The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 10, 1936, Page 4, Image 4

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    1 lUU.t
Urs. Wright Has
; igj Office iri .
Nile Club
DAUGHTERS of the Nile elect
ed Mrs. David Wright as their
; president yesterday when the
club met for luncheon and sewing
tt th Masonic temple. . V
Other officer : arc Mrs. John
Imlah, vice-president; Mrs. Glenn
Nile. secretary; Mts. : Arthur 0.
Hunt,- treasurer.' -
, Report on the past year's ac
tlTitiea - were given and money.
- raisins, projects were discussed
tor the near future. Daughters of
the Nile sew regularly tor the
Shrine hospital and do fellow uP
philanthropic work tor the crip
pled -children after they are re
leased from the Institution.
Daughters of Veterans
Install Tonight
- Officers for 193f will be in
stalled by the Daughters of Union
Veterans Friday night in the Wo-'
man's clubhouse. The general pub
lic and all patriotic orders are in
vited. "
C Mrs. Marie Bennett, past state
president, and staff from Port
land will preside at the ceremony.
Several out-of-town guests are an
. tkipated. .
. Those to be Installed are: Pres
ident, Mrs, Pearl Noren; senior
vice-president, Mrs. Mary Entress;
Junior vice-president, Mrs. Ethel
Riley; chaplain, Mrs. Mary EL
Steams; patriotic Instructor, Mrs.
Mabel Gardner; council members,.
Mrs. Bertha Bergman, Mrs. Eu
lena Bales, Mrs. Sarah Cutler;
treasurer, Mrs. Laurine Stow; sec
retary, Mrs. Margaret Ringle; col
ors. Mrs.' Grate Jory, Mrs. Addie
Sanders, Mrs. Elizabeth Skewiss
and Mrs. Rose Garrett; reporter,
Mrs. Mabel Needham; guide, Mrs. .
Katherine Brown; guard, Mrs.
Mary Ive; assistant guard, Mrs.
Kittle Baumgardner.
Preparatory Orchestra
Will Rehearse
The preparatory Philharmonic
orchestra will hold a rehearsal
- Saturday morning at 10 3'c!ock
in the Y.M.C.A. under ibe direc
tion of Vernon Wiscarson.
Any child between the agr of
9 and 14 who is able to lead mu
sic and who- plays a brass, wood
wind or stringed instrument is
welcome to try out or the orches
tra. Mr. Wiscarson plans to present
his youthful musicians in concert
some time in the early spring.
; ' .
v Central Howell Mr. and Mrs.
John-Tweed entertained with a
aecond -500" party Saturday
irfght. ' Guests were: Mr. and
Mrs. Walter HaTerson, Mr. nd
Mrs. H. A. Lichty, Mr. and Mrs.
John Lauderback, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Simmons, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray-Westphal, Mr. and Mrs. Rcb-
ert Jan. High score went to
Mr, and Mrs. Simmons.
Canned soups, peaches
everything:. Here's where
QUALITY is king!
Young Mother Hubbard.
There' true economy in the
quality of all our products
and bo misrepresentation eith
er! ; You're always ' sore of
DEPENDABLE merchandise
when yon shop at the CROSS
Crosse & Blackwell Soups,
large cans, fine.
with a dozen!
Del Monte - Peaches. No.
2i8 cans, M 1A
6 for Ol.lV
Happy Home Grapefruit,
No. 2 cans. - rr
6 for lUC
All Green Asparagus, tall
cans, CI AC
6 for tPielld
Keep Well with
Fruit Juices
Mixed . Orange and Grape
fruit Juice, Q
tall canal 6 for OwC
Orange Juice,.
tall cans, 6 for ....
Grapefruit Juice,"
tall cans, 6 for
Tomato Juice,
tall cans. 6 for J
Lemon Juice,
8-o can
Pineapple Juice, Dole No. 1
tall cans, ' " ta .
C for tvC
. Fresh Columbia River
Smelt, at Their Best
Competitive Prices
Fresh Oysters
065 N.L1BCRT
rfews aiicr 1 Jhib
Jessie Steele,
- Off ke hours for the society editor are at follows;
10 a. m. to 12 p. n. asd 2 to O p. m. every day but Sat
urday. On Saturday, they are 0 a. m. to 11:30 a. m. and
12f30 p. m. to 6 p. m. x
Friday, January 10
- Woman's Missionary society of First Baptist church
at home Mrs. r. M. HoyV 753 N. Winter, z p. m.
Mother's Study group of First Congregational
church with Mrs. J. R. Simonds, 440 Center, 2:39 p. m.
Florence Tail Missionary society of Calvary Baptist
church at home Mrs. J. Dale Taylor, 285 S. 18th, 3:30
p. m. v '
Married and Young Married people's classes of First
Baptist church, joint club supper at church, 6:30 p. m. .
In lobby of T. M. C. A., 8 p. m., moving pictures of
sow sports taken by Dr. D. B. Hill. Public welcome. .
Three Link club in I. O. O. F. hall, 1 p. m. club
Sewing club ot B. and P. W. club, :30 p. m cov
ered dish dinner with Mrs. Amy Adams, 1105 N. Liberty.
Saturday, Januaru.ll
Salem .Woman's club, board at 2 p. m., business
session at 2:30 p. m.
Sorority Open Houses: Delta Phi, 7:40 to 8:30 p. m.
Alpha Phi Alpha. 8 to p. m. Beta Chi, 8:30 to 9:30
p. m.
In the Valley
Independence The Indepen
dence Woman's club met Tuesday
afternoon at the club house for a
most interesting meeting, music
being featured. President Mrs.
George C. Knott announced this
Two vocal solo3 by Mrs. Mau
rice J. Bulter accompanied by
Mrs. R. D. Elliott; Mrs. W. Carl
ton Smith of Salem gave a most
interesting and enjoyable talk on
national anthems, having them
played by Miss Bedford of Salem:
songs by vocal trio, Mrs. M. J.
Bulter, Mrs. Ellen Davis and Mrs.
E. T. Ellefson accompanied by
Mrs. R. D. Elliott.
"Health of our school child
ren." by Mrs. Gillis, Polk county
health nurse, who stressed the
need of milk being given to child
ren during school hours; piano
duet by Miss Frances Knott and
Mrs. R. D. Elliott; piano solo by
Miss Bedford of Salem.
The next meeting will be Jan
uary 21, with Miss Katherine Ar-
buthnot of the Oregon . Normal
school the speaker. - ..
West Salem Mrs. Glenn Dav
enport gave a dinner Sunday for
her daughter, Maxine, and Jane
bcnmiat wno were celebrating
their sixth birthday. The guests
were Jane Schmidt, her mother,
Mrs. Gladys Schmidt, and Mrs.
Schmidt s mother, Mrs. McKee,
all from Salem. Monday after
school Maxine had a party. Those
president were Gwendolyn Rust,
Delores Hathaway, Clarissa
Barnes. Marjory and Wanda Ha
thaway, and Shirley and Maxine
Talbot. Mrs. Claud Johnson
was hostess to members of the
Talbot Women's club at her home
Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. E. J.
Freeman presided over the meet
ing. Plans were discussed for the
year's program. Mrs. Delmar Da
vidson, Mrs. John Zehner and
Mrs. G. If. Belknap were appoint
ed to make the yearbooks.
The. club will hold an all-day
meeting at the home of Mrs. Van
Buskirk of near Salem next Wed
nesday. St. Louis Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Bittler entertained recently at
iheir home near here, honoring
their daughter, Miss Rose Bittler.
New Shipment
Harker Decorated
venware and
Refrigeration Sets !
Big Sh ipment
Early American
Glassware !
Y iliij
Society Editor
Social Realm
Mt. Angel A pre-nuptial show
er, complimenting Miss Marie
Schmitt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Schmitt, was given in St.
Mary's dining hall Tuesday eve
ning. About 80 guests attended.
Games and cards were played
after which refreshments were
served. High score honors in cards
went to Mrs. Paul Schwab and low
score to Mrs. Henry Annen. Miss
Gertrude Walker received the
draw prize.
Miss Schmitt'a marriage to Paul
Wachter, son of Mrs. Helen Wac li
ter, will take place, January 14 in
St. Mary's church.-
Woodburn. The Presbyterian
Ladies' Aid society held its first
meeting; of the hew year Wednes
day afternoon. Hostesses were
Mrs. s. w. Matipin and Mrs. H.
M. Overton. Mrs. D. J. GUlanders
was in charge of the devotions.
Program numbers were given
by Miss Georgia Cole, Mrs. O. F.
Larson and Mrs. Jane Mack.
Refreshments were served by
the hostesses with Mrs. Olive
Smith and Mrs. Ma"ck presiding at
the urns.
Hubbard The Ladies Guild mpt
at the home of Mrs. Junia Dfm-
ick for an all day meeting: with
Mrs. Nellie Foster, president, pre
siding. The women are making
aprons and a quilt Plans are also
under way for a play to be given
the latter part of Febrnarv. A
dinner will be served the public
on election day, January 31. The
next meeting wiU be held at the
home of Mrs. A. J, Smith, Hub
bard, route one.
Jefferson The Evangelical
Missionary society held Its Jan
uary meeting Wednesday ifier
noon in the church parlor. The
president, Mrs. Edith Wilson, led
the devotions, and. also was pro
gram leader. Miss Beulah Wil
son gave a poem, "Foreigners at
Cur Door"; Miss Helen Kihs gava
the review of the stndy book,
"The Evangelical Women Organ
ized." Silverton Robert Gardner of
Seattle will be the guest speaker
at the Silverton Woman's club
Monday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. W. R. Tomison. Mr. Gardner
will speak on the trend of mod
ern interior decorating.
: Alranirs
Bridge Affair tor
This Afternobn
MRS. E. A. KURTZ will be hos
tess to the Friday bridle club
this afternoon for a dessert
luncheon. Primroses win provide
the floral note.
Several hours of contract will
follow. Mrs. Frank Loose and
Mrs. Jesse Campbell are addition
al guests, i -
Club members bidden are Mrs.
Mose Adams, Mrs. Erie Butler,
Mrs. Fred j Delano, Mrs. Elmer
Dane, Mrs.! L. W. Gleason, Mrs.
O. A. Olson; Mrs. U. S. Page, Mrs.
Harley White, Mrs. David Wright.
Mrs. C. A. Tibbeft and Mrs. Ray
Sophomore Skate Event
At Dreamland
The, sophomore class of Salem
high school. Is sponsoring a skate
exclusively for claas members to
night at Dreamland. Prises are
to be siren for the best skating
and refreshments will be served.
The entire affair is under the
supervision of the Tlce president,
Rowena Upjohn, and her commit
tee, Esther Mae Devore, Carol
Clark and Loren Hicks.
Patrons were. Invited by iliss
Upjobn. Anna Mae Grabenhorst
and -Hume Downs; skat contest
Jere Simmons, Alan Bartlet: and
Delva Leblngood; publicity, Lou
ise Hayes, Virginia Martin tnd
Elmer Scheeler.
Patrons invited are Mr. and
Mrs. D. H. Upjohn, Mr. and Mrs,
C. W. Bartlett, Mr. and Mrs. O.
H. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. R. G Sim
mons, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hayes,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clark, Ur.
and Mrs. J. L. Steed, Mr. and Mrs.
Ivan Brown, Mr. and Mrs. F. S.
Anunsen, Mrs. Claudine Elbert,
M. Pengra and Neal Brown, class
Mrs. Spiers Presides
At Luncheon
Mrs. William Spiers entertained
a group ot women from Jaaou
Lee church at luncheon yester
day. Her table was attractive
with daffodil and yellow candles.
Work to be done by women of
the church during the coming
yeaT was mapped out following
luncheon hour.
Covers were placed for Mrs. J.
R. Reasor, Mr. Stuart Johnson.
Mrs. J. G. Mlnton. Mrs. P M. Roh.
erts, Mrs. Gordon Black, Mrs. El
mer MeKee, Mrs. Lynn Wood,
Mrs. G. A. Gies, Mrs. A. C. An
derson, Mrs. W. M. Ney, Mrs.
A. L. Dark and the hostess, Mrs.
William Spiers.
Ballet Russe Occupies
Weekend Spotlight
Many Salem parties are being
made up for Saturday night to
attend the Portland performance
of the Ballet Russe In the Civic
Sincetheir appearance in Port
land last year, the dancers have
performed in Monte Carlo, in Bar
celona, Paris and the Covent Gar
den In London. This is the third
tour of the United States fo be
made by the Ballet.
Recent guests at the home of
Mrs. Mary E. Burroughs and Miss
Margaret Burroughs were Mr. and
Mrs. H. H. Jamison of Canova.
S. D.( and Mr. and Mrs. Geering
and daughter of Vancouver,
Wash. Mrs. Jamison will be re
membered as Ella E. Burroughs.
The sewing club of the B. and
P. W. club will have a covered
dish dinner, tonight at the home
of Mrs. Amy Adams, 1105 N. Lib
erty, at 6:30 o'clock.
More Dat'gaiiinis M
Two-piece, tuck stitch
and balbriggan. -
Gowns and Outsize Slips
. sizes . 46, 48 and 50.
and Robes. Prints and
plains, v
i Price
Orc-ca Friday Monday January 10, 1833
Peace Conference in ,
National Capital
Registration from the National
Federation of Business and Pro
fessional Women's clubs ot dele
gates to the Cause and Cure of
War conference which convenes
la Washington, D. C, January, 21
to 24 Inclusive, already equals the
45 who attended last year. Tbi
federation Is one of 11 member
organizations and a wide response
I expected to Mrs. Carrie Chap
man Catt's eaU to the women of
the country to attend this the
eleventh annual conference. It is
hoped that Salem will be repre
sented at the conference.
- Miss Kathleen Courtney, . or
ganiser of the Women's Peace
Crusade in Great Britain, and Mrs.
Franklin D. Roosevelt will be
among the leading speakers. The
general objectives ct the Nation
al Committee on-the Cause Lnd
Cure of War are "to build effec
tive peace machinery, reduce war
machinery and obtained guaran
teed security against; war for ev
ery nation."
The delegates from the Nation
al Federation ot Business and
Professional Women's Clubs will
be tea guests of Mrs. Charl Or
mond Williams, their national
president, at five o'clock on the.
opening day at her homo in Wash
ington. The Washington club will
entertain the visitors at a dinner
on the evening of the 22nd, and
a special meeting is being arrang
ed for Federation representatives
the following night, with Miss
Kathryn H. Starbuck. Internation
al Relations chairman, who is in
cnarge ot tne program.
Japanese Young Set
Elects Officers
J.Y.P.L. members had their an
nual election ot officers Saturday
night. The following were named:
President, Tats Tada; vice-pres
ident, Taul Watanabe; secretary,
Susie Fukuda; treasurer, Kay
Mio; devotional chairman, Symio
Mio; social chairmen, Kimi Yada
and Tom Oye.
The outgoing officers are: Pres
ident, Shig Watanabe; vice-presi
dent, Symio Mio; secretary, Kimi
Tada; treasurer, Tom Mio; devo
tional chairman, Martha Okuda:
social chairmen, Eml Tada and
Hiroshi Kaneko.
A candlelight Installation of
officers will be held Friday night
at the Hayesville church com
mencing at 7:30 o'clock. Parents
and friends of the young people
as well as those interested are in
vited to attend.
West Way Club Enjoys
Social Aftrenoon
The West Way club met at
the home of Mrs. O. L. Scott for
a club luncheon Wednesday. Five
hundred was the afternoon's di
Visitors were Mrs. Lottie Town
send, Mrs. J. O'Neill and Mrs.
Emma Blum. Others present
were Miss Elsie Lewis, Mrs. Ber
tha Smart, Mrs. Sophia Maple
thorpe, Mrs. Bessie Boehringer
and Mrs. Avis Perrine.
Dayton Seventeen membets of
the Dayton Kill Rare club at
tended the regular meeting held
Tuesday afternoon at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Waldo vith
Mrs. H. H. Clark assisting host
ess. The next meeting will be
held at tho-home of Mr. and Mrs.
Russel Coburn, with Mrs. II. G
Coburn assisting hostess.
Central Howell Perle Bye en
tertained in honor of the birthday
anniversary of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Bye, Saturday
High score was won by Miss
Evelyn Stewart and Perle Bye
and low by Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Schar. A delicious lunch was
The Florence Vail missionary
society will meet with Mrs. J. Dale
Taylor, 285 S. 16th, this after
noon at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. J. F.
Biileter is the program leader and
Mrs. G. S. Farmer will give the
Silk slips, satin panties
silk crepe nighties, Bern
berg gowns and pajamas
One-piece rayon (by Lo
rain) sleeping pajamas.
- Girdles
and front clasp wrap
arounds, r
i Price
Laura Vheelef Pattern
,J jfa.J(tok J.ef rfjWs JJ.fl!r.'
Wall Hanging Pattern 1086
What fun to surprise a pair ot
gaily plumaged cockatoos amid
their tropical setting! You can
so easily by embroidering , this
eolorf ul wall-hanging which will
add a note of warmth and charm
to any room. Anyone even a be
ginner will find this an easy
piece of needlework, for It uses
Mrs. Richardson Fetes
Ten-Ten Club
The Ten-Ten club was enter
tained at luncheon Wednesday by
Mrs. Harold Richardson. A lace
cover and narcissi centerpiece
graced the table.
Guests of Mrs. Richardson
Were Mrs. Robert Thatcher, Mrs,
Lawrence Maves, Mrs. Fred
Smith, Mrs. Lee Weisser, Miss
Yionne Aufranc and Miss Fran
ces Baler.
Miss Gene Belle has returned
from spending the holidays with
her niece, Mrs. Jack Kelly (Thel
ma Young) in San Francisco.
Don't Pay Oym
for Medicine
To Men and Women Suffering From Poor Health; Here's
Good News for You!
Scientific Medicine Relieves Acid Stomach, Stimulates Flow of Liver Bile, Flushes
Out Sluggish Kidney, Relieves Nervousness and Constipation j
Every Derson who suffers can have a UK. Mna?n ... j 'J
cral introductorv bottle nf the
est Medicine to' try for is
read the offer below. Do this
in your own interest.
This new and scientific me
dicine, known as Van Tage,
has helped 85 (or 90) per
cent of the neonle who have
taken it. Therefore, we offer
the trial bottle at 25 CENTS.
because we believe the people
who are benefited will keen
on using it. The regular full
size price of this medicine is
Van-Tage is a new, - ad
vanced medical compound of
30 of the Finest Medicinal
Herbs, and not one a habit
f ormincr drucr. It is taken af
ter meals and mixes with the
food in one's stomach, thus
throwing off the poisons that
foster stomach troubles and
permitting the kidneys and
liver to function properly. It
acts withn 10 minutes to stop
gas and pains, soreness, bloat
and belchinfir. It will not crrine
or nauseate you like ordinary
liver medicines. It will work the bile from
the liver as black as ink. At the same time
Van-Tage drives the poisons from the kid
neys and relieves backaches, bladder irrita
tion and weakness. Often relieves children
from bed-wetting in a few days. Strength
ens the nerves by natural means.
Now, whether Van-Tage will help you as
it has thousands of others whether it will
end your suffering in a day or a week
remains to be seen. But in light of what it
has done for others, it is surely a mistake
not to try it for 25 CENTS; only a fraction
of its worth. This introductory -off er is good
Friday and Saturday ONLY, so read the
rest of this announcement and act at once.
Do this in fairness to yourself your family!
Van-Tage wfll cleanse your bowels (grad
ually not drastic or severe) as they were
It will bring out awful gases and impuri
ties .(frequently from the first dose) which ,
may have been inside of you a long time,
JJl Jlt'k
only the simplest embroidery stit
ches." . .. " . -.
Pattern 1088 cornea to you with
a transter pattern oi a picture
15x20 Inches; a color chart and
key; material requirements; illus
trations of all stitches needed. -
Send 10 cents in stamps or coin
(coin preferred) for this pattern
to The Oregon Newspaper Needle-
craft Dept. -.. ( '
Oea't 1st "-atonic iadirestioa apoU 7ar
appatitc, auk you feel randoara. slog
CUh. without ambition or seat tot the
good things of life, withoot trying Wil
li I ml 8. h. K. Formula. The firat Lottie
rnnit prodnee reaolta or money back. Wil
liams 8. Ik at. Formats is compoandei
frost too prescription of former srmy
doctor. It sets as a mild tonic, stomachie
stimulant, mild UisHts and diaretie rtlm
ulsnt for the kidneys. Being a lipoid
already dissolved it starts to sre-tc al
most immediately. Highly concentrated, tt
is economical to take. Try a bottle mads
the money-back guarantee Sea how mack
better yoa feel after a few doses. At
Perry's Drag Store.
WnrlrT Now. ri,8,,01
CENTsimpiV wWTS 10BS and
' .1 - i
; - ' I
jS&-V;- .yyy;;P.' .y '": '.-
' ;
G, fl. Mosbjj Originator
of Van-Tage, who chose
Friday and Saturday ta
mm - - , . tf : .
offer hit medicine pure
y on a trial basis at a
fractional of
if a artunl
Good for
- -
I - "A a.
Kyle May Appear
Grand Jury Probe
- John Kyle, accused of first-de-gree
murder for the , death of
Hugh Jean Sloan. 41, at Broad
acres ' on : January 2, will be
brought before the Marlon coun
ty grand Jury for, investigation to
day if Kyle wishes to make an ap
pearance. It . was learned at the
courthouse yesterday. Witnesses
who appeared against; Kyle when
he was in court before Justice of
the Peace Overton at Woodburn
will be questioned, j Kyle was
bound over to the grand Jury this
week ; on a , first-degree murder
charge. , -J
The alleged murder took place
on Kyle's farm. at Broadacres ear
ly on the morning, ot January 2.
Kyle and Sloan, good friends, had
attended a boxing match at Salem
on New Tear's day: Both men had
been drinking. State officers think
the killing grew out of a drunken
altercation.. Kyle alleges a man
attacked him after he had gone to
sleep: that awaking, he polled his
gun from voder bis j pillow and
tired, not knowing the assaijant
was Sloan.
lf lnti Prnwn trr
Kansas wa a t.VMtMiil --.,.
Airs. r. mt. TaiKingum. &xe I
for PuyaUup. Wash., yesterd
Snlendid HffeeLc:
Delay buying new furniturert
until you have had j a chance;
to decide on the effects oftfr
upholstering achieves! Probab
ly when we have indicated the
transformation, shown you
what we can do with the fur
niture you now have, you will
prefer our re-upholstering to
new furniture. Certainly, you'll
prefer the saving! j
Van-Tage will reliev acid
conditons and make the di
gestive organs sweet and
clean and give complete relief
from indigestion, bloating,
sour stomach, shortness of
breath and dyspepsia.
IT WILL give you the
greatest appetite you EVER
Van-Tage will act as a di
uretic to sluggish kidneys
and flush out quantities of
impurities that may have be
come "dammed tip inside,
NIGHT. ; - . j
It wfll make your liver
more active; will clear away
old bile deposits, thus reliev
ing spells of biliousness and
sick headache. j :
Rheumatism is often caus
ed by add arising from stom-
i"nia S.I VilU iSbV
&ch hyperacidity. Neuritis
wwy umes iraceaDie
1 aaa stomacn wnicn pois-
ML? the nrwi ; I
. ... .
IT WILL clean! up skin
. eruptions that are! caused by
tne. impurities in the Organs, will overcome
the sallowness or "muddiness" tliat is due
nrFfll and the ROSY
GLOW of HEALTH into yojir cheeks. Van
Tage win act ; on your stomach, liver, kid
neys, and : bowels, build you up in general
"tIt' CT and FEEL like
younger than your real age. 1
cs Tour first ttle for 25c (Friday
and Saturday , ONLY) bring coupon to Fred
eJrIe.try Jemedy shop, or send
with 25c (stamps or coin) to Van-Tage Me
dicine Co., , 6332 Sunset BIvtL, Los Angeles,
ai and medicine will be shipped post-
. - i
and ONLY 25cl
One Introductory Bottle
i; a isif ill a . wl !
.1 Friday and Saturday Only
Coupons Redeemed and Van-Tage bold by
txemeay anon
Liberty St. Salem, Ore