cadets Harvey Betty Leu Kayser Minuet in O .. Beethoven John Bneerench, Rodney Anlt Bobbie Stone, Carl Komyato Tale of the Clock Harvey Little Russian Doll JBenler Ensemble Moonlight and Roses Special ueorie rtoasman, Hooert ;aaeron, Marie Cowden, Alice Knrth, Georre Bowes At the Spring .Dallam Jack Gibson Stepenie Gavotte Rnela Short, Robert Cameron, Margaret Chadwiek, George Bowen Concerto in A Minor Aecolay Dora Schindler Little Symphony . Danela Jack Gibson. Dora Schindler Golden Rod Harrey Mary Jane Walts Heltman Ensemble Meeting of Shrine on Monday Night The White Shrine of Jerusalem will convene in the Masonic tem ple Monday night at 8 o'clock Mrs. Hazel Gillette, past high priestess, and Mrs. Vera Barrick, worthy matron of the Eastern Star, will be honor guests. Mrs. Esther Hagedorn will sing Mrs. Elida Moore will .name her eommittee for the benefit to be given next Wednesday. Hostesses are Miss Constance Kantner and Mrs. Mona Toder. The refreshment committee in cludes Mrs. Cora Behrens, Mrs Ruth Crowder. Mrs. Ada Curtis, Mrs. Ellen Gabriel. Mrs. Elida Moore and Mrs. Thelma Green Mrs. Stella Henry is program chairman for the evening. Mrs. Williams Hostess To Study Club Mrs. D. Williams was hostess to the Book and Thimble club Thursday, afternoon. Fancy work and flowers were studied and Mrs, Ray Lacey assisted at the lunch eon hour. - Present were Mrs. Mary Beav er, Mrs. Henrieta Lorek, Mrs. Ross Damrell, Mrs. Elmer Cook, Mrs Charles Adams, Mrs. Ray Lacey, Mrs. Fred w. Kubin and the host ess, Mrs. D. Williams. Mrs. Elmer Cook will enter tain next on January 30 in honor of her mother, Mrs. Hatie Sim kins. G. R. Conference Will Be Farther Planned Mrs. David B. Hill will meet all women connected with the exe cutive committee of the Girl Re serve conference Tuesday after' noon at 4 o'clock in the Methodist S. S. emple. W. ; Giinnell & RobB, Studio Phone 5572 V ; ; 520 State Street VOur Photographs of Children Gloritf9 fie PlaftaiftafferPittay !,. jil 111 . wiij . ...... 111.. .11 tl .1 . . . t ! , ' ... V" ' i ; -. -y ... - - !- rv -v - .. i Above Is Emery Hobson, pianist, who will present a recital in Waller hall Friday night at 8:30 o'clock. It will be his only concert ap pearance daring his vacation stay in Salem. President's Ball Captures Social Attention for January 30th r:E President's Birthday ball, Just 10 days away, is the cen ter of social conversation everywhere. Salem has turned out en masse in former years for this brilliant affair and it is anticipat ed that the same response will be forthcoming this year. The date is Thursday, January SO, from 9 to 12 o'clock in the armory. Governor and Mrs. Charles H. Martin win lead the grand march. The Oregon Melody Ramblers, a 12 -piece Salem or chestra, will play. The matter of dress is option al .. . either formal or informal. No Invitations are being sent out this year but the general public is welcome. Seventy per cent of the net proceeds remains in Salem to combat Infantile paralysis and to assist those already stricken with the disease. Thirty per cent goes to the National Birthday Ball or ganization. Mayor V. E. Kuhn and his di rectorate heads met last week and Miss Welch is Honored With Shower Miss Alice Welch, bride-elect of Eldred Williams of Silverton, was the inspiration for a miscellan eous shower Thursday night given by Miss Lillian Roethlin and Mrs. A. Roethlin. A white and pink motif was carried out at the supper hour. Mrs. Beverly Roethlin assisted. The date for the wedding has not been set but the young cou ple will make their home in Long, view, Wash. Those invited by the two host esses to fete Miss Welch . were Mrs. Beverly Roethlin, Mrs. Lela Michler, Mrs. Grace Swanson, Mrs. Willa Ohmarl, Miss Marjorie Blades; Miss Mildred Allison, Miss Elsie Woods, Miss Viola Schrehk and Miss Loretta Roethlin. Rickey Sunshine Club is Entertained Friday The Rickey Sunshine club spent a' delightful Friday after noon at the home of Mrs. C. 5. Courtnier on route six. Quilting and cards were the principal di versions. - Luncheon was served to Mrs. F. Beard, Mrs. William CarotS ers, Mrs. J. C. Courtnier, Mrs. Alice Crooks, Mrs. F, Fulton, MrriMS. Johns, Mrs. C. Shafer, Mrs. R. Shaw, Mrs. F. Smith, Mr. H.Taylor, Mrs. L. E. Swift, Mrs. J., C. Simpson, tin. F. E. Miner and the hostess, Mrs. C. D. Court nier? ' All the Wealth In ' the world cannot bring back the fleeting Aarm of t childhood. 6urs Is ft art oX retaining these priceless records for all time. , During January and Feb ruary a discount of 10 per cent win be allowed on all children' photographs. - decided upon SI per couple as the admission price, which is a re duction from former years. The ticket sale begins tomorrow. Those in charge of the sale are Marrin Headrick, Merrill Qhling, Dr. A. E. Berger, Mrs. Hannah Martin, King Bartlett, Mrs. W. H. Lytle and Warren Jones. The hall and decorations com mittee includes Captain Arthur Bates, Robert Boardman, Walter Fuhrer, Oscar D. Olson and Her bert Stiff. Jerrold Owens is chairman of the publicity committee and has working with him Miss Rovena Eyre, Miss Jessie Steele, Carl Por ter, Lpring Schmidt, Ray Stumbo and Ed Lewis). Henry ComPton, Leo Page and Davis S. Adolph will serve as the finance and auditing committee. Chairmen will call their indi vidual committee meetings this week and there will be one more general directorate gathering be fore the ball. Mrs. Cannon Entertains Stitch-Chatter Club The Stitch and Chatter club of the Kumjoinus class of the First Christian church met at the home of Mrs. J. E. Cannon, 2705 Port land road, Friday for all day. Welfare sewing and a club din ner occupied the afternoon. Present were Mrs. Esther Sharpenacke, Mrs. Emma Ed wards, Mrs. Irene Smith, Mrs Berchin Calwell, Mrs. C. Smith, Mrs. Louise Knight, Mrs. Dorothy Kennedy, Mrs. J. E. Cannon and Mrs. Anne Macy, a guest. Neighbors of Woodcraft Will Install Silver Bell circle, Neighbors of Woodcraft, will hold public in stallation at the Fraternal temple Tuesday night at 8:30 o'clock. Grand Physician W. G. Scott will preside assisted by Mrs. Cora Smith, past guardian Neighbor; George Jorg, grand captain of guards; ad the grand circle drill team. Senior Guardian Mina Olmsted will present the Juveniles in I fancy drill. William Walton Presides At Smart Dinner William Walton entertained at dinner Friday night In honor of Marjc sKinner, new Biaie nana en perintendent. - Additional ruests were Mr. and Mrs. David Eyre. Mr. and Mrs Paul B. Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon F. Sackett Th broktn r n U promptly. ptrhctly r p- cidher,fram fpalrtd, and part 9plad- mm iOphiPPsr lias Winter Ball : At Temple ' A LPHA PSI DELTA was host XVfpr its winter formal Friday - night in Fraternal temple. A black and silver decorative mo tif made a stunning background for the smart frocks of the coeds and the black and white tuxedoes of their escorts. Bill DeSouza and his band play ed. Patrons were Prof, and Mrs. W. C. Jones and Prof, and Mrs. E. S. Oliver. Hosts were Guy Heimsoth, Ev erett Gary, Glenn Heimsoth, Hal n.trw kit Tmir vpm Ari- Cattley, Art Lamka, Verne Ad ami, Carl Felker, John Kelly, Ray Burzy, John Furgeeon, Keith Jones, David Johnson, Harold Hoyt, Ernie Mosier, Pete McCann, John Edwards, Robert Anderson, Wllmer McDowell, Paul Sturges, Bart Rusk, Bo6 Buxton, Carl Rhoda, Don Collins, George Mc Leod, Lewis Mershberger, George Abbott, Don Hoggenson, Mel Vik ing. George Billings, Charles Roblin, Clyde Weigan, Frank Geu- rin, Ed Mcwaln, Roy Ferris, Dei Neiderhiser. Gus Moore, Don Hage, Dwight Aden, Delmar Ram8dell, Maynard McKinley and James Burdette. Guests were Rae Yocom, La verne Crawford, Lucille Mosier, Helen Bigej, Margaret Ayers, Peggy Peterson, Florence Frank lin,' Lucille Brainard, Margaret Hauser, Charlote Calander, Lois Wilkes, Margaret' Savage, Anna Mae Unruh, Mildred Muller, Lois Walton, Loye Baiguardus, June Dalgren, Alice Unruh, Audrey Al len, Margaret Haag, Grace Bailey, Winifred Gardener, Maxine Scho ol a ker, Sosalie (Tbulder, Lu Elda Collins, Irma Oehler, Verna Vos per, Lillian Hart, Hejen Peter son, Margaret Gillete, "Jackie" Neuman, Edna Savage, Dorothy McDonald, Joy Hershberger, Beu- lah Van - Guilder, Bea Hartung, hfanet Fickenscher, Esther Black, Donnie Conyne, Ruth Bunzo, Mar tha WTarren. Miss Drager Honored At Installation A sparkling new crown was be stowed upon Miss Pauline Drager when she accepted the office of worthy advisor of the Order of Rainbow for Girls last night. The DeMolays put on the ceremonial attendant to its presentation. The installation in the Masonic temple came on Miss Drager's birthday and she was further hon ored at the reception which fol lowed with a large birthday cake presented on behalf of the chap ter by Miss Mary Jean Kestly. Miss Helen Kestly was chair man of the reception committee. She has arranged a program with the following numbers: Piano solo by Miss Genevra Selander; vocal number by Miss Doris Tay lor: violin solo by Miss Maybelle Lilburn; reading by Dean Good man; and dance by Jean Adams. Golden Wedding Will Be Observed Today Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pearcy are receiving all friends informally of 2 and 5 o'clock honoring Mrs. and Mrs. D. N. Mclnturff of Spo- kane, Wash., on their 60th wed ding anniversary. ur. and Mrs. Mclnturff are taking a "honeymoon" trip visit ing all of their children. Dr. Mclnturff is a graduate of the Willamette law school, class of 191S. Both he and Mrs. Mcln turff were graduated from Grant University at Athens at Tennes see in 1885 where their romance began. Invitations are being extended only through the press. Waffle Supper Precedes Fortnightly Club A s:30 o'clock waffle supper will precede the program meeting of the Fortnightly club at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Si- monds tonight. Bob Elgin is chairman of the supper committee assisted by Tom Grier, Jack Pollock and Mar vin Humphreys. Those arranging the program are Miss Natalie Neer, Miss Isabel MeGilchrist and Miss Katherine Mackay. 1! Agents for Art Metal NEifflLES Make Routine Office Procedure Easier! . WE ARE ALSO HEADQUARTERS FOR Ledgers Ledger Sheets Date Books Index Cards Inventory Sheets Folders Transfer Files, Steel or Cardboard Card Index Files r Office Supplies Our Stock is Complete Pattons Dooh . J. L. COOKS 840 Stat " . Phone 4404 fjarrison" - White Weddirij Will be Solern On Wednesday; SOCIAL attention this next week will be focused upon the wedding of Miss Mabel Harrison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Harrison, and Lee White, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. White of Albany. , Q . , . Ppv h f! stiver will officiate Wednesday night in the fireplace room of the Knight guests in attendance. c Donald Allison will be at the organ. Mrs.' Donald Kimple and Glen w J!' V""" w .m attpnd the White of Albany will attend the couple and Virgil Harrison, bro ther of the bride, Cordon and Les lie Whittington will act as ush ers. A reception will follow at the church. Assisting about the rooms and with the serving will be Mrs. Grace Todd, Miss Del- phine Savage. Miss Frances Wilfe, Miss Eleanor Libby, Miss Maurine Carmical. Miss Ruth Overoff and Miss - Dorothy Dahlberg. Tbe young people will reside in Portland where Mr. White , is connected with Fred Meyer stores. Miss Harrison has been employed in the state operator's division. Miss Harrison has been much feted since the announcement of her wedding date. Last week Miss Delphine Savage entertained with a miscellaneous- shower in viting the bride-elect and Miss Ruth Oveross, Miss Eleanor Lib by, Miss Dorothy Dahlberg, Mrs. Homer Harrison, Mrs. Grace Todd, Mrs. Lolabelle Foster and Mrs. Donald Kimple. Tuesday night, Mrs. Donald Kimple Invited guests to her Eola home for a shower in honor of Miss Harrison. They were Mrs. Homer Harrison, Mrs. E. I. Coates, Mrs. Fred Perrin, Mrs. J. R. Miller, Mrs. Robert Miller, the Misses Eleanor Llbby, Myrtle An derson, Virginia Coates, Augusta Breithaupt and Delphine Savage. i Shurtz Home Opened on Thursday Afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Ira B. Lewis of Yakima, Wash., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otto B. Shurtz Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis were married Thursday in Vancouver and were on their honeymoon. A luncheon and informal after noon honored the couple. The ta ble was attractive with a fruit centerpiece and gffeen candles Mrs. George Lewis assisted the hostess. - In attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Ira B. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs Minor Lewis, Oscar Lewis, Dr and Mrs. George Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. James C. Wintermute, Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Otto B. Shurtz From here, the newlyweds mo tored to Corvallis to visit Mr. Lewis' nephew and namesake, Ira Wintermute. Continuing south to Mexico, they will stop in Valle- Jo, Calif., to see Mr. and Mrs Clarence Smith (OHie Shurtz). In San Francisco to visit Mrs. Ada M. Fox and In Los Angel9. They ill return to Yakima, via Salt Lake City, where Mr. Lewis is in business. Salem Maids Depart tO .enroll m College Miss Dorothy Krebs and Miss Harryette Beall left yesterday for California where they will enroll at San Mateo junior college. As an au revoir courtesy to Miss Krebs, Mrs. Donald Deckebach Miss Joyce Anderson and Miss Constance Krebs entertained at the home of Mrs. Deckebach last week. Honors for bridge went to Miss Madelyn Sleppy and Mrs. Lor lag Grier. A green and white motif prevailed in accessories and- at the supper hour. Bidden were Miss Krebs, the guest of honor. Miss Phyllis Hauge, Mrs. Loring Grier, Mrs. T Harold Tomlinson, Mrs. Lawrence Anderson, Mrs. Glenn Wilbur, Mrs. Fred Wolfe, Mrs. Don Sode- man and Mrs. Deryl Myers. TheFashionette's Qolol REMODELING OdlCl IN line with the trend toward business recovery, The Fash lonette is enlarging its floor space to make it an even more pleasant and convenient place in which to shop! Clothes aU Salem women talk about being disposed of to make room tor workmen! DRESS PRICES REDUCED! Former Values SS.M to $30.75 Now $4.95 u $16.75 One Odd Lot, $2.95 HAT PRICES REDUCED 1 Valncs Formerly 3.95 to f 10 . $1 $1.95 $2.75 COATS & SUITS REDUCED! Values Formerly $19.75439.75 : Novr $9.95 to $19.95 limited Selection Bat - Wonderful Valaesl COSTUME JEWELRY - S1.00 nized Memorial church, with 50 Spring Formal A Is February Event rj: first large early spring for mal to be given for the young Bet Will De me vaieuime iHiJi sponsored by the Junior Woman's club Saturday night, February 8th, at Hazel-Green. Dancing win be from 10 to 1 o'clock. Dick Mote's orchestra from' Corvallis will play. The decorative motif will be announced soon. In vitations may be obtained from the directorate. Miss Lois Riggs is general chairman assisted by Miss Helen Way, Miss Clara Zuber, Miss Ka therine Earle, Mrs. Andrew Bak er, Mrs. Eugene Tupker, Miss Jean Bahlburg, Miss Ruth Geer and Miss Grace Holm an. Amaranth Order Seats New Officers Hanna Rosa Court, Order of Amaranth, held regular court and installation in the Masonic tem ple on Wednesday night. Guests included supreme and grand offi cers from Portland and Seattle. Installing officers were: Master, of ceremonies, J. B. Crary; in stalling officer, Francis Mercer;' uncrowning matron, Mrs. Cora Raffety; crowning matron, Mrs. Fannie Booster; standard bearer, Mrs. Carrie Wood; marshal, Mrs. Verlie EUis; aide, Albert H. Boock; prelate, H. Bernard Glais yer; musician, Mrs. Ardella Slentz; sword bearer, Mrs. Phillis Tucker; crown bearer, Mrs. Ruth Crary; flag bearer, Mrs. Mary, Crawford; arch of steel, Glenn Slentz, W. P. Ellis, F. E. Mercer, A. H. Boock, Everett Booster and C. R. Lester; flower girls, Bar bara Jean Crawford and Betty Mercer. Officers installed were: Royal matron, Mrs. Iva Bushey; royal patron, Glenn Slentz; associate matron, Mrs. Hattie Busick; as sociate patron, Earl M. Canfield;' treasurer, Mrs. Ruth Crary; sec retary, Mrs. Verlie Ellis; conduc tress, Mrs. Maude Lester; associ ate conductress, Mrs. Elsie Mer cer; standard bearer, Mrs. Car rie Wood; marshal In the east, Mrs. Cora Raffety; marshal in the west, Mrs. Milpred Boock; pre late, Mrs. Carrie Chase; historian, Mrs. Maude Presnall; musician, Mrs. Ardelle Slentz; Truth, Mrs. Irene McEwan; Faith, Mrs. Elsie Harrison; Wisdom, Mrs. Myrtle Walker; Charity, Mrs. Goldie Can field; warder, Everett Booster; sentinel, Robert Crawford; trus tee, Francis Mercer. White Shrine Benefit on Wednesday Afternoon The White Shrine of Jerusa lem will sponsor a benefit and party Wednesday afternoon start ing at 1 o'clock in the Masonic temple. Auction, contract and S0O will be. played. Reservations may be made with Mrs. A. H. Moor at 3844 or with Mrs. M. C. Cashatt af3494. Mrs. Moore is general chairman for the benefit and has working with her Mrs. Cashatt, Mrs. Sam uel Gillette, Mrs. Leon Barrick, Mrs. H. H. Green, Mrs. Marie Flint McCall, Mrs. Wayne Henry, Mrs. A. C. Smith, Mrs.. Rose Bab cock. MrsJ Nellie Harris, Mrs. Winnie Lewis and Mrs. C. C. Gab riel. DRESSES Silk Crepes Suede Crepes : Magic Mountain Crepes . Satins : Velvets for . Street Afternoon ; Evening 9 HATS Wool Felts Fur Felt s -Fabrics All the Fashionable Shapes! Large Headsizes COATS & SUITS Fleece -Black . Brown 47 1 THE FASfflONETTE - 429 Court : Jast East Of 104 BUMU. i