i - 7Tf "V -The . OREGON' STATESMAN, Salem Oregon, Saturday Mornlnr, January llr 193$ PAGE SEVEN et : t X TV i Statesman: , Classified Ads Call 9101 CUsdnctf Advertlstos; Single tntertlott per lint. . .10c Three Insertions per.Lma . . tOe Six Insertions per line ....30c One montb per lis . ..,.11.00 Minimum charts:. ........ 25e Copy fee -Ma "pet aaWpicS ' -C:SO tha eteaiag bafre eabucatlea (or.clsmiificatioa. Copy received after Ui time will be raav .aeerse head -iog Tee Late le Classify. ..." The Statesman a Haas etei responsibility tee aiea aaay tnnr ia adverttaeaaents eebHsk- d ia it eslewasi sad la esses where Ikkr paper 1 at tanks will eapriat ies part ef aa adTrttaaai la which lb erpngrapsiral mtriaJr access. Tke 8tatessa tSMnea the right v reject-eejectia-eek) advertising. It !u (bar rescrvet Ui rigal te classify alt Ml tzttaiag as Saw prapar classifies Wa. , Help Wanted Male DIESEL TRAINING TO tnterrlew men Interested in the operation end sales of Dieeel equip ment. Prater men with aome mechan ical experience, tht re not afraid of study and bard work. See Mr. Holden, Hotel Senator Jan. 9-19-1L Albany Hotel, Albany, Jan. 12 only. A-l plumber to handle installations for well-known linn. Must ws ucensea tor city and state. Commissions riven on sales. Excellent opportunity lor tne rieht man. Write. giving age. exper ience, present connections and refer ences, to Box , Statesman. Help Wanted- Female . Experienced etenographer wanted. Dictation, typinr -and . general office help. Transportation needed. Box 9(7, care Statesman. . Girl wanted for iseneral housework Co home nights. TeL 3313. Situations Wanted Practical nursing-, tn or out ef city. Best of references. 20 years experience. Elderly people a specialty. Bex 8(3, care Statesman. For Sale Aliscellaneons Safe for amle. fireproof. Xtt Chrnw fceta. . . TTPEWRITERS Rent a machine, practice at home. Special rates to stu dents. Roen. 426 Court. Phone (773. Belcrest lots. Tel. (35 Haviland set dishes. Tel. 81FS. v.rm n"ir" "in-r i "-" " Valuable diamond ring, cheap. 83(7. Hoover A Premeir Vac. Cheap, cash. Brushes rebrlsUed. Teed. 490 & 21st. ' Good APPLES 35c bo, t for Puritan Cider Works,,. West Salem. $1. New radio tubes 29c. Moore's Radio Service, (95 North High Street. Alan's bicycle, 1778 Lee Street. RADIO SPECIAL 8238.00 -tube automatic Zenith ra dio. Balance due $38.45. Terms 35.00 down, $4.06 monthly. See Mr. Jans, Geo? C.-WIU Music Store, .Salem. Kir. stum ra ire old and 2nd growth. 2.00 cd. at 81.00 per. Mrs. A. E. Brady, hy mL east Marquam acbooL Wedge wood gas range. TeL 4498. I w 1 m.f : 11 1 I vt amcu iimcriitiiicuu- 1 Free- We- pick- up dead and worth less horses, cows, a nee p. lex . Student wants ride to and Monmouth share expenses. TeL from 4277. Home mending. 952 S. Com'l. Wanted heavy hog. TeL 3726. Walnut, filbert, meats. Walnuts In sUelL Any quality. State Cafeteria. Wanted ' Furniture CASH PAID FOR ytHJR TOOLS Stoves, Furniture Capital Hardware 4 Furniture Co. t$5 M. Commercial Phone 7848. Miscellaneous Haircuts, 20o-l 5c 303 S. Winter. For Rent Rooms ' Rooms, 694 N. Cottage. TeL ((71. Heated room, 255 Center. Modern heated rooms. Men Reasonable. 549 N. Cottage. only. . Pleasant sleeping, living room. 250 S. Cottage. Room In modern home. Close to state bldgs. 355 N. CapitoL Sleeping room. Tel. 4498. Room and Board ' Board, room, very close In, 5482. Rm.-bd. TeL -S394. 860 Chemeketa. For Rent Apartments Mod. 3 R. apt (43 Union. Apartments 355 Bellevue. 2 room apartment large, upstairs. Ladies. Reasonable. 1902 N. Church St -r--- - s-viaTS ij i iJaTUfiJXrLX.OJTnl fl I Small furn. apt, 590 Union. - --"------ i-u-H'ii-lj-y-ujTJn Apts. for rent 4S( N. Liberty. Mod. S rooms, 2005 K. CapitoL i i i i "oraTaorijtnji ixixnju Attractive turn, apt, 210 N. 14th. One room furn, apt. dean and warm. 646 Ferry. 2 room apartment water and ga rage. 1421 N. Church. .... Furn. 1 R. apt-2261 HaseL TeL 7664. ADVERTISING Portland Representative Gordon B. Bell. Security Building, Portland. Ore. - Western Advertising Represent-tires FengerHaB Co- Ltd. Ssa lraaciaco. Lot Angeles, Seattle Eastern Advertising RepreaentatlTet -Bryant. Griffith ft Branson, Ine Chlcago. New-Torkv Detroit,-- -- Boston Atlanta KKfered at Ike i'oefoflcs at Solesi.l Oreoc. e fieco--C'ioae afatter. ita- lisasd eserv moraine txceoi Monday. Bmtnet of fie, 118 South Comwitrctal Street. , : ' ,. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES r 1 Matl Subscription Rates, in Advance, 11.111TI urrsuii i AC81l v ua ouuun;. Mo. 60 cenU : $ Mo. $1.15 ; 6 Mo. $2.2$ ; 1 year $4.00. Elsewhere 50 cents per Me- or $5.00 for 1 year In advance. Pet Copy 8 cents. Newa Stands 6 cents. -By City Carrier; 4$ cents a month fS.et a year tn advance. r For Rent Apartments Fura. Maytag;. Capitol. apta, rights and water 19.50 up. Qarase. (24 Pd. a. S Xurnished rooma, bath, studio couch, extras, $15, tli N. Winter. 2 roora turn, apt 12.25 wk. Alsp one ream. lfr Oak. TeL 5271. ( For Rent Honses S RTunfura. bunsataw tn southeast Salem. Oarace. Tel. 7544. Fursv A anCurn. FertrBer.- TeL SOtSl 2 roam furnished house. 8846. Close in 8 R. boaee double graraee. furnace, fireplace, 2 blocks from cap ital arte. Tel. 8427 er T8I2. Winter rates on eotrafea Lone Star Auto Camp; ISSD N. Capitol. Modern 8 room house. Vacant Jan. 15. f2S. Inquire 35S N. CapitoL 8 room house furntahed. Will rent tor 4 months. -Wood for Bale. $18.00. Call 11C3 N. 19th Street. Beautiful sub. home, furnished. Rt. 3, box Above Salem Heights store. 82S & lth. 5 r. 11500 1110 N. Com'l, C r. 1440 Ferry, t r. -. - , 187$ Court. 8 r. ..u . W. G. KJtUEGER 16.00 20.60 30.00 147 X. Com'l. Phone 4728. For Rent 1SU A. In Klnssrood Heights, rood strawberry and truck land. Plenty of TTu it, cherries and apples. A wonder ful place for turkeys or chickens. Large hen house, barn, arag-e. 7 R. house, not modern. Will rent for $15 per mo. to rtgrht party. F. H. WEIR. 210 Oregon Bid. Office rooma for rent. $81 State St TeL 1712. Uuxpltai InkIs and Wheelrt-atra Stlfr Furniture Co. ent. H I. I For Sale Real Estate" FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Neat 5 room bungalow, large living room with fireplace, dining room. built-in kitchen, 2 large bedrooms, bath, good cement basement, furnace, garage. Located only 3 blocks from state office building. Priced for few days only. $3500. 4 room cottage at beach, clear. Will pay $1000 or $1500 difference lor small home In Salem. Grocery and market, good cross roads location, fine clean stock. No mortgage. Doing splendid business. In clude buUding, modern residence and some garden ground. W ant good farm well located. Must be first class soil, none other will be considered. Well located ( acre tract ideal for subdivision. In a fast growing part of the city. Part on highway and suit able for business property. Priced rea ; sonable with part terms. Furnished 1 - room house close in. Arranged In 4 apartments. Price $4006, cash $1000, balance monthly, low in terest. $100,000 now available for loan a CHILDS 4 MILLER. Realtors 314 State Street Phone (708 List your property for sale with HAWKINS. & ROBERTS. tNC. Houses Grant. 629 Court. TeL 7723. FOB SAUS, by owner, S room borne. large lot with fruit, double garage, , walking distance : shown by appoint ' ment only. Pries $3290.00. -terms. Phone 9541 or call at 1710 N. 17th St. 4 R. house, garage, chicken house, 1 A. of land, berrlea and fruit, 1 block from school, in Gervais. $750, on terms. Easy payments. 40 A. R. house, large barn, rrtut. 1 A. in timber, 3 A. In strawberries Clear. Want Salem residence in ex 1 change, 1 A. hi A good fruit land, some cher ties, now bearing fruit. A. in straw berries. I A. In blackcaps, 4 K. house, chicken house-. Priced to sell $.100 cash, bal. like rent. F. H. WEIR. 210 Oregon Bldg. $1550.00 buys a good six room house, corner lot, well located. Reasonable down payment and balance like rabt Property must be sold, hence terms to I suit. M. B. STEGXER, .180 N. Commercial fixchange Real Estate Improved farm near Salem take Salem or acreage. Bal. 4. TeL 3920. Want Salem property In exchange for Portland property. Have nice room plastered house, large yard and garden, value about $3600. A bargain for some one. Write, G. A. COBB, Cascade Lock?, Oregon. 3 j A., good bldgs., equipped. 4 mi. of Salem, on the pavement ; wants small apartment or duplex In Salem. H. C. Shields. 210 Oregon Bldg. T. 890 1 1 For Sale Farms Phone 8280 or write R. 7, Bx. 14 for announcement of realty agency specializing In county property. Wanted Real Estate Have client for strictly modern 5 or 6 room house. Good location, south preferred. Vot over $5000. E. A. Jen sen, 1313 Edgewater. Want property here for small home So. Calif. Nelson, Rt 1, Box 14. Business Opportunities FOR SALE General mdse. store and filling station. Good location. Rea sonable price. Talbot store. Route 1. Jefferson, Oregon. Money to Loan Automobile Loans Private money for automobile loans at new low rates. - Personal Attention No Delays -You Keep Tour Car Roy Simmons First Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Phone 8553. Licensed by tha Stata Personal Loans By an Independent Salem Finance Co. Amounts to $4500 One to Twenty Months to Repay - Deal with an Independent Salem owned-and-operated finance company where your needs will receive every consideration both before and after the loan Is made, ' No Delays ... No Red Tape General Finance Corp. First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone $551. Licensed. S-13S by State aaaSara-esS-a-aSaeW-S-SaSb A Complete Service on Loans Up to. $300 .We can advance cash quickly and privately to -any employed mas or woman In 24 hours. Beneficial ; Loan Society of Salem Room 119. New Bltgh- Bldg. 2nd floor LICENSED NO. S-123 ft M 165 by STATE 818 State St TeL 3746. Loana Made In Nearby Towns Federal housing loans title 2. build or refinance homes er business prop. Low rates. Abraras ft Ellis, Masonic B. FOUR PER CENT paid on savings. INSURED to 15.000.00, ' Salem Federal Savings ft' Loan Ass'n. Guardian Bldg. Phone 4109, Ill COME TO THE VALLEY MOTOR CO. to buy a . '. SQUARE DEAL USED CAR What is a SQUARE DEAL Used Car? It It the embodiment of a Tried and Proven Principal i)f , THE FORD CO. and V ALLEY MOTOR CO. A ROTT ARE DEAL ALWAYS We have on hand a fc-rge assortment of - Used Cars . . . Priced to insure a square uea Buy Tour USED CAR Now FROM OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE SPECIALS at THE VALLEY MOTOR CO. Marion & Liberty TWO USED Phone January Clearance Sale of 0. K. Used Cars $20 We will pay not less than $20 for any used car traded in uus monin. They Don't have to run. If there is enough left to call it a car and you have title we will take them in trade. SPECIALS 1928 Chevrolet Coupe. Mechan ically O. K. Good tires and fair appearance f 12S 1930 Ford Coupe. Reconditioned, clean inside, new paint and fine rubber. Best buy In town 245 1930 Buick 5 Coupe pass. Coupe, beautiful green finish new tires, fine condition through out Blue book price, $305 ; our price 2(5 1934 Chevrolet Master Coach. Or iginal finish like new. Spe cial this week only 495 McKay Chevrolet Co. 333 Center - Ph. 3189 - 430 N. Com'L Open Sundays Evenings OUR SMALL DOWN PAYMENT and LOW INTEREST RATE MAKE IT POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO BUY ONE OF THESE CARS. INVESTIGATE 1935 Chrysler Sedan 1935 Chrysler Coupe 1934 Plymouth Sedan 1934 Plymouth Coupe 1929 Oldsmobile Coupe 1930 Model A Sedan 1929 Chevrolet Coach 1930 Chrysler (( Sedan 1934 Chevrolet Coupe These cars are priced right to sell. See them before you buy. Salem Auto Co. Chrysler ft Plymouth Dealers 435 N. Com'L - - Phone 4673. Borregos O.K.d Cars RALPH BORREGO 1930 Oldsmobile Sedan $5 1931 Durant Coupe 1930 Ford Coupe - . .. 1929 Hudson: Sedan 1929 Ford Roadster - 1927 Pontlac Sedan 1925 Buick Coach . 1927 Ford Roadster- W have 25 other cars to 245 275 245 150 85 60 40 choose from, priced from $15 to $695. Come in and see this fine line of used cars. Open Sundays and Evenings Across from High School 525 Msrion St. Phone 4533. 1930 Ford Coupe. TeL (762. Don't Waste Tour Time Or Money "C Shrock To Buy Or Sell Tour Car 542-575 Chemeketa St. Phone 9588. Some of the buys this week: 1932 Chevrolet Coach 1931 Ford Deluxe Sedan 1931 Oldsmobile Sport Sedan 1931 Hudson Coach 1930 DeSoto Sedan . 1929 Ford Coach 1929 Ford Coupes (2) 1928 Buick Sedan 1928 Durant Sedan 1926 Chevrolet Coach 1928 Chevrolet Coach (2) Many others, priced to sell. CASH PAID FOR USED CARS. OR SOLD ON CONSIGNMENT FOR SALE Overland 4 touring, 1925 modet, running condition ; first $25.00 takes. It 1710 17th St Used Cars and Trucks 1932 Ford pickup $295 1933 Ford V-8 pickup $95 1934 Chevrolet 1 ton 495 1931 Ford 1V4 ton, good body 350 1932 Studebaker, 2-ton, L. W. B. 395 1929 Dodge 3-ton, body and hoist 350 1928 Buick rdst, r. a 195 Other good buys to select from, James H. Maden Co. tn State Street Phone 8a90. International Motor Trucks ana McCormick-Deering Farm Machinery. Loans Wanted Loans wanted on farm and city property. Before borrowing, inquire at Hawkins St Roberta WANTED: $1000 private loan on close in six room home with basement and furnace. Will pay 7 Interest SEE. W. H. tiRABKMHOKST 134 South Liberty Street Highly secured FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS: The best and safest Invest ment. Amounts $500, $750 and $2000. Net Investors 6 semi-annually. Ex amine security yourself. CHILDS ft MILLER, Mtse. Loans 344 State Street Phone 6708. $300 discount for cash, good fast paying mortgage. Local property. 241$ N. E. Union Ave., Portland, Oregon. For Sale Wood Dry S. G. $50J Tel. Fenwick. 4527. 12-16- dry wood. TeL 8673. 1$ In. old fir. 85.50. Phone 9466. GUARANTEED DRT wood eoal. reL 5000, Salem Fuel Co. Trade ft Cottage. Dry fir wood. TeL 68 Fl 2. 16 In. old-fir, $5.25. TeL 5936. Fir. oak. ash, TeL 1254. Guaranteed dry 2nd growth, 7860. Wood all kinds. Call 5616. Get what you buy. .Tern and George. Dry wood, reasonable. TeL 3354. Dry wood, all kinds. TeL 8088. Wood Sawing Wood-saw tng reasonable. Call 8299. .Wood sawing prices low. TeL 4084 Lost and Found LOST Lady's Gruen wrist watch, downtown district Mrs. Jlmmle eSmlth, Palace Court Apt, Apt 7. TeL 8005. STRAYED Black Spaniel brown and white markings. Mother of small puppies. Call Highland Market or 2460 LaurcL LOST Black Pomeranian. Answers name "Bimbo." Reward. Mia F. E. Hutchison. 285 K. 15th. TeL 5248. INSPECTED and RECONDITIONED Center A Liberty CAR LOTS 7910 Values - Values - Values USED CARS Bonesteele Bros, Inc. Moved North of Nelson Bldg. on Liberty St. 1S35 Studebaker Custom Sedan. Phuier front end. Low mile age $885 1925 Sruda Custom Sedan, less than 10,000 miles 148 1985 Studebaker 2-door Custom sedan. 1500 miles, trunk 825 1935 Dodas Coach, radio ft heat er, 12,000 miles 765 1935 Dodge Ooupe. looks like new (95 1934 Hudson Coupe, valve grind, new tires (76 1932 DeSoto DeLuxe Sedan, air wheels, tires new 695 1932 Pontlac 4-dr. Sedan, real value 4 1931 Studs Commander Sedan, re conditioned 458 1932 Ford V-8 Coach, new motor 445 1934 Willys 77 Sedan, run Zs to 30 miles per gallon 425 3(5 1931 Chevrolet Sedan 1931 Ford A 2-door Sedan, good condition 1931 Hup 4-dr. Sedan, good condl- 1928 Dodge 4-dr. Sedan, original owner 192$ Reo Sedan 1929 Pontlac 4-door Sedan 1928 Willys 70 Sedan, runs excel lent 1928 Ford Coupe, new tires, low 295 295 250 2S0 235 185 185 mlleare 1929 Model A Ford Tudor, new rubber . 1(5 1928 Pontlac 4-dr. Sedan, new paint 150 1927 Dodge 4-dr. Sedan DeLuxe, new license . 150 1929 Durant Coach, motor per fect condition 145 197 nrvlr- StMtan. r.llahllitv and service 135 1926 Hup Sedan, good value 125 1925 Dodge Sedan 95 1927 Chevrolet 2-door Sedan, new paint 95 1925 Dodge Sedan 85 1927 Hudson Sedan 75 1925 Reo Sedan T5 1926 Studebaker Phaeton 75 1922 Buick Touring 85 Used Car Lot Moved North of Nelson Bldg. on Liberty St. Bonesteele Bros. Inc. STUDEBAKER DEALERS Chemeketa St - Phone 4444. 391 Out to Win America on Value Alone 1927 Chevrolet Panel Delivery ..$ 95 Studebaker Coupe, A-l con dition 65 1929 Nash Sedan, new paint 285 1929 Hudson Sedan, new paint and battery 295 1931 Nash Sedan 365 1933 Ford V-8 DeLuxe Sedan, ra dio and heater 395 1929 Ford A. rumble seat .. 165 1928-Whippet Coach, new paint 1929 motor 125 1930 NASH AMBASSADOR SE DAN ; PERFECT CONDI TION 885 OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM "Pete" "Bill" Carter and Church Nash and Lafayette Dealers 365 N. Commercial Phone 8734. SHOP NOTICE: We will grind valves and tune up motors on alx-cyilnder cars, $7. Come in and Inspect Our Used Cars Ws take great pleasure In selling the best used cars Money can puy. 1934 REO Regal Sedan. 6-w. eq. This car ia tn fine condition and one of the finest prod ucts Reo has ever built 1 895 1935 Pontlac Sedan , 415 1930 Buick Coupe 40 1929 Buick Sedan . 295 1928 Buick Sedan ,,. 1" 1929 Essex Sedan 185 192$ Buick Sedan i 1?R Thir'ant Cos Lrh , 13 19S8 Ford CotiDe i Balance can be extended up to 18 mom. Otto J. Wilson 388 N. ComT. St - - Phone 645L BUICK ft PONTIAC TjTTlJT-jXrUlJUl lSSSn"lJ- -"ll1" I " ssa- Ford 1930 A Snort Coupe, complete ly overhauled engine, brakes. . New paint Tires fair. Upholstering excel lent New license. $270 or terms, m vate owner. Arany, Salem airport j i i-iiL,-u-Lj-in n -i -i -,-i ---. 26 Pontlac Sedan. A-l condition. Private owner. Reasonable. 549 N. Cottage. i TRADE MARK NOTICE . Notice is hereby given that Standard Brands Incorporated, of New York..N. Y.. has filed Its trade-mark "Stanbi" with the Sec retary of State of Oregon, to be used on coffee, tea, and foods and Ingredients of foods of every de scription." J.4-11-18. No. 8792 NOTICE OP HEARING OP FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the Estate of Mary James, de ceased, has filed its duly verified Final Aecount as such admini strator in the County Court for Marion County, State of Oregon and that the Court has set Tues day, the 11th day of February 1936, at 10; A.- M- as the time and the County Court room In the County C&urt House at Sa lem, MartoirrCounty, Oregon, the place f of hearing, the said Final Account and all objections thereto. , 1 Dated and tirst published this 11th day of January 1936. Ladd ft Bush Trust Company, Administrator of the Estate of Mary James, Deceased. Emmons Emmons and ' - Wm. H. Trindle, i Attorneys for Administrator, 306-308 Oregon Building, T Salem, Oregon. J-11-18-25-F-1- DEPENDABLE 1835 Ford V-t and semf-trailer, 11.000 truck la all ready to go te work. 1984 Ford V-8, new rubber, 10-ply, new license. Reconditioned motor. Has good stake rack. 1934 Chevrolet. I . W. B. 10-ply rubber. We give our 10-day guarantee with this ttuck. 1934 Dodge 8. W. B. .10-ply robber, overload, springs. Just right for semi or dump body. 1923 Dodara L.-W. B. Reconditioned throughout a dandy. 1927 Morelaad. l w. B. S4x7 n rear, farmer or cattle man, OPEN NIGHT AND DAT HERRALL-OW ENS COMPANY Dependability 235 South Commercial Street Past Presidents Honored by Club Ingalls of Corvallis Speaker For Sleet at . Albany Is . ALBANY, Jan. 10. Clande E. ingeJla, editor of the CorvaUia Gazette-Times, gave the main talk Wednesday when - the Albany chamber of commerce met at the Albany hotel ior the first time this year and at the same time celebrated the 16th anniversary ol the organization. Past .presi dent's day wa observed with Zed Merrill presiding. Ingalls gave an Interesting ac count of the "Tower of London," and cited .many outstanding char acters in the world's history who were identified with the big pris on. A musical program was also given. Of the men who hare served as president of the two clubs, the Albany chamber of commerce, which was organized In 1920, and the Albany commercial club which was organized in 1908, IS presidents responded to the final roll call. Past Leaden 7 The men who served as presi dent of the commercial club are: E. W. Langdon (1908-09). de ceased; Dr. W. IT. Davis (1909- 10), deceased; E. H. McCune 1910-11). deceased: W. A. East- burn (1911-12), deceased; J. S. VanWinkie (1912-13). deceased; T. Hockensmlth (1913-14); Dr. J. H. Hobnett (1914-15). deceas ed: A. L. Fisher (1916-17). de ceased; George Taylor (1917-18), deceased; W. A. Eastburn (1918- 19), deceased. The following have served as president of the chamber of com merce: W. R. Scott (1920-21), deceas ed; J. H. Hawkins (1921-22), de ceased; B. R. Westbrook (1922- 23). T. E. CaUister (1923-24); E Williamson (1924-25); Calvin Ingle (1925-26); Fred Veal 1926-27), deceased: W. L Marks (1927-28); M. Sanders 1928-29). deceased; D. E. Neb- ergall (1929-30); L. O. Lewel ling (1930-31); C. E. William son (1U31-3ZJ: .. k. nierriii (1932-33); R. W. Tripp (1933 35). Governor Favors Changing Primary Governor Martin emphasized on Friday the statement made by him during his last campaign that he favored changing the time for holding the primary elec tion from May to September. The governor declared that un der the present system the cam palgn for important offices lasts nearly a year with unwarranted expense to the candidates ana their supporters. A measure changing the date of the primary election will appear on the ballot at the special elec tion January 31. NOTICE OP FINAL HEARING IN THE COUNTY COURT, OF THE STATE OF OREGON MARION COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARGARET MOISAN. De ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Final account of ALEX MOISAN, administrator of the Es tate of MARGARET MOISAN, de ceased, has been filed in the Coun ty Court of Marlon County, Ore gon. and that the 13th day of January, 1936, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M., at the Court House of said County, has been appointed by said Court for bear ing of objections to said Final Ac count, at which time any persons interested in said estate may ap pear and file objections thereto In writing and eontest same. ALEX MOISAN, Administrator, KEYES A PAGE Attorneys for Administrator. 366 U. S. National Bank.Bldg. Salem. Oregon. D14-21-28.J4-11 Projector Bought To Show Religious Films at Services WOODBTJRN, Jan; 10. Rev. P. M. Hammond, pas tor of the Methodist Epis copal church, has purchased a motion picture projector as an experiment in show ing religious films in con nection with the regular services. The - experiment will be confined for a while to so cial evenings, the first films to be 'shown at the Metho dist church Tuesday at 8 p. nu. after the covered dish upper. An 'of t erlng will be taken. : These 7plctures will eon sist of nature films or good comedy, and everyone is In vited to attend. USED TRUCKS miles, robber 85, 23 ft. body, TWs sixt is-piy on rroat. a real ouy xor Phone 4711 er 1511. HATESVTLLE, Jan. 10. Due the fact that a great many community clubs bold their meet ings ob Friday -right, the Hayes ville club will be- host to the Marlon County Federated Clubs Saturday night, January 18, In stead of Friday night as former- announced. Delegates will be sent- from Central Howell, Middle Grove. Keiier, Haxel Green, Labish Cen ter, Clear Lake and Swegle. Each district will also furnish one number on the program. Hayes vllle's number will Include Guy Ray and his trained mule, also some song and dance numbers. Luther Chapin will have charge of the program for the evening. A group of young people of the community are busy preparing a ores - act comedy, 'Deacon Dubbs,'" under the auspices of the community club. The play will be presented first February 17, and the group expects to re spond to 'a number of requests to present the play at other clubs. Those taking part are Alma Willis, Amelia Bolton, Iris Ma son, Ruth Purvis, Mrs. Guy Ray, Oscar Noren, Jack Kennedy, Da vie Willis, Paul Purvis and Vir gil Bolton. Miss Vernon Clark and Mrs. Jack Kennedy are the coaches. Change in Wilson Policy Recalled WASHINGTON, Jan. 10-URV-An abrupt switch in Woodrow Wil son's wartime neutrality policy that permitted huge loans to al lied nations was disclosed here by the senate munitions commit tee and attributed amid heated denials to "leverage" brought to bear upon the administration by J. P. Morgan and Co. with the head of that famous financial house expostulating that no such connection was to be in ferred, the committee produced a memorandum from Wilson to Ro bert Lansing, then secretary of state, giving tacit approval of the shift. The charge of "lever age" followed and was denied. Earlier questioning evoked from George Whitney, a Morgan partner, a statement that $294,- 000,000 of British war indebted ness, Incurred through the pur chase of supplies from the Mor gan firm, was paid off soon after American entry into the conflict with the help" of the United States treasury. Bowen Unwanted At Hospital Here State hospital officials announ ced yesterday that they did not want William Bowen, who escaped October 8, 1933, returned to the institution. They declared Bowen was not considered Insane but ra ther as a dangerous criminal while he was confined here. State officials surmised that of ficials in Phoenix, Arizona, when informed that Oregon does not want Bowen returned, will pros ecute bad check charges against him there. . Bowen has a long penitentiary and asylum record and has left a trail of bad checks in his wander ing across the country. The charges pressed against Bowen at Phoenix which brought his arrest were that he was under suspicion of violating the Mann act. Bowen plotted with outside help here to effect his escape, us ing a hacksaw smuggled into the state hospital. Ross Reappointed ST. HELENS. Ore., Jan. 10. -Of) -The Columbia county court i again named Dr. L. G. Ross as county health officer. Dr. Ross haa served in that capacity for 25 years. NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT No. 901S In the County Court of the State , of Oregon, for the Cpunty of Marlon, Probate Department. In the Matter of tbe Estate of S. Wells, also known as Al ert S. Wells, Deceased: Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, as administratrix with the Will Annexed ot the Es tate of A. 8. Wells, also known aa Albert S. Wells, Deceased, has fi led her final account In the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, and that Tuesday, the 21st day of January A. D. 1936, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon of said day and the Court Room of said Court has been appointed by said Court as the time and place tor hearing of objections thereto and the sett la ment thereof. ; Dated and first published Decem ber 21st, 1935. Date of Last Publication January ! ; 18th. 1936. - GERTRUDE M. WELLS, Administratrix with the Win Annexed. BRUCE T. CURRY, Attorney. . . .D.21-28-J.4-11-18. Business Directory Cards la LbJ directory m on a moathlj ba-li oaijv Rata atuBO per Ikae per moat-u - Auto Brakes Mike Panes, 8T8 Sota mmerciaL Contractors & Builders i Peter Johannsan. Work guarantee-, No pay if not satisfied. TeL 8587. , Chimney Sweep Telephone 44581 R B Northnasa, DR. O. t SCOTT. PSC CMropraetor. ts4 14 nig . Tea. Res aia Electrical Service nnfiLER B-etrta. XsS -haze St, ins. motors, appliance, repairs, service. Excavating Excavating .of all klnda. Basement due. Dirt hauled or mewed, Dirt for sale. Phone 4844. Florists Breithaupn 443 Court, ALL kinds ef floral work. Lata, Flor ist. 1276 N. Liberty. TeL laix. Keys Ws make keys, Barry W. Seat. Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WFrtDER LAUNDRY 68 S Hhrb TeL till CAPITAL CITY LA UN DRT First in Oualitv and Service releohone 316$ 1264 -Broadway Grangers' News LIBERTY, Jan. 10. The Red Hills grange will meet in the Sunnyside schoolhouse instead of in Liberty for the next meeting Tuesday, January 14, at 8 p. m. The change in meeting place is temporary and due to repair work gonig on In the local build ing. The Red Hills grange home economics club held an all day quilting meeting at the home of Mrs. Frank Kolsky Thursday. Mrs. E. O. Beckley presided for the business session in place of Mrs. W. R. Dallas, who is ill. Find Bodies, Four Victims of Storm GILLETTE, Wyo., Jan. 10-P)- Blixzard - swept Wyoming plains today had yielded the bodies, of four people, caught homeward- bound in Sunday night's frigid storm. Searching parties had scattered over the rolling snow - drifted Punkin creek area 25 miles south of here after Sheriff Tex Martin last night found two stranded au tomobiles and located the body of rancher Tom Wagstaff, 40. Thursday bodies of Wagstaff's sister, Barbara, 38, and of Gene Royal, Innis school teacher, and his wife were found two miles from their automobiles where they had fallen exhausted from their effort to fight through the gale and freezing weather. Cross Word Puzzle I 12 3 15 16 16 2t 22 23 2 25 21 32 33 35 37 38 31 41 42 43 'A 46 47 'A 41 50 By EUGENE SHEFFER 41 interjec- VERTICAL HORIZONTAL 1 vehicle 4 musical instrument 8 impel 12 unit 13 verbal 14repazt 15 not con tinuous 17 ball of medicine 18 weights 19 springs up 21 city In France 23 former Russian ruler 24 wicked 25 memento 29 guided . SO to use tion 42 adhesive ness 46 have strong affection 47 Ireland 43- rContend 49 mounds 50 transported 61 printer's measures Herewith is the solution to yes terday's puzzle, 7- " frugally 31 silkworm 32 written composition 34 selves f 35 curved - :v-. 38 strike with the open ; hand 87 parrots ' 40-eut length- - wise ' atBlgADOSHgM EyEVAkJigj 5 ED A T E ! E CsMvfcss. 19M. filattresses CAPITOL B BODING CO. pbect 40t 8AXJEM FLUTT.auO and attres Factory. NEW MATTRESS mad- tsv oreer, M remade; carpet cleaning, sta- inau nuts ru weaving, a, lite v wu bur. TeL 8441. OTTO OTTO F. BWICa-ER, Est 191L Music Stores 3, GEO. Ct WTLL Pianos, radioa, aewms macninaav eneec muaia na ptase artso lesv rpa tng rudtoa, phewografihsaad sewing machines, 433 State Street, 8alem. j - - - . - Photo EngraTiiig . - Batam photo engntvtnc 14T ft. Printing FOB. SCT ATlirUfERT. lets, proe-ma beoks or any kind ef prlntlng. call The Statesman Printing Department. $1$ 8. .Commercial Tele phone $191. i Stoves t repair stoves, ranges, etre-httora, Sell new and rebuilt stoves, range and ctrculatora, stock fence, postal chicken wire. Salem Fence and Stows Work-, 261 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. & B. Fleming, Transfer FOR local er distant transfer etoragge, tali Zllt Leaner Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dalljt CAPITAL CrtT Transfer Co. 128 State St TeL 7778. Distributing, for warding and storags our specialty. Oat our rates. j Well Drilling R. A, West H iS. Bos 445. TeL llOFt, NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the es tate of George W. Johnson, de ceased. All persons eyiug claims against said esHN hereby notified to pre Va, A same to said administrk f f-V office of Geo. A. Rhote 1 S. NatT Bank Bldg., Sate--rr v?V gon, within six months fromths)- ' date of this notice. ; , ' ? Dated at Salem, Oregon. h-l December 14i 1935. J. c, TV v a f V a avai t - I Administrator of tbe estate at George W. Johnson, deceased. GEO. A. RHOTEN. 511 U. S. Nat'l Bank 31dg. Salem, Oregon, Attorney for Estate. - I D.14-21-28-J 4-lt. S NOTICE OP APPOINTIENT Notice is hereby given that thi undersigned has been duly . ap pointed by the County Court qt the State of Oregon, for thV" County of Marion, as Administra tor of the estate of Sarah -'Cy. Downing, deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such admin istrator; all persons having claims against the estate of said dece dent are notified to present tha same, duly verified, to me, at the office of Ronald C Glover, my attorney, 205 Oregon Building, Salem, Marion County, Oregon, within six months from the data of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 11th day Of January, 1936. ALBERT J. MADER, . Administrator of tbe Estate ot Sarah C. Downing, Deceased. . RONALD C. GLOVER. Attorney for Administrator. Salem, Oregon. J-11-18-25-F-1-S a 14 17 21 to 26 27 2& 31 X7A 34 VZA 36 'A AO 'A 44 45 4J3 51 a-l 9 Brazilian j , coins ' 10 strong wind 11 length measures 16-to wind : .- 20 rant 21 raw -ids) 22 affirm 23 show honor to in drink- ing-' 25 -unmarried . 1 woman 26 denying; ' 27 metallic ? element . 28 hazard ' 30 boil slowly 33 dishonors 34 beroiex : , 36 incliaed V , plane - 37 fermented : grain ' 33 century- 1 plant 39 cavity- r 40 small piecm 43 notable . ; period " 44 metallie , I element 45 aiExmation' ' 1 sh 2 cuckoo 3 straddle 4 pointed appendages 5 god of war 6 rodent 7 enjoyment 8 referee I